ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 5 8 / C & R L News Measuring Academic Library Performance A how -to-course featuring M easuring A cadem ic L ibrary Performance: A Practical A pproach. L earn how to m ake th e m ost o f this new m anual to m easure th e effectiveness o f y our library’s services. Faculty: L ibrarians w ho served as advisers to the authors d uring th e developm ent o f th e manual. Time: 9:00 a.m .-.5:00 p.m . Fees: AC R L m em bers $100; n on-m em bers $150. C E U credit: .7. Cultural Diversity in the Academic Library Panel discussion on th e issues o f re cru itm e n t a n d re te n tio n o f diverse staff a nd m ethods. T h ere will also be a discussion o f m ethods to m aintain sen­ sitivity to diversity in b o th th e staff a nd stu d e n t population. Faculty: K athleen Bethel, N orthw est­ e rn University; Rosie A lbritton, U niversity of Illi­ nois; Rosem ary Stevenson, U niversity o f Illinois (m oderator); a nd others. Time: 9:00 a.m .-5:00 p.m. Fees: AC R L m em b e r $100; n on-m em bers $150. C E U credit: .7. General Registration Information T o reg ister or fo r m ore inform ation please w rite or call: M attye N elson, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uro n St., Chicago, IL 60611; (800) 545-2433, ext. 2519; fax: (312) 440-9374 o r Reginald Prim , (800) 545­ 2433 ext. 2526. A C R L m em bers receive a discount on registration fees. Specific locations for p re co n ­ ference activities will b e provided u pon registra­ tion. W ritten notice of cancellation received by June 1, 1991, will be h o n o re d subject to a $25 cancellation charge. No refunds or cancellations a fter June 1,1991. Please note: I n th e event th a t an A C R L -sponsored activity is canceled, th e Associa­ tion o f C ollege a n d R esearch Libraries cannot b e responsible fo r cancellation o r change charges assessed by airlines o r travel agencies for regis­ trants. A certificate o f com pletion for each professional developm ent course will b e issued. E very success­ ful com pletion o f 10 hours o f continuing education is e qual to one C ontinuing E d u cation U n it (C E U ). A CRL m aintains a C E U re co rd for each partici­ pant. ■ ■ PUB by L Geo I rge C M A . E T berh I ar O t NS • The C olle c t o r ’s Bookshelf, by Joseph Ray­ m ond L eF ontaine (333 pages, 1990), is an in te rest­ ing yet frustratingly lim ited com pilation o f check­ lists designed for collectors o f g enre fiction. Ar­ ranged by author, The Collector's B ookshelf p ro ­ vides the c orrect titles a nd original d ate a nd place o f publication o f 33,000 books w ritte n by 931 authors, m any o f whom are known by various pseudonym s. This book is in teresting for its sim ­ plicity in providing a chronological list o f th e m ono­ graphs gen era te d by p o pular authors, for whose oeuvre one m ight otherw ise have to sift through one or m ore prolix and pe d an tic p e rp etrato rs o f literary criticism. It is frustrating because many authors are missing. I was pleased to find a com ­ p lete list o f th e very elusive works o f M arie C orelli and Luis P. Senarens, b u t puzzled at th e absence of Am brose Bierce, Ian Flem ing, Mika W altari, and Jack Kerouac. Favored genres include crim e and m ystery fiction, w esterns, rom ance a n d gothic novels, children’s a nd juvenile fiction, science fic­ tion, fantasy, horror, and novelists who te n d to be responsible for movies. A com panion volume, The Collector's B o okshelf Value Guide, provides a c u r­ re n t (O ctober 1990) m arket value for every title listed in th e m ain volum e. C opies are available for $69.95 from P rom etheus Books, 700 E. A m herst St., Buffalo, NY 14215. ISB N 0-87975-605-5. • Collectors a n d Curiosities: P aris a n d Ven­ ice, 1500-1800, by Krzystof Pom ian (348 pages, F e b ru a ry 1991), exam ines th e history of collecting in early m o d em E u ro p e and describes th e myriad treasures— from paintings and antiques to religious relics— th a t fou n d th e ir way into th e private collec­ tions and public m useum s o f th e tim e. Pom ian argues th a t shifts in collectors’ tastes can be seen as a sign o f w ider a nd m ore p rofound changes in m entality and can be analyzed in term s o f a conflict b etw een aesthetic a nd historical sensibilities. T he m otives a nd m ethods o f collectors o f natural his­ tory will especially in te rest historians o f science. T he book costs $44.95 and m ay b e o rd e re d from Basil Blackwell, Inc., T h ree C am bridge C enter, C