ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 168/C&RL News People in the News Pa m Spiegel The winners o f the Conser­ vation Division o f Information C onservation , In c.’s (IC I) Prize for a Plan 1995 were announced in January. The Special Collections Division at the University o f Texas at Ar­ lington w ill receive $3,000 worth o f ICI conservation ser­ vices for the plan submitted by Shirley Rodnitzky, archi­ vist, to preserve the maps and a journal o f Henry Washing­ ton Benham, an engineer and army officer w h o fought in the Mexican and U.S. Civil wars. The Milner Li­ brary at Illinois State University will receive $1,500 worth o f services for the plan submitted by Beth Schobernd, preservation librarian, to repair, deacidify, and encapsulate the posters in the library’s Circus History Collection. And the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction at Indiana University will receive $750 worth o f services for the plan submitted by John Bancroft, director o f the institute, and Margaret H. Harter, head o f in­ formation services, to conserve portions o f the notebooks o f newspaper and magazine clippings that document public reaction to Alfred Kinsey’s research on human sexual behavior. Gloria S. Werner, university librarian at the University o f California at Los Angeles, was elected vice-president/president-elect o f the As­ sociation o f Research Libraries (ARL) at its mem­ bership meeting in October. Elected to three- year terms on the ARL Board o f Directors were: Betty G. Bengston, director o f university li­ braries at the University o f Washington; Will­ iam J. Crowe, dean o f libraries at the Univer­ sity o f Kansas; and Carole Moore, c h ie f librarian at the University o f Toronto. Appointm ents Mary Biggs, formerly dean o f the library at Trenton State C ollege (TSC ), has been ap­ pointed dean o f the library and information ser­ vices at TSC. H er expanded responsibilities include Academic and Administrative Comput­ ing; Telecom m unications; the Media Center; Institu­ tional Research; and Mail- room, Storeroom, and Du­ plicating/Printing Services. Ernie Ingles, library direc­ tor at the University o f Al­ berta (U A ) in Edmonton, has been named to the new po­ sition o f executive director o f learning systems at UA. In his new position, Ingles takes responsibility for Computing and Network Services, Uni­ versity Information Enterprises, the University Bookstore, Technical Resource Group, and Print­ ing Services; he retains responsibility for the li­ brary system, museums, archives, and the Uni­ versity Press. Angie Whaley Le Clercq has been named di­ rector o f the Citadel’s Daniel Library. She for­ merly held the post o f head o f user education and assistant to the dean o f libraries at the Uni­ versity o f Tennessee, Knoxville. Le Clercq has written w idely on librarianship, especially in the areas o f technology and copyright issues. Her most recent work, Life on an Ante-Bellum Low Country Plantation, w ill be published by the University o f South Carolina Press in the fall o f this year. Sarah C. Michalak has been named director o f the Marriott Library at the University o f Utah in Salt Lake City. She previously served at the University o f Washington as assistant director o f libraries, li­ brary development, and planning; head o f collec­ tion access services and library development; spe­ cial assistant to the direc­ tor o f libraries; and head Sarah Michalak o f the Science Libraries. Before that she served as reference librarian, head o f the Bio-Agricultural Library, and chief bibli­ ographer for the life sciences at the University o f California, Riverside. A m em ber o f ALA and ACRL, Michalak served on the ACRL Seattle National Conference Executive Committee. March 1996/169 Lewis A. Armstrong is n o w technical ser­ vices librarian at Abilene Christian University in Texas. Jeffrey Barr has been named rare books and special collections librarian at the Univer­ sity o f Florida, Gainesville. Hugh Blackmer has been appointed sci­ ence librarian at W ashington and Lee Univer­ sity in Lexington, Virginia. Judith Brink has joined the Kresge Busi­ ness Administration Library at the University o f Michigan as selection coordinator. Kathleen J. Butler has been appointed as­ sistant education and p sychology librarian at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Ann Copeland is n o w half-time assistant original serials cataloger at the University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Tamara Fetzer is the n ew acquisitions li­ brarian at Calvin C ollege and Calvin T h eo lo gi­ cal Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Jeffrey Franks is n o w head o f reference at the University o f Akron. Nancy George has joined the Salem State College Library as electronic resources librarian. David Griffiths has been named half-time assistant documents librarian at the University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Jill M. Hackenberg has been appointed reference/electronic services coordinator in the Sciences and Engineering Library at the State University o f N e w Y ork at Buffalo. Charlotte Henderson has b een nam ed head o f governm ent documents and periodi­ cals at Southern University in Baton Rouge. Tracey J. Hunter has been appointed as­ sistant undergraduate librarian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Robin Hutchinson is the new serials con­ trol/reference librarian at St. Lawrence Univer­ sity. Barbara Joyce is n o w science librarian at St. Lawrence University. Scott Kehoe has been appointed reference and interlibrary loan librarian in the Loeb Li­ brary o f the Graham School o f Design at Har­ vard University. Diane Klaiber is n o w executive director o f the N e w England