ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Deadlines: O rders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the AC R L office on or before the second o f the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., S e p te m be r2 for the O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second o f the month. Rates: C lassified advertisem ents are $7.95 per line for institutions that are AC R L members, $9.95 fo r others. Late job notices are $19.25 per line for institutions that are AC R L members, $22.95 for others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their m em bership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $355 to $675 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G uidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day o f the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 for the O ctober issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy o f the Am erican Library Association (ALA). Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. A pplicants should be aware that the term s fa c ­ ulty ra nk and status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. Internet: C&RL N ew s classified ads are accessible on the Internet through the gopher server at the University of Illinois at C hicago. Ads will be placed on the g opher approxi­ mately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition o f C&RL N ews is published. To reach C&RL N ew sN et locate the University of Illinois at C hicago in the menu of all se rvers m aintained on gopher a tth e University of Minnesota. Alternatively, connect your favorite gopher client directly to host " 70". Select "The Library" from the menu and then select "C&RL NewsNet" from the next menu. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL WewsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., C hicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: U21808@ UICVM orja ck.h e lbig @ ala .o rg . Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placem ent services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is com m itted to equality of opportunity fo r all library em ploy­ ees or applicants for em ploym ent, regardless o f race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin." By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT BUSINESS LIBRARIAN. University of Minnesota Li­ braries. The University of Minnesota Libraries seeks to hire a qualified librarian to perform reference, research, instructional services, and collection development in the Business Reference Service Unit. Job responsibilities include providing desk and telephone reference ser­ vices, providing computer-based information services, assisting in the delivery of instructional services to faculty and graduate and undergraduate students in the Carlson School of Management and related disciplines in the social sciences, and developing collections of print and electronic resources in business and management subject areas. Required qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institu­ tion (which must be in hand by August 31,1995). Minimum of one year working in an academic, corporate, or public business library. Excel­ lent communication and interpersonal skills. Flexibility and the dem­ onstrated ability to work both independently and in cooperation with colleagues and library users in a complex service-oriented business SCIENCE REFERENCE GEN ERAL SUMM L A I R B Y. R T h A i s R is I a A fu N ll-tim e c o n tin u i n g I a p p o in tm e n t-tra c k (A c a d em ic P r o f e s s io n a l) p o s itio n requiring professional developm ent and service in addition to excellen t jo b p erform an ce.T h e p o stio n rep orts to the Head o f S c ie n ce R eferen ce at Noble Library. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Responsible for traditional and com puterized referen ce service in the sc ie n ce s and en gineerin g, devel­ o pm ent and m anagem ent o f the refe re n c e co lle ctio n in assigned areas, orientation and bib liographic instruction in th e s c ie n c e s , su p erv isio n o f five ( 3 0 F T E ) Library Sp ecialists,profession a! d evelopm ent and service in k eep ­ ing w ith the criteria for promotion QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS D egree | or foreign equivalent, effective com m unication and inter­ p e r s o n a l s k ills , s u p e r v is o r y e x p e r i e n c e , r e f e r e n c e I e x p e rie n c e in an academ ic or research library, com p u ter literacy, e x p e rie n c e w ith PCs: word p rocessin g, basic DOS com m ands,G G U I, e-mail,Telnet, FTP B B S ,etc . Basic know l­ e d g e o f s c ie n c e r e f e r e n c e to o ls . P referred : A c a d e m ic I training and/or education in the scie n ce s or engineering. E xp erien ce in bib liographic instruction. Academic training I or e x p erien c e in using online and CD/ROM databases, such as DIALOG, STN, SilverPlatter and/or Proquest. MINIMUM SALARY. $ 2 3 ,0 0 0 . APPLICATION DEADLINE' Monday, | 9-18-95, or the Monday o f ea ch w eek thereafter until filled. APPUCATION PROCEDURE: Send letter,resum e and names, addresses and phone num bers o f four rec en t referen ces to: I K u r t R. M u r p h y , A s s i s t a n t D e a n f o r P e r s o n n e l , U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r ie s , A riz o n a S ta te U n iv e r s ity , B o x 8 7 1 0 0 6 , T e m p e, A2 8 5 2 8 7 - 1 0 0 6 Telephone ( 6 0 2 ) 9 6 5 - ( 4 9 1 4 . FAX ( 6 0 2 ) 9 6 5 - 9 1 6 9 , E -m a il; la c k r m « a s u a c a d Full position description is available upon requ est ASU is I an EO/AA employer and actively seeks diversity am ong ap- | plicants and prom otes a diverse work force. A r iz o n a S t a t e U n iv e r s it y library environment, Experience with electronic information platforms, such as online catalogs and databases, CD-ROM databases, the Internet, and microcomputer applications. Willingness to work some weekend and evening hours. Preferred qualifications: Subject exper­ tise in at least one of the following disciplines: accounting, finance, human resources management, industrial relations, operations and management science, information and decision sciences, or risk management and insurance. Online searching experience using the major business databases (such as Lexis/Nexis, Dialog). Previous reference or instructional experience in a business library. Previous experience with library collection development in business or man­ agement subject fields. This is a full-time, 12-month academic/ professional position, with a probationary appointment at the Assis­ tant Librarian rank. It is expected that the appointee will fulfill require­ ments for continuous appointment. Salary: Minimum $26,000 annual full-tim e rate. Applications requirement: Each applicant should send a letter of application describing how his/her skills and experience meet the required qualifications, a resume, and the names, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Linda Debeau- Melting, Libraries Human Resources Office, The U n iversity o f M in­ nesota, 453 Wilson Library, 309 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55455. Applications must be postmarked by October 15,1995. Please identify applications with UL#49. Beginning date of appointment will be on or before January 1, 1996. The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its September 7 9 9 5 / 585 THEIDCSSE DSIAAF L 5 8 6 /C&RL News TWO PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS G e o rg e M ason U n iversity L ib ra rie s George Mason University, a comprehensive research university in the Washington, D.C., area, is seeking two reference librarians to join a growing library system committed to playing an integral role in the academic initiatives of the university. Creativity, initiative, and willingness to reach beyond the boundaries of the traditional library are especially prized. Reference librarians provide general desk service, including evening and weekend rotation. SOCIAL SCIENCES/HISTORY REFERENCE LIAISON LIBRARIAN Responsible for liaison services fo r the Graduate School of Education, the Departments of History and Psychology, and the center for Community College Education. Serves as co-coordinator of biblio­ graphic instruction for the main library. HUMANITIES REFERENCE/LIAISON LIBRARIAN Responsible forliaison services fo r the departments of English, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Philosophy and Religious Studies, and the Program in Cultural Studies. Serves as coordinator of publications for the main library. Experience with languages other than English helpful. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS required. Reference experience and second master’s in relevant subject area preferred; experience in collection development, bibliographic instruction, and electronic information management desired. SALARY: $28,500 and up, depending on qualifications. Excellent benefits. Application deadline is October 1 0 , 1995. Send letter of application and resume with names of three references to: Social Sciences/H istory Reference Liaison Search or Hum anities Reference Liaison Search Library A dm inistration Office, MSN 2FL George Mason U niversity Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 AA/EEO employer, minorities encouraged to apply. programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN (tw o p o sitio n s). The University of Illinois at Chicago seeks candidates for the position of Assistant Catalog Librarian. Assistant Catalog Librarians perform original and member-copy cataloging and classification of materials in all formats on OCLC. Cataloging and related authority work are included in UlC’s NOTIS database, which is shared with the Library of the Health Sciences. The university library was chosen to be one of the original participants in the OCLC Enhance Project, and is authorized to enhance records for books and scores. It became a NACO library in 1994. It follows the standards of AACR2 and uses LC subject headings and classification schedules. The Catalog Department employs seven professional librarians, including five Assistant Cata­ log Librarians, and 15 support staff. It catalogs books, serials, and a full range of nonbook materials in subjects and languages typically acquired by an ARL library. The department seeks professional librarians who are interested in cataloging books and also in develop­ ing special skills in areas such as authority control and the cataloging of computer files, video recordings, maps, local and state government documents, scores, and sound recordings. Potential reorganization may lead to a role in the cataloging of medical materials. Minimum qualifications: Master’s degree in library science from a program accredited by the American Library Association; two years of profes­ sional cataloging experience using AACR2, LC subject headings, and LC classification and/or MeSH and NLM classification; experience with automated bibliographic information systems; reading knowl­ edge of at least one western European language; excellent written and oral communications skills; evidence of professional involvement with academic librarianship; evidence of ability to meet university standards in research, publication, and professional service com­ mensurate with tenure. Additional desirable qualifications: Experi­ ence with OCLC and a variety of MARC formats; familiarity with NOTIS, DRA, or another integrated online library system; knowledge of the Cyrillic alphabet and of at least one eastern European language. Salary/rank/contract: Salary and rank dependent on qualifications and experience; faculty appointments in the UIC library begin at $31,000; 12-month appointment; 24 days vacation; 12 days annual and sick leave with additional disability benefits; 11 paid holidays; medical coverage (contribution based on annual salary; coverage for depen­ dents may be purchased); dental plans available; life insurance paid for by the state; participation in the State Universities Retirement System compulsory; (8 percent of salary is withheld and is tax exempt until withdrawal); no Social Security coverage but Medicare payment is withheld; physical examination at the University Health Service is required upon appointment. For fullest consideration apply by Novem­ ber 1‚ 1995, with supporting resume and the names and addresses of at least three references to: Darlene M. Ziolkowski, Personnel Librar­ ian, U n iv e rs ity o f Illin o is a t C h ica g o Library, Box 8198 (M/C 234), Chicago, IL 60680. The University of Illinois at Chicago is an affirma­ tive action, equal opportunity employer. AUTOMATIO N LIBRARIAN. Texas Tech University is seeking an Automation Librarian. This position assists the Head of the Automation Department in the planning, implementation, and coordination of automation activities. Duties also include management of the DRA integrated system, Innovative Interfaces Acquisitions/Serials system, and OCLC access. Other responsibilities of the Automation Librarian are participating in the planning, procurement, and implementation of new computer applications and providing training to library staff in the use of new equipment, software, and remote information systems. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree with two years expe­ rience with automated library systems and demonstrable technical experience, or a computer-related degree with significant academic library experience. Strong oral and written communication skills are necessary, as well as supervisory, training, and interpersonal skills. The applicant must have experience with computers, networks, telecommunications, CD-ROMs, and the Internet. Preferred qualifica- September 1995/587 R THE ST U ATE UN T IVER G SITY OF E NE R W JER S SEY TWO POSITIONS RUTGERS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIE New Brunswick, NJ Information Technology/ Reference Librarian Archibald Stevens Alexander Library W ill w o rk to realize and prom ole a state -o f-the -a S c h o la rly C o m m u n ic a tio n C enter cu rre n tly und developm ent. Train others in proficient use of ele tron ic resources; develop, im plem ent, docum ent an m aintain e le ctron ic and te ch no lo g ica l resources the Center; participate in reference and other a ctiv ties of the Alexander Library. APP # 1 1 4 . Electronic Services Librarian Library of Science and Medicine Provide leadership and support for use of informatio te ch n o lo g y in the scie nce lib raries. Id en tify/eva lu a te/im p le m en t e le ctron ic resources and equipm en develop p olicie s and procedures, train librarians an staff, and participate in the instruction program an reference a c tiv itie s of the L ib ra ry o f S cie nce an M edicine. APP # 1 1 5 . QUALIFICATIONS; A LA/M LS required; evidence s tro ng te ch n ica l s k ills w ith e m p ha sis in in fo rm a tio n /c o m p u te r tech no lo g ie s. Research, p ublication Involvem ent in professional organizations expecte as is the a b ility to w ork effectively in a m ulticultur a cad e m ic e nviron m e nt. Salary m in im u m $ 3 2 ,6 4 8 depen de n t upon experience and q u a lifica tio n s. T request co pies of the co m plete academ ic p ositio profile, e-m ail your request with m ailing address t troy@ TO APPLY: Resumes received no later than Octobe 6 , 1 9 9 5 w ill re ce ive fir s t c o n s id e ra tio n . S u b m resume, cover letter and names of three reference to Sandra Troy (A P P # ), Libraries Personnel Officer R utgers U n iv e rsity Libraries, 169 C ollege Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 0 8 9 03 FAX: (9 0 8)9 3 2 -7 6 3 7 . Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey uphold a c o m m itm e n t to a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n and e qu a opportunity. S rt er c­ d of i­ n ­ t, d d d of ­ , d, al , o n o r it s , , s l tions include experience with DRA, Innovative Interfaces, VMS, DOS, UNIX, and com munications softw are. Salary and benefits: Base salary for a 12-month appointment is $25,164 for Assistant Librarian and $27,788 for Associate Librarian. Benefit package includes choice of retirement programs, including TIAA/CREF; 13 state holidays; Blue Cross/Blue Shield; and no state or local income tax. General informa­ tion: Texas Tech University, with an enrollment of 25,000, is the youngest of four major comprehensive state universities in Texas. A wide range of academic programs is offered in seven colleges and schools of law, medicine, allied health, and nursing, including nearly 100 degree offerings at the master’s level and 50 at the doctoral level. The University Library has over 1.3 million volumes and a budget of over $6 million. Lubbock has a metropolitan population of 224,000 and is the west Texas center for higher education, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. Located on the Texas High Plains, Lubbock enjoys an average of 270 days of sunshine annually, low summer humidity, and moderate winters. Application information: Position now available. Applications received by October 1 5 , 1995 will be given first consideration. Send letter of application that indicates expertise, current resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Search Committee, Office of Library Administration, Texas Tech U n iv e rs ity Libraries, Box 40002, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. TTU is an EEO/AA/ADA employer. CATALOGER: LATIN AMERICAN MATERIALS. Tulane University. Reports to the Head of the Cataloging Department. Responsible for original and complex copy cataloging of materials including electronic in all formats and subjects related to Latin America. Uses OCLC and S a la r y g u id e Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1989, issue of LibraryJoumal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. C onnecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illin ois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* M assachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $30,128 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $28,000 S outh Carolina varies* S outh Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Verm ont $23,846 W est V irginia $22,000 W isconsin $25,830 * Rather than establish one statewide salary minim um, some state associations have adopted a form ula based on such variables as comparable salaries fo r public school teachers in each com munity or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minim um salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. 5 8 8 /C&RL News SYRACUSE U N IVERSITY LIBRA RY HEAD, MAPS and GOVERNMENT INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Th is position m an a g es this A R L Library's M ap s and G o ve rn m en t Inform ation D epa rtm ent, which provides re feren ce, instructional, and electronic re feren ce services lo r rese arch -lev el U .S . depository an d cartographic collections; o rgan izes collections, planning an d supervising d epa rtm ental processing an d cataloging o perations; supervises six lull-tim e staff; reports to th e A sso ciate University for Public Services. T h e successful cand idate will plan, im ple m ent an d eva lu a te de p a rtm e n ta l program s an d services, including reference and instructional services to students, faculty, an d other users of U .S . an d N Y S ta te depository, U N , and Council of Europe publications, carto graphic m ate rials, an d a m ap room . P rocesses d ocum ents an d carto graphic m ate rials, utilizing M arc ive an d O C L C cataloging; a d d s collection records to the online catalog; provides staff d eve lo p m en t an d training; m a n a g e s electronic resources; sele cts m aterials for th e library in assigned subject a re a s , with responsibility for co m m itm ent an d expenditure of collection deve lo p m en t funds; works coliegially with Public S erv ices D e p a rtm en t H e a d s to deve lo p and im ple m ent effec tive service delivery; serves on the Libra ry’s Adm inistrative C a b in e t, w orking closely with o th e r d e p a rtm e n t h e a d s an d adm inistrators on access, reso urce sharing, p reservation, docum ent d eliv ery, electronic reso urce, collection d eve lo p m en t an d other issues. R ep re sen ts the D ep a rtm en t, the Library an d th e University in appro priate on an d off-cam pus settin gs. C an d id a te m ust possess an a d v a n c e d d e g re e from an ALA -ac credited program , four or m o re years of ex p e rie n c e with g ove rnm ent publications a n d /o r m aps, prefe rably in a rese arch library; supervisory exp e rien ce. In addition, a second m as ter’s d e g re e is referred , as w ell as kn o w led g e of carto graphic resources; online cataloging and collection deve lo p m en t exp e rien ce; reading no w le d g e of R ussian, F renc h, G e rm a n or other W e ste rn E urop ean la ngu ages highly d esirable; exp e rien ce in using electronic re fe re n c e an d g o ve rn m en t publications reso urces; know ledge of em erging technologies; effective oral an d written com m unication skills; a co m m itm en t to providing resp onsive an d in novative services to a culturally/racially d ive rse cam pus; the ability to work co o p e ratively in a d em a n d in g an d rapidly-changing environm ent; and evid en ce of professional/scholarly activity. S a la ry is co m m e n s u ra te with exp e rie n c e and qualifications; $ 3 8 ,0 0 0 m inim um . USER EDUCATION LIBRARIAN This position requires an exp e rie n c e d , tea m -o rie n te d Librarian to lead and d evelop their U s e r Education Program . Building upon an esta blished library instruction program , this indiv idual w ill lead the deve lo p m en t of new m etho ds of instruction, using technologies such a s C D -R O M , Intern et, m u lti-m ed ia, an d o th e r electronic reso urces. Specific objectives of th e program in clude expa nding the undergraduate instruction p rogra m , increasing librarians use of techn ology in teaching, developing com p uter-assisted instruction program s, an d deve lo p in g th e skills of librarians w h o d eliv er th ese services to th e cam pus com m unity. H ands -on instruction in electronic reso u rces, an im portant c om p onent of th e U s e r Education P rogram , is provided in th e Library's Electronic Train ing C enter, which open e d in Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 5 . T h e U s e r Education Librarian is a m em b er of th e inform ation S ervices D ep a rtm en t, an d reports to the h ead of that D ep a rtm en t. C an d id a te w ill o ve rs e e th e U s e r E d uc ation P ro g ram , inclu ding Library orie n tations, g e n e ra l u ndergraduate, upper division and gra d u a te -le v e l specific instruction; d e v e lo p policies and p rocedures in support of the Program ; collect an d report m an a g em en t inform ation ab o u t th e P rogram ; support library staff in d eve loping their teaching skills, in tegrate technology into their m ethods and course content; design clas ses an d instructional m ate rials. In addition, can d id ate will also m aintain liaison with Electronic R eso u rces C oordinator o l Public S erv ices in staff training in electronic resources; prom o te U s e r Education P rogram to cam p u s com m unity, se e k w ay s to integrate library instruction into cam pus activ ities; chair U s e r Education Advisory G roup , com prising staff from vario us library d epartm ents; provide re feren ce services in the hum a nities an d social scie nces (evening and w e e k e n d hours required); as w ell as serv e on co m m ittees an d ta s k fo rce as ap p ro p riate. M a y serv e as B ibliographer fo r on e or m o re subject area s. C a n d id a te must poss ess g rad u ate d e g re e from a n A L A -ac cred ited institution; m inim um of 3 years' professional exp e rie n c e in re fe re n c e or public services in ac a d e m ic library; library instruction or classroom teaching; with electronic reso urces including O P A C , C D -R O M , an d th e Intern et; k now ledge o f e m e rging techn ologies; exceptional in terp ersonal/com m unication skills; leading or directing the w ork of others; e xce llen t organ izational skills; dem o nstrated le ad ersh ip abilities; c om m itm ent to providing resp onsible and innovative services to a culturally/racially d ive rse cam p u s; evid en ce of professional/scholarly activ ity. D esired qualifications inclu de a dditional g rad u ate d e g re e and collection d e ve lo p m en t ex p e rie n c e in an ac a d e m ic or rese arch library; expertise in IB M -c om patible a n d M acintosh applications. S a la ry an d benefits c o m m en su rate with exp e rie n c e , m inim um s a la ry $ 2 8 ,0 0 0 . S e n d le tter of ap p lication, resu m e an d n a m e s , ad d re s s e s an d pho n e num b ers of th re e references to: S earch C o m m ittee for H e a d , M aps an d G o v e rn m e n t Inform ation D e p a rtm en t or S e arch C o m m itte e for U s e r Education Librarian, S y ra cu se University Library, O ffice of H u m a n R e so u rces, S yra c u s e , N Y 1 3 2 4 4 -5 3 0 0 . Applications rece ived by 9 /2 2 /9 5 will b e given first consideration. Syra cu se U niversity is an Equal Opportunity/A ffirm ative Action E m ployer. T h e University enco u rag es applications o r nom inations from w om en a n d m em b ers of o th e r traditionally u n d errep resen ted groups. the NOTIS systems. Participates in the Cataloging Department’s policy-making process. Assists in training staff as needed. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; strong knowledge of Spanish and reading knowledge of one other western European language, preferably Portuguese; knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, LCRI, and USMARC formats; excellent written and oral communication skills; effective interpersonal skills; ability to function as a contributing team member in a production-oriented environment; flexibility in adapting to changing departmental and organizational priorities; strong organizational skills. Preferred qualifications: Aca­ demic background in Latin American studies; cataloging experience; working knowledge of a major bibliographic utility and an integrated local system. Appointment will be at the rank of Librarian I, salary $26,000 plus benefits. Generous fringe benefits, including immediate tuition waiver for self and dependents. Send application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Melonie Hughes, Administrative Associate, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tula ne U n iversity, New Orleans, LA 70118. Tulane is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Review of applications will begin September 22, 1995, and will continue until satisfactory candidate is found. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Oregon State University Libraries is seeking a librarian to catalog information resources according to standard library rules utilizing the OCLC and local Oasis catalog systems. Primary responsibilities: analyze intellectual content; assign appro­ priate LC classification numbers and subject headings to resources, including monographic materials in all formats and subject areas in September 1 9 9 5 /5 8 9 COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN FINE ARTS LIBRARY Responsible for collection developm ent including acquisitions and preservation for the Fine Arts Library’s Book Collections. The Fine Arts Library serves the research and inform ation needs o f the faculty an d students of the Fine Arts Departm ent, th e staff of th e Harvard University Art Museums an d the Harvard University community. The Fine Arts Library is an administrative unit o f the Harvard College Library and is part o f the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The collections comprise 260,000 volumes including 1200 current serial tides, microforms, and access to electronic art histor­ ical databases. The Collection Managem ent Unit includes 2 FTE su p p o rt staff in Acquisitions and 1 FTE su p p o rt staff in Preservation. The position participates in th e overall m anagem ent o f th e Fine Arts Library as o n e o f the u n it heads reporting to th e Librarian o f the Fine Arts Library. Harvard University is a m em ber o f The Research Libraries G roup, Inc. and the Fine Arts Library currently cat­ alogs using RLIN. A com plete retrospective conversion project is underway. The Fine Arts Library recently com pleted a strategic planning process. Responsibilities o f the Collection Management Librarian include developm ent of th e collections of the Library consistent with curricular and research needs in th e field o f art and architectural history. Oversees acquisition program including firm orders, approval plans, and gifts. Performs collection analysis, develops w ritten collection policy, and serves as liaison to o th er collection units in the Harvard College Library. Oversees preservation program including library binding, preservation photocopying, an d the assessm ent of materials for conservation treatm ent. Further develops preser­ vation program including em ergency and security planning. Monitors acquisitions and preservation budgets and makes allocation recom m endations. Supervises the Acquisitions and Preservation staff. Develops a n d m aintains an excellent, active working relationship with the Library’s u ser com m unity in m eeting their research and inform ation needs. Qualifications: An Advanced degree in art history o r related field, a m aster’s d egree in library science, or the equivalent com bination of relevant education and experience. D em onstrated ability in acquisitions an d /o r collection m anagem ent in art history with reading knowledge of Germ an and French o r Italian. Experience with co m p u ter applications required. Experience in the review o f col­ lections for preservation treatm ent preferred. D em onstrated leadership and interpersonal skills, strong user-centered orientation and philosophy and ability to work as part o f a team. Flexibility and versatility req u ired in o rd er to effectively contribute to an evolving w ork situation. Involvement in professional and scholarly organizations preferred. Com pensation: A ppointm ent salary dep en d in g o n qualifications, mid $40’s. Major benefits include tw enty days annual accrued vacation; generous holiday and sick leave; choice o f health plans, dental insurance; life insurance; disability benefits; discounted group auto, hom e and excess liability insurance program ; University-funded retirem ent incom e plan; tax deferred annuity options; staff tuition assistance; preferred mortgage program; child a r e scholarships. Applications received by 15 Septem ber 1995 will receive first consideration. Position rem ains o pen u ntil filled. Please subm it a letter o f application addressing qualifications, resum e, and the names of three references to: H azel C. Stamps D irector o f P erso n n el Services Harvard C ollege Library W idener 188 C am bridge, MA 02 1 3 8 HARVARD UNIVERSITY UPHOLDS A COM MITMENT T O AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 5 9 0 /C&RL News ASSISTANT ACADEMIC LIBRARIAN S U N Y P o tsd am SUNY Potsdam invites applications for a full-time tenure-track librarian at the assistant level. The libraries utilize a range of technological applications, including an integrated online system (opac, circulation, cataloging, authority control, serials control), LAN stations for CD ROM searching, public access to the Internet, and a home page on the college World-Wide-Web server. Initial responsibilities will include participation in a range of reference, bibliographic instruction, and collection development duties. Some weekend and evening hours required. Changes in our institution and the profession as a whole contribute to the need for flexible staffing patterns. Preferred candidates will be those with an inclination toward and interest in various aspects of college library work and those who demonstrate creative ideas about changing roles for college librarians in the 21st century. ALA-accredited Master’s degree required. Additional desired qualifications include strong academic background, prefer­ ably a second master’s in a science or social science discipline, and familiarity with electronic information resources. SALARY: $27,000. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Rebecca Thom pson Chair, Library Search Committee SUNY Potsdam Potsdam, NY 13676-2294 To receive full consideration, applications should be received by O ctober 1 5 , 1995. State University oí New York at Potsdam is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. English and a variety of languages, using LC classification schedules and LCSH; participate in policy formulation and workflow design in a team environment. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited li­ brary program or foreign equivalent required; demonstrated ability in use of current library technologies; strong communication and inter­ personal skills; com mitm ent to working in a team environment; knowledge of AACR2, LCRI, LC classification schedules, and LCSH. Preferred: Cataloging experience at the paraprofessional level and bibliographic knowledge of foreign languages. A second master’s or other advanced degree required for appointment as Assistant Profes­ sor on annual tenure track. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications, minimum $27,000 for 12-month faculty appointment. Application: Submit resume, letter of application addressing qualifications, inter­ est in the position, and potential for contributing to OSU diversity, and three references by September 30, 1995, to: Melissa Maloney, Catalog Search Committee, Kerr Library 121 ‚ O regon State U niver­ sity, Corvallis, OR 97331-4501. OSU, a land, sea, and space grant university with 14,000 students, is an AA/EEO employer and is responsive to dual-career needs. CHAIR, CENTRAL REFERENCE SERVICES DEPARTMENT. This is the primary reference services unit for the humanities and social sciences in the main library. Academic rank depending upon the qualifications of the successful applicant; tenure-leading; starting April 1‚ 1996. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries seeks an innovative, dynamic librarian to provide leadership for the CRS department in a climate of change, as the libraries, the computing centers, and telecommunications combine to form the information services organization for the campus. In this new organizational environment, there is increasing emphasis on providing access to electronic information services and sharing resources. The chair of CRS coordinates and facilitates the activities of the CRS department, which includes 12 faculty and four support staff. Reference librarians/ liaison librarians provide reference desk and user assistance, offer library instruction, and engage in collection development activities. The chair is expected to participate in these activities. The chair will coordinate the work of the library instruction program group, is a member of the library management team, and will participate in the form ulation of user services goals and objectives. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; five years of professional experi­ ence in an academic or research library. Supervisory experience. Excellent communication skills. Preferred: Experience as a reference librarian in the humanities or social sciences; advanced degree in the humanities or social sciences, broad knowledge of reference, library instruction, collection development; demonstrated ability to provide leadership in a climate of change; commitment to the service mission of an academic library; evidence of professional and scholarly activity; evidence of a collegial management style. $46,000 minimum for a 12- month contract. Salary may be higher, depending upon the qualifica­ tions of the successful applicant. Applicants should submit a letter of application and current resume that explicitly address how their education, relevant experience, and other relevant qualifications meet the duties of and qualifications for this vacancy, by October 15, 1995. The applicant should also submit the names, current ad­ dresses, and current telephone numbers of three references who are knowledgeable of the applicant’s qualification for this vacancy to: Kent Hendrickson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Ser­ vices and Dean of Libraries, 106 Love Library, U n ive rsity o f Ne­ b ra s k a -L in c o ln , Lincoln, NE 68588-0410. The University of Ne braska-Lincoln is com mitted to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action and equal opportunity and is responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. We assure reasonable accommo­ dation under the Americans with Disabilities Act; contact Larry Kahle at the above address for more information. CHIEF ARCHIVIST POSITION AV AILAB LE. The Central European University (CEU), in collaboration with the Open Media Research Institute (OMRI), has embarked on the development of a major archive for the study of post— World War II communism. The archive is located in a historic palace in the center of Budapest, with complete state-of- the-art information technology. The Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty historical archives, of which the archive is custodian, will be the core of the collections. Negotiations are being conducted for the acquisi­ tion of the records of Index on Censorship and the UN War Crimes Commission. The archive will be an open-access facility dedicated to furthering the understanding of postwar events in eastern and central Europe and the former Soviet Union. The archive will continue to support the research and broadcasting needs of OMRI and the Radios in Prague. In collaboration with the CEU and OMRI, the Chief Archivist will have overall responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the archive, including the design and implementation of preservation programs; the development of electronic access tools; the acquisition September 1 9 9 5 /5 9 1 SEARCH REOPENED HEAD OF THE SLAVIC DIVISION Harvard College Library seeks a creative and energetic librarian to lead its renowned Slavic Division. We seek an individual well grounded in Slavic Librarianship to play a leadership role in developing new pat­ terns o f service delivery and in making effective u se of information technology to meet Division goals. Harvard’s Slavic collection is one o f th e largest and richest in the West. The Slavic Division, located in the Widener Library is responsible for maintaining and building this collection which supports the research needs o f the Faculty o f Arts and Sciences and scholars affiliated with the Russian Research Center and the Ukrainian Research Institute. The Head o f the Slavic Division is responsible for managing the Division, including collection development and management, technical services, reference services, personnel, budget, and fundraising. Responsibilities include developing policies and procedures and formulating specific goals to fulfill the Division's mission in a time o f rapid change. The Head oversees operations, monitors the Division’s effec­ tiveness, and ensures a balance in terms o f cataloging and acquisitions. He o r she leads by focusing on fos­ tering teamwork, by encouraging staff performance and staff development, and by creating and sustaining a productivity-conscious, goal-orientecf environment. This position reports to the Head o f the Area Studies Department. Minimum Requirements: • MLS from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent experience. • Strong academic background, preferably an advanced degree in Slavic Studies. • Good reading knowledge o f Russian; working knowledge o f at least one other Slavic language. Knowledge o f additional languages highly desirable. • 5 years dem onstrated success in technical services o r collection development in a large research Library, including at least 3 years working with Slavic materials in an online environment. • Demonstrated ability to create and manage a productive and effective work unit. • Ability to dem onstrate and foster teamwork. • Ability to contribute to planning for library services in a continually evolving academic information environment. • Working knowledge o f information technology as it applies to libraries and scholarly research. • Expertise in networked microcomputer support o f library services and processes highly desirable. • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, including ability to interact effectively with library staff the user community, sources o f material for the collections, donors, and grant-funding agencies. • Understanding and appreciation of research in Slavic Studies. Anticipated hiring salary, mid 60’s. Major benefits include twenty days annual accrued vacation; generous holiday and sick leave; choice of healtn plans; dental insurance; life insurance; disability benefits; University-funded retirem ent income plan; tax-deferred annuity options; staff tuition assistance; child a r e scholarships. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please submit a letter o f application addressing qualifications, full resume, and the names o f 3 references to: Hazel C. Stamps D irector o f Personnel Services Harvard C ollege Library Widener 188 Cambridge, MA 02138 HARVARD UNIVERSITY UPH O LD S A COM M ITM ENT T O AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 5 9 2 /C&RL News ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATION SERVICES, FENWICK LIBRARIAN G eo rg e M ason U n iversity L ib ra rie s Rapidly-growing library system in Washington, D.C., area seeks a creative librarian to coordinate information services at the four libraries of the system and supervise all public services at the main research library. The AD develops plans and budgets and coordinates staffing plans to effec­ tively meet each library’s needs for liaison and other services. Manages all Information Services operations of Fenwick Library, including refer­ ence, information desk, periodicals and micro­ forms service desk, and circulation services. The AD also serves as Acting Director as needed, and works with the director on human resource devel­ opment, including recruitment and continuing edu­ cation. The successful candidate will demonstrate ability to work in a highly automated, constantly- changing environment. ALA-accredited MLS re­ quired, second subject master's strongly preferred. At least five years progressively responsible expe­ rience in academic libraries required, as is evi­ dence of good communications and management skills. SALARY: $45,000 and up, depending on qualifications. Send letter of application and resume with three references by O ctober 1 0 , 1995, to: Associate D irector Search Library A dm in istra tio n Office, MSN 2FL George Mason U niversity Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 and processing of additional archival collections; the maintenance of research support to RFE/RL’s broadcasters and OMRI’s analysts; and the hiring and supervision of staff. The archive will have a staff of several full-time archivists with relevant language and subject back­ grounds, augmented with interns drawn from the CEU’s graduate student population. The archive will have an International Archives Advisory Board comprised of internationally known scholars and archivists. Duties and responsibilities: Overall management of the archive’s staff, including recruitment, identification of priorities, as­ signment of responsibilities, performance evaluation, etc; preparation of the archive’s budget; development of user access programs— both traditional and electronic— ensuring open access in a context of security of archival materials; in collaboration with OMRI-Prague, development of effective and timely information transfer procedures for service to remote users at RFE/RL and OMRI; identification and acquisition of related archival materials from individual collectors as well as institutions; oversight of a preservation program designed to ensure that the archival collections under the center’s trusteeship remain available to the scholars of the future, in collaboration with the CEU Press; development of public programs designed to enhance the center’s on- and off-site use by international scholars, journalists, and policy communities; development of an internship and training pro­ gram, drawing on archival and academic student populations of the region. Qualifications: Advanced degree in archival studies or related field, or equivalent professional archival experience; knowledge of use of electronic media and telecommunications technology for the organization, preservation, and delivery of information; experience with the administration of a professional or academic archival pro­ gram; knowledge of professional archival programs, including the organization of materials, the development of finding tools, and the implementation of preservation standards; personal skills and profes­ sional standing required to attract the donation and/or sale of signifi­ cant archival collections to the center; working knowledge of a minimum of one language of the region; demonstrated successful personnel management abilities; academic or experiential back­ ground in the contemporary history of eastern and central Europe and the former Soviet Union is highly desirable, but not required. Priority will be given to applicants who submit a detailed curriculum vitae in English with three references (including address, telephone, fax, and e-mail) by October 15, 1995, to: Alfred Rieber, c/o Dena Schoen, Senior Archivist, CEU-OMRI Archives, C entral European U n iver­ sity, H-1067 Budapest, Eotvos utca 14, Hungary; phone: (36-1) 342- 0584; fax: (36-1) 322-3604; e-mail: COORDINATOR OF USER EDUCATION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Tenure-Track). Responsible for leadership, coordination, training, and teaching within the library instruction program; shares reference desk service, including some evenings and weekends; provides collection development and liaison services; participates in library assessment activities; and participates in appropriate universitywide activities. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS (or equiva­ lent); recent experience or training in library instruction; evidence of strong teaching, leadership, and organizational skills; evidence of interest in public service; and experience using modern electronic information systems. Preferred: Teaching experience using hands-on (active learning) techniques; demonstrated interest in instructional design; successful experience as a team leader; an additional degree in a subje ct specialty; and Internet searching experience using various tools. Salary is commensurate with education and experi­ ence, starting at $28,000. Send letter of application (relating experi­ ence to position responsibilities); resume; and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: User Educa­ tion Search Committee, Ferris State U n iv e rs ity Library, 1201 S. State St., Big Rapids, Ml 49307. Application deadline: October 2, 1995, or until filled. ENGINEERING-PHYSICAL SCIENCES BIBLIOGRAPHER (ten ure track). The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, seeks an energetic, service-oriented person to manage, develop, and promote the library's engineering and physical sciences collections. This librarian reports to the AUL for Collection Development. Responsibilities: Collection development in engineering, computer science, and physical science is emphasized, along with the development and maintenance of close working relationships with teaching faculty and department chairs. Responsibilities also include subject-specific reference assistance and specialized library instruction, and may include limited participa­ tion in general reference service. This is a new position that holds the promise of developing into a science collection development coordi­ nator. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; a minimum of three years professional collection development experience in engineering or science in a research or academic library; an undergraduate degree or higher in the hard sciences; strong service commitment and excellent interpersonal and communications skills; and significant experience with current information technology and resources are required. Creativity and a record of innovation is a must. The success­ ful applicant will be expected to meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Salary and benefits: $36,000 minimum; 12- month contract with 24 days annual leave, retirement options, health insurance, no state income tax. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers for three professional references to: Thomas R. Mirkovich, Science Search Committee Chair, U n iv e rs ity of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Pkwy., Las Vegas, NV 89154-7014. Review of applications begins on August 15, 1995, and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer and its libraries are actively seeking applicants who reflect our multicultural clientele. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION RESOURCES. Pacific Lutheran University invites applications for the newly created position of Executive Director of Information Resources. The Executive Direc­ tor will be responsible for providing active and integrative leadership for the university library and com puter center, both currently housed September 19 9 5 /5 9 3 A s s i s t a n t H e a d I n f o r m a t i o n S e r v i c e s T h e Research L ibraries o f T h e N e w York Public Library has an exceptional o p p o r tu n ity fo r an individual t o w ork in o u r Science, I n d u stry a n d Business Library. R e p o rtin g t o th e H e a d , In fo rm a tio n Services, is responsible fo r th e daily m a n a g e m e n t o f I n f o r m a t io n S ervices, in c lu d in g supervision o f staff a n d services, staff tra in in g a n d devel­ o p m e n t , a n d s c h e d u lin g . E stab lish e s c u s to m e r service p e rfo rm a n c e o b jectiv es a n d e n su re s th a t s ta n d a r d s are m et. W orks w ith E le ctro n ic R esources s ta ff to dev elo p tra in in g m o d u les fo r s ta ff a n d public. Q u a lif ie d c a n d id a te s s h o u ld have a n A L A a c c r e d ite d M L S a n d s u b s ta n t ia l e x p e rie n c e p r o v id i n g re f e r e n c e a n d in fo rm atio n services. BA in science o r business p r e ­ f e r r e d . S t r o n g a d m i n i s t r a t iv e a n d m a n a g e m e n t skills in clu d in g d e m o n s t r a t e d lea d e rsh ip ro les. M u s t have a s tr o n g c u s to m e r service o r ie n t a t i o n a n d e x p e rie n ce in p lan n in g a n d im p le m e n tin g service p ro g ram s in a team - o rie n ted en v iro n m en t. W e o ffer a m in im u m sta rtin g salary o f S 4 3 ,5 8 0 plus excel­ len t benefits. S e n d y o u r resum e in confidence to: H u m a n R esources D e p t. J Q -IS An E q u al O p p o r tu n ity E m ployer T h e N e w Y o rk P u b lic L ib r a r y 8 W est 4 0 th Street, 2n d F lo o r N e w Y o rk , N Y 10018 K e a n C o lle g e o f N e w J e r s e y Nancy Thompson Library/Librarian I - Generalist 112-month position) Reports to Associate Director for Technical Services; also coordinates activities w ith Director o f Library Services. Primary responsibilities involve application o f advanced knowledge o f and experience w ith computers to innovative usage in serials and instructional technology. AlA- accredited MLS degree plus second masters in another subject area or experience equivalent to second masters required. Knowledge o f and previous experience w ith automated library systems essential; ability to control and provide bibliographic access to wide range o f library materials also requisite. Evening and/or weekend service a possibility. Preference given to candidates showing high motivation and commitment to library excellence, exceptional communications and interpersonal skills, energetic and creative team approach, and ease at working in a mulitcultural environment. Application: Candidacy review begins immed­ iately and continues until appointment is made. Send letter o f interest; current resume; names, addresses and telephone numbers o f three references w h o can comment on candidate's professional qualifications. Apply to: Barabara Simpson, Director of Library Service, Kean College of New Jersey Morris Avenue, Union, New Jersey 07083. SALARY: Competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. BENEFITS: Com­ prehensive benefits program included. ______ Kean College is an EEO /M Institution______ in the same building, and for the integration and management of other university information resources. Long-range planning for the continu­ ous improvement of information technology and services is crucial. Directly reporting to both the Provost and the Vice President of Finance and Operations, the Executive Director will be the primary advocate for information technology at the university. Other duties will include policy formulation, budgeting and financial control, and pro­ gram development, all of which involve extensive interaction with various departments and units. The Executive Director will oversee more than 40 professionals and support staff with a combined annual budget of over $3 million. Necessary qualifications include a thorough understanding of computer services, academic libraries, and voice and data networks. A master’s degree in information technology, library, or computer services is desired. Of critical importance are professional vision, current knowledge of electronic information tech­ nologies, a realistic understanding of the place of technology in a largely undergraduate and teaching-oriented university, effective interpersonal and communication skills, and managerial acumen. Evidence of increasing managerial leadership experience in complex organizations is necessary. A collegial and inclusive leadership style is essential. Pacific Lutheran University enrolls 3,500 students and has professional schools of business, education, nursing, and physi­ cal education as well as a large College of Arts and Sciences. It has been ranked among America’s best colleges by U.S. News and World Report eve ry year since 1983. Affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, it is located in one of the most beautiful natural environments in the country. The university embraces the goal of equal opportunity and affirmative action and actively encourages applications from women and ethnic minorities. Send letter of appli­ cation, resume, and names of three or more references by October 1 ‚ 1995, to: Information Resources Search Committee, Office of the Provost, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA 98447-0003. Telephone inquiries will be received at (206) 535-7126. Position begins March 1, 1996 (negotiable). Salary competitive. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS/DATAFILES LIBRARIAN. Posi­ tion available: Currently open. Under the direction of the Head, Humanities/Social Sciences Libraries, this position is responsible for: Overseeing the United States and Washington State depository programs; coordinating collection development for state, regional, federal, and international documents; serving as the WSU liaison to the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR); providing specialized reference service relating to the use of documents and the ICPSR datafiles; providing general reference service and teaching general reference sources, particularly in social science; working closely with the library’s Technical Services Divi­ sion, which is responsible for cataloging and processing government publications, and with Media Materials Services, where many of the electronic resources are housed. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; some experience with government publications. Preferred: Experi­ ence with electronic datafiles; degree in social sciences. Salary: From $24,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; full faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; broad insurance program; 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave per year. Application procedure: Send letter of application, resume, and names and ad­ dresses of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, W ashington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review begins October 1, 1995. WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members encour­ aged to apply. HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENT. Manages and leads the Catalog Department, which is responsible for original cataloging for mono­ graphic publications (over 5,000 records per year), centralized author­ ity control and database management activities, retrospective con­ version, data input and marking. The responsibilities of the Head include direct or indirect supervision of 21 librarians and support staff; policy and budget formulation; procedural review; and goal setting. The Head coordinates participation in cooperative cataloging pro­ grams, including BIBCO, NACO and OCLC Enhance. The Head is responsible for coordinating the work of the department with that of other library units, serving on the Technical Services management team and the Cataloging Policy Committee. Also serves as a member of the Management Council, an advisory body to the University Librarian. Required qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library program; extensive (at least five years preferred) post-MLS 594 / C&RL News H O U G H T O N LIBRARY RARE B O O K CATALOGER SEARCH CONTINUED Under the supervision of the Head of Technical Services for the Houghton Library performs original and complex adaptive cataloging of rare books and printed material from the 15th century to the present according to national standards, using AACR2, LC subject headings and the US MARC formats. The Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books will be used for appropriate early materials. The cataloger will participate in departmental planning of evolving workflow procedures and assist with other cataloging activities when necessary as procedures and duties evolve in the rapidly changing electronic environment. The cataloger provides expertise in an area of specialization to members of the Library staff and participates fully in the professional activities of the Library, preparing exhibitions, seminars, and other public events. Houghton Library is the main repository for rare books in Harvard College, with major collec­ tions in the areas of Western literature and history, the history of science, illustrated books, classical authors, theater and the performing arts, and many smaller collections. Houghton is administratively part of the Harvard College Library, within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school and/or advanced degree in the humanities. Competency in at least one Western European language required, German or Latin highly desirable; 4-6 years’ successful professional cataloging experience, preferably in a large research library, including original cataloging and authority control; experience in use of OCLC or other major bibliographic utility. Thorough knowledge of cata­ loging tools, standards, and conventions; experience with integrated library systems. Ability to perform bibliographic research and pay close attention to detail required. Effective written and oral communication skills as well as excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Flexibility and versatility required in order to effectively contribute to an evolving work situa­ tion. The preferred candidate will be professionally active and have a demonstrated interest in publication and other scholarly activities. Previous experience in cataloging of rare books and manuscripts desirable. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until this postion is filled. Anticipated hiring salary, mid 40’s. Major benefits include twenty days annual accrued vaca­ tion; generous holiday and sick leave; choice of health plans; dental insurance; life insur­ ance; disability benefits; University-funded retirement income plan; tax-deferred annuity options; staff tuition assistance; child care scholarships. Interested candidates may send a letter of interest, resume and the names of three refer­ ences to: H azel C. S tam ps, D ir e c to r o f P e r s o n n e l S er v ic e s, Harvard C o lle g e Library, W id e n e r 1 8 8 , C am b ridge, MA 0 2 1 3 8 . HARVARD UNIVERSITY UPHOLDS A COMMITMENT TO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY September 1 9 9 5 /5 9 5 Two positions at the University o f Missouri-Columbia Inform ation Services Librarian Health Sciences Library Principal duties for the Information Services Librarian include responsibility for providing general reference services, computerized searching, user education and reference collection development at the Health Sciences Library. Specific duties include staffing the Information Desk during the day and on evenings; perform ing online searches o f OVID, N LM , Dialog, DataStar and STN search systems and Internet resources; training and supervising one half-time Graduate Library Assistant; coordinating practicum and reference desk assistant program s; providing library tours and user education and preparing materials for user education. Requirements: Requires minimum o f a M a ster's degree from an ALA accredited program including courses in health sciences librarianship and online searching. Strongly preferred is teaching o r supervisory experience and/or experience with online searching and Internet usage. Strong communication and interpersonal skills with a marked ability to communicate with many diverse groups o f people is highly desirable. Available: November 1, 1995. Screening o f applications will begin September 1, 1995. D ocum ents Access Librarian Principal duties for the Documents Access Librarian include responsibility for providing reference service to Federal and M issouri Documents patrons, developing electronic documents services especially related to CD-ROM products and online services accessible from and through Government sources, and overseeing of cataloging records added to the online catalog from the monthly GPO tape load. Specific duties include perusing and evaluating new electronic products, providing staff and user training in the access to and use of this material, developing user guides to these resources, and participating in the supervision o f support staff and student assistants. R equirem ents: Requires minimum o f a M a ster's degree from an ALA accredited program with a completion of a documents course. Basic com puter literacy is required. Preferred is work experience in an academic library o r other research library with some documents experience. Experience in the cataloging and processing o f library information products highly desirable. Available: January 1, 1996. Screening o f applications will begin September 25, 1995. Minimum Salary for both positions: $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 + for 12 months commensurate with education and experience. Benefits include 30 vacation days p er year, vested retirement after 5 years, University medical benefits package, and other normal fringe benefits including 75% tuition waiver. T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f M i s s o u r i ( M U ) was established in Columbia in 1839. It is one o f the five m ost co m p re h e n siv e u niversities in the nation, with o v er 250 d egree program s. T h e U niversity o f Missouri-Columbia Libraries belong to A R L , serve a student body o f 2 2 ,0 0 0 + and a faculty o f 1,800 with a collection o f o v e r 2 .6 m illion volum es and o v er 5.3 m illion m icroform s. Columbia is in the m iddle o f the state o n I-70, only 2 hours from St. L ouis and K ansas C ity, and 1.5 h o u rs from the Lake o f th e O zark s m ajor recreational area. T he U niversity and tw o o ther colleges provide superb cultural events. A ccording to the A m erican C h am ber o f C om m erce R e searchers A ssociation (A CCRA ) com posite in d ex , the cost o f living in C olum bia is v ery reasonable w hen compared with other university com m unities. C olum bia has been nam ed in th e top tw enty cities in the United States by M oney m agazine in recent years. Send letter o f application, nam es and addresses o f three references and resum e to Julie D eters, Senior Secretary, 104 Ellis Library, U niversity o f M issouri-C olum bia, C olum bia M O 65201-5149. M U is an eq u a l o p p o rtu n ity and affirm ative action em p lo y er and com plies with the guidelines set forth in the Americans with D isabilities A ct o f 1990 (A D A ). If you have special needs as addressed by ADA and need assistance w ith this o r any portio n o f the application, notify us at the address above as soon as possible. R easonable efforts will b e m ade to accom m odate y o u r special needs. 5 9 6 /C&RL News DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR THE HUMANITIES The Research Libraries invites applications and nominations for the position o f Director o f the Center for the Humanities. The Center for the Humanities is one o f the four research centers o f The New York Public Library, Research Libraries. The Center comprises a staff o f over 250 FTEs, a materials budget o f S4 million, and eleven public service divisions with combined holdings of 15 million non-circulating items. The New York Public Library is a private, not-for-profit corporation, the Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations. A description o f the Center is available on http://w ivw The D irector reports to the Andrew W. Mellon D irector o f the Research Libraries, is a member o f the Research Libraries Management Team, and exercises wide authority with broad administrative and planning responsibilities for budget management, personnel, facilities, collection development, and services as well as strategic planning and fundraising. The qualified candidate will be an experienced, dynamic, and energetic leader with the vision to promote the innovative use of electronic technologies to expand access to the collections; to support the information needs o f user communities; and to initiate and develop new' service programs responsive to the scholarly and research needs o f the Center’s users. The successful candidate will provide motivation and equal opportunity for library staff; create and nurture a learning organization environment emphasiz­ ing excellence and customer service. The incumbent will participate in planning a major renovation o f the Center’s landmarked Beaux-Arts buildings. Minim um qualifications are an ALA accredited MLS degree; a second masters or doctorate degree in the humanities or a social sci­ ence is preferred. Exceptional interpersonal, written and oral communications skills; research interests and a wide cultural back­ ground including a knowledge o f the scholarly communication and research process; and a demonstrated understanding o f infor­ mation technologies. Successful management experience w'orking with a diverse group o f professionals, scholars, and donors; administrative skills ‚ in preparing and monitoring budgets, formulating policies and long-range plans. Competitive salary commensurate with experience, a n d excellent benefits provided. Deadline for application October 16, 1995. Please send resume in complete confidence to: H u m a n R esources D e p t. P JS An E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity E m p lo y er technical services experience related to cataloging and/or catalog management; substantial (at least two years preferred) original cataloging experience in an academic or research library; successful supervisory and management experience; ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; record of professional develop­ ment and continuing education. Preferred qualifications: Experience with national cooperative cataloging programs; knowledge of Dewey decim al classification; experience supervising both librarians and support staff; record of innovation and successful change leadership; record of professional service and/or research. Salary: $40,000 minimum. Send letter of application and resume to: Peter Devlin, Personnel Librarian, No rthw e stern U n ive rsity Library, Evanston, IL 60208-2300. Applications submitted by October 15, 1995, will re­ ceive first consideration. Northwestern University is an equal oppor­ tunity, affirm ative action employer. Hiring is contingent upon eligibil­ ity to work in the United States. HEAD, COLES SCIENCE CENTER. New York University Libraries. Administer the Coles Science Center in Bobst Library. Direct staff; coordinate collection development in all science disciplines; select materials in one or more science fields. Requires accredited MLS (subject master's required for tenure); minimum four years progres­ sive responsibility in reference and collection development in large research library; experience with print and electronic library resources and services and knowledge of new technologies; excellent commu­ nication skills; evidence of professional and/or scholarly activity. Advanced degree in physical or life sciences and previous supervi­ sory experience. Faculty status, excellent benefits. Minimum $40,000. Send resume and letter of application, including the addresses and telephone numbers of three references, to: Alice Deich, Library Personnel Director, New Yo rk U n ive rsity Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled, but not later than September 30,1995. NYU encour­ ages applications from women and members of minority groups. HEAD OF ACCESS AND CIRCULATION, BUTLER LIBRARY. Co­ lumbia University seeks a dynamic librarian to lead access, circula­ tion, and related services in Butler Library. Reporting to the Director of the Humanities and History Division, the incumbent manages day- to-day operations of Butler circulation and oversees Butler stacks maintenance, including the Periodicals and Microforms Reading Rooms; two off-site storage facilities; and the Library Information Office, which administers user privileges and access policies. Re­ sponsibilities in the coming year will focus on improvements associ­ ated with the renovation of Butler Library; increasing effective use of the NOTIS automated system for circulation, collection maintenance, and serials check-in; and staff training and development. The Head of Access and Circulation has significant responsibilities for commu­ nication with faculty and students regarding the changes brought about by automation and renovation, and as a resource for systemwide planning for access services. S/he will be a member of libraries- wide com m ittees, e.g., the C irculation Coordinating Committee, and will serve as liaison to Technical Services Departm ents and the Library System s Office. S/he will m anage a staff of app roxi­ mately 42 FTE, including heads of the above units and student assistants. C ollections in Butler total two m illion volum es and five million microform s. Annual Butler and storage fa cilities general circulation exceeds 300,000. The off-site storage collections are currently in excess of 800,000 volumes and will increase. Require­ ments include demonstrated talent for planning, managing, and evaluating in a complex and fluid sen/ice environment; strong public service orientation; superior interpersonal and communication skills; relevant experience with online systems; an accredited MLS; and significant relevant professional experience. Experience with NOTIS systems preferred. Salary ranges are: Librarian I, $36,000– $46,800; Librarian II, $38,000– $51,300; Librarian III, $41,000– $61,500. Excel­ lent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Send resume, listing names, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers of three references, to: Kathleen M. Mechanic, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, C o lum ­ bia U n iversity, Box 35 Butler Library, 535 W. 114th St., New York, NY 10027. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Applications received by September 2 2 , 1995, will be assured of full consideration; applications will be accepted until position is filled. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF LIBRARY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SYS TEMS. Duties: Supervise one FTE librarian (multimedia librarian/ September 1 9 9 5 /5 9 7 HOUGHTON LIBRARY SENIOR RARE BOOK CATALOGER The H oughton Library of Harvard University offers an exceptional op p o rtu n ity for an individual to serve as Senior Rare Book Cataloger. He o r she will enjoy the collaboration o f colleagues working to g eth er in a rapidly changing an d challenging academic environm ent. Reporting to th e Head o f Technical Services, perform s online original and com plex adaptive cata­ loging of rare books, serials, and p rinted materials in o th er formats, from the 15th century to the p resen t according to national standards, using AACR2Rev. and DCRfl, LC subject headings, and USMARC formats; engages in related bibliographical research as n eeded. Works with th e Head of Technical Services in departm ental planning, coordinating original cataloging workflow, and will have som e supervisory responsibility, im plem enting current national cataloging standards and prac­ tices; oversees dissem ination o f docum entation and creation of training aids. Participates fully in the activities o f th e H oughton Library, preparing exhibitions, seminars, and o th e r public events. Works closely with colleagues in th e Harvard College Library and is expected to be professionally active and have a d em o n strated interest in publication and o th er scholarly activities. Qualified candidates should possess a Master's degree from an ALA-acσedited library school with addi­ tional graduate degree in a Humanities discipline. Over five years’ successful rare book cataloging expe­ rience, preferably in an academic research library. Thorough knowledge of cataloging tools, standards and conventions, including AACR2Rev,, LC subject headings, USMARC formats, and The Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books; experience with integrated library systems and use o f OCLC or other major bibliographic utility. Knowledge o f analytical and descriptive bibliography, and familiarity with the his­ tory of the book and the techniques o f book illustration. Good working knowledge o f classical and European languages, with high degree o f competency in at least two languages, Latin and German pre­ ferred. Ability to perform bibliographic research and pay close attention to detail. Effective oral and written comm unication skills, as well as excellent organizational and interpersonal skills; must have a dem onstrated ability to work effectively with others in a supervisory, training situation. Flexibility and versatility required in ord er to effectively contribute to an evolving work situation. H oughton Library is th e m ain repository for rare books in Harvard College, with m ajor collections in th e areas of W estern literature and history, th e history of science, illustrated books, classical authors, th eater an d th e perform ing arts, and m any sm aller collections. H oughton is administrative­ ly part of the Harvard College Library, w ithin the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Review o f applications will begin immediately a n d continue until this position is filled. Anticipated hiring salary, high $40’s to low $50’s. Major benefits include twenty days annual accrued vacation; generous holiday and sick leave; choice of health plans; dental insurance; life insurance; disability benefits; University-funded retirem ent incom e plan; tax-deferred annuity options; staff tuition assistance; child care scholarships. Interested candidates may send a letter o f interest, resum e a n d the nam es o f th ree references to: H azel C. S tam ps, D ir e c to r o f P e r so n n e l S erv ice s, Harvard C o lle g e Library, W id en er 188, C am b ridge, MA 0 2 1 3 8 . HARVARD UNIVERSITY UPHOLDS A COM MITMENT T O AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 5 9 8 / C&RL News ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR M arist C o lleg e Marist College is now accepting applications for the new Assistant Library Director position. The assistant director is responsible forthe daily operations of the library. This position will supervise 14.5 FTE professional and support staff. Works closely with the Library Director on developing policies. The ideal candidate is a person who is able to work in an innovative academic environment with highly motivated staff to help manage change in a productive, collaborative manner. This person will be expected to provide direct support to service and processing areas as needed. MLS from an ALA-accredited institution required. Minimum of five years as a professional librarian in an academic library required, with at least two years at the department head level. Experience in public services and/or technical services. Candidate must have demonstrated experience in OCLC, OPAC support, acquisitions, and budgeting; experience with processing electronic materials preferred. Review of resumes will begin on September 8 , 1995; however, resumes will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Please submit a letter of application, resume, and names of three professional references to: Carol A. Coogan Director of Human Resources M arist College CHE-ALD Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. assistant professor), two FTE library assistants, two part-time gradu­ ate assistants, and several undergraduate student workers. Reports to Dean of Libraries. Responsibilities: Administer Innovative Interface Inc. library automation system and various library LANS that include CD-ROM towers and other local servers. Coordinate the Faculty Technology Development Center. Maintain electronic classroom. Supervise multimedia and nonprint library resources. Develop and maintain WWW browser and library-related home pages. Negotiate personal computer software site license for campus faculty; coordi­ nate and track campus distribution of this software. Provide leader­ ship, training, and technical expertise in the selection, development, and implementation of new information technologies. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited program. Proficiency in multiplatform com­ puting and networking. Knowledge of standard off-the-shelf software applications. Excellent communication skills. Preferred qualifica­ tions: Demonstrated knowledge of III; DOS/Windows, Mac and UNIX OS; LANs and netware; MARC and OCLC record structures; SGML/ HTML; electronic courseware development. Experience working in a research campus environment. Ability to manage multiple projects at one time. Flexibility and a high tolerance for ambiguity. Excellent organizational skills. Salary: Negotiable from $38,000. Deadline for application: October 13,1995 or until filled. Starting date: January 1 ‚ 1996. Contact: John M. Meador, Jr., Dean of Libraries, J. D. Williams Library, U n ive rsity o f M ississip p i, University, MS 38677. The Uni­ versity of Mississippi is an AA/ADA/EOE. INFORMATION SERVICES/REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N . Rose- Hulman Institute of Technology, located in Terre Haute, Indiana, is a private, nondenominational, coeducational college for undergraduate engineering, science, and mathematics, education with an under­ graduate enrollment of 1,400 and a graduate enrollment of 110. The institute seeks a creative librarian with strong communication skills to assist faculty and students in fulfilling their information needs by using technologies in developing critical information skills for lifelong learn­ ing. This is an academic administrative staff position. Responsibili­ ties: Assisting in regularly scheduled reference services, including some evening hours; conducting general orientations and specialized training on information resources applicable to engineering, science and mathematics; selecting, maintaining, and evaluating print and electronic materials supporting the curriculum; working with faculty as they revise and innovate the curriculum; providing online searches of remote databases; serving as resource for information available through the Internet; sharing responsibilities in the creation and maintenance of the online catalog; participating in campus commit­ tee/commission or task force assignments; contributing to the library profession by participating in the activities of ASIS, ALA, ASEE. Qualifications required: ALA-accredited master's degree in library or information science and a minimum of two to three years of relevant experience in assisting users with information resources, including electronic and Internet; effective oral and written communication skills; proactive attitude toward all users. Qualifications preferred: Bachelor’s degree in engineering, science or mathematics; knowl­ edge of an online library system such as NOTIS; experience with searching Compendex, INSPEC, Chemical Abstracts via STN, and Dialog. Salary: Base salary of $28,000 for a new MLS; additional salary negotiable based on experience. Applications: For full con­ s id e ra tio n p le a se send letter of application, resume, and names of three references by O ctober 1, 1995, to: Kim berly Miller, Assistant Director of Human Resources, R o se -H u lm a n In s titu te o f T e c h n o lo g y , 5500 W abash Ave., Box 24, Terre Haute, IN 47803-3999. Rose-Hulm an Institute of Technology is an equal opportunity employer which actively seeks and encourages applica­ tions from minority candidates. INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: Directs and coordinates the library’s expanding instructional program. Works with library faculty and staff and university faculty to plan, develop, publicize, implement, and evaluate programs to provide undergradu­ ates, graduate students, and faculty with effective information skills. Develops instructional materials and trains staff in teaching skills. Participates fully in providing service as a m ember of the Reference Departm ent and reports to Head of Reference. Qualifications: Re­ quired: ALA-accredited MLS and at least two years reference and/or teaching experience in an academic or large public library or two years of teaching experience in an academic setting. Desired: Second master’s, preferably in a teaching or instruction-related area. Familiarity with printed and electronic information resources, includ­ ing the Internet; strong commitm ent to service and teamwork; effec­ tive communication, presentation, analytical, and organizational skills; experience with personal computers, presentation software, hypercard/Toolbook applications. Ability to work with faculty and students. 12-month tenure-track faculty position available beginning January 1996. Rank and salary dependent upon qualifications and experience (salary $28,000 minimum). Substantial record of re­ search, publication, and presentation will be expected of the suc­ cessful candidate for promotion and tenure. A constituent institution of the University of North Carolina, East Carolina University has over 17,800 students in 12 colleges and schools. Academic Library Services provides library and information services through two libraries, Joyner Library and the Music Library. Academic Library September 1 9 9 5 /5 9 9 HARVARD THEATRE COLLECTION HOUGHTON LIBRARY The Houghton Library of Harvard University invites applications and nominations for the following positions in the Harvard Theatre Collection. Established in 1901, The Theatre Collection is America’s oldest performing arts research collection encompassing all aspects of the history of performance throughout the world, and with particular strengths in English and American Stage history and in the history of theatrical dance. The Collection is estimated to contain over 3 million playbills and programs, ca. 650,000 photographs, 250,000 engraved portraits and scenes, 15,000 scenery and costume designs, and nearly 6,500 promptbooks, in addition to manuscripts, printed books, journals and news clip­ pings. Since 1976 the Collection has been located in the Nathan Marsh Pusey library, adjacent to the Houghton Library, which is the principal special collections library of Harvard College. CURATOR Requirements for this position include an advanced degree in drama, theatre history, dance, or an allied subject, with a PhD preferred. A Master’s degree in library science or equivalent archival experience is highly desirable. We seek a Curator with a significant record of scholarly and/or professional achievement; a commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and creative production; successful experience as an administrator with demonstrated leadership, managerial, and commu­ nication skills; proven ability to develop coalitions and to promote cooperative efforts among faculty, students, staff, and other constituents in a changing environment; experience or strong interest in innovative use of technology; demonstrated skills in planning and budgeting; evidence of and commitment to continuing participation in professional activities. Anticipated hiring salary, mid $60’s. ASSISTANT CURATOR Requirements for this position include a Master’s degree in library science; an advanced degree in drama, theatre history, dance, or an allied subject is desirable. Library experience with cataloging a variety of special formats necessary, especially manuscripts and visual materials. Experience with microcomputer applications and familiarity with automated library sys­ tems, with MARC format and AACR2 required. Knowledge of a foreign language desirable. Minimum of five years of pro­ fessional work experience, preferably in special collections librarianship or archival administration. Exceptional interper­ sonal and communication skills (both oral and written). Demonstrated flexibility and initiative in adapting to changing organizational priorities. Evidence of and commitment to continuing participation in professional activities. Anticipated hiring salary, mid $40’s. RESEARCH AND REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Requirements for this position include a Master’s degree in library science; an undergraduate or advanced degree in drama, theatre history, dance, or an allied subject. Knowledge of the evolution of theatre history and an understanding of the primary source and reference materials in the field. Strong public service orientation. Experience with electronic mul­ timedia equipment and familiarity with microcomputers. Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively in written and oral form; exceptional interpersonal skills. Demonstrated ability to work with a diverse community of patrons both inde­ pendently and as a member of a team. Flexibility and versatility in adapting to the changing organizational priorities. Anticipated hiring salary, mid $30’s. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until positions are filled. Complete text of all positions are available upon request. To apply, please submit a letter of application indicating position of interest and addressing qualifications for the position along with a resume and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of a minimum of three references to: Hazel C. Stamps Director of Personnel Services Harvard College Library Widener 188 Cambridge, MA 02138 HARVARD UNIVERSITY UPHOLDS A COMMITMENT TO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 60 0 /C&RL News DEAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES INDIANA U N IV E R S IT Y BLO O M IN G TO N Indiana University invites nominations and applications for the position of Dean of University Libraries at Indiana University. The Indiana University Libraries represent one of the leading academic research libraries, providing strong collections, quality service and instructional programs, and leadership in the application of new information technologies. The university community includes approximately 96,000 students and 4,000 faculty on eight campuses. A university wide integrated NOTIS system has been implemented. The libraries on the Bloomington campus house a collection of over five million cataloged volumes and extensive other collections. POSITION: The Dean of University Libraries provides administrative leadership for a system of 57 libraries on eight campuses and is responsible fo r the operational management of the libraries on the Bloomington campus. As chief executive officer of the IU Libraries, the Dean reports to the University Vice-President and Bloomington Chancellor and serves on appropriate academic, technology, and administrative councils. On the Bloomington campus, the Dean provides planning and policy direction in the areas of collection development, public services, technical services, facilities planning, and personnel policies, and is responsible for systemwide coordination with the library directors at all IU campuses. The Dean is responsible forthe management of the Bloomington libraries’ fiscal resources and systemwide automation project budget, and participates actively in development and grants activities. The Dean plays a universitywide leadership role in the development and implementation of information technologies and digital library capabilities. The Dean represents the libraries within the university, throughout the state and the nation; and across the library and information technology fields. QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must have appropriate library administrative experience and educational background. They must: (1) demonstrate a clear understanding of the evolving role of the academic research library and changes in scholarly communication, the important role of cooperation and resource sharing, and library automation and new information technologies; and (2) be able to establish and maintain effective communications and relationships with library staff, faculty, and students, and an active and close working relationship with computer and technology administrators and organizations at the University. SALARY: Salary will be commensurate with that of other senior deans at Indiana University. APPLICATION: Nominations and applications should be addressed to: Julie Bobay and Jeanne Peterson, Co-chairs Dean o f University Libraries at Indiana U niversity Search and Screen Committee College of A rts and Sciences Kirkw ood Hall 104 Indiana University, Bloom ington Bloom ington, IN 47405 Internet: petersom@ or bobay@ Nominations and applications received before O ctober 1 5 , 1995, will be assured consideration. Indiana University is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. Services has a faculty of 29 and a staff of 76. Library collections total over one million volumes plus extensive holdings of microforms, government documents, and manuscripts. Academic Library Ser­ vices is networked, providing access to CD-ROMs, the Internet, and the client/server-based integrated library system Horizon. Construc­ tion is underway on a major addition and renovation that will double the size of the library. Screening of applications will begin October 1 ‚ 1995. Applicants should submit a complete resume, copies of all transcripts, and a letter of application summarizing achievements and potential for the position. Applicants should have three letters of reference mailed to the search committee in order to be considered. Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment: Instruction/Reference Librarian Search Committee, Pat Elks, Administrative Assistant, Joyner Library, East C a ro lin a U n iv e rs ity , Greenville, NC 27858- 4353. An equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. Accommo­ dates individuals with disabilities. Applicants must comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIAN. Northwestern University Li­ brary. Responsibilities: The Northwestern University Library is seek­ ing a dynamic and experienced leader to manage its interlibrary loan operations. The Interlibrary Loan Department consists of the depart­ ment head, six nonexempt staff, and three FTE student assistants. Northwestern University Library is an ARL institution, and participates in resource-sharing agreements within the Committee for Institutional Cooperation (CIC), the Research Libraries Group (RLG), and lllinet. The Interlibrary Loan Department handles over 14,000 borrowing transactions and over 36,000 lending transactio ns annually. The Head of Interlibrary Loan will be a key member of the Public Services Division management team and will participate in the Management Council, a policy-making forum for department heads and senior September 1 9 9 5 / 601 CATALOG LIBRARIAN (AUDIOVISUAL EMPHASIS) U n iversity L ib ra rie s, Ball State U n iversity M uncie, Indiana Ball State is a comprehensive university with approximately 20,000 students and 1,200 faculty, serving east-central Indiana. It is located 50 miles northeast of Indianapolis in Muncie, a city of around 80,000. The library contains 1.4 million items in a modern building; it is serviced by 38 librarians and 83 FTE support staff. Catalog Librarian (audiovisual emphasis) reports to Head of Educational Resources Technical Services. Catalogs audiovisual materials (excluding sound recordings and music content materials) using AACR2r, MARC formats, and the Library of Congress Subject Headings and rule interpretations; supervises the Audiovisual Cataloging Section; creates and assists with the maintenance of authority records for the libraries’ automated authority control file; and participates in development, documenta­ tion, and evaluation of unit policies and procedures. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; knowledge of MARC formats, AACR2r, and Library of Congress Subject Headings; knowledge of automated cataloging, using a national bibliographic utility such as OCLC or RLIN; working knowledge of at least one western European language; and effective communication skills. Preferred: Audiovisual cataloging experience; supervisory experience; knowledge of emerging technologies, especially the automation of library technical services functions; and additional graduate degrees. Salary: Negotiable; $26,000 minimum. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Fiscal year, 12-month appointments. Faculty status possible with appropriate academic credentials. Benefits include 24 vacation days; 12 days sick leave; TIAA, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, life, and disability insurance packages. APPLICATIONS: Send letter of application, resume, transcripts for all graduate degrees (unofficial copies acceptable), and a list of three references, including addresses and telephone numbers. List should include current or most recent supervisor. Address as follows: C. W illiam Barnett Director, Library Business Services 218 Bracken Library Ball State University Muncie, IN 47306 Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Ball State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community. management. Administers the daily operations of the Interlibrary Loan Department, including all borrowing and lending activities. Estab­ lishes goals, objectives, policies, priorities and performance stan­ dards for interlibrary loan services and operations. Actively explores, evaluates, and implements new services and technologies, including user-initiated remote ILL requests and document delivery. Advises library administration on network participation and automation issues with potential impact on ILL operations and services. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited program required. Substantial professional experience in an academic/research library (minimum five years preferred), including evidence of successful supervisory experience. Familiarity with interlibrary loan and document delivery processes. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills required, and po­ tential to lead staff successfully through major change. Understanding of issues relating to resource sharing in the academic library environ­ ment essential. Demonstrated ability to understand, evaluate, and introduce new hardware and software in the workplace. Interest in exploring cost-effective, efficient, and user-friendly initiatives desir­ able. Salary: $40,000 minimum. Application deadline: October 15, 1995. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, to: Peter Devlin, Personnel Librarian, No rthw e stern U niversity Library, 1935 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60208. North­ western University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States. INTERNATIONAL AND STATE DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Re­ sponsibilities: The International and State Documents Librarian is responsible for the collection development and maintenance of the international and state documents collections and for working on the department’s reference desk, including nights and weekends in rotation with other staff. The incumbent oversees responsibilities for the United Nations, European Union, OAS, GATT, Illinois, and other depository collections, including adherence to depository agree­ ments; oversees the collection development of other international documents and selected state documents; works on the department’s service desk; conducts bibliographic instruction sessions; oversees the cataloging of the international and state documents. Qualifications: MLS required from an ALA-accredited library school or international equivalent; knowledge of social science and government information resources, including knowledge of resources in electronic format; experience with microcomputers; ability to write well and to communi­ cate clearly and effectively in oral presentations. Preferred: Two or more years experience in government publications; two or more years experience as an international and/or state documents librar­ ian; experience with maps and with government publications in electronic format; bibliographic instruction skills. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Application deadline: October 15, 1995. Send a letter of application and resume, including the names of three references, to: Peter Devlin, Personnel Librarian, N o rth w e ste rn U n iv e rs ity Li­ brary, 1935 Sherid an Rd., Evanston, IL 60208-2300. Applications received by O ctober 15, 1995 will receive firs t consid eration. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative ac­ tion employer. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. LEARNING RESOURCES CENTER LIBRARIAN. Salary range: $2,980.41-$3,223.00 per month. Closing date: October 7, 1995. 