am bridge, MA 02142. ISB N 0-7456-0680-6. • College Library Technology and Coop­ eration Grants Program: Abstracts and Analy- April 1991 / 259 s is o f F u n d e d P r o j e c t s , 1 9 8 9 , by Neal K. Kaske (74 pages, D e ce m b er 1990), sum m arizes 52 aca­ dem ic library program s funded u n d e r Title II-D of th e H igher E ducation Act. E ach program descrip­ tion includes an abstract of activities, th e project d irector’s nam e and address, th e am ount o f the grant, and the grant period. Copies may be re ­ quested from th e U.S. Office o f E ducational R e­ search and Im provem ent, D e p artm en t of E duca­ tion, W ashington, D C 20208-5571. • T he C o n c is e D i c t i o n a r y o f A m e r ic a n B io g - r a p h y (1536 pages, 4 th e d ., 1990) c o n ta in s abridged versions o f all 18,110 biographies appear­ ing in th e original edition of the D ictionary o f A m erican Biography and its eight supplem ents. New to this edition is a 170-page list of biographical entries a rranged by occupation, a m ost useful enhancem ent. As in th e unabridged edition, e n ­ tries are lim ited to people who died before January 1, 1971, so you w on’t find an e ntry for H arry T rum an (who died in 1972). O n the o th er hand, m any lesser lights from earlier years are here, making this a handy, one-volum e reference. The book costs $150.00 (plus $3.00 handling) and may be o rd e re d from C harles Scribner’s Sons, 100 F ro n t St., Box 500, Riverside, NJ 08075-7500. ISBN 0-684-19188-1. • C o n tin u in g E d u c a tio n o f R e fe r e n c e L i­ b r a r i a n s , e d ite d by Bill Katz (273 pages, July 1990), offers practical recom m endations for utiliz­ ing a nd maximizing on-the-job training and con­ tinuing education for th e reference staff. C o ntribu­ tors include Louise S. Sherby, R uth J. Patrick, Rosie L. Albritton, T ara Lynn Fulton, Mary E llen Collins, a nd T hreasa L. Wesley. Copies may be o rd e re d for $34.95 from th e H aw orth Press, 10 Alice St., Bingham ton, NY 13904-1580. ISBN 1­ 56024-020-2. • C u r r e n t C o o k b o o k s : A S e l e c t e d L is t o f M e th o d s a n d C u is in e s , com piled by Christine Bulson (N ovem ber 1990), is an annotated bibliog­ raphy of 250 titles th at serve as a basic collection of cookbooks for all types o f libraries. T he arrange­ m en t is by geographic cuisine and by cooking technique. Cookbooks for specific food courses, food item s, and appliances are included in this ninth volume o f Choice m agazine’s Bibliographical Essay series. Copies are available for $12.00 (post­ paid) from Choice, 100 Riverview C enter, M iddle­ town, C T 06457. • D r u g P r o h i b i t io n a n d t h e C o n s c ie n c e o f N a tio n s , e d ite d by Arnold S. T rebich and Kevin B. Z eese (250 pages, 1990), challenges th e direction o f c u rre n t U.S. d ru g policies and offers som e viable alternative solutions. T he book includes chapters on a com parison o f the treatm ent-based d rug pol­ icy in H olland with th e law enforcem ent policies of th e U nited States; a critical look at the alleged epidem ic o f deaths and dam age caused directly by crack; the case for m edical use and decrim inaliza­ tion o f marijuana; how c u rre n t U.S. d rug policy increases th e risk o f AIDS infection and transm is­ sion; and th e rising popular support for radical changes in American d rug policy. Also included are excerpts from a controversial rep o rt o f th e Califor­ nia Research Advisory Panel for 1989, which so shocked th e state attorney general that h e refused to provide state funds to publish it. Copies may be o rd e re d for $9.95 from th e D ru g Policy F ou n d a­ tion, 4801 M assachusetts Ave., N.W., Suite 400, W ashington, D C 20016-2087. ISBN 1-87-9189­ 00-3. • E le c tr o n ic I n f o r m a tio n S y s te m s in Sci- T e c h L ib r a r i e s , e d ited by C ynthia A. Steinke (151 pages, N ovem ber 1990), examines electronic in­ form ation systems and docum ent delivery from the local collection to th e workplace. Topics included are th e Lehigh University network, using th e In ­ tern e t, a survey o f academ ic branch chem istry libraries on th eir key holder policies, and special d a tabases on m olecular biology and genetics. Copies are available for $22.95 from H aw orth Press, 10 Alice St., Bingham ton, NY 13904-1580. ISBN 1-56024-067-9. • T h e E n c y c l o p e d i a o f t h e T h ir d R e ic h , e d ­ ite d by C h ris tia n Z e n t n e r a n d F r ie d e m a n n B edürftig (2 vols., 1150 pages, February 