ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1 2 8 /C&RL News In the N ew s Enthusiasm. It’s a simple concept but one that is often easy to lose sight of in the mounds o f paper, appointments, instruction classes, meetings, etc., that press upon us all. Susan Barnes Whyte, an award-winning li­ brarian at Linfield College, reminds us that pas­ sion for our work, enthusiasm for the task at hand, and a touch of humor are important keys to success (page 138). Her mastery o f these traits has led her into leadership positions be­ yond the library on her campus. Many of ACRL’s units share this enthusiasm for academic librarianship and infuse it into their projects. ACRL’s College Libraries Section’s Col­ lege Library Director Mentor Program taps into the enthusiasm of library directors such as Larry Hardesty (Austin College) and lends a hand to those in their first year of directing a college library (page 132). The Instruction Section’s enthusiasm for helping others teach library users how to iden­ tify and evaluate information is shown in its joint project with the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) to mount a virtual collection of Internet user education and training materi­ als at Case Western Reserve University (page 131). ACRL members are enthusiastic about new paradigms and are eager to share them with others. ACRL and CNI are offering a joint pre­ conference on new learning communities, a concept that builds on the collaborative model o f teaching and learning, in which students work together to make discipline concepts more meaningful, and instructors and teams of fac­ ulty and professionals from other campus units, such as the library, collaboratively develop cur­ ricula (page 158). Speaking o f enthusiasm, ACRL members Bernie Fradkin and Lee Hisle have lots of it when it comes to ACRL and its future direction under the new Strategic Plan. Be sure to see why each wants to be elected president of ACRL (page 151) and be an informed voter this spring. — Mary Ellen K. Davis E ditor & P u blisher after April 1: