ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries ISSN 0010-0870 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES news NO. 8 • SEPTEMBER 1975 In this issue: ACRL Officers for 1975/76 237 Inside W ashington............................ 240 Report on ACRL Preconference 241 News From the Field . 244 Report on Peter Drucker’s Speech at ACRL Membership Meeting . 263 Highlights of the ACRL Board of Directors Meetings in San Fran­ cisco .............................................. 267 P e o p l e .............................................. 269 Classified Advertising . 271 ACRL Officers for 1975/76 Louise Giles Louise Giles, dean of learning resources at Macomb County Community College, Warren, Michigan, will serve as president of the Asso­ ciation of College and Research Libraries for 1975/76. As president of ACRL, Giles chairs the ACRL Executive Committee, the ACRL Board of Directors, and the ACRL Conference Program Planning Committee for the 1976 An­ nual Conference in Chicago. She also serves as a member of the Choice Editorial Board and as an ex-officio member of the ACRL Planning Committee and of all units of ACRL. As presi­ dent of the division, Giles represents ACRL and ALA to other educational and professional or­ ganizations. Giles’ previous service to ACRL and ALA in­ cludes representing ACRL on the Joint Com­ Connie R. Dunlap mittee on Two-Year College Learning Re­ sources Programs ( AACJC/AECT/ACRL- ALA), membership on the ALA Audiovisual Committee, the ACRL Board of Directors, the Conference Program Planning Committee for the 1974 Annual Conference in New York. In 1973/74 she chaired the Community and Jun­ ior College Libraries Section of ACRL. In 1974/ 75 she chaired the ACRL Planning Committee. She has been a member of ALA Council since 1972. Connie R. Dunlap, university librarian at Duke, is the newly elected vice-president and president-elect of ACRL. In the recent election Dunlap received 1,398 votes. Joanne Harrar, director of libraries, University of Maryland at College Park, received 1,221. News Issue (A ) of College & Research Libraries, vol. 36, no. 5 238 Dunlap is a member of ALA Council, chaired the Clarence Day Award Jury in 1974/75, and has served as chairman of the Acquisitions Sec­ tion, Resources and Technical Services Divi­ sion, the Organization Committee of RTSD, and in 1972/73 was president of RTSD. As vice-president of ACRL, Dunlap will serve as a member of the ACRL Executive Committee and ACRL’s Board of Directors. She will chair the ACRL Planning Committee and the ACRL Conference Program Planning Committee for the 1977 Annual Conference in Detroit. At the close of the 1976 Annual Con­ ference in Chicago, Dunlap will become ACRL’s thirty-eighth president. The results of the ACRL section elections fol­ low. For each position, the elected candidate is listed first. The number of votes earned by each candidate is listed in parentheses. AGRICULTURE AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Barbara B. Gordon, Forest Resources Librarian, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (114); Elisabeth B. Davis, Biology Librarian, Univer­ sity of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois (85). Secretary: Arne H. Richards, Documents Li­ brarian, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas (114); Eris E. Roth, Head, Technical Services, U.S. Social Security Administration Library, Baltimore, Maryland (82). ANTHROPOLOGY SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Robert E. Pfeiffer, Head, Graduate Social Science Librar­ ies, University of California, Berkeley, Cali­ fornia (84); Thein Swe, Bibliographer, North­ western University Library, Evanston, Illinois (65). Secretary: Suzy M. Slavin, Assistant Head, Reference Department, McGill University Li­ brary, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (8 0 ); Patrick Ashley, Head, Search Department, Northwest­ ern University Library, Evanston, Illinois (69). Member-at-Large: David L. Perkins, Head Bibliographer, California State University, Northridge, California (81); Patricia Ann White, Reference Librarian, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (69). ART SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Mary Ashe, Art and Music Librarian, San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, California (148); Ro- sella L. Ferster, Art Cataloger, Duke Universi­ ty Library, Durham, North Carolina (69). Secretary: Barbara E. Reed, Assistant Art Li­ brarian, State University of New York at Buf­ falo, Buffalo, New York (128); Stephanie J. Frontz, Art Librarian, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York (89). ASIAN AND AFRICAN SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Charles R. Bryant, Curator, Southeast Asia Collection, Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut (87); John A. Eilts, Near East Bibliographer, University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan (62). Member-at-Large: Karl K. Lo, Head Librari­ an, Asiatic Collection, University of Washing­ ton, Seattle, Washington (8 4 ); Jack A. Siggins, Director, East Asia Collection, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland (66). COLLEGE LIBRARIES SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Marjorie H. Sibley, Head Librarian, Augsburg College, Minneapolis, Minnesota (405); Melvin R. George, Director of the Library, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois (357). Secretary: Edmund R. Arnold, Director of Library Services, Cornell College, Mount Ver­ non, Iowa (482); James F. Parks, Jr., Head Li­ brarian, Millsaps College, Jackson, Mississippi (269). COMMUNITY AND JUNIOR COLLEGE LIBRARIES SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Jo Ellen Flagg, Librarian, Forest Park Community Col­ lege, St. Louis, Missouri (202); Ambrose Eas­ terly, Director of Library Services, Harper Col­ lege, Palatine, Illinois (136). Secretary: Stanley N. Ruckman, Head Li­ brarian, Linn-Benton Community College, Al- News