ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1991 / 677 News from the Field Describe your library’s innovative activities for C&RL News readers C &RL News would like to feature in the “News from the Field” section creative activities, practical tips, programs, and management solutions imple­ mented in your academic library. B rief descriptions of 150-300 words are sought. Share your new ideas for old problems and creative responses to new challenges with C&RL News. Descriptions o f all types of ideas, activities, and programs are wel­ come; especially sought are descriptions of commu­ nity outreach programs, adaptations of library auto­ mation, managing libraries with fewer resources, successful approaches to bibliographic instruction and information literacy, recruitment and retention activities, and cultural diversity activities. Send your descriptions (photos are welcome, too) to: News from the Field, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; fax: 312-280-7663; bitnet: u38398@uicvm.bitnet. Electronic town meeting scheduled for December 10 A two-hour teleconference to provide an in- depth look at the White House Conference for Library and Information Services (W HCLIS), co­ sponsored by ALA and W H C LIS and produced by the College of DuPage, will be held on December 10,1991, shortly after President Bush receives the official report from W H C LIS. The teleconference will summarize W H C LIS activities (including video clips o f presentations from W H C LIS) and present the W H C LIS report and its implications for public policy on libraries. Through telephone and fax technology, viewers may participate in this national forum on library and information service issues. There is a charge of $175 to receive the broadcast ($150 if you register by November 15). Contact: College o f DuPage, 22nd Street and Lambert Road, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-6599; phone (708) 858-6090; fax (708) 858-0499. Celebrate the Bill of Rights Bicentennial A Bill of Rights Resource Kit containing four 11" x 28" posters illustrating freedoms guaranteed by the Bill o f Rights and a 60-page resource book containing the text o f the Bill of Rights, lists o f activities and resources, bibliographies, promo­ tional pieces, and more is available from ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom. Use this kit to remind your library users about freedom o f speech, freedom o f religion, civil rights, and the rights of the accused. The $25.00 (prepaid) kit may be ordered from: Bill o f Rights Bicentennial, ALA, Office for Intellectual Freedom, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Information literacy experts sought The ACRL Information Literacy Advisory Board seeks individuals to include on their list of advisers. To be considered for inclusion individuals must have experience using the concept of information literacy in an academic program; experience teach­ ing users critical evaluation of information sources; writing and speaking experiences on information literacy; and excellent speaking, writing, and teach­ ing skills. Applications must be received by January 15, 1992. To obtain an application and the full criteria for inclusion contact: Hannelore B. Rader, Director, University Library, Cleveland State Uni­ versity, 1860 E. 22nd St., Cleveland, OH 44113. Exhibits & displays focus of new discussion group Plans for a clearinghouse of traveling exhibits, sharing o f ideas and techniques, censorship issues, and workshops are being developed by ACRL’s new Exhibits and Displays Discussion Group. The group was formed at the ALA Annual Conference in June 1991 after a favorable response to an e-mail call to assess interest. The group will meet at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in San Antonio on Saturday, January2 5 , 1992, from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. For further information or to be placed on the mailing list contact: Michael M. Miller, Chairperson, NDSU Libraries, Fargo, ND 58105-5599; fax: 701-237- 7138; bitnet: nu021140@ndsuvml. Research fellowships & grants available The John Carter Brown Library will award ap­ proximately 15 research fellowships for the year of June 1, 1992-M ay 31, 1993. The deadline for 678 / C&RL News applying is January 1 5 ,1 9 9 2 , and fellowships will be awarded on the basis o f the applicant’s scholarly qualifications, the merits o f the project, and the appropriateness o f the inquiry in relation to the holdings o f the John Carter Brown Library. The library’s collection contains primary materials relat­ ing to all aspects o f the discovery, exploration, settlement, and development o f the New World. T he fellowships are o f two types: 1) short-term fellowships for periods o f two to four months carry­ ing a stipend o f $900 