ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 4 / C&RL News B obby L. Roberts, director of the Central Arkansas Li­ brary System (CALS), Little Rock, has b e e n ap p ointed by P resident Clinton as a m e m b e r o f th e N a tio n al Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) for a term en d in g in July 1998. Before joining CALS in 1989, Roberts was head of archives and special collec­ tio n s at th e U niversity o f Arkansas, Little Rock, and assistant curator o f special co lle c tio n s at th e U niversity o f A rkansas, Fayetteville. His nom ination was subm itted to the Senate in Novem ber for confirmation. A p p o in tm e n ts K atherine A. B ranch has b een appointed di­ rector of the Andrew G. Truxal Library at Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, Maryland. She previously served as head o f the Refer­ ence and Access D epartm ents at the Welch Medical Library, Johns Hopkins University; head of seven science libraries at Yale University; and in various positions at the National Library of Medicine, San Diego State University, and the University o f Arizona. Branch received her B.S. from Arizona State University and her MLS from the University o f Arizona. Her most re­ cent publication is Bibliographic Instruction: A Sourcebook (ALA, 1993) for w hich she served as editor and author o f the introduction. C o n n ie D o w ell, head of reference and biblio­ graphic instruction at the University o f Califor­ nia, Santa Barbara (UCSB), is now director of the library at Connecticut College, New Lon­ don. Dowell also served as director of library external relations at UCSB. Active in ACRL, Dowell most recently served on the Publica­ tions Committee. Fred H eath has been nam ed director o f the Evans Library at Texas A&M University, Col­ lege Station. He had previously served as di­ rector of libraries at Texas Christian University P e o p le in th e N e w s since 1987, and has w orked at the University o f North Alabama, Radford University, and the University of Rich­ mond. M ichael N ew m an has ac­ cepted the position of head librarian and bibliographer o f F a lc o n e r L ib ra ry at Stanford University, Califor­ nia. He receiv ed his B.S. from Miami U niversity of Ohio, his M.S. from the Uni­ versity o f California at Ber­ keley, and his MLS from the University of Okla­ hom a. He has w o rk e d at th e Xerox PARC Information Center and Stanford’s Lane Medi­ cal Library. In addition to d o ing reference, Newman has b een involved in developing and teaching classes on personal file m anagem ent and online searching of MEDLINE. R obert W edgew orth has been appointed uni­ versity librarian at the University o f Illinois (U. o f I.) at Urbana-Champaign. He has b een serv­ ing as interim university librarian since Septem­ ber 1992. Before joining ty th e U. o f I. L ibrary, i rsev W edgeworth was dean in U o f C o lu m b ia U n iv e r­ ,dna sity’s School o f Library gei W Service from 1985 to its Bil l closing in 1992; execu­ t:id tiv e d ir e c to r o f ALA r e si c o no from 1972-1985; an d it lo lh lf p r o f e s s o r at R u tg ers P o R obert W edgew orth University. He is cur­ rently president of the International Federation o f Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), w hose conference in Barcelona, Spain, in Au­ gust was the largest in IFLA’s history. R ose Marie Adam s has b een nam ed refer­ ence librarian and coordinator o f mutlicultural services at Stanford University, California. A m y E. A rnold joined the staff of Hunter Library at W estern Carolina University as col­ lection developm ent and acquisitions librarian. Bart A u sth o f is now docum ents and maps librarian at the Donald O. Rod Library, University o f Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls. Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 / 3 5 A m y B eth has b een appointed reference librarian at the G raduate Center, City Univer­ sity of New York. Louise Bugg was recently appointed interim associate dean of libraries and library and in­ formation science at Wayne State University, Detroit. Jam es C arlson has b een appointed refer­ ence librarian/bibliographer at the Chester Fritz Library, University of North D akota, G rand Forks. Cathy C on ro y has been prom oted to as­ sistant librarian for adm inistration at the Har­ vard University Library, Cambridge. K athel D u n n is the new information ser­ vices librarian at the Vanderbilt University Medi­ cal Center Library, Nashville, Tennessee. Louise Fluk is now coordinator o f access services at LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York. Carla C onrad F reem an is now director of the Scholes Library of Ceramics, w hich is part of the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. W illiam G arrison has b een prom oted to head of cataloging at the University o f Colo­ rado at Boulder Libraries. Linda Marie G olian has b een appointed head o f the Serials D epartm ent at Florida At­ lantic University, Boca Raton. A n gela