ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 50 / C &R L News Contributed Papers Seventy-seven contributed papers were selected follow ing a blind review ing process. The papers have been paired by subject matter and w ill be pre­ sented during one-hour tim e slots throughout the conference. The papers w ill be published in the conference proceedings, available in June 1989. Brief descriptions of the papers are listed here for your convenience and information. READERS SERVICES Papers 1, Wednesday, April 5, 2:45 p .m .-3:45 p .m ., Room 251 “Outcomes of Print and Online Ready Reference Searches: Summary of an Experimental Study,” w ill report the results of a study of social science ready reference questions. W. Michael Havener, University o f Oklahoma. “Thinking Like a Searcher: Cognitive Strategy and the Search Process,” w ill examine w hat search­ ers know and how they use this knowledge to gen­ erate search strategies. Donna D. Rubens, Univer­ sity o f Minnesota, and Mary M. Huston, Brainerd C om m unity College. Papers 2, W ednesday, April 5, 3:55 p .m .-4:55 p .m ., Room 251 “Design and Testing of Microcomputer Inter­ fa c e S oftw are for E n d -U ser S e a r ch in g ,” w ill present the results of a statistical study and features analysis based on the administration of question­ naires, transaction log analysis, and focused group interviews. W illiam H. Mischo, University o f Illi­ nois a t Urbana-Champaign. “BRS After Dark at the University of Arizona Li­ brary,” w ill describe the history of the fully subsi­ dized QuickSearch service, current policies and procedures and the results of three years of experi­ ence in providing end-user online searching on a cam pus-wide basis. Jeanne L. Pfänder, University o f Arizona. Papers 3, Thursday, April 6, 8:30 a .m .-9 :3 0 a .m ., Room 251 “Expert Systems as Interactive User Aids,” w ill examine the development of microcomputer-based expert systems to better serve the needs of those re­ quiring the types of information contained in refer­ ence sources. Ralph Alberico, James Madison Uni­ versity. “Expert Systems: N ew Challenges and Opportu­ nities,” w ill discuss how expert systems w ill allow the librarian to engage in more creative activities and provide an improvement in services for users. D onald E. Riggs, Arizona State University. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Papers 4, Thursday, April 6, 8:30 a .m .-9 :3 0 a .m ., Room 252 “W here D oes the Money Go? Measuring Cost- Effectiveness Using a Microcomputer to Analyze Journal Use D a ta ,” w ill present the results of a six- m onth journal use survey. Tina Chrzastowski, University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Circulation Patterns of Recent Imprints: Im pli­ cations for the Materials Budget,” w ill report the results of a study that compared the circulation patterns of recent imprints received on approval, and concluded that there were very few differences in circulation among the eighteen categories exam­ ined. Jane Treadwell, Texas A b M University. Papers 5, Thursday, April 6, 10:15 a .m .—11:15 a .m ., Room 252 “Adapting an AS/RS to th e Library Environ­ m en t,” w ill identify factors to consider in installing an a u to m a te d sto r a g e an d r etr ie v a l system (AS/RS). Douglas A . Davis, Norm aS. Creagheand N orm an E. Tanis, California State University, Northridge. “W eeding the Collection: Are Libraries Failing Their Charge?” w ill propose that academ ic li­ braries are discarding valuable reference materi­ als, including those w ithin the field of librarian- ship. James R. M ouw , University o f Illinois at Chicago. Papers 6, Thursday, April 6, 11:25 a .m .-1 2 :2 5 p .m ., Room 252 “CASSI and Collection Assessment: N ew Uses for an Old T ool,” w ill discuss a project using the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index to assess the depth of a serials collection in comparison with un iversity libraries w ith strong chem istry and chem ical engineering programs. Christine Johns­ ton, University o f Texas at Austin. “Liberal Arts College Library Acquisitions: Are Past Practices Appropriate for the Future?” w ill m aintain that because of budgets and collection size, acquisitions practices in smaller liberal arts college libraries should be directed toward items w h ich are used rather than items for future re­ search needs. D avid H. E ym an, Skidmore College. Papers 7, Thursday, April 6, 4:10 p .m .