Law Library Consortium. Cheryl Kugler recently began work as head o f the Catalog Department at the University o f California, Irvine. Marta H. Kuszczak has been named head o f the Maps/Government Information Depart­ ment at Syracuse University. Marygrace E. McDonald is n o w kn o w l­ ed ge and consultation services librarian at the Countway Library o f Medicine, Harvard Uni­ versity. Julie Mellby has b een named assistant cu­ rator o f the department o f Printing and Graphic Arts in the Houghton Library at Harvard Uni­ versity. Pamela J. Merriman has been appointed user education librarian at Syracuse University. Ammon Ripple has been appointed refer­ ence/public services librarian at the University o f Pittsburgh. Stephen Smith has been named assistant OCLC catalog librarian at the University o f Illi­ nois at Urbana-Champaign. Timothy E. Thompson has b e e n ap ­ p o in te d th e lib ra ry d ire c to r fo r Syracuse University’s study abroad program in Florence, Italy. Victoria Shwonek Williamson has been named documents librarian/ethnic studies bib­ liographer at the University o f California, San D iego. Frank Wojcik is n o w library system man­ ager o f the Five Colleges o f O h io consortium’s shared online system. Sha Li Zhang has been named head o f tech­ nical services at O hio W esleyan University. Peter Zhou has been appointed head o f the East Asian Library at the University o f Pitts­ burgh. Ya’Aquov Ziso has been named technical services librarian at W illiam Paterson College in W ayne, N e w Jersey. R etirem en ts Angela B. Rubin retired at the end o f D ecem ­ ber as assistant humanities librarian at South­ ern Illinois University at Carbondale after 22 years o f service. Ed. note: Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, individuals using institutional letterhead, and other sources. To ensure that your person­ nel news is considered f o r publication, write to Pam Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL New s, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e- mail: 170/C&RL News Eliska Ryznar, head o f Stanford University’s Law Library Catalog Department, retired in Janu­ ary after m ore than 20 years o f service. In addi­ tion to w o rk in g in the Catalog Department, Ryznar is the author o f several bibliographies, a specialist translator, a professional indexer, and has contributed entries on the Czech and Slovak Republics to the Encyclopedia Americana. D eaths Lianne Schroeder Clark, a form er librarian in the Rare B ook Department at the Univer­ sity o f Chicago, died o f brain cancer in Janu­ ary at the age o f 65. Charlotte Jacobson, a retired associate profes­ sor and associate librarian at St. O laf College in Northfìeld, Minnesota, died in Decem ber at the age o f 86. Jacobson started working at St. O laf in 1931. During her 43-year career she served as assistant registrar, secretary to the president and to the dean o f men, associate professor o f En­ glish, and associate librarian. She retired from St. O la f in 1974 and becam e archivist for the N orw egian -A m erican Historical Association, based at the college. That second career lasted 16 years. Mary Alice Eggleston Kraehe, retired African bibliographer at the University o f Virginia (U V), died last August. In positions at the Universities o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Kentucky, Kraehe developed her expertise in the antiquar­ Advertiser index Academ ic Press 155 ASM International 136-37 Baker & Taylor 171 Brodart cover 4 EBSCO-Host 143 IEEE 147 IRI cover 3 OCLC 150, 160 PAIS 133 Rainbow Media 149 Sociological Abstracts 141 UMI 125 Univ. o f Missouri 128 ian book trade. She m oved to U V in 1970 as out- of-print librarian, and subsequently became A f­ rican bibliographer until her retirement in 1994. Professionally active, Kraehe held many offices in the African Studies Association’s Africana Li­ brarians Council and the Southeastern Regional Seminar in African Studies. Margaret Kelly Toth, retired head o f acqui­ sitions at the University o f Rochester (U R), died on D ecem ber 15, 1995. During her 26 years at Rochester, Toth also w o rk ed in the areas o f special collections and microtext. From 1953 to 1968 she was editor o f the UR Press, and served as editor o f the ACRL Microcard Series from 1954 to 1966. John C. Tyson, state librarian o f Virginia from 1990 to 1994, died in Novem ber after a brief illness. He was 44. At the time o f his death, Tyson was an associate profes­ so r at th e G ra d u a te School o f Information Sci­ ences at the University o f Tennessee, Knoxville. He also w as p resid en t o f John Tyson and Associ­ ates, a library m anage­ m en t c o n s u ltin g firm sp ecia liz in g in human John C. Tyson resource d evelopm en t. B efore his appointment as Virginia’s state li­ brarian, Tyson served as university librarian at the University o f Richmond (1986– 1990), and associate professor and assistant director for planning, administration, and developm en t at Northern Illinois University (1984– 1986). A pas­ sionate supporter o f the library profession, T y ­ son was a force behind the creation o f the Black Caucus o f ALA (B CALA ). In 1992 he re­ ceived the Distinguished Service A w ard from the BCALA for “his leadership and vision in planning the First National Conference o f A f­ rican Am erican Librarians.” Lucille M. Wert, retired professor emeritus at the University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (U IU C ), died last August at the age o f 76. W ert served as science librarian at Harvard Univer­ sity, the Massachusetts Institute o f Tech n ol­ ogy, the State University o f Iow a, and UIUC. She retired in 1986 as professor emeritus at UIUC, w h ere she had been on the faculty and in administration. ■