ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 235 Dallas Conference Report Dallas greeted us with a blazing Texas sun, a new co n v en tio n c e n te r , sev e ral s p e cta cu la r hotels, and a conference schedule crammed with activities. We had everything at Dallas except the time to do everything. The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section led off ACRL activity down in San Antonio, Texas, with a preconference that attracted 190 persons. T he preconference featured papers (on topics such as creating an OCLC record for the G uten­ berg Bible or buying “sleepers” at the London auction galleries) and offered five informal work­ shops. The social activity culminated in a cocktail party at the Alamo. Back in Dallas, the Bibliographic Instruction Section drew 225 people to the campus of South­ ern Methodist University for a three-day precon­ ference on library instruction. Participants re ­ ceived room, board, and participation in a work­ shop of their choice (six were offered) for the bar­ gain cost of seventy dollars. At the Hyatt Regency Hotel (a crystal palace), fifty-nine people attended the Continuing Educa­ tion Comm ittee s first preconference (on work­ shop planning). Thus encouraged, the committee is looking forward to holding a second preconfer­ ence next year on staff development. At the ALA C onference itself, the big news was council’s decision to increase dues to fifty dollars (subject to membership approval by a mail vote). From the A CRL Board came the announce­ ment that Jay Poole of the University of Texas at Austin Libraries had been selected as the editor of C h o ice. And at a special reception given by the Baker & Taylor Company, Henriette Avram and Frederick Kilgour were named corecipients o f the second A CRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award. Two Dallas events drew A CRL m embers in throngs. One was the Saturday night music and dancing at the conference reception at the Dallas City Plaza. U nd eterred by the nin ety -d eg ree heat, hundreds of academic librarians danced to the music of the Lone Star Express. While the music and free refreshments inspired the gyra­ tions of the dancers, a helicopter hovered over­ head in the night sky. It blinked out the message that Dallas was available as the future home of the National Periodicals Center. In the c o o le r atm o sp h ere o f the Fairm o n t Hotel on Monday afternoon, 750 people crowded into th e A C R L Program M e e tin g to h ear sociologist Hugh Cline and psychologist Loraine Sinno tt talk about their use o f social scien ce techniques to study collection development activ­ ities at seven academic libraries. At the conclu­ sion of the program, the crowd moved on to the ACRL reception to enjoy an impressive spread of food and drink provided by Carrollton Press. Among the luminaries of the profession present were Daniel Boorstin and Quincy Mumford. The Community and Junior College Libraries Section held one o f the nearly twenty ACRL pro­ gram events sponsored by ACRL sections, com­ m ittees, and discussion groups at Dallas. The community college librarians put on a day of ac­ tivity that included a talk by Dr. John Roueche on the needs of users, a presentation on grants applications, discussion sessions, and a dinner at the Sheraton Dallas. I f you w eren’t with us at Dallas, please put it on your agenda to join us next year in New York. E d it o r s note: T erry B ela n g er, J o le e n B o c k , an d C a ro ly n D u sen bu ry kin d ly su b m itte d news f o r this article. ■■ RLG HAS FOUR N EW M EMBERS Four universities joined the Research Libraries Group (RLG) of Stanford, California, during the su m m er. T h e four are Brigham Young, Dartmouth, Rutgers, and the University of Iowa. With these additions, the total m embership o f the consortium now stands at eleven. In June RLG received $600,000 in foundation gran ts. T h e C h a rle s A. D ana Fo u n d atio n o f G reenw ich, C onnecticut, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation of Palo Alto, Califor­ nia, each awarded $300,000 to RLG to help sup­ port the expansion o f its computerized biblio­ graphic system . T h ese gifts bring the total in grant support received by RLG since the begin­ ning of the year to $2,600,000. ■■ LIBRARIANS BARGAIN WITH BOSTON UNIVERSITY At Boston University, librarians represented by the Service Employees International Union began co ntract negotiations with the university this summer. A year ago, twenty Boston University librarians elected Local 925 of the Service Em ­ ployees to represent them. The university agreed to bargain with the local in April of 1979, but has continued to press a lawsuit claiming that the li­ brarians’ bargaining unit is inappropriate. ■■