ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE publi­ cations at G.P.O. prices mailed within 72 hours. Order from Marv Broadbent, 4410 Josephine, Beltsville, Maryland 20705. BOOKS BUILDING SPECIAL COLLECTIONS is one of our specialties. Foreign books and periodi­ cals, current and out of print. Albert J. Phiebig, Inc., Box 352, W hite Plains, N.Y. 10602. OU T OF PRIN T COLONIAL BOOK SERVICE—Specialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices. (Granger poetry: Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Catalogues on request. W ant fists invited. 23 East 4th St., New York 3, N.Y. WANT LISTS get prompt attention, wide search, reasonable prices from International Bookfinders, Box 3003-CRL, Beverly Hills, California. PERIODICALS PERIODICALS —sets, files, numbers—bought and sold. Microcard reprints. J. S. Canner, 49- 65 Lansdowne St., Boston, Mass. 02215. POSITIONS W A N T E D CATALOGING POSITION wanted by experi­ enced cataloger (L.C., Dewey, orig. cat.) 5th year degree in L.S., M.A. Very good language background. Experience in Reference and Ad­ ministration. Pref. eastern seaboard, Wash., D.C., or foreign country b ut will go anywhere in U.S. or Canada if 10 ms. basis or academic year. Box 766, CRL, 50 E, Huron St., Chicago 60611. COLLEGE LIBRARIANSHIP or University Administrative position (H ead, Assoc, or Asst. Directorship) sought by male, L.S. and Ph.D. degrees plus substantial university technical services, readers’ services experience. Midwest or Pacific Coast preferred b ut will consider other. $15,000 min. Box 765, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIAN, Man, 42; Accredited degree; 4 languages; Seeks challenging librarianship in College or University; Experience: Cataloguing, Senior positions in Acquisitions in Research libraries; Interests: Collection building, ad­ ministration. Box 764, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIANS, husband and/or wife seek uni­ versity library positions; extensive experience in social sciences: bibliography, reference, technical services, international and foreign government documents, especially in foreign area studies, developing nations, Latin Amer­ ica; special knowledge of foreign publications acquisitions. Both have MSLS; husband MA, Stanford; wife graduate work, U. of Chicago. Combined language skills in Russian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese. Box 767, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. SLAVIC SUBJECT specialist, 39, MLS, MA, 10 years experience in acquisitions and cata­ loging, all Slavic languages + German & French, seeks suitable position. Available this fall. Box 763, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. ___________POSITIONS OPEN____________ Cataloging CATALOGER, Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit, Michigan, $7,000 and up. Archdiocesan Semi­ nary, small liberal arts college, training young men for priesthood. Assistant librarian in super­ vision of clerical staff in technical services. Usual benefits plus some unusual ones. Apply to Arnold Rzepecki, Librarian, Sacred Heart Seminary College Library, 2701 Chicago Blvd., Detroit, Michigan 48206. CATALOGER-CHIEF Technical Services. D e­ partmental staff of 4. Degree from ALA accred­ ited school and two years’ experience. Since reclassification is in the future, familiarity with L.C. schedule desired. Would like intelligent, young, innovative person. Salary: negotiable from $9,500—depending on qualifications. Ex­ cellent fringe benefits. Lawrence is a small lib­ eral arts college with an excellent academic reputation. Apply to: W. F. Peterson, Librarian, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin 54911. HEAD CATALOGER for undergraduate men’s college library, adding 10,000 volumes annual­ ly. Supervise staff of l⅜ professionals, 3-5 clerical. Improved salary range. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. CATALOGER in rapidly expanding under­ graduate library. Unusual opportunity for be­ ginning cataloger. Salary and benefits advan­ tageous. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. 305 306 STOUT STATE UNIVERSITY, Menomonie, Wisconsin, seeks a candidate for the position of Acting Catalog Librarian (September 1969- August 1971). A cataloger with considerable experience is desired, to direct the work of the departm ent while the regular department head is on leave. All new cataloging is in L.C.; conversion from Dewey is in process. Familiar­ ity with MARC, and an interest in continuing and developing automation in progress, are re­ quired. The candidate must have a Master’s degree in library science. The position carries faculty status and perquisites, including ex­ cellent fringe benefits. The salary is on the academic year basis, with additional compensa­ tion at the same rate for summer session em­ ployment, which is customarily required. The salary will be appropriate to training and ex­ perience. Stout is a Wisconsin State University, specializing in industrial education, industrial technology, home economics, vocational educa­ tion, and related fields. Present enrollment is 4,330. An air-conditioned addition to the pres­ ent building will provide excellent working fa­ cilities. Menomonie is a small city, situated in the heart of beautiful country, with easy free­ way access to Minneapolis-St. Paul, 70 miles to the West. Apply to: Miss Phyllis D. Bentley, Librarian, The Robert L. Pierce Library, Stout State University, Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751. Miscellaneous HERE’S ONE THAT’S DIFFERENT. Equal parts: public service to college students and faculty for non-book media and curriculum laboratory, one part art librarian ( includes classifying slides), one part listening center director, added to college in winter and sum­ m er resort location, plus a young energetic professional staff equals a challenge mixed with fun for an enthusiastic and capable MLS hold­ er. Will pay more for teaching/A-V experience b u t willing to train if you’ll start at $7200. 12-month contract with good fringe package, faculty status, etc. Open NOW. Call collect or write: Miss Janice Gallinger, College Librarian, Plymouth State College, Plymouth, New H am p­ shire 03264. 603-536-1550. HEAD of Art and Design College Library which is planning reorganization and develop­ ment. Requires MLS and experience. Faculty status, social security, TIAA, major medical, group life insurance, one month vacation. Sal­ ary open. Send application and résumé to President, Rhode Island School of Design, 2 College Street, Providence, R.I. 02903. Multiple APPLICATIONS are invited for the positions of Bibliographer (Sciences) and Mathematics Librarian at the University of British Colum­ bia. The Sciences Bibliographer’s position is in the Bibliography Division of the Main Library. Degrees in science and library science are re­ quired. Experience as a science librarian is de­ sirable. Salary is dependent on experience. The Mathematics Librarian’s position is for a small separate Mathematics branch library and re­ quires a degree in mathematics and a library science degree. Experience preferred b ut not re­ quired. Salary open. Librarians are members of the Faculty Club and Faculty Association. Excellent medical, disability, group insurance and superannuation benefits. Four weeks vaca­ tion. The University is located in a beautiful west coast city of 700,000 population and enjoys a mild climate. Current enrollment is over 20,000. Book collections are close to two million. Library staff numbers 350 and 90 are librarians. Apply Mr. I. F. Bell, Associate Li­ brarian, University of British Columbia, Van­ couver 8, B.C., Canada. CAREERS for young and ambitious library school graduates in a major university library in an attractive Midwestern town. Vacancies in circulation ( bookstacks), serials, and spe­ cial collections (manuscripts) departments, and in the departmental libraries for business ad­ ministration, education-psychology, music, and pharmacy. Minimum starting salary, $8,100; faculty status; superior fringe benefits. Apply: Director, The University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. McGILL UNIVERSITY, Montreal, Canada, has openings for ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN, TECHNICAL SERVICES; reports to the Di­ rector, and directs technical services ( acqui­ sitions, cataloguing and serials) of McLennan Library which serves, as well, four of the branch libraries; and for providing advice and consultation on technical services to other li­ braries in the system. Challenging position; output 1968-69, 28,000 volumes, an increase of 12,000 over previous year. An able staff, ready to work toward improved methods and service. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN, CAMPUS LIBRARIES; reports to the Director and is re­ sponsible for coordinating the work and de­ velopment of the college, faculty, departmental and institute libraries of the system. Will con­ sult closely with the librarians of these li­ braries, and their faculty advisory committees. There are two major library planning projects coming up in the Associate’s area of responsi­ bility. The staff in this group of libraries num ­ bers over sixty. Science background preferred. These are senior library posts requiring as qualifications, at least an accredited library degree, or equivalent; substantial experience of which 3-4 years should have involved sig­ nificant administrative and supervisory duties. The Associates will contribute to the develop­ m ent of library policies for the system. Salary open, and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Send letter of application, and résumé of education and experience to: Di­ rector of Libraries, McGill University, 3459 McTavish Street, Montreal, Canada. 