ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 404 preparedness and access to fumigation services. F or m ore inform ation contact ICCP Project Director Carolyn Clark Morrow, Morris Library, S outhern Illinois U niversity, Carbondale, IL 62901. • The University of Kansas Libraries’ Kansas C ollection, L aw rence, has b een aw arded a National H istorical Publications and Records Commission grant of $21,000, pending funds available for 1982, to process and preserve the J. B. Watkins papers. Watkins was a 19th century business entrepreneur in Lawrence who operated a land mortgage company. The Kansas Collection has also received $8,813 from the Kansas Com­ mittee for the Humanities to prepare a traveling exhibit on women school teachers in Kansas. • The University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, has been awarded a national resources center grant of $105,000 by the Office of Education to support and develop its West European Area Studies curriculum. In 1981-82 the funds will be used primarily to conduct a survey of the librar­ ies’ statistical collections. During the second year a national symposium for West European special­ ists will be held in Minneapolis in May, 1983. NEWS NOTES • The New York Public Library, in conjunc­ tion with the American Trust for the British Li­ brary, has begun a project to microfilm nearly 6,000 books destroyed in the London Blitz of World War II. After the project is completed in five years, most of the lost American titles that were lost will be once again available to the Brit­ ish Library. Photocopies of catalog entries for books missing from the library’s shelves for de­ cades will enable the New York Public Library staff to determine what can be replaced by mic­ rofilming from its own holdings. • The University of California, Santa Bar­ bara and the University of California, Ber­ keley have become the 24th and 25th general members of the rapidly expanding Research Li­ b raries G roup h e a d q u a rte re d in S tanford, California. RLG’s general programs cover preser­ vation, collection development and management, resource sharing, and automated technical pro­ cessing via an integrated acquisitions/cataloging system (RLIN). People PROFILES D. Kaye Gapen, assistant director for technical services at the Iowa State University Library', has been named dean of the University of Alabama L ibraries, U niversity, effective in November. G apen holds an MLS from the University of W ashington L ibrary School. Prior to her position at Iowa State, she served as aesistant head and la ter head of th e Quick Editing Unit of the Ohio S tate U ni­ versity Libraries’ Cata­ loging Department. She has also h eld various D. Kaye Gapen positions at the College of William and Mary Library and the Seattle Public Library. Gapen was named chair of ACRL s Academic Status Com mittee and serves as ACRL repre­ sentative on the ALA Standing Com mittee on Library Education. She is also chair of the ALA Resources and Technical Services Division’s Cata­ loging and Classification Section. Gapen has been active in OCLC, Inc., espe­ cially on the Users Council in which she was named chair of the Task Force on the Effective­ ness of the Users Council in 1980. She has been on the OCLC Board of Trustees since 1978. H er many publication activities include terms on the ediorial boards of Technicalities and the Journal o f Academic Librarianship; articles in Library Trends, Footnotes, College & Research Libraries, and Library Resources and Technical Services; and co-editing Closing the Catalog: Pro­ ceedings o f the LITA In stitu tes, a 1980 Oryx Press monograph. In 1979 Gapen was responsible for organizing and coordinating th e Consortium on th e De­ velopm ent of On-line Catalogs (CONDOC), a group of small and medium-sized libraries jointly seeking the solution to the need for an online public catalog. R. Joseph Anderson has been appointed li­ brary director of the Balch Institute for Ethnic S tudies, P h ilad elp h ia, effective O cto b er 1. Anderson was an archivist and coordinator of the Contemporary Medical Care and Health Policy Collection in the Department of Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library, from 1979 to 1981, and earlier worked as a manuscript proces­ sor at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Anderson has a master’s degree in American history from Ohio University and an MLS from 406 the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has also had specialized training in archives/manuscripts administration at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and the National Archives, and he has had extensive experience in working with re­ search collections. In 1979 Anderson presented a paper on public welfare case records at the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists, and he has had articles published in the American Archivist and the Bulletin o f the History o f Medicine. Carl F. Orgren has been appointed to a five- year term as director of the School of Library Sci­ ence at th e University of Iowa, effective Fall T erm , 1981. O rg ren joined the faculty of the school in 1970 and held th e rank of as sistan t professor. He served as acting d ire c to r of th e school