ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 296 INDEX TO VOL. 34 (including C R L N ew s issues) Prepared by Caroline LaMotte W ebb ABBREVIATIONS Standard abbreviations for names of organizations, ALA, ACRL, LC, etc., are alphabetized as if spelled out. Other abbreviations: appt. —appointment bibliog.(s) —bibliography (-graphic) coll. —college dec. —deceased ed. —editor, edition l.(s), ln.(s) —library (ies), librarian(s) port. —portrait ret. —retired rev. —review(er) s (before page numbers) —CRL News issues univ. —university A Abstracts, 82-86; 170-71; (May) 235-38; (July) 324; (Sept.) 291-97 “The academic job crisis: a unique opportunity, or busi ness as usual?” Moffett, 191- 94; comments, 310-11; 312; (Sept.) 276-79; 479 “Academic Is. in Iran,” Deale, 47-53 Academic L. Buildings, A Guide to Architectural Issues and Solutions, Ellsworth, rev. of, (Sept.) 286-87 “Academic status: who wants it?” Hyman and Schlachter, 472-78 Access to L. Collections, Hyman, rev. of, 75-76 Ackerman, Page, appt. & port., s209 Acquisitions, s8; s28-29; s51; s71; sl03; sl29; s201-2; s225; s289 Adams, Charles M., ret., s312 “Affirmative action: equal oppor tunity for women in 1. manage ment,” De Fichy, 195-201 “Allocation of 1. funds to different departments of a univ.—an op erational research approach,” Goyal, 219-22; comment, 481 AASL, “Preliminary Draft of Guidelines for NCATE by AASL,” sl77-79 ALA, Committee Membership Restrictions, policy, s91 ALA, “Draft: equal employment opportunity policy,” s261-63 ALA, Federal Legislation regard ing coll, and research Is., pol icy statement, s50 “ALA—Is It Time for an Alter native?” Dougherty, editorial, 189-90; comments, 310; (Sept.) 280-81; (Sept.) 282-83; 479-80 ALA/ACRL Representatives at academic ceremonies and meet ings, sl77 ALA/SSRT Task force on wom en offers job service, s288 Anderson, John F., rev. (Urban Analysis for Branch L. System Planning), 230-31 “Appendixes to model statement of criteria and procedures for appointment, promotion in aca demic rank, and tenure for coll, and univ. Ins., s243-47; Model statement, s i 92-95 Applebaum, Edmond L., Reader in Technical Services, rev. of, 489-90 “Applying ‘management by objec tives’ to the univ. 1.,” Johnson, 436-39 Appointments, sl7-19; s41-44; s64; s90; sll5 -1 7 ; sl59; sl79- 80; S209-10; s253-54; s277-79; s307-12; corrections, s90 “An approach to developing com puter catalogs,” MacDonald and Elrod, 202-8; comments, (Sept.) 282 ACRL, additional nominating committees, s286 ACRL, additional nominees for offices for 1973/74, s63; s81 ACRL, Agricultural and Biolog ical Sciences Section, s81; s239 ACRL, annual meeting, Las Ve gas, June 24-30, 1973, sched ule, sl25-27 ACRL, “Annual Report of the President, 1972-73,” Shank, S165-67 ACRL, Board of Directors, mid winter meeting, Washington, D.C., Jan. 29-Feb. 1, 1973, brief of minutes, sl42-58; reso lution on death of Dr. Arthur McAnally, sl95 ACRL, College Ls. Section, “Pro posed Bylaws,” s92-93 ACRL, Committee on Academic Status, “Model statement of cri teria and procedures for ap pointment, promotion in aca demic rank, and tenure for coll, and univ. Ins.,” s192-95; “Ap pendixes,” s243-47 ACRL, Constitution and Bylaws, s83-87 ACRL, “Draft statement on ac cess to original research materi als in Is., archives, and manu script repositories,” sl99-201; 297 “ Draft statement on the repro duction of manuscripts and ar chives for noncommercial pur poses,” sl9 9 ACRL, Joint committee activities, sl3 9 ACRL, membership meeting, Las Vegas, June 25, 1973, brief of minutes, s221-23 ACRL, midwinter meeting, W ash ington, D.C., Jan. 28-Feb. 4, 1973, “highlights,” s69-70; schedule, s1-2 ACRL, nominating committees, s264 ACRL, nominees for offices 1974/75, s285-86 ACRL, officers, 1973/74, sl8 9 - 91 “ACRL president addresses ALA Council in Las Vegas,” Shank, S265-66 ACRL, Rare Books and Manu scripts Section, “Statement on appraisal of gifts,” developed by the committee on m anu scripts collections, s49; “ State ment on legal title,” developed by the committee on m anu scripts collections, s49-50 ACRL, “ Statement of the Ameri can L. Association’s policy on federal legislation regarding coll, and research Is.,” s50 “ ACRL and ALA support aca demic Ins.,” resolutions and motions, s i 96-98 Auld, Larry and Irene Voit, “ Li brary group practice,” 54-58; comment, 223 Axford, H. William, “ ACRL offi cers for 1 973/74,” port., s i 89-90; “ Performance mea surement revisited,” ( Sept.) 249-57; port. & appt., sl7 9 B Balay, Robert, letter to the ed., 305-6 Ball, Joyce, rev. ( Government Reference Books, 70/71 and Subject Guide to Government Reference Books'), 487 Baumann, Charles H., The Influ ence of Angus Snead Macdon ald and the Snead Bookstack on L. Architecture, rev. of, 166-67 Beede, Beniamin R., letters to the ed., 69 (Sept.) 2 8 1,479 Berlin, Charles, Index to Fest schriften in Jewish Studies, rev. of, 316-18 Bermingham, Grace J., ret., s254 Bibliographic Control of Micro forms, Reichmann and Tharpe, rev. of, 321-22 Bibliographic Control of Non print Media, Grove and Clem ent, eds., rev. of, 229-30 Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets on the History of Agriculture in the United States . . . 