307 ORIGINAL CATALOGER; SERIALS CATA- LOGER. Oakland University will have posi­ tions open on September 1, 1969 for librarians with several years of L.C. cataloging experi­ ence to do original cataloging, either mono­ graphic or serials, in a department of 6 profes­ sionals, 9 clericals, and student assistants. The Department is being reorganized and super­ visory duties may be made a part of these positions. The Cataloging Department staff is young and engaging. Salaries are $9,000, plus substantial fringe benefits. An M.L.S. from an accredited library school is required. Oakland is a rapidly expanding state university, set in beautiful surroundings twenty-five miles north of Detroit. Send résumé to: Philip Howard, Technical Services, Oakland University, Roch­ ester, Michigan 48063. NEW YORK, STATE UNIVERSITY at Bing­ hamton. Three positions open. Usual degree re­ quirements and fringe benefits. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT CATALOGER, to assist de­ partment head in distribution and revision of work and to assume responsibility for more difficult cataloging. Experience with L.C. clas­ sification required. $9,800-$ll,500. HEBREW CATALOGER, knowledge of Hebrew language and general field of Judaica. $7,570-$9,040. ORDER LIBRARIAN, one of several profes­ sional librarians in order section of Acquisi­ tions Department. Computerized Acquisitions procedures, involving both monographs and serials. $7,570-$9,040. Apply to: Mrs. Patricia Battin, Assistant to the Director of Libraries, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13901. NEW YORK, STATE UNIVERSITY at Bing­ hamton. Two positions open. Usual degree re­ quirements and fringe benefits. HEAD OF READERS SERVICES, to coordinate and supervise Readers Services staff, i.e., Circula­ tion, Reference, Bibliographers. Readers Serv­ ices staff numbers approximately 25. Salary open. SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER, to act as liaison between faculty and library in building research collection to support graduate pro­ gram. Fifth year library degree plus graduate degree or undergraduate concentration in laboratory science or mathematics required. $ll,500-$13,000. Apply to: Mrs. Patricia Battin, Assistant to the Director of Libraries, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13901. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, Easton, Pa. Two positions: (1) Assistant Cataloger, (2 ) Serials Cataloger. Excellent salary and fringe benefits. Apply: Clyde L. Haselden, Librarian, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. 18042. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO LIBRARY is seeking candidates for 2 positions: (1 ) Science cataloger, with strong science background, (2) Romance languages cataloger. Knowledge of LC desired in both cases, but will consider recent graduate. Salary $7,500.00, higher for appropriate experience and additional degrees. Faculty rank with all perquisites; eligibility for TIAA; 22 days vacation; transportation to one professional meeting each year. Candidates must have library degree from ALA accredited library school. Position available July 1, 1969. Send complete resumes to: Eugene Petriwsky, Assistant Director for Technical Services, Uni­ versity of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colo­ rado 80302. UNIVERSITY OF DENVER. Positions im­ mediately available. Faculty rank. T.I.A.A. Liberal benefits. Salary: open, dependent on experience. (1 ) Assistant Director, Technical Services. Challenging position. Responsible for overall administration and organization of cata­ loging and acquisition departments. Will par­ ticipate in planning new building. Opportu­ nity to develop computer programs. Experi­ ence in all phases of processing desirable. (2) Monograph Cataloger. Two to three years experience. Knowledge of L.C. essential. Ger­ man and one other language desirable. (3) Serials Cataloger. Expected to organize and administer a Serials Department. Cataloging experience essential and experience in Serials acquisitions desirable. Applicant should send a résumé with at least 3 references to: MOR­ RIS SCHERTZ, DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, UNIVERSITY OF DENVER, DENVER, COLORADO 80210. CATALOG LIBRARIAN Challenging opportunity for cataloger with minimum of 3-4 years experience to handle technical services and assist supervisor for ma¡or pharmaceutical com­ pany library. Responsibilities include cataloging, clas­ sification (Dewey) and processing. Experience in han­ dling scientific and technical books and Journals in an industrial or special library is preferred. Some super­ visory experience helpful. MLS required with bachelor's degree in biological or physical science preferred, but not essential. Salary w ill be fully commensurate with background and experience, plus you w ill en¡oy a liberal com­ pany-paid benefits program. Qualified individuals are invited to submit a resume, indicating salary history and ob¡ectives to: DR. ALECK BORMAN Personnel M anager R&D INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. 