ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 214/C&RL News ACRL preconferences in M iam i Beach Miami preconferences cover rare books, active learning, and the Net ACRL w ill offer four preconferences prior to the ALA Annual Conference in Miami Beach this summer. Details about each follow . 3 5 th ra re b o o k s p reco nferen ce “From Collector to Donor: Building Special Col­ lections with Private Passions” is the theme o f the Thirty-fifth Preconference o f the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section o f ACRL, to be held in Miami Beach, June 21-24, 1994. The history o f special collections is in large part a history o f private collections that have passed to public institutions, whether by gift, bequest, or pur­ chase. The program sessions w ill exam ine ho w librarians and collectors interact, looking both to the past and to the future. The range o f discussion w ill include con­ sideration o f such issues as the expectations and needs o f collectors, the role o f planned givin g within a library’s developm ent policy, problem s encountered with don or restrictions, the role o f the b oo k and manuscript seller in placing a collection with an institution, and le­ gal problems related to agreements with d o ­ nors and their estates. Speakers. T. Kimball Brooker, collector: “Private Collectors and Public Libraries”; Lynda Claassen, University o f California, San Diego: “T he V iew from Special Collections”; Paul F. Helfer, collector: “Divesting Donors o f Their D o­ nations: The 1993 Tax Act As Friend o f the Li­ brary”; Marie E. Korey, Massey College, Uni­ versity o f Toronto: “T o the Cause o f Bibliomania Throughout the W orld: The Role o f B ook Col­ lecting Societies”; Ronald Lieberman, The Fam­ ily Album: “The Role o f the B ook and Manu­ script Seller and the Nourishment o f Collectors and Collections”; Ruth and Marvin Sackner, collectors: “Private Collection, Public Vision: The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive o f Concrete and Visual P oetry”; Elinor Des Verney Sinnette, W a s h in g to n , D .C ., A rth u r A. Schomburg, collector, and Samuel A. Streit, Brown University: “Banquo’s Ghost: Or, Living with D on or Restriction from an Earlier Tim e.” Sem in ars. O pportunities fo r continuing education and professional developm ent w ill include a variety o f seminars for preconference participants. Topics include: navigating the In­ ternet; exhibition catalog production; the RLG Digital Image Access Project and the Berkeley Finding A id Project; proven an ce and p ro v ­ enance files; collecting Latin American mate­ rial; guidelines for security o f collections; an historical v ie w o f the techniques and applica­ tions o f describing rare materials; introduction to the AM C form at; adm inisterin g student presses; and others. Tours. On Thursday afternoon, June 23, there w ill be a w alking tour o f the Art D eco District and tours o f local libraries, both public and private. Tours include: the Arts and Cul­ tural Plaza; the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute and the University o f Miami Calder Medical Li­ brary; the Kislak Collection o f Pre-Columbian Art and Rare B ook Gallery; the Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive o f Concrete and Visual Poetry; the Archives and Special Collections at the Uni­ versity o f Miami’s Richter Library; Vizcaya; and the Wolfsonian Foundation. Registration. Registration is limited to the first 250 applicants. The registration fee o f $150 for members, or $200 for nonmembers, must be included with the registration form. This fee includes: entry to all preconference receptions, luncheons, and co ffee breaks; entrance to all preconference papers and seminars; and trans­ portation to and from the Historical Museum o f Southern Florida on Tuesday even ing and the Bass Museum o f Art on W ednesday evening. A separate fee o f $10 w ill be charged for the tours on Thursday afternoon. The registration form must be received at the ACRL office by M ay 15, 1994. W ritten cancellations w ill be honored until May 30, 1994, and are subject to April 1994/215 a $50 cancellation fee. Cancellations w ill be processed after the preconference. Late regis­ tration w ill be accepted on a space-available basis after M ay 15, 1994, at an additional cost o f $40 per person. For more information write: RBMS Preconference, ALA/ACRL, 50 East Hu­ ron St., Chicago, IL 60611 or call the ACRL of­ fice toll-free at (800) 545-2433, ext. 2522 or 3248. P r e c o n fe r e n c e A irlin e R e se rv a tio n s. Delta Air Lines, Inc., is the official airline o f the RBMS Precon ference. C onferen ce attendees travelling roundtrip to Miami from within the United States or Canada on Delta, between June 18 and 27, w ill receive a 5% discount o ff their “Super Saver Fare” or 10% o ff regular coach fare. Reservations must be made directly with Delta by calling (800) 241-6760, 8:00 a.m .-ll:00 p.m. (EST), daily. W h en making a reservation please identify yourself as attending the Rare Books and Manuscripts Annual Meeting. P reco n feren ce Hotel. The Doral O cean Beach Resort in Miami Beach is the official preconference hotel. The hotel is located at 4833 Collins A venue in the heart o f the fabled hotel district o f Miami Beach. The recently rem od­ eled 18-story tow er overlooks both the Atlan­ tic O cean and the Intercoastal W aterway and has its ow n 300-foot-wide sandy beach on the ocean side. The hotel offers a number o f ameni­ ties including restaurants, shops, a pool, and an aquasports center, and access to the Doral Resort and Country Club and the Doral Saturnia International Spa Resort with complimentary transportation. The Doral is a short ride from the Art D eco District and South Beach. A spe­ cial conference rate has been arranged for RBMS