1607-1967, Schlebecker, rev. of, 162-63 The Big Foundations, Nielsen, rev. of, 231-33 Biggs, Martha L., ret., s210 Bixler, Paul, letter to the ed., 306 Blake, Fay M., letter to the ed., 159-60 Book Reviews, 71-79; 161-68; (M ay) 226-33; (July) 315-22; (Sept.) 284-89; 486-92 Boone. Morell D., “ Camelot . . . A Quest or a Kingdom? edi torial, 5-6 Brunswick, Sheldon R., rev. (In dex to Festschriften in Jewish Studies), 316-18 Bryant, Edward C. and Donald King, The Evaluation of Infor mation Services and Products, rev. of, 71-74 Buckland, Michael K., appt. to CRL editorial board, s224 Buckman, Thomas R., Yujihisa Suzuki, and Warren M. Tsunei- shi, eds., University and Re search Ls. in Japan and the United States: Proceedings of the First Japan-United States Conference on Ls. and Infor mation Science in Higher E du cation Tokyo May 15-19, 1969, rev. of. 161-62 Buford, Albert H., letter to the ed., ( Sept.) 282-83 Bunge, Charles A., letter to the ed., 482 Bums, Robert W., Jr., rev. (Evaluation of Information Services and Products), 71-74 Byrd, Cecil K., rev. (The Uni versity— The L.), 491-92; rev. (University and Research Ls. in Japan and the United States), 161-62 C Cain, Stith M., dec., s91 “ Camelot . . . A Quest or a King dom?” Boone, editorial, 5-6 Canfield, Marie P., Gardner and Stevens, “Library pathfinders: a new possibility for cooperative reference service,” 40-46 Carpenter, Eric J., letter to the ed., 310-11; comment, 482 “ Change Anyone?” Stueart, edi torial, (Sept.) 233-34 “ The changing role of directors of univ. Is.,” Me Anally and Downs, 103-25; comments, 306; 308-10; (Sept.) 281; 481 Chase, William, rev. (Access to L. Collections), 75-76 Cheap Thrills: A n Informal His tory of the Pulp Magazines, Goulart, rev. of, 167-68 Christ, John M., Concepts and Subject Headings: Their Rela tion in Information Retrieval and L. Science, rev. of, 318- 19 Chubak, Benjamin, ret., s254 “ Clarement Colleges,” new con tract agreement, s i 97 Clarke, Jack A., “ Popular culture in Is.,” 215-18 comments, 480- 81; rev. (Cheap Thrills), 167-68 Classified List of Periodicals for the Coll. L., Farber, rev. of, 226-27 Clement, Evelyn G., and Grove, eds., Bibliographic Control of Nonprint Media, rev. of, 229- 30 Clift, David H., dec., s307 Clifton, Margaret Fisher, letter to the ed., (Sept.) 279 “Committee appointed to revise coll. 1. standards,” s221 “A comparison of six versions of science 1. instruction,” Kuo, (July) 287-90 “A comparison of two out-of-print book buying methods,” Kim, ( Sept.) 258-64 “ Computer-based systems, a new dimension to 1. cooperation,” Kilgour, 137-43 Computerizing the Card Catalog in the Univ. L.; A Survey of User Requirements, Palmer, rev. of, 78-79 Conant, Ralph W., and Kathleen Molz, eds., The Metropolitan L., rev. of, 486-87 Concepts and Subject Headings: Their Relation in Information Retrieval and L. Science, Christ, rev. of, 318-19 Coney, Donald, dec., sl5 9 “ Continuing Education,” Hiatt, editorial, 101-2 Copyright: Current Viewpoints on History, Laws, Legislation, Kent and Lancour, eds., rev. of, 230 Coughlin, Robert E., Françoise Taieb and Benjamin H. Ste vens, Urban Analysis for Branch L. System Planning, rev. of, 230-31 Cressaty, Margaret, ret., s254 Crowe, Linda and Kronus, eds., rev. of, Libraries and Neigh borhood Information Centers, 492 Council on L. Resources fellow ships, 1 9 7 3 ,sl29-33 Current Awareness and the Chem ist, Duncan, rev. of, 320-21 Current National Bibliogs. of Lat in America: A State of the Art Study, Zimmerman, rev. of, 76- 77 D Davidson, John S., ret., s279 Davis, C. Roger, letter to the ed., ( Sept.) 276 Deale, H. Vail, “Academic ls. in Iran,” 47-53 Deaths, s56; s91; sl5 9 ; sl8 0 ; s210 De Fichy, Wendy, “ Affirmative action: equal opportunity for women in 1. management,” 195-201 Dempsey, Mary K., dec., s91 De Priest, Raleigh, “ That inor dinate passion for status,” ISO- 58; comments, 305-6 Dillon, Martin, “ The impact of automation on the content of ls. and information centers,” 418-25 “ Draft: ALA equal employment opportunity policy,” s261-63 Dougan, Robert Orne, recipient of second Citation of Honor presented by Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, port., s239 Dougherty, Richard M., “ ALA— Is It Time for an Alternative?” editorial, 189-90; comments, 310; (Sept.) 280-81, 282-83; 479-80; “ The Employment Time Bomb,” editorial ( Sept. 1972), comment, 69; “ The evaluation of campus 1. docu ment delivery service,” 29-39 Downs, Robert