-5 :1 0 p .m ., Room 252 “Evaluating Journals: Can Facuity D o the Job?” w ill examine the relationship betw een faculty eval­ uations of life science journals and charged circula­ tion of the journals. The evidence presented indi- 52 / C&RL News cates that the relationship is not a strong one and th a t faculty evaluations are not reliable predictors of circulation of moderate- and low- use journals. Nancy I. Elder, University o f Texas at Austin. “Whose Money is this Anyway? Budget Alloca­ tion and Selection Responsibility in College Li­ braries,” will m aintain that the materials budget should be divided by non-departm ental categories based on collection growth and service objectives. Sallie H. Barringer, Trinity University. Papers 8, Friday, April 7, 8:30 a .m .-9:30 a .m ., Room 252 “Thunderbolt on Campus: Racist Materials in the Academic L ibrary,” will present reasons why libraries should collect materials representing both sides of controversial issues. Carroll H. Varner, Northern Illinois University. “Politically Controversial Monographs: Roles of Publishers, Distributors, Booksellers, Choice Mag­ azine, and Librarians in Acquiring them for Amer­ ican Libraries,” will explore the hypothesis that book selection and acquisitions policies and m eth­ ods fail to acquire many politically controversial monographs. Charles Willett, American Civil L ib ­ erties Union o f Florida. Papers 9, Friday, April 7, 10:15 a .m .-11:15 a .m ., Room 252 “L atin American Acquisitions: a Continuing C hallenge,” will discuss how the political, eco­ nomic and cultural characteristics of Latin Ameri- This statue o f Abraham Lincoln is one o f only tw o in the U.S. which depicts him w ithout a beard. can countries influence their publishing industries. loan M. Repp, Bowling Green State University. “African Im prints in L ibrary Collections: Pat­ terns of Distribution and Reviews,” will describe the range of African imprints easily available for acquisition in the United States and reports find­ ings from a study of patterns of holdings in OCLC for African imprints. David L. Easterbrook, Uni­ versity o f Illinois at Chicago. Papers 10, Saturday, April 8, 8:30 a .m .-9:30 a .m ., Room 252 “Common Problems, Common Solutions: The Preservation Challenge for Librarians and Archi­ vists,” will m aintain th at librarians and archivists need to recognize the similarity of their positions and seek common solutions. A nne R. Kenney, Cor­ nell University. “Networking for Disaster Preparedness and Re­ covery,” will propose th at major academic and public libraries form networks w ith other libraries in th eir regions to provide m utual disaster aid. Sheryl J. Davis, University o f California, River­ side. Papers 11, Saturday, April 8, 9:45 a .m .-10:45 a.m ., Room 252 “C ustodianship to Conservation: Building on the Preservation Foundations of Our Forebears,” will document American academic libraries’ turn- of-the-century preservation concepts and concerns and demonstrate their influence on present day preservation plans and activities. Barbra Buckner H igginbotham, Brooklyn College o f the City Uni­ versity o f N ew York. “Selection for Preservation: Applications for College Libraries,” will report the results of a re­ search study th at showed a clear correlation of age and language to use level and physical condition. Charlotte B. Brown, Franklin and Marshall Col­ lege and Janet Gertz, Pennsylvania State Univer­ sity. Papers 12, Saturday, April 8, 9:45 a .m .-10:45 a .m ., Room 251 “ Preserving O ur E d ucational H eritage: The Need to Establish Regional Historical Curriculum Collections,” will explain why textbook collections need to be preserved and reports on the creation of a regional research center. Nancy O'Brien, Univer­ sity o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Overlap and Description of Psychology Collec­ tions in Research Libraries,” will explore the rela­ tionships among the characteristics of psychology monograph collections in research libraries and the title o v erlap b e tw e e n th e co llectio n s. Stella Bentley, Case Western Reserve University. January 1989 / 53 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Papers 13, Thursday, April 6, 4:10 p .m .-5:10 p .m ., Room 301 “Academic Computing Centers and Libraries: A Path to Convergence,” will show th at cooperation between libraries and academic computing centers can help each to better meet the service goals of their clients. Michael D. Kathman, St. John’s Uni­ versity. “Academic Libraries and Campus Computing Organizations: Relationships After the First Cen­ tury,” will provide a review of factors and trends that have led academic libraries and campus com­ puting organizations to a closer working relation­ ship and even interdependency. David B. Walch, California Polytechnic State University. Papers 14, Wednesday, April 5, 2:45 p .m .