G ottardi has b e e n nam ed refer- e n c e /s e r ia ls lib ra ria n at S e a v e r C o lleg e, Pepperdine University, Malibu, California. Judi H offm an is now tem porary film cata- loger at the Iowa State University Library, Ames. R ichard E. J o n e s has been appointed m u­ sic librarian at the University o f Notre Dame Libraries, Indiana. Sharon C line McKay has been nam ed Mar­ quis p ro d u c t m anager at Dynix M arquis in Provo, Utah. Sandra Martin has accepted the post of head o f information and education services at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Li­ brary, Nashville, Tennessee. M olaan M osell is now tem porary reference and instructional services librarian at the Iowa State University Library, Ames. Mary M unroe is the new head of the Col­ lection D evelopm ent Departm ent at the G eor­ gia State University Library, Atlanta. J. Larry M urdock is now head of govern­ ment docum ents in the O boler Library, Idaho State University, Pocatello. M a ry ja n e P etrow sk i has accepted the p o ­ sition of head of library instruction at Colgate University, Hamilton, New York. P atricia R en n -S can lan has b e e n nam ed bibliographic instruction/reference librarian at Mabee Library, W ashburn University, Topeka, Kansas. D e b o r a h L. S ch a effer w as recently a p ­ pointed access services librarian at the Jo h n F. Kennedy Memorial Library, California State Uni­ versity, Los Angeles. C ynthia Shabb has b een nam ed chief bib­ liographer at the Chester Fritz Library, Univer­ sity o f North Dakota, Grand Forks. H inda F. Sklar has b een nam ed associate dean for information services at the G raduate School o f Design, Harvard University, Cam­ bridge. Paula W atson is now assistant university librarian at the University o f Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. A lis W hitt has joined the staff of the Robert Scott Small Library, College o f Charleston, South Carolina, as assistant reference librarian/inter- library loan coordinator. X iaochang (S h aw ) Yu has been nam ed ref­ erence librarian and bibliographer at the Donald O. Rod Library, University o f Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls. R e tire m e n ts A lan B aldridge recently retired from Stanford University, California, w here he was librarian and assistant to the director for the lab at the H opkins Marine Station Library. Born and ed u ­ cated in England, Baldridge cam e to the U.S. in 1962 and becam e librarian at Hopkins. He then m oved to Miami in 1974 to becom e librar­ ian and associate professor, then m oved back to Stanford in 1978. At Hopkins, Baldridge’s most visible accom plishm ent was fundraising for and designing of the Harold A. Miller Li­ brary building w hich was dedicated in 1989. His most recent book is Gray Whales (Monterey Bay Aquarium, 1991). Ed. note; Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, letters fro m personnel offices, individuals, a n d other sources. To ensure that yo u r personnel news is considered f o r publication, write to P am Spiegel, A ssistant Editor, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. 3 6 /C & R L N ew s E ileen C ooke, associate executive director and director of the ALA W ashington Office, retired in D ecem ber after 30 years o f service. Cooke began as assistant direc­ tor o f the W ashington Office in 1964 and as­ sumed the director’s po­ sition in 1972. She has served on the boards of s e v e ra l W a s h in g to n - based organizations and w as th e first fe m a le p resident o f the Joint Council on Educational T e le c o m m u n ic atio n s . E ileen Cooke Involved in the legisla­ tive process, Cooke has helped prepare wit­ n esses testifying b efo re C ongress a n d has w orked on major pieces o f legislation includ­ ing the Library Services and Construction Act, the Higher Education Act, the Copyright Revi­ sion Act, and various appropriations bills. P eter J o h n s o n retired from Stanford Univer­ sity, California, w here he most recently served as head of reference from 1984-1992. Johnson joined Stanford in 1966 as part of the first Meyer Library staff of seven librarians. He w as assis­ tant head of Meyer from 1968-1970 and was instrumental in the founding o f the Stanford University Librarians Association in 1969. In 1970 Jo hnson w ent to SUNY-Albany to teach library school, but returned to Stanford in 1972 and taught for 20 years there w hile serving as social sciences bibliographer and head of ref­ erence. In te rn a tio n a l lib r a r y fe llo w s b e g in a ssig n m e n ts Ten librarians from around the w orld ar­ rived in the U.S. in O ctober to be fellows at U.S. libraries u nder a pilot program recently established by ALA and the United States In­ form ation Agency (USIA). The program is designed for mid-level librarians w ho show potential of rising into positions of profes­ sional leadership in their countries. The fel­ lows will w ork for three to ten m onths to enhance their understanding of contemporary librarianship