ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C& RL N ew s ■ Ju n e 2000 / 521 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg RLG d ig ita l a ctivitie s T h e Research Libraries G ro u p (R L G ) has launched tw o digital projects. The first, the Cultural Materials Initiative (CM I), will d evelop a multifaceted, searchable digital resource to provide access to digital collections created by RLG m em ber libraries. The initiative’s goals include d evelopm ent o f the necessary techni cal infrastructure, encouragem ent o f best prac tices for digital collection management, and agreement on right’s m anagement protocols. The second program, the Cultural Materials Alliance, is a coalition o f RLG members w h o have agreed to participate exclusively with RLG in creating the CMI digital resource. For m ore inform ation, consult the RLG W eb site at R u tgers Preservatio n M an agem ent In stitu te T he Rutgers University School o f Communi cation, Information, and Library Studies will offer the Preservation M anagem ent Institute again. Part o f its Professional D evelopm en t Studies (P D S) program, the institute will con sist o f three o n e-w eek sessions held on N o vem ber 13-17, 2000, April 23-27, 2001, and August 13-17, 2001. The curriculum covers the nature o f col lection materials, environm ental conditions, storage and handling, conservation, reformat ting, preservation technologies, plus adminis tration and planning. Each participant w ill d evelo p com plete preservation management and disaster response plans. Evelyn Frangakis, preservation officer at the National Agricultural Library, is the institute director. Other faculty include, M eg Bellinger, Janet Gertz, William Lull, Debra Hess Norris, Thomas Parker, Virgilia Rawnsley, W illiam Saffady, Millie Suter, and Christine Ward. T he registration fee o f $3,995 covers in structional materials, breakfasts, lunches, c of fee breaks, and field trips; travel and lodging expenses are not included. Registration is lim­ Jane Hedberg prepares this column for the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to Jane Hedberg, Harvard University; (617) 495-8596; fax: (617)496-8344 ited to 25 participants. Contact Karen Novick, director o f PDS, Rutgers University SCILS, 4 Huntington St., N e w Brunswick, NJ 08901-1071; phone: (732) 932-7169; fax: (732) 932-9314; e mail:; URL: w w w .scils. mtgers .edu/pds/pmi. html. CLIR report T h e Council on Library and Information Re sources (CLIR) has published “Enduring Para digm, N e w Opportunities: The Value o f the Archival Perspective in the Digital Environ m ent” by Anne J. Gilliland-Swetland. In this report, Gilliland-Swetland proposes that archi vists’ experience with docum enting inform a tion creation, protecting the context and integ rity o f in form ation , crea tin g orga n ization schemes and retrieval systems, and preserv ing c om plex collections can assist in d e v e lo p ing strategies to preserve digital information. Copies are available for $15 prepaid from CLIR Publication Orders 1755 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036­ 2124; phone: (202) 939-4750; fax: (202) 939­ 4765; e-mail:; URL: w w w SO LINET w o rksh op s The Southeastern Library N etw ork (SOLINET, Inc.) w ill offer at least five preservation w o rk shops. “Library Binding for Preservation” will b e o ffered on June 23 at James Madison Uni versity in Harrisonburg, Virginia. “Beating the Critter Jitters” will be o ffered on August 17 and “T o Fume o r N ot to Fume” will be offered on August 18 at the University o f Kentucky Li brary in Lexington, Kentucky. “Hurricane Pre paredness” will b e o ffered on August 24 at the University o f Southern Mississippi-Gulf Coast in Long Beach, Mississippi. “Preservation Man agem ent o f Audiovisual Collections” w ill be offered on Septem ber 25 at the Historic N e w Orleans Collection in N e w Orleans, Louisiana. For cast and specific information ab out each w o r k s h o p , c o n ta c t C h ris tin e W is e m a n , SOLINET, 1438 West Peachtree Street, NW, Suite 200, Atlanta, G A 30309-29^5; phone: (800) 999­ 8558 or (404) 892-0943: fax: (404) 892-7879; e-mail: christine_wisem an@; URL: w w w .solin et.n et. ■ http://www.scils