-4:55 p .m ., Room 300 “Identifying Administrative Potential: A Sur­ vey,” will report survey results of ARL and other research libraries on internal and external library administrator training methods. Margaret E. Gal­ loway, Maurice Fortin and Robert Follet, Univer­ sity of North Texas. “M anagem ent Competencies of Middle M an­ agers in Large Academic Research Libraries,” will report the results of a Council on Library Resources funded study of m anagement competencies of mid­ dle managers. Martha J. Bailey, Purdue University and Marcy M urphy, Indiana University. “The Effect of Financial Compensation Policy on the Attitudes of D epartm ent Head Librarians at the University of California,” will report results of a questionnaire completed by librarians who are department heads at the nine campuses of the Uni­ versity of California. Survey revealed that 68.9% of the respondents were in favor of additional fi­ nancial stipends for departm ent heads. Gregor A. Preston, University o f California, Davis. Papers 15, Thursday, April 6, 8:30 a.m .-9:30 a.m ., Room 250 “The Evaluation Question: Academic Libraries Answer,” will investigate the extent to which the effectiveness of service activities is being evaluated; attitudes of academic library administrators; per­ ceived im portance of evaluation criteria; and ac­ tual participation in evaluation. Sally A nn Strick­ ler, Western K entucky University. “Patron Input into Public Service Librarians’ Performance Appraisal,” will describe a user sur­ vey th at combined performance appraisal and user evaluation of services. Patricia McCandless, Uni­ versity o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Papers 16, Wednesday, April 5, 2:45 p .m .-3:45 p .m ., Room 243 “Interactive Planning in an Ever-Changing E n­ vironm ent,” will present an overview of the theory of interactive planning; will describe the imple­ m entation of the process as p art of the manage­ m ent decision-making system; will critique the method; and will describe the problems and suc­ cesses in using interactive planning. Joan Giesecke and Kent Hendrickson, University o f Nebraska- Lincoln. “Policy First: Preparation for A utomation,” will discuss why policy is critical and will provide ex­ amples to show how articulating fundam ental au­ tom ation policies can help the library gain control. Aline Soules, University o f Michigan. Papers 17, Wednesday, April 5, 3:55 p .m .-4:55 p.m ., Room 243 “Academic Libraries: A M atter of Support,” will analyze institutional support for academic libraries using two basic criteria: index values for library ex­ penditures from 1976 through 1985 compared to other indexes for consumer, books and periodical prices; and calculating support as expressed as a percentage of the school’s educational and general (E&G) expenditures. John M. Budd, Graduate L i­ brary School, University o f Arizona. “Cost Analysis of Library Services at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,” will report on a study to determine costs for basic ser­ vices and to identify which were appropriate to of­ fer in a fee-based service. Lynn Scott Cochrane and Carolyn Warmann, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Papers 18, Friday, April 7, 2:50 p .m .-3:50 p .m ., Room 302 “Holistic Librarianship: As it Works,” will re­ port on the reorganization of the University of Illi­ nois at U rbana-Cham paign L ibrary and will ex­ amine holistic librarianship from the perspectives of original cataloging, public service and staffing. Barton M. Clark and Karen Havill Bingham, Uni­ versity o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “W ho’s in Charge Here, Anyway?” will question why so many of us are disgruntled and will answer th at in the absence of an Ann Landers for librari­ ans, the answer lies within ourselves. Constance Corey, Arizona State University. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Papers 19, Friday, April 7, 2:50 p .m .-3:50 p .m ., Room 243 “Special Collections and Scholarly Research: A Century of C hange,” will explore the uses of special collections by scholars and the pressures brought upon the academic research library. Gretchen La- gana, Jane A ddam s Hull-House. 