ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries In th is issu e: A C R L Officers for 1977/ 78 2 2 3 A C R L Board C onference M eetings 2 2 5 A C R L 197 8 N ational C onference . 2 3 0 Guidelines and Procedures for the Screening and Appointment of A cadem ic Librarians . 2 3 1 News from the F ield . . . . 2 3 4 A C R L at C onference . . . . 2 4 8 P u b lic a t io n s ........................................... 2 4 9 P e o p l e ...................................................2 5 3 Classified Advertising . . . . 2 5 7 ISSN 0 0 9 9 -0 0 8 6 COLLEGE & RES EARC H LIBRARIES ews NO. 8 • S E P T E M B E R 1977 n ACRL Officers for 1 9 7 7 /7 8 Eid red R . Sm ith, director o f libraries at the University o f Minnesota (W ilso n Library, M in­ neapolis, MN 5 5 4 5 5 ) , is the thirty-ninth presi­ dent o f the Association o f C ollege and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. D uring his term of office, Smith will preside over the A C R L Board o f D irectors and the A C R L Executive Committee. H e will develop the plans for A C R L ’s m ajor program m eeting at the 197 8 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago and will chair the A C R L Confer­ en ce Program Planning Com m ittee for th at con­ ference. T h e president serves as a m em ber of all A C R L editorial boards and as an ex-officio m em ber of all other units o f the association. As president of the division, Smith will rep­ resent A C R L on other ALA committees, includ­ ing the Committee on Policy Im plem entation for the Program o f Action for M ediation, Arbi­ tration, and Inquiry and the A LA Divisional In ­ terests Special Committee. Sm ith also repre­ sents A C R L and ALA to other organizations, such as the American Council on Education. In addition to his tenure as A C R L vice-pres- ident/president-elect during 1976/77, Sm ith’s service to A C R L and ALA includes chairing the A C R L Com m ittee on A cadem ic Status and the A C R L University Libraries Section. He has served on the ALA Standards Com m ittee, the Resources and T echn ical Services Division’s L i­ brary Materials Price Index Com m ittee, and the Library R esearch Round T ab le. H e is currently chairing the A CRL/Association of R esearch L i­ braries Jo in t Com m ittee on University Library Standards. E v an Ira F ä rb er, librarian a t Earlham College (R ichm ond, IN 4 7 3 7 4 ) , is the newly elected vice-president/president-elect o f the Association of C ollege and R esearch Libraries. In the recent elections, F arber received 1,0 8 2 votes. T h e other candidates, H erbert Biblo, as­ sistant librarian at the Jo h n C rerar Library, and Arthur Monke, librarian at Bowdoin College, received 4 5 4 votes and 4 3 3 votes respectively. In the past, F arber has served A C R L as chair of its College Libraries Section. H e has served ALA as a m em ber o f the Library Administra­ tion D ivision’s Buildings and Equip m ent Com m ittee and th e N on-W estern Resources Com m ittee. H e was a Councilor for A LA from 1 9 6 9 to 1971. As vice-president/president-elect o f A C R L , F arber will serve on the A C R L Board o f D irec­ tors, the A C R L E x ecu tiv e Com m ittee, and the A C R L Planning Com m ittee. He will chair the A C R L C onference Program Planning Commit­ tee for the 1 979 A LA Annual C onference in D allas; and he will represent A C R L on the ALA Com m ittee on Appointments, the ALA Budget Assembly, and the A LA Conference Program Committee for the 1 9 7 9 conference. A t the close o f the 1978 Annual Conference, he will becom e A C R L ’s fortieth president. W illiam J . Studer, director o f libraries at the Ohio State University, and B illy R . W ilkinson, staff relations officer a t th e New York Public Library, were recently elected to serve four- year terms as directors-at-large on the A C R L board. Studer received 1,1 9 6 votes; Wilkinson, 9 3 2 . T h e other candidates, M arjorie C. Dennin, director o f th e learning resources center at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Com­ munity College, and H al C. Stone, assistant dean for instructional resources at Los Angeles News issue ( A ) of College & Research Libraries, vol. 38, no. 5 2 2 4 City College, received 913 votes and 459 votes respectively. The results of the ACRL section elections follow. For each position, the elected candidate is listed first. The number of votes earned by each candidate is listed in parentheses. Ag r ic u l tu r e and B iological S c ie n c e s Se c tio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: David K. Oyler, University Librarian, Humboldt State Universi­ ty, Areata, California ( 9 2 ) ; Linnea Sodergren, Health Manpower