ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised tha t these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. . . . . A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary, the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered.. A ll advertisements for the. Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be e d ­ ited to exclude dire ct o r indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p u bli­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, w ill be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate fo r classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. POSITIONS WANTED MLn desires entry position in academic library. Prefer but not lim ited to reference or catalog. Strong back­ ground Latin America—Carribbean areas; Meso-American archaeology, anthropology. W ill relocate in . U.S. For resume write C. Bevier, Rum Point, Placencia, Belize, Central America. CATALOGING, REFERENCE OR TECHNICAL SERVICES POSITION. MLS from accredited library school, liberal arts background. 3 years' experience head ca†aloger at two- year college. Prefer Westchester County, New York area. W rite P. Talley, 156 Ralph Ave., W hite Plains, NY 10606. POSITIONS OPEN Administration PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY HEAD. Collection of 90,000 volumes in the fields of chemistry, geology, phys­ ics, mathematics and engineering. Yearly acquisitions about 9,000 volumes. Staff of 9 + student assistants. MA in one of the physical sciences desirable. Minimum of 6 years' library experience including some administrative assignments. H iring at $13,260-$ 16,716 depending on qualifications. Excellent promotional possibilities in rank and salary. 24 days per year vacation; sick leave and other fringe benefits. A p p ly to Clyde Baker, Asst. Univ. Libn., Univ. of C alif., Davis, CA 95615. An equal oppor­ tunity employer. CIRCULATION DEPT. CHIEF. MLS, experience and knowl­ edge of automated systems. Demonstrated administrative ab ility, desire to serve public. Responsibilities include circulation, reserve, interlibrary loan, building security and stack maintenance. Staff 9 full, 5 part-tim e permanent employees, 60 student assistants. Salary: $10,500-$13,500. Faculty status. A vailable July I, 1975. Send resume by March I, 1975, 3 references: Neosha Mackey, Chairman of Search Committee, Zimmerman Library, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131. An equal o p p o rtu n ity / affirm ative action employer. HEAD, BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES. Direct, coordinate B ibliographic Services Department, includes b iblio grap hic search, cataloging and processing. Serve as head ca†- a lo g e r/b ib lio g ra p h e r fo r several subject areas. MLS ALA- accredi†ed institution plus second Master's in subject area and 2 years' professional experience, or 3 years' ex­ perience with expectations o f obtaining second Master's. Experience should include cataloging and supervision, biblio grap hic expertise in subject area. Salary: $11,760— $15,756. Send resume, three references by March I, 1975, to Phillip Wesley, Director, Educational Resources Center, C alifornia State College, Dominguez Hills, 1000 E. Victoria St., Dominguez Hills, C A 90747. An equal op- portuni†y/affirm ative action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Responsible fo r operation and development of University Library containing approxi­ mately 500 thousand volumes and 600 thousand govern­ ment documents. Terminal doctorate and master's from ALA-accredi†ed program preferred. Broad literary ex­ perience with several years' administration; demonstrated a b ility to deal with faculty, staff and students. Record of scholarly achievement through publication; demonstrated a b ility to plan, design, implement new services, experience with private, federal, state grant programs. Minimum salary: $25,000. Send letter to Dean Joseph Sam, C hair­ man, Search Committee, University of Mississippi, Uni­ versity, MS 38677 by February 15, 1975. An equal op- portunî†y/affirm ative action employer. COORDINATOR of Libraries in Consortium. To maintain and develop cooperative library programs in consortium of three academic, two public and three special libraries. Must have accredited library school degree and at least three years' administrative experience in technical ser­ vices area. Special knowledge in computer-based pro­ grams essential. Academic year appointment. Salary $1 1,000—$12,000. Position open Fall 1975. Send inquiries to Tri-College University Provost, Box 179, Moorhead State College, Moorhead, MN 56560. LC Subject Headings Supplements 1966-1971 Cumulation Produced from six of the unedited Library of Congress magnetic tape source files of annual supplement data for 1966 through 1971. (The 1964/65 supplement is not accessible in machine readable form.) Edited to conform with the LC Printed Supplements. Similar in style to standard LC Printed Supplements. Size 81/2” x 11” ; 793 pp. Brochure available on request. Price: $40 ppd. 29 30 DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL OF LIBRARY SCIENCE. Q ualifi- cations: MLS from ALA-approved library school and Ph.D., or Ph.D. in library science. Experience in either large public library, research library or adm inistrative/ teaching experience in another ALA-accredited school. Specialties preferred: I) public librarianship a n d /o r 2) information science. Research and publication are de­ sired. Salary: $21,000-26,000 annually. Applications, will be accepted until February I, 1975. Preliminary inter­ views conducted during ALA Midwinter Meetings. Send resume to: Mrs. Irma R. Tomberlin, Chairperson, Search Comm., School of Library Science, University of O kla­ homa, Norman, OK 73069. An equal oppor†unity/affirm a- †ive action employer. Cataloging ASSISTANT CATALOGER needed for medium-sized, LC, university library. 