ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1 9 9 0 / 1041 ACRL candidates, 1991 elections W ho’s who on the Spring ballot. T he listing for each o f the following candi­ dates includes th eir title, institution, and institutional address. Vice-President/President-Elect Jacquelyn M. Morris, College Librarian, O cci­ dental College Library, 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, CA 90041; John C. Tyson, State L ibrar­ ian, Virginia State Library, 11th Street at Capitol Square, Richmond, VA 23219. Board of Directors D ir e c t o r - a t - L a r g e : Ray E. Metz, Assistant D irector for Systems, Case W estern Reserve U ni­ versity, F reiberger Library, 11161 East Boulevard, Cleveland, O H 44106; Victoria A. Montavon, Li­ brary D irector, Saint Joseph’s University, 5600 City Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19131-1395. D ir e c t o r - a t - L a r g e : D avid L. E asterbrook, Principal Bibliographer, University o f Illinois at Chicago, University Library, 801 South M organ Street, P.O. Box 8198/MC 234, Chicago, IL 60680; Linda L. Phillips, H ead, Cooperative Inform ation Services, University o f Tennessee, John C. H odges Library, 1015 V olunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. Afro-American Studies Librarian Section (AFAS) V ic e -C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: Doris H. Clack, P ro ­ fessor, Florida State University, School o f Library and Inform ation Studies, Tallahassee, F L 32306; Alice Reviere Smith, Black Studies/W omen S tud­ ies Librarian, Cleveland State University Library, 1860 E. 22nd Street, Cleveland, O H 44115. S e c r e ta r y : D orice L. H om e, C om puter/M edia Librarian, New York University, Medical Library, 550 F irst Avenue, N ew York, NY 10016; Joyce E. Jelks, Assistant M anager/Assistant C urator, At­ lanta-Fulton Public Library, 1 M argaret Mitchell Square NW, Atlanta, GA 30303-1089. M e m b e r -a t-L a r g e : Luella B. Davis, Biblio­ graphic Instruction Coordinator, Em ory U niver­ sity, R o b ert W. W o o d ru ff Library, R eference D e p a rtm e n t, A tlanta, GA 30322; M arcelle E. H ughes, Associate Librarian, University o f Cincin­ nati, Langsam Library, Cincinnati, O H 45221- 0033. Anthropology and Sociology Section (ANSS) V ic e -C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: Maija Lutz, H ead of Technical Services/Collection D evelopm ent Li­ brarian, H arvard University, Tozzer Library, 21 Divinity Avenue, Cam bridge, MA 02138; James Williams, Assistant Education and Social Science Librarian, University o f Illinois Library, 1408 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. S e c r e ta r y : Joyce O gburn, H ead , O rd erin g Section, T he Pennsylvania State University, E506 Pattee Library, University Park, PA 16802. M e m b e r -a t-L a r g e : Pauline D. Manaka, Social Science Librarian, University o f California-Irvine, G eneral Library, Irvine, CA 92713; Nancy Skip­ per, R eference Librarian/Anthropology Bibliogra­ pher, Cornell University, 201 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Arts Section (ARTS) V ic e -C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: William F. Coscarelli, D ep artm en t H ead Fine Arts/Media, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602; M icheline C. Nilsen, Slide Librarian, University o f Pennsylva­ nia, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6311. S e c r e ta r y : Joan F. Cheverie, H ead, G overn­ m ent D ocum ents, Georgetown University, Joseph Mark Lauinger Library, P.O. Box 37445, W ashing­ 104 2 / C &RL News ton, D C 20013-7445; Carolyn A. Sheehy, D irector, N orth C entral College Library, O esterie Library, 320 E ast School Street, Naperville, IL 60540. Asian and African Section (AAS) V ic e -C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: Ray P. Boylan, D i­ rector, Collection Resources, C e n te r for Research Libraries, 6050 S. Kenwood Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637; David G. Hirsch, Jewish Studies Bibliogra­ pher, University Research Library, University o f California, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1575. S e c r e ta r y : Elise L. Chin, Acting H ead, East Asia Library, University o f W ashington, Seattle, WA 98195; Lee S. D utton, Librarian, D. H art