ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July/August 1996/447 Preservation News J a n e H edberg NEDCC offers preservatio n m a n a g em e n t series The Northeast Docum ent Conservation Center (NEDCC) in Andover, Massachusetts, w ill offer, for the second time, a coordinated series o f five workshops in preserva­ tion management. The series will focus on developing and administering effective pres­ ervation programs in small to m id-sized libraries, muse­ ums, and archives. It is de­ signed to provide administrators w ho have part- tim e resp on sib ilities fo r p reserva tion o f paper-based collections with skills training and preservation planning expertise. Each workshop will last for two or three days and the whole series will span almost one year. The first work­ shop covers core concepts in preservation (O c­ tober 9– 11,1996), the second covers emergency preparedness (December 5-6, 1996), the third covers collection maintenance (March 26– 28, 1997), the fourth covers selection for preserva­ tion Øune 12– 13, 1997), and the fifth covers preservation administration (September 25– 26, 1997). The series costs $450, not including accom­ modations or travel. Participation is limited to 20, and participants will be selected on the basis o f an application. Application deadline is Sep­ tember 4, 1996. For more information or an application, contact Steve Dalton, NEDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810; phone: (508) 470-1010; fax: (508) 475-6021; e-mail: N ISO pu b lishes g u id elin es for p a p e r collections sto rag e The National Information Standards Organiza­ tion (NISO ) has published a new technical re­ port called Environm ental Guidelines f o r the Storage o f Paper Records, written by William K. Wilson, the former chief o f the Paper Section at the National Bureau o f Standards (n ow the National Institute o f Standards and Technology). The 40-page report provides suggestions o f minimum and maximum values for tempera­ ture, relative humidity, exposure to light, and the removal o f gaseous and particulate con­ taminants. While primarily intended for use with paper-based collections, the report takes into account the environmental requirements o f the animal skins (leather, parchment, and vellum) and photographic materials that are often stored with paper materials. It also includes a review o f the scientific lit­ erature which led to the report’s conclusions. Copies are available for $35.00 from NISO, 4733 Bethesda Ave., Suite 300, B eth esd a, MD 20814; phone: (301) 654-2512; fax: (301) 654-1721; e- mail: Order number: NISO- TROl-1995. M ore W e b sites o f interest Many academic libraries’ preservation programs now have homepages on the Web. The major­ ity are about the program’s mission, staff, ser­ vices, and projects, but several have also in­ cluded educational information for students. The emphasis is on humor to make preserva­ tion rules seem less arbitrary. • The University o f Oregon Library Preser­ vation and Binding Department has an FAQ, plus the lyrics to a song on its homepage at h ttp :/ / lib w eb .u o rego n .ed u / u o / lib h o m e/ techsrvc/preservn/homepage.htm. • The Northwestern University Library Pres­ ervation Program has a quiz, “If w e don’t pre­ serve ‘em, w e don’t deserve ‘em!” at http:// w w w html. • The University o f South Florida Tampa Campus Library Preservation Program has two quizzes, “Education— What Is Your Preserva tion IQ?” at iqtestl.html and “Are You a Book Batterer?” a If you have mounted general preservation education information on a homepage, please notify me at the address listed below. ■ Jane Hedberg p repares this column f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181; (617) 283-2103; fax: (617) 283-3640; JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. ­ t mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU