ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1 9 9 5 /5 7 3 Preservation N ew s Ja n e H edberg Com m ission pu b lishes magnetic ta p e guide The Commission o n Preser­ vation an d Access an d the National Media Laboratory p u b lis h e d Magnetic Tape Storage a n d Handling: A Guide fo r Libraries and Ar­ chives, by Jo h n W. C. Van Bogart, in Ju n e 1995. The 34- page guide covers the rea­ sons for magnetic media d e­ generation, life expectancy, and prevention o f prem ature degradation. The appendices contain guidelines for care and handling, a bib­ liography, and a glossary. Copies are available for $10.00 from the Commission o n Preservation and Access, 1400 16th Street NW, Suite 740, W ashington, DC 20036-2217. Prepaym ent is required. Commis­ sion sponsors receive all publications free of charge. PRLC presents teleconference on m ass deacidification The Pittsburgh Regional Library Center (PRLC), the University o f Pittsburgh School o f Library and Information Science, and the Robert Mor­ ris College School o f Communications an d In­ formation Systems are jointly presenting a na­ tional teleconference o n mass deacidification. The conference, to b e held O ctober 26, 1995, will focus o n current research and the p o ten ­ tial for mass deacidification to delay acid dete­ rioration o f p ap e r-b a sed collections. Robert DeCandido o f the New York Public Library will moderate and participants will include Kenneth Harris and Chandru Shahani o f the Library of Congress, Sally Buchanan of the University of Pittsburgh School o f Library an d Information Science, Sue Kellerman o f Penn State Univer­ sity, and Randall Russell o f Preservation Tech­ nologies, Inc. The teleconference will b e accessible via sa tellite d o w n lin k o n C -b an d o r K u -b an d throughout North America. The licensing fee is $200. Videotapes o f the conference will be avail­ able for $200, plus the cost o f duplication, ship­ ping, and handling. For m ore inform ation o n the conference, contact Susan Melnick, Preservation Services Manager, PRLC, 103 Yost Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15221; p h o n e: (412) 825- 0600; e-mail: ICI offers prize for α plan Inform ation Conservation, Inc. (ICI) is again offering its “prize for a plan.” A prize o f $3,000, $1,500, o r $750 w orth o f ICI conservation services will be aw arded to th e th ree institutions that subm it th e b est plans for utilizing th o se services to conserve im portant collec­ tions in their care. Contest deadline is Novem­ b er 15, 1995. For plan guidelines an d an ICI price list, contact Jackie D abbs at (800) 444-7534. For m ore information, contact Harry Campbell at he same telep h o n e num ber o r by e-mail at A distributes leaflet on photocopying an d printing he Australian Archives (AA) is distributing its helpful leaflet, Photocopying and Laser Print­ ing Processes: Their Stability and Permanence. It describes the processes o f xerography and aser printing, the toners and carriers used, the factors leading to image degradation, and how o test toner adhesion. It also in clu d es p rac ti­ cal re c o m m en d a tio n s for e x ten d in g th e life ex p e ctan c y o f p h o to c o p ie d o r la ser-p rin ted m aterials Copies are available free o f charge from the ustralian Archives by gopher at Select Australian G overnment, The Australian rchives, Custody and Preservation Informa­ ion, and Photocopying and Laser Printing Pro­ esses. For m ore information o n the leaflet con­ act Pat Jackson, Australian Archives, P.O. Box 34, D ic k s o n ACT, A u stralia 2602; e-m ail: ■ ane Hedberg prepares this column fo r the College ibraries Committee, Commission on Preservation n d Access. Submissions may be made to: Jane edberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8275; (617) 283-2103; fax: 617) 283-3640; JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. ubmission deadline is the 15th o f the month an d recedes publication by approximately six weeks. t 7 A T l t A A t c t J L a H ( S p mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU