ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 954 / C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 2000 C L A S S I F I E D Ads Career opportunities fro m across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $9.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $11.85 for others. Late job notices are $22.70 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $27.50 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $450 to $840 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: http:// Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. Contact: TBA, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280- 2520; e-mail: c&rlnewsads@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN ACC ESS SER VIC ES LIBRA RIAN. S tate U n ive rsity o f New Y ork C ollege a t C ortland is seeking an energ etic, cre a tive lib ra ria n to le ad pub lic services. R e spo n sib ilitie s in clu de su p e rvision of c ircula tio n and re serves se rvice s and co ordin a tion o f outreach. P articipates in reference rotatio n s including n ights and w eekends; p articipa tes in the lib ra ry in stru ction program , and serves as b ibliog ra p he r to selected s u bje ct area. Required Q ua lifica tio ns: A LA -a ccre dite d MLS; two ye a rs’ re feren ce expe rie n ce and /or referen ce/circulatio n internship; d em onstrated a b ility to co m m u ­ nicate e ffe ctive ly to groups, and a u ser-cen tered o u tlo ok o f library se rvice s. Pre fe rred Q ua lifica tio n s: S econd m a ster’s d egree, tea ch ing e xperience, su pe rviso ry e xperience, o r e xperience with circu la tio n /p u b lic se rvice s. T e nu re -tra ck, 12-m onth fa cu lty p osi­ tio n, rank com m e nsu ra te w ith experience. S alary Range: Mid- $30s. R eview of a pp lica tio ns w ill begin N ovem ber 8, 2 00 0, and co ntin ue until th e p osition is fille d . Projected start date is January 2, 2 001. S u b m it le tte r o f a p p lica tio n , résum é, and nam es, a ddresses, and phone num bers o f three re ferences to : G ail W ood, D irecto r o f L ibraries, SUNY C ortla nd, P.O. Box 2000, C ortland, NY 13045. S U N Y Cortland is an A A/EEO /AD A em ployer. W e have a strong co m m itm en t to the a ffirm a tion o f d ive rsity and have in te rd iscip lin a ry degree p rogram s in the areas of m u lticu ltural studies. ASSISTAN T DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATION AND OUTREACH SERVICES. The William E. Laupus Health Sciences Library (HSL) of East Carolina University invites applications fo r the A ssistant D irector fo r Information and Outreach Services. This position is responsible for providing the overall leadership and m anagem ent for the Information and O utreach S ervices Division, including Inform a­ tion Services, Outreach/EAHEC Services, Educational Services, and Access Services. Minimum salary is $50,000, depending on experience and qualifications. Screening begins on O ctober 23, 2000, until position is filled. C om plete in form ation is a vailable at: http:// www East Carolina University is an AAE/EOE employer and accom m odates individuals with disabilities. Applicants must com ply with the Immigration Reform and C ontrol Act. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR (Search Ex­ tended). Develop, coordinate, teach in library instruction program with emphasis on curriculum-integrated information literacy and assess­ ment; assist with pathfinders, Web-based resources. Provide reference assistance, participate in collection developm ent in all formats. Required: ALA-MLS; 3 -4 years' relevant experience; excellent instruc­ tional skills; demonstrated experience integrating technology with pedagogy. Subject strengths in curriculum areas, especially business and health sciences preferred. Appointment for fall 2000; position will remain open until filled. Tenure-track position, Instructor to Associate Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recommended by state library associations fo r professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating professional vacancies. Foradd¡t¡onal information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. C o n n e c tic u t $34,172 D elaw are $ 2 2 ,5 0 0 " Illin o is $30,096* Ind ia n a varies* Iowa $23,911 L o u is ia n a $22,000 M aine varies* M a s s a c h u s e tts $31,362* New J e rs e y $33,785 N o rth C a ro lin a $27,641** O h io $25,198** P e n n s y lv a n ia $28,120* R hod e Isla n d $29,800 S o u th C aro lin a varies* S o u th D akota $22,000 T exas $28,000 V e rm o n t $26,464 W est V irg in ia $22,000 W is c o n s in $32,240 * Rather than establish one statewide salary minim um, some state associations have adopted a form ula based on variables such as comparable salaries fo r public school teachers in each community, or the grade level oτ a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may w ish to contact the state association fo r minim um salary information. **These recom m endations apply only to public librarians. rofessor rank with minim um salaries o f $43,000-$53,000. Assistant- ssociate P rofessor rank requires second master’s o r 30 grad credits eyond the MLS. Excellent benefits, including 44 vacation days, release im e. EEO employer. Send letter of interest and curriculum vitae to: erri Campo, Personnel Department, Long Island University, 1 niversity Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201. A T A LO G ER /M O N O G R A PH IC U NIT HEAD. The U nive rsity of rka nsa s Libraries se e k a ca ta lo g e r to s u pe rvise the M onograph P A b t T U C A C&RL N ew s ■ N o v e m b e r 20 00 / 95 5 The Trinity College Library is building a new public service program designed to support its community o f faculty and students in the creative use o f traditional and electronic resources for teaching and scholarship. W e seek colleagues who are willing to implement meaningful change through collaborative efforts The Library has undertaken a major renovation and expansion o f its facility, due for completion in the fall o f 2002. W e invite applications for the following positions: HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICE: The ideal candidate for this position will be a dynamic and innovative individual, conversant with trends in academic library services, scholarly communications, and the application o f information technology to learning, teaching, and research.The Head o f Public Services will lead the Library Public Services staff in planning, implementing and evaluating library services to meet the high expectations o f today's students and faculty and will w ork cooperatively with other units within the Library and College to develop a public service program that will take full advantage o f the new faαlity.This position reports to the College Librarian and participates in the Library's senior management team, represents the Library in College and external groups as required, and supervises and evaluates 10 employees including 5 professional librarians and 5 support staff in the following departments: Access Services, Reference, Interlibrary Loan, Bibliographic Instruction, and Government Documents. The MLS degree and a minimum o f five years o f increasingly responsible leadership and supervisory experience, preferably in an academic library setting; a commitment to public service; excellent communication skills; experience in the planning and evaluation o f library websites and with digital library development a collegial and creative management style; and a demonstrated ability to effect change. R fereence L ibrarian: The successful candidate for this position will have a high level o f energy and creativity as well as experience in exploring the full potential o f electronic resources within an academic library setting. Responsibilities include participation in the full range o f department activities, including Reference Desk Service using print and electronic resources, coordination o f bibliographic instruction; and collection development in both print and electronic formats This position reports to the Head o f Public Services. The MLS degree and a minimum o f 2-3 years' professional experience in an academic library reference service; excellent written and communication skills; expertise in the use o f online reference sources. Music and P erforming Arts L ibrarian: W e seek a creative and energetic individual with a love o f the performing arts combined w ith a commitment to academic librariansh¡p.The successful candidate will serve as the Library liaison to the music and performing arts programs with primary responsibility for the Colleges Music and Media collections.The incorporation o f new formats into the collection with special attention to digital technologies and access will be a high priority The Librarian also will oversee the planned integration o f the collections in the new facility to open in 2002.This position reports to the Curator o f Curricular Resources Collections and supervises one full-time paraprofessional and student staff The MLS degree and a BA in Music o r equivalent; 2-3 years' academic library experience preferably in a music library; experience with an automated library system, including cataloging; knowledge o f non-print media formats and preservation issues; excellent written, communication, and organizational skills. Trinity College Library has a print collection o f approximately 9 5 0 ,8 0 0 volumes, including 2 4 0 0 periodical subscriptions and a Reference Collection o f over 1 5 ,0 0 0 volumes.The Library also offers a wide array o f online resources.Trinity Library is a m em ber o f the C T W library Consortium with Wesleyan University a nd Connecticut College and shares an integrated Library system with these institutions. * * * * To apply please submit a resume, cover letter stating salary requirements, and the names, titles and telephone numbers o f three professional references to: Donna D. Willson, D irecto r o f Hum an Resources,Trinity College, 300 S u m m it Street, Hartford, Connecticut 0 6 106. Starting salary commensurate with qualifi­ cations and experience; excellent benefits. Trinity College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply Applicants with disabilities should request any needed accommodation in order to participate in the application process. 956 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN Baylor University Newly created tenure-track faculty position; assistant professor rank. Manages a unit of one paraprofessional under the supervision of the Assistant Director for Library Information Systems and Outreach Services. Working cooperatively with library faculty and staff, is responsible for all aspects of collection development for Baylor’s central libraries and coordinates collection develop­ ment work with the special collections. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS or equivalent from ALA-accredited institution; second master’s degree; three years' post-MLS professional experience; familiarity with current collection develop­ ment philosophy and practice in academic libraries; experience in developing and building academic library collections; demonstrated leadership in facilitating collaborative problem solving and group decision making; demonstrated ability to communicate effectively with people at all levels, both orally and in writing; experience with university and library budgeting and accounting practices; demon­ strated commitment to scholarly and professional activities. Desired Qualifications: Understanding of digital library technologies, issues, and trends; five years' post-MLS professional experience. SALARY AND BENEFITS: $44,400 minimum, 12-month contract. Salary will be based upon successful candidate's qualifications and experience. Competitive benefits with 20 days' annual leave. Baylor University Is located in Waco, Texas, midway between Dallas/Fort Worth and Austin. W aco enjoys a low cost of living and no state or local Income tax. For more information about this position, the libraries, and the University, please visit our Web site: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Sheila R. Slater Head, Collection Development Librarian Search Committee Baylor University P.O. Box 97151 Waco, TX 76798 Sheila_Slater@ Applications received by November 30, 2000, will receive first consideration. Position open until filled. Baylor University is affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas. As an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity employer, Baylor encourages minorities, women, and persons with disabilities to apply. C opy Cataloging Unit (2 FTE technical assistants) and to perform complex copy and original cataloging. The successful applicant will report to the Head of C ataloging in a team -based departm ent. Responsibilities include managing the monograph workflow, upgrad­ ing inadequate OCLC copy, establishing name authority records, managing nonserial barcode projects, assisting with departmental policy and procedures, and being active in other projects o r duties as assigned. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, knowl­ edge of AACR2, OCLC, MARC, LCSH.and LC classification, excellent oral and written communication skills, and at least two years' professional experience in cataloging and supervision. Preferred Qualifications: Experience in an online environment, fam iliarity with Innovative Interfaces systems, and bibliographic knowledge of one (or more) non-Roman language or of one (or more) Western European language. Minimum Beginning Salary: $32,000; rank commensurate with experience; faculty status; tenure track; 12-month appoint­ ment. Benefits: TIAA-CREF and/or Fidelity; 22 days’ annual leave; tuition reduction; and other benefits. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is the prim ary land-grant institution and research university in the state and offers a com prehensive range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. Fayetteville (population approxim ately 55,000) is situated in the Ozarks in one of the most rapidly growing areas of the country, offering numerous cultural and recreational opportunities associated with natural beauty and a university community. Review o f applications will begin November 2 0,2 00 0. Send letter of application, résumé and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: Carolyn Henderson Allen, Dean, University Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701 -1201. The University o f Arkan­ sas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. COLLECTION MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR. St. Cloud State Uni­ versity seeks applications for a Collection Management Coordinator, Assistant Professor to begin summer 2001 in the James W. Miller Learning Resources Center. Type of Appointment: Tenure track, nine month plus 28 additional duty days. Salary commensurate with academic qualifications and experience. Responsibilities: Provide dynamic and innovative leadership of collection management for monographs, serials, electronic and nonprint materials; develop and implement the library selection and liaison program to academic programs; apply technologies and data to assess all university collections and write management reports of various types; manage budget expenditures. The coordinator will supervise ordering and processing of acquisitions and serials, be responsible for budget allocations, work with vendors, representthe library at consortial and statewide collection man­ agement initiatives. The successful candidate must be aware of current trends in publishing including electronic publishing and digital library initiatives and their impact on scholarly information-seeking behavior to redefine collection management activities. Library faculty areexpected to participate in campus committees, teach undergraduate/graduate courses in the Centerfor Information Media, and advise students. Qualifications and Experience: ALA-accredited master’s degree in information science, li­ brary science, o r equivalent; second graduatedegree preferred. Demon­ strated competence with electronic resources, databases, and spread­ sheets; one to two years’ experience in collection management in an academic library setting along with the ability to project budgets are required. Experience with digital library development is preferred. Excel­ lent interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills are required. Flexibility, leadership, and ability to work collaboratively are essential. The ability to teach and perform effectively, a record of scholarly achievement or research, continued preparation and study, contribution to student growth C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 / 9 5 7 LIBRARIAN/INFORMATION SPECIALIST FOR THE HUMANITIES Bucknell University Bucknell University is looking for an individual who can educate the campus community about information resources in the humanities, and who can provide leadership in exploring humanities- related digital library initiatives. This position offers exciting possibilities for an individual who recognizes the integral role that new technologies are playing, while also appreciating the importance of traditional resources in the liberal arts. Subject librarians at Bucknell serve a proactive liaison role with academic departments and are highly regarded as partners in enhancing the academic mission on campus. Collaborating with computing liaisons, instructional design professionals, and others in Information Services and Resources (ISR), subject librarians strive to integrate pedagogy, technology, and library services to deliver high- quality services to the faculty and students in their areas, and to ensure ongoing two-way communication between ISR and the rest of the campus. They engage in user education, collection development, reference service, Web site creation, and other activities in support of teaching, learning, and research. In reviewing applications, ISR is always looking for creative, proactive, and forward-thinking individuals with high standards of academic professionalism, as well as excellent interpersonal, teamwork, and communication skills. The successful candidate for this position will also have an ALA-accredited MLS or other relevant advanced degree and experience in academic libraries, a background in the humanities, and demonstrated knowledge of and interest in trends in access to information in the humanities. The ideal candidate will be able to contribute to our vision of what a digital library should be and be able to work collaboratively to make that vision a reality. Preference will be given to candidates with academic library experience; an advanced degree in music, classics, art, or a modern language; experience creating innovative information resources and services; and knowledge of Spanish, French, German, or Russian. Bucknell encourages applications from women and members of minority groups (EEO/AA). Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience; $36,000 minimum. Benefits include choice of health plans, TIAA-CREF, 22 days' paid vacation, and tuition benefits. To learn more about our organization, please explore the Web site at: Of particular interest are our vision and values, which can be found at: vision&values.html. Additional inform ation on this and other openings w ithin ISR is available at h ttp ://w w w .is r.b u c k n e ll.e d u /o p e n in g s .h tm l. For maximum consideration, submit letter, résumé, and names of three references by November 20, 2000, to: Kelly Stover Information Services and Resources 222 Bertrand Library Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 E-mail attachments and Web addresses are welcome in lieu of paper documents and may be directed to: kstover@ ind development, and service to the university and community are required or promotion and tenure. The successful candidate will demonstrate ability o each and work with persons from culturally diverse backgrounds. Application Information and Deadline: Send cover letter, vitae, transcripts copies acceptable for initial screening), and names and addresses of hree references to Collection Management Coordinator Search Commit­ ee, c/o Dean, James W. Miller Learning Resources Center, 720 4th Avenue South, St. Cloud, MN 56301 -4498. Phone: (320) 255-2022; Fax: (320)255-4778. Reviewof applications will begin on January5,2001, and continue until a suitable candidate is found. St. Cloud State University has a long-standing commitment to a policy of nondiscrimination in employ­ ment and educational opportunity. No person shall be discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment, personnel practices, orstudent access to and participation in program services and activities with regard to race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or membership or activity in a local commission as defined by law. In accor­ dance with INS regulations, successful applicants must be legally able to accept work in the United States. This material can be made available in an alternative format. TDD/TTY: The Minnesota Relay Service, (612) 297- 5353 or (800) 627-3529. CONSERVATION LIBRARIAN. Preservation Department. Position De­ scription: The Conservation Librarian is responsible forthe physical care 958 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 ETHNIC STUDIES AND MULTICULTURAL LIBRARIAN California State University, Sacramento CSUS seeks a motivated and energetic Ethnic Studies and Multicultural Librarian. This entry-level, tenure-track faculty position provides substantial opportunity for professional growth and devel­ opment. The position reports to the Head of Reference and works with the Coordinators for Collection Development and Library Instruction. The Reference Department includes 15 librarians and 5 library assistants. DESCRIPTION: Shares responsibility for reference service to students, faculty, and the general public at the Reference Desk; serves as the subject specialist in the following academic programs: African Studies, Asian Studies, Ethnic Studies, Women's Studies, and related subjects; participates in the Library’s instruction programs and provides specialized instruction in areas of subject specialty; serves as a resource with appropriate instructional faculty; and provides outreach services to minority students, faculty, and organizations on campus. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS or equivalent degree from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent international degree (must be completed by December 31,2000); excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively with a diverse population of faculty, staff, students, and community members; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively as part of a team and independently; demonstrated skill in using electronic information resources; knowledge of principles and theories of collection development; demonstrated ability to provide excellent public service; demonstrated knowledge of basic com puter applications; ability to teach. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Degree or significant academic preparation in ethnic or multicultural area studies, or related discipline; significant library experience in working as a liaison, coordinator, or consultant in ethnic or multicultural area studies/programs; advanced degree in ethnic or multicultural area studies or related discipline; demonstrated ability to initiate, advocate, plan, and implement multicultural library services; experience developing Web pages and using presentation software; skills in analyzing and presenting information; experience working at a Reference Desk; familiarity with current trends and issues in library technology and information resources; familiarity with non-English language(s); demonstrated ability in the preparation, delivery, and assessment of effective library instruction; demonstrated skill in using electronic information resources in multicultural area studies; knowledge of principles and theories of collection development in multicultural area studies. CLASSIFICATION: Probationary, 12-month, tenure-track, entry-level position at the Senior Assistant Librarian rank. Salary range: $46,488-$58,740. Librarians have full faculty status and excellent benefits. Library faculty must demonstrate professional competence, scholarly or creative achievement, and service to the University and community to meet university requirements for tenure and promotion. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Anticipated starting date: March 1,2001 (starting date is negotiable). Applications received by December 1, 2000, will receive first consideration. Position open until filled. Send a cover letter describing interest and qualifications, a complete résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Patricia Larsen Director and Dean of the Library California State University, Sacramento Library 2000 State University Drive East S acram ento, CA 95819-6039 Applicants invited for interview will be required to submit official transcripts. Vacancy announcement and position description available electronically: request from lmjones@ CSUS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. of a wide range of research materials in New York University’s Elmer Holmes Bobst Library. He o r she administrates a comprehensive program to conserve materials held in general collections, special collections and archives, and performs a variety of treatments designed to stabilize and protect the¡rcondit¡on. The Conservation Librarian’s time is divided be­ tween treatments for unique and special collections materials and super­ vision of 3.5 FTE conservation technicians. The Conservation Librarian reports to the Head of the Preservation Department and assists in manag­ ing and planning the conservation program, including: establishing con­ servation priorities within the Library: planning and managing treatment and procedures fo r circulating collections, special collections, and ar­ chives materials: performing treatments primarily on special collections materials: hiring, training, and supervising two full-tim e conservation technicians and 3-4 student workers; assisting in development and coordi­ nation of special projects; ordering conservation supplies; maintaining and analyzing conservation statistics and treatment records; managing the Library’s environmental monitoring program; participating in the Library’s disasterpreparedness plan; assisting in exhibits; and serving as a consult- C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 / 959 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Furman University Furman University is seeking librarians to fill two recently created positions. Furman University is one of the nation’s top-ranked liberal arts colleges, whose campus has been selected by the Princeton Review as one of the five most scenic university campuses in the nation. Fundraising for a $25 million expansion and renovation of the James B. Duke Library is underway. C ollection D evelopm ent Librarian (new position) Furman University is seeking an innovative, experienced librarian to coordinate collection develop­ ment activities and provide leadership in building library collections, both print and electronic. Duties include analysis of collections and their use, coordination of the library liaison program, management of growth of library collections through weeding projects, and assistance in administering a materials budget approaching $1 million. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-MLS, minimum five years of academic library experience with increasing professional responsibility. Three years experience in collection development preferred. Must demonstrate understanding of the role of the library in a liberal arts environment and possess excellent communication skills. S cience Librarian, part-tim e (new position) Furman University is seeking an innovative librarian for a 25-hour-per-week position to support library instruction, reference services, and collection development in the natural sciences and serve as library liaison to science departments. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-MLS, undergraduate degree in a natural science, knowledge of science resources and information technology, experience in science librarianship. Graduate degree in science preferred. Job descriptions for both positions are available at: SALARY AND BENEFITS: Librarians have faculty status, 20 days' vacation, and an excellent benefits package. For salary range and benefits Information, contact the University Personnel Office at: (864) 294-2217. Applications for both positions will be reviewed beginning December 1, 2000. Submit letter of application, résumé, transcripts (copy acceptable initially), names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: John K. Payne Associate Library Director Furman University 3300 Poinsett Highway Greenville, SC 29613-0600 phone: (86 4) 29 4-3 098 AA/EOE/ADA ant to NYU branch libraries. The Conservation Librarian must communi­ cate and consult with selectors, bibliographers, and curators regarding treatments and processing of general collections and special collections materials. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution orequiva- lent conservation degree. Minimum of two years’ experience in aconser- vation program in a research library. Extensive knowledge of current conservation principles, practices, and procedures. Experience in treat­ ment decision making; demonstrated ability to work independently and productively in a fluid, complex organization and to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing; supervisory capabilities; strong analytic and organizational skills; ability to work with staff at all levels and with many different backgrounds. Additional experience in conservation of archival collections preferred. Portfolio of work will be required atinter view. Send résumé with salary requirements to: Janet Koztowski.Director of Human Resources, New York University, Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. DATA LIBRARIAN. University Libraries of Notre Dame. Responsibili­ ties: Seeking collegial, innovative librarian to serve as the Libraries’ resource specialist for numeric data in electronic formats, which support research and course work. Works closely with the Laboratory for Social Research (LSR), the Libraries’ Electronic Resources Librarian, and subject librarians/liaisons to identify the data needs of faculty and students. Manages the Social Science Data Library located in the Laboratory for Social Research and supervises its staff. Collaborates with appropriate departments in the Libraries, as well as the Office of Information Technology (OIT), in making numeric data fully available to users. Reports to the Electronic Resources Librarian. Collaborates with the Libraries’ Documents Librarian and the staff of the LSR in making government information received on deposit or otherwise acquired accessible to users and members of the community. Stays current with and shares knowledge of new technologies that will contribute to the access, creation, and use of data files. Develops proposals fo r technology acquisition and funding as needed. Conducts training programs for Library faculty and staff, teaching faculty, and students in the identification and effective use of social science data. Maintains active relationship with organizations such as the Association of Public Data Users, ICPSR, and Roper Center. As a member of the Library faculty, participates on Library and campus teams and engages in professional development, scholarship, and service to the profession. Qualifications: ALA-accredited graduate degree or equivalent education and experience required. Strong academic background in social sciences, with a graduate degree in a social science discipline preferred. Minimum of two years’ experience in numeric data services, preferably in an 960 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 Gwinnett Ceibraian,Electroni ServiccsSysteme Lnter Library Reporting to the Director of the library, the Systems Librarian will be responsible for the management of the Gwinnett University Center Library's electronic services and operation of systems including ILS coordination, web site management, library systems management and integration of external campus services into the library’s electronic environment. Requirements include A LA-accre d ited Master’s degree in Library or Information Science, a working knowledge of Windows- compatible., hardware, software, operating systems,. MS Access, and HTML. A working knowledge of delivery and instructional applications and experience in designing and maintaining an institutional W e b s ite are required. Salary: $32,564+( c o n mensurate with education and experience). We offer excellent benefits. Starting date: ASAP. Application deadline:22/30/00. Applicants should reference position number #01-154 and send the following as a single packet: (1) letter of interest, (2) resume, (3) unofficial copy of graduate transcript(s), and (4) list of three professional references (names, addresses, telephone numbers) to: Attn: Judy Chastonay, Georgia Perimeter College Human Resources, 3251 Panthersv¡lle Rd, Decatur, GA 30034. Fax: 404-244-5774. An A A /E O E Em ployer ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATION SERVICES Manhattanville College is an independent, co­ educational, liberal arts college o f approxim ately 1400 students located 28 m iles north o f New York City in suburban Westchester County. We are currently seeking an Assistant Library Director for Information Services who will be responsible for managing daily onsite operations including coordinating, training and supervising circulation, bibliographic instruction and reference staff; planning, initiating and evaluating library programs; developing procedures, promoting staff developm ent and overseeing electronic services, library instruction, publications and interlibrary loan; assisting in the design and implementation of an automated circulation system; compiling statistical data; participating in collection development and maintenance, including weeding and inventory functions; collaborating with staff to best serve students and other members of the college community; representing the library on appropriate committees. Current challenges and opportunities include: possible in tegration of a m ajor library building expansion, including increased collection capacity, special collections, and instructional spaces; collection development; professional and support staff selection; development of programs to serve needs of faculty and students; and library advancement efforts. Qualifications include; ALA-accredited MLS degree and a second masters degree; minimum of three years adm inistrative and supervisory experience with in creasing responsibility in an academ ic library; effective oral and written com m unication skills; dem onstrated skills in organization, planning, budgeting and staff supervision, including a collegial leadership style; willingness and enthusiasm to adopt new technologies; strong commitm ent to diversity and service to students and others in th e cam pus community; and understanding of issues related to library technology and knowledge of emerging trends in academic libraries. Doctorate degree and Assistant Library Director experience preferred. Salary is commensurate with experience. Please send resume to: D ire cto r of H u m a n R eso urces, M a n h a tta n v illβ C olleg e, 2 9 0 0 Pu rch a s e Street, P u rchase, N Y 1 0577. Fax: 9 1 4 -3 23 -5 3 22 . Email: banfieldj@ m R eview o f applications will begin im m ediately and continue until the position is filled. We are an equal opportunity employer actively encouraging applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds. academic environment. Familiarity with quantitative methods of data extrac­ tion, analysis, and use. Familiarity with the management and access of numeric and traditional databases in various disciplines, such as sociol­ ogy, economics, government, psychology, business, and education. Abil­ ity to plan and implement innovative user services. Excellent teaching and oral and written com m unication skills. Experience with govern­ ment inform ation and data required. Knowledge and a b ility to use Geographic Information System s (GIS) highly desirable. The Envi­ ronment: The University of Notre Dame is a national Catholic teaching and research university enriched with a diversified faculty, located in northern Indiana 90 m iles from Chicago. On a highly residential campus, about 8,500 undergraduates and 1,500 graduate students pursue a broad range of studies. The University Libraries hold over 2.6 m illion volum es housed in the central H esburgh L ibrary and seven branch libraries serving the science, engineering, business, and a rchitecture program s, with subscriptions to nearly 24,000 current serials. There are 160 staff and 45 librarians. The Libraries are also a m em ber o f the Northeast Research Libraries (N ERL). For addi­ tional inform ation, consult o ur W eb p a g e :. Salary: R ank and salary negotiable; will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Minim um : $37,000. Benefits: Librarians are non-tenure track mem ­ bers of the faculty and earn 20 days’ vacation annually. The University offers an excellent benefits package including tuition remission for dependents, TIAA-CREF. To Apply: Review will begin November 30, 2000, and continue until filled. Send a le tte r and résumé, including the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: Sherry Veith, Human Resources Representative, 221 Hesburgh Li­ brary, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. The University o f Notre Dame is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. DIGITAL AND ARCHIVAL INITIATIVES LIBRARIAN. St. Mary’s Col­ lege of Maryland at Historic St. Mary's City is accepting résumés fo r the position of Digital and Archival Initiatives Librarian. This new position will provide opportunities for an individual with diverse skills to participate in managing initiatives that will facilitate preservation of and access to materials in traditional and/or digital formats. Minimum qualifications include the ability to produce/create information and necessary graphic assets for digital access. Relevant training and/or experience in the preservation of materials in all formats is desired. MLS o r equivalent degree from an ALA-certified program required. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. St. Mary's College of Maryland at C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2 0 0 0 / 961 APPLICATIONS SYSTEMS SPECIALIST Getty Research Institute Limited term through June, 2002 Information Systems Getty Research Institute Serves as co-chair of committee charged with the migration of the Research Library’s current Innovative online cataloging system to the Voyager system. Also oversees the migration of other non-standard content repositories to ENCompass software. W ork involves investigating and establishing new metadata standards and structures, conversion of existing repositories into these structures, building corresponding linkages between XML and MARC structures for indexing and display. Bachelor’s degree in a related f ield and master’s in Information Systems and/or MLS preferred. Eight- plus years' related systems experience. Ability to bridge current library practices and technologies with new digital library initiatives, data structures, and access methodologies required. Experience with either/both Innopac and Voyager platforms, and previous experience working on a large production system migration strongly preferred. Please send cover letter, salary history, and résumé to: Senior Human Resources Specialist Getty Research Institute 1200 Getty Center Drive Los Angeles, CA 90049 No telephone calls please. Equal Opportunity Employer H e a d o f T e c h n i c a l S e r v ic e s in t h e H i l l e s a n d L a m o n t L ib r a r ie s H a r v a r d C o l l e g e L ib r a r y R e p o rtin g to th e L ib ra ria n o f th e H ille s a n d L a m o n t L ib raries, th is in d ivid u al is resp o nsib le fo r jo i n t o p era tio n s in ac q u is itio n s , c a ta lo g in g , an d serials c o n tro l. W o r k c o llab o rativ ely in th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f H C L - w id e p o licies and prog ram s. H ire , tr a in , an d ev aluate s ta ff; s u p ervise a c q u is itio n s ; oversee c a ta lo g in g ; design u n it w orkflo w . Prepare an d ad m in ister m aterials b u d g e t; oversee allo c a tio n s p ro g ra m ; d evelo p a n d p repare rep o rts; s u p p o r t s ta f f in use o f rep o rtin g to o ls; fo s te r le arn in g en vi­ r o n m e n t; in fo r m s ta f f o n te c h n ic a l services issues. P a rtic ip a te in p la n n in g fo r th e d ev e lo p m e n t o f H C L an d H U L te c h n ic a l servic es. P r e fe r re d c a n d id a te s w ill h ave a n M L S o r e q u i v a le n t; s o c ia l s c i e n c e s an d / o r h u m a n iti e s u n d e r g r a d u a te b a c k g r o u n d p r e fe r re d . M i n i m u m o f 5 - 6 ye ars’ p r o f e s s io n a l e x p e r ie n c e in a n a c a d e m i c li b r a r y te c h n ic a l s e r v ic e s w ith e m p h a s is o n a c q u is itio n s an d / o r s e r ia ls m a n a g e m e n t; s u p e rv is o r y e x p e r ie n c e ; a b i lity t o w o r k c o lla b o r a tiv e ly . E x p e r ie n c e in d e s ig n a n d m a in t e n a n c e o f te c h n ic a l s e r v ic e s p o lic ie s , p r o c e d u r e s , w o r k f lo w s ; m a s te r y o f r e p o r ti n g a p p li c a ti o n s ; a b i lity to c o m m u n i c a t e te c h n ic a l s erv ic es issu e s. A d v a n c e d k n o w le d g e o f a c q u is itio n s an d / o r s e r ia ls o p e r a t io n s ; w o r k i n g k n o w le d g e o f A A C R I I , L C c la s s if ic a ti o n a n d s u b j e c t h e a d in g s y s te m s ; u s e o f b i b lio g r a p h ic u ti liti e s ; fa m i lia r ity w ith m u s ic m a te r ia ls . W o r k in g k n o w le d g e o f m a te r ia ls p r o c e s s in g , b in d e r y , a n d p r e s e r v a tio n ; b u d g e ti n g , p la n n i n g , p r o je c t m a n a g e m e n t. M u s t h av e a m a tu r e , f le x ib le w o r k i n g s ty le ; a b i d i n g in te r e s t in p e o p le ; e n th u s ia s m f o r e x e r c is in g d e c is io n - m a k in g ; a n d le a d e rs h ip sk ills . H a rv a r d U n iv e r s ity o ff e r s a c o m p e ti tiv e p r o g ra m o f b e n e f its . A p p o in t m e n t sa la r y is d e p e n d e n t o n q u a li fi c a tio n s a n d e x p e r ie n c e . T h e r e v ie w o f a p p li c a ti o n s w ill b e g in i m m e d ia te l y a n d c o n t in u e u n til th e p o s itio n is f ille d . I n te r e s te d p a r tie s a r e in v ite d to s u b m it a le t t e r o f a p p li c a ti o n a d d re s s in g p o s itio n q u a li f i c a t io n s w ith a r e s u m e a n d w ith th e n a m e s , ad d re s se s , te l e p h o n e a n d f a x n u m b e r s o f 3 r e fe re n c e s t o : R e s u m e P r o c e s s i n g C e n t e r , H a r v a r d U n i v e r s i ty , R e q u i s i t i o n # 6 9 0 7 , 1 1 H o l y o k e S t r e e t , C a m b r i d g e , M A 0 2 1 3 8 . O r a p p l y o n - l i n e t o w w w .h r.h a rv a rd .e d u / e m p lo y m e n t/ jo b s .h tm l. HARVARD U N IV E R S IT Y U P H O L D S A C O M M I T M E N T T O A F FIR M A T IV E A C T IO N A N D E Q U A L E M P L O Y M E N T O P P O R T U N IT Y . 962 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 COORDINATOR, NEW ENGLAND DIGITAL LIBRARY (NEDLI) NEW POSITION N E L IN E T , N e w to n , MA RESPONSIBILITIES: The NEDLI Coordinator will be responsible for working with member libraries and potential development partners to: • develop technical standards for the program, such as metadata and file formats, bandwidth and server requirements, authoring software, scanning quality, subject descriptors and thesauri, input conventions, etc.; • develop a strategic and business plan for the program, including recommendations on funding and plans, methods for delivering technical and program support, and timetables for action; • survey, identify, and assess potential content and existing digital library programs in New England; • Identify potential funding and business developm ent partners, and prepare grant and other funding applications to agencies, foundations, etc.; • conduct user and staff education training sessions; • oversee the daily operation of the program. SALARY: Very competitive. Position is funded for tw o years with continuation thereafter dependent upon funding through grants and service fees. QUALIFICATIONS: Preferred: Master’s degree in an appropriate discipline; hands-on experience with W eb and digital library-related technologies; grantwriting experience; knowledge of metadata practices and associated technologies (XML, RDF); competency In database design; understanding of general network architecture; knowledge of metadata formats and database design; knowledge of current digital library initiatives; strong presentation, interpersonal, and communication skills; ability to work well as a team player; high-energy, self-directed individual; demonstrated Initiative, creativity, strong service orientation; ability to work collaboratively with a highly motivated staff in a constantly evolving organizational and technical environment; and ability to organize details, meet deadlines and follow through on multiple projects. ENVIRONMENT: As a dynamic member-based nonprofit network, NELINET provides consulting, training, and other support services to over 660 academic, public, and special member libraries throughout New England. We are currently developing an ambitious new series of programs and services to help our member libraries create a robust future within the knowledge management world. NELINET is upgrading its technology infrastructure to serve our members better. NELINET will soon relocate our offices to expanded headquarters about 25 miles west of Boston. NELINET provides substantial opportunities for professional growth. More information can be found at: http:// w w w .n e lin e t.n e t. APPLICATIONS: For earliest consideration, apply by N ovem ber 17, 2000. Send a cover letter, résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three current references to: Rosemarie Carull¡ Director, Administrative Services NELINET, Inc. Two Newton Executive Park New ton, MA 02462 NELINET Is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. historicSt. Mary’s City is located 70 miles southeast of W ashington, D.C. and is M aryland’s designated public honors co lle ge fo r the liberal arts. Undergraduate and residential in nature, with a diverse coedu­ cational stud e nt body num bering a pproxim ately 1,800, St. Mary’s em phasizes excellence in teaching. The institution w a s awarded a chapter o f Phi Beta Kappa in 1997. The quality of life is enhanced by the recreational o pportunities of the Chesapeake region and close proxim ity to th e a m e nitie s o f W ashington, D.C., Baltimore, and Rich­ mond. T o apply, please subm it a co ver letter, résum é, and three re ferences to: Todd K elley, A ssociate Provost fo r Inform ation S er­ vices, St. M ary’s Colleg e of M aryland, 18952 E. Fisher Road, St. M a ry’s City, MD 2 06 86 -3 0 01 ; fax: (301) 862 -0 91 4 ; e -m ail: tdkelley@ Review of applications will begin im me­ diately and continue until the position is filled. St. M ary’s College of Maryland is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Visit our Web site: DIGITALINITIATIVESCOORDINATOR.Texas Tech University is seek- ing a Digital Initiatives Coordinator. The Coordinator will be responsible for launching digital initiatives for the Southwest Collection/Special Col­ lections Library, including oversight of Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and of the digitization of documents, photographs, and oral histories for presentation on the World Wide Web. Duties also include analyzing the need fo r and designing, supervising, and coordinating development of projects to digitize, organize, and provide networked access to collection materials from the library, as well as bibliographic and other metadata pertaining to its collections. Other duties include designing, developing, and coordinating the programming o f software systems and user inter- C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 / 963 SCIENCE/ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN Milton S. Eisenhower Library Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University seeks an outgoing and enthusiastic librarian to be part of a team of four librarians in the Science/Engineering Library of the Milton S. Eisenhower Library. The Science/ Engineering Library is a recently renovated floor within the main library and has a collection budget of approximately $2,500,000. Librarians select library resources and provide reference, instruc­ tional, and liaison services to the 17+ science and engineering departments on Homewood campus. RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop and deliver traditional and innovative library services that facilitate the research and teaching needs of the science and engineering faculty and students. Cultivate and maintain strong relationships with faculty and students, select traditional and electronic resources for the collection, manage 4 -5 subject funds, provide subject-related Instructional services, and communicate effectively with patron groups to raise awareness of the rich array of available services. A high level of interaction between faculty and students and the librarian is essential. REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Degree in science or engineering field or experience serving a similar user population. Two to three years of collection development and/or reference experience in an academic, special, or science/engineering library. Ability to work well with colleagues and a demanding user group. Ability to work flexibly and creatively in a changing environment. HIGHLY DESIRED: Experience working with information and networked technologies, including designing and creating Web sites and pages. For more information on the position and library, please consult our Web site at: Position will remain open until filled. Review of résumés will begin N ovem ber 15, 2000. Qualified applicants should send a résumé, cover letter, and three letters of professional reference indicating Job #S00-6727 to: Johns Hopkins University Homewood Human Resources 119 Garland Hall Baltimore, MD 21218 or fax to: (410) 516-2314 Approximate starting salary range: $41,730-$52,335. We offer excellent benefits including tuition remission for staff and dependents in a smoke-free/drug-free environment. AA/EO E faces to deliver the digitized library materials and information about library resources to end users via networked information systems. Additional responsibilities include analyzing and specifying hardware needs, and implementing and supervising deployment and maintenance of appropriate hardware solutions. The Digital Initiatives Coordinator will develop and implement new systems as necessary. Qualifications: Master’s in history or related field; or MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Formal archival course work required. All applicants shall have progressive experience in Unix systems administration and programming and related hardware and software support; and experience developing and managing humanities computing projects, including project design, grant writing, and supervision of project staff. The applicant must have experience with Windows, and Unix platforms, backup systems, Internet client/server soft­ ware, database design and management, and digital scanning systems. Salary and Benefits: Salary for a 12-month appointment is $45,000. Benefits package includes choice of retirement programs, including TIAA-CREF; 13state holidays; Blue Cross-Blue Shield; and no state or local income tax. General lnformation:TexasTech University is a state-supported institution with an enrollment o f 25,000. Itis th e newest o ffour major comprehensive state universities in Texas. A wide range of academic programs is offered in seven colleges and schools of law, medicine, and allied health/nursing, including nearly 100 degree offerings at the master’s level and 50 at the doctoral level. The University Library has over 2 million volumes and a budget of $6 million. Lubbock has a metropolitan population o f 224,000 and is the regional center for higher education, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. Located on the Texas High Plains, Lubbock enjoys an average of 270 days of sunshine annually, low humidity, moderate winters, and some of the cleanest air in the nation. Application Information: Position now available. Applications received by December 1,2000, will be given first consideration. Send letter of application that indicates expertise, current résumé, and names and addresses of three references to: Search Committee South west Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University, P.O. 41041, Lubbock, TX79409-1041, phone: (806) 742-3749. TexasTech University is an EEO/AA/ADA employer. DIGITAL PROJECTS LIBRARIAN. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries. Responsibilities: The UNLV Libraries invite applications for the new position of Digital Projects Librarian at the Assistant Professor rank, reporting to the Director, Knowledge Access Management. The major focus of this position is to utilize computer technology to design, program, and implement digital library projects within the overall context of the UNLV Libraries’ goals and priorities. The incumbent will recommend policies, procedures, standards, tools, and technologies to guide and facilitate the Libraries' digital library initiatives. The Digital Projects Librarian will work with members of the Knowledge Access Management Division (Cataloging, Web Development, and Systems) to create an infrastructure fo r describing, storing, retrieving, and delivering large collections of digital materials. The incumbent will also work with library units in selecting materials to be included in the digital collection. The Digital Projects Librarian will participate in the design and maintenance of a Web-based gateway to digital content. The successful candidate will provide instruction on digital technologies and standards. The Digital Projects Librarian will establish relationships with faculty, researchers, scholarly organizations, and others with whom the Libraries may partner, and will become a recognized digitization resource for the entire campus. Qualifications: Required: Master’s 964 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR N orth C a ro lin a A c a d e m ic L ib ra ry C o n s o rtiu m NC-PALS is a library consortium in central North Carolina composed of Bennett College, Elon College, Greensboro College, Guilford College, and Salem College. The consortium is seeking an Executive Director who will act as system administrator for its automated library system (currently DRA). The effective date of this appointment is negotiable, but no later than June 1, 2001. The principal responsibilities and duties for the position include the following: • Support all hardware and software operations related to the consortium's integrated automated library system. • Provide effective leadership for consortial long-range planning. • Provide management services for the consortium. • Promote effective communications among member colleges and among the Board of Library Directors, the Information Technology Directors, and the Board of Governors. • Participate in the activities of regional, statewide, and/or national professional associations. The qualifications for this position are as follows: • ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library or Information Science. (An appropriate combination of education and experience may be substituted in unique cases.) • A minimum of two years' experience in systems management with an integrated library system, preferably DRA. • A minimum of two years of library experience. • Experience with library and/or college consortia (desired). • Experience with telecommunications and networking in a library environment (desired). • Exceptional programming and technical troubleshooting skills. • Interpersonal skills necessary to deal effectively with administrators, librarians, and staff on five diverse campuses. • Broad understanding of librarianship and information technology. • Strong instructional/training skills. • Flexibility in assuming duties and work schedules and the ability to set priorities and work with minimum supervision. This leadership position offers a competitive salary and benefits package. For a comprehensive job description and further inform ation about the consortium , please v is it ou r Web site at: w w w .nc-p Interested candidates should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five professional references to: Daniel N. Keck Vice President for Academic Affairs Greensboro College 815 W est Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401-1875 To receive full consideration, applications should be received by December 1, 2000. NC-PALS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. degree in Library Science and/or Information Science from an ALA- accredited program o r international equivalent. Working knowledge of digital library technologies, standards, issues, and trends. Preferred: Demonstrated knowledge of digital conversion of materials. Working knowledge of scripting languages such as PERL. Working knowledge of relevantdigital library standards, such as EAD, TEI, SGML, HTML, XML, and Dublin Core. Working knowledge of a high-level programming lan­ guage such as C, C++, or Java. Working knowledge of relevant Internet delivery technologies, including object-oriented and relational databases, and multitiered systems. Strong interest in interactive computing and the integration of text, graphics, audio, and video sources in a digital library environment. Abil¡ty to work effectively with diverse constituencies; to serve as a liaison with faculty on research and curricular projects; and to excel in a complex and changing collaborative environment. Excellent communica­ tion skills. Flexibility, open-mindedness, and comfort with defining a new position. Salary Range: This is a tenure-track position. Salary is commen- surate with qualifications and experience. Position is contingent upon funding. The university has an excellentf ringe benefits package. For more inform ation on salary and benefits, see: http://w w w Human_Resources/.The Setting: UNLVis Nevada’s largest comprehen­ sive, doctoral degree-granting institution with 22,000 students and more than 700 full-time faculty. The UNLV Libraries are composed of the main Lied Library (a302,000 sq.ft. building scheduledtoopen January2001), the Curriculum Materials Library, the Architecture Studies Library, and a Music Library currently under construction. Foradditional information, see the UN LV Web site at: and the Library’s Web site at: Application Deadline and Details. Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e- mail addresses of three professional references to: Katherine L. Rankin, Chair, Digital Projects Librarian Search Committee, University of Ne­ vada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Box457034, Las Vegas, NV 89154-7034. Review of applications will begin December 15,2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Specific questions may be addressed to Katherine L. Rankin at krankin @ or (702) 895-3062. Within the letter, please briefly discuss (no longer than one page) what you considerto be the main components of a successful digital project. UNLV C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 / 965 DIREC O F Ĩ H T E OR JAMES A. CA N N AV IN O LIBRARY Marist College w ww .m Marist College invites applications and nominations for the Director of the James A. Cannavino Library. The Library is housed in a new state-of-the-art 83,000 square fo ot building, which opened in January 2000. The Romanesque style structure is located at the center of the campus overlooking the Hudson River and integrates traditional collections with a substantial technological infrastructure. The building includes spacious reading and study areas with over 600 network connections, four digital classrooms, and a Center for Collaborative Learning. Among the Library’s special collections are the Lowell Thomas Collection, the Richard and Gertrude Weininger Collection-in Judaic Studies, the John Tillman Collection, the George M. and Alice S. Gill Fore- Edge Collection, the Nelly Goletti Music Collection, and the Rick Whitesell Record Collection. With a nationally-recognized record of achievement in using technology to enhance teaching and learning, Marist has been a leader in the digital library technologies in partnership with the IBM Corporation. The Director will provide innovative leadership for expanding the already considerable digital library technologies in support of the academic mission of the college. The Director oversees systems improvements to strengthen academic programs and to deliver services. He or she will guide the library in its continued evolution as a library in the electronic age. The Director will support faculty research, distance education initiatives, will be responsible for active instructional programs committed to fostering information literacy, for the library’s Endeavor IOLS system, and for expanding its traditional and electronic collect¡ons.The Director should be an advocate for enhanced digital library services; committed to library distance education services; have demonstrated experience in using new technologies and applying them to library services and collections; have knowledge of and success with external funding sources; have experience in building partnerships with technology vendors; and have demonstrated managerial expertise commensurate with advanced technical knowledge. The Director must be a visionary who can lead in academic, management, and development areas. The Director acts as the Library liaison to the College Community including the Board of Trustees, the President’s Cabinet, the Academic schools and other administrative units. He o r she reports to the Dean of Academic Programs, and will serve on the IBM Joint Study Steering Committee and the Information Technology Advisory Committee. The successful candidate will possess outstanding academic credentials, as well as a strong background in digital library applications. He o r she will demonstrate evidence of vision and leadership, the capability for collaborative long-range planning and implementation, and strong communication, supervisory and management skills. The position offers a very competitive salary with a comprehensive benefits package and an excellent environment. Marist College is a comprehensive, independent, liberal arts institution located in Poughkeepsie, New York on the banks of the Hudson River, midway between Albany and New York City. It enrolls 3,800 full-time and over 600 part-time undergraduates and 600 graduate students.Visit our home page at The review o f applications w ill begin November, 20 0 0 , and will continue until a candidate is selected. Application materials should include a letter o f interest which addresses how the candidate’s strengths and experience m atch qualifications for th e position, a curriculum vitae, and five references. They should be sent to: Dr. John Ritschdorff, Dean of Academic Programs, M a rist College, M P O /C R L 905, Poughkeepsie, N Y 12601- 1387 A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n E m p lo ye r is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Persons are selected on the basis of ability without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or veteran status. DIRECTOR OF INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES.Minnesota State Univer­ sity Moorhead, Moorhead, Minnesota. Position begins July 1,2001. Salary range $74,379-$99,699, depending on qualifications and experience. Posi­ tion responsibilities include administering the Library and providing leader­ ship and management to the University’s library, audiovisual, instructional TV, and instructional technology services. Service at the reference desk is expected. The Director reports directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, serves on the Academic Affairs Council, and has supervisory respon­ sibility for approximately 30 employees. The Library has a budget of approxi­ mately $2 million a year, and is part of both local (Tri-College) and regional (PALS and Minitex) consortia. Minnesota State University Moorhead is one of seven four-year institutions in the Minnesota State Colleges and University system. The University has over 7,000 students enrolled in 70 degree pro­ grams, 16 graduate programs, and 19 areas of licensure preparation. Re­ quired Qualifications: ALA-approved master’s degree in Library/Information Science and a subject master’s degree o r specialist degree or Ph.D.; a mini­ mum of three to five years’ successful academic library administration/su­ pervision; ex perience as a reference librarian; ability to provide leadership for emerging technologies in an academic setting, including instructional technol­ ogy and AV /TV, which includes instructional television and distance educa­ tion; record of successful personnel administration and budget preparation and management; effective skills in interpersonal relations, oral and written communication, and analytical and decision-making processes; a commit­ ment to collaborative decision making and staff development; ability to represent the University and the University's instructional resources to ex­ ternal constituencies. Also Desirable: Ability to secure external funding; expe­ rience in long-range planning; experience with collective bargaining; teaching experience. To Apply: Send a letter of interest, résumé, a completed Standard Application Form (accessed at the Web site listed below), copies of graduate transcripts, and names of five references (including current addresses and daytime telephone numbers) to: Dr. Virginia Klenk, Chairperson, Search Com­ mittee, Minnesota State University Moorhead, 1104 Seventh Avenue South, Moorhead, MN 56563. Telephone: (218) 236-2764; fax: (218) 287- 5037; e-mail: schaffer@; vacancy Web site: http://www.mnstate. edu/vacancy. Additional information is available at: library/director.htm. Review of completed files will begin on December 15, http://www.mnstate 966 / C&RL News ■ N ov e m b e r 2000 ASSISTANT COLLECTION SERVICES LIBRARIAN New Mexico State University Assistant Collection Services Librarian sought by New Mexico State University Library. Tenure-Track position to be filled at the Instructor or Assistant Professor level, salary up to $29,500, depending on qualifications. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; ability to be trained in collection management and acquisitions in an online environment; ability to problem-solve; interest or experience in supervision; excellent interpersonal skills; flexibility in prioritizing multiple projects. Desired: Knowledge of integrated library systems; com puter literate; able to work in group settings; comfortable in a culturally diverse environment; library experience; evidence of leadership potential; additional graduate degree. RESPONSIBILITIES: As an Entry-Level Librarian and in conjunction with the Department Head, provides leadership and support for monographic and serials units. After training, will assume responsibility for supervision of the monographic unit. Participates in coordination of the day-to-day activities of the department. Provides administrative support to departmental staff. Must be able to demonstrate ability to meet the requirements for faculty promotion and tenure: librarianship; professional knowledge; research, publication, and creative activity; and service. Special projects as assigned. BENEFITS: G roup m edical, life, and hospital insurances; choice of retirem ent program s; sick leave; annual leave; w o rk e rs ’ com pensa tion; un em plo ym en t com pensation; others. For de ta ils , see h ttp ://w w w .n m s u .e d u /~ p e rs o n e l/b e n e fits .h tm l. New Mexico State University, New Mexico’s land grant university, enrolls approxim ately 15,000 students. NMSU is classified as a Doctoral/Research Universities-Extens¡ve institution and is a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. For more information, see our Web page at: http://lib.nm Submit letter stating qualifications, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, postmarked on or before N ovem ber 20, 2000, to: Kate Shaughnessy Personnel Officer NMSU Library Administration Box 30006, MSC 3475 Las Cruces, NM 88003-8006 Inquiries: (505) 646-3102 or kshaugh@ lib.nm NMSU is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. 2000, and will continue until position is filled. Minnesota State University Moorhead is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employerandeducator. DIRECTOR, ELECTRONIC RESOURCES PROGRAM (New Posi­ tion). University of Houston. A more detailed position announcement, with links to information about the University of Houston, the UH Libraries, and the city of Houston, is available from our Web site: Responsibilities: Working in close cooperation with appropriate personnel in all departments of the Libraries, leads the selection, evaluation, and implementation of access to electronic resources; negotiates pricing and licensing agreements and acts as the primary contact in this area fo r consortia. Manages the electronic resources budget in consultation with the Head of Acquisitions and Collection Development, and works with vendors, catalogers, and library systems staff to initiate and maintain access to electronic resources. Serves as a library resource on intellectual property issues and coordinates dissemination of information about elec­ tronic resources to all parties involved. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited master’s degree; demonstrated planning, analytical, interper­ sonal, and communication skills; demonstrated ability to work cooperatively in a collaborative, interdepartmental environment; significant academic or research library work experience in one or more areas of the stated responsibilities. Preferred: Relevant experience in negotiating complex agreements; collection development experience, particularly in an elec­ tronic environment. Desirable: Experience o r training in intellectual prop­ erty issues. Salary: $50,000. Excellent benefits package, including choice of health coverage; choice of retirement programs including TIAA-CREF; no state or local income tax. Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of three references, and résumé to: John Lehner, Library Human Resources Director, M.D. Anderson Library, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. The University of Houston is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS)/MAP LIBRAR­ IAN. St. Lawrence University invites applications and nominations for a GIS/Map Librarian to provide expertise and leadership in expanding and promoting G IS services and managing the libraries’ map collections. This is a 12-month appointment, with faculty status. Salary from the mid-$30s, commensurate with qualifications and experience. The GIS/ Map Librarian will work with faculty and students in classrooms and in the library’s G IS computer lab, offering instruction and assistance with spatial analysis and applications o f geospatial data, and contrib­ uting to related curriculum development. Reporting to the University Librarian, the GIS/Map Librarian will work closely with faculty associated with the University’s Integrated Science Education Initiative (ISEI) and with the GIS/GPS Science Instrumentation Technician. A C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 / 967 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN AND DIRECTOR Villanova University, Falvey Mem orial Library Villanova University seeks a dynamic, creative librarian to serve as University Librarian & Director of Falvey Memorial Library. The University Librarian must provide vision and leadership in formulating programs and implementing strategies to integrate print-based information materials with an ever- increasing array of digital resources. In addition, the University Librarian must uphold Falvey’s tradition of service and instruction in information literacy. Strong interpersonal skills, an aptitude for problem solving, knowledge of information technologies, and strong advocacy for library services and perspectives are essential. Villanova University, a Catholic university founded by the Augustinian Order, offers undergraduate and graduate programs in arts and sciences, business, engineering, and nursing. The University enrolls 10,000 students, and has 600 full-tim e faculty. Its attractive cam pus is located in the western Philadelphia suburbs. Falvey Memorial Library contains 860,000 volumes, subscribes to 5,400 serials, offers a full-service instructional media center, provides access to numerous electronic databases and online services, and employs approxim ately 80 full- and part-time staff, including 20 librarians. University Archives reports to this position. Its annual budget is over $5,000,000, with nearly $3,000,000 committed to information resources. The University Librarian & Director reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Falvey Library is a member of the University Libraries Group (ULG). For more information, see the Falvey Web page at: Candidates should possess an appropriate doctorate, although exceptional candidates with a master’s degree in Library Science/Information Science from an ALA-accredited institution will be considered. Required experience includes at least five years of increasing levels of management responsibilities in an academic or research library; experience with issues current in the field of librarianship (including information literacy, data archiving, facility planning and design, public relations, and marketing of services and resources); and demonstrated experience with fiscal and budgetary matters. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Letter of application with vita and names, addresses, and e-mail addresses of three references should be sent to: Gerald M. Long, Dean of Graduate Studies Chair, University Librarian Search Committee Villanova University 800 Lancaster Avenue Villanova, PA 19085 Víllanova University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. principal component of GIS services a t St. Lawrence University is the development of a Natural History Database of georeferenced spatial data fora 76-acre preserve adjacent to camp us. The GIS/Map Librarian will oversee the planning, design, and im plementation of the Natural History Database; maintain quality control of data and metadata; and ensure ongoing and archival access to data via the campus network. In addition, the GIS/Map Librarian will coordinate the overall selection and organization of the libraries’ geospatial data collections. As a member o f the Library Faculty, the GIS/Map Librarian will also participate in the planning and provision of GlS-related reference and public service activities in Launders Science Library. The GIS/Map Librarian will be a member of the Libraries’ Systems Team , a GIS liaison with the Information Technology Department, and a participant in campus committee work. ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent required, second master's degree in a subject field preferred. Two years’ academic or work experience with geospatial and numeric data resources; demonstrated commitment to patron service; excellent communication skills; ability to excel in an instructional setting; demonstrated ability to provide leadership in project management; high degree of computer literacy and interest in new technologies and their applications in academic libraries; demonstrated fam iliarity with geospatial software such as ArcView, ARC/INFO, ERDAS, o r Idrisi. Application reviewwill begin immediately. Send letter of application, résumé, and names and telephone numbers o f three references to: Bart Harloe, University Librarian, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. St. Lawrence University, chartered in 1856, is the oldest continuously coedu­ cational institution of higher learning in New York State. See the SLU homepage at: and the SLU Library homepage at: SLU isan aff¡rmativeaction, equal employment opportunity employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and per­ sons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION/MICROFORMS COORDINATOR (ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN RANK). Louisiana State University Librar­ ies seeks a service-oriented, innovative, and enthusiastic librarian to manage and direct the activities of the Government Information/ Microforms collections and services and to serve as the Regional Librarian for the Federal Depository Library Program. For a detailed description of the anticipated position, go to: lib/jobs/index.html. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; Two years’ experience with government information; reference experience in an academic setting; knowledge of, and experience with, electronic information sources including CD-ROM and Internet; knowledge of microcomputer applications; ability to create Web documents; ability to work well with colleagues and diverse clientele; excellent oral and written communication skills; demonstrated ability to meet require­ ments for tenure and promotion. Preferred Qualifications: Instruction experience with government information; experience with NOTIS online 968 / C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 2000 L IB R A R IA N M orehead S ta te University's Camden- Carroll Library see k s a brigh t and tech- nology-sawy lib rarian to serve a s an original cataloger and cataloging super­ visor usin g th e Voyager library system. T he su cc essfu l candidate will be hired a t th e Lib rarian I o r II level. Camden- Carroll Library encourages professional d evelopm ent and provides generou s s u p p o rt for tra in in g an d travel to professional activities. Responsibilities: Performs original cata­ loging in book an d s e r ia l form ats, including electron ic resou rces; train s and su perv ises th ree cataloging techni­ cian s; p articipates in th e development o f policies and procedures for datab ase m an ag em en t an d a u th o rity con trol; coordinates special projects; provides lead ership in coordinating cataloging p ractices with local needs and nation al stan dards; and serv es a s liaison with an acad em ic department. Qualifications: ALA accredited M LS by d ate o f ap p o in tm en t. E x p e rie n c e or coursework in cataloging. Knowledge of AAR2, MARC form ats, LC su b ject head­ in gs. and Dewey c la s s ific a tio n . Awareness o f n ation al trends in c a ta ­ loging. Ability to u s e technology to perform te c h n ic a l s e r v ic e s ta s k s . Excellent oral, written and interpersonal communication skills. Appointment a t the Librarian II level requires a t least three years o f professional library experience. Desired Qualifications: Experience with p ro fessio n al level catalo g in g in an online environment. Experience using th e Voyager catalo g in g module. Supervisory experience. To en su re con­ sideration. su b m it letter o f application, resum e, official tran scrip ts and refer­ e n c es to: Office o f Human Resources, Attn: Cat. Lib. #477, Morehead S ta te University, HM 101, Morehead, KY 40 3 5 1 . Review o f ap p lica tio n s will begin D ecem ber 10, 2 0 0 0 , and will continue u n til filled. MSU is a n EO/AA employer. catalog system and with MARCIVE/GPO catalog records. Salary: $42,000 minimum, dependent on qualifications. Closing date fo r applications is November 30,2000, or until filled. Please send application letter, résumé, and three references to: Caroline Wire, Assistant to the Dean, Louisiana State University Libraries, 295 Middleton Library, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Reference #000290. HEAD LIBRARIAN, POPULAR CULTURE LIBRARY (PCL). Assis­ tant Professor. Tenure-track faculty position at Bowling Green State University. Reporting to the Head of Special Collections, the Head Librarian directs, develops, administers, and participates in all aspects of the operation of the PCL, an internationally known research collection within Libraries and Learning Resources (LLR). The PCL includes books and special collections such as vintage paperbacks, com ic books, posters, television and movie scripts, fanzines, manuscripts, and related archival materials. Primary responsibilities include establishing Director, Learning Resources (#00040) Salt Lake Community College, a multi-campus, comprehensive community college, seeks applicants for the Director of Learning Resources position. The Director is responsible for organizational leadership and management of Learning Resources, which includes the SLCC Library System, Media Distribution Services and Media Produ ction Services. Requirements: M.L.S. from ALA-accredited institution or M.Ed in media required. Five years' academic library or learning resources experience, including at least two years of progressively more responsible administrative experience. Teaching experience at an accredited college or university preferred. Salary based on qualifications with excellent benefits. Position open until filled. Application review begins October 25, 2000. For complete requirements see position announcement (hard copy, Web site or jobline: 801 -957-4133). Application Process: Please submit an official SLCC employment application, cover letter, resume and photocopy of transcripts to: Salt Lake Community College, Human Resources, 4600 South Redwood Rd., P.O. Box 30808, Salt Lake City, Utah 84 1 3 0 ; Phone: ( 8 0 1 ) 9 5 7 -4 2 1 0 ; TTY: ( 8 0 1 ) 9 5 7 -4 6 9 2 ; Fax: ( 8 0 1 ) 9 5 7 - 4 7 2 1 ; ì EO/AA EMPLOYER n iv e r s ity o f C a lifo rn ia , B e r k e le y Librarian for near and Middle Eastern Collections Associate Librarian/Librarian $40, 248-$68,112 eporting to th e Head o f Area Studies, this position has ie f responsibility fo r collections and services fo r m ateria ls from d about th e M iddle East and North ern Africa. The incum bent w ill velop collections, provide bibliographic and research institution, w ell as reference services. Other duties w ill include designing d main tain in g Web pages, perform ing outreach, gran t w riting d development o f activities. osition requires an MUS or equivalent degree and fluency in rabic. Advanced degree in subject field is high ly desirable, as is ency in additional regio nal language(s) and know ledge o f a estern European language. e h ttp ://w w w .lib .b e rke le y.e d u /L H R D /lib re c.h tm l fo r complete b descriptions and requirements. EADLINE TO APPLY IS DECEMBER 4, 2000. Please send cover tter, resume and names and contact inform ation of three ofessional references to : Janice H. Dost, 447 The Library, niversity o f Califo rnia Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 9 4 7 2 0 -6 0 0 0 ; or fa x : 5 1 0 -642-867 5; or em ail to: rec@ library.berkele e University o f Califo rnia Is an qual Opportunity, A ffirm a tive Action mployer U R ch an de as an an P A flu W Se jo D le pr U to lib Th E E C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 / 969 MUSIC LIBRARIAN SU N Y Potsdam SUNY Potsdam seeks a creative, dynamic librarian to oversee and advance the Julia E. Crane Music Library located in the College’s Crane School of Music. The successful candidate will possess a broad perspective of the role of the library in the education and scholarly research of music students and facu lty. SUNY Potsdam's Crane School of Music is a dynamic institution of 600 students and 70 full-and part- time faculty members within a liberal arts college. It enjoys a unique status as the oldest and currently the largest undergraduate music education program in the country. Bachelor of music degrees are conferred in musical studies, business of music, performance, and music education. A bachelor of arts degree in music is also offered as well as minors in jazz studies and business of music. Master of Music programs are offered in composition, music education, music history and literature, music theory, and performance. The College has recently inaugurated The Crane Institute for Music Business. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Music Librarian supports the undergraduate and expanding graduate programs of the Crane School of Music. This position manages the Crane Music Library facility and its services. The 18,000-square-foot Crane Library houses a collection of 50,000 books and scores and 9,000 sound recordings along with listening and viewing facilities. The successful candidate will provide reference service (some evening and weekend hours required), oversee collection development activities, promote information literacy through formal Instruction and serve as liaison to the Crane School of Music faculty. The Music Librarian participates in the College Libraries’ Council and its subcommittees, advocates for the music branch library, and reports to the Director of College Libraries. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: • ALA-accredited Master of Library Science degree (or foreign equivalent); • undergraduate degree in music (musicology, theory, education, or performance); • minimum three years' professional experience in a music library, including reference and collection development; • experience working with electronic resources in a music library setting; • effective oral and written communication; • strong interpersonal and organizational skills. Preferred: • graduate degree in music; • familiarity with current developments and trends in information and audio technologies and their impacts on music education and library services; • teaching experience; • record of professional activity in regional and national professional organizations; • record of scholarly activity. SALARY AND RANK: Low to upper $40s, Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian depending upon qualifications and experience. This is a tenure-track, 12-month academic faculty position. Criteria for continuing appointment (tenure), established by the SUNY Board of Trustees, include: teaching effectiveness, mastery of subject matter, continuing growth, university service, and scholarly activity. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Primary consideration will be given to applications received before Friday, D ecem ber 8, 2000. Preferred start date: July 1, 2001. APPLICATION: Submit letter of application, current résumé, and names/addresses/phone numbers of three professional references to: Nancy A. Alzo Music Librarian Search Committee Chair F.W. Crumb Library SUNY Potsdam Potsdam, NY 13676 or fax to: (315) 267-2744 The State University o f New York College at Potsdam is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. 970 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 MANAGER OF RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Trinity University, Coates Library Position reports to Library Director and is responsible for directing fund allocation and selection for all resources acquired; supports vendor relations; manages the collection development of mono­ graphs, serials, audio-visual and electronic resources. Coordinates selection activity and liaison of librarians with teaching faculty. Manages gift solicitation, relations with donors, and related activities. Supervises special collections and archives. Provides liaison to selected departments and reference desk support including rotation on nights and weekends. Requires five or more years’ experience in collection development, with experience as a reference librarian and as a supervisor preferred. Demonstrated knowledge of one or more scholarly subject areas or special collections also preferred. Second master's degree in an academic discipline desirable. Trinity University is one of the premier liberal arts institutions in the nation, supporting approximately 2,500 students with excellent faculty, facilities, and library. The Coates Library contains nearly 900,000 volumes in addition to substantial electronic resources and other media. San Antonio, a favorite national conference site, is a culturally diverse metropolitan area of one million people that boasts a low cost of living. Position is a 12-month appointment to library faculty with the possibility of tenure track. Benefits include TIAA-CREF (pending qualification) and development support. Position available October 1, 2000, and will remain open until filled. Additional information can be found at: departm ents/library. Send a letter of application describing interests in position and experience, with detailed résumé, and names of three references to: Christopher Nolan Coates Library Trinity University 715 Stadium Drive San Antonio, TX 78212 Electronic applications are encouraged, and should be sent to: dw arneke@ unit goals and objectives and long-range plans; developing PCL collec­ tions through purchase and donation; sharing in provision of library instruction and reference services; and managing the PCL including supervision of PCLfaculty and staff. Required Qualifications: ALA-accred­ ited MLS or equivalent; substantial related academic library experience and strong background in special collections; demonstrated expertise and interest in popular and American culture; excellent organizational, oral and written communication, and interpersonal skills; and a record of service, research, publication, and professional activities. Preferred Qualification: Advanced degree(s) in related field(s). Service and research required to attain tenure and promotion. Salary competitive and commensurate with peer institution levels for rank and position and in keeping with candidate experience and credentials. Anticipated Starting Date: July 2001. Mail application letter, current curriculum vitae, and the names, phone numbers, and addresses ofthree current references to: Beverly J. Stearns, Director of Administrative Programsand Services, 204 Jerome Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. Applications must be postmarked by January8,2001. Electronic and fax applications cannot be considered. Three current (dated within one year) letters of reference and an official transcript of the terminal/highest degree will be required for finalists. Websites: BGSU,; LLR, colleges/library/; PCL, BGSU is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer and educa­ tion institution. HEAD OF CATALOGING. Sam Houston State University seeks a Head of Cataloging to join a collegial work environment of 17 librarians and 27 staff. Our scenic campus of 12,000 students is located 50 minutes’ drive north of Houston in Huntsville, Texas, recently named a "dreamtown" by Demographics Daily. Position Responsibilities: Provides leadership to create effective access to collection resources. Coordinates and evaluates cataloging activities; guides and trains cataloging staff to maintain biblio­ graphic records and holdings for all formats in the library’s integrated database, and processes materials for the shelf. Identifies and resolves database problems; performs complex searching and original cataloging. Serves as chairof the Library’s standing Bibliographic Control Committee. Participates in collection development and weekend reference rotation. Contributes to a collaborative work environment as part of the Technical Services management group; reports to the Assistant Director for Tech­ nical/Collection Services. Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree; cataloging experience in an academicor public library with an integrated library system using OCLC or other national bibliographic utility; knowl­ edge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, and MARC formats. Desirable: Supervisory/management experience; computerskills; knowledge of au­ thority control, cataloging trends, and national initiatives; additional ad­ vanced degree. Work Environment: This is a 12-month, tenure-track posi­ tion with faculty rank and status. Minimum Salary: $35,000. Rank and salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Generous benefits package, release time of up to three hours per week to take university classes, no state or local income tax. Additional information about Sam Houston State University and the library may befound a t . Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send a letter addressing qualifications, contact information fo r three references, and vita to: Janice Lange, Assistant Director, Newton Gresham Library, Sam Houston State University, Box2281, Huntsville, TX 77341 -2281. Sam Houston State University is an EEO/AAP employer. HEAD OF LIBRARY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Indiana Uni­ versity South Bend. Primary responsibility for leading the Library in planning and developing all automation activities. Works with other staff to investigate, evaluate, and recommend appropriate library information technology innovations. Responsible for the implementation and maintenance of electronic systems and local database programs; supervises one part-time technician. Provides training and consultation in new technologies. Serves as liaison with the campus Office of Information Technologies and the IU Library Information Technology C&RL News ■ N ov e m b e r 2000 / 9 7 1 Services in Bloomington and Indianapolis. Will also participate in providing general reference services approximately seven hours/week plus serving in the weekend rotation (approxim ately one day/month). Reports to the Director of Library Services. Required: ALA-MLS. Demonstrated exper­ tise in working with desktop computers, networks, CD-ROM LAN, the Internet, and other emerging technologies. Ability to plan, organize, implement, and evaluate specific projects. Ability to work well as a team member and independently; relate effectively with varied clientele. Strong sen/ice orientation and interest in library users’ values and needs. Knowl­ edge of print and electronic reference sources. Must possess strong oral and written communication skills and a sense o f humor. Must be able to meetthe responsibilities of atenure-trackappointment. Preferred: Degree or significant experience in computer science or related field and relevant experience in an academic library. Twelve-month appointment beginning no laterthan July 1,2001; will be a t the Assistant Librarian rank. Salary: $33,500-$40,000. Review of applications will begin January8,2001, and will continue until filled. Send letter of application with résumé and letters from three current references to: Linda Fisher, Head of Government Publications, Franklin D. Schurz Library, Indiana University South Bend, P.O. Box 7111, South Bend, IN 46634 o r to Lfisher @ Fax: (219) 237-4472. IUSB is committed to employing quality faculty who will enhance the rich diversity of our academic community. HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. The U niversity o f California Riverside Library welcomes applications fo r the position of Head of Special Collections Department, who serves as University Archivist, provides leadership, and manages and, with o ther staff, carries out the department’s public and technical service objectives, including collection development. Supervises one librarian, one Senior Museum Scientist, two library assistants, and student assistants. (The Cataloging Department perform s special collections cataloging.) Must be adept at fostering good relations with faculty, donors, booksellers, and the local community. The position is under the general direction and review of the Associate University Librarian for Collection Development. Qualifications: Graduate Library degree; broad academic background; progressively responsible experience in special collection's; wide fam iliarity with the antiquarian and foreign booktrade. Preferred: Second graduate degree in subject area; excellent reading knowledge of Spanish, French, German, or Latin. The successful candidate will be appointed to the Librarian series a t a salary level a ppropriate to the candidate’s q ualifications and experience. Appointment Range: $47,556-$61,980. Librarians are academic appointees and accrue vacation at the rate to two days/ month and sick leave at the rate o f one day/month. The University offers a broad range of benefits and an excellent retirem ent program. Applicants should send a letter o f application, a complete résumé, and the names and addresses of three references by Novem ber 15, 2000, to: John W. Tanno, Associate University Librarian, University of California, University Library, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 92517. INNOVATIVE INTERFACES COORDINATOR/ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Manages GENISYS, an Innovative Interfaces integrated library system, and the daily operations of Circulation Services including Circulation/lnterlibrary Loan, the Copy Center, and Reserve/Media. The University and department have a strong commitment to achieving diversity among faculty and staff. We are particularly interested in receiving applications from members of underrepresented groups and strongly encourage women and persons of color to apply. Contributes to library planning and policy making and serves on the Administrative Council and the Systems Team. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Experience with Innovative Interfaces integrated library system software. Supervisory experience. Excellent interpersonal, communication, and plan­ ning skills. Ability to interact effectively with students, staff, andfaculty. Must be flexible and capable of working successfully individually as well as in teams in a changing library environment. Desired: Experience in Circula­ tion Services and electronic reserves. Experience in Web-based applica- tionsand deployment. An earned subject master’s degree in addition to the MLS. Salary/Benefits: Salary is mid$40sfora 12-month appointment, tenure track, TIAA-CREF, 24 days’ vacation, flexible benefits package. Review of applications will begin November 15,2000, and continue until a candidate is selected. Aletter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and e- mails addresses of 3 references should bese nt to: Jan Boyer, University Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182-0237; e- mail: jboyer@ orfax: (402) 554-3215. Foradditional informa­ tion about the University Library and a complete copy of the job description, visitthe Library’s homepage at: INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The I.D. Weeks Li­ brary, University o f South Dakota, is seeking an innovative librarian who will assist the Information Literacy C oordinator to conduct the Library’s inform ation literacy program. R esponsibilities include providing instruction to library users at a ll levels, developing electronic instructional resources, such as tutorials and online subject guides. W orks with the Information Literacy Coordinator in planning, im plementing, promoting, and assessing instructional pro­ grams. W orks closely with University faculty integrating information literacy components into the ir classroom curriculum. Participates in reference and collection developm ent activities. Individuals applying must have strong service orientation and a demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a team. Faculty rank, tenure-track position, 12-month appointment. Qualifications: Minimum qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS; teaching experience; knowledge of teaching and research methodologies and the ir application to information literacy; FOUNDING UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN University of California, Merced The University of California is creating a dy­ namic new university cam pus and campus com munity in Merced, California. RESPONSIBILITIES: The University Librarian reports to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. Provide guidance in physical plan­ ning and developm ent of the library. Provide leadership in planning and instituting scholarly information and academic computing services. Plan which library services will be staffed and which can be performed through cooperative agreement with other UC libraries. QUALIFICATIONS: Requires at least a masters degree in an appropriate field: for example, an accredited MLS degree or a master’s in information sciences. An additional advanced academic degree is preferred. Also Required: A strong scholarly background, a record of management experience in a research uni­ versity environment, significant experience with information technologies/networks/da­ tabases, and the energy and vision to plan and initiate highly innovative library and infor­ mation services that fully capitalize on evolv­ ing information technologies and materials. For full ad, see: Note: A background check clearance will be required. CLOSING DATE: Review of résumés will begin immediately and continue until filled. The ap­ pointment may commence as early as January 1, 2001, and no later than July 1, 2001. TO APPLY: Send curriculum vitae, a letter of intent, and a list of references, preferably electronically, to: or University of California, Merced 1170 West Olive Avenue Suite I Merced, CA 95348 Attn: #Librarian Nominations will be accepted and nominating letter should be sent to the e-mail or mailing address referenced above. 972 / C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 2000 Curator for the Social and Behavioral Sciences Stanford University T he Stanford University Libraries seeks qualified candidates for this senior role, which will develop and manage research collections and information resources in all media in the subject areas of communi- cations, psychology and sociology. Specific responsibilities include acting as liaison to faculty and grad- uate and undergraduate students, providing advanced reference and bibliographic assistance, preparing interpretive materials that enhance access to the collections, participating in training the reference staff in the Social Sciences Resource and Information centers, and making budgetary recommendations. Additionally, you will participate in development activities and manage public service activities o f the Social Sciences Resource Center. Requirements include an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent in training and experience, teaching experience, graduate training in a subject area of the social sciences ( PhD is preferred for the Senior Librarian level), demonstrated team- and project-leadership skills, effective interpersonal and oral/written communication skills, and skills working effectively and collegially with library and academic staff and faculty. Reading knowledge of one or more West European languages, and knowledge of machine-readable data files and issues and techniques of data analysis in the sub­ jects are preferred. For consideration, send a cover letter, a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience and the names and addresses of 3 references to Carol Olsen, Director o f Human Resources, Stanford University Libraries, 557 Escondido Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Open until filled. For information on this and other positions, see us on the Web a t AA/EOE experience with presentation software; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills. Addi­ tional desirable qualifications include: 1) second master’s degree in a su bje ct field (will be required fo rte n u re and prom otion); 2) reference experience; 3) experience in applying n ew technologies fo r the delivery of information literacy instruction. Salary: Commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience. Application Procedure: Submit letter of applica­ tion, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Instructional Services Librarian Search Committee, I.D. W eeks Library, University of South Dakota, 414 East C lark Street, Vermillion, SD 57069-2390. Application Deadline: R eview o f applica­ tions w ill begin Decem ber 1 ,2 0 00 , and w ill continue until position is filled. The University of South Dakota is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. M ULTIM EDIA SER VICES SPECIALIST. Northwestern University Library. R esponsibilities: M anages daily operations in Digital Media Services (D MS) facilities. O versees workstation configuration and m anagem ent, student staff workflow, production services, and training events. Supervises nine DMS part-tim e student consultants, including hiring, training, scheduling, and evaluating. Assists faculty, staff, and students working on awide variety of multimediaprojectsatarange of levels. Collaborates with library and other university staff on Web and multimedia training programs fo r faculty. Participates in collaborative project planningand management with faculty and staff where appropriate under the direction of the Head of Digital Media Services. May participate in projects to design and create digital collections, including digital video reserve and other digital library collections. Provides technical support for the Electronic Reserve System. Assists in integration of newtechnologies and new approaches to the delivery of reserve services. Participates in planning and implementing library Web publishing projects in collaboration with the Library Webmasterand Web Development Group. May participate in long-term planning forevolution of digital services within the library and the university as a whole. Performs otherduties asassigned. Qualifications: Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program in library science, orotheradvanced degree, orequivalent combination of education and experience. High degree of familiarity with the Macintosh and Windows operating systems. Advanced working knowledge of Web technologies, the useofthe Internet in highereducation, and awareness of currenttrends and developments in the use of the Web to deliver information and services. Demonstrated knowledge of HTML and related standards. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills, the ability to work well with faculty, students, and colleagues, and a proven high degree of initiative. Preferred: Some experience in a public service area of an academic/ research library. UNIXcomputing experience. Basic knowledge of current scanning technology. Experience with computer applications related to graphic design, Web authoring, and digital video. Salary: Dependent on qualifications, minimum $30,000. To Apply: Send letter of application and résumé, including names of three references, to: Peter J. Devlin, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL60208-2300; Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. PERIODICALS SER VICES LIBRARIAN (Search Extended). De­ velop and manage operations o f P eriodicals Department, including document delivery/I LL; provide reference assistance; participate in col­ lection development; evaluate work flow, newtechnologies, userneeds; coordinate planning. Required: ALA-M LS, demonstrated expertise and 2-3 years’ experience (prefer 5-6) in related automated public service departments and periodicals managem ent. E xcellent written and oral communication skills, customer-service orientation. Preferred: Experi­ ence in Horizon system, second subject master’s. Appointm entforfall 2000; position w ill remain open until filled. T enure-track position, In- structorto Associate Professor rank w ith minimum salaries of $ 43,000- $53,000. Assistant-Associate Professor rank requires second master’s o r 30 grad credits beyond the MLS. Excellent benefits, including 44 vacation days, release tim e. EEO employer. Send le tte r o f interest and curriculum vitae to: Terri Campo, Personnel Department, Long Island University, 1 University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201. PR O JEC T D IR E C T O R -L IB R A R Y BUILDING A D D ITIO N . Uni­ versity of Houston Libraries. A more detailed position announcement, with links to inform ation a bout the University o f Houston, the UH Libraries, and the city o f Houston, is available from o u r W eb site: . R esponsibilities: The Uni­ versity of Houston Libraries seek an experienced librarian to serve as the Libraries’ coordinator fo r a $45 million a ddition to the central library. The successful candidate w ill take the lead role as the liaison between the libraries and the construction team. The project director w ill wo rk with a rchitects, contractors, University Facilities Planning, C&RL News ■ / N ovem ber 2000 973 ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN (EECS) ARTS & ENGINEERING LIBRARIES University of Michigan The University Library collections and services supporting the College of Engineering are located in the Media Union at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Ours is one of the largest and most digitally enabled engineering libraries in the country and features a world-renowned collection in both print and digital forms. Our engineering librarians and information professionals work with other information professionals including those with expertise in art, architecture, media, and music. We work side by side with other Media Union groups as well, including those supporting digital audio and video, a virtual reality CAVE, and the building’s more than 500 state-of-the-art public workstations. The University of Michigan consistently tops surveys of public institutions, and Ann Arbor is consistently rated as one of the nation’s best cities. This position is a full-tim e appointment available immediately. DUTIES: Will provide selection, liaison, reference, and instruction responsibilities in support of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. The UM College of Engineering is consistently ranked as one of the top engineering schools in the country. Further information may be obtained by accessing: QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; bachelor’s degree in an appro­ priate field (e.g., engineering or science) or equivalent experience; two or more years' experience in a research library; experience supporting online catalogs, databases, and Internet resources in a networked environment; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively as part of a team of information specialists working with culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. Desired: An advanced degree in engineering, science, or other relevant area; training or teaching experience. RANK: Rank is anticipated at either Assistant or Associate Librarian depending on experience and qualifications. SALARY AND LEAVE: Final salary dependent on qualifications. (Minimum salary at Asst., $33,500; at Assoc., $37,000.) Position receives 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. TO APPLY: Send cover letter and copy of résumé to: Lucy Cohen 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 Contact: (734) 764-2546 for further information. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications received by January 5,2001, will be given first consideration. The University o f Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer. and others to coordinate their needs with the needs of library staff, patrons, services, and operations. Plan, organize, and manage all staff, service, and collection relocations in coordination with appropriate Libraries administrative and supervisory staff. Develop and implement comprehensive communication program to inform Library staff and the University community of construction progress and impacts on operations and services. This is an annually renewable term appointment to include pre- and post-construction responsibilities and is anticipated to be renewed for up to five years. Reports to the Dean of Libraries. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree and minimum five years' experience in large library. Demonstrated strong project man­ agement and organization skills. Excellent quantitative, analytical, plan­ ning, and writing skills are necessary, as well as strong interpersonal and communication skills. Must be able to exercise considerable initiative and work independently. Understanding of and experience with library opera­ tions is mandatory. An understanding of facilities management and con­ struction operations is important. Salary: $60,000-$70,000, depending upon experience. Excellent benefits package, including choice of health cover­ age; choice of retirement programs including TIAA-CREF; no state or local income tax. Library Information: M.D. Anderson Library, the central library, currently includes300,000 squarefeetand housesapproximately 1.6 million volumes. The construction project will add 140,000 square feet and include substantial renovation of existing space on the first two floors. The Libraries area member of the Association of Research Libraries, hold about 2 million volumes, and have a current materials budget of $4.2 million. Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of three references, and résumé to: John Lehner, Library Human Resources Director, M.D. Anderson Library, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. The University of Houston is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN, CHIEF. The Peru State College Library invites applications from service-oriented, energetic, experi­ enced librarians prepared fo r significant challenging responsibility. Prim ary d uties include planning and im plementing user services initiatives, supporting an active inform ation literacy program with a strong electronic resources em phasis fo r on-campus and extended learning students and faculty, supervising and providing reference and circulation services and activities, providing budget and planning 974 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN California State University, Sacramento (R e -A d v e rtis e d ) CSUS seeks a motivated and energetic Social Sciences Librarian. This entry-level, tenure-track faculty position provides substantial opportunity for professional growth and development. The position reports to the Head of Reference and works with the Coordinators for Collection Development and Library Instruction. The Reference Department includes 15 librarians, 6 library assistants, and several part-time librarians and student assistants. DESCRIPTION: Shares responsibility for reference service to students, faculty, and the general public at the Reference Desk; serves as the subject specialist in the following academic programs: Political Science/Government, International Relations, Public Policy, and related subjects; partici­ pates in the Library’s instruction programs and provides specialized instruction in areas of subject specialty; serves as a resource with appropriate instructional faculty. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS or equivalent degree from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent international degree (must be completed by August 1,2000); effective interpersonal skills and the ability to work with faculty and students in a culturally diverse environment; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively in a team and independently; demon­ strated skill in using electronic information resources; knowledge of principles of collection develop­ ment; demonstrated ability to provide effective public service; degree or significant academic preparation in Political Science/Government, International Relations, or Public Policy. Ability to teach. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: An advanced degree or significant academic preparation in Political Science/Government, International Relations, or Public Policy; experience working at a Reference Desk; demonstrated ability to effectively prepare, deliver, and assess instruction; demonstrated knowledge of Web page and presentation software; knowledge of and an interest in emerging technologies related to the social sciences; familiarity with non-English language(s); knowledge of principles of collection development in Political Science/Government, International Relations, or Public Policy. APPOINTMENT: Probationary, 12-month, tenure-track, entry-level position at the Senior Assistant Librarian rank. SALARY RANGE: $46,488-$58,740. Librarians have full faculty status and excellent benefits. Library faculty must demonstrate professional competence, scholarly or creative achievement, and service to the University and community to meet university requirements for tenure and promotion. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Position is available now. Applications received by December 7, 2000, will receive first consideration. Position open until filled. Send a cover letter describing interest and qualifications, a complete résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Patricia Larsen Director and Dean of the Library California State University, Sacramento Library 2000 State University Drive East Sacram ento, CA 95819-6039 Applicants invited for interview will be required to submit official transcripts. Vacancy announcement and position description available electronically: request from lmjones@ CSUS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. expertise, and serving on college and professional com m ittees. A successful candidate should foster teamwork, possess creative prob­ lem-solving skills, have strong organizational and analytical abilities, and engage in professional service activities. Peru State College is beginning a comprehensive library building project, with completion due about 2003. Candidates must have an ALA-accredited MLS de­ gree and three o r more years of substantial professional and public service responsibility, preferably in an academ ic library. W eb page management and subject collection development experience very de- sirable. T h is is a full-tim e, year-round professional staff position. Salary Minim um: High $30s. S tart date negotiable, but is available immediately. Review of applications will begin October 23,2000, and w ill continue until the position is filled. Send a letter addressing your qualifications and background fo r this position, résumé, and names w ith addresses (including e-m ail addresses, if available) and tele ­ phone numbers of three current references to: Eulanda Cade, Direc­ tor of Human Resources, Peru State College, P.O. Box 10, Peru, NE 68421. Please visit our Web site at: Peru State College is com m itted to equal o pportunity and affirm ative action. Women, underrepresented m inorities, and individuals with disab ili­ ties are strongly encouraged to apply. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Illinois Wesleyan University library invites applications fo r the position of Public Services Librarian, a faculty position beginning in August 2001. IWU is a nationally ranked under­ graduate university of 2,000 students that strives to provide high-quality C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 / 975 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Western Washington University Western Washington University invites applications and nominations for the University Librarian. The University Librarian reports to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and is responsible for the administration of all library-related activities, including strategic planning and fundraising. The University Librarian is also the University Records Officer and supervises the University Records Center, The University Librarian serves on the Provost’s Council and participates in meetings of vice provosts, academic deans, and directors. We are seeking a librarian with a proven track record of effective leadership and demonstrated knowledge of developm ents in scholarly communication and information literacy. The University Librarian promotes the enhancement of library information services to support academic programs at a university with a strong teaching mission. The University Librarian advocates the innovative use of electronic technologies, effectively responds to faculty and student constituencies, and understands libraries as vital campus and com munity resources. The facilities for WWU Libraries include Mabel Zoe W ilson Library and a branch music library. The dynamic Libraries’ faculty and staff play an integral role in the teaching, research, and outreach mission of the university. The Libraries have a collection of 800,000 volum es and an annual budget of $4.5 million. Staff includes 16 faculty and 43 support staff. WWU is a participant in the Cooperative Library Project consortium of the six public baccalaureate institutions in Washington State. Western Washington University is a com prehensive university with 12,000 students and 445 faculty in six colleges and the graduate school. The campus, overlooking the San Juan Islands, is located in Bellingham, a coastal community of 60,000 about 90 miles north of Seattle and 55 miles south of Vancouver, B.C. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: An MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program is required. (An additional advanced degree is preferred.) Successful, varied, and progressively more responsible supervisory experience in a university library of similar or larger size; demonstrated experience in managing personnel and budgets; strong organizational skills; a record of innovative and effective leadership; demonstrated experience in integrating instructional technologies with traditional library collections and services; demonstrated knowledge of emerging information resources, information literacy programs, and current issues in scholarly communication; proven ability to communicate effectively and establish productive working relationships with campus and community constituen­ cies; demonstrated commitment to university diversity initiatives, affirmative action, and equal opportunity; record of significant professional accomplishments; and eligibility for appointment to the faculty as a tenured full professor. Applications received by December 15, 2000, will receive full consideration. Send nominations, inquiries, and applications (consisting of a letter of interest, complete curriculum vitae, and names/ addresses/telephone numbers of four references): Kathleen Kennedy, Chair University Librarian Search Committee c/o Bev Jones, Provost’s Office Western Washington University B ellingham , WA 98225-9033 Fax: (360) 650-7475 E-mail: AA/EO E For disability accommodation, call (360) 650-3306 (V); 650-7606 (TTY). liberal arts education. The Library is a learning environment that re­ sponds to the traditional values of the liberal arts university and to the technological advances of today's society. The library exists to foster the pursuit of knowledge, intellectual and ethical integrity, excellence in teaching and learning, and respect for inquiry and diverse points of view. Library faculty work in a collegial team setting, within the library and campus wide. The Library holds over 273,000 volumes, plus holdings in microforms, periodicals, and government documents. The Ames Li­ brary, a new 103,000 square foot library building, will be opening in fall 2001. Responsibilities: This position is responsible for the content development of the library’s Web page and digitization projects. An equally important part of this position is the library’s outreach program to the university and broadercommun¡ty, including the coordination and promotion of guest speakers and public events, exhibits, the library newsletter, and the annual book fair. The librarian will also participate in collection development and management of all formats in assigned subject areas, based on strengths and experiences of the successful candidate, discipline-related instructional sessions, and communica­ tion with departments concerning library programmatic issues. Re­ quired Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accred¡ted library program. Ability to teach concepts of information literacy. Excellent interpersonal, communication, and editorial skills. Interest in innovation and promotion of library technology. Ability to work independently and collegially. Commitment to scholarship and the service role of the library in an academic setting. Preferred Qualifications: Second master’s degree in o ne of the humanities, education, or comparable professional 976 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN Oregon Institute of Technology The Oregon Institute of Technology Library is seeking a versatile, user-oriented Access Services Librarian to manage the operations of Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, and Reserves. This is a full-time, 12-month, fixed-term position with faculty rank, reporting to the Director of the Library. RESPONSIBILITIES:The Access Services Librarian will supervise onefull-time support staff and several student assistant positions. This position will promote cooperation with other libraries, manage relations with commercial document delivery suppliers, and work with other staff to develop policies that improve and enhance access to OIT Library's collections and services. The position includes regularly scheduled reference desk hours, including some evenings and weekends. The Access Service Librarian will actively participate in the library’s instructional program. This position will provide leadership in providing and developing service to distance learners and will maintain the Library's Web site. The Librarian will also be responsible for collection development in selected curriculum areas. REQUIREMENTS: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent; strong public service attitude; the ability to work independently and in collaboration with others; excellent oral, written, interpersonal, and public relations skills; demonstrated technical skills related to computer technologies (e.g., searching databases/the internet and basic troubleshooting); flexibility; the capacity to learn quickly and constantly, and the ability to work effectively in a changing environment. Preferred: Supervisory experience; two years' experience in an academic library access services department; familiarity with HTML and Web site management; knowledge of electronic requesting and delivering technologies; experience with Innovative Interfaces and ARIEL technology. Application review will begin December 1, 2000, and continue until position is filled. To apply, send a letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: Office of Human Resources - #00-33004 Oregon Institute of Technology 3201 Campus Drive Klamath Falls, OR 97601 For further information, contact Tom Leonhardt, Search Chair at (541) 885-1770, or visit OIT's Web site at: OIT is an affirmative action, equal opportunity. ADA employer. e xpe rie n ce. E xperience w ith W eb page developm ent, d ig ita liz a ­ tion projects, and public relations. Rank dependent on experience and e ducation. Te nu re tra ck. Tw e lve -m o n th appointm ent. TIAA- C R E F and o th e r frin g e b e n e fits. S cre e n in g o f ca n d id a te s w ill begin im m ediately and w ill continue until the position is filled, with a ppointm ent expected August 1 ,2 0 01 . Send le tte r o f application, vita , and th re e re fe re n ce s to : R o be rt C. D e lvin , C h air, L ibrary F a cu lty S ea rch C o m m itte e , Sheean L ib ra ry, P.O. Box 2899, B lo o m in g to n , IL 6 17 02 -2 8 99 . V is it the lib ra ry W eb site : h ttp :// w w w .iw u.e du /lib ra ry and the U niversity em ploym ent page: http:// w w w .iw u .e d u /~ iw u jo b s/. Illin o is W esleyan is an equal opp ortu ­ n ity e m ployer and e ncourages women and m inorities to apply. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Purdue University North Central is seeking a P ublic S ervices L ibrarian who w ill be re sponsible fo r b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n , re fe re n ce , in te rlib ra ry loan s e rvice s, and c irc u la tio n . M a ste r’s o f L ib ra ry S cie n ce (A L A -a ccre d ite d ) and one y e a r o f p ro fe s s io n a l e xp e rie n ce in a p u b lic lib ra ry s e r­ v ice s o p e ra tio n re q uired . R e qu ires e xp e rie n ce w ith O C LC and o th e r com p ute r-b ase d system s fo r in te rlib ra ry loan se rvice s. E x­ c e lle nt w ritte n and oral com m unication skills required with strong s e rvice o rie n ta tio n . K now ledge o f and e xpe rie n ce w ith in fo rm a ­ tio n tech n o lo g ie s re q uired . L ib ra ry in s tru c tio n and s u p e rviso ry e x p e rie n ce p re fe rre d . F a m ilia rity w ith lib ra ry a u to m a tio n m an­ a gem ent system s, specifically Voyager preferred. To apply please fa x, e -m a il, o r mail c o ve r le tte r, résum é, and three references to: Purdue U niversity North Central, Sue M iller, 1401 Sou th US H ig h w ay 4 21, W e stville , IN 4 63 91 . Fax: (219) 785-5 54 0 ; e -m a il: sm ille r@ p u rd u e n c .e d u . C rim in a l co n v ic tio n s ch eck w ill be conducted a t date o f hire.- Purdue U nive rsity North Central is an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a ctio n e m p lo ye r and e nco urag e s m ino ritie s, w om en, and in d ivid u a ls w ith d isa b ilitie s to apply. REFERENCE AND GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Illinois Wesleyan University library invites applications fo r the position of Reference and Government Documents Librarian, a faculty position beginning in August 2001. IWU is a nationally ranked undergraduate university of 2,000 students that strives to provide high-quality liberal arts education. The Library is a learning environ­ ment that responds to the traditional values of the liberal arts university and to the technological advances of today’s society. The library exists to foster the pursuit of knowledge, intellectual and ethical integrity, excellence in teaching and learning, and respect for inquiry and diverse points of view. Library faculty work in a collegial team setting, within the library and campuswide. The Library holds over 273,000 volumes, plus holdings in full-text electronic resources, microforms, and print periodicals. In addition, Illinois Wesleyan University is a partial (25%) U.S. Government federal depository library. The Ames Library, a new 103,000 square foot library building, will be opening in fall 2001. Responsibilities: This position is responsible fo r management of the print reference collection and all government documents. An equally im portant responsibility is library liaison to Business Administration and Economics departments. This responsibility includes collection development and management of all formats in these subject areas, discipline-related instructional sessions, and communication with departments concerning library programmatic issues. Additional responsibilities are based on the strengths and experiences o f the successful candidate. Required Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library program. C&RL News * N ovem ber 2000 / 977 MUSIC, DANCE, AND THEATRE LIBRARIAN S o u th e rn M e th o d is t U n iv e rs ity Hamon Arts Library The Music, Theatre, and Dance Librarian is the prim ary resource fo r users in the identification, location, use, and interpretation of the Ham on’s collections in music, theatre, and dance. Provides basic reference service in the other arts as required. Provides user education in m usic, theatre, and dance. Prepares paper and electronic handouts and other guides in the use of the Library and its music, theatre, and dance holdings. Responsible for the selection of music, theatre, and dance m aterials in the Hamon Arts Library. W orks closely with the faculty and students in all the arts and provides detailed instruction in library use for specific classes. Assists in the processing and interpretation of the H am on’s special collection. Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: Required: M aster of Library Science (or the equivalent) from an ALA- accredited program ; bachelor’s degree in music, theatre, o r dance; fam ilia rity with com puter- based technology in libraries; good verbal and w ritten com m unication skills; ability to work effectively with facu lty and students. Desired: M aster’s degree in music, theatre, or dance; knowledge of one or more of the follow ing languages: French, German, or Italian; one or more years of w ork experience in an academ ic library (nonprofessional experience acceptable) or archive. A ppointm ent w ill be at the rank of Librarian I or Librarian II depending upon qualifications and experience. (Salary m inim um is $30,000 annually, com m ensurate with experience and qualifications.) Application review w ill begin N ovem ber 15, 2000. For full consideration, subm it cover letter, résumé, and names and addresses of three references postm arked by N ovem ber 15, 2000, to: Search Committee Job 052146 Southern Methodist University P.O. Box 750232 Dallas, TX 75275-0232 or e-mail to: Position open until filled. SMU offers a comprehensive benefits package including retirement plan with immediate vesting and tuition benefits for employees and their families. SMU is an AA/EOE/Title IX employer. Experience o r coursework in academ ic reference services. E xperi­ ence or interest in the management o f government publications. Knowledge of print and electronic reference resources in the fields of business and economics. Ability to teach concepts o f information literacy. Ability to work independently and colleg¡ally. Excellent interper­ sonal and communication skills, and interest in innovation and adoption of library technology. Commitmentto scholarship and the service role of the library in the academic setting. Preferred Qualifications: Second master’s degree in business, finance, o r economics or comparable professional experience. Rank dependent on experience and education. T enure track. Twelve-month appointment. TIAA-CREF and other fringe benefits. Screening of candidates will begin immediately and will con­ tinue until the position is filled, with appointment expected August 1, 2001. Send letter of application, vita, and three references to: Robert C. Delvin, Chair, Library Faculty Search Committee, Sheean Library, P.O. Box 2899, Bloomington, IL 61702-2899. Visit the library Web site: and the University employment page: http:// Illinois Wesleyan is an equal opportunity em­ ployer and encourages women and minorities to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Search Extended). Provide refer­ ence services, including curriculum-integrated Bl; collection devel­ opment, and liaison with faculty in curriculum areas; develop user guides, Web sources; special projects. Required: ALA-MLS, 2 -3 yea rs’ post-MLS reference experience; excellent research/db skills, instruc­ tional and communication skills. Preferred: Experience in automated academic library, second subject master’s. Appointment forfa ll 2000; position will remain open until filled. Tenure-track position, Instructorto Associate Professor rank with minimum salaries of $43,000-$53,000. Assistant-Associate Professor rank requires second master’s o r 30 grad credits beyond the MLS. Excellent benefits, including 44 vacation days, release time. EEO employer. Send letter of interest and curriculum vitae to: Terri Campo, Personnel Department, Long Island University, 1 University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Central Florida (UCF) Brevard Campus, Cocoa, Florida, is accepting applications fo r a full­ tim e Reference Librarian position. The UCF Brevard campus collection is located in the Brevard Community College/UCF Joint Use Library in Cocoa through a partnership agreement with Brevard Community College (BCC). Information resources are accessible through WebLUIS, the State University online system, and the community college online catalog, LI NCC Web. The UCF main library in Orlando, from which this position is funded, has a materials budget of $5 million and a collection of 1.3 million volumes. The BCC/UCF Joint Use Library offers a collection of 110,000 volumes. General Description: UCF/Brevard Reference Librarians report to the Brevard Campus Associate Director fo r Library and Administrative Services. Library faculty participate in reference, collection development, and library instruction activities as part of a team of eight professionals. UCF’s branch campus librarians are employees of the University of Central Florida and as such are entitled to all benefits available to state employees. Cocoa, Florida, is located in the heart of Florida’s "Space Coast" near Cape Canaveral, the Kennedy Space Center, and the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Less than an hour’s drive to Orlando, Brevard County offers many cultural and recreational opportu­ n itie s . F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n , v is it th e U C F W eb s ite : h ttp ://w w w .u c f.e d u a nd th e BCC W e b s ite : h ttp :// w ww Responsibilities: Prim ary responsibilities include participation in a full range of reference, library instruction, and 978 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Illin o is S ta te U n iv e rs ity N o rm a l/B lo o m in g to n M iln e r L ib ra ry Illinois State University’s Milner Library offers two openings at the associate dean level. Full-time, 12-month, tenure-track administrative professional positions with faculty rank and tenure that provide varied opportunities for cooperative leadership and professional growth in a newly restructured partnership of governance with library faculty and staff. Associate Dean for Services and Collections: An innovative planner and able facilitator to guide user programs as a service-focused philosophy of the teaching library evolves. Unique responsibilities: Has primary responsibility for the planning, development, and delivery of reference, instruction, circulation, reserve, interlibrary loan, and other end-user services, as well as oversight for the development and evaluation of broad-based, relevant print and online collections. Addresses expanding user needs and expectations, whether on site or online. Works with Milner’s Web Editorial Board to bring a clear user focus to Milner’s Web presence and image. Spearheads planning for distance education’s resource requirements. Unique qualifications: Strong grounding in traditional public services, technical and practical experience in delivering library services in a Web-based environment, willingness to try innovative, creative approaches to library administration and services. Demonstrated record of success in core services skills, including reference, collection development, and instruction; ability to articulate and implement a coherent philosophy of library services; heads Milner’s faculty evaluation committee; and serves as library department chair for university purposes. Associate Dean for Operations and Facilities: An enthusiastic, service-oriented technologist and planner who can inform and shape Milner’s evolving program of growth as a distinctive teaching library in the 21 st century. Unique responsibilities: Has primary responsibility for creating a philosophy and program of access, for the organization of information in all its forms, and for effective delivery of that information to users, regardless of format or method of access. Manages administrative services and building operations. Works with Systems Division to provide a reliable technological backbone for all online services, especially the design and structure of a user-focused Web presence and image. Oversees the Intellectual content and mechanical procedures needed to implement a digitization program closely tied to curriculum and collection strengths. Spearheads planning for revitalization and expansion of the library, as well as maximum implementation of a new 79,000 square-foot storage facility. Chairs a library operations team and attends campus facilities meetings. Maximizes opportunities for participation in area and statewide consortial projects. Unique qualifi­ cations: Strong grounding in acquisitions and cataloging; technical expertise In online services and (continued on next page) collection development duties in a fast-paced partnership and branch campus environment with numerous print and electronic reference, docu­ ment delivery, and interlibrary loan resources. Some travel to Orlando and evening/weekend hours will be required. Qualifications: Required: an ALA- accredited master’s in Library Science by December 31,2000. Desired: Knowledge of, and willingness to work with, automated reference sources in avariety offormats. Acommitmentto learn and use emerging technologies. Basic information storage and retrieval skills in a Windows environment. The ability to manage diverse assignments. The desire to participate actively in a dynamic instruction program with experience in preparation of instructional materials or tutorials. A commitment to public service and information literacy. Experience or understanding of branch campus and/or partnership environments and distance learning librarianship. A record of professional activities. Flexibility and strong interpersonal, team, and com­ munication skills. Candidates with community college library experience are encouraged to apply. Salary and Rank: Salary commensurate with experi­ ence and qualifications. This is a full-time nontenure-trackfaculty position with generous benefits. Application Procedures: Send cover letter, résumé, and names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references by the postmark deadline of December 11,2000, to: Brevard Librarian Search, Attention: Cynthia Kisby, Personnel Librarian, University of Central Florida Libraries, P.O. Box 162666, Orlando, FL32816-2666. The cover letter should address specific qualifications and experiences in the area of specialization, as well as required and desired criteria. Finalists will be asked to present a brief library instruction demonstration of their topic during the on-campus interview. Searches are conducted in accordance with the State of Florida sunshine regulations. UCF is an equal opportunity, affi rmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN.Two tenure-track Instructor/Assistant Pro­ fessor (12-month) positions. Duties include providing comprehensive reference assistance, one evening per week and rotating weekend hours, bibliographic instruction, and collection development. An ALA-accred­ ited master’s degree is required, knowledge of Web page and presen­ tation software preferred. Minimum Salary: $31,500. Applications will be reviewed and accepted until the positions are filled. Send cover letter with current résumé and names/addresses/telephone numbers/e-mail ad­ dresses of three professional references to: Ann Holder, Newton Gresham Library, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX 77341 -2281. The library’s homepage is: SHSU is an EEO/AAP employer. REFERENCE/OUTREACH LIBRARIAN. The University of Akron- Wayne College is accepting applications fo r the position of Reference/ Outreach Librarian. Wayne College, a regional campus of the University of Akron, is located 30 miles southwest of Akron with over 1,600 students pursuing both pre-baccalaureate and technical programs. This is a 12- month, contract professional position. Job Summary: The Reference/ Outreach Librarian plans, coordinates, administers, evaluates, and promotes the library’s informational and instructional services for both on-campus and remote library users with an emphasis on proactive development of lifelong learners. Required Qualifications: Master’s in Library Science o r Masters in Library and Information Science from an ALA-accredited school; at least two years’ reference/instruction experience in an academic library; a working knowledge of a variety of print, electronic, and Internet reference resources and of effective online search techniques; experience designing and creating print and Web-based instructional/ C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 / 979 (continued from previous page) applications; awareness of the service implications of traditional and electronic access; willingness to try innovative, creative approaches to library administration, means of access, operations, and services; demonstrated record of success in core bibliographic, access, and administrative skills; experience in workflow and process analysis, budgeting, and planning. Background in working in library consortial environments, hands-on experience in Web design and digitization, and extensive knowledge of current information technologies is important. RESPONSIBILITIES OF BOTH POSITIONS: Supervise and evaluate people, projects, an d fu notions. Represent Milner Library positively on campus and throughout the state. Anticipate academic library trends and needs, particularly in the area of emerging technologies. Negotiate support and cooperation through project goals developed by faculty and staff. With division heads, allocate resources proactively to enhance library functions. Actively seek out grant and fundraising opportunities, encourage research and service, support professional growth, and recognize Individual and group achievements. REQUIRED GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited master's; completed second advanced degree; minimum five years in progressively more responsible administrative and/or supervisory positions in academic libraries; experience in evaluation, budgeting, and planning. Experience with library consortia important. Excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills are also required. Must be acareful, sympathetic listener with effective problem-solving skills. Flexible in working with a variety of groups. Ability to work collaboratively in a strongly collegial and participative environment, to manage diverse assignments in a rapidly changing organization, and to meet university requirements for tenure, including an established record of scholarship and service. Salary: $65,000 at associate professor. Twenty-four days' vacation, 12 days1 sick leave, 11 paid holidays per year. Self-managed, portable, or state retirement plan. Medical, dental, and life insurance plans. Begin date: April 1, 2001. Deadline: December 1, 2000. To apply: To assure full consideration, submit a letter of application, résumé, and names of three references by December 1, 2000, to: Associate Dean for Services and Collections Search Committee or Associate Dean for Operations and Facilities Search Committee (please specify) Milner Library Illinois State University Campus Box 8900 Normal, IL 61790-8900 For more information, contact us at w Illinois State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity university encouraging diversity. informational materials is also required. Excellent written, oral, and inter­ personal communication skills. Preferred Qualifications: Reference/in­ structional experience in aconsortial environment. Ability to manage mul­ tiple projects simultaneously. Ability to travel to off-campus locations and to work some evenings and weekends. Instructional experience with remote library users and information literacy program assessment experience. Salary: $32,176-$35,OOOdepending on qualifications and experience. Starting Date: January 2001. Application Procedures: Send letter o f application referencing the position, résumé, a copy of transcripts fo r each degree earned, and three recent professional letters of reference attesting to abilities, skills, and accomplishments to: Cathy Cooper, The University of Akron-Wayne College, 1901 Smucker Road, O rrville, OH 44667. All applications must be postmarked no laterthan November 20,2000. The University of Akron is an equal education and employment institution. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN, CHIEF. The Peru State College Library seeks applications from highly motivated, versatile, senior-level candidates prepared to assume the challenging role of Chief Technical Services Librarian. Plan and manage all aspects of technical services including acquisitions, cataloging, database maintenance, management of license agreements, serials management, and materials processing in all formats. Primary duties include administration and supervision of technical services and special collections, implementing new service initiatives, coordination of the Nebraska State College System Innovative Interfaces integrated system on a three-year consortial rotation, providing budgetary and planning expertise, and serving on college and professional committees. Candidates must have an ALA-accredited MLSandthreeor more years of substantive professional library experience (cataloging and acquisitions) in an academic library, knowledge of current cataloging standards and national trends in technical services, experience using LC classification, OCLC, and an automated integrated library system. Innova­ tive Interfaces experience, Web page management, subject collection development experience, and professional involvement highly desirable. Peru State College Library is beginning a comprehensive library building project to expand its library and services, with completion due about 2003. This isafull-time, year-round professional staff position. Salary Minimum: High $30s. Start date is negotiable. Review of applications begins October 23,2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Send a letter address­ ing your specific competenciesfor this position, résumé, and the names, addresses (including e-mail addresses, if available), and telephone num bers o f three current references who are knowledgeable about yo ur professional skills and a bilities to: Eulanda Cade, D irector of Human Resources, Peru State College, P.O. Box 10, Peru, NE 68421. Please visit our Web site at: Peru State College is com m itted to equal opportunity and a ffirm ative action. Women, underrepresented minorities and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. State University of New York College at Cortland is seeking a librarian to lead the day-to-day activities o f technical services and participate in cataloging, acquisitions, and serials activities. Participates in reference and may participate in collec­ tion development activities. Salary and academic rank commensurate with experience. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; fam iliarity with LCSH o r RLIN, AACR2, OCLC, and LC classification tools. Preferred Qualifications: Second master’s degree; experience in 980 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 HEAD, SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING DIVISION U niversity of Utah M arrio tt Library General Description: To lead the Science and Engineering Division, the Marriott Library is seeking a librarian with a strong commitment to user services, experience in building print and electronic collections, experience with resources and services for science and engineering disciplines, enthusiasm for teaching, knowledge of applications of new technologies, and a user-centered and imaginative vision for the future. Reporting to the Assistant Director for Public Services, the Head of the Science and Engineering Division will provide leadership for the division and take an active, collaborative leadership role in the innovation, planning, development, and provision of library-wide services. The Head will coordinate and deliver a wide range of user support, including reference desk, consultation, and electronic reference services, and will participate in a growing program of user education. The Head will also participate in collection development, develop strong partnerships with faculty and academic departments, teach library users, and lead the planning and activities of three librarians, two full-time classified staff, and two part-time employees. The Head of Science and Engineering is a participant in the Marriott Advisory Council leadership team and contributes to library- wide planning, development, and delivery of services and resources. The Science and Engineering Division is an important component of the library’s Public Services Department, which also includes General Reference, Documents/Microforms, Fine Arts and Archi­ tecture, Instruction, Circulation, the Curriculum Library, the Technology Assisted Curriculum Center, and the Multim edia Center. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Graduation from an ALA-accredited graduate school. Five years’ relevant professional librarian experience, such as public service, collection development, instruction, or digital library work. Demonstrated commitment to promoting and providing outstanding user-centered service. Demonstrated excellent interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills. Bachelor’s degree in a science or engineering discipline or full-tim e experience in a science or engineering library. At least one year of successful experience supervising full-time employees. Ability to articulate a vision for science and engineering services and resources. W illingness to work and lead in a dynamic, flexible, changing library environment. W illingness to take an active role in supporting the teaching mission of the library. Ability to meet the university’s requirements for promotion and tenure. Preferred: Experience in library instruction. Bachelor’s degree in a physical science or an advanced degree in a science or engineering field. Knowledge and experience with applying emerging digital technologies to the instructional and research mission of the library. Additional years of supervisory experience. SALARY: Minimum of $48,000 depending on qualifications. Excellent benefits worth approximately 33% of salary. The Marriott Library is an ARL library with holdings of more than 2.5 million volumes, access to 4,500 electronic journals, and a considerable number of other networked electronic resources. The University of Utah, with 26,000 students, is situated on a 1,500-acre campus in Salt Lake City, offering excellent cultural, entertainment, and outdoor recreation activities. The Salt Lake City metro area was recently rated as the #1 place to live in Places Rated Almanac. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Send a detailed letter of application addressing how your experience matches the stated qualifications, a résumé, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Kristeen Arnold, Human Resource Officer 327 M arriott Library 295 South 1500 East Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860 Applications received by January 12, 2001, will be given full consideration. The University o f Utah is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage applications from women and minorities and provide reasonable accommodations to known disabilities o f applicants and employees. C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 / 981 JAPANESE LANGUAGE MATERIALS LIBRARIAN University of Michigan Asia Library The Asia Library is a subject library in the Public Services Division of the University of Michigan Library system, it supports the research and teaching of East Asian Studies in the University of Michigan community. It serves also as the central processing unit for the cataloging of print materials and electronic information sources in the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language acquired by the University of Michigan Library system. The Library maintains one of the most comprehensive research collections on Asian Studies outside of Asia. Its holdings include more than 600,000 volumes, mostly in Chinese and Japanese, 70,000 microforms, and 250 CD-ROM titles. The library’s “state-of-the- art” CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) Computing Facilities provides OCR, handwriting, and voice recognition systems, machine translation, and connectivity to numerous Asian research databases. Further information may be obtained by accessing: VAC-Japanese.htm. DUTIES: Under the direction of the Coordinator of Technical Services, Asia Library, performs original cataloging, copy cataloging, and record maintenance for Japanese materials. The incumbent also performs public services and assists in the development of electronic resources and services as related to East Asian Studies. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Proficiency in both Japanese and English language skills. Demonstrated oral and written communication skills. Proficiency in library-related computer applications and skills. Demonstrated ability to work effectively with culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. Desired: Substantial knowledge of East Asian Studies as an academic discipline. Some professional work experience in an American research library. Knowledge of current Japanese Studies electronic resources. RANK: Rank is anticipated at either Assistant or Associate Librarian depending on experience and qualifications. SALARY AND LEAVE: Final rank and salary dependent on qualifications and experience. (Minimum salary at Assistant is $33,500; at Associate, $37,000.) Professional positions receive 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. TO APPLY: Send cover letter and copy of résumé to: Lucy Cohen Library Human Resources 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North University of Michigan Ann A rbor, Ml 48109-1205 Contact: (734) 764-2546 for further inform ation. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications received by November 30, 2000, will be given first consideration. The University o f Michigan is a nondiscríminatory, affirmative action employer. library technical services including internships; cataloging experience; familiarity with acquisitions procedures and library automation; familiar­ ity with spreadsheets and budgeting; supervisory experience. Review of applications will begin November 6, 2000, and continue until the position is filled. Submit letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Gail Wood, Director of Libraries, SUNY Cortland, P.O. Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045. SUNY Cortland is an AA/EEO/ADA employer. We have a strong commitment to the affirmation of diversity and have interdisciplinary degree programs in the areas of multicultural studies. RECRUIT THE BEST. . . List your open positions in C&RL News. Contact us at 1-800-545-2433 ext. 2513 for help in placing your ad. Or e- mail your ad to c& and get a 10% discount. 982 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 HEAD, ACCESS AND DELIVERY SERVICES University of Richmond Libraries The University of Richmond invites applications for a new position in its Boatwright Memorial Library. This position will be responsible for planning, personnel, supervision, and day-to-day operations of circulation, reserve, Interlibrary loan, and document delivery services; coordination of circulation and ILL policies and practices with other campus libraries. Will play an important role in implementing a new integrated library system (not yet selected), including electronic reserves. Planning is underway for expansion and renovation of the library; the head of ADS will have the rare opportunity to help design the physical environment for 21st century access services. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree; 3 -5 years’ professional experience, including supervisory responsibility, in the areas of circulation/reserve, ILL, and document delivery services. Knowledge of library systems, creative problem-solving skills, effective oral and written communi­ cation skills required. Knowledge of copyright issues highly desirable. CONTACT: Applications received by November 20, 2000, will receive first consideration. Applicants should submit a letter of application and résumé to: Human Resource Services Attn: Janet Ragusa University of Richmond Richmond, VA 23173 E-mail: Fax: (804) 287-1282 The University o f Richmond is an equal opportunity employer. Late Job Listings ASSISTANTDIRECTORFORPROJECTS AND SERVICES,DIGITALLIBRARYPROGRAM. Indiana University (IU) Libraries, Bloomington. Responsible for coordinating projects and services of the Digital Libraiy Program (DLP) throughout the IU system. Assists the Director with budgeting for DLP, including preparation of budgets and monitoring them throughout the year. Oversees planning activities for DLP. Develops digital libraiy projects and identifies funding for them, both internally and externally. Writes grant proposals for DLP projects and contributes to proposals that have digital library components developed by other administrative units. Coordi­ nates activities of Digital Library Program project managers. Supervises Digital Media Specialist and Digital Media and Image Center (DMIC). Oversees metadata activities in DLP, working with Technical Services and DLP staff. Works with Head of LETRS (Libraiy Electronic Text Resource Service) to coordinate projects involving electronic text. Plans and implements informational and educational programs for IU staff on digital library topics. Coordinates development of DLP Web site and project Web sites. Qualifications: MLS or MIS from ALA-accredited libraiy school or comparable experience. Experience in academic research library required. Experience writing grants. Experience planning and implementing digitization projects and other digital library projects. Supervisory experience preferred. HTML experience required; other technology experi­ ence strongly desired, including some of following: SGML/XML, work with metadata, digital imaging, digital audio/video, and computer programming. Demonstrated ability to work in collaborative environment is required. Degree or coursework in educational technology or related discipline helpful. Salary and Benefits: Salary and rank negotiable and competitive dependent upon qualifications and experience. This is a tenure-track academic appointment that includes eligibility for sabbatical leaves. Benefits include university health care plan, TIAA/CREF retire­ ment/annuity plan, group life insurance, and liberal vacation and sick leave. To Apply: Send letter of application, professional vita, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of four references to: Yolanda Cooper-Birdine, Libraries Human Resources Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Main Libraiy C-201A, 1320 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-3907. Phone: (812) 855- 8196; fax: (812) 855-2576; e-mail: Review of applications begins November 20,2000, continues until position is filled. For further information concerning Indiana University: Indiana University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN Bowdoin College The Bowdoin College Library seeks a visionary individual to bring creative leadership to the Hatch Science Library, a premier liberal arts college science library. Built 10 years ago as a free-standing building, Hatch now is a component of a new science complex, which represents a recent investment of $31 million in science facility construction and renovations. Hatch serves Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Studies, Geology, Mathemat­ ics, Neuroscience, Physics and other departments and offers generously supported collections, which include 92,545 volumes, nearly 500 current periodicals, approximately 200 full-text science journals, and a broad array of electronic reference services. The Science Librarian develops programs, reference and instructional services, and collections including print and electronic resources, to meet the research and curricular needs of students and faculty in the sciences, and is a member of the main library's service-oriented reference team. Consults closely with and serve as liaison to science departments. Also serves as an advocate for emerging technologies in the delivery of information to support teaching and research at Bowdoin, with particular emphasis to support of the sciences, mathematics, and computer science. REQUIREMENTS: Education: MLS from ALA-accredited library program. Degree in Biology, Chem­ istry, Environmental Studies, Geology, Neuroscience, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, or other science discipline highly desirable. EXPERIENCE: Three to five years’ experience providing reference services and individual and group instruction in an academic or special science library. Increasing administrative responsibilities and evidence of experience with staff supervision, project management, planning and implementing electronic reference services, and use of Innovative Interfaces or comparable automated library system. SKILLS: In-depth knowledge of science research collections, bibliographic tools, and information research strategies. Demonstrated skills searching bibliographic databases and using a broad range of electronic reference services, and in-depth knowledge of emerging technologies to deliver electronic reference service and full-text journals. Outstanding communication, interpersonal, supervisory, and team-building skills. Creative problem-solving abilities and initiative. Excellent planning, organizational, managerial, project management, and analytical skills. Strong computer skills with knowledge of HTML, Web editor tools, and electronic applications for design of reference and bibliographic instructional programs preferred. Commitment to quality public services. Founded in 1794, Bowdoin College is a highly competitive liberal arts college of 1,600 students, located in mid-coastal Maine, 30 miles north of Portland and two and a half hours north of Boston. Competitive salary and benefits. Applications accepted until position filled, with first consideration given to those received by November 10, 2000. Please submit a letter of interest, résumé, and names and telephone numbers of three references to: Manager of Employment Bowdoin College Human Resources Department 3501 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011-8246 Bowdoin College is committed to equal opportunity through affirmative action. Women and members o f minority groups are encouraged to apply. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. Wilmington College invites applications for the Director of Watson Library. Wilmington College, founded in 1870 by the Religious Society of Friends, is a four-year, career-oriented, liberal arts college centrally located within one hour of Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton. Successful applicants must have an MLS with a minimum of 3-5 years of related experience, preferably including technology in academic libraries. The applicant will supervise a staff of seven, prepare and monitor the annual budget of $200,000, oversee the continued development of library technologies, participate in library instruction and reference service in rotation, and play a role in college administration and governance. Send vita and cover letter describing your vision of libraries and technology in today’s liberal arts college to: Office of Human Resources, Wilmington College, 251 Ludovic Street, Pyle Box 1187, Wilmington, OH 45177. Review of credentials will begin November 8,2000. EOE/AA. C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 / 983 Structure Bookmarks 954 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $9.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $11.85 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: TBA, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795; (312) 280-2513; POSITIONS OPENACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. State University of New York College at Cortland is seeking an energetic, creative librarian to lead public services. Responsibilities include supervision of circulation and reserves services and coordination of outreach. Participates in reference rotations including nights and weekends; participates in the library instruction program, and serves as bibliographer to selected subject area. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; two years’ reference experience an Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recommended by state library associations for professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating professional vacancies. Foradd¡t¡onal information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources.Connecticut$34,172Delaware$22,500"Illino C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 955 The Trinity College Library is building a new public service program designed to support its community of faculty and students in the creative use of traditional and electronic resources for teaching and scholarship. We seek colleagues who are willing to implement meaningful change through collaborative efforts The Library has undertaken a major renovation and expansion of its facility, due for completion in the fall of 2002. We invite applications for the following positions:HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICE: The ide 956 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIANBaylor UniversityNewly created tenure-track faculty position; assistant professor rank. Manages a unit of one paraprofessional under the supervision of the Assistant Director for Library Information Systems and Outreach Services. Working cooperatively with library faculty and staff, is responsible for all aspects of collection development for Baylor’s central libraries and coordinates collection develop­ment work with the special collections.MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS or equ Copy Cataloging Unit (2 FTE technical assistants) and to perform complex copy and original cataloging. The successful applicant will report to the Head of Cataloging in a team-based department. Responsibilities include managing the monograph workflow, upgrad­ing inadequate OCLC copy, establishing name authority records, managing nonserial barcode projects, assisting with departmental policy and procedures, and being active in other projects or duties as assigned. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, COLLECTION MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR. St. Cloud State Uni­versity seeks applications for a Collection Management Coordinator, Assistant Professor to begin summer 2001 in the James W. Miller Learning Resources Center. Type of Appointment: Tenure track, nine month plus 28 additional duty days. Salary commensurate with academic qualifications and experience. Responsibilities: Provide dynamic and innovative leadership of collection management for monographs, serials, electronic and nonprint materials; develop and C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 957 LIBRARIAN/INFORMATION SPECIALIST FOR THE HUMANITIESBucknell UniversityBucknell University is looking for an individual who can educate the campus community about information resources in the humanities, and who can provide leadership in exploring humanities- related digital library initiatives. This position offers exciting possibilities for an individual who recognizes the integral role that new technologies are playing, while also appreciating the importance of traditional resources in the liberal arts.Su ind development, and service to the university and community are required or promotion and tenure. The successful candidate will demonstrate ability o each and work with persons from culturally diverse backgrounds. Application Information and Deadline: Send cover letter, vitae, transcripts copies acceptable for initial screening), and names and addresses of hree references to Collection Management Coordinator Search Commit­ee, c/o Dean, James W. Miller Learning Resources Center, 720 4th Avenue South, St. Cl in the terms and conditions of employment, personnel practices, orstudent access to and participation in program services and activities with regard to race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or membership or activity in a local commission as defined by law. In accor­dance with INS regulations, successful applicants must be legally able to accept work in the United States. This material can be made avai 958 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 ETHNIC STUDIES AND MULTICULTURAL LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, SacramentoCSUS seeks a motivated and energetic Ethnic Studies and Multicultural Librarian. This entry-level, tenure-track faculty position provides substantial opportunity for professional growth and devel­opment. The position reports to the Head of Reference and works with the Coordinators for Collection Development and Library Instruction. The Reference Department includes 15 librarians and 5 library assistants.DESCRIPTION: Shares resp of a wide range of research materials in New York University’s Elmer Holmes Bobst Library. He or she administrates a comprehensive program to conserve materials held in general collections, special collections and archives, and performs a variety of treatments designed to stabilize and protect the¡rcondit¡on. The Conservation Librarian’s time is divided be­tween treatments for unique and special collections materials and super­vision of 3.5 FTE conservation technicians. The Conservation Librarian reports to servation priorities within the Library: planning and managing treatment and procedures for circulating collections, special collections, and ar­chives materials: performing treatments primarily on special collections materials: hiring, training, and supervising two full-time conservation technicians and 3-4 student workers; assisting in development and coordi­nation of special projects; ordering conservation supplies; maintaining and analyzing conservation statistics and treatment records; managing the Lib C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 959 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEFurman UniversityFurman University is seeking librarians to fill two recently created positions. Furman University is one of the nation’s top-ranked liberal arts colleges, whose campus has been selected by the Princeton Review as one of the five most scenic university campuses in the nation. Fundraising for a $25 million expansion and renovation of the James B. Duke Library is underway.Collection Development Librarian (new position) Furman University is seeking an innovative, experien ant to NYU branch libraries. The Conservation Librarian must communi­cate and consult with selectors, bibliographers, and curators regarding treatments and processing of general collections and special collections materials. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution orequiva- lent conservation degree. Minimum of two years’ experience in aconser- vation program in a research library. Extensive knowledge of current conservation principles, practices, and procedures. Experience in treat­ment decis and subject librarians/liaisons to identify the data needs of faculty and students. Manages the Social Science Data Library located in the Laboratory for Social Research and supervises its staff. Collaborates with appropriate departments in the Libraries, as well as the Office of Information Technology (OIT), in making numeric data fully available to users. Reports to the Electronic Resources Librarian. Collaborates with the Libraries’ Documents Librarian and the staff of the LSR in making government inform 960 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 Gwinnett Ceibraian,Electroni ServiccsSysteme Lnter LibraryReporting to the Director of the library, the Systems Librarian will be responsible for the management of the Gwinnett University Center Library's electronic services and operation of systems including ILS coordination, web site management, library systems management and integration of external campus services into the library’s electronic environment.Requirements include ALA-accredited Master’s degree in Library or Information Science, a working kno ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATION SERVICESManhattanville College is an independent, co­educational, liberal arts college of approximately 1400 students located 28 miles north of New York City in suburban Westchester County.We are currently seeking an Assistant Library Director for Information Services who will be responsible for managing daily onsite operations including coordinating, training and supervising circulation, bibliographic instruction and reference staff; planning, initiating and evalu academic environment. Familiarity with quantitative methods of data extrac­tion, analysis, and use. Familiarity with the management and access of numeric and traditional databases in various disciplines, such as sociol­ogy, economics, government, psychology, business, and education. Abil­ity to plan and implement innovative user services. Excellent teaching and oral and written communication skills. Experience with govern­ment information and data required. Knowledge and ability to use Geographic Informatio bers of the faculty and earn 20 days’ vacation annually. The University offers an excellent benefits package including tuition remission for dependents, TIAA-CREF. To Apply: Review will begin November 30, 2000, and continue until filled. Send a letter and résumé, including the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Sherry Veith, Human Resources Representative, 221 Hesburgh Li­brary, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. The University of Notre Dame is an affirmative action C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 961 APPLICATIONS SYSTEMS SPECIALISTGetty Research InstituteLimited term through June, 2002 Information Systems Getty Research InstituteServes as co-chair of committee charged with the migration of the Research Library’s current Innovative online cataloging system to the Voyager system. Also oversees the migration of other non-standard content repositories to ENCompass software. Work involves investigating and establishing new metadata standards and structures, conversion of existing repositories into these stru Head of Technical Services in the Hilles and Lamont Libraries Harvard College LibraryReporting to the Librarian of the Hilles and Lamont Libraries, this individual is responsible for joint operations in acquisitions, cataloging, and serials control. Work collaboratively in the development of HCL-wide policies and programs. Hire, train, and evaluate staff; supervise acquisitions; oversee cataloging; design unit workflow. Prepare and administer materials budget; oversee allocations program; develop and prepar 962 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 COORDINATOR, NEW ENGLAND DIGITAL LIBRARY (NEDLI)NEW POSITION NELINET, Newton, MARESPONSIBILITIES: The NEDLI Coordinator will be responsible for working with member libraries and potential development partners to:• develop technical standards for the program, such as metadata and file formats, bandwidth and server requirements, authoring software, scanning quality, subject descriptors and thesauri, input conventions, etc.;• develop a strategic and business plan for the program, including recommendations on f historicSt. Mary’s City is located 70 miles southeast of Washington, D.C. and is Maryland’s designated public honors college for the liberal arts. Undergraduate and residential in nature, with a diverse coedu­cational student body numbering approximately 1,800, St. Mary’s emphasizes excellence in teaching. The institution was awarded a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in 1997. The quality of life is enhanced by the recreational opportunities of the Chesapeake region and close proximity to the amenities of Washingt Maryland is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Visit our Web site: Tech University is seek- ing a Digital Initiatives Coordinator. The Coordinator will be responsible for launching digital initiatives for the Southwest Collection/Special Col­lections Library, including oversight of Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and of the digitization of documents, photographs, and oral histories for presentation on the World Wide Web. Duties also C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 963 SCIENCE/ENGINEERING LIBRARIANMilton S. Eisenhower Library Johns Hopkins UniversityJohns Hopkins University seeks an outgoing and enthusiastic librarian to be part of a team of four librarians in the Science/Engineering Library of the Milton S. Eisenhower Library. The Science/ Engineering Library is a recently renovated floor within the main library and has a collection budget of approximately $2,500,000. Librarians select library resources and provide reference, instruc­tional, and liaison services to the 1 faces to deliver the digitized library materials and information about library resources to end users via networked information systems. Additional responsibilities include analyzing and specifying hardware needs, and implementing and supervising deployment and maintenance of appropriate hardware solutions. The Digital Initiatives Coordinator will develop and implement new systems as necessary. Qualifications: Master’s in history or related field; or MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Formal archiva Position now available. Applications received by December 1,2000, will be given first consideration. Send letter of application that indicates expertise, current résumé, and names and addresses of three references to: Search Committee South west Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University, P.O. 41041, Lubbock, TX79409-1041, phone: (806) 742-3749. TexasTech University is an EEO/AA/ADA employer.DIGITAL PROJECTS LIBRARIAN. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries. Responsibilities: The UNLV 964 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 EXECUTIVE DIRECTORNorth Carolina Academic Library ConsortiumNC-PALS is a library consortium in central North Carolina composed of Bennett College, Elon College, Greensboro College, Guilford College, and Salem College. The consortium is seeking an Executive Director who will act as system administrator for its automated library system (currently DRA). The effective date of this appointment is negotiable, but no later than June 1, 2001.The principal responsibilities and duties for the position include the fol degree in Library Science and/or Information Science from an ALA- accredited program or international equivalent. Working knowledge of digital library technologies, standards, issues, and trends. Preferred: Demonstrated knowledge of digital conversion of materials. Working knowledge of scripting languages such as PERL. Working knowledge of relevantdigital library standards, such as EAD, TEI, SGML, HTML, XML, and Dublin Core. Working knowledge of a high-level programming lan­guage such as C, C++, or Java. Wo information on salary and benefits, see: Human_Resources/.The Setting: UNLVis Nevada’s largest comprehen­sive, doctoral degree-granting institution with 22,000 students and more than 700 full-time faculty. The UNLV Libraries are composed of the main Lied Library (a302,000 sq.ft. building scheduledtoopen January2001), the Curriculum Materials Library, the Architecture Studies Library, and a Music Library currently under construction. Foradditional information, see the UN LV Web site at: C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 965 DIRECOFĨHTEORJAMES A. CANNAVINO LIBRARY Marist Collegewww.marist.eduMarist College invites applications and nominations for the Director of the James A. Cannavino Library. The Library is housed in a new state-of-the-art 83,000 square foot building, which opened in January 2000. The Romanesque style structure is located at the center of the campus overlooking the Hudson River and integrates traditional collections with a substantial technological infrastructure. The building includes spacious reading and stu is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Persons are selected on the basis of ability without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or veteran status.DIRECTOR OF INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES.Minnesota State Univer­sity Moorhead, Moorhead, Minnesota. Position begins July 1,2001. Salaryrange $74,379-$99,699, depending on qualifications and experience. Posi­tion responsibilities include administering the Library and providing leader­ship and managem mum of three to five years’ successful academic library administration/su­pervision; ex perience as a reference librarian; ability to provide leadership for emerging technologies in an academic setting, including instructional technol­ogy and AV/TV, which includes instructional television and distance educa­tion; record of successful personnel administration and budget preparation and management; effective skills in interpersonal relations, oral and written communication, and analytical and decision-making 966 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 ASSISTANT COLLECTION SERVICES LIBRARIANNew Mexico State UniversityAssistant Collection Services Librarian sought by New Mexico State University Library. Tenure-Track position to be filled at the Instructor or Assistant Professor level, salary up to $29,500, depending on qualifications.QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; ability to be trained in collection management and acquisitions in an online environment; ability to problem-solve; interest or experience in supervision; ex 2000, and will continue until position is filled. Minnesota State University Moorhead is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employerandeducator.DIRECTOR, ELECTRONIC RESOURCES PROGRAM (New Posi­tion). University of Houston. A more detailed position announcement, with links to information about the University of Houston, the UH Libraries, and the city of Houston, is available from our Web site: Responsibilities: Working in close cooperation with appropriate pe tronic environment. Desirable: Experience or training in intellectual prop­erty issues. Salary: $50,000. Excellent benefits package, including choice of health coverage; choice of retirement programs including TIAA-CREF; no state or local income tax. Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of three references, and résumé to: John Lehner, Library Human Resources Director, M.D. Anderson Library, University of Houston Libraries, Housto C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 9 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN AND DIRECTORVillanova University, Falvey Memorial LibraryVillanova University seeks a dynamic, creative librarian to serve as University Librarian & Director of Falvey Memorial Library. The University Librarian must provide vision and leadership in formulating programs and implementing strategies to integrate print-based information materials with an ever- increasing array of digital resources. In addition, the University Librarian must uphold Falvey’s tradition of service and instructi principal component of GIS services at St. Lawrence University is the development of a Natural History Database of georeferenced spatial data fora 76-acre preserve adjacent to camp us. The GIS/Map Librarian will oversee the planning, design, and implementation of the Natural History Database; maintain quality control of data and metadata; and ensure ongoing and archival access to data via the campus network. In addition, the GIS/Map Librarian will coordinate the overall selection and organization of the lib University Librarian, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. St. Lawrence University, chartered in 1856, is the oldest continuously coedu­cational institution of higher learning in New York State. See the SLU homepage at: and the SLU Library homepage at: SLU isan aff¡rmativeaction, equal employment opportunity employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and per­sons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.GOVERNMENT INFORMATION/MICROFORMS COOR 968 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 LIBRARIANMorehead State University's Camden- Carroll Library seeks a bright and tech- nology-sawy librarian to serve as an original cataloger and cataloging super­visor using the Voyager library system. The successful candidate will be hired at the Librarian I or II level. Camden- Carroll Library encourages professional development and provides generous support for training and travel to professional activities.Responsibilities: Performs original cata­loging in book and serial formats, including electronic Director, Learning Resources (#00040)Salt Lake Community College, a multi-campus, comprehensive community college, seeks applicants for the Director of Learning Resources position. The Director is responsible for organizational leadership and management of Learning Resources, which includes the SLCC Library System, Media Distribution Services and Media Production Services. Requirements: M.L.S. from ALA-accredited institution or M.Ed in media required. Five years' academic library or learning resources exper C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 969 MUSIC LIBRARIANSUNY PotsdamSUNY Potsdam seeks a creative, dynamic librarian to oversee and advance the Julia E. Crane Music Library located in the College’s Crane School of Music. The successful candidate will possess a broad perspective of the role of the library in the education and scholarly research of music students and faculty.SUNY Potsdam's Crane School of Music is a dynamic institution of 600 students and 70 full-and part- time faculty members within a liberal arts college. It enjoys a unique status 970 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 MANAGER OF RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTTrinity University, Coates LibraryPosition reports to Library Director and is responsible for directing fund allocation and selection for all resources acquired; supports vendor relations; manages the collection development of mono­graphs, serials, audio-visual and electronic resources. Coordinates selection activity and liaison of librarians with teaching faculty. Manages gift solicitation, relations with donors, and related activities. Supervises special collections and arch unit goals and objectives and long-range plans; developing PCL collec­tions through purchase and donation; sharing in provision of library instruction and reference services; and managing the PCL including supervision of PCLfaculty and staff. Required Qualifications: ALA-accred­ited MLS or equivalent; substantial related academic library experience and strong background in special collections; demonstrated expertise and interest in popular and American culture; excellent organizational, oral and written com database, and processes materials for the shelf. Identifies and resolves database problems; performs complex searching and original cataloging. Serves as chairof the Library’s standing Bibliographic Control Committee. Participates in collection development and weekend reference rotation. Contributes to a collaborative work environment as part of the Technical Services management group; reports to the Assistant Director for Tech­nical/Collection Services. Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree; cataloging C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 971 Services in Bloomington and Indianapolis. Will also participate in providing general reference services approximately seven hours/week plus serving in the weekend rotation (approximately one day/month). Reports to the Director of Library Services. Required: ALA-MLS. Demonstrated exper­tise in working with desktop computers, networks, CD-ROM LAN, the Internet, and other emerging technologies. Ability to plan, organize, implement, and evaluate specific projects. Ability to work well as a team member and indep planning, implementing, promoting, and assessing instructional pro­grams. Works closely with University faculty integrating information literacy components into their classroom curriculum. Participates in reference and collection development activities. Individuals applying must have strong service orientation and a demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a team. Faculty rank, tenure-track position, 12-month appointment. Qualifications: Minimum qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS; te FOUNDING UNIVERSITYLIBRARIANUniversity of California, MercedThe University of California is creating a dy­namic new university campus and campus community in Merced, California.RESPONSIBILITIES: The University Librarian reports to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. Provide guidance in physical plan­ning and development of the library. Provide leadership in planning and instituting scholarly information and academic computing services. Plan which library services will be staffed and which can be perf 972 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 Curator for the Social and Behavioral SciencesStanford UniversityThe Stanford University Libraries seeks qualified candidates for this senior role, which will develop and manage research collections and information resources in all media in the subject areas of communi- cations, psychology and sociology. Specific responsibilities include acting as liaison to faculty and grad- uate and undergraduate students, providing advanced reference and bibliographic assistance, preparing interpretive materials that enh experience with presentation software; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills. Addi­tional desirable qualifications include: 1) second master’s degree in a subject field (will be required fortenure and promotion); 2) reference experience; 3) experience in applying new technologies for the delivery of information literacy instruction. Salary: Commensurate with qualifica­tions and experience. Application Procedure: Submit letter of applica­tion, ré excellent written and oral communication skills, the ability to work well with faculty, students, and colleagues, and a proven high degree of initiative. Preferred: Some experience in a public service area of an academic/ research library. UNIXcomputing experience. Basic knowledge of current scanning technology. Experience with computer applications related to graphic design, Web authoring, and digital video. Salary: Dependent on qualifications, minimum $30,000. To Apply: Send letter of application and résu ■ / ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN (EECS) ARTS & ENGINEERING LIBRARIESUniversity of MichiganThe University Library collections and services supporting the College of Engineering are located in the Media Union at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Ours is one of the largest and most digitally enabled engineering libraries in the country and features a world-renowned collection in both print and digital forms. Our engineering librarians and information professionals work with other information professionals including and others to coordinate their needs with the needs of library staff, patrons, services, and operations. Plan, organize, and manage all staff, service, and collection relocations in coordination with appropriate Libraries administrative and supervisory staff. Develop and implement comprehensive communication program to inform Library staff and the University community of construction progress and impacts on operations and services. This is an annually renewable term appointment to include pre- and post-cons currently includes300,000 squarefeetand housesapproximately 1.6 million volumes. The construction project will add 140,000 square feet and include substantial renovation of existing space on the first two floors. The Libraries area member of the Association of Research Libraries, hold about 2 million volumes, and have a current materials budget of $4.2 million. Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of three references, and résumé 974 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, Sacramento (Re-Advertised)CSUS seeks a motivated and energetic Social Sciences Librarian. This entry-level, tenure-track faculty position provides substantial opportunity for professional growth and development. The position reports to the Head of Reference and works with the Coordinators for Collection Development and Library Instruction. The Reference Department includes 15 librarians, 6 library assistants, and several part-time librarians and student expertise, and serving on college and professional committees. A successful candidate should foster teamwork, possess creative prob­lem-solving skills, have strong organizational and analytical abilities, and engage in professional service activities. Peru State College is beginning a comprehensive library building project, with completion due about 2003. Candidates must have an ALA-accredited MLS de­gree and three or more years of substantial professional and public service responsibility, preferably in an qualifications and background for this position, résumé, and names with addresses (including e-mail addresses, if available) and tele­phone numbers of three current references to: Eulanda Cade, Direc­tor of Human Resources, Peru State College, P.O. Box 10, Peru, NE 68421. Please visit our Web site at: Peru State College is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. Women, underrepresented minorities, and individuals with disabili­ties are strongly encouraged to apply.PUBLIC C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 975 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANWestern Washington UniversityWestern Washington University invites applications and nominations for the University Librarian. The University Librarian reports to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and is responsible for the administration of all library-related activities, including strategic planning and fundraising. The University Librarian is also the University Records Officer and supervises the University Records Center, The University Librarian serves on the Provost’s liberal arts education. The Library is a learning environment that re­sponds to the traditional values of the liberal arts university and to the technological advances of today's society. The library exists to foster the pursuit of knowledge, intellectual and ethical integrity, excellence in teaching and learning, and respect for inquiry and diverse points of view. Library faculty work in a collegial team setting, within the library and campus wide. The Library holds over 273,000 volumes, plus holdings in m promotion of guest speakers and public events, exhibits, the library newsletter, and the annual book fair. The librarian will also participate in collection development and management of all formats in assigned subject areas, based on strengths and experiences of the successful candidate, discipline-related instructional sessions, and communica­tion with departments concerning library programmatic issues. Re­quired Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accred¡ted library program. Ability to teach concepts 976 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIANOregon Institute of TechnologyThe Oregon Institute of Technology Library is seeking a versatile, user-oriented Access Services Librarian to manage the operations of Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, and Reserves. This is a full-time, 12-month, fixed-term position with faculty rank, reporting to the Director of the Library.RESPONSIBILITIES:The Access Services Librarian will supervise onefull-time support staff and several student assistant positions. This position wi experience. Experience with Web page development, digitaliza­tion projects, and public relations. Rank dependent on experience and education. Tenure track. Twelve-month appointment. TIAA- CREF and other fringe benefits. Screening of candidates will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled, with appointment expected August 1,2001. Send letter of application, vita, and three references to: Robert C. Delvin, Chair, Library Faculty Search Committee, Sheean Library, P.O. Box 2899, Bloomin is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities to apply.REFERENCE AND GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN.Illinois Wesleyan University library invites applications for the position of Reference and Government Documents Librarian, a faculty position beginning in August 2001. IWU is a nationally ranked undergraduate university of 2,000 students that strives to provide high-quality liberal arts education. The Library is a learning environ­men C&RL News * November 2000 / 977 MUSIC, DANCE, AND THEATRE LIBRARIANSouthern Methodist University Hamon Arts LibraryThe Music, Theatre, and Dance Librarian is the primary resource for users in the identification, location, use, and interpretation of the Hamon’s collections in music, theatre, and dance. Provides basic reference service in the other arts as required. Provides user education in music, theatre, and dance. Prepares paper and electronic handouts and other guides in the use of the Library and its music, theatre, and dance holding Experience or coursework in academic reference services. Experi­ence or interest in the management of government publications. Knowledge of print and electronic reference resources in the fields of business and economics. Ability to teach concepts of information literacy. Ability to work independently and colleg¡ally. Excellent interper­sonal and communication skills, and interest in innovation and adoption of library technology. Commitmentto scholarship and the service role of the library in the academic s grad credits beyond the MLS. Excellent benefits, including 44 vacation days, release time. EEO employer. Send letter of interest and curriculum vitae to: Terri Campo, Personnel Department, Long Island University,1 University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Central Florida (UCF) Brevard Campus, Cocoa, Florida, is accepting applications for a full­time Reference Librarian position. The UCF Brevard campus collection is located in the Brevard Community College/UCF Joint Use Libr 978 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEIllinois State University Normal/Bloomington Milner LibraryIllinois State University’s Milner Library offers two openings at the associate dean level. Full-time, 12-month, tenure-track administrative professional positions with faculty rank and tenure that provide varied opportunities for cooperative leadership and professional growth in a newly restructured partnership of governance with library faculty and staff.Associate Dean for Services and Collections: An innovative planner and collection development duties in a fast-paced partnership and branch campus environment with numerous print and electronic reference, docu­ment delivery, and interlibrary loan resources. Some travel to Orlando and evening/weekend hours will be required. Qualifications: Required: an ALA- accredited master’s in Library Science by December 31,2000. Desired: Knowledge of, and willingness to work with, automated reference sources in avariety offormats. Acommitmentto learn and use emerging technologies. Basic inf REFERENCE LIBRARIAN.Two tenure-track Instructor/Assistant Pro­fessor (12-month) positions. Duties include providing comprehensive reference assistance, one evening per week and rotating weekend hours, bibliographic instruction, and collection development. An ALA-accred­ited master’s degree is required, knowledge of Web page and presen­tation software preferred. Minimum Salary: $31,500. Applications will be reviewed and accepted until the positions are filled. Send cover letter with current résumé and names/ C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 979 (continued from previous page)applications; awareness of the service implications of traditional and electronic access; willingness to try innovative, creative approaches to library administration, means of access, operations, and services; demonstrated record of success in core bibliographic, access, and administrative skills; experience in workflow and process analysis, budgeting, and planning. Background in working in library consortial environments, hands-on experience in Web design and digitization, an informational materials is also required. Excellent written, oral, and inter­personal communication skills. Preferred Qualifications: Reference/in­structional experience in aconsortial environment. Ability to manage mul­tiple projects simultaneously. Ability to travel to off-campus locations and to work some evenings and weekends. Instructional experience with remote library users and information literacy program assessment experience. Salary: $32,176-$35,OOOdepending on qualifications and experience. Start acquisitions) in an academic library, knowledge of current cataloging standards and national trends in technical services, experience using LC classification, OCLC, and an automated integrated library system. Innova­tive Interfaces experience, Web page management, subject collection development experience, and professional involvement highly desirable. Peru State College Library is beginning a comprehensive library building project to expand its library and services, with completion due about 2003. This isa 980 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 HEAD, SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING DIVISIONUniversity of Utah Marriott LibraryGeneral Description: To lead the Science and Engineering Division, the Marriott Library is seeking a librarian with a strong commitment to user services, experience in building print and electronic collections, experience with resources and services for science and engineering disciplines, enthusiasm for teaching, knowledge of applications of new technologies, and a user-centered and imaginative vision for the future.Reporting to the A C&RL News ■ November 2000 / 981 JAPANESE LANGUAGE MATERIALS LIBRARIANUniversity of Michigan Asia LibraryThe Asia Library is a subject library in the Public Services Division of the University of Michigan Library system, it supports the research and teaching of East Asian Studies in the University of Michigan community. It serves also as the central processing unit for the cataloging of print materials and electronic information sources in the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language acquired by the University of Michigan Library system. The library technical services including internships; cataloging experience; familiarity with acquisitions procedures and library automation; familiar­ity with spreadsheets and budgeting; supervisory experience. Review of applications will begin November 6, 2000, and continue until the position is filled. Submit letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Gail Wood, Director of Libraries, SUNY Cortland, P.O. Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045. SUNY Cortland is an AA/EEO/ADA employer. We have a strong commitment to the affirmation of diversity and have interdisciplinary degree programs in the areas of multicultural studies. RECRUIT THE BEST. . .List your open positions in C&RL News.Contact us at 1-800-545-2433 ext. 2513 for help in placing your ad. Or e- mail your ad to c& and get a 10% discount. 982 / C&RL News ■ November 2000 HEAD, ACCESS AND DELIVERY SERVICESUniversity of Richmond LibrariesThe University of Richmond invites applications for a new position in its Boatwright Memorial Library. This position will be responsible for planning, personnel, supervision, and day-to-day operations of circulation, reserve, Interlibrary loan, and document delivery services; coordination of circulation and ILL policies and practices with other campus libraries. Will play an important role in implementing a new integrated library system (not Late Job ListingsASSISTANTDIRECTORFORPROJECTS AND SERVICES,DIGITALLIBRARYPROGRAM.Indiana University (IU) Libraries, Bloomington. Responsible for coordinating projects and services of the Digital Libraiy Program (DLP) throughout the IU system. Assists the Director with budgeting for DLP, including preparation of budgets and monitoring them throughout the year. Oversees planning activities for DLP. Develops digital libraiy projects and identifies funding for them, both internally and externally. Writes grant SCIENCE LIBRARIANBowdoin CollegeThe Bowdoin College Library seeks a visionary individual to bring creative leadership to the Hatch Science Library, a premier liberal arts college science library. Built 10 years ago as a free-standing building, Hatch now is a component of a new science complex, which represents a recent investment of $31 million in science facility construction and renovations.Hatch serves Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Studies, Geology, Mathemat­ics, Neuroscience, Physi DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. Wilmington College invites applications for the Director of Watson Library. Wilmington College, founded in 1870 by the Religious Society of Friends, is a four-year, career-oriented, liberal arts college centrally located within one hour of Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton. Successful applicants must have an MLS with a minimum of 3-5 years of related experience, preferably including technology in academic libraries. The applicant will supervise a staff of seven, prepare and monitor t