B. and Me Anally, “ The changing role of directors of univ. Is.,” 103-25; com ments, 306, 308-9, 309-10; (Sept.) 281; 481 Duncan, Elizabeth E., Current Awareness and the Chemist, rev. of, 320-21 Dunlap, Leslie W., Readings in L. History, rev. of, 77-78 Dyson, Allan, “ Editorship of CRL News changes,” s25 E Eastlick, John T., rev. (The Met ropolitan L.), 486-87 Ebbing, Laurence R., letter to the ed., 308 Economics of Approval Plans, Spyers-Duran and Gore, eds., rev. of., (Sept.) 284 Edelman, Hendrik, letter to the ed., 310; rev. (Scholarly Re print Publishing in the United States), 163-64 “ Editors meet at IFLA,” s287 298 “ Editorship of CRL News chan ges,” s25 Ellsworth, Dianne J., rev. (The Time-Lag in Cataloging), 490- 91Ellsworth, Ralph E., Academic L. Buildings, A Guide to Archi tectural Issues and Solutions, rev. of, ( Sept.) 286-87 Elrod, J. McRee and MacDonald, “An approach to developing computer catalogs,” 202-8; comments, ( Sept.) 282 “ The Employment Time Bomb,” Dougherty, editorial ( Sept. 1972), comment, 69 “ The evaluation of campus 1. doc ument delivery service,” Dougherty, 29-39 F “Faculty awareness and attitudes toward academic 1. reference services: a measure of commu nication,” Nelson, ( Sept.) 268- 75 “Faculty status—a comprehensive bibliog.,” Hiding, 440-62 Farber, Evan Ira, Classified List of Periodicals for the Coll. L., rev. of, 226-27 Farley, Richard A., appt. & port., s41 “ Female 1. science students and the occupational stereotype: fact or fiction?” Lee and Hall, (Sept.) 265-67 Flanagan, Cathleen, rev. (Bibli ographic Control of Nonprint Media), 229-30 Flanagan, Leo N., “Professional ism dismissed?” 209-14; com ments, 312, 313, 314; (Sept.) 279, 281-82 Flener, Jane G., “ Staff participa tion in management in large univ. Is.,” (July) 275-79 Ford, Bennett C., letter to the ed., (Sept.) 281-82 Forstall, Philip L., letter to the ed., 312-14 Forth, Stuart, appt., s209; rev. (The New Librarianship), (Sept.) 284-85 Franklin, Colin, The Private Presses, rev. of, 162 “From Inside the DLP,” Stokes, s3-6 Fuller, Dorothy E., ret., s254 G Gardner, Jeffrey J., Charles H. Stevens, and Marie P. Canfield, “ Library pathfinders: a new possibility for cooperative ref erence service,” 40-46 Gellatly, Peter, letter to the ed., 69 Georgi, Charlotte, rev. (Planning the Special L ), 319-20 Goon, Diane K., letter to the ed., 306-7 Gore, Daniel and Spyers-Duran, eds., Economics of Approval Plans, rev. of, ( Sept.) 284 Goulart, Ron, Cheap Thrills: An Informal History of the Pulp Magazines, rev. of, 167-68 Government Reference Books, 7 0/ 71, Wynkoop, rev. of, 487 Goyal, S. K., “Allocation of 1. funds to different departments of a univ.—an operational re search approach,” 219-22; comment, 481 Gray, Gordon W., ret., s210 Grove, Pearce S., and Evelyn G. Clement, eds., Bibliographic Control of Nonprint Media, rev. of, 229-30 A Guide to Microforms and Mi croform Retrieval Equipment, McKay, ed., WARNING, sl02 Guidelines for L. Automation, Markuson et al., rev. of, 71 Guidelines for L. Cooperation, Patrick, rev. of, 164-65 H Hall, Janet E., and Lee, “Female 1. science students and the oc cupational stereotype: fact or fiction?” ( Sept.) 265-67 Haro, Robert P., letter to the ed., 309; rev. (Libraries and Neigh borhood Information Centers), 492 Harris, K. G. E., letter to the ed., 481 Harris, Michael H., “Intuition, Research, and the Academic L.,” editorial, (July) 269; comment, 483; rev. (A His tory of Book Publishing in the United States), 228; rev. (Hugh Gaine . . .), 489 Hart, James D., rev. (The Pri vate Presses), 162 Hayes, Robert M., rev. (Guide lines for L. Automation), 71; rev. (Vocabulary Control for Information Retrieval), 165 Hendricks, Donald D., rev. (Guidelines for L. Coopera tion), 164-65 Herbison, Michael, “ Editorship of CRL News changes,” s25; “ To the readers of CRL News,” s27 Hiatt, Peter, “Continuing Educa tion,” editorial, 101-2 Hickey, Doralyn J., Problems in Organizing L. Collections, rev. of, 227-28 “Highlights of ACRL’s Midwinter Meetings,” s69-70 Hinojosa, Susana, “ Editorship of CRL News changes,” s25 A History of Book Publishing in the United States; Volume I: The Creation of an Industry, 1603-1865, Tebbel, rev. of, 228 Hogan, Alan D., letter to the ed., 307-8 Holley, Edward G., rev. (The Big Foundations), 231-33 Horn, Roger, letter to the ed., 482-84 Houghton, Bernard, Out of the Dinosaurs— The Evolution of the National Lending L. for Science and Technology, rev. of, (Sept.) 285-86 Huff, William H., rev. (Classified List of Periodicals for the Coll. L.), 226-27 Huling, Nancy, “Faculty status— a comprehensive bibliog.,” 440- 62 Hugh Gaine; A Colonial Printer- Editor’s Odyssey to Loyalism, Lorenz, rev. of, 489 Hyman, Richard Joseph, Access to L. Collections, rev. of, 75- 76 Hyman, Ruth, and Gail Schlach ter, “Academic status: who wants it?” 