ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 312 Mary S. Townsend—assistant reference li­ brarian—Franklin and Marshall College library, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Karin Trainer—descriptive cataloger— Princeton University library, New Jersey. Karen S. Weddle—lower division librarian —University of Oklahoma libraries, Norman. Tawana P. West—instructor—Texas A&M University library, College Station. Bonnie L. Wetzel—assistant catalog li­ brarian—New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. Claire B. Whittaker—original cataloger for English language—University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Theresa S. Wiggins—psychology librarian —Princeton University library, New Jersey. Edna J. Williams—assistant reference li­ brarian—F lorida International University, Miami. Dorothy Winter—serials librarian—Uni­ versity of Nevada, Las Vegas. S. Francis Woods—assistant curator of vis­ ual collections, Fine Arts Library—Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Elaine H. Woodward—serials cataloger— University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Daniel Wren—curator, Bass (American business history) Collection—University of Oklahoma, Norman. R E T I R E M E N T S Charles M. Adams, director of the Sinclair Library at the University of Hawaii, retired recently after four years of service. F ritz Veit, director of libraries, Chicago State University, retired on August 31 after serving nearly twenty-five years in this posi­ tion. Katherine Walker, associate director of the university libraries at Northern Illinois Uni­ versity, retired on August 31 after completing thirty-one years of service. ■ ■ Classified A d v e rtis in g N O T IC E Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "rank" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary, the institution is willing to provide for the position offered. All advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. POSITIONS WANTED SPECIAL COLLECTIONS/MANUSCRIPTS/RARE BOOKS. Seeking responsible administrative position in forward- looking college/universîty, or other repository, where the need for enlightened and modern preservation measures and managerial techniques has been recognized, and the commitment made to implement them. BA, MA, English; MA, Library Science, University of Chicago. Law school. Continuing education in conservation of research library materials. 7 years' experience. Currently employed by major Eastern small university. W rite Box 834, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL (METRIC) SYSTEM! N ames., symbols, "two-way" conversion factors for all physical units. Inexpensive, most up-to-date booklet for your ready reference needs. $2. Kulchar Studio, Box 1992-C, Phila­ delphia, PA 19105. POSITIONS OPEN Administration ASSISTANT HEAD, Department of rare books and spe­ cial collections. Responsible for continuous series of exhibitions and for organizing, nonbook materials. Takes part in biblio grap hic. searching, reference work, and special projects. Aids in the selection, of new materials. MLS, graduate degree in the humanities. Reading knowl­ edge of Latin, French and. German. 5 years, of pro­ gressively advanced professional library experience, at least 2 in rare book field. Salary $12,804. W rite to Mrs. Doris H. Asher, Asst, for Pers. and Staff Development, Univ. of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104. A nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Position available now. Can­ didate must possess MLS degree from ALA-accredi†ed program and proven ability in a college or university library on the assistant level or up. Director is responsi­ ble for operation of the central library and two branches with 100 FTE, 400,000 volumes serving 11,000 students and 400 faculty. Salary to $23,000. Resumes to Diana S. Na†alcio, Chrm., Search Comm., University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968. An equal opportunîty/affîrma- tive action employer. DIRECTOR OF ACADEMIC SERVICES. To coordinate/ administer Library and Instructional Resources (program development, equipment, utilization, and all production, including TV), and to supervise staffs totaling 94. Contemporary structures of library and communication center currently independently operated, completed in 1968, serve student body of 11,000 and 600 faculty. 4-year liberal arts college with strong urban commit­ ment. Metropolitan area offers both cultural and educa­ tional opportunities. Recruitment at $23,600.with excellent fringe benefits. Doctorate and administrative experience in library and/or media preferred. We are an equal opportuni†y/affirma†ive action employer. Contact Dr. Donald Schwartz, Vice Pres, for Academic Affairs, Uni­ versity College at Buffalo, 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES AND PUBLIC SERVICES DIVISIONS. Each requires extensive experience in pro-' gressively responsible positions. Salary range $14,000- $16,000. Write Joseph Jeffs, Univ. Ln., Georgetown Uni­ versity, 37 and 0 Sts., NW, Washington, DC 20007. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES, Iowa State University Library. A new administrative position to coordinate cataloging, bibliographic search, order, serials and binding. Requirements: MLS, 7 years of pro­ fessional experience, with at least 4 years in technical services in a research library; emphasis on creativity, in processing areas and proven administrative ability. Library collection of 960,000 volumes; a total budget above $2,500,000, 154 appointive staff; campus community of 25,000. Faculty rank, TIAA, excellent group medical and life insurance, month vacation per fiscal year. Available Summer 1974. Salary $16,000 up, depending on 313 qualifications. Iowa State is an equal oppor†uni†y/af- firmative action employer. Please apply by February I to Warren B. Kuhn. Dean of LS. Iowa State University Library, Ames, IA 50010. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN—Technical Services. We are seeking a professional librarian to fill an im­ portant administrative position. This position has ad­ ministrative responsibility for the four technical services departments: acquisitions, serials, catalog and loan. The four departments are comprised of 17 professional li­ brarians + more than 60 FTE of clerical and other support staff. We need a librarian with a minimum of 4 years of professional library experience in technical services operations in an academic library, at least half of such experience in a supervisory or administrative capacity. Professional librarians at the Univ. of Arizona have faculty status, but 12-month contracts with 24 days per year of vacation, 12 days of sick leave, and a standard package of academic holidays and other fringe benefits. The minimum salary for this position is $16,000 per year with some upward flexibility to account for length and type of experience as well as special academic training or other background. Send inquiries and resumes to W. David Laird, Univ. Ln., University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. Applications w ill not be accepted after February I, 1974. An equal opportunity employer. Cataloging SCIENCE CATALOGING LIBRARIAN with an MLS from an accredited library school. If math, geology, chem­ istry, physics or engineering was your area of study before obtaining your MLS, there might be employment for you at the University of Utah libraries. Salary: $8,500; faculty rank as instructor; TIAA/CREF or Utah State Retirement fully funded by the University adds 10% to the salary. No experience necessary. An equal opportunity employer. Please send resumes before Jan­ uary 5, include 3 references. Write Winnifred Marge††s, Lib. Pers. Offr., M arriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. HEAD CATALOGER. MLS with considerable cataloging and administrative experience in major academic or research libraries. Department of 28. including librarian ca†alogers. LC classification, OCLC participation. Work­ ing knowledge of French and German; other languages highly desirable. Salary $17,000. Position available imme-» diately. Send resume to Director of Libraries, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13901. An equal oppor†unity/affirmative action employer. Reference REFERENCE SERVICES HEAD in large academic library system. Responsible for administration and coordination of reference services, selection policy and staff develop­ ment in central reference collection. Also coordinate these functions with 14 departmental libraries. Qualifi­ cations: Master's in LS from ALA-accredited school; minimum 5 years' academic reference experience. Must have ability to innovate, initiate, and work effectively with others. Minimum salary $l2,000/year, but com­ mensurate with qualifications and experience. Submit resumes by February 15, 1974 to Admn. Asst., Univ. of Southern Calif. Library, Libn. Off., University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90007. An equal opportunity employer. Serials SERIALS DEPARTMENT HEAD. Minimum of 4 years' ex­ perience in serials, including serials cataloging. A d­ ministrative experience desirable. Staff of 2 librarians, II library assistants and some part-time help. Depart­ ment provides order and precatalog information, re­ ceives and records current periodicals and catalogs all serials. Salary $12,000 per annum minimum. 35-hour work week, 22 working days vacation. Apply with vitae to Mr H. J. Skynner, Assoc, dir. for Tech. Servs., Elizabeth Dafoe Library, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Mani­ toba. Canada. SERIALS DEPARTMENT HEAD, Iowa State University Library, to direct work of 4 professionals and 15 classi- j 1®« s • members in department presently receiving 14,500 titles. Departmental activities include both bind- and and exchange sections. Qualifications: MLS, 4 years' related professional experience in re­ search libraries, with 2 years of serials work very de­ sirable demonstrated administrative ability and facility in working well with a large staff. Position now open. Minimum salary $12,000. Faculty rank, TIAA, month vaca­ tion per fiscal year, other excellent fringe benefits. Iowa State is an equal oppor†unity/affirmative action em­ ployer. Please apply by February I to Warren B. Kuhn, Dean of LS, Iowa State University Library, Ames, IA 50010. SERIALS LIBRARIAN, experienced, to organize and pre­ pare for automation the serials functions in a new academic library. This person will be responsible for the acquisition, control and cataloging of serials. The posi­ tion requires MLS degree and at least one year ex­ perience with serials. Experience with automation also desirable. Minimum salary $9,500 for 12 months. Contact Dr. Michael F. Kelly, Dir. of Ls., University of Texas at San Antonio, 4242 Piedras Dr. E., San Antonio, TX 78284. Subject Specialists SCIENCE RESEARCH LIBRARIAN. Position open imme­ diately in a state university. MLS, knowledge of infor­ mation needs of faculty and students j n 5 engineering fields, geology, mathematics and physics, awareness of library applications of scientific and technical retrieval system required. Second master's degree helpful. Salary up to $11,000 depending on qualifications. Excellent fringe benefits, faculty rank, and e lig ib ility for tenure. A pply to Pauline Franks, Assoc. Univ. Ln., University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325. An equal opportunity employer. PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES SPECIALIST. Responsible for assisting readers in the use of the library and its resources; selecting materials for the reference collection; compiling lists, research guides, bibliographies; maintaining contact with teaching and research staff. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-ac­ credited library school; BS in a physical or engineering science, and one or more years professional experience. Faculty status, liberal fringe benefits, starting salary $10,296 for calendar year. Affirmative action/equal op­ portunity employer. Available immediately. Apply to George R. Parks, Univ. Ln., Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881. UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST, management of university ar­ chives. Opportunity to expand collections, services, and hire new support staff. Establish policies/procedures for collection, recording, organization, preservation, and use of university produced materials. Establish contacts with all university departments, organizations, current and retired faculty for intensive acquisition of material. Qualifications: MLS from accredited library school pre­ ferred or advanced degree in relevant field. Certificate from archival training program or equivalent experience. 3 years' relevant archival experience required. Salary range: $ 11,500—$ 13,000. Send resume to Robert Ireland, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. An equal opportunity employer. FACULTY VACANCY: With background in any one or more of the following areas—special library service or public library service or information science. Minimum beginning salary $13,000 plus 2/9†hs for summer session teaching. Prefer doctorate recipient or candidate and library and teaching experience. Small classes, congenial faculty. Interviews at ALA Midwinter. For affirmative information on Iowa read "In the Sticks," Harpers, October 1971. W rite Frederick Wezeman, Dir., Schooì of Lib. Sei., Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242; (319) 353-3644; TWX 910-525-1391. HUMANITIES RESEARCH LIBRARIAN. Position open im­ mediately in a state university. MLS,, knowledge of both English and foreign languages and literature, philosophy and psychology required. Second master's degree help­ ful. Salary up to $11,000 depending on qualifications. Excellent fringe benefits, faculty rank, and e ligib ility for tenure. Apply to Pauline Franks, Assoc. Univ. Ln., University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325. An equal oppor­ tunity employer. Serving libraries for over 25 years for B u ild in g P r o g r a m s— R e v ie w s o f P la n s— E q u ip m e n t L a y o u ts a n d D e s ig n s LIBRARY MANAGEMENT and BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. B o x 5 8 , E v a n s to n , I llin o is 6 0 2 0 4 312/446/8862 Send for free brochures D o you have our new catalog? write for one! Microcard Editions An Indian Head Company A Division of Information Handling Services 901 26 Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 □ Please send a copy of your catalog □ Put me on your mailing list NAME __________________________________ TITLE ______________________________ INSTITUTION______________________________ ADDRESS________________________________ CRLNd NOW! FROM BAKER & TAYLOR-LIBRARY OF CONGRESS MARC TAPE CATALOGING AND PROCESSING At Baker & Taylor all titles on MARC tape as supplied unedited by the Library of Congress are now available cataloged and processed — and there is no extra charge if LC numbers are not included on your order. Catalog cards using Library of Congress classi­ fication and subject headings and Unabridged Dewey classification with Library of Congress subject headings (LC/LC and Dewey/LC) pro­ vide descriptive cataloging, subject analysis and classification exactly as on MARC tape. Processing materials are computer produced and supplied with your books. Cataloging and processing from MARC tape offers you a wide variety of call number for­ mats at no extra cost. Here are a few examples of Baker & Taylor's low cost LC/LC and Dewey/LC processing options: Fully cataloged and processed book, including cards, label, book pocket and book card ................................... 