ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1982 / 361 services; active participation in professional associ­ ations devoted to reference services; or in other noteworthvj activities which stimulate reference li­ brarians to more distinguished performance. Send letters of nomination by December 15 to Joyce Duncan Falk, Library-Reference, Univer­ sity of California, Irvine, Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713. ■ ■ People PROFILES G e r a r d B. M c C a b e has been appointed director of libraries at Clarion State College, Pennsylvania, effective July 1. He had been director of university lib raries at V irg in ia C om m onw ealth U ni­ versity, R ichm ond , since 1970. During his 12 years in Richmond, he guided the comple­ tion of additions to the Tompkins-McCaw and James Branch Cabell L i­ braries of the university. M cC abe earned his b a ch e lo r’s degree at Manhattan College, his MLS at the University of Michigan, and a mas­ Gerard B. M cC abe ter’s in English at Michi­ gan State University. In 1967-1970 he was assistant director for planning and development at the Uni­ versity of South Florida and prior to that associate director of libraries at the University of Arkansas (1966-1967), acquisition librarian at the Univer­ sity of South Florida (1959-1966), and he served in the libraries of the University of Nebraska, Michi­ gan State, and the University of Michigan. Active in ALA’s Library Administration and Management Association, McCabe was most re­ cently chair of the Building and Equipment Sec­ tion. He is co-editor of Advances in Library Ad­ ministration and Organization. R o n a l d E . W y l l y s has been named dean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Sci­ ence at the University of Texas, Austin. A specialist in research methods emphasizing statistics, systems analysis, library automation and operations research, Wyllys joined the UT faculty in 1972 as an assistant professor. He received a Ph.D. in information science from the University of Wisconsin in 1974 and holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Arizona State University (1950). His previous professional experience includes po­ sitions as chief systems analyst for the University of Wisconsin Libraries (1966-1969); computer sys­ tems specialist for System Development Corpora­ tion (1 9 6 1 -1 9 6 6 ); associate in information re­ trieval for Planning Research Corporation in Los Angeles (1959-1961); and mathematician for the .S. Defense Department (1954-1959). Articles by Wyllys have appeared in Collection anagement, Communications o f the Association r Computing Machinery, and Library Trends. e has also co-authored a book on n atio n al ocument-handling systems. J u d i t h A. Se s s i o n s has accepted the position of ssistant university librarian for administrative ervices at the Gelman Library, George Washing­ on U niversity. The older of an MLS degree rom Florida State Uni­ ersity (1971), Sessions as previously em ­ loyed at Mt. Vernon ollege, W ashington, .C ., as director of the ibrary/Learning R e­ ources C en ter. L ast pril she had been ap­ ointed director of li­ rary services at Stock­ on S tate C ollege, om ona, New Jersey, Judith A. Sessions ut sought other em ­ loyment when Stockton’s Board of Trustees took everal months to examine the college’s search procedure A C R L L ib rary Statistics In Philadelphia the ACRL Board of Direc­ tors voted to repeat the statistical survey of non- ARL university libraries which was first under­ taken in 1978-79. (Copies of the results of that survey are still available from ACRL at $5 for members and $7.50 for non-members.) At the end of September a questionnaire based on the survey done by the Association of Research L i­ braries was sent to the 91 U.S. university li­ braries and 10 Canadian university libraries which are not members of ARL, asking for data for the 1981-82 school year. The questionnaires are due back at ACRL by December 1 and pub­ lication of the data is planned for Spring, 1983. The University of Idaho has won our unofficial promptness award by returning its question­ naire on October first! U M fo H d a s t h f v w p C D L s A p b t P b p s 362 / C&RL News after charges that her appointment had been racially biased (three different investigations later found no evidence of bias). Sessions is currently president of the District of Columbia Library Association and is the immedi­ ate past president of ALA’s Junior Members Round Table. She was recently elected for a four-year term as a member of ALA’s Council. She sits as a member of the C ollege & Research Libraries edito­ rial board. Sessions is the author of several articles in C able Libraries and the LITA