ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 363 People PROFILES R a l p h E . M c C o y has accepted an appointment as interim executive director of the Association of Research Libraries for the period January 7 -Ju n e 3 0, 1980. He will suc­ ce e d Jo h n G. L o re n z , who w ill r e t i r e as e x e c u tiv e d ir e c to r o f A RL at the end o f 1979. M c C o y , a n a tiv e o f St. Louis, is a graduate o f Illin o is W e s le y a n University and the Uni­ v ersity o f Illin o is. He was librarian and assis­ tant professor of indus­ trial relations at the In­ stitute o f Labor and In ­ dustrial Relations from Ralph E. McCoy 1949 to 1955. In 1955 he becam e director of libraries at Southern Illi­ nois University and served in that position until 1971, when he b e cam e dean o f library affairs. M cCoy retired from Southern Illinois University in 1976. From July 1978 to July 1979 h e was interim director at the University of Georgia L i­ braries. He is a past president of the Association o f Col­ lege and Research Libraries. R o b e r t M a l o y of New York City has been ap­ pointed d irecto r o f Sm ithsonian Institution L i­ braries following a two-year search to fill the posi­ tion, vacant since Rus­ sell Shank b e cam e d i­ rector of libraries at the University o f California at Los Angeles. M a lo y , who be gan work August 2 7, o v er­ se e s th e op eratio ns o f the central library, in­ cluding the D ibner L i­ brary and the rare book c o lle c tio n , ten bu reau libraries, and six major b r a n c h lib r a r ie s . H e a lso w orks in c lo s e R obert Maloy c o o p e r a tio n w ith th e independent libraries o f the institution s four art bureaus. Smithsonian library facilities are located in W ashington, Maryland, Virginia, New York, Massachusetts, and Panama. M aloy g o e s to W a sh in g to n from U n io n Theological Seminary, where he served as direc­ tor o f the library and professor of history for four years. D uring his ten u re, the seminary library was automated, its buildings w ere renovated, and its collections were expanded. Maloy went to the seminary from the School of Theology and the C la r e m o n t G ra d u a te Sc h o o l at C la r e m o n t, California, where he served for three years. A n a tiv e o f C le v e la n d , M alo y c o m p le te d undergraduate work at the University o f Dayton in 1956 and received a master’s degree from the G rad uate L ib ra ry Sch o ol o f th e U niv ersity o f Chicago in 1961. He earned his doctorate from the University of Freibu rg, Switzerland, in 1966 and co n tin u ed p o std o cto ral stud ies at several European universities. Maloy is a specialist in W estern medieval man­ uscripts, with a particular interest in the conser­ vation problems that confront research libraries. T . J o h n M e t z has been named college librar­ ian and adjunct associate professor of library sci­ e n c e at C a rle to n C o lle g e in N o rthfield , M in ­ nesota. M etz has been director of the Midwest R e g io n L ib r a r y N e t­ work (M ID L N E T ) since 1 9 7 5 . B e fo r e th at he served for nine years as director o f the library at the U niversity o f W is­ c o n s in - G r e e n B ay, w here he planned and supervised construction of the U W -G r e e n Bay lib ra r y b u ild in g and p e r s o n a lly p u rch a se d th e first 6 0 ,0 0 0 v o l­ T. Jo h n Metz umes. A graduate of H eidelberg College, Ohio, Metz earned the M.A. in music at Miami University in Ohio and the m aster’s in library science at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, where he was a library science scholar and fellow. An accom­ plished violinist, he has performed regularly with the G reen Bay Symphony since 1967. A P P O IN T M E N T S T h o m a s A l e x a n d e r has been appointed head o f th e P u b lic H e a lth L ib r a r y , U n iv e r s ity o f California, Berkeley. E m i l y J . A l w a r d is reference librarian, Purdue University Libraries and Audio-Visual Center. R e b e c c a B a t s o n has b e en appointed to the position of circulation librarian, William J . Clark L ibrary, Virginia Union U niversity, Richmond, Virginia. One-stop access to over 1 7 8 ,0 0 0 current doctoral d issertation s! Mow available — the Comprehensive Dissertation Index 5-Year Cumulation 1973-1977, the definitive reference work which combines the dissertations of the