ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 674 / C&RL News ■ O cto ber 2002 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s George M. Eberhart Chronology o f the American W e s t by Scott C. Zeman (381 pages January 2002), provides a cap­ sule history o f the trans-Mississippi West from mi­ grations across the Bering Land Bridge to the co n ­ tested election o f T exas Gov. G eo ig e W. Bu sh as President in 2000. Numerous sidebars o n famous individuals and events alternate with plentiful black- and-white illustrations to m ake this volume an inter­ esting browse. Zeman provides much Native Ameri­ can, Hispanic, cultural, environmental, and business history in addition to m ore traditional fare. $85.00. A BC-CLIO. ISBN 1-576 07-207-X . The Colum bia History o f Chinese Litera­ ture, edited by Victor H. Mair (1,342 pages, April 2 0 0 2 ), o ffers a n in-dep th lo o k at all g e n res and p erio d s o f C h in e se p o etry , p ro s e, fictio n , and drama. T h e 55 chapters w ritten by m ore than 40 scholars cover such topics as Chinese language and script, the Thirteen Classics, the supernatural, wit and humor, poetry o f the T ’ang Dynasty, travel lit­ erature, 20th-century fiction, balladry, and ethnic mi­ nority literature. The emphasis is o n context, trends, and themes; few extracts are provided, since these are readily available in The Colum bia Anthology o f Tra- ditional Chinese Literature(1994) and other English translations. O n e oddity is the choice o f the Wade- Giles system o f romanization, though Mair contends that it has b e e n the “standard o f English-language sinology for over a century.” T h e Chinese charac­ ters for titles, terms, and authors used in the text are provided in three glossaries, along with a conversion chart from Wade-Giles to pinyin. $75.00. Columbia University. ISBN 0-231-10984-9. Gaining Ground: The Origin and Evolution o f Tetrapods, b y Je n n ifer A. Clack (3 6 9 pages, Ju n e 2002), exam ines w hen, where, and h ow ver­ tebrates evolved from lobe-fin fishes and crawled o ut o f th e w ater o n to solid ground. C lack takes into consideration anatomical changes, plant ecol­ ogy, and g eological events to sh o w that the c o n ­ quest o f dry land w as a slow process that required increased ambient oxygen levels, as well as the de­ velopm ent o f elongated limbs, larger eyes, an am- niotic egg for environmental shielding, and grind­ ing teeth for a vegetable diet. An excellent survey G e o rg e M . E b e rh a rt is s e n io r e d it o r o f Am erican Libraries; e-m a il: g e b e rh a rt@ a la .o rg o f D evonian and Carboniferous land animals and their origins. $49.95. Indiana University. ISBN 0- 253-34054-3. Horse Behavior, b y G e o rg e H. W aring (4 1 4 pages, 2d ed., Sep tem ber 2 002), provides a thor­ ough overview o f the sensory capabilities, m otor patterns, reproductive strategies, and social behav­ iors o f both wild and domesticated horses. A thor­ ough exp ansio n o f the 1983 edition, this volum e includes new sections o n environmental influences o n horse activity patterns and other behaviors. An updated appendix that lists behavioral symptoms and probable causes should prove valuable to vet­ erinary students, while the entire bo o k is indispens­ a b le fo r h o rse o w n ers and anim al behaviorists. $79.00. William Andrew Publishing, 13 Eaton Ave., N orw ich, N Y 13815. ISBN 0-81 5 5 -1 4 8 4 -0 . In Another Country: Colonialism, Culture, and the English Novel in India, by Priya jo sh i (3 6 3 pages, May 2 002), is an enlightening history o f read in g p re feren ce s in India in th e 19th an d 20th centuries. Jo s h i sh ow s that instead o f effec­ tively aiding in the acculturation o f colonial sub­ jects, British novels paradoxically served to inspire an anticolonial and nationalist esprit, s o m uch so that Indian writers from Krupa Satthianadhan to Salman Rushdie appropriated anglophone fiction to e x p lo re their o w n liberating insights. O f par­ ticular interest is h er chap ter o n the circulation o f fiction in Indian libraries from 1835 to 1901. $52.50. Colum bia University. ISBN 0-231-12584-4. Intellectuals in Action: The Origins o f the N e w Left and Radical Liberalism, 1 9 45 - 1970, b y Kevin Mattson (3 0 5 pages, Ju n e 2002), argues that th e cen tral tenets o f 1 960s N ew Left political p hilosop hy— participatory d em ocracy, social justice, public deliberation, and the concep t o f the engaged intellectual— are rooted in Ameri­ can political thought and based m ore o n Thom as Jefferson and Jo h n D ew ey than o n Karl M aix and counterculture. Mattson, a G en eratio n -X history p ro fesso r at O h io U niversity w h o adm its it’s all too easy for peop le his age to “roll their eyes w hen listening to baby boomers recount their glory days,” focuses o n the philosophy o f C. Wright Mills, Paul Goodman, William Appleton