ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 46 0 /C & R L News THEFSADIDLESACIS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.95 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.95 for others. Late job notices are $19.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $22.95 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $355 to $675 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no soonerthan the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms fac­ ulty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on ACRL's homepage on the World Wide Web at http:// Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. To reach C&RL NewsNet access the ACRL homepage (, select C&RL News, and then chose the menu item Job Postings by Job Title. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL WewsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that "ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin." By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. BOOKS FOR SALE INTERNET DISCOUNT PROFESSIONAL BOOK CENTER 40 per­ cent off list price. 1000's of new/current books. All subjects. No second hand/remainders, W ORKSHOPS STATISTICS FOR LIBRARIANS. September2 6 -27,1996 . Location: Conference Room, ARL, 21 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC. Fee: $350. Contact: Allyn Fitzgerald, A sso cia tio n o f Research Libraries, 21 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036; phone: (202) 296-2296; fax: (202) 872-0884; e-mail: allyn@; homepage: http:// ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING OF DATA SETS ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB. Oct. 28-30, 1996. Location: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Fee: $350. Contact: Allyn Fitzgerald, A s s o c ia ­ tion o f Research Libraries, 21 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC Business Reference Librarian/ Bibliographer Reporting to the Head of our Humani­ ties and Social Sciences Department, this position is responsible tor business collection development - with special emphasis in accounting, management and marketing. You'll also provide bibliographic instruction, database searching and other general reference assistance, plus serve as faculty liaison to departments within the nationally- ranked Richard T. Farmer School of Business Administration (see U.S. News & World Report. September 18, 1995). Qualifications include a business eco­ nomics degree (or 1 -3 years of recent success as a business librarian), an MLS degree from an accredited program, good verbal/written skills, ref­ erence experience, as well as proven ability to use electronic databases and the Internet. Please send your letter of application, resume and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Judith A. Sessions, Dean and University Librarian, King Library, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. Review begins July 15,1996. Equal op­ portunity in education and employment. MIAMI UN IV ER SITY 20036; phone: (202) 296-2296; fax: (202) 872-0884; e-mail:; home page: POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Requirements: Master’s degree in library science (ALA-accredited); degree or relevant experience in biology or related field. Desired qualifications: User instruction and reference experience in an academic or special library. Aadem ic or practical experience in biology, especially m olecular biology, Familiarity with the use of electronic resources in biology and related fields, Ability to utilize new technologies and to adapt library procedures to meet changing needs of students and faculty. Strong service orientation and demonstrated interpersonal skills. Experience working as part of a team. Responsibilities: Develops and coordinates user instruction program fo r the Life Sciences Library as an integral part o f the Purdue University Libraries' systemwide information literacy program for all levels and types of users. Instructs students and faculty in the effective use of electronic and printed resources, individually and in the classroom. Provides reference services on a regularly scheduled basis, Ac- July/August 1996/461 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL AND ACCESS SERVICES DePaul University DePaul University seeks an Associate Director fo r Technicai and Access Services. This position works in close consultation with the Director, the Associate D irector for Information and Research Services, the Assistant Director for Systems, and department heads. Responsibilities include overall personnel ad­ ministration, preparation of annual budget, coor­ dination of the division at all library locations, and facilitation of formal communication between ap­ propriate parties. Reviewing and evaluating current systems, developing policies and proce­ dures as well as participating in implementation will be expected. The qualified candidate will possess a minimum of six years of increasing responsibility in library positions along with ALA-accredited MLS de­ gree. Demonstrated knowledge of library sys­ tems, technical services, and access services and familiarity with academic library service es­ sential. Strong interpersonal skills a must; super­ visory experience a plus. DePaul University offers a comprehensive salary and benefits package. For immediate consider­ ation, submit your resume to: Doris R. Brown Director of Libraries John T. Richardson Library 2350 N. Kenmore Chicago, IL 60614 DePaul University, an employer of choice, is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment. tively contributes to the operation of the library by assisting in implementing new services and procedures, developing the collec­ tion, and liaising with faculty and other primary users. Supervises the stacks maintenance manager. Participates in planning for the Life Sciences Library and the Libraries. Participates in collabora­ tive activities within the Biomedical and Natural Sciences Cluster (Life Sciences Library, Veterinary Medical Library, and Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Sciences Library). Reports to the Life Sciences Librarian. Members of the libraries faculty must meet Purdue requirements for promotion and tenure. Salary: $29,000 and up, depending upon qualifications. Status and benefits: Faculty status and responsibilities. Rank of Assistant Professor. Twelve-month appointment with annual vacation of 22 working days, Flexible benefit programs with open enrollments annually. Medical, group life, disability insurance programs are in effect as are flexible spending accounts, TIAA-CREF retirement, and social security coverage. Application process: Send statement of interest, re­ sume, and list of references to: Thomas L. Haworth, Personnel Administrator, Purdue University Libraries, 1530 Stewart Center, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1530. Review of applications will com­ mence August 31, 1996, and continue until position is filled. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Whitman College Penrose M em orial Library at W hitm an College invites app lica tio ns fo r a fu ll-tim e R eference Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES: Provides reference service to students, faculty, administration and commu­ nity members on weekdays, scheduled evenings, and some weekends. Assist patrons with library resources, and Innovative Interfaces OPAC, CD- ROM workstations, online PCs, periodical and document indices. Conduct on-line bibliographic searches and do bibliographic/ Internet instruc­ tion. Must be willing to perform varied professional library duties. Twelve-month appointment. Begin­ ning salary: $24,000 annual. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS/ALA required; bachelor's level education in the sciences desired; experi­ ence and/ortraining in online database searching. Must be able to communicate clearly, effectively, and tactfully. COLLEGE: Whitman College is an independent, residential, nonsectarian‚ liberal arts and sciences college of 1,300 students and more than 100 faculty. The 1995 first-year class had an average high school G.P. A. of 3.8 and average SAT scores of 1290. Whitman is an ideal place for learning and scholarship and for promoting personal growth, character, and responsibility. TO APPLY: Send lettero f application, resume, and names of three references by J u ly 12,1996, to: Henry M. Yaple Library Director Penrose Memorial Library Whitman College Walla Walla, WA 99362 e-mail: EOE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES FOR SOUTHWEST COL­ LECTION/SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Reporting to the Director of Libraries, this position is responsible for administering the new Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, which will open in fall, 1996. This facility houses the Southwest Collection, University Archives, Rare Books, Archive of the Vietnam Conflict, Hoblitzelle Conservation Laboratory, and editorial offices of the West Texas Historical Association Yearbook. The Southwest Collection is a repository for historical information pertaining to West Texas and the near Southwest. Nationally recognized for its ranch-related records, the Southwest Collection also includes material on such topics as agriculture, land colonization, petroleum, mining, water, urban devel­ opment, politics, and pioneering. Staffing includes nine archivists and librarians, eight classified positions, five research assistants, and student assistants. The budget is approximately $600,000 and is supplemented by external funding, including several endowments. This is a tenure-track position with the rank of Associate Archivist or Archivist. Responsibilities: Administers the new Southwest Collec­ tion/Special Collections Library and provides leadership for planning, implementing, and sustaining the expansion of collections, pro­ grams, and services. Works on public relations and fundraising activities.lnitiates grant proposals and facilitates research, teaching, 462/C&RL News HEAD LIBRARIAN The Canadian Centre for Architecture Located in Montreal, the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) is a museum and study center devoted to the art of architecture and its history.The CCA Library holds a major interna­ tional research collection devoted to the history of architecture and has 165,000 volumes with an emphasis on rare books and special collec­ tions related to the history of architectural theory, practice, and publishing from the ancient world to the present. Supervising a staff of 25, the Head Librarian is responsible for all library operations and will work closely with the Director and other senior staff in the development of institutionwide plans, programs, and policies. Extensive knowledge of current developments in library and information technology, a back­ ground in research, and five or more years of administrative experience in an academic or research library are required. The ability to work in French and English is necessary. A graduate degree with evidence of scholarly activity o r significant theoretical contributions to the library discipline is required. The suc­ cessful candidate should have an MLS or equivalent. Salary is competitive and benefits are excel­ lent. Kindly direct inquiries to: Morris & Berger 201 South Lake Ave., Ste. 700 Pasadena, CA 91101 Fax: (818) 