items for inclusion in C&RL News should be sent to Mary Frances Collins, Assistant Director of Libraries for Technicai Services, University Library ULB-35A, State University of New York a t Aibany, 1400 W ashington Ave., Albany, NY 12222. A d ver­ tisin g (includin g classified ads) should be sent to Leona Swiech, A d vertising O ffice, Am erican L i­ brary Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, tL 60611. Production and circulation matters are han­ d led by A L A Central Production Unit, at the above address. News e d ito r: M ary Frances Coliins, Assistant Di­ rector o f Libraries fo r Technical Services, State University o f New York at Albany, A lbany. As­ sociate News e d ito r: Anne Dowling, Assistant Li­ brarian, Acquisitions Department, Library, State University of New York at A lbany. E ditor: Rich­ ard D. Johnson, M ilne Library, State University College, Oneonta, New York 13820. President, ACRL: Louise Giles. Executive Secretary, ACRL: Beverly P. Lynch. C ollege & Research Libraries is published by the Association of C ollege and Research Libraries, a division of the Am erican Libra ry Association, 17 tim es yearly—6 bim onthly journal issues and II m onthly (com bining July-August) News issues— at 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, M O 65251. Subscription, $15.00 a year, o r to members of the division, $7.50, in cluded in dues. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri 65251. © Am erican Library Association 1975. A ll m aterial in this jo urnal subject to copyrig ht by the A m eri­ can Libra ry Association may be photocopied fo r the noncommercial purpose o f scie ntific o r educa­ tional advancement. 239 bany, Oregon (172); Robert F. Schremser, Li­ brarian, Alexander City State Junior College, Alexander City, Alabama (161). EDUCATION AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Ruth Baun- er, Education/Psychology Librarian, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois (171); Margaret Perry, Head Librarian, Education Li­ brary, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York (156). Secretary: Eva L. Kiewitt, Librarian, Grad­ uate Library School, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana (227); Robert Baumruk, Chief, Social Sciences and Business Depart­ ment, Chicago Public Library, Chicago, Illi­ nois (100). LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Catherine A. Porter, Librarian, Vinson, Elkins, Searls, Con­ nally & Smith (Attorneys at L aw ), Houston, Texas (168); Oleg Kudryk, Head, Acquisitions Department, Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington, Indiana (81). Member-at-Large: Signe Larson, Head, Re­ search Services, U.S. Department of the Interi­ or Library, Washington, D.C. (226). RARE BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: J. William Matheson, Chief Librarian, Rare Book Divi­ sion, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (271); Clyde C. Walton, Director of Libraries, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, Illinois (160). Secretary: N. Frederick Nash, Rare Book Room Librarian, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois (273); Shirley B. Lebo, Principal Eval­ uations Officer, Library of Congress, Washing­ ton, D.C. (150). Member-at-Large: Vesta Lee Gordon, Assist­ ant Curator for Technical Services, Manuscripts Department, Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (218); J. Richard Phillips, Special Collections Librari­ an, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts (200). SLAVIC AND EAST EUROPEAN SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: George C. Jerkovich, Head, Slavic Department, University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, Kansas (66); Oleg Kudryk, Head, Acquisitions Department, Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington, In­ diana (54). Secretary: Benedict Markowski, Burton His­ torical Collection, Detroit Public Library, De­ troit, Michigan (7 1 ); Christopher J. Guleff, Media Librarian, Community College of Den­ ver, Auraria Campus, Denver, Colorado (46). Member-at-Large: Eryk Talat-Kielpsz, Senior Slavic Cataloger, Ohio State University Library, Columbus, Ohio (62); Gordana Rezab, Assist­ ant Acquisitions Librarian, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois (55). UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: C. James Schmidt, Director of Libraries, State Universi­ ty of New York at Albany, Albany, New York (887); James K. Zink, Director of Libraries, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma (553). . . Drexel Library School Is OCLC Affiliate The Drexel University Graduate School of Library Science has become the first library school to be an educa­ tional affiliate of the Ohio College Li­ brary Center (O C LC ), Dean Guy Gar­ rison has announced. The Graduate School of Library Sci­ ence will use the system totally for edu­ cational purposes, by special arrange­ ment with the OCLC Board of Directors. Access to the data base will allow stu­ dents to have direct hands-on experience in the classroom with one of the major technological innovations in the library field today. Use of OCLC will supplement other on-line computer services already avail­ able through the school’s information sci­ ence laboratory, which presently provides access to bibliographic data bases through the System Development Cor­ poration and the Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. The school also has on-line ac­ cess to general-purpose computational fa­ cilities through the UNICOLL Corpora­ tion, a subsidiary of the University City Science Center, a regional consortium of educational and research institutions in the Philadelphia area. Becoming an educational affiliate of OCLC is one more step in the expansion of the laboratory resources of the Gradu­ ate School of Library Science to accom­ modate a new doctoral program in li­ brary and information science and to en­ hance the existing master’s degree pro­ gram.