08903 An equal opportunity employer 308 UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO invites appli­ cations for the following positions open July 1, 1969. Head of Technical Services. Qualifica­ tions include graduation from an accredited li­ brary school and experience in technical services at a college or university library. Cataloging experience is essential and a first-hand knowl­ edge of acquisitions, serials or documents rou­ tines is an asset. The person who will direct the technical services operation must be inter­ ested in methods of getting books into use in the quickest and most efficient way. Salary minimum of $13,000 per year. Approval pro­ grams are in operation and will be expanded. Automation will be effected by stages. The technical services staff consists of 16 librarians and a supporting staff of 62. Book budget for 1969-70 will be in excess of $850,000. Head of Public Services, Engineering, Mathematics and Science Division. Background in science and a degree from an accredited library school, as well as library experience and proven adminis­ trative ability, are required. Duties involve overall supervision of a full-time staff of 20 in­ cluding five librarians, liaison with faculty and students, and coordination with other divisions of the library. Salary minimum of $11,500 per year. This divisional library, housed in the new Mathematics and Computer Building, has a collection of approximately 100,000 volumes and is growing at the rate of 15,000 volumes per year. Automated circulation control planned. Head of Reference, Humanities and Social Sci­ ences ( A rts) Division. Degree from an ac­ credited library school and experience in ref­ erence work, preferably in an academic library, are minimum requirements. Duties include supervision of a staff of nine of whom five are librarians, and planning and coordinating ref­ erence services primarily for the Faculty of Arts’ teaching staff and 2,000 students. Salary minimum of $9,500 per year. The Arts Library collection consists of some 200,000 volumes of books and periodicals and is growing by 35,000 volumes per year. Cataloger required with degree from an accredited library school and minimum of 3 years’ experience prefer­ ably in an academic library. Will assist in train­ ing and supervising new catalogers in a de­ partment with a staff of 35, including 10 librar­ ians. Working knowledge of L.C. classifica­ tion and the Anglo-American code essential. Salary minimum of $8,400 per year. Total li­ brary staff numbers 140 including 30 librarians, serving 7,700 undergraduate and 1,100 gradu­ ate students as well as 1,800 members of fac­ ulty and administrative staff. The twin cities of Kitchener-Waterloo have a population of 130,000 and are located within an hour’s drive of Toronto, London and Hamilton in a pros­ perous and attractive area of southern Ontario. Please address inquiries to: University Librar­ ian, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, On­ tario, Canada. Public Services CHIEF SCIENCE LIBRARIAN, to supervise public reference services and assume respon­ sibility for the selection, organization and use of extensive reference and bibliographic col­ lections in a large Science/Engineering library. Qualifications: MLS, minimum of undergradu­ ate major in science or engineering, acceptable experience in reference and information work, some supervisory experience. Salary $11,520 and up, depending on qualifications; fringe benefits. Apply to: William S. Budington, Ex­ ecutive Director and Librarian, The John Crerar Library, 35 W est 33rd Street, Chicago, Illi­ nois 60616. Reference Services THE UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR invites qualified applicants to apply for the position of REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Grade III) to assume responsibility for certain aspects of collections development, and to provide refer­ ence and bibliographic services in the humani­ ties and social sciences. MLS degree or equiv­ alent, substantial subject knowledge and a minimum of four years experience in an aca­ demic or research library required. Expanding medium-sized university situated across in­ ternational boundary from Detroit; air-condi­ tioned building. Addition tripling present building capacity in the final stage. Salary range for Grade III position is Can. $9,600- $13,500. Fringe benefits include one month’s vacation, sick leave, medical, hospital, dis­ ability and group insurance, pension plan. Ap­ plications, including curriculum vitae, should be directed to: William F. Dollar, University Librarian, UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR, WINDSOR, ONTARIO, CANADA. Subject Specialists APPLICATIONS are invited for: A Japanese language and literature specialist to catalog Japanese books, periodicals and government documents and to provide reference and bibli­ ographic service in a large (130,000 volume, of which 25,000 are Japanese) Asian Studies collection. Applicants must have a . 