472-78 I “ The Impact of automation on the content of Is. and information centers,” Dillon, 418-25 Index to Festschriften in Jewish Studies, Berlin, rev. of, 316- 18 The Influence of Angus Snead Macdonald and the Snead Bookstack on L. Architecture, Baumann, rev. of, 166-67 The Influence of Lns. in Liberal Arts Colleges in Selected De cision Making Areas, Whit- beck, rev. of, ( M ay) 233 Information and L. Science Source Book; a Supplement to Docu mentation Source Book, Schutze, rev. of, 318; com ment, 481-82 “ In-house training of supervisory 1. assistants in a large academic 1.,” Mitchell, 144-49 “Intuition, Research and the Aca demic L.,” Harris, editorial, (July) 269 Ishimoto, Carol F., “ The National program for acquisitions and cataloging: its impact on univ. Is.,” 126-36 “Ivy Is. to use OCLC,” s101-2 J Jackson, Archer, ret., s210 Jackson, W. Carl, appt., s115 Johnson, Edward R., “Applying ‘management by objectives’ to the univ. 1.,” 436-39 Josey, E. J., W hat Black Lns. Are Saying, rev. of, 315-16; com ment, 484-85 “ Junior coll. Is. enter the seven ties,” Reeves, 7-15; comment, 308 K Kaplan, Louis, “Participation: some basic considerations on the theme of academe,” ( Sept.) 235-41 Karshner, Elizabeth, ret., s254 Kaser, Davids “Whither Interli brary Loan?” (Sept. 1972), comment, 69; appt., s115 Katz, Elizabeth and West, eds., Revolting Lns., rev. of, 165- 66 Kennedy, Eugene P., appt. & port., s277 Kent, Allen and Harold Lancour, eds., Copyright: Current View points on History, Laws, Legis lation, rev. of, 230 Kemaghan, John A., et al., “ Search versus experiment—the role of the research In.,” (July) 280-86; comment, 482-84 Kilgour, Frederick G., “ Computer- based systems, a new dimen sion to 1. cooperation,” 137- 43 Kim, Ung Chon, “ A comparison of two out-of-print book buy ing methods,” ( Sept.) 258-64 King, Donald and Edward C. Bryant, The Evaluation of In formation Services and Prod ucts, rev. of, 71-74 Knapp, Patricia, dec., s56 Koster, Gavl E., letter to the ed., (Sept.) 279 Kronus, Carol L. and Linda Crowe, eds.. Libraries and Neighborhood Information Cen ters, rev. of, 492 Kuo, Frank F., “A comparison of six versions of science 1. in struction,” (July) 287-90 L Ladenson, Alex, letter to the ed., 484-85 La Hood, Charles G.. Jr., “ Micro film for the L. of Congress,” (July) 291-94 Laird, W. David, rev. (Library Buildings), 228-29 Lancaster, F. W., Vocabulary Control for Information Re trieval, rev. of, 165 299 M ore than 1100 libraries currently receive U.S. Government Publications under the Depository Library Program Now, for the first time, you can learn exactly WHICH LIBRARIES GET WHICH PUBLICATIONS Available for the first time in any fo rm at. . . this unique new four volume reference set contains • more than 1.5 million “location citations” of depository holdings, • 3,100 classes of publications available for selection by depository libraries— arranged in Superintendent of Documents Class order (hierarchically by government author-organiz ations under 59 main headings), • a directory of 1,122 depository libraries listed by state and by depository number within state (for easy identification of location citations). These library entries give complete mailing addresses, including ZIP codes, and the years during which they were designated as depositories, • the complete “List of Classes of U.S. Government Publications Available for Selection by Depository Libraries (Revised January 11, 1973)”. This list has been updated to November, 1973 and NUC/GP page numbers have been added to show where the holdings are listed for each entry, • an “Item Number Index” showing SuDoc Class Numbers for each publication “Item” available for selection, • a “Best Seller” list ranking the 300 publication classes selected by the largest numbers of depository libraries. This ranking of course, does not reflect on the quality or usefulness of the publications, but rather on the breadth of interest in their subject matter, • some 2 million “negative entries” showing which libraries do not receive which avail able documents (this information can be used as an aid in the selection and disposal of documents for various types of collections). . S en d fo r Free brochure! : HELP COV Holdings of most cluded in such sta Union List of Serie THE NATIONAL UNION CATALOG OF U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED BY DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES FIRST EDITION-1973 S FILL THE “GOVERNMENT-DOCUMENTS GAP” IN THE RAGE OF THE MAJOR NATIONAL UNION CATALOGS .S. Government monographs and serials are NOT in- Now, with the first publication of a national union catalog of U.S. Govern dard reference works as the National Union Catalog, the ment documents, libraries of all types and sizes— depository and non-deposi , or New Serial Titles. tory alike— will be able to benefit more effectively from the expanding na tional Depository Library Program. NUC/GP provides basic information which can be used in finding, borrow ing, lending, ordering, and disposing of the full range of current U.S. Gov ernment depository publications. USE THIS COUPON NOW TO RECORD YOUR ORDER AT OUR PRE-PUBLICATION PRICE To: Carrollton Press, Inc. 1647 Wisconsin Ave. Washington, D.C. 20007 Please send us the National Union Catalog of U.S. Government Publications Received by Depository Libraries, First Edition 1973 in four bound volumes (large 11" x 14" format), 3,350 pages, for delivery during January, 1974 — $285.00 postpaid. Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A ddress____________________________________________ ______ Deduct 5% if payment accompanies your order. E U n ls 302 " A V a lu a b le a d d itio n to r e fe r e n c e c o llections...Highly recommen — d Ch e oic d e ” "This magnificently produced and edited compilation is overwhelming in the scope and quality of its contributions. It is not a dictionary in the usual sense, but rather a set of over 300 articles, each covering sev eral large double-column pages, and ar ranged alphabetically. The work includes an analytical table of contents organized into a ‘seven-fold grouping of topics’ ac cording to the domains and disciplines forming the work’s basic framework, as well as an alphabetical title list of the articles . . . Each article is supplemented by an excellent bibliography of related works, with abundant cross references to relevant entries in the Dictionary itself . . . Any student or scholar, confronted with this huge cornucopia of concepts, should simply take a month off and begin reading. It is indeed the only modern reference work with a fully interdisciplinary ap proach, running the gamut from science to philosophy to literature to art and seeking out relationships and interactions. The set will be indispensable for all libraries, aca demic and public, and a lifetime delight for Philip any individual who can afford it.” P. Wiener, — Library Journal 4 volumes. $35.00 per volume. E d itor-in-C hief Index to be published in 1974. CHARLES SCRIBNER’S SONS DICTIONARY OFDICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHYAMERICAN BIOGRAPHY "A m ost distinguished addition to bio Supplement III graphical reference sources and to the "Detailed biographical sketches of 573 history of science . . . the appended b ib notable American m en and women who liographies .m a n y o fw h ic h a re extremely died in the five-year period from 1941 full, are an excellent source fo r fu rth e r through 1 9 4 5 ... an essential purchase reference.”—Wilson Library B ulletin for all libraries."—Choice $35.00 Volumes I-VIII now available a t $35,00 (available only through the publisher). per volume. (W rite for standing order plan fo r all 14 volumes, plus index.) 303 Lancour, Harold, and Kent, eds., Copyright: Current Viewpoints on History, Laws, Legislation, rev. of, 230 Lederer, Norman, rev. (What Black Lns. Are Saying), 315- 16; comment, 484-85 Lee, David L., and Janet E. Hall, “Female 1. science students and the occupational stereotype: fact or fiction?” ( Sept.) 265- 67 Lemke, Antje B., rev. (Read ings in L. History), 77-78 Lendway, Olga, recipient of the 1973 Eunice Rockwell Oberly award, presented by the Agri culture and Biological Sciences section, port., s239 Letters, 69-70; 159-60; 223-25; (July) 305-14; (Sept.) 276- 83; 479-85 Lewis, Shirley, Weihs and Mac donald, Nonbook Materials, The Organization of Integrated Collections, rev. of, 487-89 Libraries and Neighborhood In formation Centers, Kronus and Crowe, eds., rev. of, 492 Library Buildings: Innovation for Changing Needs, Trezza, rev. of, 228-29 “ Library group practice,” Auld and Voit, 54-58; comment, 223 “ Library pathfinders: a new possi bility for cooperative reference service,” Stevens, Canfield, Gardner, 40-46 “ Library peer evaluation for pro motion and merit increase: how it works,” Yen-Ran Yeh, (July) 270-74; comment, 482- 84 Line, Maurice B., letter to the ed., ( Sept.) 282 Lipetz, Ben-Ami, letter to the ed., 224-25 Lorenz, Alfred Lawrence, Hugh Gaine; a Colonial Printer-Ed itor's Odyssey to Loyalism, rev. of, 489 Mc Me Anally, Arthur, rev. (The In fluence of Lns.), (M ay) 233; dec., s56; ACRL Board of Di rectors pass resolution of sym pathy and appreciation, s i 95 Me Anally, Arthur and Robert B. Downs, “ The Changing role of directors of univ. Is.,” 103-25; comments, 306; 308-10; (Sept.) 281; 481 Macdonald, Janet, Weihs and Lewis, Nonbook Materials, The Organization of Integrated Col lections, rev. of, 487-89 MacDonald, Robin W. and J. Mc- Ree Elrod, “An approach to developing computer catalogs,” 202-8; comments, (Sept.) 282 “ McDonnell Douglas Corporation helps St. Louis Is..” s286 McGrath, William