Newsletter and recent arti­ cles in Am erican Libraries and Telecoînm unica­ tions Policy. T h o m a s W . Sh a u g h n e s s y , assistant director of the University of Houston Libraries, has been ap­ pointed director of libraries at the University of Missouri, Columbia, ef­ fective November 1. At Houston Shaughnessy was responsible for the public services program and all collection devel­ opment. His previous positions have included associate dean of the School of L i­ brary Science at the Uni­ versity of Southern Cali­ fo rn ia , 1 9 7 4 -1 9 7 8 ; director of the Dana L i­ brary at Rutgers Univer­ Thomas Shaughnessy sity, 1971-1974; and as­ sistant dean of the Graduate School of Library Service at Rutgers, 1969-1971. A veteran of 20 years as a library professional, Shaughnessy has written articles for L IB R I‚ Library Trends, C ol­ lege & Research Libraries, Journal o f A cadem ic L i­ brarianship, and California Librarian. In 1969 he co-authored a book published by the American L i­ brary Association entitled L ibrary Response to Ur­ ban Change. Shaughnessy holds a doctorate in library admin­ istration from Rutgers University (1970), an MLS from the University of Pittsburgh (1964), and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from St. Vincent College, Pennsylvania. He has been active in ALA and currently serves on the editorial board of Am erican Libraries. APPOINTMENTS (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.) R i a z A h m a d , former head of the Oriental Stud­ ies Collection at the University of Arizona, has been named director of the Al-Jawf Regional L ibrary and Cultural Center, Saudi Arabia. C o l l e e n A k e y is now assistant serials librarian at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. B o b A n d e r l is the new associate director of tech­ nical services and automation at the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma. K a t h l e e n S. A r a n a has been appointed refer­ ence librarian of the D .S. Woods Education L i­ brary, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. R i c h a r d A r o k s a a r has been appointed head cataloging librarian at the J. Hugh Jackson L i­ brary, Stanford University, California. E l i z a b e t h A u s t i n joined the staff of the Govern­ ment Documents Department at the University of California, Davis. M a r g a r e t A x t m a n n has been appointed acqui­ sitions librarian at the Cornell University Law L i­ brary, Ithaca, New York. M i c h a e l A y r e s has been appointed assistant catalog librarian at Abilene Christian University Library, Texas. D a v i d S. A z z o l i n a has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Milton S. Eisenhower L i­ brary, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. C a r o l y n B a b e r is the new reference librarian at Texas Tech University Library, Lubbock. T i m o t h y A . B a l c h has been appointed reference librarian for interlibrary loans at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. A r l e n e B a l k a n s k y has been appointed per­ forming arts librarian at New York University. F r a n c e s Y. B a r b u t o has been appointed cata­ loger in the Hofstra University Library, Hemp­ stead, New York. C h r i s B a r c u s has rejoined the SO LIN ET staff, Atlanta, as a member services coordinator. H e l e n T . B a r t l e t t is now head catalog librar­ ian at the Yale University Music Library. M a r y E l l e n B a t c h e l o r has been appointed reference librarian in the Science/Engineering L i­ brary, Southern Methodist University, Dallas. J u d i t h A . B a t e m a n is the new collection devel­ opment librarian in the sciences at the University of Wyoming, Laramie. F r e d B a t t has joined the University of Okla­ homa Libraries, Norman, as head of reference. P a t r i c i a F . BEILKE has been appointed adminis­ trative assistant in the Department of Library Sci­ ence, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. K a t h l e e n B e t h e l has been appointed African American studies librarian at Northwestern Uni­ versity Library, Evanston, Illinois. B L a i r B r a i n e r d has assumed the position of ref­ erence librarian and coordinator of library instruc­ tion at Fondren Library, Southern Methodist Uni­ versity, Dallas. B e t t y B r e n n e r has been appointed public ser­ vice/serials librarian at New York City Technical College, City University of New York. J u d i t h M . B r u g g e r joined the faculty of the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans, as cataloger. November 1982 / 363 L e a r n e d T . B u l m a n is now associate director for public and technical services, Sherman H. Masten Learning Resource C enter, County