Southeast Asia Collection, University Libraries, N orthern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115- 2868. M e m b e r - a t - L a r g e : G regory A. F in n eg a n , R eference Librarian, D artm outh College Library, Hanover, N H 03755; C hristine H. Guyonneau, R eference Librarian, University o f Indianapolis, K rannert M em orial Library, 1400 E ast H anna Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46227; Karl K. Kahler, E ast Asian Bibliographer, University o f Pennsylva­ nia, Van P e lt-D ie tric h L ibrary, 3420 W aln u t Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206; Joseph J. Lauer, Africana B ibliographer, M ichigan State University, E ast Lansing, MI 48824-1034. Bibliographic Instruction Section (BIS) V ic e C h a ir /C h a ir E le c t: Ellen Broidy, C oordi­ nator o f Library E ducation Services, University o f California-Irvine Library, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713; Sharon B. M ader, Associate D irector for Inform ation and Research, D ePaul University Libraries, 2323 N orth Seminary Avenue, Chicago, IL 60614. S e c r e ta r y : Sara Penhale, Science Librarian, E arlh am C ollege, W ildm an S cience L ibrary, Richmond, IN 47374; R obert F. Rose, Assistant D irector for Inform ational and Instructional Serv­ ices, University o f N orthern Iowa, D onald O. Rod Library, C edar Falls, IA 50613-3675. M e m b e r -a t-L a r g e : L in d a S. Muroi, R eference Librarian, San D iego State University Library, 5300 Cam panile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182- 0511; Loanne L. Snavely, R eference Librarian/ Subject Specialist, Bloomsburg University, Harvey A. Andruss Library, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. College Libraries Section (CLS) V ic e C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: Mignon S. Adams, D irector of Library Services, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Joseph W. England Library, 42nd Street and W oodland Avenue, Phila­ delphia, PA 19104-4491; Judith Gibson G reen, University Librarian, Colgate University, E verett N eedham Case Library, Ham ilton, NY 13346. S e c r e ta r y : Richard J. Kuhta, University Librar­ ian, Saint Law rence University, Owen D. Young Library, Park Street, C anton, NY 13617; Larry R. O berg, D ire c to r o f L ibraries, Albion College, Stockwell-M udd Libraries, 602 E. Cass Street, Albion, M I 49224. M e m b e r - a t - L a r g e : S tep h an ie R. B a n g e n , Library D irector, St. Mary’s College o f California, P.O. Box 5150, Moraga, CA 94575; Mary K. Sellen, L ib ra ry D ire c to r, C h a p m a n C o lleg e, C la rk e M emorial Library, 333 N. Glassell Street, Orange, CA 92666. Community and Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS) V ic e -C h a ir /C b a ir -E le c t: Susan M. Maltese, Cataloging Librarian, O akton C om m unity College Library, 1600 E. G olf Road, D es Plaines, IL 60016; D errie B. Roark, D istrict D ean o f Learning Re­ sources, H illsborough C om m unity College, Ybor City Cam pus, Tam pa, F L 33675-5096. S e c r e ta r y : Lenora C. Lockett, Library D irec­ tor, Delgado C om m unity College, Moss M emorial Library, 615 City Park Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70119; V. Sue H atfield, Assistant D irector o f Li­ brary Services, D eKalb College, C entral Cam pus Library, 55 N. Indian Creek, Clarkston, GA 30021. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) V ic e -C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: Jo Ann Carr, D irec­ tor, IM C, University o f W isconsin, 225 N. Mills, Madison, W I 53706; Sally Willson W eim er, R efer­ ence Librarian, University o f California, UCSB Library, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. S e c r e ta r y : Pam M. Baxter, Psychological Sci­ ences L ibrarian, P u rd u e U niversity Libraries, W e s t L a f a y e tte , IN 4 7 9 0 7 ; K a th le e n M. McGowan, C oordinator o f R eference Services and C ollections/Education Bibliographer, University o f Rochester, Rush Rhees Library, Rochester, NY 14627. Law and Political Science Section (LPSS) V ic e -C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: Charles D. Sporn ick, Collection M anagem ent Coordinator, E m ory U ni­ versity, G eneral Libraries, Atlanta, GA 30322; Caroline J. T