ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Deibdre D. Ford—director of the library— Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles, Cal­ ifornia. Holly J. Furman—reference and general librarian, Alexander Library—Rutgers Uni­ versity, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Barbara Gates—librarian/coordinator of the Southwestern tie-in to the Ohio College Library Center ( OCLC). Nelson J. Gilman—director of libraries— University of Southern California School of Medicine and Los Angeles County/USC Medical Center. Harold T. Hickerson—senior assistant ar­ chivist in manuscripts and university archives— State University of New York, Cornell. David Horn—archivist—DePauw Univer­ sity, Greencastle, Indiana. Jitka Hurych—reference librarian—North­ ern Illinois University, DeKalb. Judith Kaufman—assistant archivist— State University of New York, Buffalo. W illiam M. Lee—associate director of li­ braries—University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Alicia Prata—senior serials cataloger— University of Manitoba Libraries, Canada. Donovan Richnell—director general—Ref­ erence Division, The British Library (for­ merly known as the British Museum Library). Christina O. Salmon—editor—The Texas List, Houston, Texas. Sharon K. Scott—assistant serials librarian —Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. Beatrice Sichel—bibliographic services li­ brarian—Western Michigan University, Kal­ amazoo. Donald E. Stewart—associate executive director for publishing services—American Li­ brary Association. Gay Teborek—head of the order depart­ ment—University of Rhode Island, Kings­ ton. Donald H. Tolzmann—German reference/ bibliographer—University of Cincinnati, Ohio. L. Christinger Tomer—reference librarian —Naval War College Library, Newport, Rhode Island. Barbara Turman—general reference librari­ an, General Libraries—University of Texas at Austin. Sue Tyner—associate for library systems— University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Neha Weinstein—head, periodicals depart­ ment, Alexander Library—Rutgers Universi­ ty, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Sara K. Weissman—reference and general librarian, Alexander Library—Rutgers Uni­ versity, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Margaret Wilson—assistant librarian, Mu­ sic Library—State University of New York, Buffalo. Seymour Zwerdling—bibliographer, sociol­ ogy and social work, Alexander Library—Rut­ gers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. R E T I R E M E N T S Dorothy Mason, reference librarian, retired January 1, 1974 after more than thirty-three years of distinguished service at the F olger Shakespeare Library. Kathryn E. Parke has retired after twenty- two years as head librarian of the Jared van Wagenen, Jr., Library, State University of New York Agricultural and Technical Col­ lege at Cobleskill. D E A T H Sister M. Denis Donegan, I.H.M., the li­ brarian at Marywood College, Scranton, Penn­ sylvania, 1936-1970, died on February 14, 1974. ■■ Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. . . . . A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary, the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be e d ­ ited to exclude dire ct o r ind irect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions o f employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p ub li­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received after that tim e may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. POSITIONS W AN TED ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN, collection developer (MALS, MA in Rom. Languages, 5 major European languages, currently employed by a major Western university, several years of experience in a large and medium-size academic library), wishes to relocate to a sim ilar or related post, either as a generalist or bibliographer for Hispanica or Slavica. W rite B-839, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. LIBRARIAN, experience academic reference, seeks respon­ sible position. MLS, MA. Experienced in, with consider­ able knowledge of, library instructional and orientation programs for undergraduates. Thorough knowledge of all phases of reference work may be assumed. Currently administering large public service unit in medium-sized Eastern university library. W rite Box 842, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. UNDERemployed MLS '72 wants professional position in academic or special library. Year reference experience 118 + 5 years' college teaching (M A in Slavic '66). Strong language and humanities background. Some publishing experience. Most interested in acquisitions and audio­ visual. W rite Box 843, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Administration MEDIA SERVICES DIRECTOR. Position open July 1974. Administers college media program (program develop­ ment, staff supervision and training, build instructional materials collection, supervise equipment use). O p­ portunity to create own educational program in a new position. Live in a rural villa ge in the beautiful A p ­ palachian foothills ninety minutes from Pittsburgh. Fac­ ulty status. Master's Degree required. Experience in a media program at secondary or college level preferred. Salary to $12,000. Resumes to Larry Frye, Phillips Li­ brary, Bethany College, Bethany, WV 26032. An equal o pportunity/affirm ative action employer. LAW LIBRARIAN HEAD. July I, 1974 opening for direc­ to r of law library at the Univ. of Kansas School of Law. Qualifications are baccalaureate degree, master's degree in LS, law degree + substantial experience in law li- brarianship. Salary (12 months) $16,000+. Send resume to Dean Martin Dickinson, School of Law, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD, SERIALS RECORDS AND IN-PROCESS CONTROL SECTIONS, Acquisitions Department, UCSD Library. Se­ rials Records Section is responsible for receipt, check-in, claims, renewals o f serials, and maintenance of the com­ puter produced serials holdings list. In-Process Control Section controls and provides access to uncataloged materials by maintaining a public in-process file and automated location record and is also responsible for generating punched-card search requests to send to the UC BibCen†er for cataloging copy search. Duties: Respon­ sible for planning, coordinating, and supervising the ac­ tivities ot these two operational units and for training and evaluating staff o f 12 FTE. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredi†ed library school, 2-3 years o f serials cata­ loging experience utilizing LC classification, competence in automation and systems work, demonstrated adminis­ trative and supervisory ability. Level: Assistant or as­ sociate librarian. Salary: $8,724—$ 16,020 depending on qualifications. A pplication accepted until May 15, 1974. W rite to John R. Haak, Assoc. Univ. Ln., Univ. of Calif., San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92037. UCSD is an af­ firm ative action/equal opportunity employer. Acquisitions ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Senior College o f the City University of New York. ALA-accredited master's, + ad­ ditional subject master's. Academic library experience in supervision. Thorough knowledge o f all acquisitions pro­ cedures, procurement and receipt processing of mono­ graphic and nonprint materials. Excellent fringe benefits. Assistant professorship. Salary entrance $13,930+. Resume to Box 844, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Cataloging CHIEF CATALOG LIBRARIAN, available now. Direct the work of 6 professional catalogers, 6 library assistants and II clerical staff. Required MLS, 6 years' professional library work, at least 2 in a supervisory capacity, and experience with LC classification. Desirable, although not essential, is experience in more than one library or in other technical services areas and with data processing for libraries. Applications will be accepted only from candidates meeting minimum qualifications. Salary $12,- 900—$14,700 for 12-month appointment. Send inquiries to John E. Keeth, Chrm., Search Comm., The Library, Uni­ versity of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620. An equal op­ portunity employer. SERIAL DOCUMENTS CATALOGER (Librarian II). Re­ sponsible for the classification and cataloging of new bound and unbound serials with emphasis on documents and the reclassification of some serials now in the co­ ordination and automation o f the serials records for the CLASSIFIED LIST OF PERIODICALS FOR THE COLLEGE LIBRARY This updated fifth edition by Evan Ira Farber is a must for all college libraries. It provides an effective aid in selecting journals for 1) supplying read­ ing collateral to students’ courses, 2) keeping faculty informed on develop­ ments in their fields, 3) affording good general and recreational reading, and 4) providing in some measure for the re­ search needs of advanced students and faculty. Send for your copy today. X V II+ 4 4 9 pp. ISBN 0-87305-099-1 $14.00 Cloth 119 Serials Division, and in the training and supervision of serials support personnel. MLS from an ALA-accredi†ed lib ra ry school, foreign language skills desirable, ca ta lo g ­ ing experience required, and fa m ilia rity with documents work preferred. Salary to be negotiated with a minimum salary o f $9,972. 24 vacation days and 12 sick days per year, TIAA retirement and various medical plans. Con­ ta ct John Mayeski, Univ. o f Washington Libs., Seattle, W A 98195. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOG DEPARTMENT HEAD, Southern Illinois Uni­ versity, to direct work o f 12 professional catalogers, 9 lib ra ry technical assistants, 8 lib ra ry clerks, and 14 FTE student assistants. Qualifications: MLS (subject master's highly desirable); fa cility with at least one modern for­ eign language; years of increasingly responsible catalog­ ing experience in research library, including working knowledge of both Dewey and LC classifications; a reputation for a b ility in personal adm inistration. Experi­ ence in automation o f library technical services is v ir ­ tually indispensable. Benefits: Salary $15,000 up, de­ pending on experience and education. Faculty rank and salary scale; university retirement system of Illinois; state paid life, hospital and surgical insurance; 4 weeks' vaca­ tion. A p p ly to S. E. Matthews, Asst. Dir., Morris Li­ brary, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901. An equal oppor†unity/affirma†ive action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN (HEAD, SERIALS CATALOGING SECTION), Wayne State Univ. Responsible for planning work-flows and procedures o f the serials section; co­ ordinating the section's work with that of other units in the cataloging department, and assisting in formulating the section's interrelationships with other units of the lib ra ry. Required: 5th-year lib ra ry degree from ac­ credited lib ra ry school, a minimum o f 3 years' experience in .serials cataloging in a large academic lib ra ry; ex­ perience with computer applications to cataloging and serials. Salary $11,249-$ 14,493, depending on qua lifica ­ tions and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA/C REF re­ tirem ent plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance p artia lly subsidized; liberal sick leave. Wayne State is an equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action em­ ployer. W rite to Robert T. Grazier, Assoc. Dir., Univ. Libs., Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Ml 48202. CATALOGER needed by undergraduate college library in recreation area o f Western Maine. Our 60,000 volume lib ra ry requires a person with knowledge of and a b ility to perform the fu ll variety of technical service roles and a b ility to teach these skills in a newly authorized two-year technician program . Teaching load probably lim ited to one course each semester. MLS, fa m ilia rity with LC and nonbook cataloging. 12-month position with 20 days' vacation, salary approxim ately $9,000. TIAA/CREF, usual benefits. An equal o p p o rtu n ity /a f­ firm ative action employer. A p p ly by May 15 to John P. Burnham, Head Ln., University of Maine, Farmington, M E 04938. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Georgia State is seeking a li­ brarian to serve as Monograph Unit Supervisor, respon­ sible fo r revising cataloging o f 3 professionals and 3 pre­ professionals in a ll subject areas and languages and teaching beginning catalogers. O pportunity fo r planning for membership in library network. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredi†ed lib ra ry school; fam iliarity with LC classification and AACR; 2 years' cataloging experience in a large institution. 40-hour work week, month vacation, two weeks sick leave, state teachers retirement, social security, group life and health insurance, optional dis­ a b ility insurance, faculty rank (12-month appointm ent). Salary range $10,000—$ 10,050 depending on experience and qualifications. Send resume to Carolyn Robison, Asst. Univ. Ln., Georgia State University Library, 104 Decatur St. SE, Atlanta, GA 30303. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER. Ava ila b le July 1974. Master's degree in li­ brary science with experience. Responsible for cataloging- p rin t and nonprint instructional materials. Dewey/AACR. Knowledge o f community college curriculum and com­ puter applications to libraries hiqhly desirable. 12 months. Salary $9,440+. Send personal letter and resume to Junior C olleqe District, Personnel Office, 5801 Wilson, St. Louis, MO 63110. Multiple Case Western Reserve University Libraries, Cleveland, Ohio,, an equal opportunity employer. Four professional librarians fo r open positions. Begin work as soon as practicable after selection. Excellent fringes. Located in outstanding cultural community. 1. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN fo r science and engineering library. Requires MSLS + 5 years' ex­ perience in an academic or science/engineering special lib ra ry with emphasis on reference service or materials selection + year o f supervisory experience. Salary range $11,920 to $19,050 depending on qualifications. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN for science and engineering lib ra ry. Requires MSLS + 3 years' ex­ perience in a science/engineering lib ra ry with service in reference, selection and information retrieval. $8,560 to $12,750 depending on qualifications. 3. PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN fo r science and engineer­ ing lib ra ry. Requires MSLS + 5 years' experience in re†erence and periodicals functions as related to science and engineering. $9,620 to $14,740 depending on q u a li­ fications. 4. RECLASSIFICATION CATALOG LIBRARIAN fo r hu- m anities/liberal arts lib ra ry. Requires MSLS + 5 years' experience in cataloging and classification functions with emphasis on the LC system and experience in original cataloging in LC. Must have app ro p ria te supervisory ex­ perience. $9,620 to $14,740 depending on qualifications. Graduate study—if appropriate—may be substituted for a portion o f the experience requirements at the option o f the Appointm ents Committee. Applications with vitae may be submitted to, and d etailed Job Analyses are available from J. V. Jones, Dir. o f Univ. Libs., Case Western Reserve University, 11161 East Blvd., Cleveland, O H 44106. THREE POSITIONS. University o f C alifornia—University­ wide Library Autom ation Program, headquartered at Berkeley. Following vacancies open im m ediately in top management and m iddle management ranks. Starting salary dependent on qualifications and experience. BIB­ LIOGRAPHIC CENTER MANAGER. Responsible for de­ velopment and management of computer-based fa cility and projects providing a range of automated products and services to UC libraries, including MARC search and computerized catalog card prin tin g . Union catalogs for both monograph and serial holdings in machine- readable form are in progress. Supervises 10-14 profes­ sionals and a pool o f clerical and part-tim e support staff. Requires MLS, at least 5 years of professional ex­ perience in research lib ra ry setting, background in com­ puter program m ing and systems analysis o f lib ra ry ap­ plications, demonstrated proficiency in project manage­ ment in lib ra ry applications, and strong communica­ tions skills in academic library and cooperative library network activity. Salary range $ 18,396-$22,368. ASSOCI­ ATE MANAGER— PRODUCTION, BIBLIOGRAPHIC CEN­ TER. Responsible fo r planning and supervising the daily production operations of the Center with current em­ phasis on MARC search and computer card prin tin g . Co­ ordinate with line staff in affected UC libraries; with computer center operations staff; and with other advisory bodies. Integrate Center operations with design and management of union files involving monographs and serials, among other intercampus b ib lio g ra p h ic functions. Supervises 3 professionals and a pool of support staff. Requires MLS, at least 5 years' professional experience in research lib ra ry setting with emphasis on methods and procedures o f ca taloging; background of management success in an academic library line technical services de­ partm ent which has been automated, including a b ility to work effectively with systems analysts, computer p ro ­ grammers, and other EDP operations personnel. Experi­ ence as supervisor in a university lib ra ry catalog de­ partm ent which has been automated is highly desirable. Salary range $ 17,976—$22.380. ASSISTANT M A N A G E R - SYSTEMS ANALYSIS. BIBLIOGRAPHIC CENTER. Respon­ sible for design and development of computerized b ib ­ liographic data handling systems, including data en­ try, storage, searching, and output display. In charge o f software review, hardware configuration appraisal, and specification control. Technical planning role in­ volves heavy emphasis on documentation; people not in­ terested in w riting should not apply. Requires MLS; at least 3 years' experience in academic library systems work as senior computer programmer or lead systems analyst, using nonsequential access methods in the han­ dling. o f large b ib lio g ra p h ic machine files, with MARC fa m ilia rity essential. Salary range $15,120-$18,396. A p p ly to Ms. Nicholas Rhoden, Pers. Dept., 2539 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94720, with copy to Mr. Jay Cunningham, Dir., University-wide Library Autom ation Program, South H all Annex, Univ. of C alif., Berkeley, CA 94720. An equal o pp o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. Public Services ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES, open July I, 1974. Has d ire ct adm inistrative responsibility for 120 Reference Services Department, Interlib ra ry Services, De­ partmental Libraries and the Circulation Department. Has coordinating responsibilities fo r pub lic service activities on the Twin Cities campus. Requires MLS, subject g ra d ­ uate work preferably with a second graduate degree and substantial pub lic service experience including major adm inistrative responsibility. 