College of Morris, Randolph, New Jersey. H an s E . B y n a g l e has been named director of li­ brary services at Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida. M a r k C a in has been named conservation coordi­ nator of the General Libraries at the University of Texas, Austin. S u e C a l d w e l l is now catalog librarian at Van­ derbilt University, Nashville. D a l e E . C a s p e r is now social sciences collection development coordinator at Michigan State Uni­ versity Libraries, East Lansing. S a l l y C h u is now audio-visual librarian at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Health Sciences Library. P h i l i p M . C l a r k has been named associate pro­ fessor at the Division of Library and Information Science, St. John’s University, Jam aica, New York. M o n i q u e C . C l e l a n d is the new librarian of the Science and Engineering Library, University of California, Santa Barbara. J e a n e t t e C l o u g h has joined the Fondren L i­ brary reference staff as online search coordinator. Southern Methodist University, Dallas. T h o m a s C . D e a r d o r f f has been appointed as­ sistant librarian in the Circulation Division at the University of Washington, Seattle. H e n r y C . D e q u i n has accepted an appointment as interim chair of the Department of Library Sci­ ence at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. M a r i o n E l a i n e D o r f l e r has joined the Carlson Library, Clarion State College, Pennsylvania, as serials librarian. L a w r e n c e D o w l e r has been appointed associ­ ate librarian of Harvard College Library. C l a r i s s a E r w i n has been appointed Media and Curriculum Center reference librarian at San Diego State University, California. D o u g l a s F e r g u s o n is now systems librarian at Stanford University, California. G a i l F i n d l a y has been appointed acquisitions li­ brarian at the University of Tennessee Center for the Health Sciences Library, Memphis. J a n e t F l o w e r s has been appointed head of the Acquisitions D epartm ent, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. R o n a l d W . F o r c e has been appointed assistant science librarian at the University of Idaho, Mos­ cow. R e g i n a K e n n y F r y e r has been appointed head of the Reference Section at the Yale University Medical Library. L i l a h G a i n e y has joined the faculty of Abilene Christian University Library, Texas, as assistant reference/acquisition librarian. S u z a n n e G a l l u p assumed the position of acting head of cooperative services at the University of California at Berkeley Library. R o b e r t R . G a r l a n d has been named head li­ brarian of the Sears Library, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. L i n d a G e l b has been appointed reader services librarian in the Gerstenzang Science L ibrary, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts. A n n B . G r a y has been appointed readers’ ser­ vices librarian at Kelly Library, Emory and Henry College, Emory, Virginia. C a r o l y n M. G r a y has been appointed assistant director for technical services and automation at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts. K a r e n D . G r i f f i n has been appointed serials catalog librarian at the University of Oregon Eugene. 364 / C&RL News Sa l l y G r u c a n has been appointed head of tech­ nical services at the Joseph W. England Library, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. L i l i t a G u s t s joined the staff of the Columbia University Business Library as reference librarian. I b r a h i m H a n i f is now assistant biological sci­ ences librarian in the Oklahoma State University Library, Stillwater. D i a n n e H a r d i n g has been appointed librarian in the Reference and Collections Development De­ partment of the Engineering, Mathematics and Science Library at the University of Waterloo, On­ tario. M a r y H a r r i s is the new science reference librar­ ian at San Diego University Library, California. E l i z a b e t h W . H a r t e r is now reference librar­ ian at the Gelman Library, George Washington University, Washington, D .C . J a m i e A . H a s t r e i t e r will be reference and seri­ als librarian at Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida, for a one-year appointment. C a t h e r i n e D . H a y e s has been promoted to asso­ ciate director of libraries for development at the University of Rochester, New York. V i r g i n i a A. H i g g i n s has been appointed cata­ loger at Hofstra University Library, Hempstead, New York. J a m e s B . H o b b s is the new science reference li­ brarian at the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans. C