ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 136 Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra nk" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary the institution is willing to provide for the position offered.. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publi­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS. Volumes 25-67, 1931-67; 4t h Decennial Index 1937-46; 5†h Decennial Index 1947-56. Volumes 25-30 and 64-67 unbound. A ll in prime condition. Market price, $10,000. Bids invited. Transportation addi­ tional. Address: Dominican College Library, San Rafael, CA 94901. NINE SHELVES of miscellaneous geological survey re­ ports, bulletins, etc.—federal (few), state, and university. Available for best offer covering shipping cost. Library Director, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82070. Do you need a GOOD LIBRARIAN? Experience in ref­ erence, government documents, bibliography. Broad back­ ground includes history of natural science. Subject spe­ cialities in social sciences and art. W rite Julien Gross- man, 515 N. 22 St., Allentown, PA 18104. POSITIONS W ANTED LIBRARIAN (HEAD), teacher of librarianship, or b ib ­ liographer (social sciences and business). One of the above positions is being sought by author of books, experienced teacher (both graduate and undergraduate levels), former head librarian, subject specialist (social sciences and business), and head of technical services. His academic background includes MLS, MA in social sciences and education, doctorate ¡n law, and equivalent of Ph.D. in economics, including knowledge of several languages. W rite Dr. Jacob Shumelda, Dept. of Library Science, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. LIBRARIAN, BA, MS in LS, 4 years' experience in business library, also in technical and school libraries. Seeks pub­ lic service position in academic or special library. Some teaching an d /o r editorial responsibilities desired. Prefer Northeast. W rite Box 820, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. COMPLETING MSLS in summer 1972. Hold M. Div. in Dhilosophy and theology. Additional graduate study in humanities and social sciences. W rite to John Paul Menzel, 30 Union PL, Roosevelt, NY 11575. HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN: MA, English, MLS, 4 years' teaching experience (college), acquisitions, and reference experience. Looking for a position with a growing hu­ manities collection. George Thompson, Clinton House, Clinton, NY 13323. MA, MALS, Ph.D., experienced, desires challenging po­ sition. W rite John T. Williams, Box 2047, West Lafayette, IN 47906. POSITIONS OPEN Administration HEAD, PRECATALOG DEPARTMENT, responsible for o r­ ganization and supervision of searching, ordering, and receiving of library materials. Minimum requirements: MLS, knowledge of I foreign language, 5 years' profes­ sional experience in technical services with 2 years in an acquisitions department of a medium or large size academic library. Salary $12,000 or higher depending on qualifications. Apply to Jane Titus, Pers. Ln., Paley Li­ brary, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Cataloging CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The Iowa State University Library is seeking an experienced cataloger with primary re­ sponsibilities in the original cataloging of monographic materials and administrative assistance to the department head. Position requires MLS, at least 2 years' professional experience, with some in cataloging, and the reading knowledge of one modern foreign language. Subject background or work experience in either social sciences or technology is desirable. Position available July I. Salary $9,800+ dependent on education and experience. Benefits include faculty status, excellent group medical and life insurance, month vacation per fiscal year, TIAA/CREF. Iowa State University is an equal opportunity employer. Make application to Warren B. Kuhn, Dean of Library Services, Iowa State University Library, Ames, IA 50010. Subject Specialists LIBRARIAN WITH CHEMISTRY BACKGROUND wanted for the 1972/73 academic year. Science and technology division of Eastern Michigan University is seeking a per­ son with a master's degree in chemistry + a library science degree. Full faculty rank with fringe benefits. Minimum starting salary of $8,900 for 8-mon†h year, depending on experience, with extra remuneration for 7l/2-week summer session. Contact A. P. Marshall, Dir. of the Library, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilant i, Ml 48197. LIBRARIAN WITH PSYCHOLOGY BACKGROUND wanted for the 1972/73 academic year. The education and psy­ chology division of Eastern Michigan University is seek­ ing a person preferably with a master's degree in psy­ chology + a library science degree. Full faculty rank with fringe benefits. Minimum salary $8,350 depending on ex­ perience for an 8-month year. 7½-week summer session extra. Contact A. P. Marshall, Dir. of the Library, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Ml 48197. ONTARIO Colleges of A pplied Arts and Technology. COLLEGE BI BLIOCENTRE. Manager, Cataloging and in­ dexing. The College Bib liocentre is seeking a manager to assist the director in developing the Machine-Readable Catalog for all media in the Ontario Community Col­ leges of Applied Arts and Technology Resource Centres; and in the application of PRECIS to the production of indexes to printed catalogs. The position will be of in­ terest to professional librarians earning $13,000 per annum, preferably with experience ¡n MARC and in user-oriented retrieval services. Applications should be sent to Mr. Gordon H. W right, Dir., College Bibl¡ocenfre, 20 Rail- side Rd., Don Mills 400, Ontario, Canada. MICHIG AN. Assistant librarian for public and audiovisu­ al services. MLS with audiovisual specialty and experi­ ence in reference and audiovisual coordination. The posi­ tion will be divided between reference and public service librarianship and audiovisual service development and coordination. Fringe benefits are excellent including the Grand Traverse Region landscape. 12-mon†h position with 4 weeks' vacation. Salary: $9,000-$11,000. Send cur­ riculum vitae with reference to Bernard C. Rink, Ln., Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City, Ml 49684. 137 139 Newly Revised 4 0 0 new entries, more than 7 0 0 other entries revised Webster’s Biographical Dictionary is the most inclusive single volume biographical reference available. More than 40,000 individual biographies, 400 new entires, more than 700 revisions to existing entries. Includes Nobel Laureates, Hall of Fame, world leaders in all major areas of the arts, sciences, and politics. More than 100 tables. 36 tables revised, 27 new tables added. Bring your reference shelf up to date. 1698 pps. $12.95 IS B N : 0-87779-143-0 L C N - 7 2 - 8 5 G .& C . MERRIAM CO. Publishers of Merriam-Webster Dictionaries 47 Federal St., Springfield, MA. 01101 NEW TITLES ON MICROFICHE AMERICAN EC O N O M IC REVIEW. Vols. 1-30 (1911-40)....................................$ 250.00 AMERICAN JO URNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY. Series 2. Vols. 1-44 (1897-1940).......................................................................................$ 250.00 AMERICAN NATURALIST. Vols. 1-87 (1867-1953)...............................................$ 450.00 AMERICAN JO URNAL OF SEMETIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. Vols. 1-58 (1884-1941)......................................................................................$ 140.00 BIOCHEMISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT. Vols. 1-305 (1906-40)....................................$1050.00 COLLEGE CATALOGS ON MICROFILM. ED 371 consists of catalogs for the 300 colleges and universities which 60% of all U. S. students attend; ED 571 cover those schools which 80% of all students attend. Each group is accompanied by a coordinate index, based on the "peek-a-boo" concept, which accesses 2500 institutions by characteristics such as size, locality, cost, etc.................................................. ED 371 $ 295.00 ED 571 $ 495.00 Electrochemical Society. JO URNAL AND TRANSACTIONS. Vols. 1-36 (1902-19). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 120.00 HELVETICA C H IM IC A ACTA. Vols. 1-23 (1918-40).............................................$ 300.00 JO URNAL OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE. Vols. 1-59 (1882-1940)...........................$ 125.00 JO URNAL OF GENETIC PSYCHOLOGY. Vols. I - I I (1891-1938)............................$ 250.00 Meredith, George. WORKS. N. Y., Scribner, 1909-12. 29 vols................................$ 80.00 Russia. Gosudarstvennaia Duma. STENOGRAFICHESKII OTCHET, 1906-17........$ 700.00 Russia. M O SC O W . RUSSKIIA VIEDOMOSTI. 1890, 1892-1918........................$1130.00 Microcard Editions