ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Septem ber 1 9 9 4 /5 0 9 Official ACRL Documents Access Guidelines for the Prepara­ tion o f Policies o n Library A ccess. C&RL N ew s, D e­ cember 1992. 10pp. $2 A ud io visu al Guidelines for Audiovisual S e r v ic e s in A ca d em ic Libraries. C&RL News, Oct. 1987. 4pp. $2 Biblio graphic Instruction G u id e lin e s f o r B ib l io ­ g r a p h ic In s tr u c tio n in Academic Libraries. C&RL News, April 1977. Ip. $2 Model Statem ent o f O bjec­ tives fo r Academic Biblio­ graphic Instruction. C&RL News, May 1987. 6pp. $2 Colleges & Universities G uidelines fo r B ra n ch Li­ b ra rie s in C olleges and Universities. C&RL Neivs‚ March 1991 4pp. $2 G u id elin es f o r E x ten d ed Campus Library Services. C&RL News, April 1990, Jan. 1993. 3pp. $2 The M ission o f an Under­ graduate Library: Model Sta tem en t. C&RL N ews, Oct. 1987. 3pp. $2 S tan dards fo r C ollege Li­ braries. C&RL News, Mar. 1986. 12p. One copy free; additional copies $2 each S tan d ard s f o r U n iv ersity Libraries. C&RL News, Sept. 1989. ACRL/ARL. 13p. Single copy free; additional cop­ ies $2 each Community & Ju n io r Colleges Standards fo r Community, Ju n io r and Technical Col­ lege Learning Resources P ro g ra m s. Draft. A CR L/ A ECT. C&RL N ew s, May 19 9 4 .14pp. Single copy free; additional copies $2 each P ersonnel Issues & Faculty Status G u id elin es f o r A cad em ic Statu s f o r C olle g e and University lib ra ries. C&RL News, March 1990 2pp. $2 Jo in t Statem ent on Faculty Status o f College and Uni­ versity Librarians. ACRL/ AAUP/AAC. C&RL N ews, Feb. 1974. Ip. $2 M odel S ta te m e n t f o r th e Screen in g and A ppoint­ m ent o f Academic Librar­ ians Using a Search Com­ m ittee. C&RL News, Nov. 1992. 4pp. $2 Model Statem ent o f Criteria and P rocedu res fo r Ap­ pointm ent, Prom otion in Academic Rank, and Ten­ ure for College and Uni­ versity Librarians. C&RL News, May 1987. 8pp. $2 Standards for Faculty Status fo r College and Univer­ s ity L ib r a r ia n s . C&RL News, May 1992. 2pp. $2 G u id e lin e o n C o lle c tiv e B arg ain in g . C&RL N ew s March 1993. Ip. $2 Statement on the Term inal P ro fe ssio n a l D egree fo r A ca d em ic L ib r a r ia n s . 1975. Ip. $2 Statement on the Certifica­ tion & Licensing o f Aca­ dem ic Librarians. C&RL News, Nov. 1989. Ip. $2 R are Books, Manu­ scripts, & Archives Guidelines fo r Borrow in g Special Collections Mate­ rials for Exhibition. C&RL News, May 1990. 3pp. $2 Guidelines for the Security o f R a re B o o k s , M anu ­ scripts, and Other Special C o lle ctio n s. C&RL News, March 1990. 5pp. $2 Guidelines on the Selection o f General Collection Ma­ te r ia ls f o r T r a n s f e r to Special Collections. C&RL News, Dec. 1993- 4pp. $2 G u id e lin e s R e g a rd in g Thefts in Libraries. Draft. C&RL News, May 1994. 6pp. $2 J o in t Statem ent o n Access to Original Research Ma­ terials. C&RL News, Dec. 1993. 2pp. $2 R e la to r T e r m s f o r R a re B o o k , M an u scrip t, and S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s Li­ braries. C&RL News, Oct. 1987. 5p. $2 Standards for Ethical Con­ d u ct f o r R a re B o o k , M anuscript, and Special C o lle c tio n s L ib r a r ia n s with Guidelines for Insti­ tutional Practice in Sup­ p o r t o f th e S ta n d a rd s . 2nd edition. C&RL N ew s, April 1993. 9pp. $2 Guidelines fo r the Loan o f Rare and Unique Materi­ als. C&RL News, May 1993. 3pp. $2. Item s on this p a g e m ay b e p h o toco p ied f o r n on com m ercial purposes, o r o rd er y o u r copies fro m ACRL O fficial D ocum ents, 5 0 E. H uron St., C hicago, IL 60611.