last five years into one concise 19-volume bibliographic index. A ny dissertation can be located in minutes! This is the only single-source reference to over 178,000 current North American doctoral dissertations, making it a valuable addition to any university or other research-oriented library. Keyword and keyphrase indexing within broad subject areas allows users to pinpoint a specific title or browse an entire subject area. In addition to the complete 19-volume set, Science and Humanities packages are available to meet specialized needs. You can order the C D I 5-Year Cumulation 1973-1977 in either library-bound or m icro­ fiche editions. For complete information and an order form, send in the coupon below with no obligation. ( T o p r e s e r v e t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n , p l e a s e p h o t o c o p y t h i s p a g e . ) Comprehensive Dissertation Index 5-Year Cumulation 1973-1977 366 P a m B a x t e r has been named interlibrary loan librarian, Milne Library, State University of New York, College at Geneseo. J a n i c e B e a u d i n is public services librarian, Undergraduate Library, University of Wisconsin, Madison. S t a n t o n F . B i d d l e has been appointed associ­ ate director of University Libraries, State Univer­ sity of New York at Buffalo. H . J o s e p h B o u r n e u f has been appointed se­ rials cataloger, Cabot Science Library, Harvard University. W a l t e r B r e m , J r . , has been appointed refer­ en ce librarian/Latin American area specialist, Arizona State University Library, Tempe. D e b o r a h B r o a d w a t e r is assistant catalog li­ brarian, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Library. C a r o l B u r r o u g h s has been appointed head of public services, Crosby Library, Gonzaga Univer­ sity, Spokane, Washington. H e r b e r t C a n a l e s has been appointed mate­ rials c e n te r librarian , Texas A&I U niv ersity, Kingsville. D a l e C a n e l a s , assistant director of collections and developments, has been promoted to associ­ ate director, Stanford University Libraries. B e s s i e C a r r i n g t o n has been appointed refer­ ence librarian, Perkins Library, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. R h o d a C h a n n i n g is now librarian, Boston Col­ lege School of M anagement Library, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. R o b e r t C h i p o k has been appointed to the po­ sitio n o f c a ta lo g e r in O rig inal M onographs Cataloging, Columbia University Libraries, New York City. J o s e p h C o l l i n s has been appointed Germanic languages cataloger, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library. N i c o l a D a v a l has assumed the position of in­ formation officer, Association of Research Librar­ ies, Washington, D .C . B o n n i e M . D a v i s has b e com e in te rlib ra ry cooperation consultant, Lincoln Trail Libraries System, Champaign, Illinois. C a t h e r i n e M . D e l n o r e is assistant librarian, Hilles Library, Radcliffe College, Harvard Uni­ versity. B a r b a r a D o y l e is staff assistant, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Library. R a y E n g l i s h has been appointed head refer­ ence librarian, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, Ohio. E l e a n o r F a i r b a n k s has been appointed sci­ ence librarian, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, Ohio. E l i z a b e t h A . F a l s e y is manuscripts cataloger, Houghton Library, Harvard University. L o r e n a A . F i l o s a has b e e n ap p o in ted cataloger, Swarthmore College Library, Swar­ thmore, Pennsylvania. B a r b a r a F o r d , f o r m e r l y a s s i s t a n t d o c u m e n t s librarian, has been appointed documents librar­ ian, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. K a t h e r i n e A . F r o h m b e r g has been appointed systems librarian, Oberlin College Library, O ber­ lin, Ohio. E l i z a b e t h G a m b l e is assistant cataloger, Milne Library, State University of New York, College at Geneseo. J u d y E . G i n s b e r g has been named head of the Cataloging Department, Library o f Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Downsview, On­ tario. L e s l i e K . G r e e r has been named head, Audio L isten in g Room, T em p le U niversity L ib rary , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. P