in 1980-81. O rg ren is active in statew ide professional activities and in 1975 was p re s id e n t of th e Iowa L ibrary Associa­ tion. In 1979 he co­ edited the Proceedings of the Iowa Governor’s Carl F. Orgren Conference on Library and Information Service and is now a member of the IOWANET Advisory Council which is help­ ing to design an in ter-library network for the state. Orgren s publications reflect his research interest in cooperative information service. He was book review editor of RQ from 1973 to 1976. Prior to coming to Iowa, Orgren taught library science at Wayne State University and was head of reference at the University of Detroit Library. He holds MLS and Ph.D. degrees from the Uni­ versity of Michigan School of Library Science. Jay Martin Poole, editor of ACRL’s Choice m agazine in M id d leto w n , C o n n e c tic u t, has accepted the position of assistant director for col­ lection development at Texas A&M University Libraries, College Sta­ tion, effective January 11. Poole has b een at Choice since A ugust, 1979. As head o f th e Undergraduate Library at th e U n iv ersity of Texas at Austin, Poole was instrumental in de­ veloping a nationally- known program in bib­ Jay Martin Pooleliographic instruction. O th er positions Poole Susan Brandehoff 407 has held include head of reference at the State University of New York at Buffalo and special programs librarian at the University of Washing­ ton, where he coordinated a grant program enti­ tled, “The U n d erg rad u ate L ibrary in U n d er­ graduate Education.” In 1978-79 he was chair of ACRL s U nder­ graduate Librarians Discussion Group. He has spoken at ACRL chapter meetings, most recently at the Nebraska Chapter meeting in April, 1981, where his topic was “Goals for the 80s: Issues for Libraries in Higher Education.” Poole c u rre n tly serves on the m em bership co m m ittee of th e Society for Scholarly P ub­ lishing, and in 1980 was on the nominating com­ mittee for the American Book Awards. In 1979 at the 50th anniversary celebration of the founding of the University of Oklahoma School of Library Science he was presented with a citation for out­ standing service to librarianship. He is a m em ber of the Kappa Alpha Social Fraternity, and honorary member of the Phi Mu Alpha and Theta Alpha Phi fraternities. APPO IN TM EN TS Terry Arraham has been appointed projects editor responsible for the non-periodical publica­ tions program for the Society of American Ar­ chivists, Chicago. Jenifer Arramson has been appointed catalo- ger at the University of California, Los Angeles Law Library. Kay L. Andrus has jo in e d th e staff of the Underwood Law Library, Southern M ethodist University, Dallas, as senior reference librarian. Kay Baumwart is now at W estern New Mexico University Library, Silver City. Terry L. Berkwith has been appointed associ­ ate law librarian at W ashington and Lee Uni­ versity, Lexington, Virginia. John P. Bissett has been appointed cataloger at the Washington and Lee University’s Law Li­ brary, Lexington, Virginia. Rorert E. Blesse has been appointed special collections librarian at the University of Nevada, Reno, Library. Farrell Brody has joined the University of New Mexico Library’s G eneral Library staff as librarian-archivist. Fern Brody is the new information services librarian at the University of Pittsburgh Librar­ ies, Pennsylvania. Dale C. Burke has been appointed assistant W ESTFO RN ET librarian at the University of Washington, Seattle. Vincent Caccese is now reference librarian at the Biological and Agricultural Sciences Library, University of California, Davis. Joseph Chang has been appointed Japanese bibliographer/cataloger in the East Asian Library of the University of Pittsburgh. Mary Ellen Clapper is the new serials catalo­ ger at the Harvard Business School Library. Cynthia Clark has been appointed assistant serials librarian at Princeton University Library. Diane Clark has b een a p p o in ted assistant librarian in th e Cataloging D epartm ent of the James M. Milne Library, State University Col­ lege, Oneonta, New York. John S. Coleman is the new director of the Audio-Visual Center, Washington and Lee Uni­ versity, Lexington, Virginia. Sandra S. Coleman has been appointed depu­ ty librarian at Harvard’s Law School Library. Anne Crozier is the new reference librarian at the University of Maryland, College Park. Carmen M. Cummings has b een appointed librarian of the University of South Carolina at Union. Susan A. Currie has been appointed circula- tion/reserve librarian at C ornell’s Uris U nder­ graduate Library, Ithaca, New York. John Norman Davis has been appointed refer­ ence librarian for the Law Library, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Carolyn Dickerman is the new life sciences reference librarian at the General Library, Uni­ versity of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Mary Kay Duggan has been appointed assis­ tant professor in the School of Library and In­ formation Studies, University of California, Ber­ keley. E. Anne Edwards is now public services libra­ rian at the University of Nevada, Reno, Library. Gloria Espitia has been appointed director of the Media Center, Victoria College-University of Houston