54 / C &R L News “The Cairns Collection: Women's W riting in Perspective,” will describe how the Cairns Collec­ tion provides a context for evaluating popular taste and the economics of publishing affecting women w riters. Yvonne Schofer, University o f Wisconsin- Madison. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION Papers 20, Thursday, April 6, 8:30 a .m .-9:30 a .m ., Room 253 “Bridges to the Future: A Changing Focus for Bibliographic Instruction and Information Liter­ acy,” will discuss the prim ary concerns about the future of bibliographic instruction as identified by leaders in the field. Lois M. Pausch, University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Mary Pagliero Popp, Indiana University. “Imperatives for th e Second Century: Inform a­ tion Literacy and th e Q uality of U ndergraduate E ducation in A merica,” will present a rationale for inform ation literacy instruction, will briefly re­ view key articles, and describe Mann Library’s ef­ forts and plans. Bill Coons and Jan Kennedy Olsen, Cornell University. Papers 21, Thursday, April 6, 11:25 a .m .-12:25 p .m ., Room 253 “ T h e C ollegial C onnection: W orking W ith Teaching Faculty to Create a New Course,” will present the experiences at Washington State Uni­ versity as a model for academic librarians’ involve­ m ent in curriculum reform. Paula Elliot and Alice Spitzer, Washington State University. “Making Real Changes: Course Integrated In­ struction and Its Im pact, a Case Study,” will de­ scribe an approach to bibliographic instruction at Cornell where the faculty member and librarian work together on the development of library as­ signments. Joan Ormondroyd, Cornell University. Papers 22, Saturday, April 8, 9:45 a .m .-10:45 a .m ., Room 253 “Applying Cognitive Methods to Bibliographic Instruction,” w ill recommend th at behaviorally oriented workbooks th a t teach skills be used in con­ junction w ith cognitive techniques th a t teach con­ cepts. Elizabeth Sm ith, University o f South Flor­ ida, Tampa. “Learning Style: Its Place in Library Instruc­ tio n ,” will define learning style in an information environment, will identify characteristics, and will present specific instructional techniques for incor­ porating learning style theory into library instruc­ tion classroom situations. Andrea W ym an, State University o f N ew York at Oswego. January 1989 / 55 Papers 23, Thursday, April 6, 4:10 p .m .-5:10 p .m ., Room 253 “Students Mentoring Students in Library Infor­ mation Services for Undergraduates,” w ill demon­ strate that student mentors perform well in con­ ducting library tours and in providing end-user search assistance but are less effective in term paper counseling. Terrence Nollen, Linda Parker, Eva Sartori, University o f Nebraska-Lincoln. “Evaluation o f Bibliographic Instruction: Direc­ tions for the Next Century,” w ill examine the diffi­ culties inherent in constructing effective evalua­ tion tools and w ill propose a m ultiple methods model to measure changes in students’ abilities to construct and use appropriate research strategies. Nancy O ’Hanlon, Ohio State University. Papers 24, W ednesday, April 5, 2:45 p .m .-3:45 p .m ., Room 302 “E nh ancing User Access: R eflections and a Model,” w ill propose a model for enhancing access to materials in the automated catalog by making the local user the focus of cataloging efforts. C liff Glaviano, Bowling Green State University. “Learning to Teach: Using Electronic Innova­ tions in Library Instruction,” w ill show how li­ brarians can take advantage of OPACs, online searching and C D -R O M s in te a ch in g research processes. Mary L . G riffin, Southeast Missouri State University. ACADEMIC/RESEARCH LIBRARIANSHIP Papers 25, W ednesday, April 5, 2:45 p .m .-3 :4 5 p .m ., Room 301 “Faculty Status or Academic Status: Must W e Choose?” w ill report on a study o f faculty status and w ill make recommendations for improvement o f tenure and prom otion docum ents. Malcolm Germann, Michael Kelly, and Rebecca Schreiner- Robles, Wichita State University. “Faculty Status: Lessons From the Past,” w ill ar­ gue that academic librarians are in danger of for­ getting the key factors that stimulated the faculty status movement. Gemma Devinney, State Uni­ versity o f New York at Buffalo and Mary L . Rei­ chel, University o f Arizona. Papers 26, W ednesday, April 5, 3:55 p .m .