E., letters to the ed.. 307, 309-10 McKay, Mark, ed., A Guide to Microforms and Microform Retrieval Equipment, WARN ING, si 02 M Markuson, Barbara Evans, et al, Guidelines for L. Automation, rev. of, 71 Martin, Harold B., letter to the ed.,312 Mason, Ellsworth, “A Short Hap py View of Our Emulation of Faculty,” editorial, (Nov. 1972), comments, 69-70; 159; 159-60; (May) 225; (July) 307-8; (Sept.) 279-80, 482- 84; letter to the ed., 224 Mayeski, John K., rev. (The In fluence of Angus Snead Mac donald), 166-67 The Metropolitan L., Conant and Molz, eds., rev. of, 486-87 “ Microfilm for the L. of Con gress,” La Hood, (July) 291- 94 “ Microform developments related to acquisitions,” Sullivan, 16- 28; comments, 223, 224-25; 306-7 Miller, Laurence, “The Role of circulation services in the major univ, 1.,” 463-71 Mitchell, Betty J., “In-house train ing of supervisory 1. assistants in a large academic 1.,” 144- 49 “ Model statement of criteria and procedures for appointment, promotion in academic rank, and tenure for coll, and univ. Ins.,” S192-95; Appendixes, S243-47 Moffett, W. A., “ The academic job crisis: a unique opportuni ty, or business as usual?” 191- 94; comments, 310-12; (Sept.) 276-79; 479 Molz, Kathleen and Conant, eds , The Metropolitan L., rev. of, 486-87 Morton, Donald J., letter to the ed., (Sept.) 277-78 Mount, Ellis, ed., Planning the Special L., rev. of, 319-20 Mueller, Esther Eytcheson, ret., s254 Mulligan, Georgia, rev. (Revolt ing Lns.), 165-66 N Naim, Charles E., letter to the ed., 308-9 Namenwirth, S. Micha, rev. (Bibliog. Control of Micro forms), 321-22 “ The national program for acqui sitions and cataloging: its im pact on univ. Is.,” Ishimoto, 126-36 Necrology, see Deaths Nelson, Jerold, “Faculty aware ness and attitudes toward aca demic 1. reference services: a measure of communication,” (Sept.) 268-75 Nelson, Milo G., letter to the ed., ( Sept.) 278-79 Nemeyer, Carol A., Scholarly Re print Publishing in the United States, rev. of, 163-64 Neufeld, John, letter to the ed., ( Sept.) 276-77 The New Librarianshiv; A Chal lenge for Change, Wasserman, rev. of. ( Sept.) 284-85 “ News From the Field,” s8-16; s28-39; s51-62; s71-81; sl03- 14; S129-38; S169-75; s201-8; S225-39; s267-75; s289-93 “ News From the Sections,” s81; s209;s239 Newsome, Louane L., ret., sl59 Nicholson, Natalie, appt., sl59 Nielsen, Waldemar A., The Big Foundations, rev. of, 231-33 Nonbook Materials, The Organi zation of Integrated Collec tions, Weihs, Lewis and Mac donald, rev. of, 487-89 Norman, Leverett Morton, dec., sl80 Novak, Gloria J., rev. (Academ ic L. Buildings), (Sept.) 286- 87 o Oboler, Eli M., letter to the ed., 69-70; comment, 224 Oehlerts, Donald E., appt., s41 Ohio Coll. L. Center (OCLC), s l 0l-2 O’Keefe, Robert D., et al, “Search versus experiment—the role of the research In.,” (July) 280- 86; comment, 482-84 Olson, Eva, ret., s254 “ Organizational patterns of scien tific and technical Is.: an exam ination of three issues,” Wald- hart and Zweifel, 426-35 Other Books of Interest to Aca demic Lns., 79-81; 168-69; (May) 234; (July) 322-23; ( Sept.) 289-90 Out of the Dinosaurs—the Evolu tion of the National Lending L. for Science and Technology, Houghton, rev. of, ( Sept.) 285-86 P Painter, Ann F., rev. (Concepts and Subject Headings), 318-19 Palmer, Millicent, dec., s i 80 Palmer, Richard P., Computeriz ing the Card Catalog in the Univ. L.: A Survey of User Re quirements, rev. of, 78-79 Panofsky, Hans E., letter to the ed., 223 Parker, Richard J. M., letter to the ed., 479-80 “Participants in ACRL’s pro gram,” port., s224 “Participation: some basic con siderations on the theme of academe,” Kaplan, ( Sept.) 235-41 Patrick, Ruth J., Guidelines for L. Cooperation, rev. of, 164- 65 People, sl7-19; s41-44; s64; s90- 91; SĬ15-17; sl59; sl79-80; S209-10; S253-54; s277-79; S307-12 “Performance measurement revis ited,” Axford, ( Sept.) 249-57 Personnel, see People Peterson, Kenneth G., letter to the ed., 308 Pickron, John E., letter to the ed., 310 Pierce, Norman A., ret., sl80 Pimsleur, Meira G., ret., s254 Planning the Special L., Mount, ed., rev. of, 319-20 Pope, S. Elspeth, The Time-Lag in Cataloging, rev. of, 490-91 “Popular culture in Is.,” Clarke, 215-18; comments, 480-81 Pownall, David E., appt., s253 The Private Presses, Franklin rev. of, 162 Problems in Organizing L. Col lections, Hickey, rev. of, 227- 28 “Professionalism dismissed?” Flan agan, 209-14; comments, 312- 14; (Sept.) 281-82 “Proposed Bylaws of the Coll. Ls. Section of ACRL,” s92-93 Przebienda, Edward, ed., United States Government Publications Monthly Catalog. Decennial and Quinquennial Cumulative Personal Author Index, 1941- 1950; 1951-1960; 1961-1965 and 1966-1970, rev. of, (Sept.) 287-89 Publications, s1 1-15; s38-39; s62; s78-81: s l l 4 : S136-38; sl7 2 - 75; s207-8; s237-39; s274-75; S292-93 304 Q R Rath, Gustave, et al, “ Search .ver sus experiment—the role of the research In.,” (July) 280-86; comment, 482-84 Reader in Technical Services, Ap plebaum, rev. of, 489-90 Readings in L. History, Dunlap, rev. of, 77-78 Reeves, Pamela, “Junior coll. Is. enter the seventies,” 7-15; com ment, 308 “ Reference books of 1971-72,” Sheehy, 59-68 “ Reference Books of 1972-73,” Sheehy, (July) 295-304 Reichmann, Felix and Josephine M. Tharpe, Bibliographic Con trol of Microforms, rev. of, 321-22 Retirements, s90; sl59; sl80; s210; s254; s279; s312 Revolting Lns., West and Katz, eds., rev. of, 165-66 Reynolds, Catharine J., rev. (Bib liography of Books and Pamph lets on the History of Agricul ture in the United States . . . 