ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 2000 / 951 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Chr¡ste Young M ary E. E dsall, librarian and archivist at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsyl­ vania, has b e e n elected president o f the Con­ gress o n Research in D ance located o n the campus o f the State University o f New York College at Brockport. Hal Hall, director o f Education and Media Services at the Texas A&M University Library and Irene B. Hoadley/Friends professor, re­ ceived the Pilgrim Award from the Science Fiction Research Association. He received the award for his lifetime contributions to the aca­ dem ic study o f scie n ce fiction. He b e gan publishing the annual Science Fiction Book Review Index in 1971 and his Science Fiction a n d Fantasy Research Index will m ove to the Internet in a seachable form. SOLINET has e le cte d the follow ing to its Board o f D irectors for 2 0 0 0 -0 2 : J e r r y W. Stephens, University o f Alabama at Birming­ ham (vice president/president elect); F ran ces N. C olem an, M ississippi State University; Ja n ic e R. Franklin, Alabama State Univer­ sity; Loretta O’Brien-Parham, Hampton Uni­ versity; and J o h n A. P ritch ard , Mississippi Library C om m ission. T h e follo w in g w ere elected as delegation to the OCLC Users Coun­ cil: E m m a B radford P erry , Southern Uni­ versity and A&M College; Je n n ife r Cargill, Louisiana State U niversity; and J e r r y W. S tep h en s, University o f Alabama at Birming­ ham. In addition, the follow ing officers w ere elected to SOLINET: Rhoda K. Channing ( c h a ir ) , W ak e F o r e s t U n iv e r sity ; S tella B en tley (v ic e ch a ir), A uburn U niversity; M erryll S. P en son (treasurer), University o f Georgia; and L orrain e D. Sum m ers, State Library o f Florida. Ed. n o te : To ensure th a t y o u r p erso n n el news is considered fo r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to Ann -C h riste Young, prod u ctio n editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: (312) 280-2520. A p p o i n t m e n t s Kristine B ran colin i was nam ed director o f the Indiana University (IU) Digital Library Pro­ gram. This program is a university-wide co l­ laboration o f IU Libraries, the O ffice o f the Vice President for Infor­ m a tio n T e c h n o lo g y , and academ ic research­ ers led by the School o f Library and Information Science. T he collab ora­ tion capitalizes on IU’s ex te n siv e ho ldings o f scholarly material to make these available in digital form (see http://www. K r is t in e B r a n c o lin i d l i b . i n d i a n a . e d u / ) . Brancolini joined the IU Libraries in 1983 as Me­ dia and Reserve librarian in the Undergradu­ ate Library. In 1985 she was appointed li­ brarian for Film Studies and head o f Media and Reserve Services. Brancolini joined the IU Digital Library Program in 1997 as chief planner and has served as acting director since 1998. Fried a P atrick Davison is now dean o f the library at the University o f South Carolina, Spartanburg. She was director o f library ser­ v ices at Mississippi University for W om en from 1993 to 2000. From 1989 to 1993, she served as assistant director for Reader and Technical Services at San Francisco State Uni­ versity. Prior to that position, she served in positions at Columbia University’s Health Sci­ e n c e s L ib r a r y , E a s t T e n n e s s e e S ta te University’s M edical Library, and the Univer­ sity o f Kentucky. Her b o o k , The H onαker Family in America, was published in 1998 and she is writing a novel about coal mining in Southw est Virginia. C h arlotte Slocum w as appointed co lleg e librarian at Beloit College. Slocum had been head o f the technical services department at D ePaul University in Chicago. Prior to this http://www 952 / C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 2000 position she was acqui- sitions and collection de- velopment librarian at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, for ten years. She has been consultant at a num- ber o f institutions and has chaired and partici- pated in numerous pro­ C h a rlo tte Slocum fessional organizations, primarily in the area o f databases and the management o f informa­ tion resources and technology. Wilbur Stolt is now director o f libraries at the University o f North Dakota in Grand Forks. M ichelle B eattie has b e e n ap p o in ted clinical m edical librarian at the University o f Missouri-Kansas City. Hi Hua Chua has joined the staff o f the University o f South Carolina’s Thom as Coo­ p er Library as electronic governm ent infor­ m ation librarian. D eborah C lanton has accep ted the p o­ sition o f assistant head o f the business library at the University o f South Carolina. J a n e C ostanza has b e e n appointed tech ­ nical services librarian at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. C arol C raw ford is the n ew laboratory director and sen ior conservator at the Uni­ versity o f South Carolina’s Conservation Labo­ ratory. Ja m e s D. F o x has b e e n appointed direc­ tor o f special collections and archives at the University o f Oregon. Ann H artness was nam ed acting head librarian o f the B en so n Latin American Col­ lectio n at the University o f Texas at Austin. Phil Hoehn is now the map librarian for the David Rumsey Collection in San Francisco. Kristina Howard is now manager o f ac­ cess services at Trinity University in San Anto­ nio, Texas. Samir Iskenderov has b e e n appointed manager o f digital support at Trinity Univer­ sity in San Antonio, Texas. Michael Kaminski is now reference