ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 940 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg IFLA releases guide to best practices The Core Programme on Preservation and Conservation (PAC) o f the International Fed­ eration o f Library Associations and Institu­ tions (IFLA) has released “Safeguarding our Documentary Heritage” in French and En­ glish on CD-ROM. This guide is an outgrowth o f UNESCO’s “Memory o f the World” pro­ gram and contains preservation information about cau ses o f d eterioration, preventive measures, and recom mended practices for a variety o f media. It covers environment and storage, disaster planning, graphic documents, photographic documents, film, mechanical carriers, magnetic carriers, optic carriers, and electronic documents. Publication o n CD- ROM permits enrichm ent o f the text with active links to sources on the W eb. UNESCO hopes the guide will b ecom e a training tool for preservation educators. Excerpts from the publication are available on the UNESCO Web site at http://www. Cop­ ies o f the complete CD-ROM are available for free from Marie-Thérèse Varlamoff, director of the Project, Bibliothèque nationale de France; e-mail: NPO online leaflets The National Preservation O ffice (NPO) o f the British Library has mounted the full-text o f some preservation guidance leaflets on its W eb site. Titles include “G ood handling prin­ ciples and practice for library and archive m aterials,” “P h o to co p y in g o f library and archive materials,” “Guidance for exhibiting archive and library materials,” “The applica­ tion and use o f standards in the care and management o f libraries and archives,” and “Preservation o f photographic m aterial.” T he leaflets are available in PDF format at http://w w w .bl.u k/services/preservation/ fpublications.html. Paper copies o f the same leaflets (a maximum o f five copies per title) are available from the National Preservation Office, T he British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB, England; phone: ++44 (0)20 7412 7612; fax: ++44 (0 )2 0 7412 7796; e-mail: np o@ NARA Conference T he National Archives and Records Adminis­ tration (NARA) will hold its 16th annual con­ ference on March 27, 2001, in College Park, Maryland. Entitled “2001, A Case Oddity: Pre­ serving the Physical Evidence o f Artifacts,” the conference will address the preservation o f objects that have forensic value. Preserva­ tion o f fingerprinted objects, firearms, blood, and biological matter presents a special chal­ lenge, so speakers will cover custodial issues and responsibilities, as well as conservation topics. Registration costs $75 and pre-registration is required. For more information, contact Eleanor Torain, 8601 Adelphi Road, Room 2807, College Park, MD 20740-6001; phone: (3 0 1 ) 713-6718; fax: (301) 713-6653; e-mail: LC's digital future In 1998, the Librarian o f Congress commis­ sioned a National Research Council (NRC) study o f Library o f Congress’s (LC) technol­ ogy practices and initiatives. “LC21: A Digital Strategy for the Library o f Congress,” the re­ port on that study, was issued during the summer o f 2000. The report observes that LC has “a vital role in documenting and preserv­ ing the history o f American creativity and in building a collection with truly worldwide scope. But it cannot go on as befo re." The NRC’s recom mendations included providing leadership in preservation and archiving digi­ tal materials, cooperating with other institu­ tions on digital collection developm ent and preservation programs, developing efficient copyright processes for original digital mate­ rials, and upgrading its technology infrastruc­ ture. The New York Times published a sum­ mary o f the report, “Saving the Nation’s Digital Legacy” by Katie Hafner, on July 27, 2000. The full text o f the report is available at h ttp :/ / w w w .nap .edu /b ook s/ 030907l445/ html. ■ Jane Hedberg is preservation program offic e r at Harvard University, e-maii: jane_hedberg@; fax: (617) 4 9 6 -8 3 4 4 http://www C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 20 00 / 941