795-6330 The Canadian Centre for Architecture is an equal opportunity employer. and instructional projects. Teaches a graduate history course in administration of archival and manuscript collections. Qualifications: Earned doctorate in history or relevant field; and administrative experience in an academic or research environment, preferably a library or an archive. Ability to administer a library of diverse special collections within a team-oriented environment. Commitment to pub­ lic service is essential, as is the ability to provide leadership in a climate of new information technologies. Desirable qualifications: Scholarly achievement in the history of the Southwest; participation in professional organizations; success in grantwriting and fundraising; teaching experience in an archival management program. Salary and benefits: Salary for this 12-month position is negotiable from $60,000. Benefits include choice of retirement program, including TIAA-CREF; 13 state holidays, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, no state or local income tax. Applications received by October 15, 1996, will be given first consideration. Send letter of application, current resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Search Committee, Texas Tech University Library, Box 40002, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. A fuller description of this position is available at the libraries' Web site: Texas Tech University is an EO/AA/ADA employer. COORDINATOR OF ELECTRONIC REFERENCE SERVICES/REF­ ERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University Libraries of Notre Dame invite SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN Southern Methodist University ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent in library sys­ tems experience. Demonstrated knowledge of integrated library systems in an academ ic envi­ ronment. Reports to Central University Librarian; works closely with staff in other university libraries and computing center. Complete position descrip­ tion available at Application with three references should be sent by July 31,1996, to: Systems Librarian Search Central University Libraries Southern Methodist University P.O. Box 750135 Dallas, TX 75275-0135 AA/EOE. Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $30,128 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $26,000 Vermont $26,464 W est Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state associa­ tion for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. July/August 1996/463 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR-PRIVATE ACADEMIC LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY CONSORTIUM Southeastern W isconsin Information Technology exCHange O R G ANIZATION : SW ITCH, Southeastern W isconsin Information Technology exCHange, is a g ro w ­ ing separate 501 (c)3 not-for-profit organization located in the M ilwaukee area dedicated to advancing the effective im plementation of inform ation technology at its m em ber libraries and institutions. The cu rre n t full-m em ber institutions include Alverno College, C ardinal Stritch College, Concordia Univer­ sity W isconsin, M ilwaukee Institute of Art and Design, and W isconsin Lutheran College. SW ITCH operates an integrated library system with a unified database running on a DEC Alpha platform with softw are from Innovative Interfaces Inc. connecting over 95 DEC Term inals and workstations at five sites. In addition, the consortium m anages an interinstitution delivery system; shared electronic databases; W eb Server; Internet access; coordinated purchasing; and shared staff developm ent. OPPORTUNITIES: The position offers th e qualified candidate the opportunity to grow adynam ic library technology service toward new m em ber institutions and service options. A great deal of freedom and flexibility is provided to the potential candidate in daily scheduling. RESPO NSIBILITIES: W e are seeking a flexible-experience professional who understands the power of collaborative library technology endeavors and can effectively facilitate its advancem ent. The successful candidate needs the dem onstrated ability to advance broad goals and respond to dynam ic client needs in a flexible and positive m anner. Principal responsibilities include: M onitor achievem ent of goals; plan fo r future services and m onitor inform ation technology developm ents; manage current systems, equipment, and services; direct daily office operations and supervise one staff person; prepare and maintain budgets; provide public relations and advancem ent fo r the consortium and its programs; facilitate consortium com m ittees and user groups; coordinate contact with consortium - related vendors; provide daily system s and organizational custom er service to m em ber staff; assist m em ber with libraries technical service and planning; maintain professional contacts. Q U ALIFICATIO NS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program: minimum of five years of progressively responsible experience in inform ation technology and library m anagem ent areas; sound understand­ ing of library practice; relevant experience with integrated library systems; excellent verbal and written com m unication skills; evidence of strong com m itm ent to responsive service; dem onstrated vision; human relations skills and personal qualities that prom ote com m unication, enhance team w ork and initiative, and build consensus; dem onstrated ability to com m unicate technical inform ation to a broad ran g e of audiences; ability to w ork collaboratively with m em ber institution library staff, library directors, and adm inistrators. Preferred: UNIX, networks, consortia, Innovative Interfaces system, academ ic experience. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Starting salary in the mid- to upper- $30s, depending on qualifications. Twelve-m onth appointment; 15 days of paid vacation; Group Health/Vision Plan; TIAA/CREF; Section 125 flexible benefits plan; personal, sick and other leaves; tuition remission and other benefits available with the position. APPLICATIO NS: Application review will begin on July 2 9 , 1996, and continue until position is filled. Send letter indicating qualifications, short statem ent on philosophy of service, current resume, and names, addresses,and phone num bers of three references to: Meredith Gillette Search Com m ittee Chair c/o Cardinal Stritch College Library 6801 N. Yates Rd. Milwaukee, Wl 53217 SWITCH is an equal opportunity employer. applications for this newly established position in the Reference Department. We are seeking an experienced librarian who can provide leadership and work cooperatively to enhance the delivery of electronic resources and services in the main library. This individual will plan and coordinate access, identify existing resources/services and develop others, and provide guidance in selecting, implementing, and supporting these tools. The individual also will spend 10 to 15 hours per week at the reference desk sharing in the provision of electronic and print-based service in the humanities and social sciences, and will participate in technology-related instruction and training. Librarians at Notre Dame are non-tenure-track members of the university faculty and are expected to maintain an active profes­ sional life. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum of two years of relevant professional experience. Academic background in the social sciences or humanities. Experience with using a range of electronics information resources, including Internet, CD-ROM, and mainframe products. Facility with microcomputers. Strong commitm ent to public service and to teamwork. Proven ability 464/C&RL News ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN University of San Francisco The University of San Francisco’s Reference Department invites applications for the position of Assistant Reference Librarian. The university is in the construction phase of renovating the library building and spaces that will integrate an innovative and online environment. The Assistant Reference Librarian reports to the Head of the Reference Department. Joining the general reference service team of librarians and support staff, this position will develop the electronic U.S. Governm ent resources— CD-ROMs, Internet, online; manage the printed and microfiche depository selections; provide research assistance to a diverse population of users; collaborate with librarians and faculty in instruction programs; and participate in book selection and collection development activities. Schedule includes one evening per w eek and a rotated weekend (i.e., every 5th). Must be flexible to provide backup and coverage for evening or weekend hours. Qualified applicants must have an MLS from an ALA-accredited program and be highly service oriented to work well with students and faculty and to handle effectively the pressures and demands of Reference Department assignments. Previous professional library experience is p referred. Profes­ sional developm ent opportunities are supported and encouraged. Librarians are part of a collective bargaining unit. Appointment at the Assistant Librarian level. Salary range: $28,576 to $35,171 for twelve months. Salary and academ ic rank dependent upon qualifications. Interviews may be conducted at the ALA July conference. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: July 1 5 , 1996. TO APPLY: Send letter of interest, current resume, and names and telephone numbers of three references to: Personnel Services University of San Francisco 2130 Fulton Street San Francisco, CA 94117 Established as San Francisco’s first Institution of higher learning in 1855, the University of San Francisco presently serves 8,000 students in the Schools of Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, Nursing, Law, and Professional Studies. The University is a private Catholic and Jesuit institution and particularly welcomes candidates who desire to w ork in such an environment. USF is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We particularly encourage minority and women applicants to apply for all positions. The university provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities, upon request. to establish and maintain effective working relationships with col­ leagues and the public. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Minimum salary: $38,000. For further information or to apply for this position please send a cover letter, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Sherry Veith, 221 Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556-5629. Applica­ tions received by July 15, 1996, will be assured of consideration. Notre Dame encourages diversity and welcomes applications from members of minority groups and individuals with disabilities. COORDINATOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Our Learning Re­ sources Center (LRC) seeks an outgoing, enthusiastic Coordinator of Technical Services to manage cataloging, acquisitions, and serials. Will play a key role in upcoming system migration. Major responsibili­ ties: Serves as a consultant to the Information Systems Division in the area of technical services. Responsible for original cataloging, au­ thority control, and complete database maintenance. Demonstrated knowledge of dynamic cataloging in