ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 1 8 / C&RL News ■ Septem ber 1998 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Young Je f f Barry, head o f systems development, and Stuart Frazer, social sciences reference librar­ ian, were both named Librarian o f the Year at Old Dominion University Library. Carole Ray, office services specialist to the administrative services librarian, was named Support Staff Member o f the Year. Cathy Nelson H artm an, o f the University o f North Texas Libraries, Denton, and Tommie Wingfield, Marie Irwin, Rachel Robbins, and Jam es Stewart, o f the University o f Texas at Arlington, are the recipients o f the 1998 A M IG O S F e llo w s h ip P ro g ra m a w a rd s . Hartman received funding for her project Digi­ tizing Historical Publications: Enhancing the Official Electronic Collection o f the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. The other recipients received funding for their joint project, Teaming Computing an d Library Professionals to Support Distance Learning Stu­ dents: Looking at University o f Texas System Institutions. AMIGOS is one o f the nation’s largest library resource sharing networks and consists o f over 600 libraries located primarily in the southwestern United States. Susan Phillips was elected chair o f the Board o f Trustees for the AMIGOS Bibliographic Council, Inc. Phillips is currently associate di­ rector o f Technical and Networked Services at the University o f Texas (UT) at Austin G en­ eral Libraries. She also serves as director of the UT System Digital Library and has been associated with the TexShare Library Resource Sharing Program since 1994. Wei Chi Poon, Asian American Studies librar­ ian at the University o f California, Berkeley, was awarded the Distinguished Lifetime Ser­ vice Award by the Association for Asian Ameri­ can Studies. She has been recognized for her development o f the Asian American Studies Library at Berkeley, for her groundbreaking publications on Asian American Studies col­ lection development (especially A Guide fo r Establishing Asian American Core Collections), and for her mentorship and guidance o f new s c h o la r s . P o o n r e c e iv e d a m a s t e r ’s in librarianship from California State University in San Jose. K e ir R e a v ie , lib r a r ia n at W ay n e S ta te University’s (WSU) Shiffman Medical Library, was presented the Professional Achievement Award. The award, given by the WSU Aca­ demic Staff Professional Developm ent Com­ mittee, recognizes demonstrated leadership and significant accom plishm ents in profes­ sional organizations. In the last year, Reavie created, planned, and coordinated a library/ information com ponent within a new required course for first-year medical students. In 1996 he created the first Web site on the WSU cam ­ pus for the Detroit Community AIDS Library. Nancy Adams, Librarian I at the Shiffman Medical Library at WSU, was presented with an Outstanding Contributor Award. The award recognizes significant accomplishments dur­ ing 1997-98, emerging leadership/scholarship, and junior academ ic staff. Adams initiated, developed, and wrote a proposal to the WSU Institute for Chemical Toxicology to develop a training program for primary health care providers to learn to use toxicology and envi­ ronmental health databases from the National Library o f Medicine. A p p o i n t m e n t s Theresa S. Byrd has b een appointed direc­ tor o f libraries at Ohio Wesleyan University. Byrd com es from the J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College in Richmond, Virginia, where she served as director o f the Library, Instructional Support and Media Services, the Media Processing Center, and the Microcom­ puter Center. Byrd also served as chair o f the steering committee o f the Virtual Library of Virginia Project. She received a bachelor’s from Shaw University, an MLS from North Carolina Central University, an M.Ed. from Virginia Com­ monwealth University, and an Ed.D. from the University o f Virginia. C&RL News ■ S e p te m b e r 1998 / 619 B ern ard Dumouchel has been appointed director general for the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI) for the National Research Council o f Canada (NRC). Dumouchel has more than 28 years o f experience in library services. He joined NRC in 1987, first as director o f resource development, w here h e was responsible for acquisitions, cataloguing, and CISTI’s branch libraries across Canada. In 1993, he assumed responsibility for Document Delivery Services and Electronic Information Services and b e ­ came director o f operations. In 1969, he re­ ceived his bachelor’s and BLS from the Uni­ versity o f Ottowa and an MLS from the Uni­ versity o f Western Ontario. William Maes has b een appointed Dalhousie University (DU) librarian. Maes joins DU af­ ter a long career in academ ic libraries in Western Canada, most recently as director o f the Office o f Library and Information Ser­ vices at the University o f Regina (UR). A na­ tive o f C algary, A lb erta, M aes h o ld s a bachelor’s degree from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, and a