-4:55 p .m ., Room 301 “Friends and Foes: Academic Libraries Face the F u tu r e ,” w ill argue th at librarians need to be aware of both traditional values and modern tech­ nology and use the best o f both for their academic libraries. A nne F. Roberts, State University o f New York, Albany. 56 / C&RL News “New Publics for the Academic Library: Tech­ nology and C hange,” will explore changing user paradigms brought about by the implementation of new retrieval and communication technologies. D ennis Brunning, Helen Josephine and Harvey Sager, Arizona State University Libraries. Papers 27, Wednesday, April 5, 3:55 p .m .-4:55 p .m ., Room 302 “Research Librarianship: Services and Support for Faculty Research in the 1980s,” will look at pro­ grams of specialized reference service to faculty. E. Paige Weston and Beverly P. L ynch, University of Illinois at Chicago. “In the Same Boat Together: C reating an Envi­ ro n m e n t for R esearch and P u b lic a tio n ,” w ill present results from a survey on research activities, the types of support received, the obstacles to doing research and the advantages or disadvantages of creative activity. John A. Camp, David G. A nder­ son and Anne Page Mosby, Georgia State Univer­ sity. Papers 28, Thursday, April 6, 11:25 a .m .-12:25 p .m ., Room 301 “Academic L ibrarian Recruitment: Evaluating Past Practices to Help Shape Future Procedures,” will examine the aspects of academic librarian re­ cruitm ent including: position descriptions, letters of reference, resumes, letters of application and in­ terviews. Fred Batt, University o f Oklahoma. “The Role of Practicing Librarians in Library E d u c a tio n ,” w ill answ er th e question, “ W ho should be actively engaged in designing the library school curriculum of the future?” Gillian M. Mc­ Combs, State University o f New York, Albany. PERSONNEL/STAFF Papers 29, Friday, April 7, 2:50 p .m .-3:50 p .m ., Room 300 “Excellence and the Academic Library Classi­ fied Staff,” will examine the characteristics of ex­ c e lle n t o rg a n iz a tio n s describ ed in w orks by Thomas Peters and his collaborators—In Search of Excellence, A Passion fo r Excellence, and Thriving on Chaos, especially as they relate to academic li­ brary non-professional staff. Mary K. Bolin, Uni­ versity o f Idaho. “Purposeful ‘Schizophrenia’: Creative Staffing Through the Use of Split Positions,” will describe split positions, joint appointments and dual assign­ m ent models as they evolved at a medium-sized ac­ Snaking along Yeatm ans Cove Park, the Serpentine W all edges the skyline o f Cincinnati. Riverfront activities abound beginning in early spring and continue through the fall. January 1989 / 57 ademic lib rary . Caroline B lum enthal, Sharon Cann, V irginia M oreland a n d R a lp h Russell, Georgia State University. Papers 30, Saturday, April 8, 8:30 a .m .-9:30 a.m ., Room 300 “Institutional Responses to C areer Plateaus,” will examine the use of leaves, flexible appoint­ ments and distributed decision-making to support continued professional learning and growth. Ellen Hoffmann, York University, Ontario. “A Reexamination of the C areer Progression Patterns of Academic L ibrary A dm inistrators,” will report on the replication of a 1981 research project th at had identified the professional and personal characteristics associated with success in attaining a directorship in an academic library. Barbara B. Moran, University o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill. TECHNOLOGY/AUTOMATION Papers 31, Friday, April 7, 2:50 p .m .-3 :5 0 p .m ., Room 301 “The Power of the New Microcomputers: Chal­ lenge and O pportunity,” will discuss the challenge to libraries to provide the same ease of access to in­ formation th at users have on their own computers. Eric Rumsey, University o f Iowa. “Gender G ap in the Use of Library Technolo­ gies: Evidence, Implications, and Intervention,” will discuss the gender gap th a t exists in the use of computers, the implications for library technolo­ gies and intervention strategies for addressing the gap. Barton M. Clark, Nancy Anderson, M. Bala- chandran, Karen Bingham, Suzanne Griffiths, Pa­ tricia McCandless, and Lizabeth Wilson, Univer­ sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. NETWORKING/COOPERATION Papers 32, Saturday, April 8, 8:30 a .m .