1991), is an English translation o f a 1985 G erm an w ork th at encom passes th e full spectrum o f Nazi politics, culture, sports, religion, and economics. M ore th an 1,200 uncom m on photographs and line drawings m ake this an essential pictorial record o f th e p e r­ sonalities and propaganda o f th e tim e. T he focus is necessarily on G erm any, b u t th e encyclopedia includes articles on o th e r nations a nd th eir citizens who w ere to uched by th e T hird Reich, w hether through occupation, alliance, resistance, or col­ laboration. T ranslator Amy H ackett has done a superb job of identifying a nd clarifying th e many layers o f m eaning o f Nazi political terminology. T he two-volume set costs $175.00 (plus $17.50 shipping) a nd is available from Macmillan Publish­ ing Co., 866 T h ird Ave., N ew York, NY 10022. ISBN 0-02-897500-6. • A n E y e f o r F r a c ta ls , by Michael D . M cGuire (165 pages, F e b ru a ry 1991), is a photographic dem onstration th a t n a tu re ’s complexity is in actual­ ity a simplicity th at can be traced to fractal geom e­ try. I f you ever w ondered why th ere are so many stringy, brachiate, filam entous, and ropy p henom ­ e n a inhabiting the natural world, this book will provide a photo-m athem atical rationale for it all. D esigned for th e non-scientist, M cG uire’s book appeals to artists and n ature lovers. Copies may be o rd e re d for $29.95 from Addison-W esley Publish­ ing Co., 350 Bridge Parkway, Suite 209, Redwood City, CA 94065. ISBN 0-201-55440-2. • T h e F e d e r a l L e g a l D i r e c t o r y , e d ited by 260 / C &RL News R ichard L. H e rm an n and L inda P. Sutherland (547 pages, D e ce m b er 1990), is a com prehensive com ­ pilation o f inform ation a bout th e F e d e ral legal establishm ent. A rranged by governm ent d e p a rt­ m en t or agency, th e directory provides a b rief description o f th e program s, statutes a nd regula­ tions each adm inisters and u n d e r w hich F ederal attorneys operate; nam es and telephone num bers o f th e agency h ead and key legal and adm inistrative personnel; central fax num bers; F re e d o m o f Infor- m ation/Privacy Act office p hone n um bers and in ­ structions; library facilities and th e ir accessibility to th e public; addresses and p h o n e num bers o f r e ­ gional or field counsel offices; publications and accessible governm ent databases; and key legisla­ tion or regulations from which each F e d e ral d e ­ p a rtm en t or agency derives its authority. All execu­ tive, judicial, and legislative agencies are included. Copies m ay b e o rd e re d for $140 from Oryx Press, 4041 N. C entral at Indian School Road, Suite 700, Phoenix, AZ 85012-3397. ISBN 0-89774-675-9. • T he G u id e t o th e M a n u s c r i p t C o lle c tio n s a t t h e U n iv e r s ity o f A la s k a , A n c h o r a g e , by D ennis F. W alle w ith Carolyn J. Bowers (146 pages, 1990), describes m ore than 350 m anuscript collections related to th e historical developm ent o f Alaska a nd th e Pacific N orthw est, from the tim e o f Russian ownership to the p resent. A m ong th em a re papers and records o f individuals, families, businesses, and o th er social, cultural and action groups. A 20-page index provides easy access to th e descriptions. T he guide may be o rd e re d for $15.00 (plus $1.25 h a n ­ dling) from the U niversity o f Alaska Press, 1st F loor G ruening Building, UAF, Fairbanks, AK 99775­ 1580. ISBN 0-912006-46-3. • G u id e s t o L i b r a r y o f C o n g r e s s S u b j e c t H e a d in g s a n d C la s s if ic a tio n o n P e a c e a n d I n t e r ­ n a tio n a l Conf l i c t R e s o lu t io n , com piled by Judith K essinger (488 pages, January 1991), was pre p are d by th e U.S. In stitute o f Peace w ith th e cooperation and advice o f th e L ibrary o f Congress Office of Subject H e ading Policy. T he guide includes LC headings and classification schedules for relevant subject areas in th e hum anities, law, social sci­ ences, a nd military science. C re a te d to aid both researchers and collection developers, the book uses fam iliar LC term inology and structure. A copy m ay b e o rd e re d for $30.00 from the Institute of Peace, 1550 M Street, N.W., Suite 700, W ashing­ ton, D C 20005-1708. ISBN 1-878379-05-4. • T he H a n d b o o k o f th e C e n t e r f o r R e s e a r c h L ib r a r i e s (134 pages, 1990) describes th e scope of C R L ’s c o llectio n c o m p o n e n ts, lists im p o rta n t m icroform and re p rin t sets and original-form