Williams, and Arnold C&RL News ■ October 2002 / 675 Kaufman and concludes that much of what they had to say is worth reexamining in the context of America’s political future. $55.00. Penn State Uni­ versity. ISBN 0-271-02148-9- The Lock, by Benita Kane Jaro (281 pages, June 2002), is the third in a trilogy o f vivid historical novels set near the end o f the Roman Republic. The Key (1988) focused on the poet Catullus, while The D oor in the Wall (1994) revolved around the intrigues and relationships o f Julius Caesar. The Lock centers more on the Roman senator Cicero and his attempts to prevent the collapse o f de­ mocracy and thwart the machinations o f Pompey in his bid for sole control o f Rome. Written en ­ gagingly and with a clear grasp of the complexi­ ties o f Roman politics, The Lock shows how the ancients cam e to grips with som e o f the same choices and challenges that we face today. $19.95. Bolchazy-Carducci, 1000 Brown St., Unit 101, Wauconda, IL 60084. ISBN 0-86516-535-1. The Thames Torso Murders of Victorian London, by R. Michael Gordon (247 pages, July 2002), examines five gruesome murders, four in 1887-1889 and a final one in 1902, that Gordon suspects may have been committed by Ja ck the Ripper or an associate. In the process, Gordon looks at how social conditions in London’s East End in the 19th century might have engendered and hidden o ne or more serial killers. $35.00. McFarland. ISBN 0-7864-1348-4. Time and Place in New Orleans: Past Ge­ ographies in the Present Day, by Richard Campanella (204 pages, April 2002), is a unique examination o f how the Crescent City’s geogra­ phy has influenced its urban planning and archi­ tecture since its founding in 1717. A major factor in the city’s development has been water— the swamps, river levees, drainage system, hurricanes, and canals— and the author describes the web of circumstances and patterns that water, culture, and commerce have formed in making what New Or­ leans is today. Profusely illustrated with modern and historic photos, its only drawback is the volume’s unnecessary 13-3/8-by-10-l/2-inch size. $45.00. Pelican. ISBN 1-56554-991-0. The University of Chicago Spanish Dictio­ nary, edited by David Pharies (624 pages, 5th ed., August 2002), has been completely updated to re­ flect current North American Spanish usage and new words in the fields of medicine, electronics, computers, science, and technology. Another im­ provement is in the consistent use o f parentheti­ cal phrases to guide word selection; for example, under the English word “sheet” are given (bed­ ding) sábana, (of ice) capa, (of paper) hoja, (of glass) lámina, and (of rain) cortina. With 80,000 entries, this concise bilingual edition can’t compare with the better unabridged dictionaries (such as HarperCollins’s 6th edition, 2000, w hich has 800,000), but it is easy to read, eminently portable, and contains brief summaries of Spanish and En­ glish grammar, suffixes, and irregular verbs. Pho­ netic pronunciation is provided for English words, but not for Spanish, which consistently matches the way a word is spelled. $27.50. University of Chicago. ISBN 0-226-66688-3. Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statisti­ cal Reference to Casualty and Other Fig­ ures, by Micheal Clodfelter (840 pages, 2d ed., April 2002), presents a record o f the casualties of warfare from the Italian War o f Charles VIII in 1494-1498 to Chechnya and Eritrea in 2000. More than just a list o f statistics, this book summarizes the short-term and long-term effects o f each con­ flict and attempts to cut through the exaggeration and propaganda endemic to this topic. In addition to organized warfare, civil disturbances, revolutions, prison riots, and pogroms are covered. A master­ ful attempt to analyze the human costs o f warfare in the past 500 years. $195.00. McFarland. ISBN 0-7864-1204-6. What It Means to Be 98% Chimpanzee, by Jonathan Marks (312 pages, April 2002), explores the significance of the genetic similarities between apes and humans, covering topics as diverse as the differences between racial types, the meaning of human nature, whether apes should have human rights, cloning, and the Human Genome Diversity Project. Marks writes entertainingly, often with die intent o f challenging the reader’s preconceptions about human beings as a species. $27.50. University o f California. ISBN 0-520-22615-1. For interesting comparison leading, try The Dream o f Eternal Life, by Mark Benecke (196 pages, April 2002), which examines the biological meaning of life and death, and the likelihood or desirability of extending the human life span to 120 or 150 years. Benecke reviews cryogenics, melatonin, organ trans­ plants, long-life secrets o f the aged, live-cell therapy, and the myths o f human cloning. Both books put recent genetic discoveries into plain context. $27.95. Columbia University. ISBN 0-231-11672-1. ■