ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries O ctober 1 9 9 2 / 5 9 9 N ew Publications George M . Eberhart A u th e n tic W itn e sse s : A p ­ p r o a c h e s to M edieval T exts a n d M an u scrip ts, edited by Mary A. Rouse and Richard H. Rouse (518 pages, Janu­ ary 1992), gathers together 12 essays ranging from a study of the anthologies of ancient authors know n as florilegia to the invention of the sub­ ject index. A common thread running th ro u g h o u t is the desire to discover w hat in­ form ation m edieval m anu­ scripts can yield about the society that created them— how bibliographic research tools (biblical concordances, alpha­ betical subject indexes, and library catalogs) w ere developed in the 13th century or how book production at the University of Paris was organized. The volume is available for $59.95 from Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IN 46556. ISBN 0-268-00622-9. C D -R O M s i n P r i n t , e d i te d b y N o rm a n Desmarais (CD-ROM disk, June 1992) is a com­ prehensive listing of 3,000 commercially avail­ able CD-ROM titles in 112 subject areas. Also available in book format for $65.00, the disk costs $95.00. Contact Meckler Corporation, 11 Ferry Lane West, Westport, CT 08680, for more information. ISBN 0-88736-812-3. A D ic tio n a r y o f E le c tr o n ic & C o m p u te r Mu­ s ic T e r m in o lo g y , by Richard D obson (224 pages, May 1992), explains many o f the mys­ teries o f MIDI (musical instrument digital inter­ face), synthesizers, sequencers, and signal pro­ cessors in the burgeoning multimedia world of electronic music. The book features entries on commercial products and presents much his­ torical information on companies and individu­ als w ho have b een responsible for the devel­ opm ent of this technology. Appendices provide tables on binary and hex conversion, MIDI commands, and scale and frequency. The book may be ordered for $39-95 from Oxford Uni­ versity Press, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016. ISBN 0-19-311344-9. D irecto ry o f E lectron ic J ou rn als, N ew sletters a n d A c a d e m ic D is c u s s io n L ists, by Michael Strangelove and Diane Kovacs, and edited by Ann Okerson (24l pages, 2d ed., March 1992), is a guide to scholarly serials available o n In te rn e t, B itn et, an d other linked networks. More th a n 900 se ria ls are d e ­ scribed. A reprinted article on the future of electronic p u b lis h in g b y S te v e n Harnad serves as an intro­ duction to the primary list. The cost is $25.00. Contact the Association of Research Libraries, Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. ISSN 1057-1337. D irecto ry o f Library S c h o o l O fferin gs in Mu­ s ic L ib ra ria n sh ip , edited by Lisa M. Redpath (56 pages, 4th ed., June 1992), lists the offer­ ings in music librarianship of ALA-accredited library schools, from full-scale double-degree program s to coursew ork arrangem ents with music schools, from specialized programs of study to individual courses. The report is. avail­ able for $5.00 from the Executive Secretary, Music Library Association, 303 Willow Way, Louisville, KY 40223-2644. A D ic tio n a r y o f M arxist T h o u g h t, edited by Tom Bottomore (647 pages, 2d ed., January 1992), provides a com prehensive and up-to- date guide to the basic concepts of Marxism, taking account of different interpretations and criticisms. Entries new to this edition include: analytical Marxism, Sergei Eisenstein, gender, market socialism, William Morris, and rural class structure. Suggestions for further reading are provided for each topical essay. The book costs $64.95 and may be ordered from Blackwell Publishers, T hree Cam bridge Center, Cam­ bridge, MA 02142. ISBN 0-631-16481-2. E a stern E u ro p e a n d th e C o m m o n w e a lth o f I n d e p e n d e n t States 1 9 9 2 (583 pages, April 1992) summarizes the remarkable changes in Eastern Europe in 1991, combining commen­ tary with statistics, chronologies, and directo­ ries of political and cultural institutions. Each chapter contains essays and information on geography, recent history, politics, economics, social welfare, education, religion, the media, 6 0 0 / C&RL News transportation, and tourism. States of the former Soviet Union are treated individually; biogra­ phies of political figures in the region are pro­ vided; If you ever get the urge to telephone, say , th e M in istry o f Light I n d u s tr y for Uzbekistan, this volume is for you. It completes the Europa “Regional Surveys of the World” series, costs $375.00, and may be ordered from Omnigraph-ics, Inc., Penobscot Building, De­ troit, MI 48226. ISBN 0-946653-77-1. A G uide to East A sia n C o lle c tio n s in N o rth A m erica, compiled by Thomas H. Lee (184 pages, March 1992), covers 55 collections and deals primarily with materials in East Asian ver­ nacular languages, mainly Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. It also covers materials in both book and nonbook.form. Each description em­ phasizes subject strengths, areas of specializa­ tion, special materials and collections, access services, interlibrary loan service, library auto­ mation, network and consortium participation, contact information, library catalogs, and other publications. A list of geographical collections and a general index aid access to the material. The cost is $45.00. Contact G reenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, Westport, CT 06881. ISBN 0-313-27397-9. Latin A m erican Serial P u b lication s A vailable b y E xch an ge: M exico, C entral A m erica, an d P an am a, by Shelley Miller (86 pages, March 1992), lists titles in the humanities, social stud­ ies, and science that are available on an ex­ change basis. The cost is $20.00 (plus $2.50 handling) from the SALALM