ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 38 / C&RL News THEDS DIA ICSESAFL Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $7.10 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.00 for others. Late job notices are $17.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $20.50 for others. O rganizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $320 to $610 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no soonerthan the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms fa c ­ ulty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL A/eivsclassified ads are now accessible on the Internet through the gopher server at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Ads will be placed on the gopher approximately 2­ 3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. To reach C&RLNewsNet you can locate the University of Illinois at Chicago in the menu of all servers maintained on gopher at the University of Minnesota. Alternatively, you can connect your favorite gopherdient directly to host " 70". Select "The Library" from the menu and then select "C&RL NewsNet" from the next menu. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is com mitted to equality of opportunity for all library em ploy­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin." By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN A C Q U IS IT IO N S L IB R A R IA N . T h e C lin ø L ib ra ry a t N o rth e rn A riz o n a U n iv e rs ity in v ite s a p p lic a tio n s fo r A c q u is itio n s L ib ra ria n . U n d e r th e d ire c tio n o f th e B ib lio g ra p h ic S e r v ic e s C o o rd in a to r, is re s p o n s ib le fo r m a n a g in g fo u r FT E sta ff in a ll a s p e c ts o f m o n o g ra p h ic , s e ria l, a n d n o n b o o k a c q u is itio n s . F o rm u la te s p o lic y a n d p ro c e d u re s in a u to ­ m a te d a c q u is itio n s e n v ir o n m e n t ( IN N O V A C Q ). P a r tic ip a te s in d e p a r tm e n t’s m a n a g e m e n t te a m a n d w o rk s w ith c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p ­ m e n t p e rs o n n e l. P o s itio n in c lu d e s s u b je c t s p e c ia lis t d u tie s . Q u a lific a ­ tio n s : A L A -a c c re d ite d M L S , m in im u m tw o y e a rs e x p e rie n c e in a c a ­ d e m ic lib ra ry a c q u is itio n s ; c u rre n t k n o w le d g e o f th e b o o k tra d e a n d s e ria ls a c q u is itio n s ; s u c c e s s fu l s u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e ; s tro n g s e r­ v ic e o rie n ta tio n ; e x c e lle n t w ritte n a n d o ra l c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills ; a b ility to fu n c tio n w e ll in c h a n g in g e n v iro n m e n t. C lin e L ib ra ry is a n e w fa c ility s e rv in g a c o m p re h e n s iv e u n iv e rs ity p o p u la tio n o f 1 4 ,0 0 0 u n d e r g r a d u a te a n d 4 ,4 0 0 g ra d u a te s tu d e n ts . S a la ry : $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 m in i­ INFORMATION SERVICES PROFESSIONAL Bucknell University Bucknell seeks creative librarian who thrives in a changing electronic environment to start August 1,1994. Responsibilities include: 1) design and delivery of user education services with emphasis on the first year experience; 2) collection development as part of faculty liaison; 3) reference desk ser­ vices (some evening and weekend assignments). Required: ALA-MLS, three years post-MLS ex­ perience, active involvement with innovative user education. Excellent communication and inter­ personal skills. Preferred: Management/economics, education/ psychology, or life sciences background. Salary range: Low- to mid-thirties. For maximum consideration, submit letter, re­ sume, and three references by February 18, 1994, to: Ann de Klerk Director of Library Services Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 Applications from women and mem bers o f minority groups are encouraged. m u m . S e n d re s u m e , le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , a nd th e n a m e s a n d a d ­ d re s s e s o f t h re e re fe re n c e s to: C la u d ia B a k u la , A s s o c ia te U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ria n , N A U B o x 6 0 2 2 , N o rth e rn A riz o n a U n iv e rs ity , F la g s ta ff, A Z 8 6 0 1 1 . R e v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in on J a n u a r y 1 5 ,1 9 9 4 , a n d co n tin u e u n til th e p o s itio n is fille d . N o rth e rn A riz o n a U n iv e rs ity is co m m itte d to e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , a ffir m a tiv e a c tio n , m in o ritie s , w o m e n , h a n d ic a p p e d p e rs o n s , a nd v e te ra n s a re e n c o u ra g e d to a p p ly. A S S IS T A N T L IB R A H IA N , S u m m e r 1 99 4, te n u re tra c k , p e n d in g fu n d in g o f p o s itio n . B ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n lib ra ria n to p ro v id e le a d e rs h ip in u s e r e d u c a tio n p ro g ra m ; o v e r s e e s th e p ro v is io n o f in s tru c tio n s e rv ic e s , in c lu d in g o rie n ta tio n s , g e n e r a l a n d s u b je c t c la s s e s , a n d to u rs ; p re p a ra tio n o f in s tru c tio n m a te r ia ls ; d e v e lo p m e n t of c re d it c o u rs e s . P ro m o te s lib ra ry in s tru c tio n to th e c a m p u s c o m m u ­ n ity. C o o rd in a te s in s tru c tio n e ffo rts o f o th e r lib ra ria n s . A s s is ts in g e n e ra l re fe re n c e s e rv ic e "(in clud in g e v e n in g s ) , d a ta b a s e s e a rc h in g , a n d c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t. A L A -a c c re d ite d M L S ; m in im u m o f tw o y e a rs p ro fe s s io n a l re fe re n c e a n d in s tru c tio n a l e x p e rie n c e in a c a ­ d e m ic lib ra ry ; e x p e rie n c e w ith e le c tr o n ic re s o u rc e s s u c h a s O P A C , C D -R O M . o n lin e s e a rc h in g , In te rn e t, a n d e m e rg in g te c h n o lo g ie s ; s tro n g in te r p e rs o n a l le a d e rs h ip a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills ; d e m o n ­ stra te d a n a ly tic a l, o rg a n iz a tio n a l, a n d p la n n in g s k ills ; e x p e rie n c e w ith o n lin e s e a rc h in g o n B R S , D IA L O G , e tc., a nd w ith m ic ro c o m p u t­ e rs in a L A N e n v ir o n m e n t p re fe rre d . C r e d e n tia ls a n d e x p e rie n c e c o m p a ra b le to th e a b o v e w ill a ls o be c o n s id e re d . P le a s e s e n d le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n a n d re s u m e w ith n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , a n d te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re fe re n c e s to: J e a n n e S o h n , D ir e c to r o f L ib r a r y S e rv ic e s , E lih u B u r ritt L ib ra ry , C e n tra l C o n n e c tic u t S ta te U n iv e r ­ s ity , N e w B rita in , C T 0 6 0 5 0 -4 0 1 0 . R e v ie w o f c a n d id a te s w ill b e g in on M a rc h 1. 1 99 4. C e n tra l C o n n e c tic u t S ta te U n iv e rs ity a g g re s s iv e ly p u rs u e s a p ro g ra m o f e q u a l e m p lo y m e n t a n d e d u c a tio n o p p o r tu n ity a n d a ffir m a tiv e a c tio n . P e o p le o f c o lo r, w o m e n , v e te ra n s , a n d p e rs o n s w ith d is a b ilitie s a re in v ite d a n d e n c o u ra g e d to a p p ly . gopher:// Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 /3 9 ASSO CIATE LIBR AR IA N /PU B LIC SERVICES. M illsaps College invites applications for the position of Associate Librarian/Public Services. $25,000-$28,000. A vailable July 1,1994. Duties: Oversee all public services, report to C ollege Librarian, serve in reference, instruction, interlibrary capacity. Q ualifications: MLS from ALA- accredited program , five years experience in liberal arts setting in public services, fam iliar with autom ated resources, good personal skills. M illsaps C ollege is a com petitive, private M ethodist-related institution of 1,300 students. The library has 270,000 volum es and a staff of 12. Position is a faculty appointm ent with good benefits. Contact: Jam es F. Parks, Jr., College Librarian, P.O. Box 150148, M ills a p s C o lle g e , J a c k s o n , M S 3 0 2 1 0 . (6 0 1 ) 9 7 4 -1 0 7 0 . Parksjf@ okra.M AA, EOE. AUTO MATIO N SY STEM S LIBRARIAN, Assistant Professor rank, tenure track, 12-month, faculty status. Reports to the Dean of Library Services and is responsible for planning and operation of the library’s various autom ated system s. Duties include system s m anager for the library’s autom ated circulation system (ULISYS), online library cata­ log (CATTRAX), and cataloging system (OCLC); troubleshooter for all com puter system s in the library; leader in training and use of library autom ation for optim izing library service. Q ualifications: M inimum : ALA-accredited MLS, or equivalent; five years professional aca­ dem ic library experience, or equivalent experience at other large library (preference will be given for academ ic experience); substan­ tial experience in a variety of library autom ation applications includ­ ing mainframes, m icrocom puters, and local and wide-area networks; proven organizational and interpersonal skills; effective skills in written and verbal com m unication; and ability to w o rk in a team setting. Desirable: Advanced degree in com puting/inform ation sys­ tems; experience with OCLC, autom ated circulation systems, VAX systems, CD-RO M technology, and the Internet; participation in professional organizations. A nnual salary, depending upon qualifi­ cations, $36,766-$42,621. TIAA-C REF, 22 days vacation. A pplica­ tions m ust be postm arked by Friday, M arch 11, 1994. This position is contingent upon funding. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three current professional references to: Jenn ifer Jaques, Search Com m ittee Chair, Reference Departm ent, Central W ashington University Li­ brary, 400 E. 8th Ave., Ellensburg, WA 98926-7548. AA, EEO, Title IX Institution. C A TA LOG /A RC HIVES LIBRARIAN. Duties: M anagem ent of catalog­ ing operations and university archives; original cataloging of m ono­ graphs, serials, and nonbook m aterials; some reference desk duties; som e subject liaison responsibilities including collection developm ent and bibliographic instruction; participation in library policy form ulation; and cam pus and professional services. Required: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school; at least three years library cataloging experi­ ence; knowledge of LC classification and subject headings, AACR2 and MARC form ats, O CLC or other bibliographic utility. Desirable: S upervi­ sory experience; fam iliarity with integrated systems, especially DYNIX. Salary: M inimum $29,000 for a 12-month appointm ent, tenure track. Benefits: Full benefits package, including retirement, and 22 days vacation. Application: Send letter of application outlining qualifications for the position, a resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Rita Hug, Head of Technical Services, Library, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, P.O. Box 7150, Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7150. Application deadline is February 28, 1994. Position available July 1, 1994. The University of Colorado is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. A pplications from wom en and m inorities are encouraged. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, St. O laf College, Northfield, Minnesota. Ten- m onth, half-tim e, and tenure-track appointm ent with faculty status beginning Septem ber 1, 1994. Responsibilities include original and copy cataloging of currently received and retrospective m aterials; em phasis on currently received monographs, serials, and other item s in Norwegian, Danish, and G erm an from the St. O laf and Kierkegaard Libraries and the Norwegian-American Historical Association. Catalog­ ing is done on O CLC in accordance with AACR2, LCSH, and LC classification standards for input into PALS online system. O ther respon­ sibilities as assigned. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; cataloging and language skills sufficient for original cataloging of m aterials in Norwe­ gian, Danish, and Germ an; ability to w ork well in collegial environment with shared decision-m aking procedures; evidence of or interest in 40/C & R L N ew s professional activity. Desirable: Interest/ability in rare book catalog­ ing. Salary: In upper-teens. Send letter, resume, and nam es of three references to: Kris Huber, College Librarian, St. O laf College, 1510 St. O laf Ave., Northfield, MN 55057-1097 by February 15, 1994. St. O laf is a college of the church in the Lutheran tradition. EEOE, AA. CATA LO G LIBRARIAN. St. O laf College, Northfield, Minnesota. Ten-m onth, tenure-track appointm ent w ith faculty status, beginning Septem ber 1, 1994. Responsibilities include original and com plex copy cataloging of m onographs in English and other languages on O CLC in accordance w ith AACR 2, LCSH, and LC classification standards fo r input into PALS online system ; cataloging or assisting with cataloging of m aterials in other form ats such as serials and videos; participating in the developm ent, m aintenance, and im ple­ m entation of PALS subsystem s; participating in technical services projects; participating in th e reference rotation; other duties com m en­ surate with cand idate’s interests, abilities, and the needs of the library. Required: ALA-accredited M LS; original cataloging experi­ ence; experience w ith integrated online catalog and authority control subsystem ; ability to w o rk well in collegial environm ent w ith shared decision-m aking procedures; evidence of or interest in professional activity. Desirable: Bibliographic know ledge of at least one language other than English, w ith slight preference for Norwegian, Danish, G erm an, or Latin; w illingness to in itiate and accept a diversity of assignm ents and responsibilities. Salary: In low thirties. Send letter, resum e, and nam es of three references to: Kris Huber, College Librarian, St. O laf C ollege, 1510 St. Olaf Ave., Northfield, MN 55057- 1097 by February 15, 1994. St. O laf is a college of th e church in the Lutheran tradition. EEOE, AA. CA TA LO G ER — SC IE NC ES, M ATH EM ATICS, TECHN O LO G Y. Du­ ties: Catalog (original/m em ber copy) in sciences, m athematics, tech­ nology; adhere to prescribed input standards for online cooperative cataloging; m aintain appropriate authority file s and train users of sam e; supervise departm ental projects, paraprofessional staff, and assignm ents, as needed; participate in library faculty program s. Q ualifications: M inimum : A LA-accredited MLS; training/experience using OCLC; academ ic degree in science/technology field. Preferred: Cataloging experience on OCLC, additional subject-area graduate Library Director Mills College, a liberal arts women's college in the San Francisco Bay Area, seeks a College Librarian with a strong commitment to supporting the aca­ demic curriculum. The Library Director will coor­ dinate all library programs and operations; engage in effective strategic planning, fiscal management, funding and resource development activities; de­ velop and expand automated library services; di­ rect a staff o f 5 librarians and 6 support staff; and participate in reference desk rotation. Requires MLS or equivalent from ALA accredited program. Significant library administration experience that has included responsibilities for strategic planning, fiscal management, funding and resource develop­ ment. K nowledge o f major library automation system s and emerging information technologies. Superior communication and interpersonal skills. To ensure consideration, apply by Jan 31, 1994. Preliminary interviews may be held at the ALA Midwinter meeting in Los Angeles. Send resume, names and phones numbers o f three references and cover letter addressing strategic planning experi­ e n c e , fa m ilia r ity w ith autom ated se r v ic e s and leadership philosophy to: Search Committee for Library Director, c/o O ffice o f the Provost, Mills College, Oakland, CA 94613. People o f color and women encouraged to apply. EOÉ/AA degree, training/experience using online library system s. Rank and salary: Instructor or Assistant Professor (tenure-track) 12-month appointm ent. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience, from a m inimum of $22,000. Benefits: Includes: 24 days vacation and 12 days sick leave, per year; state-paid retirement (state or TIAA); group health insurance. The university is located in the largest urban center in the state of Tennessee and m id-South region. The enrollm ent in the university is approxim ately 20,000 students. The M SU Libraries (main library and 6 branches) has 28 faculty and 78 support staff. A new main library structure is to be occupied in mid- 1994. Review of applications w ill begin February 1, 1994, and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, nam es and addresses of thre e (3) references, and official und er­ graduate and graduate transcripts to: Jackie Fry, Library Personnel Clerk, Room 101, M em phis State U niversity Libraries, M em phis, TN 38152. M em phis State University is an equal opportunity, affirm a­ tive action em ployer. W e urge all qualified app licants to apply for this position. Appointm ent is based on qualifications as they relate to position requirem ents without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, disability, or veteran status. Successful cand i­ dates m ust m eet guidelines of the Im m igration and Reform Control A ct of 1986. C O LLE G E A R CH IV ES AN D RECO RD S M A N A G EM EN T CO O R D I­ NATOR, Davidson College. Reporting to the Library Director, the C ollege Archives and Records M anagem ent Coordinator is respon­ sible for all aspects of the departm ent including: selection, descrip­ tion, preservation, reference assistance, and prom otion of collection. Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers, and employers should consider these recommended mini­ mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the AL4 Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. C onn ecticut $28,900 D elaw are $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iow a $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 M aine varies* M assachusetts $27,554* N ew J e rs e y $24,200 N ew Y o rk varies* N orth C a ro lin a $22,491 O hio $25,198+ P en nsylvania $23,700* R h od e Island $26,500 S o u th C a ro lin a varies* S o u th D a k o ta $20,000 Texas $25,000 V e rm o n t $22,500 W e s t V irg in ia $22,000 W iscon sin $25,830 ‘ Rather than establish one statew ide salary m inimum , som e state associations have adopted a form ula based on such variables as com parable salaries for pub lic school teachers in each com m unity or th e grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you m ay wish to contact the state association for m inim um salary inform ation. +Salary m inim um s for public librarians only. #O ption for local form ula Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 /4 1 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University V irg in ia P o ly te c h n ic Institute an d S ta te U n ive rsity (V irg in ia T ech ) in vite s a p p lica tio n s an d nom in a tio n s fo r th e po sitio n o f U n ive rsity Librarian. T h e U n ive rsity Lib ra ria n reports to th e V ice P re sid e n t fo r In fo rm a tion S yste m s an d is p a rt o f the Inform ation S yste m s m a n a g e m en t team . T h e U n ive rsity Librarian is resp o n sib le fo r p roviding le adership in all lib ra ry-re la te d pro g ra m s. T he U n ive rsity Lib ra rie s have a b u d ge t of o v e r $ 9 ,000,000. T he U n ive rsity Lib ra rie s in clu d e a p p ro x im a te ly 50 p ro fe ssio n a l lib ra ria n s and 100 p a ra p ro fe s s io n a l staff. T he succe ssful ca n d id ate sh o u ld have sig n ifica n t a c h ie v e m e n t in are a s releva n t to th e d e v e lo p m e n t and d e liv e ry o f in fo rm a tio n re s o u rce s; a d e m o n s tra b ly s tron g co m m itm e n t to e x c e lle n c e in s c h o la rs h ip and rese a rch ; k n o w le d g e of c o lle c tio n d e ve lo p m e n t, pu b lic and te c h n ic a l se rvices, and in fo rm a tio n te c h n o l­ ogy. T he s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te sh o u ld be a b le to a rtic u la te a v is io n fo r th e fu tu re , as w ell as d e m o n s tra te le a d e rs h ip in sh a p in g and m an a g in g c h a n ge . T h e su c c e s s fu l ca n d id ate sho u ld have a firm g ra s p o f c u rre n t issu e s in h ig h e r e d u c a tio n and th e a b ility to fo rg e e ffe ctive links w ith fa c u lty an d a ca d em ic pro g ra m s. M in im u m p re p a ra tio n w ill include an a p p ro p ria te a d va nce d d e g re e o r e q u iv a le n t exp e rie n ce . L e tters o f a p p lic a tio n w ith an a cc o m p a n y in g v ita w ill be review ed b e g in ning F eb ru a ry 1 , 1994, and c o n tin u e u ntil p o sitio n is filled. N o m in atio n s are also invited. C o m m u n ic a tio n s sho u ld be ad d re sse d to: Search Committee for University Librarian Office of the Vice President for Information Systems Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24060-0152 VPI&SU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and particularly encourages applications from women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities. Those individuals desiring accommodations in the application process should notify Muriel Flynn, Personnel Services, phone: (703) 231-7777; TDD: (703) 231-6258, by the application deadline. The coordinator will begin a cam pus-w ide program of records m an­ agem ent, supervised by th e library. The Coordinator w ill participate in libraryw ide activities, including som e evening and weekend reference duty. Q ualifications: ALA-M LS, additional graduate degree in history desirable; know ledge of research m ethodology; successful com ple­ tion of recognized program in archives m anagem ent and records m anagem ent; appropriate experience in electronic recordkeeping and autom ated library system s. $25,000 m inim um . TIAA/CR EF, BC/ BS, EOE. C andidates m ay subm it letter of application, resum e, and names, addresses, and phone num bers of three professional refer­ ences to: Leland M. Park, Library Director, E. H. Little Library, D a v id s o n C o lle g e , P. O. Box 1837, Davidson, NC 28036. CU RA TO R. The R osenbach M useum & Library seeks Curator to m anage special collections com prising 300,000 m anuscripts, 30,000 rare books (princip ally English & Am erican literature, Am erican history), and fine and decorative arts collections. Reports to the director and supervises professional and support staff of five. Respon­ sible for collections access, care, developm ent, and interpretation, and fo r exhibition program . R epresents the Rosenbach at profes­ sional m eetings. Curator will participate in all aspects of planned capital cam paign and new building program . Distinguished academ ic record, advanced degree, experience with special collections and with exhibition planning and in stallation, dem onstrated research and w riting skills, com puter literacy, ability to w o rk cooperatively w ith a sense of hum or required. Fam iliarity with Am erican, English, and C ontinental fine and decorative arts desirable. Start date: ASAP; applications considered until position is filled. Send letter, resume, and nam es of three references to: Stephen K. Urice, Director, The Rosenbach M useum & Library, 2010 D eLancey Place, Philadel­ phia, PA 19103. EOE. EDUCATION AL/C URR IC ULU M M ATERIALS LIBRARIAN. Full-time, tenure-track faculty position availab le Spring 1994. R esponsibilities: C oordinating th e Curriculum M aterials C e nte r (tw o FTE staff, four FTE students); providing reference service; providing collection deve lopm ent/faculty liaison in education; providing library in struc­ tion. Q ualifications: ALA -accredited M LS and second m aste r’s de­ gree required. D em onstrated interpersonal and com m unication skills and public service com m itm ent required. Two years relevant expe­ rience strongly preferred. M inim um salary: $31,000, A ssista nt Pro­ fessor. Full description available on request. Review begins Febru­ ary, 15, 1994, and w ill continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resum e, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of thre e references to: Library Adm inistration O ffice, Ronald W illiam s Library, N ortheastern Illinois University, 5500 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, IL 60625. AA, EOE. HEAD, A G R IC U LTU R E -V ETER IN A R Y M EDICINE LIBRARY. The Agriculture-V eterinary M edicine Library is the prim ary inform ation resource for th e faculty, students, and staff of the University of Tennessee, Institute of A griculture. Com ponents of the institute include the College of Veterinary M edicine, th e College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, the Agricultural Experim ent Sta­ tion, and the Agricultural Extension Service. Research activities of the institute exceed $25 m illion each year. Degrees granted in cluded the D.V.M. in veterinary medicine and the Ph.D. in several agriculture and veterinary program s. The library is a m ajor branch of the university libraries system which is lo cated on the Agriculture Cam pus of the University. Responsibilities: Provides the full range of inform ation services to the various elem ents and program s of the Institute of Agriculture. M anages the overall operations of th e branch including the supervision of one librarian and fo u r staff. Serves as th e prim ary library liaison with adm inistration of the Institute of Agriculture. As a team leader, the Head is involved in overall