at collections, and provides inform ation on biblio­ graphic access to th e C e n te r’s collections. C e n te r m em bers can o rd e r free copies o f this new edition; non-m em bers may o rd e r copies for $15.00. F o r fu rth e r inform ation, c o ntact Yvonne Jefferson, C e n te r for R esearch Libraries, 6050 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60637. ISBN 0-932486-36-3. • K a l e i d o s c o p e o f H i s t o r y : P h o t o g r a p h i c C o lle c tio n s in t h e G o ld a M e ir L i b r a r y , edited by E llen M. M urphy and Jeane M. Knapp (115 pages, 1990), is an illustrated description o f th e p h o to ­ graphic holdings at th e University o f W isconsin- Milwaukee. C h ie f am ong th em are th e Am erican G eographical Society collections, which m oved to UW M in 1978. Also included are four research p ap ers th at accom panied a 1984 symposium on photography in th e Am erican W est. C opies are available for $12.50 (postpaid) from th e U niversity o f W isconsin-M ilw aukee, G olda M eir Library, P.O. Box 604, M ilwaukee, W I 53201. • L iv in g T r a d i t i o n s o f R u s s ia n F a ith : B o o k s a n d M a n u s c r ip ts o f t h e O l d B e li e v e r s , by Abby Sm ith a nd Vladim ir Budaragin (D e ce m b er 1990), contains d e tailed descriptions o f 25 Russian m anu­ scripts and religious books shown at a special ex­ hibit at the L ibrary o f Congress in May 1990 that was o p e n ed by Raisa G orbachev at th e tim e o f the W ashington sum m it. T he m aterials, loaned by th e Soviet Union, are p a rt o f th e literary and artistic legacy o f th e O ld Believers, a branch o f th e Russian O rthodox C h u rc h th at has b e e n outlaw ed and p e rsec u ted thro u g h o u t m ost o f its existence. T he O ld Believers split off from th e O rthodox C hurch in th e m id-17th c entury w hen th ey refused to bow to th e will o f the czar to enforce religious confor­ mity. T h eir heavily orn a m e n te d books preserved m any elem ents o f folk a rt th a t fell into disuse after p rinting becam e w idespread. This exhibit catalog is illustrated w ith 32 plates, all b u t nine o f th em in color. Copies are available for $12.50 (plus $3.50 shipping) from th e L ibrary o f Congress Publishing Office, Box J, W ashington, D C 20540. ISSN 0731­ 3527, • N i n e t e e n t h - C e n t u r u P ia n o M u s ic , e dited by R. L arry T odd (426 pages, D e c e m b e r 1990), is th e first in a series o f Studies in M usical G enres and R epertories published by th e Schirm er Books divi­ sion o f Macmillan. T he piano cam e into its own in th e 19th century, replacing th e violin as instrum ent o f choice for com posers. Selected chapters in this volum e cover th e p ian o works o f B eethoven, Schubert, C arl M aria von W eber, M endelssohn, C hopin, Schum ann, Braham s, and Liszt. T he es­ says are filled w ith historical a nd musicological data as well as am ple musical exam ples a nd facsimiles. Its com panion volum e is T w entieth-C entury Piano Music, by D avid B urge (284 pages, D e ce m ­ b e r 1990), w hich exam ines solo piano com positions from C laude D ebussy to F re d e ric Rzewsld. Both books a re highly re c o m m e n d e d as substantial musical reference works. E ach costs $42.00 and may be o rd e re d from M acmillan Publishing Co., 866 T h ird Ave., N ew York, NY 10022. ISBN 0-02­ 872551-4 (Todd); 0-02-870321-9 (Burge). April 1991 / 261 F o r those who can’t get enough Mozart, check out The M ozart Compendium, edited by H. C. Robbins Landon (452 pages, January 1991), also published by Schirm er Books. Two dozen scholars p resen t the most recent research on every aspect of M ozart’s life a nd m usic. $34.95. ISBN 0-02­ 871321-4. • P o litic s a n d th e S u p p o r t o f L ib r a r ie s , ed ­ ited by E. J. Josey and K enneth D. Shearer (265 pages, D ecem ber 1990), addresses th e local politi­ cal environm ents o f public, university, college, com m unity college, and special libraries. O f special interest to academ ic librarians are contributions on “The State University L ibrary and Its Political Environm ent,” by Benjamin F. Speller Jr.; “T he Com m unity College Library and Its Political Envi­ ronm ent,” by Ngozi Agbim; and “T he Private Aca­ demic Library and Its Political Environm ent,” by John Lubans Jr. and Sheryl Anspaugh. Copies may be ordered for $35.00 from Neal-Schum an P ub­ lishers, 23 Leonard St., New York, NY 10013. ISBN 1-55570-073-X. • T h e S h a d o w W o r ld : L ife b e t w e e n th e N e w s M