master’s de­ gree from the University o f Calgary (UC). He earned his MLS from the University o f British Columbia in 1975. Maes began his career as a librarian with Parks Canada in Calgary in 1975. After four years he joined the UC as North Studies librarian, followed by an ap­ pointment two years later as assistant area head and head o f public services with the UC medical library . In 1990 he becam e uni­ versity librarian at the UR, and in 1993 his role expanded to include senior administra­ tive responsibility for com puting and audio­ visual services. He was also involved in the development o f the Internet in Saskatchewan and the rest o f Canada, serving on the Board o f Directors o f CANARIE and CANet. Ju d y Rudner has b een hired as director o f libraries fo r W estern University (W U ) o f Health Sciences. She is in charge o f W U’s medical libraries, including the Resource Cen­ ter at W U’s Chico campus. Rudner most re­ cently was administrator o f Library Services for First Consulting Group in Long Beach. She also worked as assistant librarian for the Research Library at Baxter Healthcare Cor­ poration, as well as in the biomedical librar­ ies at UCLA and the University o f California, I r v in e (U C I ). R u d n e r holds an MLS from UCLA and a bachelor’s degree from UCI. She will earn an MBA from UCI in Ju n e 1999. She is a m em ber o f the Medical Library Asso­ c ia tio n , th e A m e rica n Management Association, and the American Society o f Inform ation Science, J u d y R u d n e r among others. Fran k R. Allen was named associate direc­ tor o f administrative services at the University o f Central Florida Library in Orlando. Ven B asco has been appointed reference librarian at the University o f Central Florida Li­ brary in Orlando. Penn y Beile has been appointed reference librarian at the University o f Central Florida Li­ brary in Orlando. Navjit B rar has been appointed assistant dean for Access and Bibliographic Services at California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo. J o h n Gause Jr . has been appointed gov­ ernm ent documents librarian at the University o f Central Florida in Orlando. Carl Jo n e s has b een appointed head o f the library systems office at the MIT Libraries. Elisabeth Kaplan has b een appointed col­ lections archivist in the special collections de­ partment at Iowa State University Library. T h o m as K en n y has b e e n appointed as­ sociate librarian and h ead o f referen ce ser­ v ices at Saint P eter’s C ollege in Je rs e y City, New Jersey . J o a n K olias has b e e n appointed inform a­ tion tech n olog y librarian for collectio n ser­ v ices at the MIT Libraries. Mary M argaret Lowe has b e e n appointed assistant director o f the Ensor Learning Re­ sou rce C enter at G eorg etow n C ollege. Nina Davis-Millis has b e e n appointed in­ form ation tech n o log y librarian for p u blic ser­ v ices at th e MIT Libraries. W illiam G. M urray is the new director o f system s services at the university library o f the University o f South Alabam a, M obile. J o n a t h a n E. R o th m a n h a s b e e n a p ­ pointed sen ior systems librarian/analyst in the University o f M ichigan Library System s O f­ fice. 620 / C&RL News ■ Sep te m b e r 1998 Jo a n Schuitema has joined the Cudahy Library o f Loyola University in Chicago as head o f cataloging. K aren A. Reim an-Sendi has b e e n ap ­ pointed social w ork librarian and m anager o f the Comprehensive Information Resource Cen­ ter at the University o f Michigan. Miya Shimada has b een appointed Ja p a ­ nese materials librarian in the University o f Michigan Asia Library. Venta Silins has b een appointed reference librarian at the University o f Washington, Se­ attle. Susan Stekel has b een appointed archives and information specialist and library liaison for Northern Micrographics, Inc. in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Ju -yen Teng has been appointed public services and cataloging librarian at the East Asian Library o f the University o f Washington, Seattle. J e f f Trzeciak has been appointed assis­ tant director o f Library Information Systems for the Wayne State University Library Systems. Sheila Y eh has been appointed systems developer for the O hio Library and Informa­ tion Network (OhioLINK). R e t i r e m e n t s Elese Colvin has retired after 28 years o f service from the G olda Meir Library at the University o f W isconsin-M ilw aukee (UWM). After Colvin cam e to the United States from B erm u d a, sh e grad u ­ ated from the Univer­ s ity o f N e b r a s k a in 1 969, an d jo in e d the staff at UWM Library as Bindery Supervisor that sam e year. In 1974, she com p leted h er MLS at the University o f Mary­ land, College Park, and returned to the UWM Elese Colvin Library as personnel as­ sistant and later as per­ son nel librarian. Since 1990, Colvin has b e e n resp on sible for adm inistering all levels o f th e p erso n n el system , inclu ding students, acad em ic staff, library faculty, and classified em p lo y ees. Edm und G. (Ted) H am ann, director o f Saw­ yer Library at Suffolk University in Boston, retired in Ju n