1607-1967), 162-63; rev. (United States Government Publications Monthly Catalog), (Sept.) 287-89 Roff, Kenneth, letter to the ed., 480-81 Roff, Sandra, letter to the ed., 480-81 “The Role of circulation services in the major univ. 1.,” Miller, 463-71 Rouse, Roscoe, rev. (Economics of Approval Plans), ( Sept.) 284 Rouse, Sandra H., and William B. Rouse, “Use of a In./con sultant team to study 1. opera tions,” ( Sept.) 242-48 Rouse, William B. and Sandra H. Rouse, “Use of a In./consult ant to study 1. operations,” ( Sept.) 242-48 Rubenstein, Albert H., David J. Werner, Gustave Rath, John A. Kernaghan, Robert D. O’Keefe, “ Search versus ex periment—the role of the re search In.,” (July) 280-86; comment, 482-84 s Sacks, Patricia Anne, appt., s277 Samuels, Alan R., letter to the ed., (Sept.) 279-80 Schell, Hal B., appt., sl79 Schiller, Anita R., rev. (Woman and the Equal Rights Amend ment), 74-75; comment, 308 Schlachter, Gail and Hyman, “Academic status: who wants it?” 472-78 Schlebecker, John T., Bibliogra phy of Books and Pamphlets on the History of Agriculture in the United States . . . 1607- 1967, rev. of, 162-63 Scholarly Reprint Publishing in the United States, Nemeyer, rev. of, 163-64 School Media Quarterly, new fea ture: “School media disserta tions in progress,” s267 Schutze, Gertrude, Information and L. Science Source Book; a Supplement to Documenta tion Source Book, rev. of, 318; letter to the ed., 481-82 “ Search versus experiment—the role of the research In.,” Ru benstein, Werner, Rath, Ker naghan and O’Keefe, (July) 280-86; comment, 482-84 Sellers, David Y., letter to the ed., 312 Shank, Russell, “Annual Report of the President, 1972-73,” s i 65-67; “ACRL President ad dresses ALA Council in Las Vegas,” s265-66; rev. (Copy right), 230 Sheehy, Eugene P., “ Selected Ref erence Books of 1971-72,” 59- 68; “Selected Reference Books of 1972-73,” (July) 295-304 “A Short Happy View of Our Emulation of Faculty,” Mason, editorial (Nov. 1972); com ments, 69-70; 159; 159-60; (May) 225; (July) 307-8; (Sept.) 279-80; 484 Simon, Dorothy B., letter to the ed., 485 Slavic and East European Section, s209 Smith, Dorothy L., dec., s210 Smith, Roberta, ret., s90 Sparkman, Mickey M., letter to the ed., 225 Spyers-Duran, Peter and Daniel Gore, eds., Economics of Ap proval Plans, rev. of, (Sept.) 284 “ Staff participation in manage ment in large univ. Is.,” Flener, (July) 275-79 “ Statement of the American Li brary Association’s policy on federal legislation regarding coll, and research Is.,” s50 “Statement on Appraisal of Gifts,” (developed by the committee on manuscripts collection of the Rare Books and Manu scripts Section), s49 “ Statement on Legal Title,” (de veloped by the committee on manuscripts collections of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section), s49-50 Stevens, Benjamin H., Coughlin and Taieb, Urban Analysis for Branch L. System Planning, rev. of, 230-31 Stevens, Charles H., Marie P. Canfield, Jeffrey J. Gardner, “Library pathfinders: a new possibility for cooperative ref erence service,” 40-46 Stevens, Rolland E., letter to the ed., 159 Stierwalt, Ralph E., rev. (Com puterizing the Card Catalog in the Univ. L.), 78-79 Stimpson, Catherine, ed., Women and the Equal Rights Amend ment, rev. of, 74-75; comment, 308 Stokes, Katharine M., “From In side the DLP,” s3-6 Strauss, Lucille J., ret., s210 Strohl, L. S., letter to the ed., (Sept.) 280-81 Stubkjaer, Myrtle, ret., s279 Stueart, Robert D., “Change Any one?” editorial, ( Sept.) 233- 34; appt. to CRL editorial board, s224; rev. (Reader in Technical Services), 489-90 Subject Guide to Government Reference Books, Wynkoop, rev. of, 487 Sullivan, Robert C., “Microform developments related to acqui sitions,” 16-28; comments, 223, 224-25; 306-7 Suzuki, Yukihisa, Tsuneishi and Buckman, eds., University and Research Ls. in Japan and the United States, rev. of, 161-62 T Taieb, Françoise, Coughlin and Stevens, Urban Analysis for Branch L. System. Planning, rev. of, 230-31 Talbot, Kent D., letter to the ed., 223 Tanis, Norman, “ACRL Officers for 1973/74,” port., sl89; “Controversy over Personnel