e t e r H a i k a l i s has been appointed head, Ref­ erence Services Department, J. Paul Leonard L i­ brary, San Francisco State University. S h a r o n H a m b y has been appointed law librar­ ian, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachu­ setts. J a i a H e y m a n n will join the staff o f Perkins L ib ra ry , D u ke U n iv e rsity , D u rh am , North Carolina, as head of public documents on January 7, 1980. J o h n H o s t a g e is assistant catalog librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Library. R o b e r t D . I b a c h , J r . , has been named director of the Billy Graham Library, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. S u s a n J u r i s t has been appointed to the posi­ tion of cataloger in Original Monographs Catalog­ ing, Columbia University Libraries, New York City. C o n n i e L . K e l l e r has been named assistant catalog / referen ce lib ra ria n at th e Iris H olt McEwen Library, Elon College, North Carolina. J a n K e n n e d y , director of Steenbock Memorial Library, University of W isconsin-M adison, has accepted an appointment as chief of the Lending Branch, National Agricultural Library, Technical Inform ation Sy stem s, S c ie n c e and E du cation Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland. H e l e n S m i t K i r c h e n has been named assistant public services librarian, Iris Holt McEwen Li­ brary, Elon College, North Carolina. S u s a n K l i m l e y has been appointed geological sciences librarian, Columbia University Libraries, New York City. K a r e n K o p e c is assistant documents librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Library. S a n d r a L . K r c h m a r is the new administrative assistant, Lincoln Trail Libraries System, Cham­ paign, Illinois. V i c k i R . K r e i m e y e r has been appointed assis­ tant director of public services, Aubrey R. Wat­ zek Library, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon. E l i z a b e t h A n n L a n g e has been named assis­ tant director of libraries for technical services, University of South Carolina, Thomas Cooper Li­ brary. 367 E m m e t t L a n g l e y has b e e n appointed southern regional sales manager, F . W . Faxon Company, W estwood, Massachusetts. D o u g l a s K . L e h m a n has be en appointed gov­ ernm ent docum ents librarian, Library o f the Ohio Historical So ciety, Columbus, Ohio. P a u l M a c L e a n is head o f circu lation , M ilne Library, State U niversity o f New York, College of G eneseo. B i l l M a i n a has joined the staff of the Library o f the University o f Texas H ealth Scien ce C en te r, Dallas, as assistant director for p u blic services. J a m e s M a l o n e y is assistant catalog lib rarian, University o f Illinois at Chicago C ircle Library. J a c q u e l i n e M a n c a l l has join ed the faculty of th e School o f L ibrary and Inform ation S cien ce, D rexel U niversity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as assistant professor. G e o r g e D . M c K e e has b e en named fine arts b ib lio g r a p h e r , G le n n G . B a r tle L ib ra ry , S ta te University o f New York at Bingham ton. J o y c e M c K i b b e n has b e e n nam ed lib rarian , M em phis State U niversity L ib raries, M em phis, Tenn essee. D o r o t h y J . M c K o w e n is se ria ls c a ta lo g e r, P urd u e U n iv ersity L ib ra rie s and A udio-V isual C e n te r, Lafayette, Indiana. C h a r l e s M c M o r r i s is serials cataloger, U ni­ versity o f W isconsin, Madison, Libraries. V i v i a n M o r e a u is now referen ce librarian, B os­ to n C o lle g e S c h o o l o f S o c ia l W o rk L ib r a r y , C hestnut H ill, Massachusetts. P a u l M o s h e r , assistant d irector of public ser­ vices, has be en prom oted to associate d irecto r, Stanford University Libraries. E l e a n o r M u n n has be en appointed to the po­ sition o f principal cataloger in technical services, C a s e W e s t e r n R e s e r v e U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r ie s , C leveland, Ohio. R o x a n n e L . N i l a n has b e e n appointed univer­ sity archivist, Stanford University Libraries. S y d n e y O w e n s has b e e n appoin ted associate s c ie n c e lib r a r ia n , M a s s a c h u s e tts I n s t it u t e o f Technology. C h e r y l P a y n e has b e e n appoin ted re fe re n c e librarian, Texas