a r s o n H o l l o w a y has been appointed micro­ forms reference librarian at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. D i a n e K . H u n t e r has been appointed reference librarian at the Gelman Library, George Washing­ ton University, Washington, D .C . J e a n e t t a I r e l a n d has been appointed original cataloger at Brandeis University, W altham, Mas­ sachusetts. J a n i c e E . S . J o h n s o n has been appointed assis­ tant head of reference at the University of Georgia Libraries, Athens. L i l l i a n F l e i s c h m a n K a h n is now head of ac­ quisitions/serials at the C olum bia University Health Sciences Library, New York. M a r y O . K a n d i u k has been appointed general li­ brarian in the Reference Department of the Scott Library, York University, Downsview, Ontario. P a u l a K a u f m a n has been named director of the Library Services Group at Columbia University, New York. R e b e c c a C. K n i g h t has been appointed govern­ ment documents librarian at W ichita State Univer­ sity, Kansas. J o a n K u k l i n s k y has been appointed original cataloger at Brandeis University, Waltham, Mas­ sachusetts. S y l v i a L a v e r y has been appointed original cata­ loger of the Southworth Collection on the Spanish Civil W ar Cataloging Project at the University of California, San Diego. J u d i t h A. L e a v i t t has been named supervisor of the Information Center at Rockwell-Collins, Ce­ dar Rapids, Iowa. P a u l L o m i o has accepted appointment as refer­ ence librarian in the Stanford University Law L i­ brary, California. J e a n L . L o u p has been appointed head of the Documents Center of the University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor. R e g i n a V . L o w e has assumed the position of so­ cial sciences bibliographer, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens. C o n n i e K e a r n s M c C a r t h y is the new collection management coordinator at George Washington University, Washington, D .C . K e n t M c K e e v e r has been appointed interna­ tional, comparative and foreign law librarian at Columbia University Law Library, New York. J o a n n a H . M a n k o w s k i is now paper conservator at the M ilton S. E isen h o w er L ib r a r y , Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. W i l l i a m F . M a r o v i t z has been named presi­ dent of Bibliographic Retrieval Services, New York. K a t h e r i n e M . M a r t i n has been appointed order and bibliographic control librarian at the Univer­ sity of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls. K a t h e r i n e F . M a w d s l e y has been named assis­ tant university librarian for public services at the University of California, Davis. D e b o r a h M e t z g e r has been appointed assistant librarian in the Biological and Agricultural Sci­ ences D ep artm en t, U niversity of C a lifo rn ia , Davis. J o - A n n M i c h a l a k has been appointed library automation coordinator at the University of Pitts­ burgh, Pennsylvania. D a n i e l l e M i h r a m is now reference librarian for Western European languages and literatures at New York University. D o r o t h y R . M o n t g o m e r y has been appointed catalog librarian for reviewing the status of the ret­ rospective conversion project at Western Illinois University, Macomb. J a c q u e l y n M . M o r r i s has been named associate director of university libraries at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, California. S t e p h a n i e M u t t y has been appointed reference librarian at the Science/Engineering L ib rary , Southern Methodist University, Dallas. W i l l i a m N . N e l s o n has been appointed director of library services at Carson-Newman College, Je f­ ferson City, Tennessee. J o a n N e u m a n n has been named executive direc­ tor of the New York Metropolitan Reference and Research Library Agency. M a r y E . O r t i z has been appointed assistant li­ brarian in the State University of New York at Buf­ falo Law Librar .y . M a r y F a i t h P u s e y P a n k i n is now special collec­ tions cataloger at George Washington University, Washington, D .C . G r e t c h e n P e a r s o n has been appointed reference November 1982 / 365 and bibliographic instruction librarian at the Universityj of Wisconsin-Platteville. E a r l e R . P e r k i n s , J r . , has been appointed science/engineering librarian at Johns Hopkins Universityj ,' Baltimore. M i c h a e l P e r k i n s has been appointed reference librarian at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, California. G w e n P e r s h i n g has been appointed head of the M edical Sciences L ib ra ry , Indiana U niversity, Bloomington. G a i l