89 í Fully cataloged and processed book without Mylar ja c k e t........................ 6 5 1 • Unattached processing k i t ............... 35 í • Catalog cards o n l y ............................ 2 5 Ç • (Available with book orders only) Additionally, at your option, titles not accessi­ ble from MARC tape are often available from Baker & Taylor's computer file of Dewey/LC and Abridged Dewey/Sears cataloging, pre­ pared by our own professional library staff. Each order for processed books must be ac­ companied by a specification sheet. Request the specification sheet for the type of cata­ loging you prefer. Write to your nearest Baker & Taylor Library Service Center. The B a k er & Taylor G o . SOUTHEAST DIVISION MIDWEST DIVISION SOUTHWEST DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION EASTERN DIVISION SOMERVILLE, NEW JERSEY 08876 COMMERCE, GEORGIA 30529 MOMENCE, ILLINOIS 60954 CLARKSVILLE, TEXAS 75426 RENO, NEVADA 89502 Tel: 404-335-5000 Gladiola Avenue Industrial Park 380 Edison Way 50 Kirby Avenue, Tel: 201-722-8000 N.Y. City Tel: 212-227-8470 Atlanta Area Tel: 815-472-2444 Tel: 214-427-3811 Tel: 702-786-6700 Tel: 0-WX-5555 Chicago Tel: 312-641-3233 Inspection Center for Books and Media: 5820 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90036, Tel: 213-938-2925 Audio Visual Services Division: Box 230, Momence, Illinois 60954, Tel: 815-472-2444 B O O K R E V I E W I • I N SSUED P D ROMPT E LY ON X A BIMONTHLY SCHEDULE • INDEXES ALL REVIEWS IN OVER 230 PERIODICALS This master key to current book commentary gives timely citations to all reviews in over 230 periodicals, including Saturday Review, American Scholar, Library Journal, Choice, Time, Esquire, Booklist, Harper's, Dun's Review, Film Quarterly, Atlantic, New York Review of Books, Journal of Negro History, Horn Book, New York Times, National Review, Philological Quarterly, Kirkus Reviews, and Commonweal. BRI entries give all the information needed to locate current reviews: author’s name, title of book, reviewing publication, and date and page of review. Indexed each year are over 70,000 reviews of more than 35,000 books. Bimonthly issues of BRI covering 1973 are appearing shortly after the period covered so that subscribers will have information on reviews of books at the vital time they are being con­ sidered for purchase by libraries and being discussed by the reading public. To facilitate fast reference, every second issue cumulates the preceding issue. ANNUAL CUMULATIONS The clothbound cumulation of the periodical issues covering 1972 will be ready in late 1973; annual cumulations for 1973 and later will appear shortly after the close of the year covered. In preparation are volumes covering 1971, 1970, and 1969—the years that BRI was suspended. (Cumulations for 1965, 1966, 1967, and 1968 are all available for immediate shipment.) Choice: “A basic reference tool which belongs in all libraries." Booklist: "No other indexing service offers the diversity of Book Review Index. It is recommended for all libraries.” College and Research Libraries: “Thegreat number of periodicals indexed and the inclusion of books reviewed only once make this a practical, useful tool." S A M P LE E N TR IE S SARTRE, Jea n-P a ul - P o litic s A nd L ite r a t u r e / TLS - M y 4 7 3 - p 5 0 2 S ARVIS, B e tty - The A b o rtio n C o n tro v e rs y / CC - v 9 0 - M y 2 7 3 - p 5 1 4 SASEK, M ir o s la v - Th is Is N e w Y o rk / In s t - v 8 2 - M y 7 3 - p7 7 SASEK, M ir o s la v - T h is Is N e w Y o rk / NYTBR, p t. 2 - M y 6 7 3 - p 2 6 SASEK, M iro s la v - Th is Is San Francisco / NYTBR., p t. 2 - M y 6 7 3 - p 2 6 SASEK, M iro s la v - Th is Is W a s h in g to n , D.C. / BW (W P ), p t. 2 - v7 M y l 3 '7 3 - p 7 SASEK, M iro s la v - Th is Is W a s h in g to n , D.C. / NYTBR, p t. 2 - M y ó 7 3 - p 2 6 SASO, M ic h a e l R - Taoism A nd The R ite O f Cosmic R e n e w a l / J A S - v 3 2 - F 7 3 - p 3 l 1 SATER, W illia m F - The H e roic Im ag e In C h ile / LJ - v 9 8 - Je 1 7 3 - p i 8 1 6 SATO, K oii - The Ze n L ife / TLS - M y 1 8 7 3 - p 5 5 9 SATTLER, H elen Roney - H o lid a y G ifts , Favors, A n d D e co ra tio n s T h a t You Can M a k e / Inst - v 8 2 - M y 7 3 - p 7 8 SATTLER, H e len Roney - Sock C ra ft / LJ - v 9 8 - M y 15 7 3 - p i 6 8 4 SAUERLANDER, W illib a ld - G othic S c u lp tu re In France 1 1 4 0 - 1 2 7 0 / T L S - A p 1 3 7 3 - p 4 1 0 SAUNDERS, R ubie - The F r a n k lin W a tts Concise G uide To Good G room ing For Boys / LJ - v 9 8 - Ap 15 7 3 - p i 3 9 0 SAVAGE, A r th u r W - H ow To A n a ly ze The S h o rt S to ry / EJ - v 6 2 A p 7 3 - p 6 4 0 Periodical Issues 1974 subscription.......................$45 (six bimonthly issues) Annual Cumulations In Preparation Clothbound annuals for 1973,1972, 1971,1970, and 1969........$45 each Annual Cumulations In Print Clothbound annuals for 1965,1966, 1967, and 1968..................$30 each All periodical issues and bound volumes sent on 30-day approval. Advance orders have the same no-obligation return privilege. G A L E R E S E A R C H C O M P A N Y BOOK TOW « • DmtOIT, MICHIGAN 4 8 2 2 6