ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 7 8 /C&RL News G ran ts a n d A c q u i s i t i o ns Hugh Thom pson Ca l P o ly's K e n n e d y Li­ b r a r y has received a $1,250 m atching grant from the Ca­ nadian governm ent to add to the library’s collection of materials about Canada and from Canada. Canada’s grant program is designed to pro­ m ote teaching an d research in Canadian studies in the United States. Co lu m bia U n ive rsity Li­ braries have b een aw arded a three-year $700,000 grant by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to evalu­ ate the potential for electronic b ooks to supple­ m ent o r replace traditional printed w orks in research libraries. The goal o f the study is to assess the econom ic impact on libraries and publishers and the usefulness to students and scholars o f providing access from workstations across th e cam pus and around the w orld to reference w orks n ow available only in libraries o r commercially in print form. O hio State U niversity lib raria n s Eleanor S. Block an d Jam es K. Bracken received two grants totaling $112,586 from the U.S. D epart­ m ent o f Education for their project, “Com pet­ ing in the Global Telecom m unication Market­ place.” The grants will fund the identification, acquisition, cataloging, an d content p age trans­ lation o f current an d total back runs o f h u n ­ d red s o f teleco m m u n icatio n /co m m u n icatio n serials an d related m onographs from around the world. A U n iversity of C a lifo rn ia (UC) co lla b o ­ ration, w hich includes the University Press, the libraries at the Berkeley, Irvine, an d Los Ange­ les cam puses, an d the Division o f Automation in UC’s O ffice o f th e P resid en t, h as b e e n aw arded $750,000 by the Andrew W. Mellon Ed. n o te : Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, press releases, and other sources. To ensure that your news is considered fo r publication, write to: Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL N ew s, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; e-mail: Pho tos related to your news will be considered. F o u n d atio n to su p p o rt its SCAN project (Scholarship from CAlifornia o n the Net). Now in its pilot phase, SCAN aims to develop an economi­ cally feasible m odel for p u b ­ lishing scholarship in the h u ­ m a n itie s b y in te g r a tin g electronic formats, library ac­ cess, and scholarly use. The U n iversity of T e x a s at A ustin’s H arry R ansom Humanities Research Center h a s r e c e iv e d a g r a n t o f $260,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Founda­ tion to provide five years o f funding in support of the center’s research fellowship program. The award supports short-term residencies for schol­ ars engaged in post-doctoral research based on the center’s collections, w hich include approxi­ mately 1 million books, 30 million manuscripts, 5 million photographs, an d over 100,000 works of art. A cq uisitio ns The lib r a r y of arch ite ctu ral h isto ria n Alson Clark, w ho passed away in 1993, has been left to the H untington Library. Clark collected architectural boo k s to support his ow n studies an d his wide-ranging architectural interests. The 280-volume collection reflects his inquisitive­ ness an d serious study o f Southern California architecture. The collection includes such ex­ trem e rarities as The Life-Work o f the American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright, Richard N eutra’s Amerika, a n d A lfred H o p k in s ’s Moderne Amerikanische Landhauser. There are also a n u m b er o f im portant b ooks from influential regional architects, including three from Wal­ lace N effs library, w hich illustrate that 20th- century architects relied frequently o n historic models. Tw o typescrip ts of A lbert C a m u s's p la y Caligula, w ith pages o f notes a n d am endm ents in the author’s handwriting, w ere given to the University o f Florida Libraries by G erm aine Brée, Kenan Professor Emerita at W ake Forest September 1 9 9 5 /5 7 9 University. Both copies o f the manuscript are hard bound. O ne contains the 1938 version of the play with only a small num ber o f handwrit­ ten corrections. The second volume is dated Féυrier 1941 and represents w hat is now called the 1941 version o f the play. It is heavily an n o ­ tated in Camus’s o w n handwriting and includes several pages o f added o r modified passages or entire scenes. Camus w on the Nobel Prize for literature in 1957 at the age o f 44, the sec­ ond-youngest person ever to do so. Three years later he w as killed in a car crash in France. The lib ra ry of Edith P o ra d a , h o n o rary curator of Ancient Near Eastern Seals and Tab­ lets at the Pierpont Morgan Library (PML), has been bequeathed to PML. The gift consists of over 1,300 monographs, num erous runs of p e­ riodicals, and several thousand offprints. The bequest also includes a collection o f seal im­ pressions, study p h o to g rap h s o f seals, an d scholarly papers. Catalog records for the books and offprints are being entered into RLIN with the support of the Joseph Rosen Foundation. A bo o k an d m anuscript collection be­ longing to Walter R. H enson o f the Natural Resources Institute at the University of Mani­ toba (UM), has b een acquired by the UM Li­ braries. The collection is com prised primarily of natural history materials, but also includes classics in literature, history, and religion. Vol­ umes in the collection date primarily from the mid-19th to early 20th centuries. Items o f par­ ticular note include a beautifully illustrated 40- volume set of The Naturalist’s Library, published from 1835 to 1845, and a bound set of the Penny Cyclopedia, published by the Society for the Diffusion o f Useful Knowledge in the mid-19th century and sold in segments at a penny apiece to further public education. A m ajor collection of m aterials relating to Jazz Age author F. Scott Fitzgerald has been acquired by the University o f South Carolina Libraries from noted Fitzgerald scholar Matthew Bruccoli. The collection includes original m anu­ scripts, autographed first editions, and m em o­ rabilia, and represents a collecting effort o f 40 years by Bruccoli and his wife Arlyn. Bruccoli was assisted in his efforts by Fitzgerald’s daugh­ ter, Frances Scott “Scottie” Fitzgerald, w ith w hom he collaborated in writing Romantic Egoists, a pictorial biography o f F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. ■ 5 8 0 /C&RL News