ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 642 / C&RL News W omen’s studies scholar to speak at A CRL Sixth National C onference C atherine R. Stimpson, the founding editor of Signs: Journal o f W om en in Culture and Society, will speak on April 13, 1992, at the ACRL Sixth National Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. Stimpson will address issues o f concern to women in a “politically cor­ rect” environment. T he journal New Criterion called one of h e r speeches a “breathtaking exhibition of po ­ litica lly c o rre c t a ttitu d e s .” Stimpson responds in the Point of View colum n in th e May 29, 1991, issue o f the Chronicle o f H igher Education, “The mis­ use o f the term ‘politically cor­ rect’ o r P.C. is arhetorical virus t h a t h as b e e n s p re a d in g through higher education and the m edia so rapidly th at it is n e a rly com ic se lf-p a ro d y .” N oted scholar C Stimpson has been called “left,” will speak on is “dom inant,” “smug,” “intoler­ w om en a t the A ant,” and “trendy.” She writes, “I found an anonymous note in my departm ental mailbox warning me, ‘M ultieulturalism is a fad.”’ Stimpson is university professor, dean of the G raduate School, and vice provost for graduate education at Rutgers, the State University o f New Jersey/New Brunswick. Now the editor of a book series for the University of Chicago Press, she served as the founding editor o f Signs from 1974- 80. She was the first director o fth e W om en’s C enter of Barnard College and of the Institute for Research on W om en at Rutgers. T he author o f a novel, Class Notes (1979,1980), and editor of seven books, she has also published over 125 monographs, essays, stories, and reviews in such places as Transatlantic Review, Nation, New York Times Book Review, Critical Inquiry, and B oundary 2. A selection of essays, Where the Meanings Are, appeared in 1988. H er book on G ertrude Stein is u n d e r contract to th e Univer­ sity o f Chicago Press. Professor Stimpson has lec­ tu re d at over 275 institutions and events in the United States and abroad. H e r public ser­ v ice h a s in c l u d e d th e chairpersonships of the New York State Council for the H u m a n itie s , th e N ational C o u n c il fo r R e se a rc h on W omen, and th e Ms. Maga­ zine B oard o f Scholars. In 1990 she was the president of atherine Stimpson th e M odem Language Asso­ sues o f concern to ciation. She is now the chair C R L conference. o f the National Advisory Com­ m ittee of the W oodrow W il­ son National Fellowship Foundation. E ducated at Bryn Mawr College, Cambridge University, and Columbia University, she holds honorary degrees from Upsala College, M onm outh College, and Bates College. She has also won Fulbright and Rockefeller Humanities Fellowships. Prelim inary program and registration materials for the Sixth National C onference in Salt Lake City will be available in November. T he advance confer­ ence registration rate for ACRL m em bers is $135 and $255 for non-m em bers. Additional informa­ tion is available from the ACRL office, (800) 545- 2433, ext. 2516. ■ ■ N e ed a n ew director? Recruiting the Academic Library Directoris now available from ACRL as a companion piece to The Search Comm ittee Handbook: A Guide to Recruit­ ing Administrators ‚ published in 1987 by the Ameri­ can Association for Higher E ducation. ACRL m em ­ b e r authors Sharon Rogers and Ruth Person have applied many o f the principles and procedures outlined in the Handbook to the specific task of recruiting a library director. T he two publications are available as a set (ISBN 0-8389-7484-8) to ACRL m em bers for $13.95, to non-m em bers for $16.95, and to ALA m em bers at a 10 p ercent discount. Call, write, or fax the ALA O rd e r D epart­ m ent, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611; phone: 800-545-2433, ext. 5014; fax: (312) 440-9374 for your copies.