ibbetts, Associate Librarian, Univer­ sity o f Delaware, Morris Library, Newark, D E 19717-5267. S e c r e ta r y : James W. H art, H e a d of Public Serv­ ices, University o f C incinnati, C incinnati, O H 45221-0033; G raham R. W alden, Assistant Profes- December 1990 /1 0 4 3 sor/Reference Librarian, Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, O H 43210-1286. M e m b e r -a t-L arge: Elizabeth A. Sibley, Librar­ ian, University o f California-Berkeley, M offitt U ndergraduate Library, Berkeley, CA 94720; Phil­ lip W. Wilkin, Social Science Bibliographer, Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh Libraries, Hillman Library, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) V ice C h air/C h air-E lect: Gary L. Menges, Head, Special Collections and Preservation Division, University of W ashington, Suzzallo Library, FM - 25, Seattle, WA 98195; Michael T. Ryan, D irector of Library Collections/Curator of Special Collec­ tions, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305- 6004. S ecr eta ry : Elizabeth L. Johnson, H ead o f T ech­ nical Services, Indiana University, Lilly Library, Bloomington, IN 47405; Janice E. M atthiesen, Special Collections Cataloger, University o f Cali­ fornia-Los Angeles, University Research Library, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024. M e m b e r -a t-L a r g e : Nancy H. Burkett, Associ­ ate Librarian, American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury Street, W orcester, MA 01609-1634; Kathryn N. Morgan, C urator of Rare Books, Uni­ versity o f Virginia, Alderman Library, C harlot­ tesville, VA 22903. Science and Technology Section (STS) V ic e C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: Karen E. Feeney, Head, Science and Engineering Library, Univer­ sity of California-San Diego, Science and Engi­ neering Library, La Jolla, CA 92093; Susanne J. Redalje, H ead Chem istry Library, University of W ashington, Chem istry Library, BG-10, Seattle, WA 98195. S ecr eta ry : H elen E. Gbala, Head, Monographs D epartm ent, Illinois Institute o f Technology, Paul V. Galvin Library, 35 W est 33rd Street, Chicago, IL 60616; Lois M. Pausch, Acting Geology Librar- ian/Assistant Mathematics Librarian, University o f Illinois at U rbana Champaign, 1301 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. Slavic and East European Section (SEES) V ice C h a ir/C h a ir-E lect: Molly F. Molloy, Slavic Reference Librarian, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace Library, Stanford Univer­ sity, Stanford, CA 94305-6010. M e m b e r -a t-L a r g e : Susan K. Burke, Assistant Slavic Librarian, University o f Washington, Suz­ zallo Library, FM-25, Seattle, WA 98195; Sandra L. Levy, Assistant Slavic Librarian, University of Chicago Library, Joseph Regenstein Library, 1100 E. 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637-1502. University Libraries Section (ULS) V ic e C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: James R. M artin, University Librarian, University of Southern Mis­ sissippi, Southern Station, H attiesburg, MS 39406; Carolyn L. Robison, Associate University Librar- ian/Proſessor, Georgia State University, Pullen Library, 100 D ecatu r S treet SE, Atlanta, GA 30303-3081. S e c r e ta r y : Lori A. Goetsch, Head, Inſorm a- tion/Reference, Michigan State University L ibrar­ ies, East Lansing, MI 48824-1034; Joan M. Repp, D irector of Access Service, Bowling G reen State University, Jerom e Library, Bowling Green, O H 43403. M e m b e r -a t-L a r g e (3 -y e a r term ): William J. Crowe, D ean o f Libraries, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800; Paul M. Gherman, D irector o f Libraries, Virginia Polytechnic Insti­ tu te and State University, University Libraries, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0434; George R. Jaramillo, D irector o f Public Services and Personnel, Univer­ sity o f N orthern Colorado, James A. M ichener Library, Greeley, CO 80639; David W. Lewis, Head, Research and Inform ation Services D epart­ m e n t, U n iv e rs ity o f C o n n e c tic u t, H o m e r Bagbbidge Library, Box U-5R, Storrs, CT 06269. M e m b e r -a t-L a r g e (2 -y e a r term ): Martin P. C ourtois, D atabase C oordinator/R eference Li­ brarian, Michigan State University Libraries, East Lansing, MI 48824-1034; James A. Damico, D i­ rector o f University Libraries, University o f South Alabama Library, 307 University Boulevard, Mo­ bile, AL 36688; Jill B. Fatzer, D ean o f Library Services, University o f New Orleans, Earl K. Long Library, Lake Front, New Orleans, LA 70148; Judy A. Sackett, Head, Preservation D epartm ent, Uni­ versity o f K entucky L ibraries, Lexington, KY 40506-0039. M e m b e r - a t - L a r g e ( 1 - y e a r t e r m ) : Stella Bentley, Assistant University Librarian/Collection D evelopm ent, University o f California, UCSB Library 3589, Santa Barbara, CA 93106; Doris Anne Bradley, Serials Catalog Librarian, Univer­ sity o f N orth Carolina at Charolotte, J. M urrey Atkins Library, Charlotte, NC 28223; Patricia L. Bril, Acting Associate University Librarian, Cali­ fornia State University, P.O. Box 4150, Fullerton, CA 92634; D oug Phelps, D irector o f G eneral Technical Services, Vanderbilt University Library, Jean and Alexander H eard Library, 419 21st Ave­ nue South, Nashville, TN 37240-0007. 1 0 4 4 / C&RL News Western European Specialists Section (WESS) V ic e C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: C eres B. Birkhead, C o o rd in a to r L ib ra ry I n s tr u c tio n /C o o r d in a to r H um anities Selectors, University o f Utah, M arriott Library, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-1179; Danielle M ihram , H ead, R eference, University o f Southern California, D oheny M em orial Library, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182. S e c r e ta r y : Jam es W. Rom er, H ead, Acquisi­ tions L ibrarian, U niversity o f N o rth C arolina, W alter C linton Jackson Library, 1000 Spring G ar­ den Street, G reensboro, NC 27412-5201; R ebecca A. S tuhr-R om m ereim , D eputy R eader Services/ L ibrarian, H u m an ities B ibliographer, G rinnell College, Burling Library, P.O. Box 805, Grinnell, IA 50112-0811. M e m b e r - a t - L a r g e : C arol D. C ooper, Vice President, In tern atio n al Publishing O perations, K.G. Saur, 245 W. 17th Street, N ew York, NY 10011; Thom as D. Kilton, Assistant M odem L an­ guages and Linguistics Librarian/Associate Profes­ sor o f Library Adm inistration, University o f Illinois L ibrary, 1408 W. G regory D rive, U rbana, IL 61801. Women’s Studies Section (WSS) V ic e C h a ir /C h a ir -E le c t: Virginia L. Daley, W o m en ’s Studies Archivist, D uke University, W il­ liam R. Perkins Library, D urham , NC 27706; Betty J. Glass, Instructional Services Librarian, U niver­ sity o f Nevada-Reno, N oble H. G etchell Library, Reno, NV 89557. S e c r e ta r y : Cynthia S. Faries, Senior Assistant R eference Librarian, Pennsylvania State U niver­ sity, P attee Library, University Park, PA 16802; B ernice K. Lacks, H ead o f R eference, California State U niversity-Fresno, H enry M adden Library, F resno, CA 93740-0034. M e m b e r -a t -L a r g e : A rgent Sue Gibson, Divi­ sion H ead o f Collection M anagem ent and D evel­ o p m en t, Atlanta University C en ter, R obert W. W o o d ru ff Library, 111 Jam es P. Brawley Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30314; Nancy B. Luikart, In fo r­ m ation Access Librarian for R eference Services, Texas T ech University Libraries, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. ■ ■ The future o f reference III: An introduction A panel discussion held at the University o f Texas at Austin, Spring 1990. A th ird program on th e future o f reference, “Paradigm Shift for Inform ation Service; Business— But N ot as Usual,” was held at T h versity of Texas at Austin G eneral Libraries during the Spring o f 1990. W here th e previous program (see C &RL News, O ctober 1989, pp. 780-799) examined an expansion o f reference services to include an entirely new paradigm , or m odel of service, the th ird program considered th e structure e o f services and th e changes in organizational expe­ riences in th e electronic environm ent. U niT­ h e program was sponsored by th e G eneral L ib raries’ R eference and Inform ation Services C om m ittee. T he attendees included academ ic li­ brarians and adm inistrators from th e G eneral Li­ braries and the Tarlton Law Library, librarians from th e C entral Texas area, faculty and students o f th e G raduate School o f Library and Inform ation