an automated environment and extensive OCLC experience are required. ALA-accredited MALS/ MLS, plus a minimum of two years experience in an automated technical services environment, academic library experience in an automated technical services environment, academic library experi­ ence in reference and library instruction services with strong commu­ nication skills required. Applicants must submit a resume, copies of credentials, a statement of educational/teaching philosophy, and three letters of recommendation to: Harper College, Employment Specialist-CTS, 1200 W. Algonquin Road, Palatine, IL 60067. Harper College is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applica­ tions from women, ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF ACADEMIC INFORMATION RE­ SOURCES (LIBRARY DIRECTOR). Duties: The Executive Director of Academic Information Resources is responsible for management of, and long-range planning for, university academic information resources and functions, including: traditional library functions; the new University Technology Service Center, which provides a single point of service for all the technologies and services; and public information access labs on campus. The Executive Director of Academic Information Resources reports to the Associate Provost for Information Resources and Technology, serves as a member of the Information and Technology Executive Committee, and fulfills the duties of the Library Director as detailed in the Faculty Handbook. Qualifications: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institu­ tion; minimum of five years of progressively responsible experience as a library administrator; demonstrated ability to work in a team environ­ ment with librarians, technologists, academic faculty, and community members; demonstrated strong interpersonal skills, with experience in personnel supervision; demonstrated strong written and verbal com­ munication skills; demonstrated experience in implementation and management of technologies; strategic planning experience. Pre­ ferred: Second master’s or advanced degree; friend- and fundraising experience. Send a letter of application with detailed resume and three, professional references including names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers, to: Academic Information Resources Executive Director Search Chair, Bradley University Computing Services, 1501 W. Bradley Avenue, Morgan Hall Room 205, Peoria, IL 61625. To ensure full consideration, apply no later than July 12, 1996. Bradley University is committed to cultural diversity, and is striving to maintain and enrich its cultural, racial, and ethnic communities. It is July/August 1996/465 ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN OF HARVARD-YENCHING LIBRARY FOR CATALOGING SERVICES Reporting to the Librarian, responsible for setting policy and coordinating all aspects o f cataloging services in the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Western languages. Supervises staff o f 9.0 FTE; establishes priorities and procedures in cataloging services; keeps abreast o f national cataloging standards and practices; serves as the resource person on LC classifi­ cation and LCSH; maintains liaison with the Cataloging Services Department o f Widener library, OCLC CJK services, and other East Asian libraries; coordinates with other departments in the Harvard-Yenching Library in areas where their functions intersect; provides in-house training Or recommends training for cataloging staff; evaluates staff performance; and partici­ pates in professional activities locally and nationally. As a member o f senior staff, will assist the Librarian in the management o f the Library. Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related duties as required. The Harvard-Yenching Library is the largest university library for East Asian Research in the Western world, with holdings o f m ore than 850,000 volumes, 65,000 microforms, 13,500 periodicals and 650 newspapers. It is a unit o f the Harvard College Library, the library o f the Faculty o f Arts and Sciences at Harvard University. Q ualifications: ALA accredited MLS and five years experience in cataloging t a major East Asian Library, preferably using OCLC CJK system. An advanced degree in East Asian studies highly desirable. Excellent knowledge o f East Asian history and culture in general, and mastery o f at least one East Asian language. Supervisory experience required. Thorough knowledge o f AACR2 revised, LC classification system and LC subject headings. PC proficiency and desire to stay current with new tech­ nologies, highly desirable. Strong organizational, written and oral communication, and interpersonal skills required. C om pen sa tion ; Appointment salary depending on qualifications. Anticipated hiring salary $55,000. Major benefits include twenty days annual accrued vacation; generous sick and holiday leave; choice o f heáth plans; dental insurance; life insur­ ance; disability benefits; University-lundedretirement income plan; tax-deferred annuity options; staff tuition assistance; child care scholarships. Review o f Applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled. To apply, submit letter o f application address­ ing qualifications and full resume along with names, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses o f three references to: H azel C. Stamps D ir e c to r o f P e r so n n e l S ervices Harvard C o lle g e Library W id en er 190 C a m b ridge, MA 02138 E-mail: HARVARD UNIVERSITY UPHOLDS A COMMITMENT TO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY H a r v a r d C o l l e g e L i b r a r y expected that the successful candidate