per month and 2) long-term fellowships funded by the National Endow m ent for the Humanities for a period o f six months with a stipend o f $14,100. Application forms are available from the Director, John C arter Brown Library, Box 1894, Providence, R L 02912. T he Social Science Research Council (SSRC ) and the American Council o f Learned Societies (A CLS) announce the availability o f awards of $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 7 5 ,0 0 0 to universities and other research libraries in the United States for the purpose o f making currently uncataloged materials in major library collections accessible to users. Research materials eligible for inclusion in the program are those materials in the territorial vernacular o f the countries o f the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe as currently constituted. Cost-sharing commitments are required and program support is subject to the availability o f funds. T he deadline is D ecem b er 1, 1991. Contact: Joint Com m ittee on Soviet Studies, Social Science Research Council, 605 Third Av­ enue, New York, NY 10158; (212) 661-0280. Calls for papers Abstracts for instructive sessions exploring “what is good instruction/teaching now” are sought for the 20th National L O E X Library Instruction Confer­ ence to be held in Ypsilanti, Michigan, May 8 - 9 , 1992. T he deadline for submission for the hour- long instructive sessions is January 15, 1992. Sug­ gested topics include types o f learning, mentoring, design o f instructional materials, technology and its impact on instruction, new constituencies for li­ braries— international students, culturally diverse populations, adults and part-time students, provi- Library staff trained with HyperCard T he University o f Tennessee, Knoxville, Librar­ ies has used Macintosh computers and HyperCard to develop “basic training” for new employees who fill the variety o f nonprofessional job s in every department. A team o f librarians and staff exploited HyperCard’s graphic, sound, and animation features to de­ velop seven self-directed train­ ing units to stimulate learning on the following topics: orienta­ tion, Library o f Congress Clas­ sification, processing materials, computers in libraries, periodi­ cals, reference services, and re­ source sharing. T he project was funded with a $62,445 grant from the Higher Education Act (HEA) Title II-D , College L i­ brary Technology and Coop­ eration Grant Program, $76,543 University o f in cost-sharing from the Uni­ m em bers Beth versity o f Tennessee, and an Mary Jon es vi equipment grant from Apple com puter-based Com puter. Response by the trainees using the programs has been positive. T h e program, designed to b e easily modified for use in other libraries (as well as for use in library instruction classes), is currently being adapted and tested at the University o f Kentucky Libraries in a jo int project with the University o f Tennessee (UT). U T faculty Pauline Bayne, Jill Keally, and Joe Rader have modified the information specific in the pro­ grams. Gail Kennedy, assistant director o f the Uni­ versity o f Kentucky Libraries, heads their com- puter-based training team. Using the computer laboratory, the two institutions are testing the effec­ tiveness o f the program. The project includes pre- and post­ testing o f control and test groups o f library staff. T he HyperCard stacks devel­ oped for these training sessions are free and may be redistrib­ uted in their original form. To obtain the stacks: 1) use the In te r n e t (address U T K L IB . L IB .U T K .E D U ) to download to a local computer; or 2) order 14 diskettes (for $20) from: Apple Library T em p late Exchange, Tennessee sta ff Apple Library Users Group, F oster (left) an d 10381 Bandley D r., M S.8-C , ew a unit o f the Cupertino,C A 95014; (408)974- training program. 2552. F o r a brochure describing the p roject or additional information contact: Pauline S. Bayne, head o f the Music Library, at (613) 974- 3 4 7 4 or B A Y N E @ U T K V 3 .B IT N E T ; or Joe C . Rader, head o f University Archives, at (615) 974- 0 0 4 8 o r R A D E R @ U T K V X l. B IT N E T . B oth indi­ viduals are at the University Libraries, University o f Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996. ■ ■ November 1991 / 679 sionally accepted students. Submit a one-page ab­ stract with proposed title, media requirements, name, address, and phone number to: Director, L O EX Clearinghouse, Library, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197; (313) 487-0168. The Western New York/Ontario ACRL Board seeks papers for its Spring 1992 meeting. Notice of intent to submit with abstract must be received by D ecem ber 15, 1991. All topics o f interest to aca­ demic librarians are sought and prizes will be given for