ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries In this issue: ACRL Internship Program 135 Eighth Class of CLR Fellows Se­ lected 136 Report on Copyright and HEA A m en dm ents.................................. 138 Renewable Resources Program for A B S S ................................................ 138 News From the Field . . . . 139 News From the Chapters . 158 P e o p l e ................................................ 159 Classified Advertising . . . 161 ISSN 0099-0086 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBR n AR e IE w S s NO. 6 • JUNE 1976 ACRL Internship Program The Association of College and Research Li­ braries, a division of the American Library As­ sociation, announces the selection of four interns to participate in the third year of its program for administrators of predominantly black col­ lege and university libraries. The three-year program, funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, is intended to acceler­ ate the development of the management abil­ ity of librarians in black colleges and universi­ ties by providing them with experience in the administration of strong and progressive aca­ demic libraries. The third-year interns are: Claude Green, library director, Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City, North Carolina; Reta J. Lacy, catalog librarian, Morris Brown College, Atlanta, Georgia; Alberta J. Mayberry, teacher education librarian, Texas Southern University, Houston; and Brenda D. Sloan, circulation librarian, Vir­ ginia State College, Petersburg. During the period of the nine-month intern­ ship, each intern will work closely with the di­ rector of a major academic library. The host li­ braries in the third year of the program are: Austin Peay State University, Emory Universi­ ty, Mt. Holyoke College, and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The Mellon Foundation Brenda Sloan Claude Green Alberta Mayberry Reta Lacy 136 grant provides salaries, benefits, and ap­ proved expenses for the intern. The host li­ brary provides the training experience. Several workshops for the participants are also planned. Applications from librarians and host institu­ tions were reviewed by the project’s advisory committee, chaired by Virginia Lacy Jones, dean, School of Library Service, Atlanta Uni­ versity. Other members of the committee are: Phyllis B. Cartwright, Miami, Florida; Richard M. Dougherty, University of California, Berke­ ley; James F. McCoy, Hudson Valley Commu­ nity College; Annette L. Phinazee, North Caro­ lina Central University; Katharine M. Stokes, Alexandria, Virginia; and David C. Weber, Stanford University. Casper L. Jordan, univer­ sity librarian, Atlanta University, serves as proj­ ect director. Beverly P. Lynch, executive secre­ tary, Association of College and Research Li­ braries, is principal investigator. ■ ■ Eighth Class of CLR Fellows Selected Sixteen outstanding midcareer librarians have been selected as Council on Library Resources (C L R ) fellows for the academic year 1976-77. Each fellow will spend three months or more pursuing a self-developed study project, aimed at improving his or her competence in the sub­ stantive, administrative, or technical aspects of librarianship. The new fellows will examine such diverse topics as the functions of children’s rooms in metropolitan libraries, the UNESCO depository system, government documents collections in community college libraries, Japan’s library re­ sources on the People’s Republic of China, li­ brary development programs of state boards of higher education, the open university concept, and the role of locally generated title deriva­ tive indexing. Among the fellows, who must be either U.S. or Canadian citizens (or have per­ manent resident status in either country), is a librarian currently working in Paris. In addition to the requirement concerning citizenship, to receive an award applicants must be librarians or other professionals working di­ rectly with libraries. Their employers must be willing to provide them with a period of con­ tinuous leave of not less than three months in which to carry out the proposed program. Al­ though the awards do not cover salary, the council does pay for approved travel, supplies, and services directly related to the proposed program. Approximately 180 librarians have benefited from the fellowship program since it began in 1968. In order to help with the evaluation of fel­ lowship applications, the council solicits the participation of a number of eminent librarians. First, a screening committee reviews the ap­ plications, which numbered thirty-six for the current program, and makes recommendations to the final selection committee. For this year’s screening committee, the council drew on the expertise of Mary E. Coming, assistant director for international programs, National Library of Medicine; Charles D. Churchwell, university librarian, Brown University; F. Kurt Cylke, chief, Division for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress; Augusta Baker, retired coordinator of children’s services, New York Public Library; Joan I. Gotwals, as­ sociate director of libraries, University of Penn­ sylvania; and Foster E. Mohrhardt, retired CLR senior program officer. Final selections were made by the council’s Fellowship Committee, chaired by Louis B. Wright, director emeritus of the Folger Shake­ speare Library, and composed of CLR board members: Page Ackerman, university librarian, University of California, Los Angeles; William S. Dix, CLR consultant and retired university librarian, Princeton; Robert Vosper, professor of library science, University of California, Los N e w s item s fo r in clu sio n in C & R L N e w s sh o u ld be sent to M a r y Frances C o llin s, A s s is t a n t D ire c to r o f L ib r a r ie s fo r T e ch n ical Services, U n ive rsity L ib r a r y U LB -3 5 A , State U n iv e rsity o f N e w Y o rk a t A lb a n y , 1400 W a s h in g t o n A v e ., A lb a n y , N Y 12222. A d v e r ­ tis in g (in c lu d in g c la ssifie d a d s ) sh o u ld b e sent to L e ona Swiech, A d v e r t is in g O ffic e , A m e r ic a n Li­ b ra ry A sso c ia t io n , 50 E. H u ro n St., C h ic a g o , IL 60611. P ro d u ctio n a n d circu la tio n m atters are h a n ­ d le d by A L A C e n tr a l P ro d u ctio n U nit, a t the a b o v e a d d re ss. N e w s ed ito r: M a r y Frances C o llin s, A ssist a n t D i­ rector o f L ib r a r ie s for T e chnical Services, State U n ive rsity of N e w Y o rk a t A lb a n y , A lb a n y . A s ­ so c ia te N e w s e d ito r: A n n e D o w lin g, A s s is t a n t L i ­ b rarian , A c q u is itio n s D e p artm e n t, Library, State U n ive rsity o f N e w Y o rk a t A lb a n y . E d ito r: R ic h ­ a r d D. Jo hnson, M iln e Library, S tate U nive rsity C o lle g e , O n e o n ta , N e w Y o rk 13820. President, A C R L : Louise G ile s. E xecutive Se cre tary, A C R L : B everly P. Lynch. C o ll e g e & Re search L ib ra rie s is p u b lish e d b y the A s s o c ia t io n o f C o ll e g e a n d Re search Libraries, a d iv is io n of the A m e ric a n L ib r a r y A sso c ia tio n , 17 tim e s ye arly— 6 b im o n th ly journal issues a n d I I m o n th ly ( c o m b in in g J u ly -A u g u s t) N e w s issues— a t 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, M O 65251. Su b sc rip tio n , $15.00 a year, o r to m e m b e rs of the d iv isio n , $7.50, in c lu d e d in due s. S e c o n d -c la ss p o s t a g e p a id a t Fulton, M isso u r i 65251. © A m e ric a n L ib r a r y A sso c ia t io n 1976. A l l m aterial in t his journal su b je c t t o c o p y r ig h t b y the A m e r i­ c an L ib r a r y A s s o c ia t io n m ay b e p h o t o c o p ie d fo r th e n o n c o m m e rc ia l p u rp o se of sc ie n tific o r e d u c a ­ tio n a l a d v an c e m e n t.