as practiced in the U.S., develop new areas o f expertise, and establish contacts that will lead to enduring professional rela­ tionships. The participating fellows show n in the picture below are (front row 1 to r): Yusra Abu Ajamieh, Abdul H am eed Shoman Public Library in Am m an, Jo rd an ; a n d Rosdiani Rachim, Hasanuddin University in Ujungpan- dang, Indonesia. (Back row 1 to r): Detmahinh Souphanh, National Library in Vientiane, Laos; Kacem Saad, National Docum entation Center in Rabat, Morocco; Lucy Kinyanjui, Kenya Polytechnic in Nairobi; Rizio Bruno Sant’ana, Mario de Andrade Library, Sâo Paulo, Brazil; Mary Boye, U niversity o f Legon, G hana; Monica Dragan, National School for Political Studies and Public Administration in Buch­ arest, Romania; Shirley Elizabeth Ainsworth de Martinez, Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City; and Ewa Krysiak, National Library of Poland, Warsaw. Nine o f the ten librarians have been placed at academic or research libraries. Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 /3 7 Jim K nox, dean of collection development and reference at Stanford University, California, re­ tired last summer. Knox began his career at Stanford in 1967 selecting materials in anthro­ pology, political science, and maps and atlases. He later becam e bibliographer for U.S. and British history, spent 20 years as assistant chief of the General Reference Department, and was nam ed curator in 1982. His contributions w ere recently h o n o re d w ith p re sen tatio n o f the Cuthbertson Award by former Stanford presi­ dent Donald Kennedy. A nna K ozlov retired last summer from Stan­ ford University, California, after 24 years in the Serials and Acquisitions Department, w here she focused her talents on Slavic materials. L arissa K r a sso v sk y recen tly retired from Stanford University, California, where she spent 26 years in the Catalog Department. Born of Russian parents in China, Krassovsky lived in the Philippines, Thailand, and Hong Kong be­ fore coming to America in 1954. She joined Stanford in 1967, becoming head of the former Meyer Library Cataloging Unit in 1977. In 1984 she joined the Language and Literature Section as a variant edition and belles lettres cataloger. J o h n N ugent, university archivist at the Uni­ versity o f Kansas Libraries, retired in Novem­ ber after 43 years of service. B rantley H. P arsley Sr., library director at the University of Mobile (UM), Alabama, retired in December after serving libraries for 35 years. Parsley began his career at the Broadm oor Branch of the New Orleans Public Library in 1958. He th en m oved to Emory University w here he served on the staff of the Theology Library and received his MLS degree. Next he served 16 years as library director at Camp­ bellsville College in Kentucky, then served as director at UM for 11 years. Siegfried R uschin, collection developm ent li­ brarian at Linda Hall Library, Kansas City, Mis­ souri, retired in July after 33 years of service. During his career, Ruschin alerted librarians to possible inequities in certain European journal pricing, as American libraries were paying much more than European libraries for the same jour­ nals. He achieved some fairness in this area. He also contributed articles to the Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues. C arolyn Stewart retired from Stanford Uni­ versity, California, August 31 after 25 years in Cubberley Library. She began her career in 1968 supervising student assistants in circulation and reserves operations and providing reference service. After receiving her MLS from San Jose State University, Stewart rejoined Cubberley as a library specialist and has served as technical services and reference specialist and as a regu­ lar volunteer at the Information Desk. D e a th s Frances Farmer, head of the University of Vir­ ginia Law Library from 1945 until her retire­ ment in 1976, died September 13. A graduate of W esthampton College, Farmer received her LL.B. from the University of Richmond’s T. C. Williams School of Law. She served as presi­ dent of the American Association o f Law Li­ brarians in 1959-60 and was a consultant to many U.S. law libraries and to the government law library in Nigeria. Flavia Reed O w en, head librarian at Randolph- Macon College from 1942-1984, died Septem­ ber 15. After stepping dow n as head librarian, O w en served as associate director until her re­ tirement in 1989- In 1988 the special collec­ tions room of the McGraw-Page Library was nam ed in h e r honor, and she received the college’s Samuel Nelson Gray Distinguished Professor Award in 1981, the Mary Mildred Sullivan Award in 1988, and an honorary doctorate of hum ane letters in 1990. O w en received her B.S. in library science from Emory University. ■ Advertiser index 3M cover 4 Bowker/Reed cover 2 Carlson 13 CD Plus Technologies 1 Chadwyck-Healey 8 CHOICE 1-10 Congressional Quarterly 10 Digital Directory Assist. 16 Readmore cover 3 Sociological Abstracts 22 H.W. Wilson 28