5th year degree in librarianship and be fluent in English as well as Japanese. Experience in cataloguing F ar Eastern language materials according to L.C. rules desirable. Salary for this senior spe­ cialist position is open and will be commen­ surate with background and experience. Please apply to: Mr. I. F. Bell, Associate Librarian, University of British Columbia Library, Van­ couver 8, British Columbia, Canada. AUDIO-VISUAL LIBRARIAN to work with faculty and students in developing the non­ book aspect of library service. New Commu­ nity College only 10 miles from Philadelphia will have a new building in September 1970. MLS and some experience required. 10 month contract. Faculty status. Salary open. Send résumé to Mrs. Velma Koleszar, Director of Library Services, Gloucester County College, Sewell, New Jersey 08080. 309 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY LIHRARY. South Asian Bibliographer with knowledge of Indian culture and civilization. Knowledge of Indian languages desirable. M.S.L.S. from accredited library school required. Excellent fringe bene­ fits. Apply: Mrs. Elizabeth S. Newlove, Assist­ ant Director, Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, New York 13210. Technical Services ADMINISTRATOR: Head of technical services. To direct acquisitions, cataloging, serials, etc., in a rapidly developing college library. Ma­ turity, library degree, and relevant experience required. Minimum starting salary $12,000; excellent fringe benefits. Send résumé to, or request job description from, George W. Cornell, Director, Drake Memorial Library, SUNY College, Brockport, N.Y. 14420. ASSISTANT SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Librarian II, step 4, $9,156. Open July 1, 1969. Assist in serials acquisition and resources develop­ ment in the humanities and social sciences in a rapidly growing Serials Department, and head the bibliographic searching section of the department. Some reference work will be possible. The Serials Department is organized to provide all services relating to serials. A good technical-bibliographic background in serials, experience in acquisitions, and a sub­ ject specialty in one of the humanities or so­ cial sciences are highly desirable. This position offers an excellent opportunity both to spe­ cialize in or gain mastery over technical-bibli­ ographic work along academic subject lines and to be involved in readers’ service. “WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY­ ER.” University of California, Riverside, Cali­ fornia 92502. BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS. Rutgers University. Library de­ gree reqd. Subject degree and/or experience desirable. Collection building in Social Work, Education and Library Service. Salary $8,530- $11,092. Usual fringe benefits, TIAA, etc. Ap­ ply to: Librarian, Rutgers University Library, New Brunswick, New Jersey. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. American Univer­ sity in Cairo invites applications for top ad­ ministrative position of only liberal arts college library in Egypt. AUC, with approximate en­ rollment of 12,000, is situated in center of Cairo. Library has 4 administrative-service units, 75,000 book titles, 1,000 periodical titles. Future for developing intercontinental gradu­ ate library education program. Faculty rank, liberal vacation, TIAA-CREF, housing, other benefits. Accredited M.L.S. and Ph.D. or equivalent ( 2nd master’s in relevant field) . Minimum 5 years experience in U.S. academic library. Preferable to have experience in li­ brary operations of developing areas and li­ brary education. English as native language. Salary dependent upon qualifications. Position open. Write: Mr. James Barco, Vice Chair­ man, Board of Trustees, American University in Cairo, 866 United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017. ACQUISITIONS & SERIALS LIBRARIAN. MLS, academic library experience required. Salary range $8,200-$9,355. Send résumé to Head Librarian, Armstrong State College, 11935 Abercorn St., Savannah, Ga. 31406. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Highly re­ sponsible position in undergraduate men’s col­ lege library. Budget nearing $90,000 annually. Supervise staff of 3-4 nonprofessionals. At­ tractive salary range. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIAN with practical experience in Automation to study engineering college col­ lection as well as implement same on computer. M.L.S. required. Salary, open. New building. Excellent fringe benefits, relocation expenses. Contact A. G. Anderson, Jr., Head Librarian, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. 01609. Telephone (617) 753-1411, Ext. 412. POSITION NOW OPEN for qualified person with M.L.S. to supervise acquisitions and to do some cataloging. Small, progressive liberal arts college, new air-conditioned library, 39 hour week, 1 month vacation, fringe benefits, good starting salary. Write to: Mrs. Jean Brose, Li­ brarian, St. Mary’s College, Winona, Minne­ sota 55987. M O V IN G If you are changing your mailing address, please be sure to let ALA know at least six weeks in advance. Important: Please send ALA both your old and new addresses plus the date you would like the change made. (A copy of your address label clipped to your notice would help.) Membership Records American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 E B S C O S U B S C R I P T I O N S E R V I C E S Quality, decentralized subscription service. A superior listing of foreign and dom estic publications— including the most esoteric title s. EBSCO offers automatic renewal ser­ vice, common expiration … and free snap-out adjustm ent form s fo r you. If you want real service … call EBSCO. Call EBSCO fo r magazine binders, too … such as our 1210CFSB— clear front, solid back (in R ed/G reen/Brow n/Blue) and snap-in metal fo r only $3.25 each. EBSCO Building 540 Granite Street P. O. Box 88 1366 Sutter Street Red Bank, N. J. 07701 Braintree, Mass. 02184 Benjamin Franklin Station San Francisco, Calif. 94109 (201) 741-4300 (617) 843-2383/843-2384 Washington, D. C. 20044 (415) 775-8338 (703) 321-9630 415 Douglas Plaza Bldg, 826 S. Northwest Highway P. O. Box 90901 Dallas, Texas 75225 Barrington, III. 60010 P. O. Box 2070 Los Angeles, Calif. 90009 (214) 369-7591/369-7592 (312) 381-2190/381-2191 Birmingham, Ala. 35201 (213) 772-2381 (205) 323-6351 512 Nicollet Bldg. P. O. Box 5826 Minneapolis, Minn. 55402 Denver, Colo, 80217 (612) 333-5081 (303) 433-3235 7th Collective Index to Chemical Abstracts 1 9 6 2 -1 9 6 6 Your guide to nearly Patent Concordance. You can focus on your interests w ithin this large body of inform ation and see 5 years of develop­ ment in your specialty. Subscription rate to all users for the complete 24 volume set is $2500.00. * chemical papers P ostage: F o re ig n — $ 2 4 .0 0 : PUAS & and patents. . . Canada — $16.00. Order from: The 7TH COLLECTIVE INDEX gives you A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l S o c i e t y access to one-fourth of all abstracts ever 1155 Sixteenth St. N. W. / Washington, D.C. 20036 published in CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS. Vol­ umes 56-65 of CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS * are included. The 10 separate Subject Indexes, Formula Indexes, Author Indexes and Patent Indexes for these volumes are c o m b in e d , re -e d ite d , and updated in to C H E M IC A L AB S TR A C TS SERVICE one Subject Index, one Formula Index, A m e rc ia n C hem ical S o c ie ty one A u th o r Index and one N u m e ric a l Columbus, Ohio 43216 311 ALA Publicaations I he Procurement o f Library Furnishings Specifications, Bid Documents and Evaluation Frazer G. Poole and Alphonse E. Trezza, Editors Architects, library representatives, de­ signers and library equipment manu­ facturers treat the problems of library furnishings procurement. Topics cov­ ered include contracts and purchase orders, preparation of bid documents and specifications. Paper $3.75 Junior College Libraries Development, Needs and Perspectives ACRL Monograph No. 30 Everett Leroy Moore, Editor A multifaceted examination of the role of the junior college library on the new campus, in research, and in supporting instruction. These papers, presented at a conference sponsored by ALA, UCLA, and the American Association of Jun­ ior Colleges, deal with library education, personnel, facilities, and equipment. Paper $3.00 Library Automation A State of the Art Review Stephen R. Salmon, Editor A non-techn¡cal report on the proceed­ ings of the first Institute on Library Automation sponsored by the Informa­ tion Science and Automation Division of ALA. The contributors detail progress in information networks, systems an­ alysis and design, building planning, cataloging, and other areas. Paper $7.50 The Career o f the Academic Librarian ACRL Monograph No. 29 By Perry D. Morrison This study, based on questionnaire re­ sponses, isolates