P e r s k y has been appointed head of auto­ mated services at New York University Library. M u r i e l R e g a n has been named project coordi­ nator of Intershare, Brooklyn, New York. N o r m a R e g e r is the new gifts and exchange li­ brarian at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. L o r a R o b b i n s has been appointed educational services librarian at the University of Tennessee Center for the Health Sciences Library, Memphis. S a m u e l V . R o d g e r s joined the Columbia Uni­ versity staff as assistant documents librarian. R o b e r t R o s e is a new reference librarian at San Diego State University, California. E u g e n i e S t . T h o m a s has been appointed coordi­ nator of collection management and planning at the County College of Morris, Randolph, New Je r­ seyj . R o b e r t a B . S c h w a r t z has been appointed cata­ log librarian at Northeastern University, Boston. M a r i l y n S h a v e r has been appointed literature cataloger at Indiana University, Bloomington. J o a n A. S h e a r has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Harvard Law School Library. L o u i s e S h e r b y is now reference librarian at Co­ lumbia University, New York. D o r o t h y D . S i l e s has been appointed head of technical services in Skillman Library, Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania. M a r t i n A. S m i t h has been appointed bibliogra­ pher for science and engineering at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. L i s e S n y d e r has been appointed reference/in­ struction librarian at the College Library, Univer­ sity of California, Los Angeles. V i r g i n i a W . S o j d e h e i has been appointed au­ diovisual librarian at George Washington Univer­ sity, Washington, D .C . C e c i l i a D . St a f f o r d has been appointed eve­ ning reference librarian at the Earl K. Long L i­ brary, University of New Orleans. M a r y S t o u t is the new serials catalog librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. R a y R . Su p u t has been named acting chairman of the Department of Library Science at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. T i m o t h y S u t h e r l a n d is a new reference librar­ ian at Indiana University Northwest, Gary. J im S w e e t l a n d has joined the library staff of the Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison. M a s a y a T a k a y a m a has been appointed research associate at the School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley. R o d e s T r a u t m a n has been appointed associate professor of library science at the Graduate L i­ brary School, University of Arizona, Tucson. R o b e r t o T r u j i l l o has been appointed curator of Chicano Collections, Stanford University, C ali­ fornia. A n n e T u r i i o l l o w is now science reference li­ brarian at San Diego State University, California. P e t e r U t z is now associate director of instruc­ tional m edia, County College of M orris, R a n ­ dolph, New Jersey. S h a r o n V a n D e r L a a n is a new reference librar­ ian at the University of Illinois, Urbana. R u b i n V i n e b e r g has been appointed adjunct li­ brarian in the Cataloging Department of Scott L i­ brary, York University, Downsview, Ontario. B a r b a r a L . W a g n e r has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Science/Technology Library, University of Wyoming, Laramie. E d w a r d M . W a l l e r is now reference/catalog li­ brarian at Greensboro College, North Carolina. J a m e s M . W a l s h has joined the University of Wyoming Libraries, Laram ie, as maps/documents librarian. S o p h i a W a n g has been appointed serials cata­ loger, Baker Library, Harvard University. C l a i r e W a r d has been appointed head of sci­ ence and technology cataloging at Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. J e n n i f e r W a r e is now assistant public service li­ brarian at Gonzaga University, Spokane, W ash­ ington. P a t r i c i a W a t h e n is a new reference librarian at G eorge W ashington U niversity, W ash in g ton , D .C . B e t h W e i l has been appointed head of Falconer Biology Library, Stanford University, California. W a l t e r C. W e s t , I I I , has been appointed tech­ nical services archivist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. M a r t h a A . W h i t t a k e r has been appointed ret­ rospective conversion project coordinator at the University of Wyoming, Laram ie. S u k m o o n Y o o n is the new head of nonbook cata­ loging for the University of Georgia Libraries, Ath­ ens. JlN -FENG Yu is now research associate at the School of Library and Information Studies, Uni­ versity of California, Berkeley. E l l e