attendees. Reservations must be made using the housing form which w ill be sent to you upon receipt o f your registration. The cost o f ADA m aterials sought T h e Am erican s w ith D isabilities Act (A D A ) Assembly o f ASCLA w ould like to d evelo p a collection o f transition plans and other documents related to libraries’ com ­ pliance with the AD A. I f your library, or its govern ing entity, has prepared planning or policy documents for A D A compliance that are appropriate for sharing with other librar­ ies, please send copies to Kathleen Mayo, Chair, A D A Assembly, Lee County Library System, 2050 Lee St., Ft. Myers, FL 33901. hotel accommodations is not included in the preconference registration fee. Rates are $115 for single or double (plus tax and service charge) with a $30 additional charge made for a third person. Children under 18 are free if an addi­ tional bed is not required. The deadline for hotel registration is May 21, 1994. Active learning in libraries “Integrating Active Learning into Library Instruc­ tion: Practical Information for Immediate U se” is the preconference being offered by ACRL’s Bibliographic Instruction Section, 8:30 a.m.- 4 :30 p.m., Friday, June 24. Lunch w ill be included. Join the nationwide m ovem ent in higher education to im prove the quality o f teaching. Active learning is a topic generating widespread interest and enthusiasm. This is your opportu­ nity to explore active learning from both a theo­ retical and a practical perspective. Audience. This preconference is aimed at librarians interested in providing effective in­ struction for their library users. Speakers. The preconference begins with keynote speaker Trish Ridgeway, the Handley Library, presenting “Active Learning in Library Instruction: W hy to D o It and H o w to D o It.” T h en you m o ve into small gro u p sessions w hich in volve you in active learning experi­ ences. Y o u can readily apply these experiences to your current and future instruction activi­ ties. The other presenters are: Suzanne Byron and Greg Sidberry, University o f North Texas, “Cooperative Learning and Library Instruction: Practical Application s”; Shirley Cody, Grand V alley State University, “A Demonstration o f Cerise Oberm an’s Question Analysis Learning Cycle” ; Ross T. LaBaugh, University o f Massa­ chusetts at Dartmouth, “N o t A n oth er Tou r o f the Library: Using Y ou r H ead (Instead o f Y ou r Feet) to Learn the Library” ; Carol Reed, University o f T oledo, “Innovation in Teaching Library Usage: Flowcharting the Research Pro­ cess.” Registration. The registration fee is $150 for ACRL members, $185 for ALA members, and $215 for non-ALA members. The deadline for registration is May 17, 1994. Internet tools an d services “Navigating the Internet: Tools, Services, and Issues” w ill be cosponsored by ACRL and the Coalition for N etw orked Information and held 9:00 a.m-5:00 p.m., Friday, June 24. Lunch w ill be included. Attending this preconference will enable you to: define and compare major Internet naviga­ tional tools and describe specific uses; describe a range o f services you could provide (both as information providers and in support o f users) using Internet resources; describe issues for acquiring and cataloging Internet resources; and define policy areas related to the Internet and the services that you offer. Audience. Attendees should have basic kn ow ledge o f the Internet and have had basic experience using it (e-mail use only is okay). Speakers. The speakers include Paul Evan Peters and Joan Lippincott, Coalition for N et­ w orked Information; Laura Kelleher, Merit N et­ work; plus practicing librarians w h o are e x ­ pert Internet users. Registration. The registration fee is $150 for ACRL members, $185 for ALA members, and $215 for non-ALA members. The deadline for registration is May 17, 1994. C onference proceedings “Bibliographic Control o f Conference Proceed­ ings” is an ACRL/ALCTS joint preconference to be held 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., Friday, June 24. Audience. The precon ference is for pro­ fessionals, paraprofessional staff, and students in volved with or interested in cataloging, pub­ lic services, or collection developm en t aspects o f con ference proceedings. Speakers. Nationally recognized librarians in the field o f cataloging, public services, and collection developm ent will discuss the many issues and concerns related to the bibliographic control, access, and acquiring o f conference pro­ ceedings. Representatives from major publish­ ers o f conference proceedings will also present the issues confronting the publishing industry. Registration. The registration fee is $95 for ACRL members, $145 for ALA members, and $185 for non-ALA members. The registration deadline is May 17, 1994. ■ ACRL preconference reg istratio n form Deadline: May 17, 1994 Note: Please call the ACRL office to request a Select a precon feren ce and circle the fee form fo r the RBMS preconference. ACRL ALA ALA Please type or print: Preconference member mem. mem. Integrating Active N am e (a s it sh ou ld a p p e ar o n y ou r b a d g e ) Learning $150 $185 $215 Navigating the T itle Internet $150 $185 $215 Bibliographic O rgan izatio n al N am e (a s it s h o u ld a p p e a r o n b a d g e ) Control $95 $145 $185 M ailing Address $35 late fee after May 17, 1994 City State/Zip Total payment:_________ Check enclosed: □ or Charge: □ Visa □ MasterCard □ AmEx T e le p h o n e (d ay tim e) Fax ALA M em bersh ip N um ber Expiration Date Send registration form with payment to: Card Number ACRL Preconferences 50 E. Huron St. Signature Chicago, IL 60611 Or fax registration and charge information to: W ritten cancellations will be honored un- ACRL Preconferences: (312) 280-2520 til Ju n e 5, subject to a $45 cancellation fee. 21 6/C&RL News