e, closing out a professional ca­ reer o f 42 years. Hamann held positions at the University o f Auckland in N ew Z ea la n d , the U n iv e r s ity o f N ew Hampshire, Cornell Uni­ v e rsity , a n d H arvard C o l le g e . A m o n g his fond mem ories are typ­ ing mimeograph stencils fo r p r in tin g c a ta lo g cards and listening to quarrels among profes­ E d m un d G. H a m a n n n sional colleagues at the dawn o f com puter cata­ loging ab ou t w hat c o lo r su b ject headings should be. Hamann will keep busy in his new avocation, prom oting alternative m eans o f transportation (especially bicycling) as a means o f mitigating horrendous traffic congestion in our cities. J o a n M. Hood, d irector o f d evelopm ent and public affairs at th e University o f Illinois Li­ brary Friends at U rbana-Cham paign, has re­ tired after 20 years o f service. In 1978 Hood was hired half-tim e as coordinator o f Library Friends. H er im m ediate goal w as to chang e the locally focu sed group into o n e with a m o re n a tio n a l o u tlo o k . In 1 9 7 9 Library Friends m ade its first n ationw ide solicita­ tion to 2 5 ,0 0 0 alum ni, w h ich resulted in a A d v e rtis e r in d e x Am erican Mathematical 568 Am erican Psychological Cover 2 B lackw ell’s Info Services 581 Canadian Gov. Publishing 595 Chadw yck-H ealey 590 CHOICE 564, 606 G raphics Press 561 Merck 588 Norman Ross Publishing 610 N orthern M icrographics 587 OCLC 615 PNAS 608 Primary Source Media 576 ScienceD irect Cover 4 Sociological Abstracts 600 SpaceSaver Cover 3 C&RL News ■ September 1998 / 621 doubling o f income to $20,000. At the same time, armed with a three-year grant from the Howe Foundation, Library Friends launched “Friendscript” to keep in touch with these do­ nors on a regular basis. In 1981 her position be­ cam e full-time when public affairs was added to her duties. Since then, H ood has b e e n in­ volved in revamping the annual report, establish­ ing the first national committee in 1984, and completing the $4 mil­ J o a n M . H o o d lion NEH C hallenge Grant project. She was a founding member of Friends of the Library USA and Development Officers of Research Academic Libraries. She has been a consultant to many libraries throughout North America as they were setting up their own develop­ ment offices, and to libraries in Australia in 1991 and in Russia from 1993 to the present. Tom Jennings, deputy chief librarian of the Hunter College Libraries at the City Univer­ sity o f New York, has retired after 25 years of service. Minja Lee has retired after 27 years o f ser­ vice at Baruch College Library at the City University o f New York. Marilyn Lutzker has retired from the John Jay College Library at the City University of New York. Jasp er G. Schad, dean o f libraries at Wichita State University, has retired after 27 years in that position. Prior to that he served at Cali­ fornia State University, Northridge, for ten years, holding various p o sitio n s, in clu ding head o f collection de­ velopment and associ­ ate director. Active pro­ fessionally, Schad has served ALA and ACRL in a variety o f ways, having b een chair of ACRL’s Standards and Accreditation Committee, Jasper G. Schad a member of the Choice Editorial Board, the chair o f ALA’s Committee on Standards, a member o f the Editorial Advisory Board o f Library Admin­ istration a n d Management, and the chair of the Best of LRTS Award Committee. D e a t h s William Clifford Lowe, retired associate director for reference services at the North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries, died May 17 from cancer. Lowe graduated from Colgate University in 1952 and received his master’s in 1960 from SUNY-Geneseo. After serving in the Korean War, in 1953 he began working as a research engineer for the X erox Corporation in Webster, New York. He later served as research librarian for Xerox until 1966. In that year he was employed by North Carolina State Univer­ sity as director o f the Technical Information Center at the library. In 1972 he was pro­ moted to assistant director for reference ser­ vices. He was active in the profession and served as president o f the Western New York and North Carolina chapters o f the Special Libraries Association. He retired in 1989. Me­ morials may be made in his name to Hos­ pice o f Wake County, 4513 Creedmore Road, Raleigh, NC 27612. Pat Wilson, electronic resources librarian at Western Carolina University in Cuilowhee, North Carolina, from August 1996-Novem­ ber 1997 died May 18, 1998, after a seven- month battle with cancer. Wilson previously worked as a reference librarian at Frostburg State University in Frostburg, Maryland, from 1988-1996 and at Keystone State College in La Plume, Pennsylvania, from 1986-1988. A 1985 graduate o f the School o f Library Sci­ ence at Louisiana State University, Wilson worked at the Evansdale Library at West Vir­ ginia University in Morgantown prior to her degree. Ed. note: To ensure th a t y o u r p e rso n n el news is consid e red fo r p u b lic a tio n ‚ w rite to Ann -C h riste Young, Production Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: 312-280-2520.