ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1994/183 184/C&RL News FEATURES Internet resources for business Leslie M. Haas 191 The W a y I See It C ollege libraries and the n ew technology Thomas G. Kirk 196 Actions: ACRL Board of Directors, February 1994 199 ACRL leaders address future 199 ULS business meeting highlights 200 ULS discusses virtual libraries and publishing 201 ACRL honors the 1994 a w a rd winners 202 H oadley receives ACRL’s highest honor Pam Spiegel 203 ALA candidates' forum encourages lively debate Charles Bunge, Marilyn Gell Mason, and Betty J. Turock 208 Candidates for ALA Council 211 The time to lead 213 ACRL preconferences in Miami Beach 214 About the cover Irene Hoadley, director o f the Sterling C. Evans Library Capital Campaign, Texas A&M Uni­ versity, has been named ACRL’s 1994 Aca­ demic/Research Librarian o f the Year. For in­ fo r m a tio n o n h e r a w a rd , an d on the association's eight other awards for 1994, see pages 202-206 o f this issue. April 1 9 9 4 /1 8 5 In the N ew s 1 8 6 N ew s from the Field 1 8 7 Washington Hotline Carol C. Henderson 2 1 8 Preservation News J a n e Hedberg 2 1 9 Internet Reviews Sara Amato 2 2 0 N ew Publications George M. Eberhart 2 2 2 Grants 2 2 5 Acquisitions 2 2 6 People in the News 2 2 7 Advertiser Index 2 2 8 Classified Advertising 231 H elen Spaulding an d S arah C o x a t th e ACRL p lan n in g se ssio n at th e ALA M idw inter Meeting in Los Angeles. See p ages 1 9 9 - 2 0 1 . E d ito r & p u b lisher: Mary Ellen K. Davis A ssistant ed ito r: Pam Spiegel Classified ads m an ag er: Jack Helbig Editorial assistant: Gregg Opelka/Hugh Thompson P ro d u ct sales m an ag er: Stu Foster C&RL N e w s E d it o r ia l B o a r d : Pam ela S n elso n , W illis H u b b ard , Ir e n e H offm an , R o b e rt S. M artin, Z enaid a Fernandez; Ex officio: Karen Seibert (ACRL Publications Committee); Gloriana St. Clair (C&RL editor); Jacqu elyn Mc­ Coy (ACRL past-president). E d ito ria l o ffice s : ( 3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 -2 5 1 1 E m a i L U 38398@ UIC VM C&RL N e w s f a x : ( 3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 - 7 6 6 3 ACRL f a x : ( 3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 -2 5 2 0 P ro d u c t a d v ertisin g : Contact Stu Foster. ACRL Advertising, c/o C h oice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; (203) 347-3764. C lassified a d v ertisin g : Contact Ja ck Helbig, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (3 1 2 ) 280-2513; e-mail: U21808@uicvm P r o d u c tio n o ffice : 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 606 l 1-2795. C irc u la tio n o ffice : Change o f address and subscription or­ ders should be addressed to C ollege & R e se a r c h L ib ra ries Neu›s, c /o CHOICE Subscriptions, attn: Steven Conforti, 100 Riverview C enter, M iddletow n, CT 0 6 4 5 7 -3 4 4 5 . Phone: (203) 347-6933; fax: (203) 346-8586. Allow eight w eeks for new subscriptions. C o llege & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s N ew s (ISSN 0099-0086) is published by the Association o f College & Research Librar­ ies, a division o f the American Library Association, as 11 monthly (com bining July/August) issues, at 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. In clu sio n o f an article or an adver­ tisement in C&RL New s does not constitute official end orse­ ment by ACRL or ALA. I n d e x e d in C u rren t C on tents: S o c ia l & B e h a v i o r a l S cien ces; C u rren t I n d e x to J o u r n a ls in E d u c a t io n ; In fo r m a tio n S ci­ e n c e A bstracts; L ib ra ry & In fo r m a t io n S c ie n c e A bstracts; Li­ b r a r y L iteratu re; and S o c ia l S c ie n c e s C ita tion In dex. A n nual su b scrip tio n : For members o f ACRL, $12.50 per year, in clud ed in m em b ersh ip du es; for n on m em bers, $30.00 per year in U.S., $35.00 per year in Canada and other PUAS countries, $40.00 in other foreign countries. Single copies and back issues: $6.50 each. Second-class postage paid for at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices. TO THE POSTMASTER: Send address changes to College & Re­ search Libraries Neus, c/o CHOICE Subscriptions, attn: Steven Conforti, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457-3445. © American Library Association 1994. All material in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Asso­ ciation may b e photocopied for the noncom m ercial purpose o f scientific o r educational advancement. C&RL N e w s is published o n recycled, acid-free paper, ACRL B o a rd o f D ire c to rs : President— Thom as G. Kirk; president-elect— Susan K. Martin; past-president—Jacquelyn McCoy; councillor— Rochelle Sager; Budget & Finance Com. rep.— Thom as Peischl; directors— Karin Begg Borei, Paul Dumont, Frances J . Maloy, Ray E. Metz, Linda L. Phillips, Shelley E. Phipps, Barbara J. Wittkopf; Planning Com. chair— Sandra Ready; ACRL Executive Director— Althea H. Jenkins. 1 8 6 / C&RL News In the News Congratulations to Irene Hoadley, ACRL’s Academic/Research Librarian of the Year. B e ­ cause of her many professional achievements in the areas o f implementing new services, ap­ plying new technologies, and her recognition of the importance of fundraising and position­ ing the library for the future, Irene has been selected to receive ACRL’s highest honor. Con­ gratulations, too, to the eight other individuals and four institutions recognized by ACRL for their contributions to the profession. The win­ ners o f these ACRL awards will be honored by their colleagues during the ALA Annual Con­ ference in Miami this June. See pages 202-206 for details. Take some time to review this issue and be an informed member of ACRL/ALA; it contains many items o f ALA and ACRL business: • A report on the actions of the ACRL Board o f Directors taken at its Midwinter Meetings begins on page 199. • A call for nominations to ACRL office begins on page 213. There are a lot o f oppor­ tunities to participate; the 1994 ACRL ballot contained 87 candidates. ACRL needs your help to ensure that strong candidates are nominated for leadership roles. • Statements from the three candidates for ALA president that are based on discussions during the Midwinter Meeting’s Candidates’ Forum. Read this as you decide how to vote. • The individuals running for ALA Council who are members o f ACRL. Vote for these ACRL members to strengthen ACRL’s voice in the af­ fairs o f the ALA. • Information about the preconferences ACRL will offer on Friday, Ju ne 24, 1994, in Miami during the ALA Annual Conference. Top­ ics include special collections, library instruc­ tion, the Internet, and bibliographic control of conference proceedings. Next month’s issue will also carry impor­ tant association information. Watch for pro­ posed revisions to two important standards. — Mary Ellen K. Davis E ditor & P u blish er