ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1 9 9 3 /1 4 5 Internet and to recommend to the ACRL Board of Directors an operational and financial plan for the use of electronic communications to enhance and replace printed publications as appropriate. The task force (which has not b een appointed as of this writing) will turn in a preliminary report at the 1994 Midwinter Meeting and a final report at the 1994 Annual Conference. Approved several recom m en dation s from the Budget and Finance Committee. Among the recommendations approved were: 1) make $12,367 available from the ACRL fund balance to finance specific ACRL projects in FY 1993; 2) request approval from the ALA Executive Board to transfer $10,000 from the ACRL fund balance into the ACRL endowment; 3) provide funding in the FY 1994 budget for two eight-page section newsletters for those sections currently producing newsletters; 4) allocate $100,000 during FY 1993 and FY 1994 for planning the Seventh ACRL Na­ tional Conference in 1995 in Pittsburgh. (Ed. note: The 1994 budget will undergo a n ­ other review; fin a l approval will be m ade a t the Tuesday afternoon meeting o f the ACRL Board o f Directors at the 1993 ALA A n n u a l Confer­ ence in New Orleans.) The Board also approved two fiscal policies recom m ended by Budget and Finance. One deals with nonfundable activities and the other with administrative fees for awards. These poli­ cies are presented in an accompanying sidebar and will be incorporated into the next edition of the ACRL Guide to Policy a n d Procedures. A pp roved th e M em bersh ip C om m ittee’s requ est to co n d u ct a su rvey in FY 1994. The Board approved the recommendation from Membership Committee Chair Andrea Hoffman to conduct a membership survey in FY 1994 and charged the Executive Committee with considering how it could be implemented in a cost-effective manner. ■ University Libraries Section—Midwinter report As usual, Midwinter in Denver was a busy working session for the University Libraries Section of ACRL. The Communications Committee submit­ ted a detailed job description of the liaison to C&RL News to the Organization and Bylaws Committee. This description was approved as read by that committee and the Executive Committee. The Policy and Planning Committee pre­ sented an updated analysis of the ULS Con­ ference Programs. The programs seemed to have shifted in emphasis from management and personnel issues to a broader outlook including library service, an appreciation for international issues, and deeper examination of the environment of higher education. Speakers have also been more represen­ tative of the section as a whole. More innova­ tion in the formats for the programs is still seen as an area for improvement. The Current Topics Discussion Group pre­ sented “Applying TQM in Academic Librar­ ies: Lessons Learned Along the Way,” with featured speakers Mary Reichel of Appalachian State University, Rao Aluri of Parkway Pub­ lishers, Karyle Butcher of Oregon State Uni­ versity, and Jane Conrow of Arizona State Uni­ versity. The discussion group considered the successes and problems of applying Total Quality Management (TQM) in a nonprofit setting, and all speakers emphasized the ne­ cessity of commitment from top management in the college o r university setting if the projects are to succeed. Several of the speak­ ers presented analysis of the results of the experiment in TQM on their campuses. Some of the lessons learned included understand­ ing the total TQM process, decision-making c o m m itm e n t, c o m m itm e n t to tr a in in g throughout the process, understanding that the process takes time, being prepared to d e a l. with conflict, making the little changes that can be made easily first, and overcoming fear of change and fear of the negative. Plans for the future were an important part of the work at Midwinter. Look for confer­ ence programs at ALA Annual from several of the discussion groups and a great slate of nominations for section officers. More later from your C&RL News liaison—Mary Munroe, Georgia State University