ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 538 / C&RL News THE AIEACSFDDLSI S Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Late jo b listings will be accepted on a space- available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $6.30 per line for institu­ tions that are ACRL members, $8.00 for others. Late job notices are $15.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $18.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates are also available. Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary figure. Job an­ nouncements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for academic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the sen/ice is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $40 for ACRL members and $45 for non-members. Contact: Ted Bales, classified advertising manager, C&fìL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280- 2513;fax: (312) 280-7663; ALANET: ALA0306; Bitnet: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. FOR SALE FOR SALE. Lost Cause Press microfiche edition of the Anti- Slavery Propaganda Collection in the Oberlin College Library. Nergative microfiche, 8x 13 cm, 7,245 fiche. Like new condition; boxes never opened. Make offer. The Duggan Library, Hanover College, P.O. Box 287, Hanover, IN 47243-0287. Phone (812)866- 7161; FAX (812) 866-7172. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN/DEPARTMENT HEAD (12-month, tenure-track). Open January 1992. Plan, organize, and direct acquisitions services in a land-grant university, using PALS auto­ mation system; supervise two technicians plus student assistants; coordinate selection activities of three bibliographers and faculty liaisons. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; three years’ experience in academic librarianship; knowledge of one modern foreign lan­ guage; OCLC experience; demonstrated ability to communicate and work effectively with faculty, staff, and colleagues. Desired: Subject master’s degree; experience with acquisitions systems (automated experience preferred); knowledge of out-of-print and national/foreign book markets; additional foreign language; knowl­ edge of accounting principles. Minimum salary $26,000, with standard benefits. Application deadline is September 30, 1991. Send resume, and have transcripts and three recent letters of recommendation sent directly to: B. J. Kim, Acquisitions Search Committee, Box 2115, South Dakota State University Library, Brookings, SD 57007-1098. An AA/EEO employer. ARCHIVIST, Amon Carter Museum. Responsibilities: Plan and implement the institutional archives of the Museum and related collections (including the papers of Amon G. Carter, Sr., Eliot Porter, and Laura Gilpin), process and preserve archival materials, enter records in RLIN, and provide reference service as requested; work with photography collection curatorial staff in coordinating requests for use of archival material; one clerical assistant to be hired. Qualifications: Advanced degree in American history, library sci­ ence, or a related field; certified or receive certification from the Academy of Certified Archivists within one year of employment; minimum of two years experience with archives; demonstrated administrative, organizational, and supervisory skills; familiarity with MARC/AMC format; active membership and participation in professional archival organizations; computer literate. Salary: com­ petitive; position funded by NHPRC grant, excellent benefits. Send letter of application and resume to: Kathy Goodale, Personnel Services Coordinator, Amon Carter Museum, P.O. Box 2365, Fort Worth, TX 76113-2365. ASSISTANT CURATOR FOR REFERENCE AND MANUSCRIPTS, Watkinson Library. The Watkinson Library, founded in 1857 and now a department of the Trinity College Library, is a diverse research and rare book library of roughly 165,000 printed volumes along with select manuscript collections complementing the printed holdings. The Library’s strongest resources are in American politi­ cal, social, and cultural history. Other areas of strength include early printed books, ornithology, natural history, voyages and travels, private press books, printing history, British literature, and British local history and genealogy. Under the general supervision of the Curator, the Assistant Curator for Reference and Manuscripts has primary responsibility for providing the Library’s reference services and maintaining the Library’s manuscript collections. Also assists the Curator in collection development and in the public outreach programs of the Library. These duties will require some evening/ weekend service. Applicants should hold the Master’s Degree in Library Science with a specialty in reference and formal training and/or sufficient experience in archives to process manuscript ant archival material. A second masters in the humanities or social sciences, preferably with a major of concentration in American history and culture, is expected as is a minimum of three years relevant experience, preferably in a research library. Candidates should have familiarity with the principals of the conservation of library materials and a current reading knowledge of French or German. To apply, please submit letter of interest, resume, the names addresses and phone numbers of three professional refer­ ences to: Stephen L. Peterson, College Librarian, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106. Applications will be reviewed as of September 9. 1991. Position will remain open until a candidate is appointed. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR AND CATALOGER. University of Califor­ nia, Riverside, Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research manages four major projects of international significance. One of these, the California Newspaper Project (CNP), is part of a nation­ wide scheme to provide a complete record of surviving newspapers published in this country. Assistant Director for the California Newspaper Project; librarian appointment salary range: $35,052- $59,316. Associate Librarian l-Librarian VI. Position Description: This position reports to the Director of the Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research and acts for the Director supervising and training the CNP, providing technical advice, maintaining an in- house database, planning and supervising a state-wide canvass, developing and managing a microfilming program, cataloging September 1991 / 539 newspapers and adding holding records in CONSER, and acting as liaison with the USNP cataloging specialist at the Library of Congress. The position is further responsible for assisting with publicity for the project, corresponding with contributing libraries, and representing the project at professional meetings. The project staff will consist initially of two assistant/associate librarians, two library assistants and hourly workers. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent. Experi­ ence in serials cataloging and supervising professional staff. Preferred: Experience with OCLC and CONSER. Desirable: One or more foreign languages, preferably Spanish, Chinese or other languages in which California newspapers have been published. Send letter of application, resume, and list of three professional references to: Henry Snyder, Director, Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research, University of California, Riverside, 016 Rivera Library, Riverside, CA 92521-0154. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR LIBRARY AUTOMATION. Cur­ rently open (begin November 1991). The Assistant Director reports to the Director of Libraries and is responsible for coordinating the planning, implementation, and evaluation of all library automated systems including the Libraries’ locally developed integrated sys­ tem. Also oversees other library public access computing, local area networks, and telecommunications, as well as administrative computing in support of library functions and services. Responsible for personnel matters in Library Systems unit (Systems Librarian, secretary, student assistant). Maintains close liaison with all units of the Libraries regarding Library automation. Maintains close working relationship with WSU’s computing personnel and with computer software and hardware vendors. Serves as a member of the university’s Academic Steering Committee for Computing and Telecommunications. Serves as the Libraries’ primary contact with Software AG North America. Organizes and coordinates certain automation training programs. Contributes to the administration and management of the Libraries as a member of the Director’s Council. Represents the Libraries at the state, regional, and na­ tional level in system-related matters. Librarians are appointed as members of the Washington State University faculty and are expected to participate actively in the university’s instructional, research, and service programs. Librarians are ranked in grades 2, 3, and 4, equivalent to the academic ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Librarians are expected to help establish and maintain good working relationships with univer­ sity departments, faculty, students, and other library users. A progressive record of professional/scholarly achievement is ex­ pected of all librarians. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equiva­ lent degree; substantial successful experience with automation in an academic or large public library; knowledge of library use of microcomputers and of current developments and trends in library automation and telecommunications; excellent communication and leadership skills; energy to pursue creative solutions to prob­ lems in areas of responsibility; ability to function effectively in a changing environment. Desirable: Degree(s) in computer and/or information science; previous experience in several library units. Salary: From $40,000; commensurate with qualifications and expe­ rience. Rank: Librarian 2 or above; commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience; full faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days/year sick leave. Application procedures: Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review begins: September 30, 1991. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. Members of ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam era or disabled veterans, per­ sons of disability, and/or persons between the ages of 40-70 are encouraged to apply. ASSISTANT INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIAN, Southern Illi­ nois University at Carbondale. Minimum qualifications: ALA-ac- credited master’s degree in library and information science; excel­ lent oral and written communication skills; strong commitment to library technology and knowledge of library automation applica­ tions. Preferred qualifications: Advanced degree in a subject field or profession; bibliographic skills in one or more foreign languages; familiarity with computer hardware, software, and applications. Salary of $24,000 and up based upon education and experience. Full-time, faculty-rank, term appointment. Position available Au­ gust 1 ‚ 1991. Applications received by August 9,1991 ‚ will receive initial consideration; however applications accepted until position is filled. Send applications and names of three references to: Thomas L. Kilpatrick, Assistant Interlibrary Loan Librarian, Search Committee, Morris Library, Southern Illinois University at Car­ bondale, Carbondale, IL 62901 -6632; (618)453-1158. The Univer­ sity is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT SLAVIC LIBRARIAN (SLAVIC CATALOGER). Re­ ports to the Head of Slavic Cataloging. Responsible for original monographic cataloging of materials in Slavic and East European languages, including Hungarian, Baltic, and Soviet Central Asian languages. Supervises inputting of cataloging copy into OCLC and of submission of name authority records via the Linked System Project. Responsible for editing of Slavic and East European records in the University of Illinois online catalog. Qualifications: Required: An MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or its Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for govern­ mental agencies that employ librarians. The recommenda­ tions are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommen­ dations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacan­ cies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $28,100 Delaware $22,500+ Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Kansas $17,500* Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $22,491 Ohio $20,024 Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $23,750 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $22,500 W est Virginia $20,000 Wisconsin $24,837 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a profes­ sional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. 540 / C &R L News HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES/SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN Weter Memorial Library Seattle Pacific University Search reopened. Responsibilities include: Managing/directing technical services and coordinating an online integrated system, including the supervision of a retrospective conversion project. Candidates m ust have: ALA-accredited MLS; administrative experience in technical services; familiarity with a major bibliographic utility, library automation applications, retrospective conversions, and bibliographic database m anagement; and effective interpersonal and com m unication skills. Professional position, salary ($30,000-$33,500) depends upon experience and qualifications. Seattle Pacific is an evangelical Christian university in the W esleyan tradition, serving more than 3,400 undergraduate and graduate students in the liberal arts and professional studies. W omen and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send resume and letter listing three or more references to: Gary R. Fick University Librarian W eter Mem orial Library Seattle Pacific University Seattle, W A 98119 P h on e:(206)281-2228 Closing date: October 1,1991. equivalent; excellent working knowledge of Russian. Two years cataloging experience, including professional experience; excel­ lent English language communication skills; experience with OCLC; ability to work with a research-oriented teaching faculty; ability to meet University requirements for research and publication. Pre­ ferred: A Master's degree in a subject area of the humanities or social sciences; knowledge of a Slavic language besides Russian. Desired: NACO (name authority record) experience, working knowl­ edge of non-Slavic languages of the USSR; experience in manual editing of online library catalogs. Salary and rank: Minimum annual salary $24,000. Appointment as Assistant Professor of Library Administration. Librarians are faculty and must demonstrate excel­ lence in librarianship, research, publication, and university/profes­ sional/community service to meet university standards for tenure and promotion. Application: Send letter of application and complete resume with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, Univer­ sity of Illinois Library (U-C), 1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL., 61801. Phone (217) 333-5494. Deadline: October 15,1991 ‚ or until position is filled. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN, the Joseph Downs Collection of Manu­ scripts and Printed Ephemera. The Winterthur Library is looking for an experienced librarian to provide current and retrospective cata­ loging of collection items using MARC-AMC format for RUN, and to provide reference assistance. With collection head, work with library conservator to plan space and materials needs for process­ ing and housing of collection. Participate in establishing preserva­ tion conscious procedures for storage and handling of collection items. Promote manuscript collection through research culminating in exhibitions, manuscript collection guides, and talks. The job requires MLS and professional cataloging experience, preferably with OCLC or RLIN. MA in American history or art history highly desirable. Salary: $22,000-$28,000, depending on experience. Send resume by October 14 to: Human Resources Division, W interthur Museum, Garden and Library, Winterthur DE 19735. Equal opportunity employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN (Slavic Languages) at the Brown Uni­ versity Library. Reports to the Head, Catalog Department. Responsible for cataloging and classifying m onographs, in print and m icroform , in the S lavic languages in all subject areas, using AC CR 2rev., LC cla ssification and subject head­ ings, and the RLIN cataloging subsystem . Perform s fu ll author­ ity wo rk on names, series, and subject headings. May have the opportunity to assum e collection developm ent responsibilities. Requirem ents: ALA-accredited MLS degree; com petency in R ussian; ability to w o rk with a broad range of subjects; two years cataloging experience, preferably in the academ ic set­ ting; fam iliarity with autom ated cataloging system s and MARC form ats; ability to com m unicate cle arly both orally and in writing; good analytical and problem -solving skills; knowledge o f G erm an and background in the sciences highly desirable. Appointm ent range: $25,300-$31,600 based upon experience. Interested candidates should send le tter of application, re­ sume, and the names of three references to: Geneva Ferrell, Departm ent of Human Resources, Brown U niversity, Provi­ dence, Rl 02912. Review of applications w ill begin on O ctober 1 and w ill continue until th e position is filled. Brown University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT LIBRAR­ IAN, the New York Academ y of M edicine. Develop policies and procedures for m onograph and serials acquisitions for the general collection. Participate in th e selection of m aterials and the identification of m aterials in need of preservation or re­ placem ent with alternative form ats. Coordinate and perform w eeding activities and gift processing. Supervise stack man­ agem ent activities in cluding shelving, shifting, tran sfer of m a­ terials to off-site collections, placem ent of new ly received m aterials, and disposal of de-accessioned items. Perform collection analyses; com pile statistics; prepare grant propos­ als. Supervise 3 staff plus additional project staff as needed. A vailable im m ediately. Salary: $35,000 m inimum w ith excel­ lent benefits. Q ualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program . M inimum 3 years experience in a large m edical or academ ic library, preferably perform ing collection develop­ ment or collection m anagem ent functions on an ongoing basis. Knowledge of the dom estic and foreign book trade fo r m ono­ graphs and serials. Experience with budgeting, autom ated networks, and governm ent docum ents. Send application, re­ sume, and list of three references to: A rthur Downing, Acting Librarian, New York Academ y of M edicine, 2 East 103rd St., New York, NY 10029. An equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION LIBRARIAN. Cornell University, Albert R. Mann Library. The Albert R. Mann Library at Cornell University is seeking a Government Information Librarian who will September 1991 / 541 TWO POSITIONS Eastern Montana College Eastern Montana College is currently seeking applications for 2 positions in the library. Appropriate terminal degree required for tenure track positions. Rank and salary will be dependent upon education and experience and subject to collective bargaining agreement. Documentsand Reference Librarian. The incumbent fo r this position will have the responsibility for the selective U.S. depository collection (40%), Montana state documents and maps. This librarian will also be an active member of the public Services staff, with regular reference desk duties, library instruction responsibilities, and liaison with faculty. Curriculum Resource/Education Librarian. The person selected for this position will have the responsibility of operating acurriculum resource center as part of the Eastern Montana College Library. There will be the opportunity to teach occationalcources in educational technology and media. This librarian will also be an active member of the Public Services staff, with reference and library instruction responsibilities. Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library science program required for both positions. Candidates must submit a letter of application, resume, and three recent letters of reference (letters must address applicant's qualification for the duties of the position). Applications received by September 20 ‚ 1991 ‚ will be given preference review; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For detailed vacancy announcement describing position description, qualifications required, and application procedure, contact: Eastern Montana College Human Resources Office 1500 North 30th Street Billings, MT 59101 -0298 (406)657-2278 Eastern Montana College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Qualified women and minorities are encouraged to apply. serve as the advocate for the scholarly community in obtaining and providing access to state, federal, and international government information. Mann Library supports the research, instruction, and extension programs of the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, the College of Human Ecology, and the Divisions of Nutrition and Biological Sciences. These colleges are heavily dependent on government information; aggressive acquisitions of government publications is critical. The library is seeking a proactive librarian who will be an avid supporter of the public's right to free access to government information; who will monitor and establish acquisi­ tions policies for government publishing in print, microform, and electronic formats; and who will provide cataloging expertise for government information. Responsibilities: identifies and selects all pertinent state, federal, and international governmental infor­ mational resources, with special emphasis on the integration of electronic resources into the collection. Establishes means of receipt for government information, monitors USGPO and New York State depository programs, and evaluates collection strengths, weaknesses, and needs. Aggressively pursues international gov­ ernment publications. Plays an active role in lobbying efforts and in national and international organizations concerned with govern­ ment information. Performs original and member-copy cataloging for government information and resolves cataloging problems in the online catalog. Participates in research and development projects, particularly in the implementation of the electronic library. Qualification: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. Demon­ strated interest or experience in government information. Excel­ lent communication skills, some foreign language ability, and facility with personal computers, bibliographic databases, and integrated library management systems. Interest in innovation and professional development. Preferred: Background or interest in agriculture, the life sciences, or relevant social sciences. Knowl­ edge of cataloging, including AACR2, MARC formats, LC classifi­ cation schedules, and theories related to the organization and retrieval of information. Expected Salary: $26,000 dependent on experience. Closing Date: October 1,1991, but application will be accepted until position is filled. Apply to: Ann Dyckman, Director of Personnel, Cornell University Library, 201 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Please send cover letter, resume, list of three refer­ ences (with names, addresses, and telephone numbers). Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF ACCESS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT, Lehman/Social Work Library, Columbia University. Columbia University seeks a talented librarian to administer access and technical support func­ tions for the social sciences research library. Functions include managing circulation, reserves, stack and collection maintenance, serials, and binding; planning and implementation of the Lehman/ Social Work components of our NOTIS-based automated system (CLIO) in conjunction with library-wide implementation teams; supervising CLIO systems and equipment on site. The Head also monitors and manages physical conditions of the library and interprets access policies to users. Directs the work of one library supervisor and directs or takes general responsibility for 11 support staff and 11 FTE student assistants. The Head reports to the Assistant Director for Social Sciences, and participates in planning and evaluating policies and services for the Lehman/Social Work Library. The Library serves all social sciences departments and the UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE The University of California, Irvine invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. The University Librarian is responsible for the Main Library, the Biomedical Library, the Biological Sciences Library, the Physical Sciences Library, and the Medical Center Library. Construc­ tion on a new Science Library will begin in August 1991. The Library staff includes 56 academic librarians and 130 career support staff as well as over 275 part-time student employees. The University of California, Irvine is located in Orange County, 40 miles south of Los Angeles, and 5 miles from the Pacific Ocean. The present enrollment is 16,000 students with a faculty of 700 including the Medical School. Ethnic minority students comprise about 46% of the student body. The University offers 30 doctoral programs in addition to the MD. Current projections for future growth envision a campus of over 25,000 students by the year 2005. Responsibilities: Management of the Library; leadership and innovation in its programs; excellence in library services; faculty relations; accountability for a budget of over$12,000,000 and a collection of 1.5 million volumes; planning and evaluation; public relations and fund development. The University Librarian is a member of the University Executive Program and the Academic Senate, and reports to the Associate Executive Vice Chancellor of the Irvine Campus. The University Librarian represents the Irvine Campus on UC systemwide library management and advisory groups. Qualifications: Significant achievement in areas relevant to the administration of a major research library; a demonstrably strong commitment to excellence in scholarship and research; knowledge of collection development, public and technical services, and library technology; the ability to shape, articulate, and implement a vision for the future of library resources, services and technical develop­ ment. The successful candidate will have a firm grasp of current issues in higher education and the ability to forge effective links with faculty and academic programs. Minimum preparation will include an appropriate higher degree (either an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or a Ph.D) or equivalent experience; additional educational attainment and/or substantial research experience in librarianship or another discipline; demonstrated skills in planning and budgeting; and interest in overseeing the Library’s development program; and the ability to work productively with library staff, faculty, and administration. The Library at Irvine is committed to the support and encouragement of a multicultural environment and seeks candidates who can make positive contributions in a context of ethnic and cultural diversity. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Candidates should apply in writing, including with their letter a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of their education and relevant experience, and the names and addresses of three references. Committee review of applicant’s credentials will begin on September 15,1991 and continue until an appointment is made. Send nominations and resumes to: Search Committee for the University Librarian Attn: Shirley Crawford 255 Administration Building University of California, Irvine The University of California is an affirmative action employer. September 1991 / 543 CURATOR, WEST ASIA COLLECTION Cornell University Library Cornell University Library seeks an experienced and dynamic librarian, with astrong public service commitment, to serve as Curator of the Wason Collection on East Asia. Containing more than 425,000 volumes, the Wason Collection has long been noted for its Western-language holdings on China, as well as its extensive Chinese-language materials. More recently, it has also been aggressively developing its Japanese-language holdings. From the summer of 1992, this distinguished collection will occupy the main level of Cornell’s new Carl A. Krock Library for Special Collections in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Duties and Responsibilities: With general responsibility for supervising the departments's public service and collection development activities, the Wason Curator hires and supervises the collection's staff, manages its budget, interprets general library policies as they relate to the Collection, provides reference and bibliographic service related to East Asia in general, and China in particular, and serves as a central liaison with other library departments and with faculty and visiting scholars. The Wason Curator also selects all Chinese language materials, and advises the library’s technical service departments on th e ir processing and cataloging of East Asian materials. The Curator works closely with the faculty and students of the Cornell's East Asia Program in developing the Collection’s holdings and in providing necessary support for the Program’s research and teaching activities. Appropriately qualified candidates wishing to offer an annual course on East Asian Bibliography and Research Methods will also be considered for an adjunct faculty appointment in the University’s Department of Asian Studies. Qualifications: A professional degree in librarianship and/or an advanced research degree in an appropriate field of Chinese Studies is required, as are demonstrated administrative skills and at least six years of progressively responsible experience in the Asian Collection of a major research library. A demonstrated commitment to public service at the research library level is also required. Evidence on continuing scholarly interest and fluency in Chinese is highly desired, with a research-level reading/ writing knowledge of Chinese the minimum requirement. A strong working knowledge of Japanese will be advantageous. Strong verbal and written communication skills in English and Chinese are essential, as is familiarity with the Chinese-language book trade. Evidence of initiative, leadership, personnel management skills, and enthusiasm for working cooperatively with colleagues in South Asian and Southeast Asian collecton is essential, as is a demonstrated capacity to contribute to the field of East Asian Studies, to develop and promote the use of a very large research collection, to interact effectively with other library administrators, and to work with students, faculty, and visiting scholars. Application: Applications are desired by October 15,1991 ‚ but will be accepted until position is filled. Salary and rank will be dependent upon qualifications and experience (with $33,000 minimum at beginning Associate Librarian level). Submit letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Ann Dyckman Director of Personnel 235 0 lin Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. School of Social Work, and houses the Government Documents Service Center. The collection to be managed contains 504,000 volumes. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements include: ability to work effectively with faculty, students and library col­ leagues; superior interpersonal and communications skills; and demonstrated talent for planning and managing in a complex academic environment. Professional experience in an academic or special library, familiarity with NOTIS or another automated library circulation system, and successful experience as a supervisor are highly desirable. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $30,100-$39,130; Librarian II: $32,100-$43,335; Librarian III: $35,100-$50,895. Ex­ cellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Send resume and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 585 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Cover letter should specify job title: Head of Access and Technical Support, Lehman/Social Work Library. Applications received by October 15,1991 ‚ will be given priority consideration. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF CATALOGING. Twelve-month, tenure-track position reporting to Dean of Library Services; rank equivalent to Assistant Professor. Salary $41,904; excellent benefits. Requirements in- 544 / C&R L News DIRECTOR, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University seeks applicants for the position of Director of Libraries. The Director administers a system of three libraries staffed by 31 professionals and a support staff of 51. Holdings include 787,000 print volumes, 4,275 current journal subscriptions, and a variety of non-print materials. The libraries support undergraduate programs in humanities, fine arts, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering. The library system is an integral part of a campus-wide information network serving a computation-intensive and sophisticated comm unity of scholars and research scientists. It is now the site for Project Mercury, a major research effort to develop a pilot of the electronic library of the future. CMU is committed to a strategy of meeting the information needs of a strong research comm unity and a diverse educational program, not sim ply by conventional collection building, but also by taking advantage of the institution's leadership role in the development of information technology. The Director must possess both the vision to play a major role in endeavors like Project Mercury and the administrative skills and comm itm ent to manage ongoing library service effectively. He or she should hold a relevant advanced degree and have at least 5 years administrative experience, including budget responsibility, in progressively responsible positions in a research oriented library, it is essential that that experience be marked by innovative and energetic leadership. The successful candidate must be able to interact with faculty as an information scientist as well as an administrator, to participate in the development of research proposals as well as the cultivation of donors, and to lead the developm ent of state-of-the-art library services including access to documents in newly-emerging electronic media as well as printed form. Salary $75,000 minimum. Send letter of application, resume and names and addresses of 3 references to: David W. Miller Chair, Library Director Search Comm ittee Hunt Library 4825 Frew Street Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 or to David. W .M iller@ Applications should be received by Novem ber 1 ‚ 1991. CMU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Nominations and application of minorities and women are particularly encouraged. elude: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum five years full-time, profes­ sional cataloging; experience with OCLC or other major biblio­ graphic utility; AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, and MARC for­ mats; successful supervisory experience; oral, written, and inter­ personal communications skills. Write for complete announce­ ment, or submit letter of application with vita and three references to: Library Search Committee, c/o Dean of Library Services, Cali­ fornia State University Stanislaus, Turlock, CA 95380. Applica­ tions received by September 9, 1991, assured consideration. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF CATALOGING, Graduate Theological Union Library. Under the general supervision of the Head of Technical Services, administer operations of the Cataloging Section. Supervise two copy catalogers and one professional cataloger. Coordinate flow of materials and work assignments in the section. Do original catalog­ ing and classification in all formats. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; five years library experience including supervision; knowledge of at least one foreign language. Knowledge of LC cataloging and classification. Preferred: relevant subject master; knowledge of German or Romance languages; demonstrated verbal and written communication skills. Salary: $27,109 minimum, excellent fringe benefits. Application deadline: October 1, 1991 or until position is filled. Submit letter of application, resume, and list of three refer­ ences to: Head of Technical Services, Graduate Theological Union Library, 2400 Ridge Rd., Berkeley, CA 94709. EOE. HEAD OF CATALOGING. University of Texas at San Antonio seeks applicants for the position of Head Catalog Librarian. Quali­ fications: ALA-accredited MLS; 5 years of technical services expe­ rience including supervisory and catalog experience. Experience with MARC, AACR2, LCSH, LCCS, and OCL C o r other utility. Strong interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills. Prefer experience with NOTIS, automated authority control and micro computer programming. Duties: Manage and supervise all catalog activities, develop policies and procedures, maintain quality control and ensure integrity of the online database. Specialist and resource person in cataloging. Coordinate activities with other departments. Salary: $30,000 minimum, liberal benefits; no state income tax. Application: send letter of application and resume to: Sue Tyner, Asst. Director for Technical Sen/ices, University of Texas, at San Antonio Library, 6900 N. Loop 1604 West, San Antonio, TX 78249. Applications by September 30, 1991, receive priority. UTSA is an EEO/AA employer. HEAD, INTERLIBRARY LOAN UNIT. Responsibilities: Reporting to the Head of Reference Services, manages the interlibrary borrowing and lending activities of the university libraries and September 1991 / 545 LIBRARIAN, OFF-CAMPUS LIBRARY SERVICES Central Michigan University This position will provide reference assistance, library user education and referral services for Central Michigan University, Extended Degree Programs and Credit courses students and faculty involved with graduate level, credit courses in the western regions of the U.S. and Canada. This position also manages an instructional resources support program for off-campus faculty and chairs the planning forthe next Off-campus Library Service Conference. Marketing of the Library Program is a key element of this position. Minimum qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school and two years professional experience in public services setting; knowledge of online and/ or CD-ROM searching; familiarity with library user education; evidence of excellent communication and interpersonal skills; willingness to travel by airplane and work aflexible schedule are required. Preferred qualifications: Reference experience with social sciences, administration, or health services literature; conference planning background and experience with micro-computing. Salary commensurate with qualifications, minimum $30,000. Position is a 12-month appointment based in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Excellent fringe benefits. Submit letter of application, resume, and names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Chairperson, Selection Committee 207 Park Library Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859. Position is available immediately. Applications will be accepted until the positions filled. Review of candidates files will begin July 30,1991. Central Michigan University is a state institution with an enrollment of 16,000 on-campus students and an off-campus constituency of about 12,000 students. CMU’s Off-center Library Services Program, a nationally recognized model, serves nontraditional students at off-campus centers, sponsors the Offcampus Library Services Conference and publishes its conference proceedings to support librarians in this field. provides service to borrowers; serves on the Reference Desk. Supervises a staff of three classified, .5 FTE professional, and student assistants and manages resources to process over 50,000 requests per year. Assists in planning and implementing shared resource agreements with selected libraries; serves as representa­ tive to regional interlibrary lending committee; provides leadership in evaluating new and existing technologies for accessing and transmission of data; participates in planning for improved docu­ ment delivery services. Research, publication, and sen/ice to Library and University expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointment and promotion. Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty appointment. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; expe­ rience in interlibrary loan using OCLC or RLIN; minimum of two years supervisory experience; excellent management and organ­ izational skills; flexibility; knowledge of microcomputer applica­ tions; strong interpersonal and communications skills. Preferred: General reference experience; familiarity with alternative methods of document delivery; familiarity with online databases. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum $30,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Personnel Officer, University Librar- ies-UL 139, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin September 30,1991. Please include a list of three persons with addresses whom we can contact for references. The University at Albany, State University of New York is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minority persons, handicapped persons, special disabled, and Vietnam era veterans are especially wel­ come. HEAD OF LIBRARY, ASSISTANT HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES, Loyola University of Chicago. Manages daily operations of the university’s Water Tower Campus Library, including reference services, periodical/microforms, circulation services, and curricu­ lum library. Supervises 4 librarians, 8.5 support staff and several undergraduate and graduate assistants. A new library building is being planned. Also serves as the Assistant Head of Public Services and participates in the overall administration of the libraries as a member of the Administrative Group. Reports to the Assistant University Librarian for Public Services. Qualifications include: ALA-accredited MLS degree; progressively responsible experience in public service in an academic library; substantial knowledge of reference and circulation policies and processes; supervisory experience; demonstrated leadership skills; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; knowledge of and interest in creative use of technology in public services. Salary from $35,000. Benefits include 20 days of vacation, full tuition benefits, university contributions toTIAA/CREF, dental insurance, and choice of medical plans. Qualified applicants should send letter of applica­ tion, resume and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Ellen J. Waite, University Librarian, Cudahy Library, Loyola University of Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd. Chicago IL 60626. Application deadline is September 1 ‚ 1991 ‚ but applications will continue to be received until the position is filled. Loyola University of Chicago is an affirmative action, equal oppor­ tunity educator/employer. HEAD, MEDICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY. Applications are invited for the post of Head, Medical Sciences Library at the level of Deputy Librarian in the University Libraries. Applicants should hold a good first degree, preferably in the sciences, and professional qualifica­ tions in librarianship/information science. The appointee should have had substantial experience in the management of medical or health sciences libraries and be familiar with automated systems. Consideration will be given to candidates with relevant experience in academic, research, or special libraries. The appointee will be responsible to the Campus Librarian for the general organization and management of the Medical Sciences Branch Library. Annual salary: Scale TT $89,016 x $1,980-$96,936 B) $100,896 plus Regional Allowance of $12,204. Passages, pension, housing, book and study, and travel grants. Detailed applications naming three references to the Campus Registrar as soon as possible. Further 546 / C&R L News SCIENCES BIBLIOGRAPHER (SEARCH REOPENED) Tufts University Medford, Massachusetts Tufts University seeks qualified applicants for the position of Sciences Bibliographer. Reporting to the Assistant D irector for Collection Management and Technical Services, this new position will be part of a recently im plemented collection developm ent and m anagem ent program. The purpose of the position is to create, administer, and maintain the Library’s collections o n a subject-specific basis, with full intellectual and fiscal responsibility. Responsibilities: Adm inisters all science library materials funds with full responsibility for title selection and allocation of individual subject-specific funds. Develops collection development policies. Com municates and interprets Library policy as needed. Acts as a liaison with relevant faculties, students, and staff. Participates in the developm ent of policies and procedures through committee work and acts as a resource person for science-related collection development and management, both individually and through scheduled meetings and discussions. C onducts serials reviews, collection evaluations, and relocations. Prepares annual materials, budget rationale. Qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS is required, as well as previous academ ic library work experience in collection developm ent and management OR an undergraduate degree in science with a demonstrated interest in collection m anagement. Also required is the ability to w ork creatively in a rapidly changing environment. The successful candidate will be one who is flexible, diligent, and responsible; one who can work with minimum supervision and who can show initiative. Appointm ent will be made at the Librarian I, or Affiliate level. Send letter of application including resume and names and addresses of 3 references to: Sonia Payne Arts & Sciences Library Tufts University Medford, MA 02155 Screening forthis position will begin on October 15,1991 ‚ and will continue until the position is filled. Tufts University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. particulars will be sent to all applicants. The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, West Indies. HEAD, MONOGRAPH UNIT, Bibliographic Sen/ices Department, Syracuse University Library. Plans, coordinates, and manages all activities of the Monograph Unit including all acquisitions, search­ ing and cataloging functions of the Unit. Responsible for providing direction to individuals and supervision of functions including pre­ order searching, ordering, OCLC cataloging, and catalog mainte­ nance, as well as establishment and implementation of standards and practices for all monograph acquisitions and cataloging activi­ ties. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; at least three years’ experience, preferably with current trends in publish­ ing, vendor services, cataloging activities; a record of effective supervision; demonstrated organizational ability, planning, man­ agement, interpersonal skills, excellent written and oral communi­ cation skills; experience with automated systems in libraries; facility with one or more foreign languages preferred. The Mono­ graph Unit of the Bibliographic Sen/ices Department comprises two librarians, 2 supervisors, and a support staff of 18. Bibliographic Services also includes the Serials and the Receiving/Accounting Units. The position reports to the Head of Bibliographic Services. Salary is negotiable, commensurate with experience and qualifica­ tions, (minimum $28,000). Applications received by October 15 will receive first consideration. Send letter of application, resume, and names of 3 references to: Search Committee for Head, Monograph Unit, Bibliographic Service Department, Syracuse University Li­ brary, Office of Human resources, Syracuse University, Skytop Office Building, Syracuse, NY 13244-5300. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF REFERENCE SERVICES. Full-time probationary assis­ tant professor faculty position. Experienced, innovative librarian sought to assume leadership responsibilities for reference service in consultation with the Public Services Coordinator. Position includes reference collection development and maintenance; su­ pervision of students reference desk service, including some evening and weekend work; bibliographic instruction; and online searching. Applicants should have good communication skills, imagination, and a dedication to quality reference service. Aca­ demic year contract with some summer employment usually avail­ able at individual and campus options. The library faculty is organized as an academic department. Candidates must have an ALA-accredited MLS and an additional subject master’s degree. Minimum of four years relevant professional reference experience in an academic library; experience in using CD-ROM products and September 1991 / 547 FACULTY POSITIONS AT THE SCHOOL OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana Indiana University School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) is continuing to recruit several full-time, tenure-track faculty members atthe rankof Assistant or Associate Professorto begin as early as January 1992. SLIS seeks candidates who are genuinely interested in the intellectual bases and future viability of the library and information field. We are looking for people who will stimulate and provide superior collective performance in a collegial atmosphere. Highly desirablequalifications include: Demonstrable research record orpotential. Forward-looking research agenda, substantive contribution to scholarly literature, willingness and ability to present at national and international symposia, grantsmanship; Vision and broadmindedness; Comfortable with change, intellectual curiosity, networker/boundary spanner, intellectual trader. Commitment to library and information science field; interest in defining the core and exploring the edges of the field, willingness and ability to incorporate new ideas into teaching and research and to transfer theoretical constructs to the work of practice. Teaching ability/experience; Ability to excite the best students to explore and experiment, willingness to identify and mentor researchers and authors among the student body. Ph.D. completed or anticipated in library and information science or related field. Areas of specialization;Thefollowing areas are illustrative, not definitive; systems and technologies, information resources management, applications of cognitive science, information networking, elec­ tronic media and markets, scholarly communication, economics of information, organization of knowledge. Teaching Responsibilities normally include fourorfivecourses per academic year. Optimal summer teaching opportunities are available. SLIS offers master’s, specialist (6th year), and Ph.D. degrees. The School is committed to a statewide program of education at the master’s level. New faculty hirings and a significant capital investment to support the expansion and upgrading of the School’s computer faculty are evidence of an increased commitment to information science at Indiana University. A large library and information science faculty and Ph.D. program, dual-degree programs in journalism, law, public administration, and other areas, a major research library, and a supportive computing environment offer significant opportunities for collaborative research. Indiana University is a major research university, and candidates are expected to meet the requirements of scholarship and publication of such an institution. IU SLIS, one of the largest and most highly regarded library and information science education programs, is located in a beautiful area of southern Indiana, and provides superb opportunities for culture and leisure. Indiana University offers a wide range of benefits, including fully employerfunded TIAA/CREF. Salary minimum ranges from $30,000 to $36,000 (Assistant Professor) and $36,000 to $44,000 (Associate Professor). Interested individuals should contact; Judith Serebnick Search and Screen Committee Chair School of Library and Information Science Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405 Telephone; (812) 855-5113; FAX; (812) 855-6166. Bitnet; serebnic@ iubacs or Internet; serebnic@ Applications received by October 1 ‚ 1991 will be assured of considera­ tion. Applicants should include a letter of intent and current resume. DIALOG or BRS. Position available January 13, 1992. Salary: minimum $28,000. Send application letter, resume and three current, professional references with phone numbers to: Karin Sandvik, Department Chair, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, Wl 54601. Screening of applicants begins Nov. 1, 1991 ‚ and continues until position is filled. Refer to position #302. AA/EOE. HEAD, SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRARY, University of California, San Diego. UCSD is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and specifically seeks candidates who can make contributions in an environment of cultural and ethnic diversity. Rank: Associate Librarian, $35,052-$50,496 or Librarian, $47,124- $65,340. Responsibilities: Under the general direction of the 548 / C&R L News Associate University Librarian-Sciences, the Department Head plans, develops, manages, and evaluates the Science and Engi­ neering Library’s collection services, operations, and facilities in a highly automated environment; functions primary liaison between the Library and the faculty of the six academic departments; develops resource-sharing and access arrangements with other research libraries in California; chairs the Library’s advisory com­ mittee and represents the library on other university and outside committees, as required. Responsible for organizational and per­ sonnel planning for 17.5 FTE staff. Takes active role in developing funding sources outside the library. Provides reference and online search services and participates in collection development. UCSD librarians are expected to participate in library-wide planning activi­ ties and to be active professionally. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent. Relevant library experience, including some supervisory experience. Evi­ dence of strong administrative and library experience, including competence in planning and organizing services and directing staff. Excellent written and oral communications skills. Understanding of scientific research process, ability to work effectively with faculty, and a strong commitment to provision of effective and innovative library services. Knowledge of issues and trends relating to library automation and its implications for technical and public services. Desirable: academic background in science. An appointee at the Librarian level is expected to bring to the position well-developed managerial skillsand considerable expertise in science librarianship as well as a record of significant contributions to the field of librarianship. Applications recieved by October 15, 1991, will be assured of consideration. Submit a letter of application, enclosing a resume and a list of references to: University of California, San Diego, Janet Tait, Assistant for Academic Personnel, Library, 0175H-1, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0175. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Responsibilities: Leadership, planning, management of technical services policies and opera­ tions. Supervision of acquisitions, cataloging, serials and govern­ ment documents, review collection development practices and new development policy with Director of the library and faculty. Work with Coordinator for Library Systems for hardware and software support for optimal use of bibliographic utilities, file transfers, workflow, and statistical analysis of technical operations. Develop­ ment of bibliographic and technical support sen/ices, and strategic planning for the library during a time of expansion and innovation. Report to Director of the Library. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, with experience in an academic library. Knowledge of biblio­ graphic control applications and technical processing, including library automation; familiarity with OCLC and INNOPAC. Initiative and leadership in technical services; interpersonal communication and analytical skills; managerial and administrative experence. Knowledge of languages helpful. Salary: Commensurate with experience and qualifications; minimum $33,500. Submit letter of application, resume and 3 references by September 20 to: Charles Henry, Director of the Library, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. AA/EOE. HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT REFER­ ENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHERbased on the candidate’s qualifications and interests and the needs of the department. Reports to the Head, Humanities/Social Sciences Department. Qualifications: An MLS from an ALA-accredited program; strong background in the social sciences, including, but not limited to, political science, sociology, or business; working knowledge of microcomputers, and effective oral and written communication skills. Must be committed to working collegially. Advanced subject degree in the social sciences or online/CD-ROM searching expe­ rience desirable. Miami University is a selective institution, located in Oxford, Ohio, 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. The Miami University Libraries contain over 1.4 million volumes, have an extensive collection of government documents and microforms, and subscribe to over 12,000 serials. They serve 850 teaching and research faculty, 15,000 undergraduates, and 1,000 graduate students. The library has 36 librarians, 55 support staff, is a member of OCLC, CRL, and has Innovative Interfaces online system. Benefits include Blue Cross/Blue Shield, major medical disability, dental and term life insurance all paid by the University. Public employee retirement system. Minimum salary $23,000. Submit letter of application, resume, and names, telephone numbers and addresses of three professional references to: Judith A. Sessions, Dean and University Librarian, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. Applications received by September 1, 1991, will receive first consideration; position open until filled. Miami University is an equal opportunity employer. INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR, Cornell University, Albert R. Mann Library. The Albert R. Mann Library at Cornell University is seeking a librarian to coordinate instruction and to participate in reference and computerized search services as a member of a public services professional staff of nine. Reporting to the Head of Public Services, the instruction coordinator works with a group of instructors drawn from the library’s Public Services, Technical Services, Collection Development, and Information Technology professional staff. Mann Library supports Cornell University college of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Human Ecology, the Division of Nutritional Sciences, and the Division of Biological Sciences. Recognizing that users of information resources increasingly expect access from beyond the library walls, Mann is implementing an electronic library entered through a central gateway, available across the campus networks. This gateway, available at workstations in offices, labs, and microcomputer centers, leads users to bibliographic, full text, and numeric databases located on and off campus. Instruction for users of this electronic library will combine education for a constitu­ ency that may never enter the library with instruction for those who use information resources inside the library building. Mann Library has initiated a program of information management workshops which are subject, system, or application specific. Most workshops are taught in the library’s online Classroom or Microcomputer Center, or in other microcomputer facilities on campus. Computer technology plays a key role in the workshops, with technical support provided by the library’s Information Technology Section. The program is the result of Mann Library’s research and experimenta­ tion into the most effective methods for teaching a comprehensive set of information management skills to a large population of undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty. The library seeks a librarian to evaluate, publicize, and expand this program, and to take a leadership role in investigating new instructional approaches. Knowledge & Experience: ALA-accredited MLS, excellent commu­ nication and presentation skills, and strong interpersonal skills required. Experience in academic librarianship or education re­ q u ire d . E x p e rie n c e in te a c h in g th e use of co m p u tin g , telecomaunications, and information management technology de­ sirable. Strong interest in professional development, participation in professional organizations, and enthusiasm for innovative pro­ grams are important. Expected Salary: $26,000+ dependent on qualifications. Closing Date: October 31 ‚ 1991 ‚ but applications will be accepted until position is filled. Apply to: Ann Dyckman, Director of Personnel, Cornell University Library, 201 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Send cover letter, resume, three references including addresses and telephone numbers. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LATIN AMERICAN CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Arizona State Univer­ sity. Does original cataloging of Spanish/Portuguese monographs & serials; supervises a library specialist in original and copy- assisted cataloging of Latin American materials; participates in departmental governance and management. Position offers oppor­ tunities to participate in collection development and public service activities. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; demonstrated knowledge of AACR2R, LCSH, LC classification system and MARC content designation; excellent reading knowledge of Spanish; ability to adapt and work effectively in a changing, diverse, and automated environment; effective interpersonal and communica­ tion skills; evidence of professional commitment. Preferred: Aca­ demic background in Spanish and Latin American studies; super­ visory and training experience; working knowledge of Portuguese. Salary: $23,000 and up, dependent on qualifications and experi­ ence. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Rebecca Burke, Acting Assistant Dean for Personnel, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006. Phone (602) 965-3417. Deadline: August 15, 1991; applications will be accepted after the deadline and reviewed on a biweekly basis until the position is filled. ASU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. LIBRARIAN: Coodinate and monitor the implementation and evaluation of the integrated library system and online services. Responsible for the selection, installation, maintenance, and appli­ cation of microcomputer hardware and software, and CD-ROM databases. 40hpw; 8:30am-4:30pm; $30K/yr; Must have MS in Library Science and one year experience. Experience wtih various Centre Canadien d'Architecture /Canadian Centre for Architecture Head Librarian The Centre C anadien d'Architecture/C anadian Centre for Architecture is seeking a scholar librarian to lead the development of one o f the w orld's great architectural libraries. The Head Librarian w ill be responsible fo r overseeing all lib ra ry operations, directing the expansion o f its collection, furthering activities linked to the w id e r research and library communities, and contributing to the long range planning of the institution. The C C A Library is an international research collection devoted to the history of architecture ana the built environment. It already comprises 1 4 0 ,0 0 0 titles, with an emphasis upon rare book and special collections related to the history of architectural theory, practice and publishing from the fifteenth century to the present. The Library is one o f the central components of a study centre and museum with internationally important collections of photographs, draw ings and archives and with w ide-ranging research and exhibition programmes. The Head Librarian supervises a staff o f 21 – including an Associate Librarian with general management responsibilities – and works closely with the Director, C hief Curator and other senior staff in the development of institutional policies and pro­ grammes. The Head Librarian w ill be encouraged to pursue independent research under conditions com parable with those in a university environment. The Head Librarian must possess an advanced degree in art or architecture or a related discipline in the humanities, with a record o f scholarship; seven or more years of progressively responsible experience in an academic or research library, w ith an MLS preferred; and the a bility to w ork in French and English. The salary level is competitive and personal benefits are excellent. The C C A is an equal opportunity employer. Please sfourb mit your curriculum vitae to: Manager Centre Architecture, 1920 Baile Street, of MontreHalum, an Resources, Canadian Quebec H3H 2Só. Centre Canadien d'Architecture /Canadian Centre for Architecture Mαnαqer of Information Technology The Centre Canadien d'Architecture/C anadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal is a study centre and a museum founded to study and make known the significance of architecture in the history of our society. Under the supervision o f the Head o f Museum Services, the M anager is responsible for the management and coordination of information technology services required by all departments o f the CCA. The M anager w ill be responsible for the conceptualization and long-range planning o f the information technology requirements of the institution. The primary focus w ill be on the application o f information technology to library and collections docu­ mentation, cataloguing and access; interactive exhibition displays, including video and graphics presentation; and research programmes. The analysis and develop­ ment associated with these user- and research-oriented database applications are essential. The M anager w ill also assess, coordinate and plan for the information management needs o f other divisions o f the CCA including Development, Communications, and Administration and Finance, as well as implementation and staff training. The incumbent w ill be responsible for the administration o f the personnel and budget of the Information Technology Department. The M anager must possess experience in the design, development, implementation and use o f automated systems for collection, archives, libraries o r museums as well as a minimum o f five years' experience in information technology and management w ith a broad base of technical knowledge o f computer environments including relational and text-based database systems. An advanced degree in the social sciences, humanities, library science o r the equivalent is required, and experience with computerized graphics, image or video systems is desirable. A working knowledge o f both official languages is essential. The salary level is competitive and personal benefits are excellent. The C C A is an equal opportunity employer. Please submit your curriculum vitae to: Manager of Human Resources, Canadian Centre for Architecture, 1920 Baile Street, Montreal, Quebec H3H 2S6. September 1991 / 551 MULTICULTURAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN University of California, Santa Cruz Assistant Librarian/Associate Librarian. Sal­ ary range for these ranks: $28,668-$50,496. Reporting to the Head of Reference Services: Responsible for providing leadership in library services for the campus multicultural com m u­ nity. Coordinates an outreach program. Provides library instruction and specialized reference serv­ ice in multicultural studies. Provides general reference service in the social sciences and humanities; serves 12-15 hours a w eek at the Reference Desk, including weekend and eve­ ning service; participates in com puter reference service; prepares and presents instructional m aterials; selects reference materials. Partici­ pates in library-wide activities, including adm in­ istrative comm ittees and special projects. Quali­ fications: Required: graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library school; demonstrated ability to communicate and establish ties with the UCSC multicultural community and to provide an intensive outreach program to that community; broad interest in the humanities/social sciences and in working with undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty; ability to w ork at the refer­ ence desk, provide library instruction, and per- form online searches. Preferred: Prior reference desk experience; multicultural outreach experi­ ence. Application deadline: October 7, 1991. Applicants should supply a statement of their qualifications, a resume, and the names of four (4) references who can comm ent on their quali­ fications. Send correspondence to: Katherine Beiers Assistant University Librarian— Personneï University Library University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 UCSC is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. omputer platforms, software, and networking; of information sys­ ms and online access via Internet, Bitnet phone line, etc.; of MS- OS machine hardware peripherals, and software such as Win­ ows, Excel, DBase, SPSS, and Procomm; and of multimedia evelopment software such as Toolbook. Must have knowledge of C LAN, CD-ROM network access hardware and software; and of tatistical analysis. Send resume to: The Gettysburg Job Service ffice, 108 N. Stratton St. (Rear), Gettysburg, PA 17325. JO#: 425214. c te D d d P s O 4 LIBRARY DIRECTOR, Historical Society of Pennslyvania. To manage 500,000 volume reference and genealogical collection with primary and secondary source materials relating to the Dela­ ware Valley region and to the original thirteen states. The Director supervises all Library functions including collecting, preserving, and making holdings availible for use. Staff of eight full- and part- time employees. Qualifications: Minimum of five years experience in Library management including financial and supervision respon­ sibility; background in American History and genealogy; and good interpersonal and communication skills. EOE. Salary: $30’s. Apply to. President's Office. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Application deadline Sep­ tember 30. MIDDLE EAST BIBLIOGRAPHER needed to assume responsibil­ ity for developing and maintaining the library’s collections about and from Egypt and the Middle East and for providing bibliographic/ instructional assistance to users researching Middle Eastern sub­ jects. M.A. in Middle East Studies or a Middle Eastern area discipline and a graduate degree in Librarianship are required. Minimum three years professional library experience required; experience in bibliography preferred. Fluent English and Arabic are required. A working knowledge of Turkish, Persian, and European languages is desired. Two-year appointment (renewable) begins February 1992. Rank will be Senior Librarian; salary to be based on qualifications and experience. For expatriots, housing, roundtrip air travel, plus schooling for two children included. Applications will be accepted until all the position is filled. Interviews will be held at the November 1991 Middle East Studies Association meeting in Wash­ ington, D.C. Write with curriculum vitae to: George H. Gibson, The American University in Cairo, 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 517, New York, NY 10017. PRESERVATION CATALOGER. The University of Notre Dame Libraries are seeking a qualified person to fill a three-year position, possibility of renewal, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Preservation Division. Responsibilities will include creation of bibliographic records for preservation microfilm mas­ ters: upgrading existing records, converting uncataloged titles, maintaining bibliographic database for project. ALA-accredited MLS; degree in Medieval Studies desirable; reading knowledge of Latin and at least one other Western European language: knowl­ edge of AACR2 and MARC formats: familiarity with major biblio­ graphic utilities, knowledge of preservation practices and issues relating to preservation microfilming highly desirable. Minimum salary $24,500, good benefits. Closing date: August 15, 1991; position available September 1. Send letter of application, resume and reference information to: Peggy Weissert, Human Resources Representative, 221 Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. The University of Notre Dame is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Nominations and applications are particularly encouraged from members of ehtnic minorities. REFERENCE/COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN-Edu- cation Library. Currently open (begining October 1991). This posi­ tion provides a full range of reference services to students (under­ graduate and graduate) and faculty. May provide reference serv­ ices in the Humanities and Social Sciences Library. Participates in the Library User Education program using a concept-based mode of instruction. Assists in the use of CD- ROM resources of which ERIC ON DIALOG is the most heavily used. The position will be responsible for collection development in Elementary/Secondary Education, Children’s Literature, and a textbook collection of el­ ementary and secondary works. Librarians are appointed as mem­ bers of the Washington State University Faculty and are expected to participate actively in the University’s instructional, research, and service programs. All privileges, obligations, and research respon­ sibilities of faculty are inherent in such membership. Librarians are ranked in grades of 2, 3, and 4, equivalent to the academic ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and professor. A progressive record of professional/scholarly achievement is ex­ pected of all librarians. Education Library, a separate library branch, shares space with the College of Education in Cleveland Hall. The Education Library personnel include two full-time professionals, two full-time classified staff, and fifteen student assistants. The Education Library actively supports the mission of the College of Education with collection emphasis in Elementary/Secondary Edu­ cation, Educational Administration, Education Psychology, and Children’s Literature. The Education Library also provides services 552 / C &R L News TWO POSITIONS Temple University C o o rd in a to r o f C o m p u te riz e d R eference S e rv ic e s : Coordinates computerized database search services throughout the library system, including m ediated online and end-user CD-RO M searching. Acts as prim ary searcher and assigns search requests to other searchers; monitors vendor accounts; chairs regular m eetings of searchers. C oordinates reference service fo r 50-w orkstation CDROM network; m aintains CD-RO M softw are; serves as liaison with Com puter Center. Develops and conducts searcher training and enduser instruction. R ecomm ends and im plem ents new services, technologies, and policies. Serves 15 hours p e r w e e k at general reference and business/governm ent docum ents desks, plus weekend rotation and occasional evenings. Q ualifications: Required: ALAac- credited MLS. Two ye a rs’ professional experience in academ ic or research library, including online and CD-ROM database searching. Knowledge of m icrocom puter applications; ability to coordinate w ork of other professionals; strong service com m itm ent; well developed interpersonal skills; ability to express ideas effectively both orally and in writing. Preferred: Broad liberal arts background; instruction or training experience. L ib ra ry In s tru c tio n C o o rd in a to r (S e a rc h R e o p e n e d ): Coordinates library instruction activities throughout the library system. Adm inisters the Library Skills W orkbook program (a Core Curriculum requirem ent); edits the printed w orkbook and related com puter as#isted instruction; organizes and presents courserelated instruction; oversees creation of printed library guides; serves on the Library Instruction C om mittee. Serves 15 hours per w eek at general reference and business/governm ent docum ents desks, plus weekend rotation and occasional evenings. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS. Tw o ye a rs’ professional experience in academ ic or research library, including substantial library instruction responsibilities o r reference position with secondary or college teaching background. Broad knowledge of reference sources and research strategies, strong service com m it­ ment, well developed interpersonal skills, ability to conceptualize and express ideas effectively both orally and in writing. Preferred: Social Science or humanities background; online searching experience and w orking knowledge of m icrocom puters. Both positions. Salary: Minimum $25,000 for I0-month appointm ent; higherdepending on qualifica­ tion and experience. An additional month may be required for an added 9.6% of annual salary. Fringe benefits include health, dental, and life insurance; tuition rem ission; TIAA-C R EF. Application Proce­ dure: Send letter addressing all qualifications stated above with resum e and nam es of 3 references to: M ark J a c o b s , C h a ir, S e a rc h C o m m itte e c /o A d m in is tra tiv e S e rv ic e s D e p a rtm e n t P a le y L ib ra ry 017-00 T e m p le U n iv e rs ity P h ila d e lp h ia , P A 19122 Review of applications will begin O c to b e r 1 ‚ 1991 ‚ and continue until position is filled. An EE/EO em ployer and information to the greater campus community and the educa­ tors in the Pullman and Palouse areas. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; must have one of the following: (1) academic background in Education or a related social science discipline, o r (2) academic reference experience in the field of Education or a related social science discipline, or (3) collection development experience in the field of education or a related social science discipline. Preferred: Professional experience in education or one of the social sciences. Professional collection development experience and user educa­ tion experience in an academic library. Salary: From $22,000; commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian I; faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days/year side leave. Application procedures: send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative ser­ vices, Washington state University Libraries, Pullman, W A99164- 5610. Application review begins: September 1 3 , 1991. Washington State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action educator and employer. Members of ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam era or disabled veterans, persons of disability, and/or persons between the ages of 40-70 are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Adrian College, an undergraduate liberal arts college, invites applications for the position of reference librarian at Shipman Library. Responsibilities include conventional and online reference service; bibliographic instruction; shared duties at reference desk, including some evenings and weekends. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; familiarity with OCLC and 554 / C&RL News DIALOG; ability to conduct effective bibliographic instruction. Preferred: 3-5 years experience in academic librarianship; expe­ rience with DRA library automation system. Salary range: $22,560- $28,064, depending on experience and qualifications. Benefits include 24 days vacation; TIAA/CREF; Blue Cross\Blue Shield. Adrian College is located in a historically significant community— 40 miles from Ann Arbor, 30 miles from Toledo, and 70 miles from Detroit. Application deadline: October 15, 1991. Send letter of application, resume, and names addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Paul md Coleman, Director, Shipman Library, Adrian College, Adrian, Ml 49221. (EOE). REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. James Madison University’s Carrier Library is seeking a Reference Librarian. The University is a publicly supported institution offering primarily undergraduate programs (enrollment approximately 11,500 FTE). There are also graduate programs at the Master’s level. Located in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, JMU is considered one of the outstanding schools in the region and aspires to be one of the best public undergraduate institutions in the nation. Carrier Library has mod­ ern facilities, offers more than 600,000 items in its collections, provides media resources and sen/ices, and has installed the VTLS online catalog and circulation system. Current periodical subscriptions number approximately 2,500 titles. The Reference Department provides access to the Dialog and BRS online serv­ ices in addition to several CD-ROM databases, INTERNET and BITNET. The staff consists of 19 FTE library faculty and 35 FTE cla ssified staff. Position D escription: Prim ary responsibilities in volve the provision and developm ent of reference services. Provides regularly scheduled reference assistance, including some evenings and weekends; serves as liaison to selected academ ic departm ents in the social sciences; assum es re­ sponsibility for selection of m aterials, library in struction, and the creation of bibliographies and research guides fo r those departm ents; participates in the developm ent of th e reference and general collections; serves on Library and University com m ittees; reports to the Head Reference Librarian. Q ualifi­ cations expected: A LA-accredited MLS; ability to w o rk coop­ eratively with faculty, students and colleagues is essential; ability to com m unicate effective ly both orally and in writing; strong com m itm ent to public service; evidence of ability to provide effective course-related library in struction; enthusias­ tic acceptance of com puter-based library technology; poten­ tia l to m eet the requirem ents of a tenure tra ck faculty position. Undergraduate or graduate degree in the social sciences preferred. Benefits and Salary: This is a 12-m onth, tenure- track appointm ent w ith faculty rank; 20 days paid vacation plus University holidays and paid BC/BS health insurance. R etire­ m ent options are several including TIAA/CR EF and the V ir­ ginia Retirem ent System , with th e University making the full contribution. This is an entry-level position with a salary at $25,000. Applications for position should include a resume plus three references including telephone num bers. C andi­ dates being given serious consideration w ill be asked to provide transcripts and le tters of reference. Position will be available O ctober 1, 1991 and will remain open until filled. Applications w ill be reviewed by the Search Com m ittee Sep­ tem ber 1 ‚ 1991. Send to: Tam m y Crawford, Reference Librar­ ian Search Comm ittee, C arrier Library, Jam es Madison Uni­ versity, Harrisonburg VA 22807. Jam es Madison University is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. RE FE R E N C E LIB R A R IA N /C O O R D IN A T O R OF B IB L IO ­ GRAPHIC INSTRUCTION. Primary responsibility: provide general reference services in the social sciences and humanities. Partici­ pate in all reference service activities including desk duty (night and weekend rotation), use of automated reference tools (online databases, CD-RM, online catalog, etc.), collection development materials. Secondary responsibility: Coordinate bibliographic in­ struction activities for social sciences and humanities, including development of new programs. Qualifications required: MLS from an accredited program; superior interpersonal and communication skills; interest in and knowledge of bibliographic instruction; knowl­ edge of automated reference services and collection develop­ ment. Qualifications desired: graduate or undergraduate degree in social sciences or humanities field; experience in managing a bibliographic instruction program or other faculty liaison program. Rank and salary: Librarian I or II with a$23,100 minimum; generous benefits package including immediate tuition waiver for self and dependents. Review of applications will begin September 15,1991. Please forward resume and names addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Kathleen Burke, Administrative Assistant, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118-5682. Tulane University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND USER EDUCATION COORDINA­ TOR, Owen Science and Engineering Library. Currently open (begin November 1991). Under the direction of Head, Science Libraries, is responsible for coordination of library user education in Owen Library, with additional responsibilities in reference, data­ base searching, collection development, liaison to departments, participation on library committees and other duties as assigned. Librarians are appointed as members of the Washington State University Faculty and are expected to participate actively in the University’s instructional, research, and service programs. All privileges, obligations, and research responsibilities of faculty are inherent in such membership. Librarians are ranked in grades of 2, 3 and 4, equivalent to the academic ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. A progressive record of profes­ sional/scholarly achievement is expected of all librarians. Wash­ ington State University is a land-grant university founded in 1890 with an enrollment of approximately 18,500 students. The main campus is located in Pullman, a town of 24,000 nestled among the rolling wheat-, pea-, and lentil-growing Palouse Hills of southeast­ ern Wasington; there are also three branch campuses located in Spokane, Vancouver, and Tri-Cities. The WSU Libraries, a member of the Association of Research Libraries, have current holdings of 1,606,851 bound volumes. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; effec­ tive interpersonal relations and communication skills. Preferred: Experience in science/engineering/medical library and/or subject background; user education; database searching; use of micro­ computers. Salary: From $22,000; commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience; Rank: Librarian II or above;commensurate with qualifications and experience; full faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days/ year sick leave. Application procedures: Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review begins: September 30, 1991. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. Mem­ bers of ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam era or disabled veterans, persons of disability, and/or persons between the ages of 40-70 are encouraged to apply. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Provides reference assis­ tance in science, engineering, education, and psychology. Bibliog­ rapher for biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, math­ ematics, physics, and general science, working collegially with the faculty in these departments. Conducts computer-assisted litera­ ture searching and provides library-user instruction. Manages local inter-library cooperative delivery service. Some evening and week­ end reference duty required. Reports to Head of Reference. Re­ quired: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; several years’ experience in science reference and collection development, pref­ erably in an academic library; proficiency in computer-assisted literature searching; ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing; and ability to work productively with diverse groups in an urban academic setting. Academic course work or degree in a science discipline, experience in library-user education and read­ ing knowledge of German or French preferred. Salary $23,000 to $27,500. Twelve-month appointment at the Assistant or Associate Librarian rank, dependent on qualifications. Librarians at the Uni­ versity of New Orleans are tenurable academic appointees enjoy­ ing full faculty status and responsibilities, including teaching, research, and service. Benefits include 21 days vacation, 12 days sick leave per year. Participation in Teachers Retirement System of Louisiana or Optional Retirement Plan is required; several optional group insurance and health maintenance plans are avail­ able. Only the Medicare portion of Social Security taxes is required. Available January, 1992. Send letter of application with resume and the names and addresses of three references to: Lynn M. Accardo, Assistant to the Dean, Earl K. Long Library,University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148. Applications received by No­ vember 1 will be given first consideration. The University of New Orleans is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. September 1991 / 555 SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/COORDINATOR OF COM­ PUTER SERVICES FOR THE SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING, Arizona State University. Responsible for subject specialist support and training in the use of online databases, optical disks, indexes on the Online Catalog, networks, and microcomputers. May be responsible for development and implementation of expanded program of end-user searching. Participates as reference librarian in Science Reference. Responsibilities will evolve to best integrate information technology with ASU Libraries’ goals. Required: ALA- accredited MLS degree; strong background in science (academic training and/or experience); effective communication and interper­ sonal skills; experience with microcomputers; experience with or knowledge of end-user technologies/systems; experience using DIALOG, BRS, or STN; science reference experience in an aca­ demic, research, or special library. Preferred: Undergraduate or graduate degree in the sciences; supervisory experience; instruc­ tional experience; substantial experience with program develop­ ment, implementation, and evaluation, especially of the introduc­ tion of microcomputers and vendor-supplied online databases into library service programs; knowledge of local area networking. Salary: $23,000 and up, dependent on qualifications and experi­ ence. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Rebecca Burke, Acting Assistant Dean for Personnel, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006 (Phone 602/965-3417). Deadline: September 1, 1991; applications will be accepted after the deadline and reviewed on a biweekly basis until the position is filled. ASU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. SERIALS MANAGER. The Lehigh University Libraries seek a Serials Manager responsible for planning, implementing and direct­ ing serials cataloging, control and binding activities utilizing OCLC and GEAC. The Manager supervises four support staff and one half- time cataloger. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited insti­ tution, minimum 5 years professional experience in an academic or research library, including significant (at least two years) experi­ ence in serials cataloging; working knowledge of European lan­ guages and general microcomputer software; strong interpersonal and communication skills; knowledge and expertise with AACR2, LCSH, classification systems, OCLC or similar utility and auto­ mated serial control systems. The position demands ability to perform detailed analytical work. Supervisory experience and evidence of professional development are highly desirable. Salary: $31,000 minimum with excellent benefits. For full consideration, send application with names of three references by September 15, 1991 ‚ to: Berry G. Richards, Director of University Libraries, Fairchild- Martindale Library #8A, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015. Lehigh University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity em­ ployer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for the daily operation of the Serials Deptartment including ordering, check-in, maintenance, binding, and reference service for a collection of approximately 2,000 titles, including microfilm. Department head provides leader­ ship in planning, setting priorities, coordination, and management of all serial activities. This includes integration of serials into the local system. Responsible for hiring, training, and supervision of a staff of 3 paraprofessionals, 1 graduate assistant, and student workers. Works closely with Collection Development Librarian and other department heads. Reports to Assistant Director of Technical Services. Sims Memorial is a Notis library with Acquisitions, Cataloging, Circulation, and OPAC implemented. Southeastern Louisiana Univiversity is one of the fastest growing state universi­ ties in the country with an enrollment of 11,000. Hammond, a city of 25,000, is located within easy driving distance of New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Qualifications: Accredited MLS. Two to three years progressively responsible experience in a serials position, preferably in an academic setting. Familiarity with bibliographic control and automation of serials. Effective communication and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of OCLC, Notis, and use of micro­ computers highly desirable. Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty appointment at rank of assistant professor. Salary: $28,000 and up depending on experience and qualifications. Review of applica­ tions will begin October 15. Send letters of application, resumes, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of 3 references to: Kay Adams, P.O. Drawer 896, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA 70402. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Shawnee State University is seeking qualified applicants for this administrative position. Occupying its new state-of-the-art building, the library supports baccalaureate, associate degree, and continuing education pro­ grams. Responsibilities include: Supervising paraprofessional staff in areas of acquisitions, cataloging, government documents de­ pository, and serials; acting as team member for implementation of both interim automated and state-wide automated systems. Some reference duty required. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accred- ited library school; ability to meet, communicate and deal with people effectively; basic knowledge of IBM compatible computer systems and automated systems; at least two years experience in a technical services position using OCLC. 12-month appointment with 20 days vacation, excellent fringes. Salary range $23,543- $29,004 based on experience. Beginning date September 15. Send letter of application, resume, and names of 3 professional refer­ ences to: Office of the Provost, Shawnee State University, 940 Second Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662-4303. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. USER EDUCATION COORDINATOR. Loyola University of Chi­ cago. Librarian to provide leadership in and to coordinate library orientation and instruction programs on three campuses of the library system. Responsible for: proposing, developing, implement­ ing, evaluating, and marketing instructional programs in a highly automated environment; training and evaluating staff who partici­ pate in the instruction program; handouts and aspects of end-user instruction. Serves at the reference desk. Reports to the Head of Reference Department at Cudahy Library. Qualifications include: ALA-accredited MLS degree; minimum of two years of reference experience, preferably in an academic library; demonstrated knowl­ edge of instruction techniques; one-on-one and group teaching experience; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; knowledge of creative use of technology in library instruction. Base salary $23,000. Higher salary negotiable based upon experience and qualifications. Benefits include 20 days of vacation, full tuition benefits, university contributions to TIAA/CREF, dental insurance, and choice of medical plans. Qualified applicants should send letter of application, resume and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: J. Waite, University Librarian, Cudahy Library, Loyola University of Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626. Application deadline is September 1 ‚ 1991 ‚ but applications will continue to be received until the position is filled. Loyola University of Chicago is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator/employer. LATE ADS H EAD CATALO G IN G D EPARTM EN T. Reporting to the director of Processing Services, Manages and coordinates the Cataloging Department consisting of 16+ professional, paraprofessional and student assistant staff who work with both monographs and serials. Provides input in the continuing implementation of the NOTIS system; reviews workflow and priorities in light of new developments in automated technical services with an emphasis on finding creative responses to changing requirements in a dynamic environment. The Processing Services Divi- California State University, Los Angeles 5 Librarian Positions California State University, Los Angeles invites applications for five full-time tenure-track library faculty positions: Serials Librarian Head, Adaptive Cataloging Unit R eference Librarian specializing in Education with an emphasis in curriculum and instruction R eference Librarian specializing in Humanities Reference Librarian specializing in Life Sciences The University. California State University, Los Angeles, a comprehensive urban university and one o f 20 campuses that comprise the California State University system, offers programs in more than 50 academic and professional fields and serves approximately 21,000 full- and part-time students. The campus is located in northeast Los Angeles, a community whose rich ethnic diversity is reflected in the student body. As part o f our Affirmative Action commitment, w e strongly encourage qualified ethnic minorities to apply, and we welcom e and are seeking candidates who will actively contribute to Library outreach in a multicultural, multiethnic academic setting. The Library. The Library holds almost a million books and bound periodicals, plus extensive microforms and documents; subscribes to 4 ,0 0 0 periodicals and newspa­ pers; and is a selective depository for U.S. and California State publications. New acquisitions total approximately 