5th-year degree from accredited library school, related experience, strong cataloging interest. Equivalent faculty rank, instructor, all faculty privileges, 24 days' vacation, fringe benefits. Salary: $10,500-$11,500— 12-mon†h, depending on experience. W rite: Eli M. Oboler, University Librarian, Idaho State University., Pocatello, ID 83209, by March I, 1975. 3 references required. An equal opportunity/affirma†ive action employer. CATALOGER. Near Eastern language material, serials and monographs. Responsible for collection development. Reading knowledge of A rabic and Persian, Urdu, or Hindi. Working knowledge of German a n d /o r. French. Strong subject background in Islamic civilization and history. MLS ALA-accredited library school, advanced cataloging class. Faculty status, 12-month app†. Salary $9,300 minimum. Cost of living increments. 24 days va­ cation, 12 sick days, fringe benefits. Send resume by March 15, 1975, to James N. Myers, Assistant Librarian for Technical Services, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL DEPARTMENTS: Responsible for developing policies and procedures and coordinating activities of technical departments:. acqui­ sitions, cataloging, serials, binding and photoduplication. Minimum qualifications (beyond MLS) include demon­ strated leadership and supervisory ab ility; 5 years' progressively responsible experience in technical depart­ ments of academic or public library. Second master's and knowledge of library data processing techniques desirable. Minimum salary: $18,000. HEAD SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: Responsible for administering new department of. Special Collections (and rare books) and developing Friends of the Library organization. Minimum qualifications (beyond MLS) three years' experience working with special col­ lections and rare books. Second master's and knowledge of foreign languages desirable. Minimum annual salary: $12,600. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN: Responsible for complete operation of a subject area, equal emphasis on acqui­ sitions and services to readers. Minimum qualifications (beyond MLS) include second master's preferably in biological science or math, two years' library experience. Minimum annual salary: $12,000. POLITICAL SCIENCE/ LAW LIBRARIAN: Responsible, for complete operation of a subject area, equal emphasis on acquisitions and ser­ vices to readers. Minimum qualifications (beyond MLS) include a second master's preferably in political science and 2 years' library experience. Minimum annual salary: $12,000. Northern Illinois University expects to open new 300,000 sq. ft. library building Jan. I, 1975. A number of positions have been added to present staff to be fille d Sept. I, 1975. MLS from accredited library school is prerequisite for each position. A ll on 12-month con­ tract, include Illinois Retirement System benefits, one month vacation and academic status. Send resume to Mr. George M. Nenonen, Personnel Director, University Li­ braries, Northern Illinois Univ., DeKalb, IL 60115, before May I, 1975. An equal opportunity/affirma†ive action employer. HEAD TECHNICAL SERVICES. Oversees acquisitions, cataloging, preparation, serials. Library degree and 3 years' experience. Salary $11,000—$14,000 depending on background. CATALOGER, using OCLC terminal. NLM classification, MeSH subject heading. Library degree and 1—2 years' experience. Salary: $9,000—$10,000. COORDI­ NATOR, PHILSOM (SERIALS CONTROL) NETWORK for 8 medical libraries throughout U.S. Some serial knowledge plus courses or experience with computer technology. Salary up to $12,000. SERIALS LIBRARIAN for check-in, claims, acquisitions, fiscal control. Requirement: some serials knowledge. Salary $9,000. Send resumes to Dr. Estelle Brodman, Washington Univ. School of Medicine Library, 4850 Scott Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110. BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC BIBLIOGRAPHER. MLS, ad­ vanced academic work in Business and Economics (equivalent combination of experience and education in social sciences). Perform general reader services, main­ tain faculty contacts, bibliographic selection, correspond with vendors, supervise student assistants. Position open January I, 1975. Salary: $10,928. CATALOGER to head OCLC Cataloging Unit. MLS, cataloging and supervisory experience, knowledge of LC and AACR required. Auto­ mation experience desirable. Support staff 7 full-tim e employees. Position open January 15, 1975. Salary: $10,928 minimum. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. General reference librarian for new highly automated main library. Back­ ground in government documents, social sciences, reading facility in European language, MLS. Outgoing, pleasant personality, rapport with students and faculty. Position open December 15, 1974. Salary $9,300 minimum. SENIOR PROGRAMMER/ ANALYST. Analyze, design, implement and maintain library computer-based systems. Experience in computer programming and computerized library operations, knowledge of system procedures and tech­ niques, BS or equivalent of education and experience necessary. Degree in Computer Science or related field desirable. Open February I, 1975. Salary: $10,928 minimum. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Librarian responsible for serials and periodical acquisitions. Support staff of 8 full-tim e em­ ployees. Position offers challenging experience with in­ house computer system and OCLC/Serials. MLS plus serials acquisitions and supervisory experience required. Open immediately. Salary: $10,928 minimum. SLAVIC BIBLIOGRAPHER. Responsible for selection and acqui­ sition of Soviet, East European publications. Provide reader services, maintain faculty contact, correspond with vendors. Knowledge of Slavic and other appropriate languages, experience in Russian, Slavic, East European bibliography, cataloging experience, MLS required. Open March I, 1975. Salary: $10,928 minimum. A pply R. Max Willocks, 100 Bird Library, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13210. An equal opportunity employer. Reference REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, University Library. Responsi­ bilities include general reference and research assistance, collection development and maintenance, _ library in­ struction, appropriate subject department liaison repre­ sentation. Minimum three years' experience, preferably academic library. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited school. Subject specializations . needed are psychology, philosophy, education or political science. German or Italian proficiency preferred. Benefits: 22 working days' vacation per year, TIAA-CREF, faculty status, liberal fringe benefits. Salary annually $12,000 depending on qualifications. A pply: Robert Lee Caruthers, University Library, Kelknap Campus, Univ. of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40208. An equal oppor†uni†y/affirmative action em­ ployer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Position open August 25, 1975. Reference orientation and bibliographic respon­ sibilities. Accredited MLS and undergraduate natural science major. Salary as instructor $10,1,08—$13,540 for 9 months; summer employment extra. Appointment at higher rank and salary possible. Send resume by February 15, 1975 to Martha Donahue, Chairman, Recruitment Comm., Mansfield State College Library, Mansfield, PA 16933. An equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Service-oriented reference li­ brarian with LC cataloging experience, MLS ALA-ac­ credited library school. 2nd Master's an asset. Minimum 2 years' experience in academic library. Salary: $10,000— $12,000 annually depending on qualifications a n d . ex­ perience. One month vacation and excellent fringe benefits. Send resume to: Sr. Ann Bernard Goeddeke, Barry College, Miami, FL 33131. Deadline March I, 1975. An equal opportunity employer. Subject Specialists SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Take charge of college archives, rare books and manuscripts, special collections of Maine writers (Robinson, Jewett, etc.), modern Irish literature, Hardy and others. MLS, other advanced degree, strong evidence of scholarly interest in relevant field; previous experience with special col­ lections. Responsible for organization/development of collections. Make collections accessible to students, faculty, visiting scholars. Salary: $13,000 depending on qualifications. Open sum mer/fall 1975. A pply Eileen M. Curran, Director, Colby College Library, W aterville, ME 04901. An equal op portunity/affirm ative action employer. MEDIA SPECIALIST. Leadership and administration of campus audio-visual services, basic audio-visual courses, instruction, and programming for commercial cable television outlet. Qualifications: 5th-year degree ALA- accredited university in library a n d /o r audio-visual ser­ vices, appropriate work experience. Open January 1975. Salary: $11,000 minimum. Fringe benefits including T IA A / CREF. W rite Dr. W. R. Matthews, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD 57102. An equal oppor†unity/affirm ative action employer. SCIENCE-SDI SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Develop user interest profiles for CA CONDENSATES, ASCA, and GOVERN­ MENT REPORTS ANNOUNCEMENTS. Provide reference services for fa c u lty /students in areas of chemistry, physics, engineering. Education: MLS with subject training in physical sciences or appropriate library experience. 