12-month academic a p p o in t­ ment with full faculty privileges. Salary: approxim ately $20,000 adjusted to qualifications. A p p ly to Raymond A. Bohling, Asst. Dir. fo r Admn., Univ. of Minnesota Lib., Minneapolis, MN 55455. An equal opportunity employer. Reference REFERENCE AND AUDIOVISUAL LIBRARIAN for liberal arts college, to begin July I, 1974. Salary $9,000-$10,000. 100,000 volumes, audiovisual program in germinal state. Liberal arts lib ra ry experience and a graduate degree in LS are essential. M inim al competence in AV acceptable if interest is strong. A p p ly to Dean of the Faculty, North Central College, Naperville, IL 60540. An equal o p p o r­ tunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. service oriented, w ill be needed to join the professional staff at Rhode Island C ollege beginning in September 1974. Responsibilities include providing general reference service to students and other library users, conducting orientation programs,, com piling subject bibliographies, and other related activities. A p ­ plicant should have a broad subject background and ex­ perience in reference services. MLS degree is required. Minimum salary is $10,296 in the rank o f Instructor. Send letter o f application and resume to Richard A. Olsen, Dir. o f the Lib., Rhode Island College, 600 M t. Pleasant Ave., Providence, Rl 02908. An affirm ative ac- tio n /e q u a l opportunity employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Hawaii has opening for senior reference librarian in Science Technology Reference Department to provide specialized reference and b ib lio g ra p h ic service, including instruction in use o f science collections. MLS required; at least 5 years' experience, in science reference and bibliography, master's degree in science subject area desirable. Facul­ ty status.. Starting salary $12,000-$16,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Send resume to Stanley L. West, Univ. Ln., Hamilton Lib., 2550 The Mall, Honolulu, HI 96822. An equal o pportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN HEAD. Hofstra University Li­ brary, a m ajor private university on Long Island, is seeking a. librarian with strong adm inistrative experience in supervising all aspects o f reference service in a large college or university library. Staff o f 6 full-tim e, 2 part- tim e professionals and 3 support staff, reference collec­ tion o f 30,000 volumes. This position is also responsible fo r supervision of the Government Documents Depart­ ment, an active Interlib ra ry Loan section, and a vigorous lib ra ry orientation program . MLS required; second mas­ ter's degree preferred. Essential: Demonstrated adminis­ trative a b ility ; a thorough knowledge of reference materials and procedures; and fa c ility fo r working e f­ fectively with students and faculty. Salary $16,000 up. Benefits: (Courtesy) Faculty rank Associate Professor, TIAA/CREF, excellent medical and life insurance, month vacation. Hofstra is an equal o pp o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive ac­ tion employer. Send resume with 3 references to David E. Pownall, Dir. o f LS, Hofstra Univ., Hempstead, NY 11550. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Position for reference librarian, law lib ra ry experience preferred. Salary dependent on experience, between $9,000 and $10,000. Send resume to Christine Brock, Law Librarian, DePaul University Law Li­ brary, 25 E. Jackson, Chicago, IL 60604. Subject Specialists ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Number two adm inistrative posi­ tion in ARL academic lib ra ry of over 1,000,000 volumes. Responsibilities include professional personnel recruit­ ment, pub lic relations, reserve services, policy file, b u ild ­ ing space and equipment, and supervision o f budget. Applicants should have extensive management experience and hold an ALA-accredi†ed lib ra ry school degree with a second master's or Ph.D. Salary range begins at $16,260. Send resume and references to Dr. Roscoe Rouse, Univ. Ln., Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74074. An equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION UTILIZATION AND PRO­ DUCTION ASSISTANT, responsible fo r formal and in­ form al classroom utilization o f instructional TV and for the planning, organization, and production phases o TV programs meeting community inform ational and edu ca†ionai service requirements. Experience in TV, audio visual production with emphasis on curricular in te g ra to r o f media from pre K—16. Master's degree + addi†iona professional education. Faculty 12-month contract (fixec term) with salary $12,500 up + fringe benefits. Available July I, 1974. Send resume and credentials to Searct Comm., Media System, Box 19, Mankato State College Mankato, MN 56001. An equal opportunity employer. SCANDINAVIAN LANGUAGE SPECIALIST (Librarian II) Responsible for the coordination o f the Scandinavian col lection o f the Libraries. Duties include collection de velopment, b ib lio g ra p h ic control, and reference work MLS from an ALA-accredi†ed lib ra ry school, fluency ir more than one o f the Scandinavian languages and ad vanced degree in Scandinavian studies or in one of the m ajor languages or literatures. Salary w ill be negotia†ec with $9,972 as the minimum. 