n Z y r o f f is a new Media and Curriculum Center reference librarian at San Diego State Uni­ versityj ,, California. RETIREMENTS M a r g a r i t a A n d e r s o n I m b e r t , specialist in book selection in the Harvard College Library, retired on September 30 after 17 years in that department. F r a n k M . B l a c k b u r n , library director at West Texas State University, Canyon, retired on August 31 after thirty-one years of library service. He had 366 / C& RL News been director for 24 years. Before coming to W TSU in 1958 he had served at Arizona State University (1951-1953), Sheppard Air Force Base, W ichita Falls (1953-1956), and the University of Missouri (1956-1958). B a r t o l B r i n k l e r , classification specialist in the Harvard College Library, retired at the end of June after 35 years of service. C a r o l y n B r o w n retired as head of English L an ­ guage Section 1, Descriptive Cataloging Division, Library of Congress, on July 16. She had served LC for 30 years. E l s a S. F r e e m a n retired as director of the li­ brary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D .C ., on September 17. L ois G r e i s t retired August 25 from her position as head of interlibrary loan, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. J e a n n e W h i t e , associate librarian of the Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, re­ tired on August 2 after 22 years at Cornell. DEATHS L i n d a B u e s c h e r , assistant cataloging librarian at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, C alifor­ nia, died suddenly on August 1. F r a n k S. H a n l i n , bibliographer for the Univer­ sity of Iowa Libraries since 1966, died in Iowa City on August 9. Prior to that he had also served as head of acquisitions at Iowa and for two years at the University of North Carolina. Hanlin earned his M LS at the University of Michigan in 1955 and a master’s in English from the University of Iowa in 1950. He compiled two editions of T he Heirs o f H i­ p ocrates, a catalog of historic books in the Univer­ sity of Iowa Health Sciences Library, and for 18 years he served as assistant editor of B ooks at Iow a, the periodical published by the Friends of the Uni­ versity of Iowa Libraries. H e n r y M i l l e r M a d d e n , for 30 years university librarian of California State University, Fresno, died at his home in Fresno on August 27. In 1946, h av in g co m p leted his service as secretary to th e T r ip a r t it e N aval Commission in Berlin, Madden returned to the United States and fin ­ ished his doctoral disser­ tation at Columbia. Af­ ter receiving his library degree from the Univer­ sity of C a lifo r n ia , B e rk e le y , he w as a p ­ p o in ted lib r a r ia n at Fresno State in 1949. Madden was elected Henry M adden president of the Califor­ nia Library Association, and it was during his ten­ ure as its editor that the C alifornia L ibrarian won the H. W . Wilson award for the best library journal in North America. His historical scholarship was voluminous. He was the author of four books and innu m erable other con tribu tions, and another book was in preparation at the time of his death. After he retired in 1979, the newly expanded and remodeled library building at California State Uni­ versity, Fresno, was named the Henry Madden L i­ brary. G e o f f r e y P. M a w n , Arizona Collections librar­ ian at Arizona State University, died on August 28 after a long illness. L a w r e n c e Q u i n c y M u m f o r d , librarian of Con­ gress from 1954 to 1974, died on August 15 at his home in Washington at the age of 78. Mumford had been th e firs t of eleven administrators of the library to have been a library school gradu­ ate. D u rin g M u m fo rd ’s adm inistration the L i ­ b ra ry of C ongress opened its first acquisi­ tion centers abroad in New D elhi and C airo; acquired the Rosenwald Collection of rare books; ren o v ated th e M ain R eading Room ; began L . Quincy M um ford the Cataloging in Publi­ cations Program and the Presidential Papers mi­ crofilm in g program ; and planned for the new James Madison Memorial Building. Mumford received a bachelor’s (1926) and a master’s degree (1928) from Duke University. By 1928 he had become Duke’s acting chief of refer­ ence and circu latio n . At C olum bia University (1928-1929), where he obtained a bachelor’s in li­ brary science, Mumford served as an assistant in the library. From 1929-1945 he served on the staff of the New York Public Library, his last position being coordinator of the General Service Divisions. In 1945 he was appointed assistant director of the Cleveland Public Library and in 1950 became its director. He served as president of ALA in 1954-1955.