ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries January 1989 / 65 Three experienced librarians will draw on theo­ retical as well as practical and administrative expe­ rience to address the crucial first steps that must be taken when embarking on research. • “Psychological Barriers to Research,” Brian Nielsen, Northwestern University. • “Creating a Supportive Environment for Re­ search,” Maureen Pastine, Washington State Uni­ versity. • “Taking the First Step to Research,” James Neal, Pennsylvania State University. A panel of five librarians, each w ith diverse re­ search interests and publication experience will cover an array of personal considerations you need to work through before beginning research. • “Identifying a Research Problem ,” Margaret Porter, Notre Dame. • “Making the Transition from Library School to the Profession,” Bart Clark, University of Illi­ nois. • “The Advisability of Selecting a Professional Network and Finding Time and Funds to Com­ plete Projects,” Mary M. Huston, Brainerd Com­ munity College. • “The Appropriate Timing for Consultation to Refine Methodologies for Presenting Results to Au­ diences and Publications,” Tim Richards, V ander­ bilt University. • “The Benefits of Research to Daily Profes­ sional Activities,” Beth Sandore, University of Illi­ nois. • “Putting the Pieces T ogether,” JoAn Segal, ACRE Executive D irector, and Tim Richards, Vanderbilt University. Betsy Baker, N orthw estern U niversity, will moderate the workshop. Date: April 8, 1:30 p.m .-5:00 p.m .; April 9, 9:00 a .m .-12:00 p.m. Location: Cincinnati Convention Center. Fee: ACRL M embers, $155; N on-m em bers, $195. Travel and Hotel Information Getting to Cincinnati is easy W h eth e r you fly or drive to C in cin n ati, it couldn’t be easier. The Greater Cincinnati Inter­ national Airport (GCIA) is one of the most efficient airports in the country. Don’t be surprised when you hear the pilot welcoming you to Kentucky, be­ cause the GCIA stretches over 5,000 areas of land in N orthern Kentucky. Major national and re­ gional airlines schedule flights through GCIA and it serves as a major hub for D elta Air Lines, the offi­ cial conference ca rrie r. W hile catc h in g your breath upon arrival, take a peek at the famous Mo­ saic m urals, sprinkled th roughout the airport. They depict the historical influence of industry on Cincinnati. After you arrive at the airport, you will find taxi and bus service available for the 15-minute trip into downtown Cincinnati. Jetport Shuttle Express buses go to and from downtown hotels every 30 minutes on the hour and half hour between 5:30 a.m. and 11:00 p .m ., Monday through Friday; every hour between 6:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m . on Saturday; and every 30 minutes until 11:00 p.m. on Sunday. The fare is $7 one way, $11 round trip. The Airport Taxi Cab Company provides service at a rate of $18 per cab (1-4 people) to downtown Cincinnati. Rental car agencies are located in the baggage claim area in each of the three terminals. Discounted airfares to Cincinnati T.V. Travel, Inc., the official travel agency for the A m erican L ibrary Association for the past eleven years, is offering special fares for travel to Cincinnati. All attendees traveling round trip to the conference between April 3 and April 10,1989, are eligible for special fares on Delta Air Lines. You will receive a 40 % discount off the coach fare, or a 5 % discount off the lowest fare. You must purchase tickets w ithin 24 hours of booking for the lowest fares and at least seven days in advance for the 40 % discount. The lowest fares are non-refundable and do not allow any changes once issued. Penalty charges for changing or canceling also apply on the seven-day advance tickets. In addition to the special airfares, you will re­ ceive $150,000 in free flight insurance when book­ ing your trip w ith T.V. Travel, Inc. Call T.V. Travel for reservations and further in­ formation, toll free (800) 826-9682; in Illinois call collect, (312} 899-1112, Monday through Friday, 7:45 a .m .-6:30 p .m ., CST. Ask for ACRL Confer­ ence reservations. Arriving by car, train or bus Cincinnati is an easy day’s drive for about 60 % of the nation’s population. The city is served by four interstate highways and is a hub for numerous other large roadways as well. Amtrak trains arrive and depart on a daily basis going east or west at the River Road station. Greyhound serves as the cross country bus service for Cincinnati. Getting around in Cincinnati Once you arrive in Cincinnati, you will find the Convention Center, shopping, fine dining and cul­ tu ral attractions all w ithin a five-minute walk. And for one thin dime you may board the “Down­ tow ner,” a service of Queen City Metro, and get off and on at any spot along its central dow ntow n 66 / C &R L News The graceful span of the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge is a contrast of Old World charm against the skyline o f dow ntow n Cincinnati. route. Queen City Metro also provides service to about 45 other routes at various prices. Conference hotels All four conference hotels are conveniently linked to the Convention Center by the Skywalk C o n n e c tio n . R ates at th e hotels ran g e from $75-$95 for a single and from $87-$112 for a dou­ ble. A 10% sales tax must be added to all prices. Reservations for rooms at the official conference hotels are being handled by the Cincinnati Visitors and Convention Housing Rureau. Use the form in the preliminary program to reserve a room . D ead­ line for reservations is March 6, 1989. The very closest hotel to the Convention Center is the Clarion, just 50 steps away. Also close by the Center is the Hyatt Regency Cincinnati, which of­ fers many rooms w ith sweeping river views. The H yatt is the Headquarters Hotel. Entering the Omni Netherland Plaza is like en­ tering a movie set, for this hotel is one of the finest rem aining examples of Art Deco design in the United States. The Terrace Hilton has very much the feel of an exclusive club, with all wood pan­ eling and executive color schemes. Placement Service A placement service will be provided by the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources on April 5-7, 9:00 a .m .-5:00 p.m. It will be located in the Albert B. Sabin Convention Center. Although registrations will be accepted at the conference, job seekers and employers are strongly u rg e d to p re re g iste r. T he d e a d lin e for p r e ­ registration is March 15, 1989. To request forms (indicate employer or job seeker), write: ACRL National Conference, Placement, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. If requesting one copy, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope (#10). Enclose a mailing label for multiple copies. Interview facilities will be provided. Employ­ m ent policy prohibits the acceptance of job listings hich bear discriminatory specifications with re­ pect to race, creed, age, color, sex or national ori­ gin. A salary range must be listed. w s