24 vacation days and 12 sicl days per year, TIAA retirem ent and various medica plans are available. Contact John Mayeski, Univ. o Washington Libs., Seattle, W A 98195. An equal oppor tunity employer. POLITICAL SCIENCE BRANCH LIBRARIAN (Librariar lll- IV ) . To manage the activity of the Political Science Branch Library, develop the collection, and perforrr reference services p rin cip a lly in the follow ing subjec areas: p o litica l theory and public law, government, poli- tics and administration, and comparative government ir international relations. MLS from ALA-accredi†ed library school. Second master's in a social science fie ld desir­ able. BA degree in one of the social sciences or success­ ful reference experience in a p o litica l science library re­ quired. Salary to be negotiated with $11,016 as the minimum. 24 days vacation and. 12 days sick leave per year, TIAA retirement and various medical plans are available. Contact John K. Mayeski, Univ. of W ashing­ ton Libs., Seattle, W A 98195. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. EDUCATION LIBRARIAN, to provide lib ra ry media ref­ erence service and other related assistance to students and faculty users o f the Educational Resource Center. Master's degree and experience in lib ra ry media services required. A d d itio n al graduate work preferred. Faculty 12-month contract with salary $13,000 up + fringe ben­ efits. Ava ila b le July I, 1974. Send resume and credentials to Search Comm., Media System, Box 19, Mankato State College, Mankato, MN 56001. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. EXTENSION LIBRARIAN, Wayne State Univ. Responsible, under the direction of the head of the Education Divi­ sion, for providing lib ra ry services to the University's off-campus instructional centers. Involves selection and delivery o f materials necessary to support course o ffe r­ ings at the center, plus, scheduling o f staff to provide basic inform ational services. A d d itio n a l duties include reference service in the Education Library plus mis­ cellaneous assignments at the discretion of the head of the Education Library. Required: 5th-year library degree from accredited lib ra ry school; relevant professional or paraprofessional experience in extension service highly desirable;, advanced training or professional experience in education curricula useful a lb e it not essential. Salary: $9,248-$12,049 depending on qualifications and experi­ ence. Fringe benefits: TIAA/C REF retirem ent plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance p a rtia lly subsidized; liberal sick leave. Wayne State Univ. is an equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. W rite to Robert T. Grazier, Assoc. Dir., University Libraries, Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Ml 48202. Technical Services ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES to supervise catalog, acquisitions, and serials departm ent in a lib ra ry acquiring 40,000 volumes a year for a university of 14,000 students. Minimum requirements: 5 years' increasingly. . responsible technical processes management, and a b ility to keep abreast o f new de­ velopments. Salary $17,500 or more depending on q u a li­ fications. A p p ly to John W . W eatherford, Dir. o f Ls., Central M ichigan University. M t. Pleasant, Ml 48859. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES/CATALOGER. Law­ rence University. Acquisitions $120,000; Technical Services staff 5*/2 + students; reclassification in process. MLS and relevant experience required; second Master's desirable. Salary: $1.0,000—12,000 depending on experience. Contact: Dennis Ribbens, Library Director, Lawrence University A ppleton, W l 54911; (414) 739-3681. 121 Sm all library but BIG reference n e e d s ? Apply n ow for an ISI Matching Grant. At ISI® we don't think the scope or quality of your reference services should be limited by the size of your library. Simply because your library is in a four-year college, community college, or small non-profit research institute, doesn't mean your needs for reference services are any smaller than the large university and research libraries. But your budget probably is. To help small libraries like yours, the Institute for Scientific Information is providing dollar-for-dollar matching grants toward the purchase of the Science Citation Index® and the new Social Sciences Citation Index.