-9:30 a .m ., Room 301 “Reluctant Cooperation: Improving Academic and Large Public Library Participation in Multi­ type Networks,” will report findings about aca­ demic and large public library participation in multitype networks taken from two research proj­ ects. Charles T. Townley, Pennsylvania State Uni­ versity at Harrisburg. “The User Group Phenomenon,” will contend that user groups can be extremely useful both for the vendors and for the participating libraries. Roger L. Presley and Carolyn L. Robison, Georgia State University. Papers 33, Saturday, April 8, 9:45 a .m .-10:45 a.m ., Room 301 “Academic Libraries and the Future of E duca­ tion and Information for R ural Adults: A Model,” will report on a project designed to improve the de­ livery of educational and informational services and resources to people in rural locations. Donna L . Whitson, University o f Wyom ing. “Interlibrary Loan: A W indow on the Inform a­ tion World?” will argue th at although automation has expanded access to inform ation, standards need to be established for regulating turnaround delivery tim e and alternative delivery methods should be considered. Barbara J. Ford, Trinity University and Paul A. Frisch, Southwest Missouri State University. THE INTERNATIONAL SCENE IN LIBRARIANSHIP Papers 34, Thursday, April 6, 8:30 a .m .-9:30 a .m ., Room 242 “An Australian Dime Novel Publisher,” will tell the history and overview of Alfred Cecil Rowland­ son, publisher of the “Bookstall Series” of paper­ backs in Australia. Carol Mills, Riverina-Murray Institute o f Higher Education, Australia. “Building a Foreign Language Collection: Chi­ n a’s National L ibrary,” will demonstrate how a collection development policy can be used for con- structivé library planning in developing countries. Special reference will be given to the collection of foreign language materials at the National Library of C hina, Beijing. Priscilla C. Yu, University o f Il­ linois, Urbana Champaign. CATALOGING/BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL Papers 35, Saturday, April 8, 8:30 a .m .-9:30 a.m ., Room 243 “Authority Control: Carrying an Age Old Prac­ tice into an Automated F uture,” will m aintain that online authority files create a need to analyze how users approach the catalog and w hat information they expect it to provide. Barbara Henigman, Uni­ versity o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Automating Tradition: Use of the Library of Congress MARC T ape Subscriptions for Local M aintenance of Cataloging D a ta ,” will describe the University of Georgia Libraries’ plan to use the MARC tapes. Greg Anderson, University o f Geor­ gia Libraries. 58 / C &R L News Papers 36, Thursday, April 6, 4:10 p .m .-5 :1 0 p .m ., Room 243 “Automated Workstations for Professional C at­ aloged: A Survey of ARL Libraries,” will report the results of a survey of ARL libraries to determine how many libraries had, or soon w ould have, indi­ vidual autom ated workstations for their profes­ sional cataloged. Sally A. Rogers, Ohio State Uni­ versity. “The Relationship Between Cataloging Delay and the Circulation of Books in a Large Research L ibrary,” will test the hypothesis th a t there is an in­ verse relationship betw een th e length of tim e a book is backlogged and its usefulness as measured by circulation. D avid Gleim, University o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill. LIBRARY HISTORY/LIBRARY FACILITIES PLANNING Papers 37, Thursday, April 6, 11:25 a .m .-12:25 p .m .. Room 300 “The Past Before Us: The Historiography of Aca­ demic Librarianship, Past and F uture,” will iden­ tify and evaluate th e key historians and th eir works; will highlight the aspects of librarianship th a t have been researched; and will propose an agenda for further research. Donald G. Davis, Jr., University o f Texas and John Mark Tucker, Purdue University. “ A cadem ic L ib ra ry P lanning: R atio n ality , Im agination, and Field Theory in the W ork of W alter Netsch,” will discuss the work of architect W alter Netsch and reviews the implications for de­ sign th at library planners must face. William G. Jones, University o f Illinois at Chicago. INDIVIDUAL PROGRAMS Paper 38, Thursday, April 6, 10:15 a .m .-11:15 a .m ., Room 243 “Back to th e F uture: Closing th e Periodical Stacks,” will report on user satisfaction w ith the closing of the periodical stacks and the use of a ser­ vice desk and an autom ated library system for check-in and check-out. Tjalda Belastock, Bentley College. Paper 39, Saturday, April 8, 9:45 a .m .-10:45 a .m ., Room 300 “W ho Are Those Guys? A Report on a Survey of Referees of Library Scholarly Journals,” will reveal the experience and qualifications for serving as a referee. Stuart Glogoff, University o f Delaware.