the best paper. Contact: Ellie Munn, Biblio­ graphic Control, Butler Library, State University College at Buffalo, 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222; (716) 878-6317; fax (716) 878-3134. ALA’s Reference and Adults Services Division seeks papers for a preconference on reference effectiveness. An award o f $200 will be presented to each o f the 12 persons selected to present papers at the June 2 6 ,1 9 9 2 , preconference. Abstracts o f one to two pages describing the completed, in-progress, or planned research should be submitted by Janu­ ary 3, 1992, to: Jo Bell Whitlatch, Clark Library, San Jose State University, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0028; (408) 924-2748. Grolier National Library Week comp­ etition now open to academic libraries An expanded Grolier National Library Week Grant o f $2,000 open to all types o f libraries will be awarded by the ALA National Library Week Com­ mittee for the best proposal for a public awareness program in support o f National Library Week. The deadline for applications is D ecember 6, 1991. “Your Right to Know: Librarians make it hap­ pen” is the theme for National Library Week, April 5 -1 1 , 1992. This is the first year that the Grolier National Library W eek Grant is open to academic libraries. Proposals must carry the National Library W eek theme and must be developed cooperatively with another type o f library and/or community organization such as local chapters o f the National Partners for Libraries and Literacy. Guidelines, applications, and a list o f partner organizations are available from the ALA Public Information Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; phone: (800) 545-2433, ext. 5041. The winner will be announced at the National Library Workshop at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in San Antonio. Acquisitions • Amherst College Library received a collec­ tion o f 20th-century Russian literary materials from Thomas P. Whitney, a former U.S. embassy official and Associated Press correspondent in Moscow. Whitney also established an endowment for the college to support a new Amherst Center for Rus­ sian Culture to house the materials. Whitney’s collection contains more than 10,000 books, manu­ scripts, journals, periodicals, a music archive, and a large collection o f 20th-century Russian emigre poetry. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Vladimir Nabokov, A lexei R em izov, M arin a T sv etaev a, Anna Akhmatova, and Boris Pasternak are among the well-known Russian writers whose manuscripts are contained in the collection. • Boston University has acquired the papers o f Scott and Helen Nearing, pioneers in the back- to-the-land movement that developed in New E n ­ gland in the 1930s. A college professor and ac­ tivist who incurred much criticism for his socialist views early in this cen­ tu ry, S c o tt N earing (1883-1983) retreated to Vermont in the 1920s with Helen Knothe to begin a new life as an organic farmer. His books include Living the G ood Life: How to Live Safely and Sanely in a Troubled Scott Nearing at 99 World and a sequel. “The Nearing Collection will provide historians and sociologists with a vivid portrait o f two American originals and their influ­ ence on a generation o f conservationists,” said Howard B. Gotlieb, curator o f the Twentieth Cen­ tury Archives. • Northem Illinois University has acquired 94 works o f Edward Ardizzone, noted English author and illustrator. Ardizzone’s works, primarily for children, include his series o f Little Tim books. In 1956 his book Tim All Alone won the first Kate Greenaway Medal o f the Library Association, a British award similar to ALA’s Caldecott Medal. • The University o f California at Los An­ geles (UCLA) has acquired a collection o f works by and about Herman Melville. Donated by UCLA alumni Edwin S. and David W. Shneidman, the collection includes 168 works relating to Melville as well as supportive material and 22 books on whal­ ing. According to David Zeidberg, head of the Department of Special Collections, “This gift is an outstanding complement to our existing collection o f 19th-century American fiction... [and] brings the UCLA Library significantly closer to its goal of having a truly comprehensive collection o f works by Herman Melville.” • The University o f Arizona has received Dr. Herbert Hull’s personal set o f reports on velvet mesquite based on research he conducted for the W eed Investigations Section o f the U.S. Depart- 680 / C &RL News ment o f Agriculture. Hull’s work was described in Annual Reports o f Velvet M esquite Investigations 1954-1971 but the distribution o f these reports was limited to six copies. • T h e W ashington University School o f M edicine in St. Louis received a rare 18th-century w ork t itle d