e d ia a n d R e a li t y , by Jim Willis (260 pages, January 1991), examines the factors th at contribute to an imbalance in the scope and depth o f news coverage. Willis looks at contem porary m ethods of good reporting and stresses the n e ed for specializ­ ing in particular subjects, rem aining psychologi­ cally d etach ed from sources, discerning rum or from docum ented fact, following appropriate role models, and using information databases. This is an excellent companion piece to M artin A. L ee and N orm an Solomon’s Unreliable Sources: A Guide to Detecting Bias in N ews Media (Lyle Stuart, 1990), essential reading for anyone who wonders w hether or not the m edia w ere reporting the G ulf W ar accurately and objectively. Copies may b e ordered for $17.95 from Praeger/G reenw ood Press, 88 Post Road W est, Box 5007, W estport, CT 06881. ISBN 0-275-93424-1. • S h a k e s p e a r e o n S c r e e n , by K enneth S. Rothw ell and A nnabelle H enkin M elzer (404 pages, D ecem b er 1990), is a guide to the m ajor share of films and videos based on Shakespeare's plays that have b een produced since 1899 (with the exception o f certain silent films). W ith m ore than 750 entries, it covers a wide variety o f genres, including modernizations, spinoffs, musical and dance versions, docum entaries, abridgm ents, trav­ esties, and excerpts. The description for each m ajor production provides critical comm entary, a precis, cast and production credits, country o f origin, year o f release, the target audience, and a supplem ental bibliography. T he volume is available for $59.95 from Neal-Schum an Publishers, 23 L eonard St., New York, NY 10013. ISBN 1-55570-049-7. • T h e S o n g o f th e H a w k , by John Chilton (429 pages, January 1991), is the first full-length biogra­ phy o f tenor saxophonist Colem an Hawkins (1901­ 1969), who m astered both big band and bebop jazz styles. T he story o f Hawkins’s life is thorough, with m uch anecdotal m aterial and quotes from a variety of sources; however, the book lacks a discography. Copies are available for $32.50 from the University o f Michigan Press, 839 G reene St., P.O. Box 1104, Ann Arbor, M I 48106-1104. ISBN 0-472-10212-5. • S u b je c t C o n tr o l o f F ilm a n d V id e o : A C o m p a r is o n o f T h r e e M e th o d s , by Lucienne Maillet (146 pages, January 1991), examines the following th ree m ethods for subject indexing: Li­ brary o f Congress Subject Headings, th e National Inform ation C e n te r for Educational M edia system, and PR E C IS (Preserved Context Index System). T he author’s examination o f how 100 educational films w ere m ade accessible in each system led her to identify PRE C IS as providing superior subject and vocabulary control for media. Copies are avail­ able for $25.00 from the ALA O rder D epartm ent, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0­ 8389-0553-6. • S u r v e illa n c e in th e S ta c k s: T h e F B I ’s L i­ b r a r y A w a r e n e s s P r o g r a m , by H e rb ert N. Foer- stel (171 pages, January 1991), traces the recent history o f federal library surveillance, docum ents the m edia and congressional response to the Li­ brary Awareness Program , and discusses the pro­ fessional and legislative moves th at have b een taken to safeguard library confidentiality. Most importantly, the book explores the issues o f free speech and inquiry, state confidentiality laws, and the confrontation betw een the FB I and the library profession. Relevant FB I docum ents are exam­ ined, including one that reveals an extended inves­ tigation of librarians who criticized the B ureau’s program . A nother chapter examines the F B I’s ac­ tivities in the libraries o f Columbia University, New York University, the University of Maryland, and th e N ew York Public Library. T he book costs $39.95 and is available from G reenw ood Press, 88 Post Road W est, Box 5007, W estport, C T 06881. ISBN 0-313-26715-4. Advertiser index Amigos..................................................... 221 Blackwell.................................................. 223 Book H o u se......................................... cover 3 EBS ......................................................... 243 EBSCO................................................ cover 4 Historical Society of Pennsylvania.......... 247 IS I............................................................ 251 S a u r......................................................cover 2 W ilson...................................................... 217