libraries’ operations and planning. Represents the branch in regional and national circles. Provides leadership in developing innovative branch services. A d­ vises and reports to the A ssociate Dean for Access Services. Re­ quired qualifications: A LA-accredited MLS degree; substantial pro­ fessional public services experience in an academ ic or research library; broad know ledge of reference sources; and dem onstrated ability to provide effective leadership in a clim ate of change. Strong 4 2 / C&RL News DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Governors State University G o ve rn o rs S ta te U n ive rsity is one of tw o u p p er divisio n p u b lic unive rsitie s in th e State of Illinois offering ju n io r an d s e n io r level co u rs e s leading to th e b a c h e lo r’ s de g re e , an d g ra d u a te co u rs e s leading to the m aster’s degree. G o ve rn o rs State University, currently serving o v e r5,000 learners in the g re a te r C hicago area, asp ire s to b e co m e a p rem iere te a ching , stu d en t-ce n te re d unive rsity o f the 21 st century. U nder the le a d e rs h ip of its new P re sid e n t and w ith strong and active su p p o rt of fa cu lty, a d m in istra to rs, students, staff, and th e co m m u n ity, G o v e rn o rs S tate is poised fo r a new e ra in its acco m p lish e d histo ry of serving a high p e rce n ta g e of n o n tra d itio n a l learners. The un ive rsity is now recruiting a D irector o f th e U niversity L ibrary to jo in its m an a g e m e n t team . T H E D IR E C TO R : G o v e rn o rs S tate U niversity is se e kin g an exp e rie n ce d , inn o va tive, d y n a m ic leader, reporting to the P ro vo st/V ice P re sid e n t of A ca d e m ic A ffairs, to a d m in is te r th e u n ive rsity library. The su cce ssful c a n d id a te w ill m an a g e a s ta ff of 33, and w ill be resp o n sib le fo r plan n in g, co o rd in a tin g , and adm in iste rin g all library program s, operations, services, and budget. The ideal ca n d id ate w ill possess the fo llo w in g c h a ra cte ristics: stron g c o m m itm e n t to se rvice; su p e rio r co m m u n ic a tio n s a nd inte rp e rso na l skills; and e xce lle n t te a m -b u ild in g skills w ith colle a g u es, faculty, students, staff, and th e co m m u n ity. The D ire ctor w ill se rve as an a d vo cate fo r th e library an d its m ission and w ill have kn o w le d g e of cu rre n t d e v e lo p m e n ts and tren d s in library autom a tio n . Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : A M aste r of Library S cie n ce d e g re e from an A L A -a ccre d ite d institu tio n plus eith e r a m a s te r’s d egree in a s u b je ct discipline, a sixth -ye a r ce rtifica te in Library Science, o r an a d va nce d degree. S u cce ssfu l w e ll-ro u n d e d su p e rviso ry e xp e rie n ce in an a ca d em ic library. D e m on stra ted reco rd of leadership. D em on stra ted a b ility to plan and im p le m e n t b udgets. D e m on stra ted ab ility to a d m in iste r a u tom a te d library system s. A P P L IC A T IO N A N D N O M IN A T IO N P R O C E D U R E : T he positio n is a va ila b le M arch 1, 1994, and will rem ain o p e n until filled. R e vie w of a p p lica tio n s w ill begin J a n u a ry 24, 1994. S a la ry is com petitive. A p p lica n ts should send a le tte r o f inte re st a d d re ssin g qu a lifica tio ns, a cu rre n t c u rricu lu m vitae, an d the nam es, a d d re sse s, an d te le p h o n e n um bers of th re e refe re n ces to: Chairperson Search and Screening Committee for Director University Library President’s Office Governors State University University Park, IL 60466 Governors State University is committed to achieving excellence through diversity. The university encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, and ethnic/racial minorities. Governors State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. com m itm ent to providing quality service; clear and dem onstrated knowledge of new technologies and their applications to enhancing user services; excellent com m unication skills; effective interpersonal skills including the ability to w ork with students, faculty, adm inistra­ tors, and library staff. Evidence of professional and scholarly activity. Preferred: A dvanced degree in agricultural, medical, or biological sciences. Experience in an academ ic branch library. Supervisory experience in a large academ ic or research library. Benefits: Tenure- track position. Library faculty m ust m eet university requirem ents, for prom otion and tenure. Tw enty-four days annual leave, tuition remis­ sion, usual benefits. Assistant or Associate Professor rank. Salary: $35,000 m inimum . Send letter of application, current resum e, and names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three recent references to: Joyce Jackson, Human Resources, The University of Tennessee Libraries, 1015 V olunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. Review of applications will begin April 15,1994, and will continue until the position is filled. Interviewing at ALA, M id-winter, Los Angeles. UTX is an EEO, AA, title IX, section 504, AD A employer. HEAD OF REFER EN CE SERVICES. Responsible for adm in istration of the Tulane University Howard-Tilton M em orial Library Reference Departm ent including desk coverage, collection developm ent and m aintenance of reference m aterials, database searching, and biblio­ graphic instruction. Participate in all phases of reference activities including evening and weekend rotation. Responsible for the Interlibrary Loan office. Supervise a staff of 5.5 FTE librarians, 5.5 FTE support staff, and several student em ployees. The Reference Departm ent is in a transitional phase in response to changes in staffing patterns and an em phasis on public services in an era of rapidly developing technologies. The Head of Reference will w o rk closely with the Assistant University Librarian for Public Services and other public services departm ent heads to institute changes in functions and duties during a reorganization of services. The position reports to the Assistant University Librarian for Public Services. The library oper­ ates on the NO TIS system and the Reference Departm ent supports a CD-RO M LAN. Q ualifications: M LS degree from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent; several years of progressively respon­ sible experience in reference services; knowledge of and experience with inform ation technology as it applies to academ ic libraries; and ability to wo rk effectively with faculty, students, staff, and the general public in a busy urban environment. Experience in collection devel­ opm ent is highly desirable as is supervisory and m anagem ent experience. Appointm ent will be at the Librarian II or III level, depend­ ing upon experience. M inimum salary: $30,000. G enerous fringe benefits including im m ediate tuition w aiver for self and dependents. Deadline for application is Monday, January 3 1 ,1 9 9 4 . Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: Melonie Hughes, Administrative Assistant, Howard- Tilton M emorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118. Tulane University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 /4 3 SERIALS DEPARTMENT HEAD Dartmouth College Library T he D artm outh C o lle g e L ibrary seeks an inn o va tive le a d e r w ho can crea tive ly d e ve lo p and m an a g e the lib ra ry ’s se rials o p e ra tio n s in a tim e of tra n sfo rm a tio n and change. R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S : R eporting to the D irector of C o lle ctio n D e ve lo p m e n t and B ib liog ra p hic C ontrol, d ire c ts and m a n a g e s the acqu isitio n s, fisca l con tro l, receipt, b ib lio g ra p h ic m ainte n a n ce and bind in g of se rials in an in n o v a tiv e and te c h n ic a lly s o p h istica te d e n viro n m e n t u tilizing IN N O P A C , R LIN , and the D artm outh O nlin e C atalog. T he S e rials L ibrarian is resp o n sib le fo r p lanning, setting go a ls and p riorities, fo rm u la tin g policies, d e s ig n in g and m onitoring w o rkflow , allo ca tin g staff, and p roviding le a d e rsh ip fo r the c o n tin uing d e v e lo p m e n t of serials a u tom a tio n in o rd e r to pro vid e effe ctive a ccess to th e lib ra ry’s serial colle ctio n s. As a m e m b e r of th e D epa rtm e n t H eads gro u p , the S e ria ls L ibrarian pa rticip a te s in th e gen era l a d m in istra tio n o f th e lib ra ry and se rve s on o th er c o m m itte e s as a ppropriate. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : T he su cce ssful ca n d id ate w ill be fa m ilia r w ith cu rre n t tren d s in se rials m a n a g e m en t and con tro l, in clu d in g co m p u te r a p p lica tio n s and n ational s ta n da rd s fo r b ib lio g ra p h ic co n tro l; have d e m o n strate d e xp e rie n ce in m anaging te ch nical opera tio n s; have exp e rie n ce w ith R LIN o rO C L C ; be able to pro vid e strong le a d e rsh ip in a clim ate o f c h a n g e ; and p o sse ss effe ctive co m m u n ica tio n s, interpersonal, and p ro b le m -s o lv in g skills. T he p osition req u ire s an A L A /M L S and six ye a rs of p ro g re ssive ly responsible e xp e rie n ce in an a ca d em ic o r research library w ith a t least tw o ye a rs in serials. R A N K A N D S A L A R Y : R ank and s a la ry c o m m e n su ra te w ith e xp e rie n ce and q u a lifica tio ns w ith a m inim um salary of $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r L ibrarian III. Full b enefits packa ge including 22 v a ca tio n d a y s ;co m p re h e nsive health care; T IA A /C R E F ; and reloca tio n a ssistance. A P P L IC A T IO N : A p p lic a tio n s received by J a n u a ry 3 1 ,1 9 9 4 , w ill be g iven firs t c o n sid e ra tio n ; app lica tio ns w ill be co n sid e re d until th e p osition is filled. Please se n d resu m e to: Phyllis E. Jaynes Director of User Services 115 Baker Library Hanover, NH 03755 Dartmouth College is an AA,EEO, M/F employer. HEAD, SC IENC E CO LLECTIO N DEVELOPM ENT. Directs collection developm ent program s in the sciences; serves as m ember of Collec­ tion M anagem ent Division m anagem ent team ; participates in overall planning, goal setting, and budget allocation for Collection M anage­ ment; serves as chief science bibliographer; advocates fo r the sciences; directs collection developm ent and assessm ent program s; provides supervision/evaluation for science selectors; selects in appropriate areas; leads in developm ent of liaison relationships with appropriate colleges, departm ents and program s. Reports to Associ­ ate Director, Collection M anagem ent Division. Required: ALA-ac- credited MLS; five years progressively responsible and successful experience in academ ic library w ith em phasis in the sciences; substantial collection developm ent experience; extensive knowledge and understanding of research and publication trends in the sciences; m anagement experience; dem onstrated ability to prom ote team work and to w ork effectively w ith faculty, staff, and students; excellent com munication skills. Desired: Educational background in the sci­ ences; experience in science reference, including database search­ ing and bibliographic in struction; fam iliarity with em erging electronic information delivery system s. Salary: $35,000 minimum . Subm it letter of application, resume, names, and addresses of three references to: Carole S. Armstrong, Assistant Director Libraries, Human Resources, E 108 Library, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ml 48824-1048. Applications received prior to January 15, 1994, will receive priority. HEAD, U.S. G O VE R N M E N T DOCUM ENTS. Kansas State University (KSU) Libraries is seeking applicants for th e position of Head of the G overnm ent Docum ents Unit. This is a twelve-m onth, tenure-track position. Reporting to the Chair of Research and Inform ation Services, the Head of G overnm ent Docum ents is responsible for the operation of the U.S. and Kansas depository docum ents areas, as well as the m ap and atlas collection. Kansas State University is a selective depository of GPO docum ents, receiving approxim ately seventy percent of the available publications. The Head of Documents pro­ vides direction and leadership to the G overnm ent Documents Unit and prom otes the use of governm ent publications to the university and general com munity. This position provides reference service, collec­ tion developm ent, bibliographic instruction; and adherence to deposi­ tory laws and regulations; assigns and supervises the duties and responsibilities of tw o FTE docum ents personnel; serves as an active 44/C & R L N ew s UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN San Francisco State University N o m in atio n s and a p p lica tio ns are invited fo r th e position o f U n ive rsity Librarian. San F