ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries People P R O F I L E S Don L. Bosseau was appointed director of libraries at Emory University on January 1, 1974, upon the retirement of Guy Lyle. Mr. Bosseau comes to Em­ ory after two years as director of the Uni­ versity of Texas at El Paso libraries. Prior to that he spent six years at the University of California, San Diego, first as head of the systems development department and later as assistant university librarian. Throughout his ca­ Don L. Bosseau reer Mr. Bosseau has been interested ( and expert) in the field of library systems. He is currently editor of JOLA Technical Communi­ cations and president-elect of the Library Auto­ mation Research and Consulting Association. While at San Diego he designed an improved serials processing system and a subject authori­ ty system. Another interest is the development of greater staff participation in decision making, which he worked on while at El Paso. Mr. Bosseau has an MS in Nuclear Engineer­ ing as well as a Master’s in Library Science. He has written numerous articles, reports, and pa­ pers about automated serials systems, and is a member of several ALA committees. Mr. Bosseau’s comments about his new job follow: “With the new research library at Em­ ory, one problem requiring attention is working toward the goal of turning the old library build­ ing into a modern undergraduate library and media resources center (this will involve fund raising). Also to hedge against erosion of the book budget caused by inflation, I would like to establish a substantial endowment for book funds at Emory. As a private institution, I think this is the best method of protecting the book budget. With a background in library systems development and automation, I am very inter­ ested in the SOLINET operation and the direc­ tions it will take.” Chancellor Dean E. McHenry recently an­ nounced the appointment of D avid W. Heron as university librarian at the University of Cali­ fornia, Santa Cruz. The appointment becomes effective July 1, 1974. Heron succeeds Donald T. Clark, UCSC’s founding librarian, who retired last June. Wendell W. Simons will continue to serve as acting university librarian at UCSC until Heron’s arrival. Currently director of libraries at the Univer­ sity of Kansas, Heron, S3, is a graduate of Po­ mona College (1942), where he majored in English. He also holds a Bachelor of Library Science degree from UC Berkeley (1948) and an M.A. degree in political science from UCLA (1951). He began his career as a reference librarian at UCLA in 1948 and held that position until 1952, when he became librarian of the Ameri­ can Embassy in Tokyo. He returned to UCLA in 1953 as staff assistant to the librarian. Two years later he joined the Stanford University li­ brary staff and later was named director of li­ braries at the University of Nevada. He held that post until 1968, when he undertook his present position at the University of Kansas. A P P O I N T M E N T S E laine P. Adams—multimedia specialist, Norris Medical Library—University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles. Joan Aliprand—systems librarian—Univer­ sity of California, Berkeley. Lynne Anderson—director of the library— Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri. Marjorie Braeuer—mathematical science librarian—State University of New York, Buffalo. Boniface Briska—assistant librarian emeri­ tus— State University of New York at Al­ bany. James M. Camprell—humanities bibliogra­ pher, Alexander Library—Rutgers Universi­ ty, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Kjestine Carey—reference librarian— Montana State University, Bozeman. Kenneth E. Chamberlain—reference li­ brarian, Architecture and Fine Arts Library.— University of Manitoba Libraries, Canada. Evelyn M. Cherpak—assistant archivist— Naval War College Library, Newport, Rhode Island. E lizabeth S. Cziffra—assistant head, in­ formation services, Alexander Library—Rut­ gers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Ann Erb—instructor and cataloger—Iowa State University Library, Ames. Myra R. Farrow—assistant acquisitions li­ brarian—East Carolina University Library, Greenville, North Carolina. 117 Deibdre D. Ford—director of the library— Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles, Cal­ ifornia. Holly J. Furman—reference and general librarian, Alexander Library—Rutgers Uni­ versity, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Barbara Gates—librarian/coordinator of the Southwestern tie-in to the Ohio College Library Center ( OCLC). Nelson J. Gilman—director of libraries— University of Southern California School of Medicine and Los Angeles County/USC Medical Center. Harold T. Hickerson—senior assistant ar­ chivist in manuscripts and university archives— State University of New York, Cornell. David Horn—archivist—DePauw Univer­ sity, Greencastle, Indiana. Jitka Hurych—reference librarian—North­ ern Illinois University, DeKalb. Judith Kaufman—assistant archivist— State University of New York, Buffalo. W illiam M. Lee—associate director of li­ braries—University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Alicia Prata—senior serials cataloger— University of Manitoba Libraries, Canada. Donovan Richnell—director general—Ref­ erence Division, The British Library (for­ merly known as the British Museum Library). Christina O. Salmon—editor—The Texas List, Houston, Texas. Sharon K. Scott—assistant serials librarian —Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. Beatrice Sichel—bibliographic services li­ brarian—Western Michigan University, Kal­ amazoo. Donald E. Stewart—associate executive director for publishing services—American Li­ brary Association. Gay Teborek—head of the order depart­ ment—University of Rhode Island, Kings­ ton. Donald H. Tolzmann—German reference/ bibliographer—University of Cincinnati, Ohio. L. Christinger Tomer—reference librarian —Naval War College Library, Newport, Rhode Island. Barbara Turman—general reference librari­ an, General Libraries—University of Texas at Austin. Sue Tyner—associate for library systems— University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Neha Weinstein—head, periodicals depart ment, Alexander Library—Rutgers Universi ty, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Sara K. Weissman—reference and genera librarian, Alexander Library—Rutgers Uni versity, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Margaret Wilson—assistant librarian, Mu sic Library—State University of New York ­ ­ l ­ ­ , Buffalo. Seymour werdling—bibliographer, sociol­ ogy and social work, Alexander Library—Rut­ gers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. R E T I R E M E N T S Dorothy Mason, reference librarian, retired January 1, 1974 after more than thirty-three years of distinguished service at the F olger Shakespeare Library. Kathryn E. Parke has retired after twenty- two years as head librarian of the Jared van Wagenen, Jr., Library, State University of New York Agricultural and Technical Col­ lege at Cobleskill. D E A T H Sister M. Denis Donegan, I.H.M., the li­ brarian at Marywood College, Scranton, Penn­ sylvania, 1936-1970, died on February 14, 1974. ■■ Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. . . . . A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary, the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be e d ­ ited to exclude dire ct o r ind irect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions o f employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p ub li­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received after that tim e may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. POSITIONS W AN TED ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN, collection developer (MALS, MA in Rom. Languages, 5 major European languages, currently employed by a major Western university, several years of experience in a large and medium-size academic library), wishes to relocate to a sim ilar or related post, either as a generalist or bibliographer for Hispanica or Slavica. W rite B-839, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. LIBRARIAN, experience academic reference, seeks respon­ sible position. MLS, MA. Experienced in, with consider­ able knowledge of, library instructional and orientation programs for undergraduates. Thorough knowledge of all phases of reference work may be assumed. Currently administering large public service unit in medium-sized Eastern university library. W rite Box 842, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. UNDERemployed MLS '72 wants professional position in academic or special library. Year reference experience Z 118