ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1991/ 245 cause that is where the vitality of the profession will continue to be concentrated. The present operat ing agreement is an excellent working tool, but it must continue to be discussed and modified to support what the members want to do. I expect to continue to see strong ACRL programs, and to participate in them. My roots in ACRL are deep. I have been a member since I joined ALA, and ACRL represents my primary divisional affiliation. I have written three articles for College and Research L ibraries, and I have spoken to more state ACRL chapters and on more college and university campuses than I can remember. Much of my research and writing centers on issues faced by academic librarians of professional status, of funding, of technology—and of course these are all interrelated. Probably my most consistent message on behalf of academic li brarians as president of ALA would be to try to show academic administrators that in times of funding scarcity, of network development, and of resource sharing opportunities, it is not the size of the collection but more importantly the quality and support o f the librarians that determine the effec tiveness of the library and its ability to serve its users. ■ ■ Candidates for ALA Council These ACRL members need your vote. T he following members of the Association of College and Research Libraries are either nominated or petition candidates for ALA councilor in the spring 1991 elections. ACRL members are encouraged to vote for these candi dates to increase ACRL’s voice in the affairs o f the American Library Association. Ross Atkinson, assistant university librarian for collection development and preservation, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, New York. H erbert Bibio, director, Long Island Library Resources Council, Stony Brook, New York. Carol Chamberlain, chief, Acquisitions De partment, Penn State University Libraries, Uni versity Park. Luis Chaparro, director, learning resources, El Paso (Texas) Community College. Myrtis Collins, associate librarian, general ref erence service, University of California, Berkeley. Edith Fisher, assistant department head/ad ministrative services and ethnic studies consultant, Central University Library, University of Califor nia, San Diego/La Jolla. Charles F o rrest, director, instructional sup port services, Candler Library, Emory University, Adanta, Georgia. Michael Gorman, dean of library services, Cali fornia State University, Fresno. Gary Handman, head, Media Resources Cen ter, Moffitt Library, University of California, Berkeley. Charlotta Hensley, assistant director for plan ning and development, University of Colorado, Boulder, Libraries. R obert Holley, associate dean of libraries, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Julie V. Hunter, managing administrative li brarian, DeKalb County (Georgia) Public Library. Nancy John, assistant university librarian, Uni versity o f Illinois/Chicago. B e rn ic e Jo n e s -T re n t, director o f library services,Sprague Library, Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, New Jersey. E m Claire Knowles, assistant dean, Simmons College SLIS, Boston, Massachusetts. Nancy Kranich, director, public services, New York University Libraries, New York City. Carol Kuhlthau, assistant professor, School of Communication Information and Library Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Wendy Lou gee, head, Harlan Hatcher Gradu ate Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 246 / C&RL News Ichiko Morita, head, Cataloging Department, Ohio State University Libraries, Columbus. E m m a Perry, director, Dillard University Li brary, New Orleans, Louisiana. Gary Pitkin, director of university libraries, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley. R oger Presley, head, Acquisitions Department, William Russell Pullen Library, Georgia State University, Atlanta. Ja n e Robbins, director, University o f Wiscon sin/Madison SLIS. Beth Shapiro, university librarian, Rice Uni versity, Fondren Library, Houston, Texas. Sally Somers, assistant university librarian for technical services, Tulane University, Howard-Til- ton Memorial Library, New Orleans, Louisiana. Daniel Tsang, social sciences bibliographer, data services, University of California, Irvine. B arb ara von Wahlde, associate vice-president for University Libraries, State University of New York/Buffalo. Betsy Wilson, head, Undergraduate Library, University of Ulinois/Urbana-Champaign. Jo yce W right, assistant to director of Depart mental Library Services, University of Illinois/Ur- bana-Champaign. ■ ■ ACRL seeks nom inees fo r office The Association needs your help. W ould you like to serve on the ACRL Board of Directors as vice-president/president-elect or seek office in an ACRL section? Would yo to nominate anyone else for such a position? I f the answer is yes, here is what you need to do. A C R L B o a r d o f D ire c to rs The ACRL Appointments and Nominations Committee will be nominating candidates for ACRL vice-president/president-elect. The elec tion will be held in the spring of 1992. The winners will hold office beginning in the summer o f 1992. If you wish to be considered for nomination or if you would like to submit names for consideration, con tact the chair of the committee Marion Reid, Di rector of Library Services, California State Univer sity, 820 W. Los VaUecitos, San Marcos, CA 92069, prior to ALA Annual Conference in Atlanta. A C R L sectio n officers Candidates for vice-chair/chair-elect o f ACRL sections are selected by the Nominating Commit tee of each section. I f you would like to nominate someone or be nominated for vice-chair/chair- elect o f an ACRL section, contact the chair o f the Nominating Committee for the appropriate sec tion prior to ALA Conference in Atlanta. Other section offices, including secretary and member- u at-llikear ge, may also be under consideration for this term of office, which would begin in the summer of 1992. S ectio n N om inatin g C o m m ittee chairs Afro-American Studies Librarian Section. Curtis L. Kendrick, 1173 N. Carter Road, Decatur, GA 30030. Anthropology and Sociology Section. Lynn M. Schmelz Keil, Librarian, Harvard University, Tozzer Library, 21 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138. Arts Section. RolandC. Hansen, Readers Serv ice Librarian, School o f the Art Institute, Chicago, IL 60603. Asian and African Section. Arline Zuckerman, University Research Librarian, University of Cali- fomia-Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard Ave.‚ Los Angeles, CA 90024-1598. Bibliographic Instruction Section. Esther S. Grassian, Reference Instruct. Librarian, College