P h y ta n th o z a ic o n o g r a p h ia s iv e c o n s p e c tu s ...P lantaru m , A rbo ru m , F ru ticu m , Florum, Fructuum, Fungorum... that includes 1,250 hand-colored plates o f fruit, flowers, trees, and shrubs. T h e four vellum-bound folios, in flawless condition, are valued at more than $100,000. The folios are a gift o f Jean Fred erick Rogier (class o f 1934) and his wife Verna D orothea Rogier. • W heaton C ollege, Illinois, reports discov­ ering 13 handwritten letters from evangelist Dwight L. Moody and a Moody family genealogical chart while processing a box o f papers o f China mission­ ary Lem uel Nelson Bell. Grants & gifts • Am herst C olleg e Archives has received $105,000 in grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities Division o f Preservation and Access and from the U .S. D epartm ent o f Education Title II-C to support the preservation microfilming o f the Dwight W. Morrow papers. • Auraria Library, Denver, Colorado, re ­ ceived $35,000 from the National Historical Publi­ cations and Records Commission to arrange and describe the records o f the National Municipal League (1 8 9 4 -1 9 8 0 ). A descriptive guide and col­ lection-level records on O C L C and C A R L will create accesS“tothis state and local policy collection. • T h e C.V. S ta rr E a st Asian L ib ra ry at Columbia University was awarded nearly $177,000 by the D epartm ent o f Education to catalog 1,200 Chinese and 600 Japanese rare and little-held titles. T he project, funded by the Higher Education Act Title II-C Program, will provide m achine-readable records for the titles and allow for the preservation o f many o f the items through rebinding and encase­ ment. Both the Chinese gazetteer and genealogy collection and the Japanese E d o (1 6 0 0 -1 8 6 8 ) and Meiji (1 8 6 8 -1 9 1 2 ) periods collections will benefit from the grant. • D eP au l University, Chicago, Illinois, has received a library support grant for the fourth consecutive year from the Canadian Consulate General in Chicago and the Government o f Canada’s Departm ent o f External Affairs to purchase mate­ rials pertaining to Canada. • T h e U niversity o f Illin ois’s Agriculture L ib ra ry has been funded for $192,205 under the U.S. O ffice o f Education T itle II-2 C grant for strengthening library resources. T h e funds are used to catalog U SD A and State Experim ent Station series publications for A G R IC O LA (National Agri­ culture Library), O C L C , and A G R IS (the Food and Agriculture Organization’s database). This is the sixth year the project has been funded; to date over 112,000 records have been input. • T h e University o f C alifornia, San F r a n ­ cisco, received a $ 3 8 ,674 grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission o f the National Archives to fund an A ID S History Project. T he project will identify source materials from more than 35 A ID S-related agencies and health care providers in the Bay Area, inventory these materials, and prepare plans for their preser­ vation. Treatm ent records, minutes o f meetings, reports, organizational charts, correspondence, in­ terview notes, photographs, personal papers, and diaries will be collected. • T h e University o f W aterloo L ibrary re ­ ceived a three-year $ 9 ,000 grant to acquire materi­ als for its collection o f works by and about Robert Southey; a two-year $ 6 ,0 0 0 grant to develop the historical American planning collection; and a $2,422 grant to purchase a collection titled ‘W om en and W ork” from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council o f Canada. ■ ■ Editor needed for BIS Newsletter A C R L ’s Bibliographic Instruction Section (B IS ) is seeking candidates for the editorship of its newsletter. T h e application deadline is D e ­ cem ber 1 5 ,1 9 9 1 . Candidates should have expe­ rience with bibliographic instruction, experi­ ence with newsletters, be a m e m b e r o f B IS , and attend ALA Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings during their term as editor (1992-94). T h e editor will serve as a m em ber o f the B IS Communications Com m ittee, as ex officio mem­ b e r o f the B IS Advisory Council and on the A C R L Newsletter E ditor’s Com m ittee. Candidates should submit samples o f their work as part o f the application and must describe the equipment they have available foruse. (Desk­ top publishing experience is a plus and an elec­ tronic mail account will expedite comm unica­ tion with B IS members.) T h e new editor will be chosen at the 1992 Midwinter meeting and will work with the cur­ rent editor on the Spring 1992 issue. Applica­ tions should b e sent to Barbara MacAdam, B IS Communication Committee Chair, Undergradu­ ate Library, University o f Michigan, Ann Arbor, M I 481 0 9 -1 1 8 5 , by D ecem b er 15, 1991.