Specialist, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Chicago, Il­ linois (5 7 ) . Secretary: Linda L. Phillips, Reference Li­ brarian, Undergraduate Library, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee ( 8 8 ) ; Vladi­ mir Micuda, Life Sciences Librarian, Pennsyl­ vania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania (5 5 ) . A nthropology S e ctio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: David L. Perkins, Head Bibliographer, California State Universi­ ty, Northridge, Northridge, California ( 6 8 ) ; Suzy M. Slavin, Assistant Head, Reference De­ partment, McLennan Library, McGill Universi­ ty, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (4 5 ). Secretary: Patricia Ann White, Reference Li­ brarian, Michigan State University, East Lan­ sing, Michigan ( 6 3 ) ; Elizabeth J. Airth, Ref­ erence Librarian, HRAF Supervisor, Reference Department, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (4 6 ) . Member-at-Large: M. Sangster Parrott, As­ sistant Professor, Library Science/Educational Technology, School of Education, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina ( 5 8 ) ; Patricia W . Silvernail, Assistant Profes­ sor, College of Staten Island Library, Staten Island, New York (5 2 ) . Ar t S e c tio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Betty Jo Irvine, Fine Arts Librarian, Indiana University, Bloom­ ington, Indiana (1 3 6 ) ; Karen Esper, Materials Selector for the Humanities, Case Western Re­ serve University Libraries, Cleveland, Ohio (4 8 ) . Secretary: James R. Burch, Assistant Head, Environmental Design Library, University of California, Berkeley, California ( 9 1 ) ; Karen Muller, Cataloger, Northwestern University L i­ brary, Evanston, Illinois ( 8 8 ) . Asian and Afr ic a n S e ctio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Hans E. Panofsky, Curator of Africana, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illinois ( 8 7 ) ; Corinne Ny- quist, Director, World Study Center, Sojourner Truth Library, State University College, New Paltz, New York (5 2 ) . Member-at-Large: Hideo Kaneko, Curator, East Asian Collection, Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut ( 7 0 ) ; Elizabeth A. Widenmann, African Bibliographer and Cata­ loger, Columbia University, New York, New York (6 5 ) . C o l l e g e L ib r a r ie s S ection Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Dale K. Carrison, Director of Libraries, Mankato State University, Mankato, Minnesota (3 0 6 ) ; Betty Jane High- field, Director, College Library, North Park College, Chicago, Illinois (2 9 4 ). Secretary: Joel M. Lee, Head of Technical Services, Donnelley Library, Lake Forest Col­ lege, Lake Forest, Illinois ( 3 7 2 ) ; Bro. Paul J. Ostendorf, Head Librarian, Fitzgerald Library, Saint Mary’s College, Winona, Minnesota (2 2 3 ). Co m m u n it y and J u nio r C o l l eg e L ib r a r ie s S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Imogene I. Book, Director of the Library, Rend Lake College, Ina, Illinois ( 1 6 9 ) ; Bob Schremser, Head Li­ brarian, Alexander City State Junior College, Alexander City, Alabama (9 7 ) . Secretary: William I. Bunnell, Director of Library Services, County College of Morris, Dover, New Jersey ( 1 5 5 ) ; Raymond G. Roney, Director of the Library, Washington Technical Institute, Washington, D.C. (1 1 0 ). N ew s item s for inclusion in C & R L N e w s should be sent to John V. Crow ley, A ssista n t D irector of Libraries, M iln e Library, State University C o lle ge , O n e o n ta, N Y 13820. A d v e rt isin g (in c lu d in g c la ssi­ fied ad s) should b e sent to Leona Swiech, A d ­ ve rtisin g O ffice, A m e ric a n L ib ra ry Associa tion , 50 E. H u ro n St., C h ic a g o , I L 60611. Production and circula tion m atters are h an dled b y A L A C entral Production Unit, at the a b o v e add ress. N e w s editor: John V. Crow ley, A ssista n t D irector of Libraries, M iln e Library, State U n iversity C o l ­ lege, Oneonta, N Y 13820. A sso c ia te news editor, W illia m B. W eiss, Assistant L ib ra ria n, C a t a lo g in g Departm ent, M iln e Library, State University C o l ­ lege, O neonta, N Y 13820. Editor: R ic hard D. J o h n ­ son, M iln e Library, State University C o lle ge , O neonta, N Y 13820. President, A C R L : Eid re d R. Sm ith. Executive Secretary, A C R L : Julie A . V irgo . C o lle g e & Research L ib ra rie s is pu b lish e d b y the A sso c ia tio n o f C o lle g e a n d Research Libraries, a divisio n o f the A m e ric a n L ib ra ry A sso c ia tio n , 17 tim es yearly— 6 bim o n th ly journal issues an d II m onthly (c o m b in in g Ju ly -A u g u st) N ew s issues— at 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, M