60 2 /C&RL News September 1 9 9 5 / 603 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE CHEMISTRY LIBRARIAN AND BIOLOGY LIBRARIAN U n iversity of Michigan DUTIES: Responsible for development and delivery of chemical or biological information services to on-site and off-site campus users, including knowledge navigation, provision of online services, and instruction and training. Both the Biology Librarian and the Chemistry Librarian will be responsible for either overseeing on­ site services of the Science Library, or leading the Science Library’s technology program. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Academic subject background in life sciences, or chemistry-related fields. Evidence of knowledge and creative application of information technologies to support user needs. Knowledge of collection development, budgeting, and fund management. Experience in providing user assistance, including accessing databases of scientific literature. Excellent interpersonal skills as well as experience in a science library or scientific environment. Commitment to innovation, creativity, and excellence in all phases of work. Desired: Experience with outreach to primary user groups. Demonstrated ability to initiate and maintain successful working relationships with colleagues and patrons in a consultative environment. RANK, SALARY, AND LEAVE: Rank of Associate Librarian. Minimum salary of $31,500; 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. APPLY TO: Karen Downing Library Human Resources 413 Hatcher Graduate Library N University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications received by September 30,1995, will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirmative action employer. Responsibilities: Manages the Computer Access Center; selects and orders appropriate com puter software and hardware based on s tu d e n ts ’ needs; tra in s s ta ff and s tu d e n ts in the use of software and hardware; utilizing knowledge of system and software to correct computer problems; manages Learning Resources Center staff; m aintains the audiovisual collection; renders services to patrons in selecting and obtainin g audiovisual materials; evalu­ ates, selects, and orders audiovisual materials; participates in reference desk rotation and provides guidance to patrons in research problems; and participates in collection development. Qualifications: Master’s degree from ALA-accredited school of library science, required. Knowledge of computer as evidenced by at least four college-level management information system courses, required. Send resume to: Texas Employment Commission, TEC Building, Austin, TX 78778. J.O. #6944373. An equal educational opportunity institution. LIBRARIAN I, SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Michigan State University Libraries (PRO-309). Reporting to Head of Library Systems, works extensively with NOTIS OPAC; maintains NOTIS tables; coordinates testing of system enhancements and new releases; communicates with Ameritech Library Systems and library NOTIS programmers; supports library staff in the use and applications of computing software, both NOTIS and com mercia lly available software such as Windows and Netscape; participates in hardware and software purchase re co m m e n d a tio n s. R e quired: A L A -a c c re d ite d MLS, excellent written and oral com munication skills, ability to work in a rapidly changing environment. Preferred qualifications: experi­ ence with integrated library system software and commercially available software packages; teaching or training experience. Mini­ mum salary: $28,500, depending on qualifications. Submit a letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three current references to: Libraries Human Resources, Main Library, M ichigan S ta te U n iv e rs ity Libraries, East Lansing, Ml 48824- 1048. Review of applications will begin O ctober 2, 1995, and continue until position is filled. MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. LIBRARIAN III. University of Connecticut School of Law Library. Anticipated opening: Electronic Services Librarian. Under general direction of the Associate Law Librarian for Public Services, coordi­ nates and provides leadership in program development in automation and media technology. Responsibilities include: Long-range plan­ ning, development, and day-to-day operation of the Law Library’s computer and multimedia teaching labs; recommendation and up­ grade of software and hardware for the library’s systems and campus community; training faculty, library and administrative staff to effec­ tively use electronic systems and services; provision of reference services. Qualifications include: MLS and computer training; five to nine years of computer-related experience, preferably in an academic research library; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills; knowledge of Internet, MARC-II communication formats, integrated library systems (prefer­ ably Innovative Interfaces), LAN management, CD-ROMs, DOS, and Windows. Evening and weekend hours may be required on a regular basis. Salary in low $40s, DOE. Resume and three references to: Susan Severo, U n iversity o f C o nnecticut School of Law Library, 120 Sherman Street, Hartford, CT 06105-2289. Applicants from underrepresented groups, including minorities, women, and people with disabilities, are encouraged to apply. (Search #5A322.) LIBRARY INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES COORDINATOR. The Uni­ versity Libraries of Notre Dame seek an innovative leader to coordi­ nate, administer, and market the expansion of the libraries’ instruc­ tional program in an environment of increasing financial resources. Envisioned is a widely varied mix of instructional activities, including both the appropriate use of traditional methods and the vigorous exploration and exploitation of new technologies. Such growth will require active recruitment and coaching of library faculty and staff and frequent, energetic contact with members of the university’s teaching and research faculty. In particular, the successful candidate will be expected to lead library personnel in heightening user awareness of and ability to use traditional and new technologies; collaborate with other campus information providers and faculty in developing instruc­ tional programs; advise library faculty and staff in the choice and use 60 4 /C&RL News ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, TECHNICAL SERVICES T h e U n iversity of T e x a s at El P a so The University of Texas at El Paso seeks a creative, experienced leader in technical services. The Associate University Librarian coordinates, facilitates, and supervises the activities of 20.5 FTE regular staff (including three professionals) and 13+ FTE students in all aspects of acquisitions, cataloging, physical processing, serials control, binding, and database maintenance; directs the development, implementation, and improvement of departmental processes and practices to maximize available resources and to ensure the successful delivery of sen/ices that support the other library departments and library users; is actively involved in implementing current developments and technological operations in technical services; contributes to the mission and goals of the library in planning, policy formulation, and active participation in library administration and management groups. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of five years successful management experience in a technical services department in an academic or research library, with expertise in at least one of the following areas: cataloging, serials control, or acquisitions. Also required: Comprehensive knowledge of all technical services operations; substantive supervisory experience, including training and evaluation of staff; significant experience with library networks and systems such as NOTIS and OCLC; awareness of current trends in technical services. The successful candidate must possess: Proven ability to promote cooperative efforts among library units; demonstrated flexibility and initiative in a changing environment; good problem-solving and organizational skills; excellent interpersonal and communication skills (both written and oral); commitment to the service mission of the academic library; and evidence of and commitment to continuing participation in professional activities. SALARY/BENEFITS: Minimum $43,000. Benefits include group medical and life insurance and choice of retirement plans. Texas has no income tax. TO APPLY: Send letter of application, resume, and the names and telephone numbers of three references to: Lydia Limas Adm inistrative Assistant U niversity of Texas at El Paso, Library El Paso, TX 79968-0582 Review of applications begins September 15,1995, and continues until the position is filled. THE LIBRARY: Modern, six-floor building houses a centralized collection of over 800,000 volumes. Staff of 22 professionals, 54 support staff, and 90 student assistants. of educational methodologies, techniques, and technologies; and coordinate all user instruction within the University Libraries. In addition to systemwide instructional responsibilities, the coordinator will provide quality reference assistance as a member of the Hesburgh Library Reference Department. The department serves programs in the arts, humanities, social sciences and business. Requirements include: ALA-accredited degree; minimum of four years relevant professional experience; excellent oral and written communications, interpersonal, planning, organizational, and teaching skills; experi­ ence with automated systems, electronic resources, and personal computers; and a strong commitment to excellent service and team­ work. Prior experience as a supervisor or program manager, a reading knowledge of at least one foreign language, and a second masters degree are desirable. Faculty status, non-tenure-track; minimum salary $35,000, with excellent benefits. Search to continue until position is filled, with consideration assured to applications received by October 1, 1995. Interested applicants send letter of application; resume; and names, with addresses and telephone numbers, of three professional references to: Sharon Veith, Human Resource Repre­ sentative, University Libraries, 221 Hesburgh Library, U n ive rsity o f Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556; phone: (219) 631-5679; fax: (219) 631-6772. Notre Dame is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from minority and disabled individuals encouraged. LIBRARY SERVICES DIRECTOR. North Georgia College. Respon­ sible for the operation of Stewart Library, a member of OCLC/ SOLINET and a selective government depository. The library cur­ rently houses 113,000 volumes and 1,000 periodicals and shares the PALS automation system via a network. The Director supervises five professional staff, six support staff, and 30 student assistants. Quali­ fications: MLS from ALA-accredited school; additional graduate de­ gree preferred. Minimum of five years of administrative experience in an academic library, including budget planning, program development, and personnel management. Employment date: January 2,1996. Applica­ tion deadline: October 13,1995, or until filled. Send letter of application, vita, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Personnel Office, ATTN: Library Position, N o rth Geor­ gia College, Dahlonega, GA 30597. AA/EOE. MULTIMEDIA LIBRARIAN. This is an entry-level position. Duties: Responsible for identification, selection, and creation of multimedia resources at the University Libraries. Serves as a selector of materi­ als, works with technical sen/ices, public services, and systems on issues regarding access, copyright, preservation, and implementa­ tion of nonprint, multimedia formats. Oversees media department, supervising one FTE staff and a number of student assistants. Will interact closely with the university’s Faculty Technology Develop­ ment Center. Reports to Head of Library Information Technologies and Systems. This faculty-rank, tenure-track position includes all the rights and responsibilities associated with that status. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, strong communication skills (both written and oral), strong interpersonal skills, and the ability to work without close supervision in a team environment. Supervisory experience in a customerservice setting. Experience with computer-integrated media technologies, as well as more traditional, audiovisual formats and instructional-support instruments. Preferred qualifications: Experi­ ence in academic library public services unit, preferably with some September 1 9 9 5 / 605 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Marriott Lib rary, U n iversity of Utah Two fast-paced, highly visible, service-oriented positions available. INSTRUCTION DIVISION HEAD (PUBLIC SERVICES) Responsibilities: Reporting to the Assistant Director of Public Services, this newly created position will plan, coordinate, implement, and evaluate user and staff instruction and training programs. Will supervise division staff, guide the instruction activities of other library staff, design class and instruction materials, develop computer multimedia instruction programs, expand instruction to branch campuses and distance learners, and work with faculty campuswide to promote library instruction. Will serve a minimum of four hours a week at a public service desk. Required qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school program, experience in an academic library, four years work experience with classroom and bibliographic library instruction, or related experience; demonstrated written and oral communication skills; proven organizational and leadership abilities; demonstrated ability to work well with the public and colleagues; knowledge of existing and emerging technologies; and strong interest in public service and teaching. Preferred: Management/supervisory experience; additional graduate degree in an academic discipline or teaching credentials. Salary: Minimum $34,000, depending on qualifications. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (PUBLIC SERVICES) Responsibilities: Reporting to the Head of General Reference, this position provides reference services at an active desk specializing in humanities, social sciences, business, education, and general information; research consultation; library instruction services to faculty and students in a broad range of subject areas; and will assist users in searching print and electronic resources, including networked CD-ROM, Internet, World Wide Web, OCLC, and the library’s online system soon to be replaced by a statewide integrated library system. In addition, this librarian will serve as the selector in an assigned area of the humanities or social sciences, which includes material selection, liaison to appropriate academic departments, and specialized bibliographic instruction in assigned areas. Required qualifi­ cations: ALA-accredited MLS, experience in and strong commitment to public service excellence in a research library; familiarity with electronic resources; demonstrated strong written and oral communi­ cation and interpersonal skills, including the ability to work effectively with individuals and groups of diverse backgrounds; ability to exercise initiative in a teamwork environment; demonstrated interest in professional activities and capability for success in a tenure-track position; familiarity with the goals of liberal education and an understanding of the nature of scholarly research in the humanities and social sciences. Preferred: Experience in library instruction or teaching; advanced degree in a discipline within the humanities or social sciences; knowledge of a foreign language. Salary: Minimum $25,000, depending on qualifications. APPOINTMENT: Librarians at the University of Utah have academic appointment. Benefits: Our benefits are among the best in the country. Partially paid health and dental insurance, TIAA/CREF retirement, reduced tuition, 25 days vacation and generous professional development time, sick and holiday leave. Librarians are eligible for sabbaticals. Library, campus, community: The Marriott Library will complete an expansion project by the fall of 1996 that will double the existing space. The library has a collection of over two million volumes, over 40 librarians, and 300 staff members. The university is situated on a 1,500-acre campus and has over 28,000 students. This cosmopolitan city offers a wide variety of cultural and outdoor activities. FOR CONSIDERATION: Send detailed letter of application, resume, and names of three references or placement bureau address to: Kristeen Arnold Personnel Officer 330 Marriott Library University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112 fax: (801) 585-3464 e-mail: Applications received by September 3 0 , 1995, will be assured consideration. The University of Utah is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. 6 0 6 / C&RL News TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Purdue U n iversity Lib ra rie s Purdue University, located in West Lafayette, Indiana, is the land grant university for the state of Indiana. The libraries system, which consists of the undergraduate library and 14 school/departmental libraries, has holdings of over two million volumes. Staff totals more than 200, including 64 faculty and professionals. Applications are invited for the following positions: LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIAN Requirements: MLS (ALA-accredited). Advanced degree or relevant experience and background in a life sciences field. Minimum of five years professional experience in an academic, medical, or corporate library. Supervisory experience. Desired qualifications: Strong service orientation; excellent grasp of information needs in the life sciences and of the application of information technologies; ability to leadthe transition to new information services in the digital environment as well as manage traditional print resources; strong analytical and organizational skills; demonstrated communication skills; demonstrated ability to effect change, build consensus, and administer in a positive and consultative manner in a rapidly changing and demanding environment; experience in collection development, user instruction, and information management consultation; demonstrated ability to work well with all levels of users and staff. Responsibilities: Responsible for administration of the Life Sciences and Biochemistry Libraries; serves as liaison between both the School of Agriculture, and the department of Biological Sciences (School of Science) and Libraries Administration; provides leadership in planning, developing, and implementing ongoing and innovative services and shaping directions for both print and electronic sources; collaborates with members of libraries’ biomedical and life sciences cluster; participates in librarywide planning and management through consultative committee and team structures; reports to Director of Public Services and Collections. Members of libraries faculty must meet Purdue requirements for promotion and tenure. Library: The Life Sciences Library is the principal library resource for the School of Agriculture, which offers degree programs in a wide range of disciplines in agriculture and the life sciences. It also serves the Department of Biological Sciences in the School of Science and the university at large. Salary: $40,000 and up, depending upon qualifications. Application review: Commences September 15, 1995, and continues until position is filled. ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN Requirements: MLS (ALA-accredited). Degree or relevant experience and background in engineering or related field. Minimum of five years professional experience in an academic or special library. Supervisory experience. Desired qualifications: Strong service orientation; excellent grasp of information needs in engineering and technology and application of information technologies; ability to lead the transition to new information services in the digital environment as well as manage traditional print resources; strong analytical and organizational skills; demonstrated ability to effect change, build consensus, and administer in a positive and consultative manner in a rapidly changing and demanding environment; experience in collection development, user instruction, and information management consultation; demonstrated communication skills and ability to work with all levels of users and staff. Responsibilities: Responsible for administration of the Siegesmund Engineering and Aviation Technology Libraries; serves as liaison between both the Schools of Engineering and the School of Technology and the Libraries Administration; provides leadership in planning, developing, and implementing ongoing and innovative services and in shaping directions for both print and electronic resources; collaborates with fellow members of the libraries’ engineering and physical sciences cluster; participates in librarywide planning and management through consultative committee and team structures; reports to the Director of Public Sen/ices and Collections. Members of libraries faculty must meet Purdue requirements for promotion and tenure. Library: The Siegesmund Engineering Library is the principal library resource for the Schools of Engineering which offer degree programs in a wide range of engineering disciplines. It also serves the School of Technology, which awards applications-oriented degrees at the associate, bachelor, and graduate levels, and the university at large. Salary: $40,000 and up depending upon qualifications. Application review: Commences September 3 0 , 1995, and continues until position is filled. STATUS & BENEFITS: Faculty status and responsibilities. Rank dependent on qualifications. 