ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries College & Research Libraries news No. 8,September 1972 ACRL News Issue (A) of College & Research Libraries, Vol. 33, No. 5 Membership Endorses Joint Statement on Faculty Status The members of the Association of College and Research Libraries, meeting on June 26 during the Annual Conference in Chicago, voted their overwhelming endorsement of the “Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and University Librarians” drafted by a com­ mittee of the Association of American Col­ leges, the American Association of Univer­ sity Professors, and ACRL. The statement is the result of nearly a year’s effort on the part of the tripartite committee, established in Dal­ las, Texas during the 1971 conference. After rigorous and painstaking reviews of the docu­ ment at a special meeting in March, and again during the Annual Conference, the ACRL Committee on Academic Status submitted the following recommendation to the membership: That the ACRL Standards for Faculty Status for College and University Librar­ ians, as passed at the ACRL Membership Meeting of June 24, 1971, in Dallas, Texas, be reaffirmed and th at the April 26, 1972 Joint Statement on Faculty Status of Col­ lege and University Librarians of the As­ sociation of College and Research Libraries, the Association of American Colleges and the American Association of University Professors be endorsed as an effective im­ plementation of many of these standards. The joint statement will now be presented the AAC and the AAUP for their considera­ on. ■ ■ to ti Joint S tatem en t on Faculty Status of College and U niversity L ibrarians As the primary means through which stu­ dents and faculty gain access to the store­ house of organized knowledge, the college and university library performs a unique and indis­ pensable function in th e educational process. This function will grow in importance as stu­ dents assume greater responsibility for their own intellectual and social development. In ­ deed all members of the academic community are likely to become increasingly dependent on skilled professional guidance in the acquisi­ tion and use of library resources as the forms and numbers of these resources multiply, schol­ arly materials appear in more languages, bib­ liographical systems become more complicated, and library technology grows increasingly so­ C ollege & Research Libraries is published by the Association o f. C ollege and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 17 times yearly—6 bim onthly journal issues and II monthly, com bining July- August, News issues a t 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, Mo. 65251. Subscription, $10.00 a year or, to members of the division, $5.00, included in dues. C irculation and advertising office: Am erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, III. 60611. Second–class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri 65251. News e d ito r: Michael Herbison, Library, University of C olorado, C olorado Springs Center, Colorado Springs, C olorado 80907. E ditor: Richard M. Dougherty, University Library, University o f C alifornia, Berkeley, C alifornia 94720. President, ACRL: Russell Shank. Executive Secretary, ACRL: Beverly Lynch, ALA.