Policy,” (California State Univ. and Colleges Ins. vs. Chancel lor’s office of the system), s i 67 “Task Force on the Status of Women in Librarianship,” s50 Tebbel, John, A History of Book Publishing in the United States: Volume I: The Creation of an Industry, 1603-1865, rev. of, 228 “ Tell it to The Times, s287-88 Terwilliger, Gloria, rev. (Infor mation and L. Science Source Book), 318; comment, 481-82 rev. (Nonbook Materials), 487- 89; rev. (Problems in Organiz ing L. Collections), 227-28 Tharpe, Josephine M. and Felix Reichmann, Bibliographic Con trol of Microforms, rev. of, 321-22 “ That inordinate passion for sta tus,” De Priest, 150-58; com ments, 305-6 The Time-Lag in Cataloging, Pope, rev. of, 490-91 Title II-A Grant Funds, s27-28 “To the Readers of CRL News,” Herbison, s27 Treworgy, Mildred L., ret., s90 Trezza, Alphonse F., ed., Library Buildings: Innovation for Changing Needs, rev. of, 228 29 Truelson, Judith, rev. (Planning the Special L.), 319-20 Tsuneishi, Warren M., Buckman and Suzuki, eds., University and Research Ls. in Japan and the United States, rev. of, 161- 62 U United States Government Pub lications Monthly Catalog . . . , Przebienda, rev. of, ( Sept.) 287-89 University and Research Ls. in Japan and the United States: Proceedings of the First Japan- United States Conference on Ls. and Information Science in Higher Education Tokyo May 15-19, 1969, Buckman, Su zuki, Tsuneishi, eds., rev. of, 161-62 The University— The Library. Pa pers presented by Samuel Rothstein, Richard Blackwell, Archibald MacLeish at York University. Toronto, on the Oc casion of the Dedication of the Scott Library, 30 October 1971, rev. of, 491-92 “Use of a In./consultant team to study 1. operations,” Rouse and Rouse, (Sept.) 242-48 V Van Note, Roy Nelson, letter to the ed., 306 Van Zanten, Frank, letter to the ed., 69 Veit, Fritz, ret., s312 Vocabulary Control for Informa tion Retrieval, Lancaster, rev. of, 165 Voit, Irene and Auld, “Library 305 group practice,” 54-58; com ment, 223 w Waldhart, Thomas J. and LeRoy G. Zweifel, “ Organizational pat terns of scientific and technical Is.: an examination of three is sues, 426-35 Walker, Katherine, ret., s312 Warner, Edward S., letter to the ed., 481 Wasserman, Paul, The New Li- brarianship; A Challenge for Change, rev. of, (Sept.) 284- 85 Watson, Peter G., rev. (Current Awareness and the Chemist), 320-21; rev. (Out of the Dino saurs), (Sept.) 285-86 W att, Georgene, dec., s91 Weihs, Jean Riddle, Shirley Lewis and Janet Macdonald, Non book Materials, The Organiza tion of Integrated Collections, rev. of, 487-89 Werner, David J., et al, “ Search versus experiment—the role of the research In.,” (July) 280- 86; comment, 482-84 Wesley, Phillip, letter to the ed., 311-12 West, Celeste and Elizabeth Katz, eds., Revolting Lns., rev. of, 165-66 West, Stanley I., rev. (Current National Bibliogs. of Latin America), 76-77 W hat Black Lns. are Saying, Jo- sey, rev. of, 315-16; comment, 484-85 Whitbeck, George W., The In fluence of Lns. in Liberal Arts Colleges in Selected Decision Making Areas, rev. of, ( May) 233 “ Whither interlibrary loan?” Kas er, (Sept. 1972), comment, 69 Whitten, Benjamin, ret., s i 17 Wilkinson, J. P., letter to the ed., 225 Woman and the Equal Rights Amendment: Senate Subcom mittee Hearings on the Consti tutional Amendment, 91st Con gress, ed. by Catherine Stimp- son, rev. of, 74-75; comment, 308 Wynkoop, Sally, Government Reference Books, 70/71, rev. of, 487; Subject Guide to Gov ernment Reference Books, rev. of, 487 X-Y-Z Yen-Ran Yeh, Thomas, “ Library peer evaluation for promotion and merit increase: how it works,” (July) 270-74; com ment, 482-84 Zimmerman, Irene, Current Na tional Bibliogs. of Latin Amer ica: A State of the Art Study, rev. of, 76-77 Zuwiyya, Jalal, letter to the ed., (Sept.) 276 Zweifel, LeRoy G., and Thomas J. Waldhart, “ Organizational patterns of scientific and tech nical Is.: an examination of three issues, 426-35 Type this small Looks this big when seen through MasterLens Cataloging, research or the ordinary reading requirements of day-to-day work around your library often call for prolonged study of small print or fine details—conditions that can cause strain in even the sharpest eyes. EdnaLite MasterLens with its powerful magnifier and bright glare-free light source takes the eye- strain out of close w ork—increases accuracy and efficiency. And if MasterLens is a help to those with ordinary good vision, think what a life- saver it is to library employees and patrons who have visual handicaps! MasterLens. Just plug it in. Complete, self- contained ... useful and effective. The best way to look at things. Lightweight portable model. Magnifies type to double size. Same superb optical qualities as RL model. W ith its own carrying case. $140. 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