12-month appointment with annual vacation of 22 working days. Flexible benefit programs with open enrollments annually. Medical, group life, and disability insurance programs are in effect, as are flexible spending accounts, TIAA/CREF and Social Security Coverage. APPLICATION PROCESS: For full position description, send statement of interest, resume, and list of references to: Thomas L. Haworth Personnel Adm inistrator Purdue University Libraries 1530 Stewart Center West Lafayette, IN 47907-1530 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. September 1 9 9 5 /6 0 7 TWO POSITIONS Th e A m erican U n iversity in C a iro The American University in Cairo is inviting applications for the following two library positions: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR RARE BOOKS, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, AND ARCHIVES As part of the library’s senior administration, the appointee will be responsible for overall management of the operations of the Rare Books and Special Collections Library, which houses rare books on the material culture of Egypt and the Middle East, special collections including extensive non-book resources, and the University Archives. Responsibilities include participation in and/or supervision of collection development, reference and bibliographic instruction, and conservation and reprographic activities. Required qualifications include a graduate degree in librarianship, with a second master’s degree desirable; minimum of five years of professional experience with increasing responsibilities, preferably in special collections librarianship or archival administration; fluent English required; fluent Arabic and working knowledge of other languages useful; computer literacy and knowledge of contemporary standards of special collections librarianship essential. COORDINATOR OF CATALOGING The appointee will be responsible for coordinating the preparation of bibliographic and holdings records for materials in all formats in accordance with appropriate (inter)national standards and institutional needs, and for the development and execution of cataloging policy in consultation with other staff. The library is in the process of migrating to a new automated system and of extending bibliographic control to its collections of nonbook materials. Required qualifications include a graduate degree in librarianship, with a second master’s degree desirable; minimum of three years of professional library experience in cataloging to U.S. standards; familiarity with automated library systems; fluent English required; fluent Arabic and working knowledge of other languages useful. Two-year appointments (renewable) are available beginning in September 1995. Both positions are expected to be filled by February 1996. AUC’s salaries are competitive. Excellent benefits are also provided, including housing, roundtrip air travel, and schooling allowance for relocated faculty and staff. Letter of application describing the applicant’s interest, complete vita, and names, addresses, and contact numbers of three references should be sent to: Andrew Kerek, Provost The American University in Cairo 866 United Nations Plaza, Ste. 517 New York, NY 10017 Review of applications began July 1 5 , 1995, and will continue until the positions are filled. The American University in Cairo is an equal opportunity employer. supervisory experience. Familiarity with nonprint preservation/con­ servation techniques. Awareness of emerging technologies in instruc- tional-support design, and the use of multimedia in a campus research and teaching setting. Salary: Negotiable from $23,000. Deadline for application: October 13, 1995 or until filled. Starting date: January 1, 1996. Application process: Application should include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Nominations and applications should be sent to: Diane J. Graves, Associate Dean of Libraries, J. D. Williams Library, U n ive rsity o f M ississippi, University, MS 38677. The Univer­ sity of Mississippi is an AA/ADA/EOE. PRESERVATION LIBRARIAN. University of Iowa Libraries. Position description: Responsible for planning, organizing, coordinating, and implementing the preservation program for the University of Iowa Libraries. The preservation program includes management and coor­ dination of preservation activities for all formats, reformatting efforts, disaster preparedness planning, staff training, and patron education related to preservation; coordination of preservation activities with other processing units; and functional supervision of the Preservation Department. The Preservation Librarian manages the preservation budget, and is typically responsible for the oversight of one or more grant-funded preservation microfilming projects. The Preservation Librarian participates in the development and preparation of grant proposals related to preservation, and is expected to represent the University of Iowa Libraries in appropriate regional and national forums. The position reports to the Director for Collections and Information Resources. Qualifications: Required: A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library and information science program, or the equivalent; general knowledge of preservation operations in a research library environment; demonstrated managerial and leader­ ship abilities; excellent oral and written communications skills; excel­ lent interpersonal and supervisory skills; demonstrated commitment to professional involvement. Preferred: Familiarity with information technology in libraries, including digital imaging technologies; prior experience in preservation; experience with preservation microfilm­ ing projects. Salary and appointment: Appointment rank and salary will be based on relevant experience and educational background. Appointment will be made at the Librarian II or III levet. Salary range: $32,000–$39,000, depending on qualifications and experience. The university offers an attractive package of benefits, including 25 days of paid vacation per year, TIAA/CREF retirement, and a flexible selection of insurance and other benefits. The Ul Libraries: The Ul library system consists of the Main Library and 11 departmental libraries. With some three million volumes, the collections of the Ul libraries rank 27 out of 107 in the Association of Research Libraries. OASIS, the libraries’ NOTIS-based automated system, offers access to a variety of databases in addition to local catalog records. Environ- 60 8 /C&RL News ment— the university and Iowa City: A major research and teaching institution, the University of Iowa offers recognized programs in a wide variety of areas. The university consists of a faculty of some 1,600 serving over 28,000 students, 9,000 of whom are registered in graduate degree programs. Application procedures: Applications received by September 30, 1995, will receive first consideration. Minorities and women are particularly encouraged to apply. Qualified individuals should submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Janice Simmons-Welburn, Coordinator of Personnel and Diversity Programs, U n ive rsity of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, IA 52242; phone: (319) 335-5871. The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE AND ELECTRONIC SERVICES COORDINATOR. Science and Engineering Library. Leads reference staff in the devel­ opment of reference and user services for the Science and Engineer­ ing Library, which serves faculty, students, and staff in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics. Serves on the reference desk and teaches instruc­ tional classes. Plans and implements reference electronic informa­ tion services. Initiates change in a rapidly developing technological environment. Provides collection development for both print and electronic reference sources. Serves as a collection development selector in one or more areas of natural sciences, mathematics, or engineering. Supervises graduate student assistants. Participates in professional activities, including research and writing for publication. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program; mini­ mum three years relevant library experience; commitment to public service in a science library environment; experience with electronic information retrieval systems and services; familiarity with the use and application of microcomputers in a networked environment; experi­ ence with the Internet, CD-ROM technology, and database searching; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work collegially in small group and team environments. Desired: Degree in science or engineering discipline; experience as selector/bibliographer in sci­ ence or engineering discipline; knowledge of a foreign language; supervisory experience; record of scholarly and/or professional achievement. Rank and salary: Reports to Science and Engineering Library Director. A tenure-track, library faculty position; rank of Senior Assistant Librarian (minimum $30,000), or associate librarian (mini­ mum $35,000) depending on credentials. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. University at Buffalo information: World Wide Web: SEL information: World Wide Web: UB offers retirement programs including TIAA/CREF, health care coverage, 15 to 21 days vacation per year, and more. Send letter of application and resume, including the names of at least three references, to: Kenneth Hood, Personnel and Staff Development Officer, U n ive rsity at Buffalo Libraries, 432 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1625. Search Commit­ tee will begin reviewing applications immediately and continue until an appointment is made. An EO/AA employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (A ssista n t Pro fe sso r o r A sso ciate Pro­ fe s s o r). Reports to the Chief of Readers’ Services. As a member of the reference staff, provides general and in-depth reference service for a clientele consisting of graduate students, faculty, and research­ ers. Presents bibliographic instruction for classes and individuals on use of research materials in all formats from books and serials to online and CD-ROM databases and the Internet via Gopher and the World Wide Web. Participates in collection development, reserve and circulation, and other activities as necessary. Work schedule includes some evening hours and occasional Saturdays. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and a second subject master’s degree; at least five years of post-MLS experience in public services in an academic library. Demonstrated skills in using current library technology and the ability to teach these skills. Thorough knowledge of print and online reference sources in the arts, social sciences, and humanities. Must demonstrate initiative, flexibility, and cooperation in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. Good organiza­ tional, writing, communication, and interpersonal skills. Familiarity with NOTIS a plus. Appointment as Assistant Professor requires evidence of significant professional library or institutional contribu­ tions; appointment as Associate Professor requires evidence of Substantial professional library contributions as well as attainment of a high level in bibliographic activities, in research, or in other profes­ sional endeavors. Salary: Assistant professor: $35,862– $47,858 per annum; Associate professor: $45,672-$60,212 per annum. Review of applications will begin October 10, 1995. Interested candidates should send a resume and the names and addresses of three references to: Susan T. Newman, Chief Librarian, Mina Rees Library, The Graduate School and University Center, The C ity U n ive rsity o f New York, 33 W. 42 St., New York, NY 10036. AA/EOE/ADA. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIO GRAPHER. University of Minne­ sota Libraries, St. Paul Campus Central Library. The reference unit provides reference services to users of the St. Paul Campus Central Library of the University of Minnesota, which houses collections and resources in agriculture, biological sciences, human ecology and other disciplines. This unit is currently developing a team-based approach to planning and implementing reference services and reference collection development. Services include instruction and assistance with electronic databases, as well as print and other media resources. Users include undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and academic staff, some corporate users, and the general public. Position description: This librarian will participate in a team- based approach to planning and delivering reference services in an increasingly electronic-based information environment. Responsible for the St. Paul Campus Central Library selection of materials in some area of the biological sciences, both print and electronic formats. Reference responsibilities include assisting library users by appoint­ ment, via phone or e-mail, and at the reference desk, and developing new means of service. Other responsibilities as a reference unit team member include providing formal and informal instruction, selecting and developing print and electronic reference resources, and creating documentation for users. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA- accredited institution, or foreign equivalent. At least three years of professional experience in an academic library or science-oriented special library. Experience with library microcomputer applications and electronic information resources, including CD-ROM databases and the Internet. Strongly preferred: Degree in biological sciences or related area. A demonstrated commitment to customer-oriented service and the ability to work well in a team. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Type of appointment and salary: This is a 12-month probationary academic/professional appointment at the rank of Assistant Librarian, with continuous track. Minimum salary $29,000 and up, depending on qualifications. Application require­ ments: Applicants should send a letter of application discussing background and experience relating to the position and its require­ ments, a resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Linda DeBeau-Melting, Libraries Human Resources Office, Univer­ s ity o f Minnesota, 453 Wilson Library, 3 09 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55455. Applications must be postmarked by September 1 5 , 1995. Please identify applications with UL#48. The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. REFERENCE/SUBJECT LIBRARIAN. John M. Olin Library, Wash­ ington University in St. Louis. Participate as an active member of reference and subject librarian teams. Help to design sen/ices and develop collections to meet users’ changing information needs in an increasingly electronic environment. Select traditional and electronic library materials in designated subject areas in the humanities and social sciences, serve as liaison with faculty and students in these areas. See the challenge of ongoing change as a positive condition and be willing and able to embrace it. Required: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school; degree in social science or humanities (advanced degree preferred); familiarity with electronic information technologies; strong commitment to service; ability to work and interact harmoniously with a diverse student body, faculty, and library staff; ability to flourish in a rapidly changing environment. Minimum salary: $25,500; competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Submit letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three current references to: Carol Esrock, Director of Employment, W ashing ton University, 1 N. Brookings Dr., Campus Box 1184, St. Louis, MO 63130. Review of applications will begin October 16, 1995, and continue until position is filled. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Amherst College Library seeks a Science Librarian. Principal duties: To manage daily library services and operations in the expanded Merrill Science Center Library, which encompasses collections in biology, chemistry, astronomy, geology, physics, and psychology, as well as in a separate mathematics library. To participate in bibliographic instruction, and reference and general science collection development, with an emphasis on electronic sources. Qualifications: Strong academic background, with an under­ graduate major in a science strongly preferred, and an MLS from an ALA-accredited school of library or information science. Library experience, with a broad background in computers, online resources, September 1 9 9 5 / 609 REFERENCE/SUBJECT LIBRARIAN Jo h n M. Olin Lib rary W ashington U n iversity in St. L o u is Participate as an active member of reference and subject librarian teams. Help to design services and develop collections to meet users’ changing information needs in an increasingly electronic environment. Select traditional and electronic library materials in designated subject areas in the humanities and social sciences, serve as liaison with faculty and students in these areas. See the challenge of ongoing change as a positive condition and be willing and able to embrace it. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; degree in social science or humanities (advanced degree preferred); familiarity with electronic information technologies; strong commitment to service; ability to work and interact harmoniously with a diverse student body, faculty, and library staff; ability to flourish in a rapidly changing environment. Submit letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three current references to: Carol Esrock D irector of Employment W ashington University 1 N. Brookings Dr. Campus Box 1184 St. Louis, MO 63130 Review of applications will begin O ctober 1 6 , 1995, and continue until position is filled. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. and library automation, strongly preferred. Ability to cooperate with faculty and students, and communication skills required. Minimum salary of $28,000. Salary dependent on experience and qualifica­ tions. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Willis Bridegam, Librarian of the College, Box 2256, Am herst College, Amherst, MA 01002-5000. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Amherst College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and encourages women, minorities and disabled persons to apply. SENIOR ARCHIVIST. The Central European University (CEU), in collaboration with the Open Media Research Institute (OMRI), has embarked on the development of a major archive for the study of post- World War II communism. The archive is located in an historic palace in the center of Budapest with complete state-of-the-art information technology. The Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty historical archives, of which the archive is custodian, will be the core of the collections. Negotiations are being conducted for the acquisition of the records of Index on Censorship and the UN War Crimes Commission. The archive will be an open-access facility dedicated to furthering the understanding of post-war events in Eastern and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. The archive will continue to support the research and broadcasting needs of OMRI and the Radios in Prague. Under the supervision of the chief archivist, the senior archivist will have overall responsibility for at least one of the discrete OMRI collections housed in the repository. S/he will organize, maintain and provide reference services for the collection(s), meeting the immedi­ ate needs of OMRI-Prague staff and those of the greater research community. The senior archivist will participate actively in the devel­ opment of both traditional and electronic access tools, such as finding aids and databases, for the collection(s). Further responsibilities will include supervision of support staff and public service duties in the reading room, as needed. Duties and responsibilities: Organization and maintenance of OMRI collection(s), as well as reference services for the materials; development of user access programs— both traditional and electronic— ensuring open access in a context of security of archival materials; in collaboration with OMRI-Prague, development of effective and timely information transfer procedures for service to remote users at RFE/RL and OMRI; supervision of support staff, including student interns; public service in the reading room; other duties, as needed. Qualifications: Advanced degree in archival studies or related field, or equivalent professional archival experience; knowledge of use of electronic media and telecommuni­ cations technology for the organization, preservation and delivery of information; knowledge of professional archival programs, including the organization and description of archival materials; working knowl­ edge of a minimum of one language of the region, preferably Russian or Polish; experience supervising support staff is highly desirable, but not required; academic or experiential background in the contempo­ rary history of Eastern/Central Europe and the former Soviet Union is highly desirable, but not required. Priority will be given to applicants who submit a detailed curriculum vitae in English with three references (including address, telephone, fax and e-mail) by October 15, 1995, to: Dena J. Schoen, Senior Archivist, CEU-OMRI Archives, Central European Un iversity, H-1067 Budapest, Eotvos utca 14. Hungary. Tel: (36-1) 342-0584. Fax: (36-1) 322-3604. E-mail: schoen @ SPECIALIST FOR THE SCIENCES. Seattle Pacific University. Posi­ tion is a ten-month, non-tenure-track faculty appointment. Responsi­ bilities: Collection management; library user education; general and advanced reference service, including CD-ROM, Internet, and other online searching; close working relationship with faculty and partici­ pation on faculty committees and in professional organizations. Candidates must have an ALA-accredited MLS and a strong back­ ground in the natural or health sciences, with a subject master’s preferred; excellent interpersonal and communication skills neces­ sary. Faculty rank and salary (minimum $33,000) commensurate with experience and qualifications. Seattle Pacific University serves more than 3,400 undergraduate and graduate students in both liberal arts and professional studies. The university’s Christian commitments are both evangelical and Wesleyan, with faculty and students represent­ ing a broad range of faith traditions. The university seeks applicants who are enthusiastically committed to its Christian mission; women and people of color are especially encouraged to apply. Send resume and qualifications letter to: Gary R. Fick, University Librarian, Seattle Pa cific Un iversity, Seattle, WA 98119; phone: (206) 281-2414; e- mail: Closing date: October 2,1995. TEAM LEADER FOR RESEARCH SERVICES. University of Iowa Libraries. Position description: In the Main Library at the University of Iowa, the Reference Department, Information Arcade, and Media Services Department are combined in a new multidimensional depart­ ment for Information, Research, and Instructional Services (IRIS). 61 0 /C&RL News Associate Director for Technical Resource Systems and Services A s s o c i a t e D i r e c t o r f o r T e c h n i c a l R e s o u r c e S y s t e m s a n d S e r v i c e s : The University o f Missouri-Columbia is seeking qualified applicants for the position o f Associate Director for Technical Resource Systems and Services. Principal responsibilities include the provision of leadership in unifying into one division technical services, which currently is structured traditionally, and library systems functions which do not exist on a campus level. The areas to be unified are the Technical Services Division (TSD) and the Microcomputer Support Group (MSG). The TSD has 59 staff (10 librarians) and 20 student assistants serving within five departments: Acquisitions; Catalog Management; Cataloging; Monographic Retrospective Conversion; and, Serials. Units exist within some o f the departments; for example, Serials is comprised o f Serials Acquisitions, Serials Management and Physical Processing. In addition, TSD has a Systems Librarian who also serves as the network manager for the implementation o f the Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (IQ), integrated system. MSG has three professional staff who are responsible for the Libraries microcomputers (approximately 200) and for the LAN in Ellis Library. Selected members o f the library staff in other divisions and branches have received training which allows them to assist the MSG staff in servicing the Libraries' microcomputers. The Associate Director for Technical Resource Systems and Services administers the Technical Services Division which is responsible for acquiring, cataloging, processing and preserving materials for the MU Libraries' collections. (The J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library has its own technical services department.) The person in this position provides leadership in planning, implementing and evaluating divisional operations and services in accordance with the Libraries' goals and objectives. He or she is a member o f the Library Council and participates in establishing library- wide policy, serves on committees as assigned, and participates in library fund-raising and development activities. The Associate Director evaluates personnel, analyzes costs and efficiency o f operations, and coordinates projects with other divisions. This person assists the Director with the allocation o f the libraries materials budget, evaluates and selects vendors, and monitors the acquisitions budget. The Associate Director for Technical Resource Systems and Services will establish and manage a systematic library systems presence for the MU Libraries, using existing staff within TSD and MSG, and with the cooperation o f staff in other units. The A ssociate Director will direct the activities o f the professional and support staff who have responsibility for library technology and automation planning, networked resources and hardware and software support. This newly reorganized division will provide: local automation network planning; implementation and support; investigation, testing, implementation and evaluation o f technologies which support all library functions; and, development o f policies and procedures for use o f technologies throughout the library system , in conjunction with the other divisions o f the MU Libraries and the Library System s Office (LSO). The LSO is part o f the University-wide administration and is responsible for LUMIN (Libraries o f the University o f Missouri Libraries Information September 1 9 9 5 / 611 Network). LUMIN is a WLN-based system which provides an online catalog and a circulation system. It will be replaced with III in 1996. Requirements: MLS from an ALA accredited program; at least 10 years o f experience in an academic library, with five or more o f those with progressively responsible administrative responsibilities, including management o f at least one technical services unit; broad and demonstrable knowledge o f library systems/services and issues related to the organization o f technical library resources; experience with an online bibliographic utility; ability to meet the requirements o f the Librarian IV rank, i.e ., an additional graduate degree or extensive continuing education, professional activities, service and/or scholarly activity sufficient to meet the criteria. (A copy o f the MU Libraries governance document will be sent upon request and will be given to each person interviewed.) Ability to work with people in a collegial, consultive, collaborative team environment. Participative management style. Demonstrated leadership o f a diverse staff showing successful skills in interpersonal working relationships. Preference for a background in library systems, including experience with local area networks, the Internet, CD-ROMS, and e-mail; familiarity with III; positive public relations experience; demonstrated leadership within the library profession; superior verbal and written communication skills which can be demonstrated. M inim um Salary: $ 6 5 ,0 0 0 + for 12 months commensurate with education and experience. Benefits include 30 vacation days per year, vested retirement after 5 years, University medical benefits package, and other normal fringe benefits including 75 % tuition waiver. T H E UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI ( M U ) was established in Columbia in 1839. It is one o f the five most comprehensive universities in the nation, with over 250 degree programs. The University o f Missouri-Columbia Libraries belong to ARL, serve a student body o f 2 2 ,0 0 0 + and a faculty o f 1,800 with a collection o f over 2 .6 million volumes and over 5.3 million microforms. Columbia is in the middle o f the state on I-70, only 2 hours from St. Louis and Kansas City, and 1.5 hours from the Lake o f the Ozarks major recreational area. The University and two other colleges provide superb cultural events. According to the American Chamber o f Commerce Researchers Association (ACCRA) composite index, the cost o f living in Columbia is very reasonable when compared with other university communities. Columbia has been named in the top twenty cities in the United States by Money magazine in recent years. Available: January 1, 1996. Send letter o f application, names and addresses o f three references and resume to Julie Deters, Senior Secretary, 104 Ellis Library, University o f Missouri-Columbia, Columbia MO 65201-5149. Screening o f applications will begin October 1, 1995. The University o f Missouri-Columbia is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and complies with the guidelines set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act o f 1990. If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need assistance with this or any portion o f the application, notify us at the address above as soon as possible. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your special needs. 6 1 2 / C&RL News South Dakota State University Dean of Libraries R esponsibilities: The Dean o f Libraries is responsible for providing leadership and direction to the Library in all its endeavors, on and o ff campus. Q ualifications: Required qualifications include: an earned Master's Degree in Library Science plus an earned Doctorate in Library Science or a related field, or an earned Master's Degree in Library Science plus a second earned Master's Degree in another subject field (preference will be given to per­ sons holding the doctorate); evidence o f scholarship; eight years o f pro­ fessional library experience, including five years as an academic library administrator; effective oral and written communication skills, interper­ sonal relations skills, and leadership and public relations skills; demon­ strated commitment to the principles o f affirmative action, equal oppor­ tunity, and diversity; experience in budget preparation and manage­ ment; knowledge o f higher education and technology trends and issues that relate to academic libraries. Desired qualifications include: experi­ ence working in an academic library at a land-grant university; experi ence in writing grant proposals; experience in private fund-raising activ­ ities; commitment to an active program o f faculty/staff development. Send letter o f application accompanied by a vita and names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f five professional references to: Dr. Roberta K. Olson, Chairperson Dean o f Libraries Search Committee B ox 2275 South Dakota State University Brookings, SD 57007 Telephone: (605) 688-5178 FAX: (605) 688-6119 Application deadline is October 1, 1995, or until a suitable candidate is found. Preferred starting date is early in 1996 but no later than July 1, 1996. AA/EEO Employer/ADA REASONABLE A‹XOMMODATIONS (605) 6884128 [TT/Voicε (605) 68843W], IRIS provides services and user education for bibliographic and reference resources, print and nonprint primary source collections, multimedia development, computer-assisted methods for research and teaching, and local and networked access to information. IRIS is distinguished by its team-based approach to providing high-quality services and by its emphasis on individual initiative and responsibility. The Team Leader for REsearch Services will participate in a wide range of reference and instructional activities in IRIS. This position will serve as a member of the IRIS management team, with particular responsibility for planning and operations relating to advanced refer­ ence services and research consultations, including the development and evaluation of innovative approaches to user services. The incumbent will share collection development responsibility for refer­ ence materials with the Team Leader for Information Services. The Team Leader for Research Services directly supervises seven profes­ sional librarians and will also help to organize project and functional teams made up of staff from throughout IRIS. Qualifications: Re­ quired: A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library and infor­ mation science program, or the equivalent; professional experience providing reference services, including user education, in a research library; general knowledge of the nature of scholarly research and communication in the humanities and social sciences; familiarity with a wide range of printed and electronic information sources, including the Internet; demonstrated managerial and leadership abilities; excel­ lent oral and written communication skills; outstanding interpersonal and supervisory skills; creativity and an innovative approach to problemsolving, teamwork, and user services; demonstrated commit­ ment to professional involvement. Preferred: Familiarity with elec- September 1 9 9 5 / 613 tronic texts or data and interactive teaching tools in the humanities or social sciences; supervisory experience in a research library setting; experience building successful collaboration with university comput­ ing center professionals; graduate studies in a humanities or social sciences discipline; working knowledge of one foreign language. Salary and appointment: Appointment rank and salary will be based on relevant experience and educational background. Appointment will be made at the Librarian II or III level. Salary range: $38,000– $42,000, depending on qualifications and experience. The university offers an attractive package of benefits, including 25 days of paid vacation per year, TIAA/CREF retirement, and a flexible selection of insurance and other benefits. Application procedures: Applications received by September 15, 1995, will receive first consideration. Minorities and women are particularly encouraged to apply. Qualified individuals should submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Janice Simmons-Welburn, Coordinator of Personnel and Diversity Programs, University o f Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, IA 52242; phone: (319) 335- 5871. The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti­ tute seeks a Technical Services Librarian to serve as acquisitions representative on a team that includes the managers of acquisitions, cataloging, and serials. Participates in shared decision-making and the planning for a new system implementation involving migration from an in-house system, reorganizing workflow, and providing staff training. Oversees acquisitions of all library materials and monitors financial accounting and reporting. Maintains working knowledge of publishing trends and practices and builds strong relationships with vendors and publishers, especially in the technical and scientific fields. Will explore state-of-the-art technologies for streamlining tech­ nical services from the point of review through the ordering, receiving, claiming, cataloging, and processing of materials, in all formats. Participates in a dynamic library environment where cross-training and shared roles, based on unique skills and backgrounds, are maximized. The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Libraries seek someone with energy, vision, commitment, and creativity. Qualifica­ tions: Required: Master’s degree in library/information science from an ALA-accredited program and three years of professional experi­ ence in acquisitions; expertise in bibliographic utilities, especially OCLC, and ways of interfacing local library systems with them; knowledge of contemporary issues in cataloging, authority control, and serials management; experience in budget management and supervision of support staff. Desired: Academic library experience; experience implementing Innovative Interfaces Inc. modules for acquisitions, cataloging, serials control; experience, and a positive ttitude toward, participating in a broad range of services and activi­ ies, including instruction, reference, and/or collection development. inimum salary of $30,000. Applications will be reviewed until the osition is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of hree references to: Loretta Caren Ebert, Director of Libraries, Folsom ibrary, R e nsselaer P o ly te c h n ic In s titu te , Troy, NY 12180. ensselaer is an AA/ EEO employer. Applications of minorities and omen are particularly encouraged. SER INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Texas Tech University Library is eeking a User Instruction Librarian. As a member of the Department f Information Services, this position assists the Coordinator of User nstruction in providing library instruction for all library clientele. Duties lso include assistance at reference desks, including some evening nd weekend hours. Among other responsibilities, the User Instruc­ ion Librarian provides instruction and assistance in the use of lectronic resources, including online databases, multimedia pro­ rams, the Internet, and CD-ROMS, and helps to create multimedia nstructional presentations. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accred­ ted program, highly developed communication skills, excellent inter­ ersonal skills, and strong service orientation. Preferred qualifica­ ions include a second master’s degree and experience or training ith multimedia computer equipment, presentation software, and the nternet. Salary and benefits: Base salary for a 12-month appointment s $25,164 for Assistant Librarian and $27,788 for Associate Librarian. enefits package includes choice of retirement programs, including IAA/CREF; 13 state holidays; Blue Cross/Blue Shield; and no state r local income tax. General information: Texas Tech University, with n enrollment of 25,000, is the youngest of four major comprehensive tate universities in Texas. A wide range of academic programs is ffered in seven colleges and schools of law, medicine, allied health, nd nursing, including nearly 100 degree offerings at the master’s evel and 50 at the doctoral level. The University Library has over .3 million volumes and a budget of over $6 million. Lubbock has m etropolitan population of 224,000 and is the west Texas center or higher education, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. ocated on the Texas High Plains, Lubbock enjoys an average of 270 ays of sunshine annually, low summer humidity, and moderate inters. Application information: Position now available. Applications eceived by October 1 5 , 1995, will be given first consideration. Send etter of application that indicates expertise, current resume, and ames and addresses of three references to: Search Committee, ffice of Library Administration, Texas Tech U n iversity Libraries, ox 40002, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. Texas Tech University is an EO/AA/ADA employer. a t M p t L R w U s o I a a t e g i i p t w I i B T o a s o a l 1 a f L d w r l n O B E L a t e J o b L is t in g s J U D A IC A L IB R A R IA N . Florida A tlantic U niversity welcomes applications for a new position, Judaica L ibrarian, to m anage th e public service aspects of a rapidly expand­ ing special collection th a t em phasizes Yiddish lite ratu re , music, and Holocaust studies, as well as traditional English and Hebrew m aterials. Responsibilities include organizing and m anaging collections; assisting students, faculty, and visiting scholars in research; acting as subject bibliographer; conducting outreach and public programs; coordinating processing of m aterials w ith existing library routines; participating in gifts and g ra n t activities. Minimum requirem ents include: MLS from an ALA- accredited institution; two years of experience in an academic setting; knowledge of Hebrew and Yiddish; outgoing personality; excellent oral and w ritten communication skills in English. Preferred: F am iliarity w ith OCLC, RLIN, WWW, and a t least one European language. Salary firm a t $31,251. Benefits include generous TIAA/CREF or choice of other re tire m en t plans; Florida has no state income tax. Please reply w ith resume and cover le tte r by October 1, 1995, to: Zita Cael, Head, Special Collections, Wimberly Library, F lo r id a A tla n tic U n iv e rs ity , Boca Raton, FL 33431. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. SYSTEMS L IB R A R IA N . Systems L ibrarian for th e Consolidated Libraries of N orth P ark College and Theological Sem inary in Chicago. N orth P ark seeks a librarian to adm inister our Am eritech NOTIS-Horizon system and other lib rary autom ated services, and, in collaboration w ith colleagues, guide our fu rth e r development in providing technological solutions to stu d en t and faculty needs. As a m em ber of the 6 1 4 /C&RL News library professional staff, the position also involves regular participation in original cataloging on OCLC and scheduled rotations at reference. Full job description avail­ able upon request. Good benefits, including TIAA/CREF and tuition benefits for employee and family. 12 month position with four weeks vacation. Hiring range: $25,000– $33,000, depending upon qualifications. Qualifications: Accredited MLS and professional experience administering PC-based library automation systems. Flexibil­ ity; ability to work in cooperation with a variety of staff; excellent verbal and written communication skills. Desirable: Systems experience in an academic library; experi­ ence with client server systems such as Ameritech NOTIS-Horizon; OS/2, Sybase, and Windows expertise; and experience conducting training programs. Apply by Septem­ ber 2 0 , 1995 with a letter of application, full resume, and names, current addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: Eileen Karsten, Head of Technical Services, North Park College and Theological Seminary, 3225 W. Foster Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625. Position available September 15, 1995. North Park is a Christian college of over 1,600 students, with several m aster's and doctoral programs, located in a residential neighborhood on the far north side of Chicago. REFERENCE/PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN (2 POSITIONS). University of Pittsburgh. The university library system, University of Pittsburgh, is seeking candidates for two entry-level, full-time positions: 1) Reference/Public Services Librar­ ian, school of library and information science library, and 2) Reference/Public Services Librarian, graduate school of public and international affairs/economics library. The U LS is an AA/EOE aggressively committed to increasing diversity in our workplace, and strongly encourages applications from candidates who can contribute in this area. Both positions are to provide in-depth and ready reference service, library research instruction, and public services in heavily used departmental libraries and will report to the head of the respective libraries. Scheduled hours will be Mon-Thur 12:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m., Fri. 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (fall, spring, summer terms), with supervision of the respective library operations after 5:00 p.m. Scheduled hours during interim breaks will be regular business hours (8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.). Required: ALA-accredited MLS (or recognized equivalent). Demonstrable knowledge of library information services, emerging electronic information services, and their applications to libraries. Effective organizational, interpersonal, communication, and presentation skills. Experience in an academic library (or coursework in academic librarianship) desirable. Salary: $26,000. Comprehensive benefits package including 23 vacation days/year; BC/BC; TIAA/CREF; and tuition assistance. To apply, submit letter of application and resume with the names/addresses/phone numbers of three references to: William Gentz, Personnel Librarian, 271 Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Applications received by October 15, 1995 will receive primary consider­ ation. Please specify which position(s) is being applied for. Structure Bookmarks September 7995/ 585 Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.95 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.95 for others. Late job notices ar SCIENCE REFERENCE GENERAL SUMMLAIRBY. RThAis Ris Ia AfuNll-time continuing I appointment-track (Academic Professional) position requiring professional development and service in addition to excellent job performance.The postion reports to the Head of Science Reference at Noble Library. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Responsible for traditional and computerized reference service in the sciences and engineering, devel­opment and management of the reference collection in assigned areas, orientation and bibliographic ins 586/C&RL News TWO PROFESSIONAL POSITIONSGeorge Mason University LibrariesGeorge Mason University, a comprehensive research university in the Washington, D.C., area, is seeking two reference librarians to join a growing library system committed to playing an integral role in the academic initiatives of the university. Creativity, initiative, and willingness to reach beyond the boundaries of the traditional library are especially prized. Reference librarians provide general desk service, including evening and weekend rotat programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN (two positions). The University of Illinois at Chicago seeks candidates for the position of Assistant Catalog Librarian. Assistant Catalog Librarians perform original and member-copy cataloging and classification of materials in all formats on OCLC. Cataloging and related authority work are included in UlC’s NOTIS da NOTIS, DRA, or another integrated online library system; knowledge of the Cyrillic alphabet and of at least one eastern European language. Salary/rank/contract: Salary and rank dependent on qualifications and experience; faculty appointments in the UIC library begin at $31,000; 12-month appointment; 24 days vacation; 12 days annual and sick leave with additional disability benefits; 11 paid holidays; medical coverage (contribution based on annual salary; coverage for depen­dents may be purchased); dental pl September 1995/587 RTHE STUATE UNTIVERGSITY OFE NERW JERSSEYTWO POSITIONS RUTGERS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIENew Brunswick, NJInformation Technology/ Reference Librarian Archibald Stevens Alexander LibraryWill work to realize and promole a state-of-the-aScholarly Communication Center currently unddevelopment. Train others in proficient use of eletronic resources; develop, implement, document anmaintain electronic and technological resources the Center; participate in reference and other activties of the Alexander Library. APP #114.El tions include experience with DRA, Innovative Interfaces, VMS, DOS, UNIX, and communications software. Salary and benefits: Base salary for a 12-month appointment is $25,164 for Assistant Librarian and $27,788 for Associate Librarian. Benefit package includes choice of retirement programs, including TIAA/CREF; 13 state holidays; Blue Cross/Blue Shield; and no state or local income tax. General informa­tion: Texas Tech University, with an enrollment of 25,000, is the youngest of four major comprehensive stat 588/C&RL News SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY LIBRARYHEAD, MAPS and GOVERNMENT INFORMATION DEPARTMENTThis position manages this ARL Library's Maps and Government Information Department, which provides reference, instructional, and electronic reference services lor research-level U.S. depository and cartographic collections; organizes collections, planning and supervising departmental processing and cataloging operations; supervises six lull-time staff; reports to the Associate University for Public Services.The successful candidate the NOTIS systems. Participates in the Cataloging Department’s policy-making process. Assists in training staff as needed. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; strong knowledge of Spanish and reading knowledge of one other western European language, preferably Portuguese; knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, LCRI, and USMARC formats; excellent written and oral communication skills; effective interpersonal skills; ability to function as a contributing team member in a production-oriented envi tuition waiver for self and dependents. Send application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Melonie Hughes, Administrative Associate, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118. Tulane is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Review of applications will begin September 22, 1995, and will continue until satisfactory candidate is found.CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Oregon State University Libraries is seeking a librarian to catalog informat September 1995/589 COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN FINE ARTS LIBRARYResponsible for collection development including acquisitions and preservation for the Fine Arts Library’s Book Collections. The Fine Arts Library serves the research and information needs of the faculty and students of the Fine Arts Department, the staff of the Harvard University Art Museums and the Harvard University community. The Fine Arts Library is an administrative unit of the Harvard College Library and is part of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The 590/C&RL News ASSISTANT ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSUNY PotsdamSUNY Potsdam invites applications for a full-time tenure-track librarian at the assistant level. The libraries utilize a range of technological applications, including an integrated online system (opac, circulation, cataloging, authority control, serials control), LAN stations for CD ROM searching, public access to the Internet, and a home page on the college World-Wide-Web server.Initial responsibilities will include participation in a range of reference, bibliograph English and a variety of languages, using LC classification schedules and LCSH; participate in policy formulation and workflow design in a team environment. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited li­brary program or foreign equivalent required; demonstrated ability in use of current library technologies; strong communication and inter­personal skills; commitment to working in a team environment; knowledge of AACR2, LCRI, LC classification schedules, and LCSH. Preferred: Cataloging experience at the para Excellent communication skills. Preferred: Experience as a reference librarian in the humanities or social sciences; advanced degree in the humanities or social sciences, broad knowledge of reference, library instruction, collection development; demonstrated ability to provide leadership in a climate of change; commitment to the service mission of an academic library; evidence of professional and scholarly activity; evidence of a collegial management style. $46,000 minimum for a 12- month contract. Salary m September 1995/591 SEARCH REOPENED HEAD OF THE SLAVIC DIVISIONHarvard College Library seeks a creative and energetic librarian to lead its renowned Slavic Division. We seek an individual well grounded in Slavic Librarianship to play a leadership role in developing new pat­terns of service delivery and in making effective use of information technology to meet Division goals.Harvard’s Slavic collection is one of the largest and richest in the West. The Slavic Division, located in the Widener Library is responsible for maintaini 592/C&RL News ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATION SERVICES, FENWICK LIBRARIANGeorge Mason University LibrariesRapidly-growing library system in Washington, D.C., area seeks a creative librarian to coordinate information services at the four libraries of the system and supervise all public services at the main research library. The AD develops plans and budgets and coordinates staffing plans to effec­tively meet each library’s needs for liaison and other services. Manages all Information Services operations of Fenwick Libr policy communities; development of an internship and training pro­gram, drawing on archival and academic student populations of the region. Qualifications: Advanced degree in archival studies or related field, or equivalent professional archival experience; knowledge of use of electronic media and telecommunications technology for the organization, preservation, and delivery of information; experience with the administration of a professional or academic archival pro­gram; knowledge of professional archival September 1995/593 Assistant Head Information ServicesThe Research Libraries of The New York Public Library has an exceptional opportunity for an individual to work in our Science, Industry and Business Library. Reporting to the Head, Information Services, is responsible for the daily management of Information Services, including supervision of staff and services, staff training and devel­opment, and scheduling. Establishes customer service performance objectives and ensures that standards are met. Works with Electronic Resou Kean College of New JerseyNancy Thompson Library/Librarian I - Generalist 112-month position)Reports to Associate Director for Technical Services; also coordinates activities with Director of Library Services. Primary responsibilities involve application of advanced knowledge of and experience with computers to innovative usage in serials and instructional technology. AlA- accredited MLS degree plus second masters in another subject area or experience equivalent to second masters required. Knowledge of and in the same building, and for the integration and management of other university information resources. Long-range planning for the continu­ous improvement of information technology and services is crucial. Directly reporting to both the Provost and the Vice President of Finance and Operations, the Executive Director will be the primary advocate for information technology at the university. Other duties will include policy formulation, budgeting and financial control, and pro­gram development, all of which Overseeing the United States and Washington State depository programs; coordinating collection development for state, regional, federal, and international documents; serving as the WSU liaison to the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR); providing specialized reference service relating to the use of documents and the ICPSR datafiles; providing general reference service and teaching general reference sources, particularly in social science; working closely with the library’s 594 / C&RL News HOUGHTON LIBRARY RARE BOOK CATALOGER SEARCH CONTINUEDUnder the supervision of the Head of Technical Services for the Houghton Library performs original and complex adaptive cataloging of rare books and printed material from the 15th century to the present according to national standards, using AACR2, LC subject headings and the US MARC formats. The Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books will be used for appropriate early materials. The cataloger will participate in departmental planning of evolving workflow p September 1995/595 Two positions at the University of Missouri-ColumbiaInformation Services Librarian Health Sciences LibraryPrincipal duties for the Information Services Librarian include responsibility for providing general reference services, computerized searching, user education and reference collection development at the Health Sciences Library. Specific duties include staffing the Information Desk during the day and on evenings; performing online searches of OVID, NLM, Dialog, DataStar and STN search systems and Intern 596/C&RL News DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR THE HUMANITIESThe Research Libraries invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of the Center for the Humanities. The Center for the Humanities is one of the four research centers of The New York Public Library, Research Libraries. The Center comprises a staff of over 250 FTEs, a materials budget of S4 million, and eleven public service divisions with combined holdings of 15 million non-circulating items. The New York Public Library is a private, not-for-pro technical services experience related to cataloging and/or catalog management; substantial (at least two years preferred) original cataloging experience in an academic or research library; successful supervisory and management experience; ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; record of professional develop­ment and continuing education. Preferred qualifications: Experience with national cooperative cataloging programs; knowledge of Dewey decimal classification; experience supervisi to-day operations of Butler circulation and oversees Butler stacks maintenance, including the Periodicals and Microforms Reading Rooms; two off-site storage facilities; and the Library Information Office, which administers user privileges and access policies. Re­sponsibilities in the coming year will focus on improvements associ­ated with the renovation of Butler Library; increasing effective use of the NOTIS automated system for circulation, collection maintenance, and serials check-in; and staff training September 1995/597 HOUGHTON LIBRARY SENIOR RARE BOOK CATALOGERThe Houghton Library of Harvard University offers an exceptional opportunity for an individual to serve as Senior Rare Book Cataloger. He or she will enjoy the collaboration of colleagues working together in a rapidly changing and challenging academic environment.Reporting to the Head of Technical Services, performs online original and complex adaptive cata­loging of rare books, serials, and printed materials in other formats, from the 15th century to the present a 598/C&RL News ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTORMarist CollegeMarist College is now accepting applications for the new Assistant Library Director position. The assistant director is responsible forthe daily operations of the library. This position will supervise 14.5 FTE professional and support staff. Works closely with the Library Director on developing policies. The ideal candidate is a person who is able to work in an innovative academic environment with highly motivated staff to help manage change in a productive, collabora assistant professor), two FTE library assistants, two part-time gradu­ate assistants, and several undergraduate student workers. Reports to Dean of Libraries. Responsibilities: Administer Innovative Interface Inc. library automation system and various library LANS that include CD-ROM towers and other local servers. Coordinate the Faculty Technology Development Center. Maintain electronic classroom. Supervise multimedia and nonprint library resources. Develop and maintain WWW browser and library-related home profession by participating in the activities of ASIS, ALA, ASEE. Qualifications required: ALA-accredited master's degree in library or information science and a minimum of two to three years of relevant experience in assisting users with information resources, including electronic and Internet; effective oral and written communication skills; proactive attitude toward all users. Qualifications preferred: Bachelor’s degree in engineering, science or mathematics; knowl­edge of an online library system such a September 1995/599 HARVARD THEATRE COLLECTION HOUGHTON LIBRARYThe Houghton Library of Harvard University invites applications and nominations for the following positions in the Harvard Theatre Collection. Established in 1901, The Theatre Collection is America’s oldest performing arts research collection encompassing all aspects of the history of performance throughout the world, and with particular strengths in English and American Stage history and in the history of theatrical dance. The Collection is estimated to contain ov 600/C&RL News DEAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTONIndiana University invites nominations and applications for the position of Dean of University Libraries at Indiana University. The Indiana University Libraries represent one of the leading academic research libraries, providing strong collections, quality service and instructional programs, and leadership in the application of new information technologies. The university community includes approximately 96,000 students and 4,000 faculty on eight ca Services has a faculty of 29 and a staff of 76. Library collections total over one million volumes plus extensive holdings of microforms, government documents, and manuscripts. Academic Library Ser­vices is networked, providing access to CD-ROMs, the Internet, and the client/server-based integrated library system Horizon. Construc­tion is underway on a major addition and renovation that will double the size of the library. Screening of applications will begin October 1 ‚ 1995. Applicants should submit a com dates individuals with disabilities. Applicants must comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act.INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIAN. Northwestern University Li­brary. Responsibilities: The Northwestern University Library is seek­ing a dynamic and experienced leader to manage its interlibrary loan operations. The Interlibrary Loan Department consists of the depart­ment head, six nonexempt staff, and three FTE student assistants. Northwestern University Library is an ARL institution, and participates in resou September 1995/ 601 CATALOG LIBRARIAN (AUDIOVISUAL EMPHASIS)University Libraries, Ball State University Muncie, IndianaBall State is a comprehensive university with approximately 20,000 students and 1,200 faculty, serving east-central Indiana. It is located 50 miles northeast of Indianapolis in Muncie, a city of around 80,000. The library contains 1.4 million items in a modern building; it is serviced by 38 librarians and 83 FTE support staff.Catalog Librarian (audiovisual emphasis) reports to Head of Educational Resources Tec management. Administers the daily operations of the Interlibrary Loan Department, including all borrowing and lending activities. Estab­lishes goals, objectives, policies, priorities and performance stan­dards for interlibrary loan services and operations. Actively explores, evaluates, and implements new services and technologies, including user-initiated remote ILL requests and document delivery. Advises library administration on network participation and automation issues with potential impact on ILL oper international and state documents collections and for working on the department’s reference desk, including nights and weekends in rotation with other staff. The incumbent oversees responsibilities for the United Nations, European Union, OAS, GATT, Illinois, and other depository collections, including adherence to depository agree­ments; oversees the collection development of other international documents and selected state documents; works on the department’s service desk; conducts bibliographic instructio 602/C&RL News September 1995/ 603 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE CHEMISTRY LIBRARIAN AND BIOLOGY LIBRARIANUniversity of MichiganDUTIES: Responsible for development and delivery of chemical or biological information services to on-site and off-site campus users, including knowledge navigation, provision of online services, and instruction and training. Both the Biology Librarian and the Chemistry Librarian will be responsible for either overseeing on­site services of the Science Library, or leading the Science Library’s technology program.QUALIFICA Responsibilities: Manages the Computer Access Center; selects and orders appropriate computer software and hardware based on students’ needs; trains staff and students in the use of software and hardware; utilizing knowledge of system and software to correct computer problems; manages Learning Resources Center staff; maintains the audiovisual collection; renders services to patrons in selecting and obtaining audiovisual materials; evalu­ates, selects, and orders audiovisual materials; participates in refere LIBRARIAN III. University of Connecticut School of Law Library. Anticipated opening: Electronic Services Librarian. Under general direction of the Associate Law Librarian for Public Services, coordi­nates and provides leadership in program development in automation and media technology. Responsibilities include: Long-range plan­ning, development, and day-to-day operation of the Law Library’s computer and multimedia teaching labs; recommendation and up­grade of software and hardware for the library’s systems 604/C&RL News ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, TECHNICAL SERVICESThe University of Texas at El PasoThe University of Texas at El Paso seeks a creative, experienced leader in technical services. The Associate University Librarian coordinates, facilitates, and supervises the activities of 20.5 FTE regular staff (including three professionals) and 13+ FTE students in all aspects of acquisitions, cataloging, physical processing, serials control, binding, and database maintenance; directs the development, implementation, and i of educational methodologies, techniques, and technologies; and coordinate all user instruction within the University Libraries. In addition to systemwide instructional responsibilities, the coordinator will provide quality reference assistance as a member of the Hesburgh Library Reference Department. The department serves programs in the arts, humanities, social sciences and business. Requirements include: ALA-accredited degree; minimum of four years relevant professional experience; excellent oral and wri PALS automation system via a network. The Director supervises five professional staff, six support staff, and 30 student assistants. Quali­fications: MLS from ALA-accredited school; additional graduate de­gree preferred. Minimum of five years of administrative experience in an academic library, including budget planning, program development, and personnel management. Employment date: January 2,1996. Applica­tion deadline: October 13,1995, or until filled. Send letter of application, vita, and names, address September 1995/ 605 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEMarriott Library, University of UtahTwo fast-paced, highly visible, service-oriented positions available.INSTRUCTION DIVISION HEAD (PUBLIC SERVICES)Responsibilities: Reporting to the Assistant Director of Public Services, this newly created position will plan, coordinate, implement, and evaluate user and staff instruction and training programs. Will supervise division staff, guide the instruction activities of other library staff, design class and instruction materials, develop comput 606/ C&RL News TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEPurdue University LibrariesPurdue University, located in West Lafayette, Indiana, is the land grant university for the state of Indiana. The libraries system, which consists of the undergraduate library and 14 school/departmental libraries, has holdings of over two million volumes. Staff totals more than 200, including 64 faculty and professionals. Applications are invited for the following positions:LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIANRequirements: MLS (ALA-accredited). Advanced degree or relevan September 1995/607 TWO POSITIONSThe American University in CairoThe American University in Cairo is inviting applications for the following two library positions:ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR RARE BOOKS, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, AND ARCHIVESAs part of the library’s senior administration, the appointee will be responsible for overall management of the operations of the Rare Books and Special Collections Library, which houses rare books on the material culture of Egypt and the Middle East, special collections including extensive non-book supervisory experience. Familiarity with nonprint preservation/con­servation techniques. Awareness of emerging technologies in instruc- tional-support design, and the use of multimedia in a campus research and teaching setting. Salary: Negotiable from $23,000. Deadline for application: October 13, 1995 or until filled. Starting date: January 1, 1996. Application process: Application should include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. No proposals related to preservation, and is expected to represent the University of Iowa Libraries in appropriate regional and national forums. The position reports to the Director for Collections and Information Resources. Qualifications: Required: A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library and information science program, or the equivalent; general knowledge of preservation operations in a research library environment; demonstrated managerial and leader­ship abilities; excellent oral and written commu 608/C&RL News ment—the university and Iowa City: A major research and teaching institution, the University of Iowa offers recognized programs in a wide variety of areas. The university consists of a faculty of some 1,600 serving over 28,000 students, 9,000 of whom are registered in graduate degree programs. Application procedures: Applications received by September 30, 1995, will receive first consideration. Minorities and women are particularly encouraged to apply. Qualified individuals should submit a letter of applica The Graduate School and University Center, The City University of New York, 33 W. 42 St., New York, NY 10036. AA/EOE/ADA.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER. University of Minne­sota Libraries, St. Paul Campus Central Library. The reference unit provides reference services to users of the St. Paul Campus Central Library of the University of Minnesota, which houses collections and resources in agriculture, biological sciences, human ecology and other disciplines. This unit is currently developing a team-based September 1995/ 609 REFERENCE/SUBJECT LIBRARIANJohn M. Olin Library Washington University in St. LouisParticipate as an active member of reference and subject librarian teams. Help to design services and develop collections to meet users’ changing information needs in an increasingly electronic environment. Select traditional and electronic library materials in designated subject areas in the humanities and social sciences, serve as liaison with faculty and students in these areas. See the challenge of ongoing change as a posi and library automation, strongly preferred. Ability to cooperate with faculty and students, and communication skills required. Minimum salary of $28,000. Salary dependent on experience and qualifica­tions. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Willis Bridegam, Librarian of the College, Box 2256, Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002-5000. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Amherst College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and enco experience; knowledge of use of electronic media and telecommuni­cations technology for the organization, preservation and delivery of information; knowledge of professional archival programs, including the organization and description of archival materials; working knowl­edge of a minimum of one language of the region, preferably Russian or Polish; experience supervising support staff is highly desirable, but not required; academic or experiential background in the contempo­rary history of Eastern/Central 610/C&RL News Associate Directorfor Technical Resource Systems and ServicesAssociate Director for Technical Resource Systems and Services: The University of Missouri-Columbia is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Associate Director for Technical Resource Systems and Services. Principal responsibilities include the provision of leadership in unifying into one division technical services, which currently is structured traditionally, and library systems functions which do not exist on a campus level. The areas September 1995/ 611 Network). LUMIN is a WLN-based system which provides an online catalog and a circulation system. It will be replaced with III in 1996.Requirements: MLS from an ALA accredited program; at least 10 years of experience in an academic library, with five or more of those with progressively responsible administrative responsibilities, including management of at least one technical services unit; broad and demonstrable knowledge of library systems/services and issues related to the organization of technical librar 612/C&RL News South Dakota State UniversityDean of LibrariesResponsibilities: The Dean of Libraries is responsible for providing leadership and direction to the Library in all its endeavors, on and off campus.Qualifications:Required qualifications include: an earned Master's Degree in Library Science plus an earned Doctorate in Library Science or a related field, or an earned Master's Degree in Library Science plus a second earned Master's Degree in another subject field (preference will be given to per­sons holding the IRIS provides services and user education for bibliographic and reference resources, print and nonprint primary source collections, multimedia development, computer-assisted methods for research and teaching, and local and networked access to information. IRIS is distinguished by its team-based approach to providing high-quality services and by its emphasis on individual initiative and responsibility. The Team Leader for REsearch Services will participate in a wide range of reference and instructional activ Team Leader for Research Services directly supervises seven profes­sional librarians and will also help to organize project and functional teams made up of staff from throughout IRIS. Qualifications: Re­quired: A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library and infor­mation science program, or the equivalent; professional experience providing reference services, including user education, in a research library; general knowledge of the nature of scholarly research and communication in the humanities and so September 1995/ 613 tronic texts or data and interactive teaching tools in the humanities or social sciences; supervisory experience in a research library setting; experience building successful collaboration with university comput­ing center professionals; graduate studies in a humanities or social sciences discipline; working knowledge of one foreign language. Salary and appointment: Appointment rank and salary will be based on relevant experience and educational background. Appointment will be made at the Librarian II or II Minorities and women are particularly encouraged to apply. Qualified individuals should submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Janice Simmons-Welburn, Coordinator of Personnel and Diversity Programs, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, IA 52242; phone: (319) 335- 5871. The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Rensselaer P cquisitions, cataloging, serials control; experience, and a positive ttitude toward, participating in a broad range of services and activi­ies, including instruction, reference, and/or collection development. inimum salary of $30,000. Applications will be reviewed until the osition is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of hree references to: Loretta Caren Ebert, Director of Libraries, Folsom ibrary, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180. ensselaer is an AA/ EEO employer. Ap Late Job ListingsJUDAICA LIBRARIAN. Florida Atlantic University welcomes applications for a new position, Judaica Librarian, to manage the public service aspects of a rapidly expand­ing special collection that emphasizes Yiddish literature, music, and Holocaust studies, as well as traditional English and Hebrew materials. Responsibilities include organizing and managing collections; assisting students, faculty, and visiting scholars in research; acting as subject bibliographer; conducting outreach and publi 614/C&RL News library professional staff, the position also involves regular participation in original cataloging on OCLC and scheduled rotations at reference. Full job description avail­able upon request. Good benefits, including TIAA/CREF and tuition benefits for employee and family. 12 month position with four weeks vacation. Hiring range: $25,000–$33,000, depending upon qualifications. Qualifications: Accredited MLS and professional experience administering PC-based library automation systems. Flexibil­ity; ability t