™ These grants apply to past, present and future issues and provide you 50% of the purchase price. You are invited to apply for these grants if you are the librarian in a • Two or Four-year College • Veterinary, Pharmacy, or Dental School (SCI® only) • Community or Junior College • Municipal, State or Public Library (SSCI™ only) • Departmental Library • Non-profit Research Institute • Hospital (under 1,000 beds) • Library or Information Science School • Developing Nation To receive your application forms, simply fill in and mail the coupon below. Save 50% toward your purchase of the Science Citation Index or the new Social Sciences Citation Index Y o u r Order Deserves a n d Gets the Dedicated Efforts o f Our Entire S ta ff o f Professionals! F r o m President Jack Ansett and General Manager Ed Lockman down through our entire organization is a sincere desire to serve you quickly, accurately and in the way that meets your special requirements best. w e call it “Concerned Service’’ because we are concerned that you get the best and most personalized service available in the wholesale book trade. Your rush orders are handled by special, separate procedures that assure you there can be no slip-up or delay in getting them completed. o ur Concerned Service assures you that the average elapsed time of delivery will be less when you order from the Book House. Surveys by several major academic libraries have confirmed this, (names on request) Book House will deliver any book in print including all university presses, professional and non-profit associations, Government publications, Canadian titles and ALL paperbacks from any publisher. Discount schedules are competitive, naturally! Isn’t it time you gave Book House a trial order and found out how well Concerned Service can do the job for you! ANY QUESTIONS? CALL 517-849-9361 COLLECT! factsabout Book Review index BOTH THE PERIODICAL SUBSCRIPTION AND THE A NNUAL CUM­ ULATIONS OF "B RI" M A Y BE OROERED ON GALE'S STANDING ORDER PLAN. GALE RESEARCH C Book O T M owe P r ANY Detroit Michigan 48226 BRI covers every review appearing in 235 magazines and newspapers. It covers all the major literary and educational periodicals. I t also provides access to the more specialized media which yield useful insights on books dealing with arts and crafts, business and economics, religion and philosophy, m inority affairs, and other contemporary concerns. Each year BRI covers 6 5,000 reviews o f over 35,000 books. THE BIM ONTHLY PUBLICATION $45 per year. New subscribers receive an 8½” x 11” loose-leaf ring binder. Published February, April, June, August, and December. (For convenience in using BRI, the April, August, and December issues cumulate the previous issue.) ANN U AL CUMULATIONS Bound volumes cumulating the contents o f a year’s issues o f BRI are prepared immediately after publication o f the December issue. • Bound volumes for 1965, 1966, 1967, and 1968 are in print, priced at $30 each. • Bound volumes for 1969 and later years are $45 each, available as follows: 1972 cumulation: in print 1973 cumulation: ready early 1974 1969, 1970, and 1971 cumulations: in preparation; may be ordered now for future delivery. A NOTE ON THE HISTORY OF BRI BRI was first inaugurated in 1965 as a periodical and continued through 1967. Clothbound cumulations were published after each year’s December issue. In 1968, the periodical was suspended, due to mechanical difficulties and inadequate customer support. A clothbound cumulation was published for 1968, b u t no further issues or bound volumes appeared until 1972. The suspension caused a flurry o f queries from libraries who recognized BRI as a “basic reference tool” (to quote from CHOICE). As time passed, the demand for BRI increased. In 1972, Gale resumed publication o f periodical issues. A t the same time work commenced on retrospective indexing to fill in for the missing years. The 1972 cumulation is in print. The 1973 cumulation is scheduled for early publication. Bound volumes for 1969, 1970, and 1971 are being worked on. RIEGER, Shay - Gargoyles. Monsters And Other Beasts / HB - *4 9 Je '7 3 - p28B RUGGER, Hal - Prim itive Pottery / Choice • v 10 - Ap ‘7 3 - p281 RIEGLE, Donald - 0 Congress / PW - v203 - A p 16 ‘7 3 - p56 RIEMER, Meal - James Madi son / APSR - v 67 - Je ‘7 3 - p633 RIESSEN, M arty - Match Point / KR - v 4 l - Ap 1 ‘7 3 - p443 RIESSEN, M arty - Match Point / NYÎBR - Je IQ ‘7 3 - p 1 6 RIESSEN, M arty - Match Point / PW - v203 - A p 16 ‘7 3 - p 52 Listings in Book Review Index provide author’s name, title o f book, reviewing publication, date and page o f review.