Secretariat, Gen­ eral Library, University of New Mexico, Albu­ querque, NM 87131-1466. ISBN 0-917617-29-0. M in o r P r e sid e n tia l C an d id ates a n d P arties o f 1992: A R efe r e n c e , by Glenn Day (192 pages, May 1992), explains the platforms and ideas of 97 people who have chosen to enter the 1992 presidential race as minor candidates. At least three of these candidates are running their campaign from a prison cell. Some of the others are: Mrs. Frank Stewart (Democrat), w hose platform includes “creating role models in public officials” and “establishing a no-no attitude on unsafe life styles”; Hugh A. Slacker (Apathy Party), w hose slogan is “Talk slowly— We are a bit thick”; and Kip Lee (Libertarian), w ho believes that the secret governments of the world have established a Martian colony of enslaved persons taken from Earth, and that President Kennedy knew about this colony and was assassinated by the CIA to silence him. Two of the better-known minor candidates are D av id D u k e ( R e p u b lic a n ) a n d L yndon LaRouche (Democrat). Copies are available for $25-95 from McFarland & Co., Inc., Box 611, efferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0-89950-653-4. O ls o n ’s B o o k o f Library C lip Art, V o lu m e 1, edited by Christine A. Olson (30 pages, Febru­ ary 1992), contains 200 graphic images that il­ lustrate everyday library scenes and images as­ sociated with information services. Borders, miniatures, cartoons, headlines, and sign treat­ ments are included. Other graphics show com­ puters, books, equipment, files, cassettes, CDs, and select alphabet letters. The graphics can be clipped, photocopied, or scanned into com­ puter files (they are also separately available in EPS file format for PCs and Macs). Order a copy for $45.00 from Chris Olson & Associates, 857 Twin Harbor Drive, Arnold, MD 21012-1027. Pro-Cite, v e r s io n 2.02 for the IBM PC and com­ patibles (July 1992), is a database management software program that creates bibliographic records in the format of one of 28 different bib­ liographic styles (MLA, Chicago, Turabian, AMA, APA, etc.). Known for its flexibility, this latest version has greatly improved its search speed and offers a m enu/dialog box screen display. Citations can be sorted alphabetically, by date, by LC or DDC call number, or by any other field in a data file using up to six sort levels. After you have com posed your bibliography, you may save it as an ASCII text file (for use with nearly any application) or as a WordPerfect 5.0 or Microsoft Word 5.5 document. Pro-Cite comes with 26 predefined workforms for books, journals, newspapers, dissertations, maps, music scores, AW materials, letters, proceed­ ings, video or sound recordings, artwork, com­ puter programs, and data files. If a workform does not match your citation needs, you can design your own. Each workform can accom­ modate up to 45 different fields. Other useful Pro-Cite features are authority lists for frequently used authors, journals, or subjects; global commands to change multiple records simultaneously; retrieval of bibliographic records using logical and relational search ex­ pressions; and a manuscript searching feature that searches for references within a word-pro- cessing docum ent and creates a bibliography from those references. J O ctober 1 9 9 2 / 601 Printing in Pro-Cite is still primarily limited to Epson and Hewlett-Packard printers; if you d o n ’t have o n e o f these, or a printer that can easily em ulate one, you have the option of plowing through your printer’s manual to d e­ termine the character com m and sequences for bold, italic, and underline and use Pro-Cite to create your o w n printer driver. However, Pro- Cite 2.02 does not support PostScript printers, although a PostScript version is due by the end of the year. Dedicated W indows users may w ish to wait for a version of Pro-Cite for Windows, currently in developm ent. Otherwise, frequent creators of bibliographies w ould do well to give this product a close look. An additional series of programs, Biblio-Links, allows Pro-Cite users to import data from bibliographic systems like OCLC, USMARC, or NOTIS, or bibliographic da­ tabases like BRS, DIALOG, and SilverPlatter. Pro-Cite retails for $395.00, and upgrades from version 1.4 cost $95-00. For more information, contact Personal Bibliographic Software, Inc., P.O. Box 4250, Ann Arbor, MI 48106; (313) 996- 1580. S u b ject A c c e ss t o F ilm s a n d V id eo s, by Sheila S. Intner and William E. Studwell (120 pages, 1992), includes a 70-page list of LC subject head­ ings and cross references pertaining to motion pictures and videorecordings. Selected genre terms from the Library of Congress publication M oving Im age Materials have b een ad d ed to this list. In an opening chapter, Intner discusses the general principles of subject access and LC policies and practices for indexing this mate­ rial. She also includes a chapter o n developing video collections and a bibliography of collec­ tion developm ent sources. A copy may be or­ dered for $25.00 from Soldier Creek Press, P.O. Box 734, Lake Crystal, MN 56055-0734. ISBN 0- 936996-60-9. T h e W ay W e Are: T h e C o m m u n ity C o lleg e as A m e r ic a n T h e r m o m e te r , by Clifford Adelman (70 pages, February 1992), is the third in a se­ ries o f rep o rts by th e U.S. D ep a rtm en t o f Education’s Office o f Research based o n the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972. A sample of 22,652 mem bers of that class w as follow ed for 14 years. This study focuses on the 25% w h o attended community colleges. Copies are available from the Super­ intendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pitts­ burgh, PA 15250-7954. The stock num ber is 065-000-00482-8 and the price is $4,00. ■