ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 249 Publications N O T I C E S • The Continuing Library Education Net­ work and Exchange (C L E N E ) has published its fifth in a series of Concept Papers. This publication deals with needs assessment in con­ tinuing education for the library/information/ media profession. The book, Continuing L i­ brary Education: N eeds Assessment and M odel Programs by Julie A. Virgo, Patricia M. Dun­ kel, and Pauline V. Angione, was prepared ini­ tially by the Medical Library Association under contract to the National Library of Medicine. Although the populations surveyed for the report were drawn from health sciences library settings, the material presented in this report has a broad application to the overall planning and practice of continuing library education. Of particular interest to those charged with re­ sponsibility for continuing education are instru­ ments used by the survey team and the overview of programs offered through other associations and professions. Survey findings also reflect trends and practices of interest to a broader audience than health science librari­ anship. There is an extensive bibliography which complements those already done for continuing education in libraries and information science, and the report on MLA’s continuing education program offers guidance to anyone working in an assocation framework. The publication may be obtained from CLENE, 620 Michigan Ave., N.E., Washing­ ton, DC 20064. ($12, nonmembers; $10.20, CLENE members.) • The Vermont Library Association has published the Vermont Interlibrary L oan Poli­ cies Directory. It includes the lending policies of forty-nine Vermont college and special li­ braries. Copies are $3 each. Prepayment is re­ quired. Order from Anne Ruggerio, Vermont Library Association, Box 803, Burlington, VT 05402. • The National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services (N FA IS) has announced the revised edition of a chart entitled On-Line Commands: A U sers Quick Guide for Biblio­ graphic R etrieval Systems. On-line commands are provided in a compact, easy-to-read format using the ORBIT, ELH ILL, DIALOG and RECON IV computer searching systems. The chart now includes information on the New York Times Information Bank and Bibliographic Retrieval Services. Copies of the chart, on 8½-by-ll-inch heavy stock, are available from NFAIS for $2 pre­ paid. Special rates for multiple copies also are available. For further information contact NFAIS, 3401 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104. • Microfilming Corporation of America (M CA ), in cooperation with the University of Iowa Libraries and the Columbia University Oral History Research Office, is making avail­ able the microform publication of Henry A. W allace: Oral History Diary and Papers. The collection is being made available in three sections: Henry Wallace Papers at the University of Iowa Libraries, approximately 75,000 pages on 67 reels of 35-mm microfilm, $750; Henry Wallace Oral History, approxi­ mately 5,000 pages on 35-mm microfilm, $195; Henry Wallace Diary, approximately 3,000 pages on microfilm and microfiche, $145. In addition, MCA is also marketing The W allace Papers, An Index to the Microfilm Editions o f th e Henry A. W allace Papers in the University o f Iow a Libraries, T h e Library o f Congress, and the Franklin D. R oosevelt L i­ brary. These two bound volumes are priced at $30. Additional information may be obtained from Jean S. Reid, Director, Information Re­ search, Microfilming Corporation of America, 21 Harristown Rd., Glen Rock, NJ 07452; (2 0 1 ) 447-3000, Ext. 216. • A report entitled C ooperative Activities o f th e University o f California Libraries has been distributed to all nine campuses of the University of California, and a limited number of copies are available for distribution outside of the UC system. The report, prepared by Linda Beaupre for the Northern Regional Library System and the Office of Universitywide Library Planning, out­ lines many cooperative agreements involving both specialized units and general campus li­ brary systems. Prepared as a basis for the coor­ dination and planning of future programs, the report covers cooperative arrangements among libraries within the UC system and with other academic and public libraries. The activities described include exchange of bibliographic in­ formation, special interlibrary lending and transportation arrangements, cooperative col­ lection development, automation projects, coor­ dination of planning efforts, and interaction with various library networks. Copies of the report are available from Sharon Conniff, Office of Universitywide Li­ brary Planning, 633 University Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. 