rancisco State U niversity is a large urban unive rsity th a t serves a dive rse stu d en t bo d y of m ore than 18,000 FTE in the liberal a rts and p ro fe ssio n a l program s. Its fa c u lty n u m b e r 1,500 and te a ch w ith in 67 a cadem ic d e p artm en ts and program s. A s a co m p re h e nsive university, S F S U offe rs a fu ll range of a cadem ic p ro g ra m s and d e g re e s at th e b a cca la ure a te an d m a s te r’s levels, a nd on e jo in t-d o cto ra l program in S pecial Education. T h e J. Paul Leonard L ibrary has a fa cu lty of 25 and a s ta ff of 60. It c o n tains a p p ro xim a tely 750,000 vo lu m e s and m ore th a n 3,5 00 periodical subscriptions, is a d e p o s ito ry fo r th e p u b lica tio ns of th e U.S. g o v e rn m e n t and th e S tate of C alifornia, an d houses a nu m b e r o f sp ecial collections. In a ddition to these tra d itio n a l library print m aterials, th e library te a che s stu d en ts and fa cu lty a b o ut inform ation resources; pro vid e s access to rem ote info rm a tio n system s; m aintains and su p p orts a h eavily used c o m p u te r lab; m aintains an e xtensive vid e o collection; and dissem inates inform ation th ro u g h o u tth e c a m p u s , th e state, th e nation, and th e w orld th ro u g h te le co m m u n ica tion links. T he U n ive rsity Librarian reports to th e Vice P re sid e n t fo r A c a d e m ic A ffa irs and se rve s as a m e m b e r of the C ouncil of A ca d e m ic Deans. T he U niversity Librarian is d irectly responsible fo r all units u n d e r his/h e r ju risd ictio n in m atters of personnel, program s, facilities, budgets, and equipm ent. H e/she is responsible fo r balancing traditional library s e rvices w ith em e rg in g te c h no lo g ie s. H e/she is a m em b e r o f th e Inform ation T echn olog y T earn, alo n g w ith th e E xecutive D irector of C o m pu tin g S e rvice s and th e D ire ctor o f A u d io V is u a l/ln stru ction a l T ele vision , and w o rk s clo s e ly w ith te a m m em b e rs to co o rd in a te an d im prove inform ation reso u rce s at th e university. T he U n ive rsity Librarian m ust be able to en g ag e in m id- and lo ng-range p lanning in a n u m b e r of areas: th e d e ve lo pm e n t, access, and sto ra g e o f c o lle ctio n s; th e rem odeling or replacem ent of facilitie s; th e a ss ig n m e n t o f p ersonnel; and th e lib ra ry ’s respon sive n e ss to stu d en t and fa cu lty c u rric u la r needs. C a n d id a te s fo r this po sitio n sho u ld have a m inim um o f five ye a rs of library a d m in istra tive experience, p re fe ra bly in an a ca d em ic setting, and kn o w le d g e o f national tren d s in p lanning, research, autom ation, netw orks, and resource sharing. In addition to a g raduate d e g re e from an A L A -a ccre dite d institution, a strong record of sch o la rly and professional achievem ent is required. C andidates should possess current know ledge ab o ut print, m edia, and electronic resources. T he y m ust be able both to supervise and to w ork e ffe ctively w ith o th ers as a m em b e r of a team . T h is position is ava ila b le A u g u s t 1994. T he salary fo r this position is co m p e titive , co m m e n su ra te with e xp e rie n ce and qu a lifica tio ns. T he position is inclu d e d in th e C a lifo rnia S tate U niversity M an a g e m en t Personnel Plan, and a liberal b enefits packa ge is provided. T he university has a strong com m itm ent to affirmative action and encourages women, members of all ethnicgroups, and people with disabilities to apply. A P P L IC A T IO N D E A D LIN E : A p p lica tio n s sho u ld be in the form of a le tte r w ith nam es and add re sse s of at least three references, a curricu lu m vitae, an d a brief sta te m e n t reflecting the a p p lica n t’s educational and ad m in istra tive p hilosophy. A p p lica tio n s and s u p p le m e n ta ry m ate ria ls should be fo rw a rd e d to: Chair, University Librarian Search Committee c/o Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132 Review of applications and nominations will begin on February21,1994. m em ber on both the Social Sciences Team and Science Team ; and will oversee the im plementation of M ARC records for G overnment D ocum ents into the online catalog. This position also serves as bibliographic and library liaison to the Hazardous Substance Resource Center, maintains the Center’s database, and furnishes reference and collection development service for that area. Required qualifications: A master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; strong course work in federal government publications or w ork in a documents reference area of a college, university, government, or large public library. Preferred qualifications: Supervisory experience; knowledge of CD-ROM technology; a minimum of one year’s experience in an academic or special library; familiarity with MARC records, especially in a NOTIS environment. Salary: Mid-20s depending upon qualifications. Review of applications will begin February 1, 1994 with the position to begin July 1,1994. Vacation of 22 working days and excellent benefits. Librarians at KSU Libraries have faculty status and may earn tenure. A $28 million expansion/renovation of the libraries is under way. Manhat­ tan is a community of 45,000 situated in the rolling Flint Hills with a very moderate cost of living. Kansas State University is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, or other nonmerit reasons in employ­ ment. Send letter of application, resume, names addresses, and phone Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 /4 5 COLLEGE LIBRARIAN MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE M ount H olyoke C o lle g e in vite s a p p lica tio ns and n o m in a tio n s fo r th e p osition of C ollege Librarian. The C ollege seeks a person w ith respect fo r the traditional role of the library and w ith the im agination and energy to m eet th e ch a lle n g e s w h ich inform ation te c h n o lo g y offe rs today. Founded in 1837, M ou n t H olyoke is an u n d erg rad u a te liberal arts co lle g e fo r w o m en w ith a s tu d en t body o f about 1,900 and a fa c u lty of about 200. Located in the C onnecticut R iver valley o f w estern M assachusetts, it is a m e m b e r of th e c o n so rtiu m o f Five C olleges, Inc., co n sistin g o f A m h e rst, H am pshire, M ou n t H olyoke, and S m ith C olle g e s, and th e U niversity of M assachusetts. T he C o lle g e L ibrarian reports to th e D ean o f th e F aculty/P rovost, and is resp o n sib le fo r a colle ctio n o f over 600,0 0 0 volu m e s, fo r th e audio visu al center, and fo r the co lle g e arch ive s. The lib ra ry staff, ab o ut 35 FTE, includes 13 professional librarians w ho hold faculty status. A recently com pleted $15 m illion building project p rovides E thernet a ccess to the w ired cam pus, to th e Internet, and close pro xim ity to, and coop era tio n w ith , th e C o lle g e 's C o m p u te r and Inform ation S ystem s staff. Students and facu lty have free borrow ing privileges am ong th e libraries of the five college co n so rtiu m ; library directo rs and staff m eet fre q u e n tly ; a recent c o n tra ct w ith Innovative Interfaces, Inc., projects into a second ge n era tio n o f autom a tio n a c o o p era tive ly sup p orte d integ ra te d library system . Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : An M LS d e g re e from a A L A -a ccre dite d program . A se co n d m aster's d e g re e in an aca d em ic d iscip lin e is desirable. C andidates should have broad intellectual and sch o la rly in terests; exhibit a d m in istra tive co m p e te n ce , in cluding stron g inte rp e rso na l and lea d e rsh ip skills and e ffe ctive oral and w ritten co m m unication ca p a b ilitie s; a com prehensive know ledge of all library o p e ra tio n s ; and fam iliarity w ith em e rg in g info rm a tio n te ch no lo g ie s and a utom ated library system s. S a la ry w ill be co m m e n su ra te w ith e xp e rie n ce and qu a lifica tio ns. R eview o f a p p lica tio ns and n o m inations w ill begin on F eb ru ary 15, 1994. A p p lica tio n s sho u ld in clu d e a C V and th e nam es of at least three references. Send nom in a tio n s o r applica tio ns to: Peter Berek Dean of the Faculty and Provost Chair, College Librarian Search Committee Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, MA 01075 Mount Holyoke College is committed to fostering cultural diversity and multicultural awareness in its faculty, staff, and students and is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. numbers of three references to: M. Jean McDonald, Administrative Services, Kansas State University Libraries, Manhattan, KS 66506. KSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. INFO RM ATIO N AC CESS LIBRARIAN (Science em phasis). Full­ tim e tenure-track academ ic year faculty position starting August 1994 including som e evening and weekend hours. Provide reference, inform ation access services in an electronic library environm ent with em phasis on supporting students and faculty in the sciences; partici­ pate in the library instruction program , including the use and analysis of print and electronic resources; participate in collection develop­ ment and analysis prim arily in the sciences; serve as liaison librarian to academ ic departm ents in the sciences; and pursue continued professional developm ent to secure tenure and prom otion. Required: An ALA-accredited m aster's degree in library or inform ation science; two years of professional reference, inform ation access experience in an academ ic library; dem onstrated know ledge of the electronic library environment; dem onstrated oral and written com m unication skills; dem onstrated teaching ability; awareness of current trends in library instruction; and a dem onstrated knowledge of research m ethods and strategies. Preferred: An undergraduate o r graduate degree in the sciences; reference, inform ation access experience using science resources including database searching and the Internet; library instruction; and collection developm ent. Salary range: $27,125- $34,619 for the academ ic year with possible additional sum mer em ploym ent. Rank: Instructor/Assistant Professor dependent upon qualifications. Applications received by February 15, 1994, will re­ ceive full consideration. Subm it letter of application, curriculum vitae, copies of all transcripts, and three current letters of recom mendation to: Barbara Hunsberger, Search Com m ittee Chair, Library Depart- ment/CRL194, M illersville University, P.O. Box 1002, M illersville, PA 17551-0302. AA, EOE. IN F O R M A T IO N L IB R A R IA N . C o m e jo in a d yn a m ic lib ra ry. T his p o sitio n is re s p o n sib le fo r re fe re n ce and lib ra ry use in stru ctio n along w ith so m e c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t. W ill se rve as a m em b er o f th e In fo rm a tio n C o o rd in a tio n of R e so u rce s Tea m . Q u a lific a ­ tio n s req u ire d : D e m o n stra te d a b ility to w o rk in a team e n v iro n ­ m e n t in a clim a te o f c o n tin u o u s im p ro ve m e n t; an A L A -a ccre d ite d M LS d e g re e ; tw o -th re e ye a rs a c a d e m ic lib ra ry e x p e rie n c e p re ­ fe rre d . W illin g n e s s to w o rk a fle x ib le sch e d u le , in clu d in g som e e v e n in g s and w e e ke n d s. F a cu lty s ta tu s, n o n te n u re -tra c k a p ­ poin tm e n t. S a lary $2 4 ,0 0 0 m inim um , d e p e n d e n t upon q u a lific a ­ tio n s. R e view of a p p lic a tio n s w ill be g in F e b ru a ry 1, 1994. P lease s u b m it a le tte r of a p p lica tio n , resum e, and th e nam es, add re sse s, and te le p h o n e num b e rs o f th re e cu rre n t re fe re n c e s to : Hum an R e sources O ffice , N o rth w e s t M iss o u ri S ta te U n iv e rs ity , 800 U n iv e rs ity D rive, M aryville, M O 6 4 4 6 8 -6 0 0 1 . A A /E O E . N o rthw e st e n c o u ra g e s w o m en and m in o ritie s to apply. 4 6 / C&RL News COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN Henry E. Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens T he H untington L ibrary invites a p p lica tio ns fo r th e p osition of C ollection D e velopm ent Librarian to co o rd in a te and m anage colle ctio n d e v e lo p m e n t activitie s and p olicies and to su p e rvise acqu isitio n s procedures. T his p osition reports to th e A sso cia te D irector fo r T ech n ica l Services. R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S : In co lla b o ra tio n with o th e r library staff, has prim a ry respo n sib ility fo r de ve lo ping and m aintaining w ritten c o lle ctio n d e ve lo pm e n t policies; w o rks w ith rare bo o k and m an u scrip t cu ra to rs to coo rd in a te ove ra ll acq u isitio n s pro g ra m ; selects m aterials fo rth e su p p ort collection and coord in a te s th e activitie s of o th e r se le cto rs; su p e rvise s an acq u isitio n s s ta ff of th re e fu ll-tim e library a ssistants; m aintains and eva lu a te s relatio n sh ip s w ith ve n d ors; m onitors acq u isitio n s budget; e stablishes pro ce ­ d u re s fo r review ing gifts, backlogs, and serial su b scrip tio n s; represents library in coo p era tive collection d e ve lo pm e n t and reso u rce -sh a rin g program s. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : A LA -a ccre dite d M LS o r equivalent; three years co llection d e ve lo pm e n t experience in a research library o r e q u iva le nt; kn ow ledge o f cu rre n t c o lle ctio n d e ve lo pm e n t and acquisitions practices; fam ilia rity w ith new and a ntiquarian book trades; w orking kn ow ledge of at least one European language; e xce lle n t oral, w ritten , and inte rp e rso na l skills. H ighly d e sira b le : S u p e rviso ry e xperience; a d va nce d d e g re e in British o r A m erican literature o r history; e xp e rie n ce w ith O C L C o r R LIN . Preferred: Experience with autom ated acquisitions and serials system s (Innovative Interfaces preferred); fam iliarity w ith e le ctro n ic publish in g in th e hum anities. S A LA R Y : S a la ry co m m e n su ra te w ith e xp e rie n ce and qu a lifica tio ns; $30,9 0 0 m inim um . B E N E F ITS : Include T IA A /C R E F , m edical and life insurance, dental plan, 15 da ys paid va ca tio n, plus holidays, s ic k leaves, and p ersonal tim e. S end le tte r of app lica tio n, resum e, and th e nam es, addresses, and te le p ho n e num bers of three refe re n ces to: Carl Foote Manager of Personnel Huntington Library 1151 Oxford Road San Marino, CA 91108 P rim ary c o n sid e ra tio n w ill be g iven to a p p lica tio ns received by F eb ru ary 1 ,1 9 9 4 . Interview s w ill be c o n d ucte d at A L A M id w in ter in Los Angeles. LIBR AR IA N-CO O R DINATO R OF REFERENCE SERVICES. Eleven m onths/full tim e; provide leadership and coordination for reference and inform ation services, including online and CD-ROM database access; share reference desk coverage; participate in bibliographic instruction, collection developm ent, departm ental liaison responsi­ bilities. Requires: M asters’s degree in library science, inform ation studies, or equivalent; background and strong interest in electronic inform ation access; effective interpersonal and teaching skills. Pre­ ferred: Additional m aster’s or doctorate; background in natural or social sciences or education. W hitworth College, a Christian college affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), has an ecumenical faculty and seeks individuals com m itted to its educational mission, the integration of faith and learning, and equal opportunity for women, persons of color, and persons with physical limitations. Salary depen­ dent on experience and rank/degrees. Send letter of interest, resume, and placem ent file or three references to: Librarian Search Com m it­ tee, O ffice of Human Resources, W hitw orth College, Spokane, WA 99251 -0103. Applications accepted until February 15,1994. W hitworth College reserves the right to extend the search proceedings beyond those dates identified in order to assem ble an adequate num ber of qualified applicants. LIBRARIAN II (Pro 109), Electronic Reference Services Coordinator, Public Services Division. Responsible for planning and im plementing electronic references services and resources; develops plans for integrating electronic resources into inform ation services; facilitates access by staff and the public and evaluates electronic references services as new products becom e available; develops policies, program s, training m aterials; coordinates online search services; serves as liaison between reference services, system s and collection m anagem ent in selecting, implementing, and maintaining electronic resources. Reports to the Associate Director, Public Services Divi­ sion. Required: an ALA-accredited MLS; m inimum three years profes­ sional experience; successful record of involvem ent with electronic reference and resources; reference and instruction experience. Sal­ ary: $30,000 minimum. Subm it letter of application, resume, names, and addresses of three references to: Carole S. Armstrong, Assistant Director Libraries Human Resources, E 108 Library, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ml 48823-1048. Applications received prior to January 15, 1994, will receive priority. LIBRARY DIRECTO R. Episcopal Divinity School and W eston School of Theology seek a knowledgeable, innovative, dynam ic Director of the EDS/W ST Joint Library. Successful candidate will be expected to provide vision and advocacy for the library within the two schools and leadership within the library for budget planning and control, library- related fundraising, personnel management, and automation. Master’s degree in Library Science from ALA-accredited school or its equiva­ le nt and at least five years adm inistrative experience and success in an academ ic or research library required. Initial consideration of January 1 9 9 4 /4 7 DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY The American University in Cairo T he Am erican U niversity in C airo (AUC) is inviting app lica tio ns fo r the position of D irector of the Library. AU C is an independent private institution founded in 1919 on Am erican educational principles and prim arily d e dicated to serving the educational needs of Egypt and the M iddle East. Incorporated and fully accredited in the United States, AU C offers bachelor’s and m aster's degrees in som e 25 fields in the liberal arts and professional disciplines. T he D irector has o verall responsibility fo rth e unive rsity’s library of nearly 250,000 volum es, both the largest English-language library in Egypt and including one of the w orld’s finest rare books and special collections on Islam ic art and architecture. Located on A U C ’s cam pus in dow ntow n C airo and staffed by 16 librarians o f m ulticultural background, th e library serves a fu ll-tim e student population of 4,200, over 5,000 part-tim e students and visitors, and a fa cility of 250. R equired qualifications include an M LS degree, with a doctorate preferred; adm inistrative experience with A m erican library practices; dem onstrated le adership in library m anagem ent and developm ent; and fa m ilia rity w ith m ainstream library co m puterization syste m s preferably including D O BIS/LIBIS. Prior o ve rse a s w o rk experience highly desirable. T hre e -ye a r (renew able) a p pointm ent should begin no later than A u g u st 1, 1994. Salary will be com m e n su ra te w ith q u a lifications and experience. A U C offers a com petitive package o f sa la ry and b enefits including, fo r expatriates, furnished housing, roundtrip air travel, hom e leaves, and school tuition fo r tw o children. R eview of a p plications w ill begin J a n u a ry 3 1 ,1 9 9 4 . Send le tte r o f a pplication, resum e, and th re e reference nam es and addresses to: Andrew Kerek Senior Vice President and Provost The American University in Cairo 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 517 New York, NY 10017 AUC is an AA/EEO employer. applications/nominations will begin January 15, 1994; appointm ent will begin July 1, 1994. Nominations and letters of application (with curriculum vitae) should be sent to: Fredrica Harris Thompsett, Academ ic Dean, E p is c o p a l D iv in ity S ch ool, 99 Brattle St., Cam ­ bridge, MA 02138. EDS/W ST is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LIBRARY MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGER. Responsibilities: Report­ ing to the Head of Cataloging prepares original cataloging and classification for m onographs in English and other Western European languages, including state and international documents. Edits and upgrades RLIN member copy, especially for backlog, state and international documents, gift and Western European language m ate­ rials. Catalogs rare books and manuscripts for the libraries’ special collections. Acts as resource person for copy catalogers on questions of cataloging and classification. Supervises descriptive cataloging and provides subject analysis for University at Albany theses and disserta­ tions. Assists in the maintenance of tables in the cataloging subsystem of the local online system. Does rush cataloging for materials upon request. May be assigned projects which relate to areas of primary responsibility. Performs the committee duties and other responsibilities expected of a member of the university academic faculty. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; two years of professional experience in cataloging on a bibliographic utility (RLIN or OCLC preferred) using AACR2. Knowledge of at least one Western European language in addition to English is preferred. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum: $26,500. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries— UL 139, University of Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin January 24, 1994. Please include the names, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers of three references whom we can contact. The University of Albany, State University of New York is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applicationsfrom women, minority persons, handicapped persons, special disabled, and Vietnam-era veterans are especially welcome. M ANAG EM ENT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Under the direction of the Head of the Reference Department, and in collaboration with the other management specialist in the Reference Department, plans and carries out a multi-faceted service program to meet the reference and instructional needs of the students and faculty of Northwestern University's J. L. Kellogg G raduate School of Management. Takes a leadership role in developing service program s in one or more fields related to management. Participates in and helps develop a full range of reference and bibliographic instruction services. Northwestern University Library is largely centralized and management materials are integrated into the main library and Reference Departm ent collec­ tions. The Reference Department, a fast-paced, service-oriented departm ent com prised of nine professional librarians, four classified staff, and over forty student assistants, provides inform ation and educational services to undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty in all areas of the social sciences and humanities. Q ualifica­ tions: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required. Academ ic background in the social sciences, especially in a business-related discipline preferred. Experience in business reference in an academic setting especially desirable. Previous professional experience in an academic library reference departm ent strongly preferred. Experi­ ence with Dialog, BRS, Lexis/Nexis, RLIN, and OCLC also especially desirable. Familiarity with governm ent-produced resources, espe­ cially those in electronic format, desirable. Good oral and written com munication skills and the ability to work effectively with col­ leagues and library users required. Some evidence of research or participation in professional organizations desired. Available imme­ diately. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, to: Peter Devlin, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208. Appli­ cations received by February 4 ,1994, will be considered. Northwest- 48/C & RLN ew s DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES, GENERAL LIBRARIES Emory University A V A IL A B L E : S u m m e r 1994 R E S P O N S IB ILITIE S : A s e n io r m an a g e m en t p osition reporting to th e Vice P rovost and D irector of Libraries and resp o n sib le fo r adm inistering all aspects of the G eneral Libraries’ personnel program . Serve as m em b e r of lib ra rie s’ m an a g e m en t group. R esp o n sib ilitie s include th e se spe cific areas: recruitm ent, appointm ent, and retention policies and program s; e m ployee o rien ta tio n ; salary and benefits program s; staff perfo rm a n ce review and librarian review and prom otion process; a ffirm a tive action and equal op p ortu n ity; s ta ff d e ve lo pm e n t and train in g and ca re e r d e velopm ent. S erves as liaison w ith U niversity H um an R esources. S upe rvise s G eneral L ib ra rie s’ personnel staff. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : M LS from an A L A -a ccre dite d library school o r a d e g re e in hum an resources m an a g e m en t w ith at least five years exp e rie n ce in perso n n e l m a n a g e m en t and supervision, preferably in a large research library, o r an e q u iva le nt co m b in a tio n of e d ucation and e xperience; dem o n strate d strength in m anagerial, interpersonal and w ritten and oral com m u n ica tio n skills; exp e rie n ce and d e m o n strate d strength in s ta ff d e ve lo pm e n t and train in g ; und ersta n d in g of aca d em ic library personnel and m a n a g e m en t issues; fa m ilia rity w ith go ve rn m e n t regulations affecting em p lo ym e n t; dem o n strate d sound ju d g m e n t and effe ctive organ iza tio n a l and p lanning skills. E M O R Y LIBR AR I ES: T he G eneral Libraries, co m p risin g three se p a ra te facilities, su p p ort g ra d u a te and underg rad u a te program s in arts and sciences and business. T he staff includes 45 librarians, 112 general staff, and 135 s tu d en t staff. E m ory is a m em b e r of th e A sso cia tio n of R esearch Libraries, th e R esearch Libraries G roup, the C e n te r fo r R esearch Libraries, and th e U niversity C e n te r in G eorgia. In addition to the G eneral Libraries, th e re are separate libraries fo r law, health sciences, theology, and O xford College. U n ive rsity libraries hold 2.3 m illion volu m e s w ith to ta l e xp e nd itu re s of m ore than $15 m illion. B E G IN N IN G S A LA R Y : S a la ry de p en d e n t upon q u a lifica tio ns and experience, but not less than $45,000 p e r annum . C o m pre h e n sive benefits package, including T IA A /C R E F. A P P L IC A T IO N P R O C E D U R E : Send letter of application, resum e, and the nam es, addresses, and te le p h o n e num bers of th re e references to: Linda Matthews Administrative Office Robert W. Woodruff Library Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322-2870 A p p lica tio n s received by M arch 1 ,1 9 9 4 , w ill receive firs t co nsideration. Emory University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages women and minority candidates. ern University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to w ork in the United States. Salary range: $25,000-$28,000 depending on qualifications. M USIC LIBRARIAN, Davidson College. Under the general supervi­ sion of the Library Director, the M usic Librarian has overall responsi­ bility for the general m aintenance of the Music Library collection, perform ing original and com plex copy cataloging on O CLC for scores, recordings, and other items added to the collection; provides refer­ ence service and bibliographic instruction for m usic collections and other disciplines; participates in collection developm ent. Coordinate with the Chairm an of the Music Department the developm ent of basic library services. Serves as a m em ber of the College Library profes­ sional staff, including som e duties in the main library. Some evening/ weekend reference duty. Q ualifications: ALA-MLS with bachelor’s degree in m usic or musicology (master's degree preferred); tw o or m ore years experience in a library serving m usic faculty and students preferred. Experience with O CLC cataloging and DRA (or com parable autom ated system ); w orking know ledge of at least tw o modern languages preferred; excellent interpersonal and com munication skills. Salary: $22,000 m inimum. TIAA/CREF. BC/BS, EOE. C andi­ dates m ay subm it letter of application, resume, and names, ad­ dresses, and phone num bers of three professional references to: Leland M. Park, Library Director, E. H. Little Library, D a vid so n C o lle ge, P. O. Box 1837, Davidson, NC 28036. PERIODICALS AND GOVERN M ENT DOCUM ENTS LIBRARIAN, Mark O. Hatfield Library, W illam ette University. Under the direction of the Associate University Librarian for Technical Services, the Periodi­ cals and Governm ent Docum ents Librarian is responsible for coordi­ nating, evaluating, and developing the periodicals and governm ent docum ents collections. The librarian develops policies and proce­ dures; supervises and evaluates 1.5 FTE paraprofessional em ploy­ ees; independently catalogs serials in all form ats, including electronic resources; is responsible for post-cataloging authority control; and participates in reference, library instruction, collection development, faculty liaison activities, and academ ic governance. Some evening and/or weekend hours. Required: G raduate degree in library science from an ALA-accredited institution. M inimum two years recent expe­ rience in an academ ic library, preferably in periodicals or documents; working knowledge of AACR2R, OCLC, LC classification and subject headings; ability to w o rk effectively in a rapidly changing environment; Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 /4 9 SERIALS/DOCUMENTS COORDINATOR The George Washington University Washington, D.C. The Gelman Library T he G e o rg e W a sh in g ton U niversity a n n ou n ce s a search fo r S e ria ls/D o cu m e n ts C oordinator. A p p o in tm e n t sa la ry m in im u m : $29,0 0 0 (includes a d m in istra tive stipend) R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S : C oo rd in a te s pro ce ssin g and use of serials and d o cu m e n ts th ro u g h o u t the library; acts as docum ents e xp e rt fo r public services staff; p rovides service liaison w ith C ollections M anagem ent D epa rtm e n t and S ubject S pecialists; su p e rvise s H ead, S e ria ls/G o vern m en t D ocum ents Unit; m onitors qua lity co n tro l o f th e a utom ated serials d a tab a se m anaged by N O T IS so ftw a re w ithin a consortium e n viro n m e n t; and p a rticip a te s in co n so rtiu m p lanning and im p le m e n ta tio n of N O T IS enhancem ents. S erves as the G elm an Library C o o rd in a to r of the G P O se lective d e p osito ry program in cluding m aterials processing, a cq uisition of new selections, and p ublic services liaison. A s all librarians in G elm an Library, th e S e ria ls/D o cu m e n ts C o o rd in a to r serves as a s u b je ct s p e cia list fo r selected aca d em ic discip lin e s and participates on library com m ittees. R eports to a senior subject specialist w ho confirm s allocation of w eekly hours to broad ca te g o rie s of a ctivity and w h o eva lu a te s o verall p e rfo rm a n ce w ith in p u t from d e p artm en t head and releva n t coord in a to rs. S erves on th e W a sh in g ton R esearch Library C onsortium (W R LC ) A cq u isitio n /S e ria ls A d viso ry C o m m ittee. Provides assista n ce to th e H ead o f A cq u isitio n s in general d e p a rtm e n t leadership, staff deve lo pm e n t, and training. S erves as Acting H ead in th e ab se nce of the de p artm en t head. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S R E Q U IR E D : A L A -a ccre dite d m a s te r’s d e g re e in library scie n ce ; a m inim um of tw o ye a rs post-M LS library exp e rie n ce including a m inim um of tw o ye a rs serials a cquisition and /o r g o ve rn m e n t d o cu m e n ts exp e rie n ce ; exce lle n t oral an d w ritten co m m u n ica tio n skills. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S D E S IR A B LE : P ost-M LS serials a cquisition exp e rie n ce ; fa m ilia rity w ith M AR C and exp e rie n ce w ith O C L C ; e xp e rie n ce w ith se rials/a cq u isitio n au tom a te d syste m s; serials b ib liography co n tro l expe rie n ce ; pu b lic se rvice, colle ctio n deve lo pm e n t, o r liaison (w ith faculty) exp e rie n ce ; e xp e ri­ ence w o rkin g w ith se rials ve n d ors; su p e rviso ry experience. R E V IE W O F A P P L IC A T IO N S : R eview of a p p lica tio ns w ill begin M arch 1 5 ,1 9 9 4 , and w ill co n tin u e until th e p osition is filled. P lease send cu rre n t resum e a nd nam es of three refe re n ces to: Andrea Stewart, Executive Associate The Melvin Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street, NW - Room 201 Washington, DC 20052 The George Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. aptitude for independent problem solving; and excellent interpersonal com munication skills, both oral and written. Preferred: Autom ated serials system experience, preferably Innovacq; collection m anage­ ment experience; knowledge of federal depository guidelines; degree in the sciences. Salary: $25,000. The M ark O. Hatfield Library serves the College of Liberal Arts, which in cludes a graduate program in teaching, and the Atkinson G raduate School of M anagement. The library is a selective depository for federal documents. Subm it letter of application, resum e and names, addresses, and telephone num ­ bers of three professional references to: Larry R. Oberg, University Librarian, M arkO . Hatfield Library, W illam ette University, Salem, OR 97301. Application deadline: January 2 0,1994 . W illam ette University is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN/ARCHIVIST, Division of Rare and M anuscript Collections, Carl A. Kroch Library. The Division of Rare and M anuscript Collections in cludes 250,000 printed books, more than seventy m illion m anuscripts, and another m illion photographs, paintings, prints, and other visual media. The collection chronicles such fields as medieval and Renaissance studies, the Reformation, eighteenth-century France and England, Am erican history, Anglo- Am erican literature, Icelandic history and culture, and the history of science. O ther collections focus on medicine, witchcraft, wom en’s studies, ornithology, human sexuality, graphic arts, and architecture and city planning. Located in the newly constructed Carl A. Kroch Library, the division also houses the Cornell University Archives. The Public Services Librarian/Archivist will lead an am bitious program to expand access and use of prim ary sources in research and instruction cam pusw ide. Duties and responsibilities: The Public Services Librar­ ian/A rchivist will coordinate public service activities in the Division of Rare and M anuscript Collections: providing reference service onsite and by correspondence; overseeing reading room and paging opera­ tions; conducting classes and workshops for undergraduates, gradu­ ate students, and other researchers; working with Cornell faculty and staff to prom ote use of the collections. Under the general direction of the Director, and in cooperation with other division staff, the Public Services Librarian will m anage an integrated public services program for enhanced access and use of rare books, manuscripts, and archival and audiovisual materials. Qualifications: Required: G raduate degree in library/inform ation science, hum anities/social sciences, or archival adm inistration; evidence of excellent written and oral com munication and in terpersonal skills; and a m inimum of three years professional experience in a research library o r an archival program. Preference will be given to candidates with significant public service and/or 50/C & R L N ew s MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGER University of California, Los Angeles U n d e rth e general supervision o f th e Head o f the U R L C a ta lo g in g D epartm ent, C a ta lo g er w o rks on W est E uropean literature, languages, and assigned su b je ct area(s) in th e H um anities and S ocial S cie n ce s in all W e st E uropean languages. C reate bib lio g ra p h ic records in an o n lin e da tab a se fo llow ing U SM AR C standards, A ng lo -A m e rica n C ataloging Rules, Library of C ongress S u b je ct H eadings, and LC cla s s ific a ­ tion. Train and supervise paraprofessional and student staff as necessary. Participate in developing policy and pro ce d u res fo r th e section and departm ent. Like all pro fe ssio n a l librarians at U C LA, th e incum bent is exp e cte d to co n trib u te to general library and university se rvice, and is encouraged to be active w ithin th e profession. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : W orkin g kn ow ledge o f tw o o r m ore W e st European languages; G erm an, French, or Spanish preferred. A general background in the hum anities o r social sciences as dem onstrated by college co u rse w o rk and a degree in one of these areas. G ood inte rp e rso na l and com m u n ica tio n skills and an a bility to w o rk in a team e n vironm ent. A bility to w o rk in a rapidly changing, in crea sin g ly autom ated e n vironm ent. F am iliarity w ith library autom ation system s such as O C LC o r RLIN. Interest in train in g and sup e rvisio n is preferred. S A LA R Y R AN G E : $ 2 8 ,6 6 8 -$ 59 ,3 1 6 (salary range N o ve m b e r 1 ,1 9 9 3 -J u n e 3 0 ,1994 is $27,923-$57,774 to reflect te m p o ra ry 2.6% sa la ry reduction). S end a pplication letter, a full resum e, and the nam es of at least three references to: Rita A. Scherrei Associate University Librarian Administrative and Personnel Services University Research Library UCLA 405 Hilgard Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024-1575 C a n d id a te s applying by F eb ru ary 2 8 ,1 9 9 4 , w ill be given firs t consid e ra tio n . P relim inary in te rvie w s m ay be a rranged at the M id w in ter A L A C o nference in Los A ngeles. UCLA is an EOE, AA employer. special collections experience, program m anagement and supervi­ sory experience, proficiency in online bibliographic searching includ­ ing RLIN AM C, fam iliarity with m icrocom puters and em erging tech­ nologies for networked access, experience with audiovisual collec­ tions, and knowledge of western European languages. Salary: M ini­ mum $27,800. Closing: Requested by March 1, 1994, but accepted until position is filled. Apply to: Ann Dyckman, Director of Human Resources, 201 Olin Library, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Send cover letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN/GO VERNM ENT DOCUMENTS. Principal assignm ent managing G overnment Documents section; additional duties in Public Services, including general reference desk. Provide reference service using print/nonprint sources; participate in collection developm ent and user education; organize m aterials; supervise personnel. Evening/weekend hours required. Reports to Head of Public Services. M inimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; three years recent federal docum ents experience at regionally accredited college/university or large public library. Strong service orientation and interpersonal/com m unication skills; initiative, flexibil­ ity, ability to plan and im plem ent services to users from diverse backgrounds; com m itm ent to professional growth. Desirable: Super­ visory experience; proficiency in user education/CD-ROM applica­ tions; nondocum ents reference experience; second m aster's degree. M arshall University, one of West V irginia's tw o state universities, is com m itted to high quality undergraduate and graduate education. M orrow Library's selective federal depository serves the W V-OH-KY area. Appointm ent will be at the Asst. Prof./Ubrarian II or Assoc. Prof./ Librarian III level depending on qualifications; nontenure-track faculty status. Salary $25,627 minimum, dependent on qualifications; twelve- month appointm ent. Available Feb. 15,1994. Send application letter, resume, and three current professional references to: Tim othy A. Balch, Chair, Search Committee, M orrow Library, Marshall Univer­ sity, 400 Hal G reer Blvd., Huntington W V 25755-2060. Write for c o m p le te p o s itio n d e s c r ip tio n o r re q u e s t fro m LIB007@ M AR SH ALL.W VNET.EDU. Screening begins Jan. 31,1994; applications accepted until position is filled. W omen and minorities are encouraged to apply; EEO/AA employer. REFER EN CE AN D IN STR U C TIO N A L SE R V IC ES LIBRARIAN. Duties: W ork in a centralized Reference Departm ent which em pha­ sizes electronic reference and instructional services (including online catalogs, CD-ROM, online and end-user searching, Internet access, Nexis). Will help m aintain general reference desk, assist in Reference collection developm ent, conduct course-related instructional ses­ sions, and perform other duties as assigned. Em phasis on class, sm all group, and individual instruction which in cludes new information technologies. Evening/w eekend rotation required. Q ualifications: M inimum : ALA-accredited MLS; coursew ork and experience in biblio­ graphic instruction; ability to carry out a strong program of library in struction; excellent in terpersonal and com m unication skills; dem ­ onstrated interest in public service and professional self-develop­ ment. Preferred: Additional subject-area graduate degree; training and experience in online searching of databases and networks. Rank and salary: Instructor or Assistant Professor (tenure-track) 12-month appointm ent. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience, from a minim um of $22,000. Benefits: Includes: 24 days vacation and 12 days sick leave, per year; state paid retirem ent (state or TIAA); group health insurance. The university is located in the mailto:LIB007@MARSHALL.WVNET.EDU Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 /5 1 WESTERN EUROPEAN BIBLIOGRAPHER University of California, Los Angeles R e s p o n s ib le fo r developing and m anaging collections in th e h um anities and social sciences pertaining to th e G e rm a n ic and R om ance lan g u ag e areas o f Europe. T h e sp e cific s u b je c t and language responsibilities assigned to this position will be influenced by th e stren g th s of the successful candidate. R e sp o n sib ilitie s include se lecting library m aterials, m on ito rin g ap p ro va l p lans and b u d ge t e x p e n d i­ tures, e v a lu a ting colle ctio n s, m aking p re se rva tio n d e cisio n s, d e ve lo p in g and m a inta in in g w o rkin g relatio n sh ip s w ith th e book trade, and w o rkin g clo s e ly w ith fa c u lty and stu d en ts. T he b ib lio g ra p h e r p ro vid e s a d va nce d refe re n ce s e rvice an d p a rtic ip a te s in lib ra ry in stru ctio n fo r fa c u lty and g ra d u a te s tu d e n ts from a w id e ran g e of d e p artm en ts. G ra d u a te -le ve l stu d y (or equ iva le nt) in the hu m a n itie s o r so cia l s cie n ce s relating to W e ste rn Europe is required. C o m m a n d o f se ve ra l W e ste rn E u ropean lan g u ag e s, in clu d in g G e rm a n and F rench, and k n o w le d g e o f W e s te rn European lite ra tu re s o r h is to ry a re required. A th o ro u g h u n d ersta n d in g of rese a rch n e eds an d th e o rg a n iza tio n o f s c h o la rly lite ratu re is esse n tial. T ra in in g in lib ra ria n s h ip or e xp e rie n ce in library collection d e ve lo pm e n t is p referred. D e m onstrated inte re st in sch o la rly activities (re se a rch , p u b lic a tio n s , o r te a ching ) is d e sira b le . T he su c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te is exp e cte d to be e n e rg e tic and fle x ib le and to w o rk e ffe ctive ly w ith faculty, s tu d e n ts an d lib ra ry s ta ff in a cu ltu ra lly d iv e rs e e n viro n m e n t. S A L A R Y R AN G E : $28,6 6 8 - $59,3 1 6 (salary range 11 /01 /9 3 - 06 /30 /9 4 is $27,9 2 3 - $ 5 7 ,7 7 4 to reflect te m p o ra ry 2 .6 % s a la ry reduction). S end a p p lica tio n letter, a full resum e, and th e na m e s of at le a st th re e refe re n ces to: Rita A. Scherrei Associate University Librarian Administrative and Personnel Services University Research Library UCLA 405 Hilgard Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024-1575 C a n d id a te s app lyin g by F eb ru a ry 2 8 ,1 9 9 4 , w ill be g ive n firs t co n sid e ra tio n . P re lim in a ry in te rvie w s m ay be a rra n g e d a t th e M id w in ter A L A C o n fe re n c e in Los A n g e le s. UCLA is an EOE/AA employer. largest urban center in th e state of Tennessee and mid-South region. The enrollm ent in the university is approxim ately 20,000 students. The M SU Libra ries (main library and 6 branches) has 28 faculty and 78 support staff. A new main library structure is to be occupied in mid- 1994. R eview of app lica tions w ill begin February 1, 1994, and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resum e, nam es and addresses of thre e (3) references and official undergradu­ ate and graduate tran scripts to: Jackie Fry, Library Personnel Clerk, Room 101, Memphis State University Libraries, Memphis, TN 38152. Memphis State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. W e urge all qualified applicants to apply for this position. Appointm ent is based on qualifications as they relate to position requirements without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, disability, or veteran status. Successful candidates must meet guidelines of the Immigration and Reform Control Act of 1986. R E FER EN C E LIBRARIAN, University of G eorgia Libraries, M ain Library. Duties: Reference Librarians are responsible for assisting students, faculty, staff, and others in m aking effective use of library resources in the social sciences and hum anities. To achieve this goal, R eference Librarians provide general reference, in structional, and referral services using p rint and electronic sources; cond uct form al library instruction through general tours and specialized presenta­ tions; prepare bibliographies and guides; and perform com puterized database searches. In addition, each R eference Librarian contributes to th e developm ent of a reference collection in the social sciences and the hum anities through selection and w eeding. The libraries use G ALIN (G eorgia A ca dem ic Library Inform ation Netw ork), an in­ house, autom ated, and in tegrated system w hich includes the online catalog and a variety of periodical indexes. The libraries also support a local area netw ork and a num ber of stand-alone CD -RO M stations. The departm ent is com posed o f 11 librarians and fo u r support staff. R e fe re n ce L ib ra ria n s re p o rt to th e H ead of th e D e p a rtm e n t. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited M LS; w o rking know ledge of basic reference sources; advanced reference courses in the social sciences o r hum anities or relevant experience; ability to conduct user education sessions; experience with searching electronic databases; working know led ge o f one fore ig n language; effe ctive oral and written com m unication skills; ability to establish and m aintain effective working relationships w ith the public and colleagues; undergraduate degree in th e social sciences- o r hum anities preferred. Benefits: Standard benefits packa ge includes life, health, and disability insurance, m andatory participation in the state or optional retirem ent system, and 21 days annual le ave, plus 12 paid holidays. Entry level position. S a la ry m in im u m : $ 2 3 ,2 0 0 . S m a ll a d ju s tm e n ts m ay be m ade com m ensurate w ith experience. A pplication p rocedu re: S end letter of 52/C & RLN ew s LIBRARIAN Bates College Bates College, a highly selective liberal arts college, invites nominations and applications for the position of College Librarian. Founded in 1855, located in southern Maine, Bates has 1,515 students and 145 faculty. T he G eorge and Helen Ladd Library, designed by T AC and com pleted in 1973, has w on architectural awards. It has more than 600,000 volum es and 1,850 periodical subscriptions, is a selective governm ent docum ents depository, and has a staff of 23. In a consortium with C olby and Bow doin C olleges, the library has an Innovative Interfaces catalog th a t provides access to o th e rd a ta b a s e s ; it has num erous C D -R O M products and supports online searching by students and faculty. The c o lle g e ’s current co m p rehensive capital cam paign includes sig n ifica n t su p p ort fo r th e library. Bates seeks a person with broad intellectual interests and progressively responsible e xperience in a cadem ic library adm inistration w ho understands the im portance o f undergraduate teaching and learning and the library’s creative role in that process. C andidates should have an M LS from an ALA- accredited p ro g ra m ; strong interpersonal and leadership skills; fam iliarity with em erging technologies, b ibliographic instruction, and collection developm ent; and the ability to com m unicate well in both speaking and writing. A second m aster’s d egree in an academ ic field is desirable. Salary is com petitive. R eview of applications and nom inations will begin J a nu ary 1 5 ,1 9 9 4 , for this appointm ent which will begin in July, 1994. Bates College v a lu e s a d iv e rs e college com m unity and seeks to assure equal opportunity through a continuing and effective affirm ative action program. W e w elcom e a p plications from w om en and m inorities. Please send letters of nom ination or applications to: College Librarian Search c/o Secretarial Services 7 Lane Hall Bates College Lewiston, ME 04240 application by February 18,1994, including a resum e and th e names of three references to: Florence E. King, Personnel Librarian, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An equal opportunity, affirm ative action institution. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN FOR W ORLD HISTORY, New York Uni- versify Libraries. Subject specialist for world history, excluding U.S., Latin American, and Near Eastern history. Duties include reference assistance, orientation, bibliographic instruction, management, se­ lection of research m aterials and information sources for all historical periods, liaison with faculty and students. Requires ALA-accredited MLS, subject master’s required fortenure; tw o years successful public service and/or collection developm ent experience in an academic library; graduate study in history preferred; working knowledge of one or more foreign languages desired. Faculty status; excellent benefits include five weeks annual vacation. Minimum: $31,000, com m ensu­ rate with experience and background. To ensure consideration, send resume and letter of application, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references by January 31,1994, to: Alice Deich, Library Personnel Director, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. SERIALS CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. W est Virginia University Li­ braries is seeking a librarian to assume responsibility for serials cataloging. Duties include original cataloging and classification of serial publications; updating and revising existing serial cataloging records; retrospective conversion of records into the NOTIS system; training and supervision of support staff. In addition, the serials cataloging librarian may w ork up to four hours per week in the Reference Department. Q ualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; a minimum of three years professional experience in serials cataloging; working knowledge of AACR2r, LC and Dewey classification systems, LCSH, MARC form ats for serials and authori­ ties, ANSI standards for serials holdings and sim ilar guides; experi­ ence in using OCLC; reading knowledge of one or more Western European languages; experience with automated library systems. Salary and rank: $27,000 minimum; appointm ent as Assistant Librar­ ian/Adjunct Assistant Professor or higher, depending on experience. Benefits: TIAA/CREF, state health insurance system with extensive optional programs, 24 days annual leave, 18 days annual medical leave. Application deadline: Screening of applicants will begin Feb­ ruary 15,1994, and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least three references to: George H. Libbey, Associate Dean for A d m in is tra tio n and P lanning, W ise L ib ra ry, P.O. Box 6069, Morgantown, W V 26506-6069. Female and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. West Virginia University is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN, (search reopened). Mississippi State Univer­ sity Libraries seek applications for a Serials Cataloger/Librarian. ALA- accredited MLS degree and two (2) years professional cataloging experience in an academic library preferred; one (1) year serials cataloging experience desirable. Additional requirements: knowl­ edge of AACR2; LC subject headings and classification; LC rule interpretations; MARC format, experience with a bibliographic utility (OCLC preferred), experience with automated cataloging systems; reading knowledge of at least one foreign language; effective oral and written com munication skills; and the ability to work effectively with faculty and students. Duties include: Cataloging of serial titles in all languages, subjects, and form ats. W orks with other catalog staff in recommending and implementing policies and procedures in the Cataloging Department. Assists with special projects as needed. Serves as subject bibliographic/liaison with one or more academic departments. Faculty rank, tenure track, 12-month appointment. Retirement plan options including state and/or other plans; com ­ prehensive m edical insurance coverage; 18 days annual leave; 12 days health care leave per year, plus more university holidays. Salary: $23,000, dependent on qualifications and/or experience. Letter of application should include resum e and names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three w ork references. Review of applica­ tions to begin January 21, 1994. Send application to: Frances Coleman, Assistant Dean of Libraries, Mississippi State University Libraries, P. O. Box 5408, M ississippi State, MS 39762. Applications will be received until suitable applicant is found. M ississippi State University is an AA, EEO employer. January 1 9 9 4 /5 3 TWO POSITIONS Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Indiana U niversity Purdue U niversity In d ianapolis (IU PU I) U niversity Libraries is seeking q ualified applica n ts fo r th e fo llo w in g tw o positions. A va ila b le Ja n u ary 1 ,1 9 9 4 . 1) Monograph Cataloger, Assistant Librarian and 2)Serials/Monograph Cataloger, Assistant Librarian Both positions are under the d irection of the H ead of th e C ataloging D epartm ent. T he M onograph C a ta lo g e r is responsible fo r original cataloging of m onographs, and th e perform ance of o th er tasks related to bib lio g ra p h ic control of m onographs. The S eria ls/M o n o g rap h C a ta lo g er is responsible for o riginal cata lo ging of serials and m onographs, and th e perfo rm a n ce of o th er tasks related to bibliographic control of serials and m onographs. Both positions are responsible for subject analysis and cla ssifica tio n o f library m aterials; participation in cata lo ging g ro u p s fo r th e recom m endation and m aintenance of biblio g ra p h ic control policies, standards, and procedures. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : Required: M aster’s d e gree from an A LA -accredited library school and a m inim um of th re e years of o nline cataloging e xperience using a biblio g ra p h ic utility and a local a utom ated library s y s te m ; know ledge of cataloging rules, Library of C ongress classification and subject headings; ability to a nalyze and c la ssify library m aterials on a va rie ty of subjects; e ffective com m u n ica tio n skills; and a bility to m eet th e resp onsibilities and requirem ents of a te n ure -tra ck appointm ent. P referred: M onograph C ataloger: W orking kn ow ledge of G erm an, French, and /o r Spanish; fam iliarity w ith N O TIS and O C LC . S e rials/M onograph C ataloger: O nlin e cataloging e xperience w ith both serials and m onographs; w orking know ledge of G erm an, French and /o r S p anish; fa m ilia rity w ith N O TIS and O CLC. SA LAR Y: $26,136. FR IN G E B E N E F ITS : A m onth’s vacation; sick leave; cho ice of m edical plans available; d ental plan; group life insurance; and T IA A /C R E F re tire m e nt annuity plan. Librarians are e lig ib le fo rsa b b a tica l leave and o th er research support. AP PLY: Send letters of application, resum e, and nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers of fo u r (4) references to: Jean Gnat, Associate Director University Libraries IUPUI 755 W. Michigan St. Indianapolis, IN 46202-5195 C L O S IN G : A pplica tio n s or n o m inations received by J a n u a ry 3 1 , 1994, w ill be gua ra n te e d co n sid e r­ ation. Position rem ains open until filled. IUPUI is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. The University of New Hampshire Library invites applications for the newly created Systems Librarian position. This is a 12-month, tenure-track position with appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. The successful candi­ date will be expected to meet university reappointment, promotion, and tenure requirements. Responsibilities: Reports to the University Librar­ ian and in conjunction with the library faculty and staff develops services and programs that integrate information technology and resources for the support of the instructional and research missions of the university. The UNH library is expending its electronic information resources and migrating to a second-generation integrated library system. The new system will support locally mounted databases and utilize networked PCs and terminals. The systems librarian will coordinate planning, installation, training, and operational support for computer hardware, software, and networks dedicated to library functions, including the integrated system, stand-alone, and networked CD-ROM systems, Internet resources and remote services, and library office automation. Qualifications: Requires ALA-accredited master’s degree; three years experience with integrated library systems; electronic information re­ sources, and microcomputer hardware and software; excellent analyti­ cal and communications skills; a strong commitment to responsive and innovative service; the ability to work effectively in a demanding and rapidly changing environment; and academic training in information technology. Highly desired: Advanced degree in a subject area and working knowledge of CD-ROMs, LANs, multi-user systems, and the Internet. Minimum starting salary: $33,000. Application deadline: Janu­ ary 15, 1994. Send letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Diane R. Tebbetts, Associate Univer­ sity Librarian, University of New Hampshire Library, 18 Library Way, Durham, NH 03824-3592. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. UNH is an AA, EOE employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Millsaps College invites applica­ tions for the position of Technical Services Librarian. $20,000-$22,000. Available January 1,1994. Duties: Assist Head of Technical Services in catalog, system (DRA) maintenance, other duties including public service regularly. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited program, experience preferred in technical services and academic setting, ability to work with electronic resources, good personal skills. Millsaps College is a competitive private Methodist-related institution of 1,300 students. The library has 270,000 volumes and a staff of 12. Position is a faculty appointment with good benefits. Contact: James F. Parks, Jr., College Librarian, P.O. Box 150148, M illsa p s College, Jackson, MS 30210. (601) 974-1070. Parksjf@ AA, EOE. 5 4 / C&RL News Late Job Listings SYSTEMS COORDINATOR. Manage KeyNotis integrated library system. Monitor daily operations; resolve problems; prepare reports; represent library on state, national NOTIS user groups; coordinate staff training and implementation for related new technologies; backup to Library Microcomputer Applications coordinator. Partici­ pate in reference (occasional weekend shifts), bibliographic instruction, collection development, library department governance. Requires ALA-accredited MLS, three years professional library experience including implementing and/or operating inte­ grated library system (prefer NOTIS), excellent interpersonal, communication skills. Twelve-month academic staff position. Salary from $40,000. Send application letter, resume, and three references to: Karin Sandvik, Chair, Murphy Library Department, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, LaCrosse, WI 54601. Applications must be received by March 1, 1994. Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, lists of applicants must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EOE. TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT HEAD. DePaul University provides graduate and undergraduate degree programs for over 16,000 students on four campuses. We now seek a skilled librarian who will manage and direct our newly consolidated Technical Services Department, which includes acquisitions, serials, and cataloging functions. The position will analyze cost and efficiencies o f overall opera­ tions and implement changes in workflow. We require an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and 5+ years progressively responsible supervisory experience in an automated technical services environment. A thorough knowledge o f AACR2, LCRI, MARC formats, DDC, and LCSH is essential, as is familiarity with other automated and microcomputer-based systems and software. The position manages all automated technical services systems (OCLC and INNOVACQ, ILLINET Online) as well as one catalog librarian and eleven full-time assistants. Excellent benefits include free tuition, medical/dental benefits package, four weeks vacation, and a pension plan. For prompt consideration, please send your resume and cover letter to: Don O’Boyle, DePaul University, 243 S. Wabash, Room 600, Chicago, IL 60604. DePaul University practices equal opportunity in employment and education. HELLENIC STUDIES LIBRARIAN, New York University Libraries, search re­ opened. Specialist in Hellenic Studies includes classical literature and history, the Byzantine Empire, m odem Greece, and Balkan Studies. Technical services responsi­ bilities include acquiring, cataloging, and classifying monographs and serials, in print and microform, in all appropriate languages and subject fields using AACR2, LC classification and subject headings, and RLIN cataloging system. Collection develop­ ment responsibilities include selection and evaluation, faculty liaison, providing specialized reference service. Requires ALA-accredited MLS, subject master’s degree required for tenure; working knowledge o f ancient and modern Greek. Advanced degree with an emphasis on Hellenic Studies and facility with south Slavic languages, minimum two years experience cataloging and classifying materials on a national bibliographic utility using AACR2 and LC classification and subject headings, famil­ iarity with automated cataloging systems preferred. Faculty status, attractive ben­ efits package. Minimum: $33,000. Send resume and letter o f application including the names, addresses, and phone numbers o f three references by January, 31, 1994, to: Alice Deich, Personnel Director, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. NYU encourages applications for women and members o f minority groups. RECRUIT THE BEST... . . . ADVERTISE YOUR JOB OPENINGS IN C&RL NEWS