2 years' experience preferably in science-oriented academic, governmental or special library. Salary: $10,000-$I 1,000. Open January 2, 1975. A pply: Robert Ireland, Personnel Officer, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. An equal opportunity employer. SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Social Sciences and Humanities Section. A position dealing prim arily with reference, collection building, and liaison with faculty and academic departments in the social sciences college. An MLS is required and a second master's degree in business, economics, or political sciences w ill be helpful. Experience is desired. Salary is $9,500 and up dependent on experience and education. Faculty rank; excellent re­ tirement, hospital and insurance benefits; 12-mon†h ap­ pointment. A pply to Dr. Earl Wassom, Dir. of LS and Asst. Dean for Academic Serv., O ffice 502, Cravens Grad. C tr. and Lib., Western Kentucky Univ., Bowling Green, KY 42101. An equal opportunity employer. ARCHIVIST AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for approximately 500 thousand volumes and 600 thousand government documents; administration and development, assist director of libraries in acquisition, g ift solicitation, public relations and public services and development of university archives program. Qualifications: doctorate in one of humanities or library science: library training and experience, technical knowledge of archival techniques, publication, evidence of administrative a b ility. Salary: $17,000 minimum. Send, resume to Professor. David Sansing, Dept. of History, University of Mississippi, Uni­ versity, MS 38677, by Feb. 15, 1975. An equal op portunity/ affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Teach in three areas: I. History of Books, Printing and Libraries; 2. Bibliography; and 3. Nonprint Media and Services. Ph.D. or candidacy, plus library experience, also teaching preferred. Salary: $13,000 minimum. Begin September 16, 1975. Send resume to: E. W. McDiarmid, Search Committee, Library School, 419 W alter Library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR in Library Adminis­ tration, Reference Services, Information Science, B ibli­ ography and Documentation. Advanced C ertificate or Ph.D. in library/informa†ion science, or equivalent. Teach­ ing experience preferred. Two-year renewable contract. Salary equivalent U.S. $ 12,000-$ 18,000. A ir fare included. Send resume with three references to Dean J. Behboudîan, Department of Library Science, Pahlavi University, Shiraz, Iran. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Position entails responsibility for Reader Services, Public Services, and Serials. Accredited MLS, I year reference experience in academic library. Fringe benefits. Faculty status. Tenure. Salary $9,500-$10,500 based on qualifications. Open February I, 1975. Send resume to: Mrs. Frankie H. Cubbedge, Librarian, Uni­ versity of South Carolina, Aiken Campus, 171 University Parkway, Aiken, SC 29801. An equal op portunity/a ffirm a­ tive action employer. Technical Services ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. A d ­ minister and coordinate technical services, including acquisitions and cataloging staff of 15 librarians and 46 support staff. Provide leadership in application of auto­ mated OCLC systems. Acquisitions budget $800,000, volumes 700 thousand. Student body 9,000, faculty 500. Qualifications: Degree from accredited library school. 6 years' experience in academic or research library. Exper­ tise in OCLC system. A dditional graduate work desir­ able. Position carries rank of Librarian. 12-mon†h year. II paid holidays, 21 days vacation, TIAA/CREF or New York State retirement program, insurance, sabbatical leave. Salary, $18,000, above. Send resume, 3 references to Chairman, Recruitment Committee, Library, State University of New York, Binghamton, NY 13901. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. COORDINATOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES for adminis­ tration of major division of health center library (Acqui­ sitions, Cataloging, Documents, Serials Dept.). MLS from ALA-accredi†ed program; 5 years' experience in Techni­ cal Services, 2 years at administrative level; fam iliar with computerized library procedures. Salary $13,200— $18,000. Send resume to: Hilda E. Moore, Librarian, Health Sciences Library, University of Maryland, I I I S. Green St., Baltimore, MD 21201. An equal op portunity/ affirm ative action employer. 31 For the first time, american libraries is available to all libraries—on subscription. (And, of course, anyone can have it as part of ALA membership, now available at a new low cost for individuals.) What’s more, american libraries is launching out in a bold new direction never fully achieved in the library press: Association, professional, national and local news without tears. Who says an official journal has to be dull? Not the new AL editor, who brings two Educational Press Association Awards of his own to add to the six that AL won last year. There’ll be plenty of hard news in AL these hard times. Isn’t it good news that you can subscribe for your library by just checking the form below? A s your budget gets tighter you need the best advice you can find. You ju s t found it. Consumers Index and Media Review Digest provide the advice you need, com piling evaluative inform ation on media software and equipment o f value to libraries, schools, and consumers. Each is the m ost significant reference and selection to o l in its field. Purchasing based on advice from these works could save many times their modest cost. Pu T blished December 1974 ests n rint An Index to I Test s P , Test Reviews, I I and the Literature on Specific Tests Edited by Oscar Krisen Büros An invaluable