the social, economic, demographic, educational, motivational and psychological factors in the career patterns of 707 academic librarians. It indicates talents and traits tending to appear in long or short supply and their relationship to achievement. Paper $4.50 The Undergraduate Library ACRL Monograph No. 31 By Irene A. Braden The role and impact of six undergradu­ ate libraries housed separately from the general libraries of six major universi­ ties. Each library is analyzed for its pur­ pose; development; financing; physical layout; furniture; lighting; book collec­ tion, its acquisition, size and scope; and staff. A significant study for every co lle ge and u n iv e rs ity lib ra ry . High sch o o l, ju n io r co lle ge , and special lib ra rie s w ill fin d much th a t can be adapted to th e ir needs. Ready th is month. Paper Price to be set. MARC Manuals Used by the Library of Congress Prepared by the Information Systems Office, Library of Congress An aid for librarians and computer pro­ grammers using or creating catalog rec­ ords on magnetic tape in MARC II fo r­ mat. Four manuals totaling more than 300 pages. Plastic spiral $7.50 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 50 E. Huron, Chicago, III. 60611 THREE GREAT REFERENCE WORKS AVAILABLE AGAIN IN GALE REPRINT EDITIONS William Thomas Lowndes THE BIBLIOGRAPHER’S MANUAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing; with biblio­ graphical and critical notices, collations of the rarer articles, and the prices at which they have been sold One of the truly great bibliographical works of all time, the Bibliographer’s manual lists about 50,000 works with author, title, place, date and size, with occasional notes as to rarity, value, editions, reprints, etc., o f principal works in Divinity, Ecclesiastical and Civil History, Biography, Voyages and Travels, Antiq­ uities, Heraldry, Jurisprudence, Sciences, the Arts, etc. Volume 8 has an appendix of lists of publications of societies and printing clubs, books issued by private presses, lists of series, etc. “A required item in any research library, and will be sought by collectors who value the turgid commen­ taries.”— Reference Quarterly Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1837 Republished: Gale Research Company, 1968 Four Volumes -1,080 Pages - $98.50 Friedrich A. Ebert A GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY Translated from the German by Arthur Browne The Ebert is an important universal bibliography of 24,280 rare or noteworthy books unconfined to any one period or language, whose original publication (Allge­ meines Bibliographisches Lexicon, Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 2 vols., 1821-30) was heralded as one of the great library events of the early nineteenth century. A typical entry gives the author, title and subtitle, place, publisher, date, size, number of volumes, prices, critical or historical commentary, and notes on des­ cription of editions. “The work it seems, was aimeα as much to the collector as to the scholar, and the entries not infre­ quently end in the book trade's customary use o f epithets and descriptions… . The solid information provided by Ebert in the original work and taken over in translation, places before us a comprehensive and useful picture o f the resources available to German scholars at the beginning o f the nineteenth century, a formative period o f classical and medieveal and renaissance scholarship."— Notes and Queries London: Henry G. Bohn, 1869 Republished: Gale Research Company, 1967 Eight Volumes - 3,363 Pages - $97.50 William Swan Sonnenschein THE BEST BOOKS; A Reader’s Guide to the Choice of the Best Available Books in Every Department of Science, Art and Literature, with the Dates of the First and Last Editions, and the Price, Size and Publisher’s Name (Both English and American) of Each Book: A Con­ tribution Towards Systematic Bibliography A list of 150,000 works arranged by author and subject, covering every department of science, art, and literature, with the price, size, and publisher’s name (both English and American) o f each book. Volume VI offers one of the twentieth century’s most valuable and comprehensive author, title, and subject indexes, plus the addresses of some 1,500 British publishers, private presses, learned societies, etc. “William Swan Sonnenschein’s Best Books belongs to the great age o f 19th century bibliography when giant works, largely planned and carried through by single individuals, established the bibliographical watershed from which our own century has continu­ ously drawn.”— From the Introduction London: George Routledge & Sons, 1910-35, 3rd Ed. Republished: Gale Research Company, 1969 Six Volumes - 3,760 Pages -$165.00 GALE RESEARCH COMPANY BOOK TOWER. DETROIT. MICHIGAN 48225