2 5 0 • The Library of Congress recently launched a new series— called the Maktaba Afrikana— of short bibliographies relating to sub-Saharan Africa. Each bibliography, devoted to a single subject, is limited to no more than 500 entries. T a n g a n y ika A frican N atio n a l U nion: A G u id e to P u blica tio n s b y a n d a b o u t TA N U was com­ piled by John B. Howell in the African Section of the Library’s General Reference and Bibliog­ raphy Division. The fifty-two-page guide contains 234 entries of official party documents and books, periodical articles, and dissertations on the party for the period between 1954 and 1974. It is arranged by subject, with major topics including the constitution of the party, economic policy, elections, foreign relations, history, mass communications, periodicals, orga­ nization, and the TANU Youth League. Contemporary relations between Arab states and sub-Saharan Africa is the subject of the second bibliography in the series. A rab-A frican R elation s‚ 1 9 7 3 -1 9 7 5 ‚ compiled by Samir M. Zogby, formerly of the African Section, covers a period marked by numerous Arab diplomatic successes in Africa, especially during and im­ mediately after the Arab-Israeli conflict of Oc­ tober 1973. The twenty-three-page guide contains 150 partially annotated entries of books and peri­ odical articles arranged by author. Many cita­ tions are taken from Arabic- and French-lan- guage sources. Copies o f both publications are available on request from the African Section, Library of Congress, Washington, D C 20540. • E v a lu ation T e c h n iq u e s fo r S c h o o l L i­ b r a r y /M e d ia P rog ram s by Blanche Woolls, David Loertscher, and Donald Shirey is now available at the cost price of $3. In addition there will be a charge for postage and handling of bulk orders: 1 0 -4 9 , $1; 50 plus, $2. Address requests to Publications— Room 508, Graduate School of -Library and Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. • The U.S. Air Force Academy Library has completed a forty-seven-page bibliography en­ titled T errorism . Copies may be obtained from the U SA F Academy Library, U SA F Academy, Colorado Springs, CO 80840. • T he D irec tory o f C h in e se A m erica n L i­ brarian s is a listing of more than 400 Chinese- American librarians in the United States. This thirty-six-page directory is available from the Chinese-American Libraries Association, P.O. Box 444, Oak Park, I L 60303. T he cost is $5, or $2.50 for members. • T he Serials W o r k b o o k : A P roblem -S olv in g M an ual fo r O C L C Serials C a ta lo g e rs by E . Sue W eber is now available. This eighty-three-page manual was designed to train serials catalogers in acquiring on-line cataloging skills and was first used in a course taught at the State University of New York at Stony Brook Libraries from January through April 1977. Specifically written to help serials catalogers with practical problems encountered in cataloging serials for O C LC , it contains tag­ ging aids, sample forms, discussions of special problems, and increasingly sophisticated prob­ lem drills. T he price is $1.25, which includes the cost of postage and handling. Checks, which should accompany an order, should be made out to State University o f New York at Stony Brook, Libraries, and can be ordered from E . Sue W eber, Catalog Department, Main Library, State University o f New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794. • Publication o f a Thesau rus for organizing, cataloging, indexing, and searching collections of information on current affairs has been an­ nounced by T he Information Bank, a subsidiary of The New York Times Company. T he 1,012-page T h esau rus contains all of the subject, organization, and geographic terms with more than sixteen entries in T h e Informa­ tion Bank’s on-line data base. T he Thesaurus also contains all of the cross-references and scope notes that appear in the on-line thesau­ rus, which includes some 700,0 0 0 search terms. T he currency, as well as the breadth and depth of coverage of The Information Bank, make this one of the most timely sources for cataloging and indexing guidance in the area of current affairs. Some of the more timely topics that appear as thesaurus terms include: “Questionable Payments by Corporations,” “Zero Base Budgeting,” “Disclosure of Informa­ tion,” “Sunset Laws and Legislation,” and “L a ­ bor Role in Management.” T he Information Bank’s data base currently has 1.3 million ab­ stracts from the N ew Y ork T im es and sixty-two general interest and specialized publications. Invitation to Review ers Readers wishing to review books for C o lleg e & R es ea r c h L ib ra ries are invited to write to the editor. Please indicate your special interests and qualifications relating to the kinds of books reviewed in the journal. Address inquiries to Rich­ ard D. Johnson, Editor, C o lle g e & R e ­ s ea rc h L ib ra ries‚ Jam es M. Milne Library, State University College, One­ onta, NY 13820. 