reference work for all com prehensive cumulative author test users. The 1,156 two-column pages index to approximately 70,000 docu­ list 2,467 tests in print as of early 1974; ments (tests, reviews, excerpts, and 16,574 references through 1971 on references) in Tests in Print II, the seven M ental,M easurements Yearbooks,specific tests; a reprinting of the 1974 APA-AERA-NCME S tan dards fo r Personality T ests and Reviews, and Educational and P sychological Tests; Reading Tests and Reviews; and a a directory of 493 test publishers with scanning index for quickly locating com plete listings of their tests; a tests designed for a particular population. specific author index for each test with $70 per copy; no postage charges references; a title index which includes both in-print and out-of-print tests; a on prepaid orders. The new, expanded AMERICA: HISTORY AND LIFE . . . now the most comprehensive reference service o f its kind. AMERICA: HISTORY AND LIFE now w ill come to you in three separate parts. Part A - ARTICLE ABSTRACTS AND CITATIONS Part B - IN D EX TO BOOK REVIEWS PartC - AMERICAN HISTORY IN D EX (Books, Articles, and Dissertations) This bibliographic source in American and Canadian history and studies features: ■ Detailed indexing w ith each number ■ Current coverage ■ Reliable cross-referencing YOU GET IT ALL WITH ONE SUBSCRIPTION For more inform ation write: American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press Riviera Campus, P.O. Box 4397, Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Publishers o f HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS • ABC POL SCI • ARTbibliographies - CLIO BI BLIOGRAPHY SERI ES • Reference Books 1975-76 EDITION JUST PUBLISHED! ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASSOCIATIONS THE NINTH EDITION—completely revised, updated, and reset in a more legible type face— will be even more useful than previous editions . . . Librarians consult the Encyclo­ active associations. (Others are the associations that are arranged pedia of Associations first for listings for inactive or defunct in Volume 1 by subject. Included sources of current, authoritative groups, pseudo-organizations, etc.) are addresses, phone numbers, and information, which associations Active organizations are arranged names of executives. The Executive are uniquely equipped to provide in 17 subject categories: trade, Section lists by surname all the on thousands of subjects. Just pub­ agriculture, scientific, educational, executives mentioned in Volume 1, lished, the- Ninth Edition includes public affairs, etc. followed by their titles, names of some 20,000 changes plus 1,255 Information given in each entry their organizations, complete ad­ brand-new listings. Covered along includes the group’s name, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers. Each with national nonprofit member­ dress, chief executive, phone num­ listing in both sections gives the ship organizations are selected ber, purpose and activities, mem­ number of the detailed organiza­ non-membership groups, foreign bership, publications, convention tion entry in Volume 1. groups of interest in America, U.S. schedule, and other details. Volume 3, New Associations and local and regional groups of na­ The 40,000-item alphabetical Projects. This quarterly supple­ tional interest, and citizen action and keyword index—which now ment to Volume 1 is published groups and governmental advisory refers to entries by number—lists during the period between the 9th bodies concerned with specific associations both by proper names and 10th editions in order to pro­ problems. and under the keywords that best vide subscribers with details on the identify their fields of activity. hundreds of new organizations Volume 1, National Organizations constantly being formed to deal of the United States. Over 12,600 Volume 2, Geographic and Execu­ with new problems and concepts, of the 14,563 entries in the basic tive Index. The Geographic Sec­ or to try a new approach to old Volume 1 are full descriptions of tion lists in state and city order all situations. Reviewers have had high praise The Encyclopedia of Associations for previous editions of EA: Is Available on 30-Day Approval “ Since its introduction in 1956, the Encyclopedia o f Volume 1, National Organizations of the United States. Associations has earned its reputation as a cornerstone ISBN 0-8103-0126-1. $55.00. of any sound general reference collection . . . In a word, the Encyclopedia o f Associations is a basic refer­ Volume 2, Geographic and Executive Index. ence tool. All libraries should have it. ” (RQ) ISBN 0-8103-0131-8. $38.00. “ The only comprehensive source of detailed informa­ tion on nonprofit American membership organizations Volume 3, New Associations and Projects. of national scope.” (Guide to Reference Books for ISBN 0-8103-0130-X. Inter-edition sub., $48.00. School Media Centers) “ The largest directory of American associations cur­ Place standing orders for the Encyclopedia of Asso­ rently available for library purchase . . . It is accurate ciations and other Gale books of a continuing nature. and reasonably current. Recommended.” (The Book­ Complete catalog of all Gale reference books sent list) on request. GALE RESEARCH CO. BOOK TOWER • DETROIT, M ICH . 48226