ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ June 1998/ 437 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s And the winners are… Here are the official results of the 1998 ACRL elections Maureen Sullivan Larry L. Hardesty M au reen S u llivan , an organizational de­ velopment consultant who specializes in ser­ vice to academic libraries, is the 61st presi­ dent of ACRL. “The coming year will be another exciting and productive one for ACRL. Our 9th National Conference will be held in April in Detroit. This biannual event has proven to be one of the most important professional development experiences for academic libraries. “The National Information Literacy Insti­ tute, an initiative approved by the ACRL Board of Directors under the leadership of ACRL President W. Lee Hisle, will convene n e x t su m m e r. RBMS w ill h o ld its preconference in Montreal—a significant opportunity for collaboration with our Ca­ nadian members and colleagues. “The Strategic Plan will be rev ised through a process which will engage a broad spectrum of our membership and will cre­ ate a platform for ACRL to play a defining leadership role in higher education. We will continue to strengthen and build alliances with other organizations who share our con­ cerns and interests. Professional develop­ ment will focus on building leadership skills, helping academ ic librarians develop the competencies to play a leadership role in managing technology on their campuses, and supporting the work of activity sections to strengthen the range of specialist skills so critical to our contribution to student learning and scholarship. “I look forward to working with Presi­ dent-elect Larry Hardesty, the ACRL Board, Chapters Council, and all of the member leaders w ho contribute through chapter, section, and committee work to make sig­ nificant strides to prepare academic librar­ ians and ACRL for the new millennium.” As president, Sullivan will preside over the ACRL Board of Directors and ACRL Ex­ ecutive Committee, chair the ACRL Confer­ ence Program Planning for the 1999 Annual Conference, and plan ACRL’s major program at the conference. She will represent ACRL on the ALA New Orleans Conference Pro­ gram Planning Committee and on the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly, and will rep­ resent ACRL and ALA in their relations with other organizations. Her ACRL committee service includes most recently serving on the Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award Jury, 1993-97; the Profes­ sional E n h an cem en t C om m ittee, 1991- present; and chairing the Search Committee for the Executive Director, 1990. Larry H ard esty, college librarian and pro­ fessor at Austin College has been elected vice-president/president-elect of ACRL. He said, “While feeling somewhat daunted by the responsibility for leading ACRL into a new millennium, I am also very encouraged by the knowledge that I can call upon for assistance so many capable ACRL members. Ultimately the strength of ACRL is in its membership, and I strongly encourage mem­ 4 3 8 / C&RL News ■ June 1998 bers both to participate in ACRL activities and to keep the ACRL leadership, includ­ ing myself, inform ed about their concerns. I look forw ard to an exciting and p ro d u c ­ tive term in office—with a lot of help from my ACRL friends!” In addition to sustaining and su p p o rt­ ing need ed ongoing program s, such as li­ aisons with other professional associations in h igher e d u c a tio n and the legislative advocacy effort, H ardesty w ants to p ro ­ vide incentives to develop and su p p o rt prom ising new initiatives such as the Na­ tional Inform ation Literacy Institute. H ardesty previously served as director of Library Services and professor of Eckerd College (1983-1995); head of reference at D ePauw University (1975-1983); and ref­ erence librarian at Kearney State College (1973-1975). In ALA he has served on the Special Committee on Alternative Sources of Fund­ ing for Academic Libraries (1989-1990). He has b een a life m em ber of ACRL since 1978, serving on the Board of Directors (1987-1991), chairing the College Librar­ ies Section (1995-1996), and chairing n u ­ m erous com m ittees at the section and di­ vision level. In 1996, the Instruction Section nam ed him w inner of its Publication of the Year Award for his article “Bibliographic Instruc­ tion and Faculty C ulture,” published in Li­ brary Trends. Hardesty is also an active member of the Texas Library Association; he was the Florida ACRL Chapter president (1986-1987); on the Florida Library Association Board of Direc­ tors (1988-1990); and he was Indiana ACRL Chapter President-elect (1982). He holds a B.A. in Education (H istory/ Political Science) and an M.S. in Education (H istory) from U niversity of N ebraska- Kearney; MLS from University of W iscon­ sin-Madison; M.S. in Education (Instruction Systems Technology); and Ph.D. (Library and Information Science) from Indiana Uni­ versity in Bloom ington. A C R L Adoption of proposed bylaws: Y es (1,814) ADOPTED; No (55). V ice-P resident/P resid ent-E lect: L arry L. H a rd esty (1,099); Jill B. Fatzer (989). A C R L D ire cto r-a t-La rg e (4-year term ) W i l l i a m E. B r o w n J r . (9 8 8 ); C ath y H enderson (852). A C R L D ire cto r-a t-La rg e (4-year term ) Barbara B axter J e n k in s (1,172); Henry R. Stewart Jr. (670). A C R L D ire cto r-a t-La rg e (3-year-term ) P a u l E. D u m o n t (1,188); Charles R. Peguese (597). A C R L D ire cto r-a t-La rg e (3-year term ) Mary Lee Sw eat (1,093); John Sheridan (738). A C R L D ire cto r-a t-La rg e (4-year term ) D a n a C. Rooks (1,121); Donald G. Frank (752). A fr ic a n -A m e r ic a n S tu d ie s L ib ra rie s S e c tio n (A F A S ) A doption of p ro p o se d bylaws: Y es (53) ADOPTED; No (2). Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M ary G. W r ig h te n (23); Carol Ritzen Kem (22); Louveller Luster (11). Secretary: B e n n ie P. R o b in s o n (33); Alice Reviere Smith (24). Member-at-Large: A u d r e y J. T a y lo r (34); Harry R. Murphy (22). A n t h r o p o lo g y a n d S o c ie t y S e c tio n (A N S S ) V ic e -C h a ir/C h a ir-E le c t: S a lly W i l l s o n W eim er (93); Write-In Candidate (0). Member-at-Large: A n n a L. D e m ille r (60); Isabel Del Carmen Quintana (37). A rts S e c tio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: F lo y d M. Zula (103); Write-In Candidate (1). A s ia n , A fr ic a n a n d M id d le E a ste rn S e c tio n (A A M E S ) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: D o n a ld P. C hvatal (53); Write-In Candidate (3). Member-at-Large (2-year term): M ih o k o M iki (54); Write-In Candidate (3). C o lle g e L ib ra rie s S e c tio n (C LS ) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J o h n G. J a ffe (203); Peter V. Deekle (200). Secretary: C a th e r in e M. R od (202); Lynn Scott Cochrane (201). Member-at-Large: M ick ey (M ic h a e l A n n ) Z e m o n (269); Billy Pennington (125). C&RL News ■ June 1 9 9 8 / 4 3 9 C o m m u n ity and Ju n io r C o lle g e L ib ra rie s Se ctio n (C JC LS ) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: T h e r e sa S. Byrd (136); Kathryn Chilson O ’Gorman (68). Secretary: C yn th ia S te in h o ff (186); Write- In Candidate (5). Ed u catio n and B e h a vio ra l Scien ces Se ctio n (EBSS) A doption of p ro p o se d bylaws: Y es (231) ADOPTED: No (8); Yes (228) ADOPTED: No (8); Yes (225) ADOPTED; No (10). Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: E lle n D. G ilb ert (126); Dane M. Ward (102). Member-at-Large (2-year term): E llie E. M arsh (ll6 );L o re n e R. Sisson (114). E n g lis h and A m e rica n Lite ra tu re Se ctio n (EA LS) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: S teven R. Ellis (58); Catherine A. Larson (53). Secretary: L inda L a w r e n c e S te in (58); Judith P. Fertig (49). Member-at-Large: J o h n L. T o fa n elli (56); Carol A. McAllister (52). Exte n d e d C a m p u s Lib ra ry S e rv ice s Se ctio n (ELSS) Adoption of proposed bylaws: Yes ( 2 0 3 ) ADOPTED; No (18). Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: H arvey R. G over (191); Write-In Candidate (5). Secretary: T rish D el N ero (108); Carol M. Greene (100). Member-at-Large: A le x a n d e r (S a n d y ) L. Slade (114); Kay E. Harvey (102). In stru ctio n Sectio n (IS) Adoption of proposed bylaws changes: ADOPTED. (Exact counts for the votes on each of the 8 changes are available from the ACRL office.) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Barbara MacAdam (492); Robert F. Rose (247). Secretary: Lisa J a n iek e H in c h liffe (362); Monica G. Fusich (336). Member-at-Large (3-year term): Abigail A nne L o o m is (449); M ad elin e A. C opp (261). Law and P o litica l Scien ce Sectio n (LPSS) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M arifran B u stio n (118); Write-In Candidate (1). Member-at-Large: C ath erin e H a n sen (72); Suping Lu (49). Rare Books and M an u scripts Sectio n (RBM S) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Eric H o lz e n b e r g (178); Elaine B. Smyth (l68). Member-at-Large: T h eresa A. Salazar (226); Daniel J. Slive (114). Scien ce and T e ch n o lo g y Sectio n (STS) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: P atricia A. K reitz (210); George S. Porter (97). S e c r e ta r y /M e m b e r -a t-L a r g e : N o r m a K o b zin a (164); Edward L. F. Gonzalez 0 3 3 ). S la v ic and East Eu ro p ean Sectio n (SEES) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: P atricia K in ca id T h u r sto n (33); Richard Fitzsimmons (22). Secretary: Ju lie Sw ann (50); Write-In Candi­ date (1). Member-at-Large: G o r d o n B. A n d e r s o n (33); Darla B. Carras (20). U n iv e rsity Lib ra rie s Se ctio n (ULS) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J a m es A. Estrada (579); Patrick J. Mullin (483). Member-at-Large (3-year term, two to be e le c te d ): S u s a n E. S e a r in g (699); D anielle Mihram (453); D eborah B. D ancik (384); D en n is K. L am bert (334). W estern Eu ro p ean S p e cia lists S e ctio n (W ESS) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J o h n M. C ullars (97); Richard Hacken (47). Secretary: N a n c y S. B o e r n e r (88); Sam Dunlap (56). M em b er-at-L arg e: B e a u D a v is C a se (64); Julie M. Still (41); Karl E. Fattig (38). W om en’s S tu d ie s Se ctio n (WSS) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M a rlen e M a n o ff (110); Dolores Fidishun (43). Secretary: Sara B r o w n m ille r (99); Melinda F. Brown (63) M em ber-at-Large: G. M a rg a ret P o r te r (107); Anne L. Moore (46).