2 5 1 This Thesaurus supersedes the third edition of T h e N ew Y ork T im es Thesaurus o f D escrip­ tors. I t is available to non-information Bank subscribers for $250 from The Information Bank, 1719A Route # 1 0 , Parsippany, NJ 07054. • The Art Libraries Society of North Ameri­ ca (ARLIS/N A) has just published a set of Stan dards fo r Staffing Art L ib ra ries ‚ the first of a set of basic standards for art libraries of all kinds to be issued by the society. The Stan­ dards Committee, chaired by William C. Bunce, University of Wisconsin, Madison, is re­ sponsible for the new publication. Other standards to be issued will involve size and quality of collection, physical environ­ ment, and funding. In addition, the committee hopes to establish a basic (bibliographic) col­ lection manual against which libraries can be established or examined. For copies write to ARLIS/NA, P.O. Box 3692, Glendale, CA 91201 and enclose fifty cents for postage and handling. All orders must be prepaid. • C elestin esca is a new newsletter devoted to L a C elestina and to the genre o f literature it has created. It will carry short articles and notes on L a C elestin a and other works related to it (imitations, continuations, foreign adapta­ tions and translations, new editions, e tc .), news and queries, illustrations, bibliographies, occa­ sional reviews, and up-to-date research reports. C elestin esca will appear each spring and fall. For further information contact the editor, Jo ­ seph T . Snow, Department of Romance Lan­ guages, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. • Technion Libraries, Haifa, Israel, has published P eriod ica l H old in g s‚ T ech n io n L i ­ braries, which lists more than 7,0 0 0 serial titles held in the Elyachar Central Library and twen- ty-two departmental libraries of the Technion as of August 31, 1976. For this union list, most of the libraries that participated in the Union L ist o f Serials in Israel Lib raries, fourth edition, have checked and updated their holdings. I t may be ordered for $20 from Technion-Israel Institute of Tech­ nology, Elyacher Library, Technion City, Haifa, Israel. • C op y rig h t a n d E d u c ation al M ed ia : A G u id e to F a ir Use a n d Perm issions P roced u res has been prepared by the Association for Edu­ cational Communications and Technology (A E C T ) and the Association of Media Pro­ ducers (A M P ). The guide attempts to state general princi­ ples of concern on the copyright law. It is not a legal document but provides useful informa­ tion to anyone involved with educational media. This booklet is available to members of the A ECT and AMP for $2.95 a copy; $3.95 to nonmembers. It may be ordered directly from AECT, Publication Sales Department, 1126 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. • The National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services (N F A IS ) has issued S cien ce L itera tu re In d icators, 1 975 (N FA IS- 7 7 / 2 ), a report of its research done under funding from the National Science Foundation, Science Indicators Unit. As part of a larger science indicators study undertaken by N SF, the federation was asked to examine author af­ filiations to U.S. authors in U.S. primary jour­ nals for 1975. Affiliations were divided into four categories: academic, industry, govern­ ment, and not-for-profit. This report updates an earlier study, S cien ce L itera tu re In dicators Study, issued by the federation as Report Num­ ber 9 in 1975, covering affiliation patterns from 1960 to 1974. The updated report includes 1975 author affiliation data. In addition, data on funding sources, indicating both the funding sources and the number of grants dispensed by funding agencies, have been included. The report is available as N FA IS-77/2 for $10 prepaid from the Federation, 3401 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104. • The D irectory o f L ib ra ry In struction Pro­ gram s in O hio A ca d em ic L ib ra ries is available from the Project Team on Bibliographic In ­ struction of the Academic Library Association of Ohio (A L A O ). To obtain a copy of the di­ rectory, send $1.50 to cover costs and postage to Linda L. Lester, Project Team on Biblio­ graphic Instruction, Shafer Library, Findlay College, Findlay, OH 45840. • E n d a n g er ed S p ec ies ‚ A B ib lio g ra p h y ‚ by personnel of the Oklahoma Cooperative Wild­ life Research Unit, is a bibliography of the world’s rare, endangered, and recently extinct Library Newsletters Requested Editors of college and university li­ brary newsletters are requested to place the editor of C olleg e & R esea rch L i­ braries N ew s on their mailing list. Per­ mission to use items from newsletters ( with a credit lin e) will be assumed un­ less we are otherwise notified. Librarians might also notify their Public Relations Offices to send us library-related items on a continuing basis. 