A & I U niversity, Kingsville. L o r r a i n e P a z d e r has be en appointed assistant r eferen ce librarian, U niversity o f P uget Sound, Tacoma, W ashington. W . W . P e n n i n g t o n has join ed the faculty of th e M ervyn H . S te r n e L ib ra ry , U n iv ersity o f Alabama, Birm ingham , as circulation supervisor/ information analyst. G e o r g i a P o r t u n d o is S p a n ish / P o rtu g u e s e cataloger, University of W isconsin, Madison, L i­ braries. N a n c y O . P r e s s has b e e n a p p o in te d c o o r ­ dinator, D o cum ent Delivery/Extension Services, New England Regional M edical Library Serv ice, Countway Library, Harvard University. B e c k y P r e s t i has b e e n appointed tem porary catalog librarian, O bërlin College Library, O ber- lin, Ohio. M a r t h a L . R i c h a r d s o n has b e e n appointed head, In terlib rary Loan Section, Iowa State U ni­ versity Library, Ames. N o r m a J a n e l l R u d o l p h has b e en named ref­ e re n ce librarian, M em phis State U niversity L i­ braries, M em phis, Tenn essee. M o l l i e S a n d o c k is assistant referen ce librar­ ian, U niversity o f Illinois at C hicago C ircle L i­ brary. D e b o r a h S c h a f f e r is assistant science librar­ ian, U niversity o f Illinois at C hicago C ircle L i­ brary. B r u c e S c h u e n e m a n has been appointed gov­ ernm ent documents librarian, Texas A & I U niver­ sity, Kingsville. L o i s S c h u l t z has b e e n a p p o in te d m u sic c a ta lo g e r , P e rk in s L ib r a r y , D u k e U n iv e r s ity , Durham , North Carolina. N a n c y S k i p p e r has b e en appointed temporary r e fe r e n c e lib ra r ia n , O b e rlin C o lle g e L ib ra ry , O berlin , Ohio. C h e r y l S p i e s e is referen ce librarian, G lenn G. B artle L ibrary, State U niversity o f New York at Bingham ton. P a t r i c i a K . S w a n s o n has b e en named head of re fe re n c e serv ices, Josep h R eg en stein L ibrary, University o f Chicago. B r u c e M . T r u m b l e is cataloger, C ollege L i­ brary, Harvard U niversity. J o h n M . T u c k e r is referen ce librarian for the P urd u e U n iv e rsity L ib r a r ie s and A udio-V isual C e n te r, Lafayette, Indiana. S a n d r a R . W e a v e r has be en appointed to the position o f head, M A RC Processing Division in the Catalog D ep artm ent, and R L IN coordinator, G eneral Library, U niversity of California, B e rk e ­ ley. W e n d e l l A. Y e a t t s , J r . , is serials cataloger, P urd u e U n iv e rsity L ib r a r ie s and A udio-V isual C e n te r, Lafayette, Indiana. RETIREMENTS B e r t h a J o n e s , scien ce cataloger, Perkins L i­ b r a r y , D u k e U n iv e r s ity , D u r h a m , N o rth C arolina, retired S e p te m b e r 3 0 after thirty-tw o years of service. L a c h l a n M a c R a e , special adviser to th e Na­ tional L ibrarian o f Canada, has retired after forty years o f work in p ublic, university, and research libraries. P a t t i e B . M c I n t y r e retired from the staff of the R eference D ep artm ent, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Library after forty years of service. G e r t r u d e M e r r i t t , a sso ciate u n iv ersity li­ brarian for co llection developm ent, Perkins L i­ b r a r y , D u k e U n iv e r s ity , D u r h a m , N o rth Carolina, retired August 31 after forty-eight years o f service. Y u r i N a k a t a r e t i r e d from h e r p o s itio n o f d o c u m e n ts lib r a r ia n , U n iv e r s ity o f Illin o is at Chicago C ircle L ibrary, on August 31 after thir­ teen years o f service. 368 H e l e n T u r n e r , h ead, G o v e rn m e n t D o c u ­ m ents D ep artm ent, M em phis State University Libraries, retired on October 1. She began her service at the Memphis State University Libraries in 1966 and had previously worked at Memphis and Shelby County Public Library and Informa­ tion C enter and at the Library of Congress. DEATHS M a r i e E . A n g e l o t t i , until recently the assis­ tant director for library services at Florida Atlan­ tic University, died O ctober 17 in Boca Raton, Florida. F o r d C u r t i s , professor emeritus o f English at the University of Pittsburgh, died on Septem ber 24. In 1960 Curtis and his wife donated to the University Libraries the Ford and Harriet Curtis T h e a tre C o lle c tio n , com posed o f books, p ro ­ gram s, and m em o rabilia co lle cte d over many years o f avid th e a te rg o in g . C u rtis serv ed as curator from 1961 to 1975, during which time he undertook an expansion of the collection by dona­ tions from numerous theatrical sources. B a r b a r a E l a i n e N i c h o l s o n , assistant director of libraries at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, and president-elect o f the Academic Library As­ sociation of Ohio, died on August 31 in Hamilton, Ohio. She had served as physics-astronomy librar­ ian at the University of Texas at Austin, 1968-70; head s c ie n c e lib ra r ia n a t M iam i U n iv e r s ity , 1 9 7 0 -7 2 ; and assistan t d ir e c to r o f lib ra ries at Miami University, 1972-79. Memorial contribu­ tions in her name may be made to Miami Uni­ versity’s Women s R esource C en te r, c/o Miami University Fund, Murstein Alumni C en ter, Ox­ ford, Ohio. ■■ Publications RECEIVED (S e le c te d item s w ill b e review ed in future issues of C ollege & Research L ibraries.) • Aaron and E la in e C ohen s Designing an d Space Planning f o r L ibraries: A B ehavioral Guide (B o w k er, 1 9 7 9 , $ 2 4 .9 5 ) p re se n ts the a u th o rs’ views (one an architect, the other a behaviorist) on how to set up a library and give equal recogni­ tion to human behavior as well as to aesthetics and building function. In addition to discussions on planning and layout of library space, the au­ thors also include information on choice o f furni­ ture and equipment; lighting, power, and energy; color and signage; and acoustics. • Frances Simonsen Bernhardt’s Introduction to L ib r a r y T ech n ica l Services (H. W. W ilson, 1979, $15) has been prepared “as a textbook for a co u rs e in te c h n ic a l s e r v ic e s in a tw o -y ear library/media technology program ’’ and is d e ­ signed not only for such students but also for those working in a library as well as those con­ templating a career decision. • Charles L. B ernier and A. Neil Yerkey’s C o­ gent Communication: Overcoming Reading Over­ load (Greenwood, 1979, $19.95), presenting two aspects o f th e problem — the unreadable abun­ dance of relevant material and the inability to use what has been read, gives the authors’ discussion of methods used to cope with the problem and introduces the principle of cogency (the intelli­ gent and productive use of what is read). This volume is num ber 26 in Greenwood’s C ontribu­ tions in Librarianship and Information Science. • T h e In ternational F ed e ra tio n o f Film Ar­ chives Cataloging Commission has recently issued Film Cataloging, designed as a practical and up- to-date guide to the theory and practice of film cataloging. Published by B u rt F ran klin , 1979. Price: $17.95 • The University Press o f Virginia has brought together in the volume Selected Studies in B ibli­ ography (1979, $15) eleven of the articles by G. Thomas Tanselle, published from 1967 through 1979 and treating the theory and tools of bibli­ ography, problems dealing with bindings and pa­ pers in descriptive bibliography, and textual criti­ cism and editing. • The proceedings of the twenty-fourth Aller­ ton Park In s titu te , 1978, S u p erv isio n o f E m ­ ployees in L ib raries, edited by Rolland E . S te ­ vens, has been issued by the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science. Price: $9. • V olum e 9 o f A d v a n ces in L ib r a r ia n s h ip , ed ited by M ich ael H. H arris (A cadem ic P r., 1 9 7 9 , $ 2 1 ), in clu d e s six p a p e rs: D avid K. Bem inghausen on intellectual freedom; Thomas J. Waldhart and Trudi Bellardo on user fees in publicly funded libraries; Charles W . Evans on paraprofessional library employees; Rosemary and Paul Du Mont on measuring library effectiveness; Abraham Bookstein and Karl Kocher on opera­ tions research; and George W. W hitbeck, Jean Major, and H erbert S. W hite on funding support for library research. • A new reference work on government docu­ m ents is F re d e ric O ’H ara’s G u id e to P u b lica ­ tions o f the Executive B ranch (Pierian P r., 1979, $29.50 cloth, $15.00 paper), which has separate chapters treating each of the departments. • Pierian Press continues its Library Research G uide serie s with its third volum e, Jam es R. Kennedy’s L ib rary R esearch Guide to Education: Illustrated Search Strategies an d Sources. Price: $ 8 .5 0 cloth, $4.50 paper. ■■