O 65251. Sub sc ription, $15.00 a year, or to m em bers o f the division, $7.50, includ ed in dues. Sec o n d -cla ss p o sta g e p a id at Fulton, M isso u ri 65251. © A m e ric a n L ib ra ry A sso c ia tio n 1977. A ll m aterial in this journal subject to c o p y rig h t b y the A m e ri­ can L ib ra ry A s so c ia tio n m ay be p h o to c o p ie d for the non co m m ercial pu rpose o f scientific o r e d u c a ­ tional advancem ent. 2 2 5 E ducation and B ehavioral S c ien ces S e ctio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Jean C. Jones, Di­ rector, Library and Archives, American Psychi­ atric Museum Association, Washington, D.C. (1 3 2 ) ; Darrell Jenkins, Assistant Serials Li­ brarian, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico (1 2 1 ). Secretary: Leslie Benton Bjorncrantz, Cur­ riculum Librarian and Reference Librarian, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 135); Marjorie Zumstein, Education and Psy­ chology Librarian, Purdue University, West La- Fayette, Indiana (1 2 1 ). L aw and P o l it ic a l S cie n c e S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Susan C. Finsen, \ssistant Executive Officer, Congressional Re­ search Service, Library of Congress, Washing­ ton, D.C. ( 1 1 3 ) ; Sandra S. Coleman, Head, Reference Department, General Library, Uni­ versity of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico (5 7 ). Member-at-Large: Frances Hunt Hall, Law Librarian and Associate Professor, Southern Víethodist University, Dallas, Texas (1 0 4 ) ; Leslie W. Sheridan, Director of University Li­ braries, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio (6 2 ). R a re B ooks and M a nu scripts Se ctio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Marjorie Gray Wynne, Edwin J. Beinecke Research Librarian, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, fale University, New Haven, Connecticut (2 2 1 ); Evert Volkersz, Head, Department of Special Collections, University Library, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York (1 1 1 ). Secretary: Maud D. Cole, Keeper of Rare Books, The New York Public Library, New York, New York ( 1 9 3 ) ; Thomas D. Burney, Assistant to the Chief, Rare Books and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (1 3 4 ). Member-at-Large: Elizabeth A. Swaim, Spe­ cial Collections Librarian and University Ar­ chivist, Wesleyan University Library, Middle­ town, Connecticut ( 1 7 7 ) ; Liana Van Der Bel­ len, Chief, Rare Books and Manuscripts Divi­ sion, National Library of Canada, Ottawa, On­ tario, Canada (1 5 1 ). S l a v ic and E a st E u ro pea n S e ctio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Stan Humenuk, Head Catalog Librarian, Western Illinois Uni­ versity, Macomb, Illinois ( 6 3 ) ; Andrew Lubo- mir Makuch, Bibliographer for Collection De­ velopment, University of Arizona Library, Tuc­ son, Arizona (3 5 ) . Member-at-Large: Marianna Tax Choldin, Slavic Bibliographer and Associate Professor of Library Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois ( 5 1 ) ; Douglas K. Freeman, Slavic Cataloger/ SO LIN ET Coordinator, University of Tennes­ see Library, Knoxville, Tennessee (4 6 ). Un iv e r s it y L ib r a r ie s S ection Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: James T. Dodson, Director of Libraries, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas (5 5 7 ) ; James F. Wyatt, Dean of Libraries, The University of Alabama, University, Alabama (5 0 9 ). ■■ Highlights of the Annual Conference Meetings of the ACRL Board of Directors The Board of Directors of the Association of College and Research Libraries met twice dur­ ing the 1977 ALA Annual Conference in De­ troit: on Friday, June 17, and on Tuesday, June 21. ACRL 1978 National Conference George R. Parks, conference chair for ACRL’s national conference scheduled to be in Boston, November 8-11, 1978, announced the conference theme, “New Horizons for Academ­ ic Libraries,” and the Call for Papers on topics relating broadly to the future of academic and research librarianship. (Note: The Call for Papers appears on p.230 of this issue of Cò-RL News.) Screening and Appointment of Academic Librarians The “Guidelines and Procedures for the Screening and Appointment of Academic Li­ brarians,” developed by the Committee on Academic Status, was approved as ACRL pol­ icy. (Note: The policy appears on p.231 of this issue of C&R L N ew s. ) Salary Survey The ACRL Board of Directors approved in principle a proposal presented by the Commit­ tee on Academic Status to solicit funding for another ACRL salary survey of academic li­ brarians. The results of ACRL’s first salary sur­ vey were published in August 1976 as Salary