2 5 2 wildlife and plants. It contains more than 1,100 entries and also contains an author-publisher, geographic, and subject index. As one of the most comprehensive works of its kind, it should be a valuable tool to those concerned with rare or endangered species management, research, or conservation. Copies may be obtained from the Environ­ mental Institute, 203 Whitehurst Hall, Okla­ homa State University, Stillwater, OK 74074. The cost is $6 per copy, which includes postage and handling. R E C E I V E D (Selected items will be reviewed in future is­ sues of C olleg e an d R esearch L ib ra ries .) Agricultural literature : p rou d h eritage - future prom ise : a bicentenn ial symposium , Sep tem ber 2 4-26, 1975 / edited by Alan F usonie, L eil a M oran. — Washington : Associates of the National Agricultural L i­ brary, 1977. 371p. (L C 76-47084) A utom ated library circulation system s / P aula D ranor. — White Plains, N.Y. : Knowledge Industry Publications, 1977. 102p. $24.50. (L C 77-7382) (ISB N 0-914236-10-5) C opyright an d design law s : rep ort o f the com m ittee to consider th e law on copyright and designs. — London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1977. 271p. £ 4 .1 0 . T h e econ om ics o f library autom ation : papers presen ted at th e 1976 Clinic on Library Ap­ plications o f D ata Processing, Cham paign, III., April 2 5 -2 8 / edited by J . L . D iv ilb is s. — Urbana, 111. : University of Illinois Grad­ uate School of Library Science, 1977. 164p. $8. (L C 77-075153) (ISB N 0-87845-046- 7 ) (ISSN 0069-4789) T h e em erging field o f sociobibliog rap h y : the c o llec ted essays o f Ilse Bry / edited and compiled by Lois A ff l e r b a c h , M arga F ranck. — Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1977. 251p. $17.50. (L C 76-28644) (ISB N 0-8371-9289-7) “Contributions in librarianship and informa­ tion science ; no. 19” Evaluation and scientific m anagem ent o f li­ braries and inform ation centers : p r o c e ed ­ ings / edited by F . W. L anc aster and C. W. C lev erd o n . — Leyden : Noordhoff, 1977. 184p. $19.50. (ISB N 90-286-0656-4) “NATO Advanced Study Institutes series. Series E : Applied science ; no. 18” T h e inform ation n eed s o f physiotherapists in th e Atlantic provinces : w ith suggested physiotherapy w orking collections fo r small hospitals / H a z el A. L loyd, M . D o r ee n , E . F r a se r . — Halifax, N.S. ; Dalhousie Univer­ sity, 1977. 39p. $2.50. “Dalhousie University. Library. Occasional paper ; no. 15” Librarianship and th e Third W orld : an anno­ ta ted bibliog rap h y o f s ele c te d literature on d ev elop in g nations, 1 9 60-1975 / A. M. A bdul H uq, M oh a m m ed M . Am a n . — New York : Garland Pub., 1977. 372p. $32. (L C 76-30916) (ISB N 0-8240-9897-8) “Garland reference library of social science ; 40 ” Lib rary education in th e Southeast sin ce W orld W ar I I a n d University L ib raries and chan g e : proceed in g s o f tw o sym posia spon­ sored in honor o f L ouis R ound W ilson s 100th birthday / C l if t o n B rock, editor. — Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina, 1976. 65p. T h e m easurem ent and evaluation o f library ser­ v ices / by F . W. L a nc aster ; with the as­ sistance of M. J. Joncich. — Washington : Information Resources Press, 1977. 395p. $27.50. (L C 77-72081) (ISB N 0-87815- 0 1 7 -X ) On-line library and netw ork system s : sym posi­ um h e ld at D ortm und University March 2 2 -2 4 , 1976 / edited by E . E d e l h o f f and K. D . L eh m a n n . — Frankfort am Main : Vit­ torio Klostermann, 1977. 167p . DM 36. “Zeitscriften fur Bibliothekovsen und Biblio­ graphie, 2 3 ” ( Corrected from listing in C &R L News, June 1977) O pportunities fo r minorities in librarianship / edited, with an introd. by E . J . J o sey, K en ­ n eth E . P e e p l e s , J r. — Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1977. 201p. $8. (L C 77- 3 7 5 ) (ISB N 0-8108-1022-0) ■ ■ New Endorsements of the Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and University Librarians The Alaska Library Association and the Utah Library Association have re­ cently endorsed the “Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and University Librarians,” which was published in the February 1974 issue of C &R L News. A listing of organizations endorsing the statement is in the February 1977 issue of C &R L News.