18,000 volumes per year. Qualifications. MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution. Additional quali­ fications required or desired for particular positions, including experience and Spanish, Asian or European language competency. Rank and Salary. Appointment at Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian level (salary range: $36,468 - $63,948); rank and salary dependent upon qualifications. Application Procedure. For flyers describing each position, the respective quali­ fications, and the application procedure, call 213-343-3950 or write to Dr. JoAn Kunselman, University Librarian, California State University, Los Angeles, 5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032-8534. Deadline for application for all positions is October 15,1991. EO/AA/Handicapped/Title IX Employer September 1991 / 557 sion, of which Cataloging is a part, consists of two other departments: Acquisitions and Database Management. Qualification: Masters degree from an ALA-accredited library science program; minimum five years experience in cataloging with at least three years supervisory experience; experience with automated cataloging systems and bibliographic utilities; expert knowledge of MARC formats, AACR2, LC classification and subject headings; reading knowledge of at least one foreign language. Previous OCLC, NOTIS, and academic library experience preferred. Salary/Benefits: $30,000 minimum, commensurate with experience and qualifica­ tions; no state or local income tax, career advancement program; 23 vacation days; 10 sick days; TIAA-CREF;health and life insurance; tuition waiver. Applications received by October 1, 1991 will receive first consideration; position open until filled. To apply, send a letter, resume, and the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of three reference to: Feme Hyman, Assistant University Librarian, Fondren Library, Rice University, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251- 1892. Rice University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Nicholls State University has a position for an energetic librarian to provide reference services, online searching and biblio­ graphic instruction. Responsibilities include reference services using print and automated sources, planning and coordinating bibliographic instruction program, both in the class room and for the Public Services staff, complete requested online bibliographic searching, evaluate and recommend materials for the collection particularly in assigned subject areas. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, knowledge of online searching, excellent oral and written communication skills, and the ability to cooperate with academic faculty, as well as, other librarians in the system. Desired qualifications: some classroom experience, familiarity with automated resources and systems. Salary: $26,000 minimum. State of Louisiana Group Benefits. Position open until filled. Send letter of application, resume with names and phone numbers of three references to: Elizabeth M. Doolittle, Eilender Memorial Library, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA 70310. Nicholls State University is an equal education institution, affirmative action employer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT MANAGER. Search Reopened. Nicholls State University has a challenging position encompassing all aspects of collection management. Responsibilities: Create and coordinate collection development program. Evaluate and build collection in all formats to meet curricular and research needs. Act as head of collection development and acquisitions; direct staff; develop and monitor acquisitions budget and collection development policies and procedures. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; three to five years progressively responsible collection development experience; budget and planning experience; and understanding of the scholarly use of resources. Desired qualifica­ tions: subject masters; familiarity with automated acquisitions programs and online vendor services. Salary: $26,000 minimum. State of Louisiana Group Benefits. Position open until filled. Send letter of Application, resume and names and phone numbers of three references to: Peter Kaatrude, Eilender Memorial Library, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA 70310. Nicholls State Univer­ sity is an equal education institution, affirmative action employer. CATLOG LIBRARIAN (MUSIC LIBRARY›The Olin Library System of Wash­ ington University in St. Louis is seeking a talented and dynamic individual to serve as Catalog Librarian. The Olin Library System is engaged in a multi-year project of strengthening and expanding its collection and services to correlate with the University’s program of enriched research and teaching activities. The Olin Library System consists of a large central library and eight satellite subject libraries. The Catalog Librarian performs original and adaptive cataloging according to AACR2, OCLC, and LC standards; creates and maintains records in manual and online files, including authority control, NOTIS requirements, and problem resolution; devel- 558 / C&R L News ops, recommends, and implements policies and procedures necessary for cataloging of music materials; monitors status of uncataloged materials and handles priority processing; assists with staff training; assists with public services and other functions of the Music Library. Salary: Competitive and commensurate with quali­ fications and experience. Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school Desirable Qualifications: Degree in Music (master’s degree preferred). Academic Library cataloging experience of music materials with AACR2 and LC classification. Knowledge of OCLC and other automated systems. Working knowl­ edge of at least one Western foreign language, referable German. For full consider­ ation applicants should send a resume and three letters of reference to Personnel Office, Box 1184, Washington University, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899. Position will remain open until filled; initial review of applicants will begin October 31,1991. Position available January 1, 1992. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. AUTOMATED SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. The W.B. Roberts Library seeks a moti­ vated responsible professional to assume the position of Automated Systems Librarian. Responsibilities: The person is responsible for the continued planning and implementation of the CLSI integrated online library system. The public catalog, circulation, and acquisitions have been operational for more than one year; and the serials control system will be implemented in March of 1992. The Systems Librarian supervises all aspects o f the daily operations of the system, promotes the system and trains the university community in system use, and performs other related duties as assigned. The Systems Librarian serves as the library liaison to the university data processing center which manages an Ethernet Local Area Network to which the CLSI system is connected. This position is responsible for planning and maintaining all library computing facilities including CD-ROM services. The CLSI system is a stand-alone Altos running the Unix operating system. Qualifications: An ALA- accredited MLS is required; additionally an undergraduate or graduate degree in computer science is preferred. Applicants must have significant experience with library automation systems (preferably the CLSI Libs 100 system); experience with IBM compatible PCs and applications; experience with the Unix operating system; knowledge of and experience with automated library practices in circulation, acquisitions, serials, and cataloging; knowledge of written communication skills, and the ability to work well independently and flexibly are necessary. Experience writing grant proposals is a plus. Salary negotiable with experience or training. Minimum Salary: $21,000 for twelve (12) months. Librarians have faculty rank and status as well as excellent benefits. Send resume with three (3) references to: Myra Macon, Director of W.B. Roberts Library, Delta State University, Cleveland, MS 38733 by September 30, 1991. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. AUTOMATION/PUBIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Search reopened to fill a 12- month faculty position that will be open on January 1, 1992, with latest possible appointment in summer of 1992. Responsibilities include continuing implementa­ tion, management and maintenance of KeyNOTIS (turnkey integrated library system), CD-ROMs and commercial online databases; reference service; biblio­ graphic instruction; academic department liaison; and oversight of circulation. Requirements include ALA-accredited MLS, with an additional graduate degree preferred; minimum of 3 years of academic library experience; thorough knowledge of integrated library systems and expertise in online database searching using DIALOG or BRS. Salary range between $30,000 and $36,000, depending on experi­ ence and education. Messiah College is a Christian College committed to an evangelical perspective on the Christian faith. Send letter of inquiry with vita to Jonathan Lauer, Director, Murray Learning Resources Center, Messiah College, Grantham, PA 17027. Application due by October 15, 1991. AA/EOE September 1991 / 559 LIBRARIAN. Search reopened - Head of Cataloging. Responsible for the daily operation of the cataloging department, including examination and documentation of policies and procedures. Sets priorities and establishes workflow. Supervises copy cataloging, database maintenance, recon project and performs original cata­ loging. Coordinates procedures relating to other departments. The department is responsible for cataloging monographs, serials, music, and selected government documents, the department head supervises three paraprofessionals and student workers; reports to the director of the library. Qualifications: Accredited MLS, knowledge of and experience with AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, and OCLC. Three to four years progressively responsible supervisory and cataloging experi­ ence preferred. Demonstrated communication and training skills. Twelve-month, tenure-track position. Rank and salary dependent on experience. Send letter of application; resume; the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Review will begin on September 20,1991. Personnel Office, Westfield State College, Westfield, MA 01086. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN - CATALOGING. Responsible for all cataloging pro­ cessing, card catalog maintenance and authority work. Must be able to work independently with OCLS, AACR2, and LC classification. Must be conversant with the use of computers in the library and be able to help in the library automation which is now in planning stages. Shares reference desk, book selection, evening and weekend duties. Requires MLS from an ALA-accredited school and at least two years of post-MLS professional experience. Relevant experience in cataloging preferred. Salary range: $23,400 - $26,900. Send letter of application, resume and names of three references to: Mr. S. Farid-ul Haq, Chairperson, Library Search Committee, Southworth Library, SUNY College of Technology, Canton, NY 13617. Review of applications will begin in late September but search will continue until a suitable candidate is found. AA/EEO. When it A n d w h e n it c o m e s to in d e x in g c o n ­ fe re n c e p ro c e e d in g s , n o o th e r s o u rc e s riv a l t h e c u r r e n t , m u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y c o v e r a g e o ffe re d b y th e Index to Scien­ tific & Technical Proceedings® a n d th e Index to S ocial Sciences & Humanities Proceedings®. B e c a u s e th e y in d e x a t th e p a p e r level, th e s e re fe re n c e v o lu m e s te ll y o u w h a t re s e a rc h p a p e r s h a v e b e e n p r e s e n te d a t c o n f e r e n c e s a r o u n d t h e w o r ld — in h u n d re d s o f ke y d is c ip lin e s — lo n g b e fo re th e y a p p e a r in jo u rn a ls o r o th e r in d e xe s. M u c h o f it is b re a k th ro u g h w o rk. A n d all o f comes to it is r to o e im p s o rta e n t to a w a it r m o n c th s to kn o w a b o u t. h, conferenc S e o th e s nex t tim a e yo r u e critical. search th e literature, m ake su re you g e t th e com p le te picture. Search the con feren ce proceedings, too. W ith / S 7 P ®and ISSHP®. T o s u b s c rib e — o r to re c e iv e a fre e s a m p le is s u e — call toll-free at 800-336-4474, operator R418, o r write the ISI office nearest you. 1991 ISTP 12 issues plus annual cumulation ................... $1,225 1991 ISSHP 3 quarterly issues plus annual cumulation . . . $ 825 Institute for Scientific Information® 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 ■ Europe: 132 High Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1 DP, U.K. © 1990 ISI The ISI Indexes... Gateway to the Literature of Research s-12-6433 “Teamwork is a primary reason EBSCO has successfully served the serials management needs of librarians for so many years. Our concept of providing subscription service is based on teams of dedicated employees serving customers in specific regions. My staff and I serve libraries in the Mountain/Plains States while eight other U.S. teams handle the serials needs of customers from Maine to Alaska to the Virgin Islands. And there are 17 more EBSCO offices located throughout the world, all fully staffed with a work force of serials professionals committed to working toward one goal. “Maintaining a team effort is a lot of work. It requires constant com­ munication, cooperation and corrective action from everyone. We stress that every job and every detail, no matter how small, is important to the superior service our customers have come to expect. And we take nothing for granted.” Juanita O ’Neall Vice President/G en era l Manager Denver, CO Regional Office At EBSCO, we think librarians deserve to be served by a service-oriented subscription agency. Don’t you? International Headquarters P.O. 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