Victoria Campus. Lynn Foster has been appointed associate law librarian at the University of Idaho College of Law Library, Moscow. Holly Gardinier has been appointed music librarian at Mansfield State College, Pennsylva­ nia. Richard R. Greenfield has been appointed Library Furniture Needed The Library of the D epartm ent of Extra- Mural Studies at the University of the West Indies’ branch on Dominica was completely destroyed by H urricane D avid in August, 1979. Although some progress has been made in replacing monographs and serials, the li­ brary is still in great need of bookcases, shelv­ ing, and other furniture. If your institution can provide any contributions or other sup­ port, please contact Bernard Wiltshire, Resi­ d e n t T u to r, D e p a rtm e n t of E x tra-M u ral Studies, P.O. Box 82, University of the West Indies, Roseau, Dominica, W.I. 408 international law librarian at the Harvard Law School Library. Julia Grimes is now head technical librarian at the Inhalation Toxicology Research In stitu te, Albuquerque. Ann Gwyn has been appointed special collec­ tions librarian at the Milton S. Eisenhower Li­ brary, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Johanna Hershey is the new assistant director for technical services at the Milton S. Eisenhow­ er Library, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Tina E. Hustad has been appointed natural sciences reference librarian at the University of Washington, Seattle. Karen Jaggers is now reference librarian at New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas. Patricia Kenney has b ee n ap p o in ted reference/interlibrary loan librarian at Victoria College-University of Houston Victoria Campus Library. Marianne K. Klimas has been appointed se­ rials cataloger for the Pennsylvania Union List of Serials, University of Pittsburgh. Paul Kohrerger has been appointed social sciences/microforms cataloger at the University of Pittsburgh. Marilyn M. Kramer is now head of the Cata­ loging D epartm ent at th e State University of New York at Buffalo. Carole A. Larson has been appointed social sciences reference librarian at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Jett McCann has been appointed serials con­ trol librarian at the University of Maryland Balti­ more County, Catonsville. Lee McDavid has been appointed special col­ lections projects assistant at Tusculum College Library, Greeneville, Tennessee. Kathleen Marquis has been appointed refer­ ence archivist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Willis C. Meredith is the new assistant librar­ ian for collection management in the Harvard Law School Library. Linda B. Milgrom has been appointed region­ al referen ce lib rarian at th e U niversity of Washington, Seattle. Gordon Miller is now social and behavioral sciences reference librarian at Mansfield State College, Pennsylvania. Marcia Ruth Miller has joined the staff of the Museum of New Mexico History Library, Santa Fe. Tracey Miller is now reference and collection development librarian for the Management Li­ brary, University of California, Los Angeles. Fred Muratori is the new reference librarian at Cornell University’s Olin Library. Lois Nase has been appointed assistant librar­ ian at the Engineering Library, Princeton Uni­ versity. Rohert K. O’Neill has been appointed direc­ tor of the Indiana Historical Society Library, In­ dianapolis. Richard W. Oram is now special collections librarian at Washington and Lee University, Lex­ ington, Virginia. John O’Shea is the new cataloger at Georgia Southern College Library, Statesboro. Judith O’Sullivan has been named executive director of the Center for the Book at the Library of Congress. Patricia A. Pace has been appointed coordina­ tor of exhibitions at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Catonsville. Kathleen Patterson is now reference librarian at the Mercy College Libraries, W estchester County, New York. Bonita Perry has been appointed assistant d irecto r for rea d er services at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Ann Rae has b een ap p o in ted assistant law librarian at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. Cynthia J. Rice has been appointed Louisiana Room reference librarian at Dupre Library, Uni­ versity of S o u th w estern Louisiana L ibrary, Lafayette. Ann Rimmer has been appointed personnel officer of th e In d ian a U n iv ersity L ib raries, Bloomington. Debora Rougeux has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at the James M. Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, New York. Ann Sitkin is now assistant head of the Catalog Department, Harvard Law School. Joseph A. Starratt has been appointed chair of the C irculation Services D epartm ent, Uni­ versity of Nebraska at Omaha. Jana Stevens has been appointed head of ac­ quisitions at the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University. Michael I. Stevenson has been appointed business/econom ics reference librarian at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Mitzie Stewart is now head of serials at the Victoria College-University of Houston Victoria Campus Library. Susan M. Vacca has been appointed personnel officer in the Harvard College Library. Nan Vodde has been appointed coordinator for data services, Information Services Division, Mis­ sissippi Research and Development Center, Jack- son. Donna E. Webber has been appointed assis­ tant archivist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries, Cambridge. Catherine Wells is now collection develop­ ment bibliographer at Freiberger Library, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. Lawrence Wilt has been appointed collection management librarian at the University of Mary­ land Baltimore County, Catonsville. Sally H. Wise has been appointed assistant 409 librarian for public services at the Underwood Law Library, Southern M ethodist University, Dallas. Lynn Wishart is now assistant law librarian for research services in the Georgetown University Law Center Library, Washington. Lisa Woo has been appointed Chinese bibliog- rapher/cataloger at the University of Pittsburgh. RETIREMENTS Mary Jane Mitchell, director of the James White Library at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, for the past 21 years, retired on July 29. Hilda Mudd, director of library resources at Brescia College, Owensboro, Kentucky, retired August 7 after 32 years of service. She assisted in the planning of the present library building and will continue as archivist and collection develop­ ment librarian. Marion Murdoch retired as head of the Ac­ quisitions Department at the University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley, on October 9 after 38 years of service. DEATHS Marie Hamilton Law, form er dean of the Drexel University Library School, former direc­ tor of the Drexel Library, and a member of the Drexel faculty for 27 years, died October 6 in Baltimore after a long illness. Law joined the Drexel faculty as an instructor in the undergradu­ ate library science curriculum in 1922. She be­ came vice-director of the library school in 1925 and was named dean of the school and director of th e library in 1937. U nder h er guidance the Drexel library science program changed from an undergraduate to a graduate degree program in 1949, the year of her retirement. George A. Schwegmann, Jr., retired chief of th e Union Catalog Division of the Library of Congress, died on September 28. RECEIVED (Selected items will be reviewed in future is­ sues of College & Research Libraries.) • A report by Kendon Stubbs for the Commit­ tee on ARL Statistics, The ARL Library Index and Quantitative Relationships in the ARL (As­ sociation of Research Libraries, November, 1980), explains the derivation and implications of the ARL Library Index in detail. • In Power, Politics and Print: The Publica­ tion o f the British Museum Catalog, 1181-1900 (Linnet Books, 1981, $17.50), Barbara MeCrim- mon recounts for the first time the struggles of Edward Augustus Bond and Richard Garnett, the librarians responsible for this catalog—the first national library catalog to be published and there­ fore made available to other libraries. • The purpose of Progress in Communication Sciences (Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1980, $32.50), the second in an annual series, is to “provide the reader with high quality state of the art reviews of thought and research.” Each re­ view focuses on one or more of the following: 1) information, information transfer, and information systems; 2) the uses and effects of communica­ tions; and 3) the control and regulation of com­ munications and information. • “Most” of the online search facilities avail­ able have been described in a general fashion “so that readers may acquire an overall view of the range available to them” in Online Searching: An Introduction (Butterworth & Co., 1980, $31.95) Publications by W. M. Henry, J. A. Leigh, L. A. Tedd and P. W. Williams. A general overview of online searching, including the scope of services and databases and equipment required; a detailed de­ scription of search facilities and techniques, in­ cluding information about database structure; a discussion of the role of the intermediary; details of management aspects; and a description of aids and methods for education and training. • Management o f Library Networks: Policy A n a lysis, Im p lem en ta tio n and C o n tro l, by William R. Rouse and Sandra H. Rouse (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1980, $25.95), presents a methodology for the analysis of resource-sharing library networks and illustrates how this meth­ odology has been applied in several case studies. • An Overview o f Videodisc Technology and Some Potential Applications in the Library, In ­ formation, and Instructional Sciences, by R. Kent Wood and Robert D. Woolley (ERIC Clearing­ house, 1980), is based upon the Utah State Uni­ versity Videodisc Innovation Projects and in­ cludes descriptions of major marketed videodisc systems and those soon to be marketed. • C ataloging o f A u d io visu a l M aterials: A Manual Based on AACR 2 by Nancy B. Olsen (M innesota Scholarly Press, 1981, $17.50 softcover) presents photographs of a variety of audiovisual items typically ordered by libraries. Each photograph is accompanied by a compre­ hensive explanation for correct cataloging. • A collection of 14 essays written by Raynard Coe Swank between 1944 and 1974 have been