librar­ ian at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. B arb ara MacAlpine is now referen ce li­ brarian at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. W il l i a m G. M u r r a y h a s b e e n a p ­ p o in te d h e a d o f th e a u to m a tio n d e p a r t­ m e n t at th e N im itz L ib ra ry o f th e U .S. N aval A ca d e m y . M aren N iem eier has b e e n ap p o in ted digital services librarian at the University of North D akota in Grand Forks. Allison P irri has b e e n appointed refer­ ence/social scien ces librarian in the Univer­ sity o f W ashington Libraries at the Cascadia Community College/University o f Washing­ ton Bothell Campus Library. D e b o ra h P. R o b in s o n h as b e e n a p ­ p oin ted head o f the E lectronic R esou rces Program in the Nimitz Library o f the U.S. Naval Academy. S teven S h ap iro is now e le c tro n ic re ­ sources librarian at Montclair State Univer­ sity in New Jersey. Todd Spires has b e e n appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Tess Tobin has b e e n appointed adminis­ trative and personnel services librarian in the Ursula C. Schw erin Library at New York City T echn ical College, CUNY. William Vincenti is now reference librar­ ian at M ontclair State University in New J e r ­ sey. R obert T. (B o b ) Wolfkill has b e e n ap­ pointed coordinator o f gifts o f library materi­ als at the University o f Texas at Austin. Stephen W ynn has joined Truman State University, in Kirksville, Missouri, as catalog­ ing librarian. R e t i r e m e n t s N arindar Aggarwal, associate Asian librar­ ian at the University o f Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, has retired after 36 years o f ser­ vice. N ancy A nderson, mathematics librarian at t h e U n iv e r s ity o f I l l i n o i s a t U r b a n a - Champaign, has retired after 32 years o f ser­ vice. M adhavaro B alach an d ran , professor and com m erce librarian at the University o f Illi­ nois at Urbana-Champaign, has retired after 28 years o f service. C&RL N ew s ■ N o v e m b e r 2000 / 953 R ichard Bopp, assistant map and geography librarian at the University o f Illinois at Ur- bana-Cham paign, has retired after 22 years o f service. J a n e Garner, head o f Manuscripts and Ar­ chival Processing, B enso n Latin American Col­ lection, retired after 36 years with the Uni­ versity o f T exas at Austin. Jean Geil, music special collections coordinator at die University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has retired after 29 years of service. Nelson J . Gilman has retired from his p osi­ tion as director o f the University o f Southern California University Health Scien ces Librar­ ies and the Norris Medical Library after 29 years o f service. M arcy Jo n c ic h , referen ce librarian at the University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has retired after 2 9 years o f service. Robert Jones, cinema studies and theater librar­ ian at the University o f Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, has retired after 30 years o f service. A d v e r t is e r in d e x ACM $41 ACRL 889, 918, 950 Am erican Chemical So ciety 932 American Psychological Assoc. 937 Am erican T heological Library 926 Association Chemical Abstracts Svc C over 2 CHOICE 901, 911 D ialog Corporation 893 EBSCO Cover 4 E-G lobal Library 908 Endeavor Inform ation Sys. Cover 3 Haworth Press 944 H. W. W ilson 8 8 4 InfoUSA 9 2 7 Lexis-Nexìs 881 OCLC 921 Scholarly R esou rces 9 4 7 SWETS/Blackwell 912 T heatre Research D ata G roup 939 B arb ara Loom is, assistant engineering librar­ ian at the University o f Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, has retired after 30 years o f ser­ vice. Lois P ausch, geology librarian at the Uni­ versity o f Illinois at Urbana-Cham paign, has retired after 28 years o f service. Walter Stubbs has retired as the documents librarian/assistant social studies librarian at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC), after 32 years o f service to Morris Library. Stubbs joined the library ’s faculty in 1968 as assistant social studies librarian and becam e the documents librarian in 1974. H e was ac­ tive on several library committees, the Illinois D ocum ents Coordinating Council, and had given presentations on government publica­ tions and the Internet. In 1985, Greenw ood Press published his bo o k entitled Congres­ sional Committees, 1789-1982: a Checklist. D e a t h s A lm a B en nett, retired head o f the Social Scien ce departm ent at the University o f Mis­ souri-Colum bia (UMC), has died. In 1941, B enn ett began w orking as an exten sion li­ brarian for Emporia State University. Six years later, she b e ca m e social scie n ce librarian at UMC, later b ecom in g head o f the social sci­ en ce department at UMC, and retiring in 1975. She was a m em b er o f the ALA. Ja c k Dalton, dean o f the School o f Library Service at Columbia University (1 9 5 9 -7 0 ), has died. Dalton began his library career at the University o f Virginia, w here he was assistant reference librarian (1934—35); reference librar­ ian (1 9 3 6 -4 2 ); associate librarian (1 9 4 2 -5 0 ); and librarian (1 9 5 0 -5 6 ). From 1956 to 1959, he was director o f the International Relations Office o f ALA, was a member o f Council (1 9 6 4 - 68), and was chair o f the Ethics Committee. He was director o f the Library Development Center at Columbia University (1970-78), which focused on the needs o f those w ho have lim­ ited access to library service. In 1954, Dalton received the J. W. Lippincott Medal and was awarded an honorary lifetime m em bership in the ALA in 1983. ■