shares in this commitment. Bradley is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Provides leadership for the use, management, and development of the documents collection. Full-time, tenure-track, academic-year appointment. Required: ALA- accredited MLS; two years of post-MLS experience; minimum of one year of government documents experience since 1992; good commu­ nication skills. Salary: $32,000– $39,000. Application review begins July 10, 1996, and continues until position is filled. For complete position description call (507) 389-5953 or write: Sylverna Ford, Library Director; Mankato State University; Memorial Library, MSU 19, P.O. Box 8419; Mankato MN 56002-8419. HEAD, ELECTRONIC ACQUISITIONS & SERIALS CONTROL. Uni­ versity of Texas at San Antonio. With a staff of seven the Head manages and supervises the department responsible for orders, receipts, check-in, claims, and payments for all library materials. May be assigned duties as a bibliographer for collection development. Reports to Assistant Director of Technical Services and Library Computer Systems. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of five years experience in acquisitions or technical ser­ vices combination in an automated environment; successful man­ agement or supervisory experience; ability to work cooperatively and efficiently with colleagues, faculty, staff, and vendors; must also be able to work independently; adept at problem solving; able to develop and maintain financial, accounting, and statistical reports. Preferred: 466/C&RL News TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Ferris State University Ferris State University provides practical, hands-on education in 100+ academ ic programs through the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Allied Health Sciences, Business, Education, Optometry, Pharmacy, and Technology to its 10,000 students. Included are associate’s and bachelor’s degrees, tw o master’s degrees, and doctorates in optometry and pharmacy. Ferris State University’s main campus in Big Rapids, a city of 12,600, is located in the vacation and recreation area of w est central Michigan, 54 miles north of Grand Rapids. HEAD, LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND O PERATIONS DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Overall administrative direction of budgets for LSO consisting of cataloging/ classification, collection development/maintenance, conservation/preservation, library technologies, and serials. Leadership in planning, implementing and evaluating departm ental services. Duties also include report writing; project planning and management; and liaison to the computer center. Participation in the libraries’ information and instructional programs may be expected. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited library/information science program. Increasing administrative skills with demonstrated proficiency in a technical services a re a -3 year minimally. Expertise with integrated library systems, LAN(s) and bibliographic utilities. Evidence of strong communication and organizational skills. Ability to work with all personnel in acollegial, consultive, collaborative team environment. PREFERRED: Additional master’s degree or a doctorate; experience with Z39 and docum ent delivery systems; hands-on experience with Intel, UNIX, and Novell. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS COORDINATOR Administers collection development, preservation, and gifts and exchange policies. Manages approval program; monographic, serial, and media verification and ordering; materials receiving and invoice payment; monitoring, reporting, and control of materials funds expenditures. Coordinates selection activities. Monitors vendors. Supervises conservation and binding. Reports order-status information. Supervises and trains paraprofessionals and students. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited library/information science program; one year of library experience in collection development, book trade, purchasing, procurement, and library automation with aspects of bibliographic control; and two years of supervisory experience. Evidence of strong communication, interpersonal and organizational skills, and service orientation. PREFERRED: Additional graduate degree in business or related discipline. Knowledge of current national trends in publishing and library acquisitions. Apply with letter addressing qualifications as related to the responsibilities of the position, resume, and three references from supervisors or colleagues solicited for this position. Please include their names, current addresses, and phone numbers with y o u r application. Transcripts will be required for candidates invited to interview at Ferris State University. Apply to: Library Systems & Operations Search Committee (Position 1) Collection Development/Acquisitions Search Committee (Position 2) Attn: Joan Boroff, Administrative Services Ferris State University Timm e Library 1201 South State St. Big Rapids, Ml 49307-2747 APPLICATION DEADLINE: August 3 0 , 1996, or until filled, whichever is sooner. Ferris State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Experience with NOTIS; microcomputer applications; electronic for­ mats; electronic vendor interfaces; government depositories; aca­ demic library experience. Salary: $32,000 minimum, with full benefits package. Send resume to: Sue Tyner, Assistant Director for Technical Services and Library Computer Systems, The University of Texas at San Antonio Library, 6900 N. Loop 1604 West, San Antonio, TX 78249-0671. Closing date is July 26, 1996. UTSA is an EE/OA employer. Women, minorities and persons with disabilities encour­ aged to apply. HEAD OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL. Stephen F. Austin State University’s Ralph W. Steen Library seeks a creative leader and experienced cataloger for the position of Head of the Bibliographic Control Department. Duties: Oversees the cataloging and classifica­ tion of library materials for all collections and the preparation of materials added to the collections; maintains the bibliographic, item, and authority databases in the online catalog; supervises one profes­ sional librarian and three support staff, plus students; catalogs serials; serves on library and university committees; administers departmental budgets. Reports to the Associate Library Director for Technical Services. SFASU has an enrollment of 12,000 and is located in pine-forested East Texas. Automated since 1979, Steen Library’s current system is Horizon. Steen Library employs 16 librar­ ians, 4 professionals, 31 support staff, and many students. Qualifica- July/August 1996/467 ASSOCIATE HEAD FOR SERIALS CATALOGING Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries Serials and Acquisitions Services Shares in departm ent administration. Manages Serials Cataloging Section (3 librarians, 4 support staff). Performs full range of supervisory responsibilities. Establishes serials cataloging standards, procedures, and work flow. Responsible for contributions to cooperative serials projects. W orks with Associate Head for M onograph Cataloging in Bibliographic Access Services to facilitate cooperation and communication between the two units and with Serials and Monograph Acquisitions to plan procedures and work flow. Participates in systems planning. Com m u­ nicates with public service units to assess needs, clarify policies, and im plement new procedures and system modifications. Maintains knowledge of national developments in serials cataloging and shares knowledge within. Participates in broader library activities. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited m aster’s degree in library or information science. Several years’ professional cataloging experience, preferably in a large academic library, and significant experience with serials. Knowledge of an online cataloging system and AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, MARC, and standard authorities procedures. Understanding of cataloging issues related to various formats, including digital resources. Demonstrated supervisory ability and well-developed comm unica­ tion and analytical skills. Evidence of initiative, flexibility, attention to productivity, and ability to work creatively in a rapidly changing environment. HIRING SALARY: $35,500 minimum; actual based on experience. Applications received by August 5 , 1996, will receive priority consideration. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three current references to: Search Committee for Associate Head for Serials Cataloging (CRL) The Libraries, Room 14S-216 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 MIT offers excellent benefits, including tuition assistance, a children’s scholarship program, and a relocation allowance. The MIT Libraries affords a flexible and collegial working environment and fosters professional growth of its staff with managem ent training, travel funding for professional meetings, and a professional research grant program. MIT is a smoke-free campus. MIT is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community. Applications are particularly encouraged from qualified women and ethnic minority candidates. tions: Required: ALA-accredited master's degree; five years of pro­ fessional library experience; substantial supervisory and cataloging experience; experience with an automated bibliographic utility and an integrated library system; knowledge of standards such as AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, MARC formats, data exchange standards; ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing and to work as a member of a team; flexibility to manage a broad variety of tasks; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with others. Preferred: Academic library experience; budgeting expe­ rience; keen interest in the development of technology and the opportunities it creates for bibliographic control. Salary/benefits: Rank and salary commensurate with experience; excellent benefits and health plan; academic nine-month contract (high $20s to low $30s) plus a six-week contract at one-sixth the nine-month rate normally granted. Tenure-track. Position available January 21‚ 1997. To apply: Mail letter, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references, including immediate supervisor, to: Alvin C. Cage, Director of Libraries, P.O. Box 13055 SFASU, Ralph W. Steen Library, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX 75962; telephone: (409) 468-1414. Applications submitted by September 15,1996, will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until position is filled. SFASU is an AA/EEO employer. This advertisement and position description can be found at http:// HEAD OF CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. Kennedy Library. Senior Assistant/Associate Librarian; 12-month, tenure-track position in a technologically innovative library. Position available January 1 ‚ 1997. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience ($41,676 minimum). Incumbent is responsible for: Directing personnel activi­ ties of team-oriented department of six FTE support staff; planning and implementing policies and procedures for the creation, mainte­ nance, and quality control of the library’s bibliographic records, including catalog database input and maintenance, authority work, and retrospective conversion; for supervising monographic and seri­ als subsections, including postcataloging book processing; coordina­ ting cataloging activities with other library departments. Reports directly to Dean of Library Services, and represents the department on the Library Advisory Council. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree and five years of progressive cataloging experience in an academic library, including management experience. Knowledge of and experience with an online public access catalog and other automated systems, including OCLC and Innopac. Master’s degree in subject field (or equivalency) required for tenure/promotion. Submit letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Office of the Dean of Library Services, Robert E. Kennedy Library, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407; telephone: (805) 756- 2345 (refer to recruitment code #63099). Expanded job description is 468/C&RL News HEAD OF CATALOGING University of California, Santa Barbara The Head of Cataloging will have responsibility for developing an organizational structure and work flow which reflect a vision for the 21st century. The successful candidate will provide leadership to improve w orkflow and productivity, and to establish priorities for providing access to the library’s collections and information available remotely, Selective outsourcing and providing access to Internet resources are just some of the issues the Head of Cataloging would be expected to address. The Head of Cataloging will work cooperatively with other departm ent heads and coordinators in the developm ent and provision of continually improving information services. REQUIRES: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Substantial cataloging experience, including m anaging a cataloging unit or special project, high-level working knowledge of national cataloging and classification standards and trends. Experience with automated bibliographic utilities such as OCLC and RLIN; experience with autom ated library systems such as NOTIS. Demonstrated leadership, adm inis­ trative, and supervisory experience. Strong interpersonal skills, excellent oral and written com m unica­ tion skills. Ability to foster change and to w ork cooperatively with others; ability to w ork in and interest in promoting a culturally diverse environment. Knowledge of current trends in cataloging; evidence of contribution to the library profession. Appointment at Associate Librarian o r Librarian level. Salary range: $43,032 to $62,004. Applications will be reviewed starting Septem ber 1 ‚ 1996. Send resume and names and addresses of three references to: Detrice Bankhead Assistant University Librarian— Personnel Davidson Library University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 The University o f California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. available from Application deadline is September 1, 1996. Cal Poly is strongly committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively encour­ ages applications and nominations of women, persons of color, applicants with disabilities, and members of other under-represented groups. An AA/EO employer. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES LIBRARIAN. Knox College, a private liberal arts college in western Illinois, seeks a professional librarian to fill the position of Information Technologies Librarian. Reporting to the Assistant Librarian, the Information Technologies Librarian maintains and develops an integrated Horizon client-server library system (OPAC, cataloging, acquisitions, and circulation mod­ ules currently in place); plans and implements the delivery of digital and networked information services throughout campus; and pro­ vides reference services to library clients. We seek a candidate who will be able to both present sophisticated concepts to our system’s users in individual and group instructional settings and translate automated system features and developments into services de­ signed to reinforce and further Knox’s academic mission. Knox College’s Seymour Library ( houses 275,000 volumes in a recently renovated central library, and science and music branch libraries. It employs a staff of 13.5 FTEs. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references by July 15,1996, to: Jeffrey Douglas, Director of the Library, Box K-127, Knox College, Galesburg, IL 61401. In keeping with its 150-year tradition of educat­ ing women and minorities, Knox is an equal opportunity employer encouraging applications by female and minority candidates. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. This health sciences campus seeks a cre­ ative and dynamic Library Director to lead the library into the 21st century. The UAMS Library, the major health sciences information resource for the state, provides a variety of resources and services to meet the information needs of the Colleges of Health Related Professions, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy, the Graduate School, and the 340-bed University Hospital, and serves as a resource library for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine South Central Region. There is a vigorous Area Health Education Center program spanning the entire state, and close affiliations are maintained with Arkansas Children’s Hospital, the John L. McClellan Memorial Veter­ ans Affairs Medical Center, and other campuses of the University of Arkansas system. Located in Little Rock, the campus enjoys the advantages of a vibrant state capital along with easy access to the countryside of the Natural State. The Greater Little Rock Metropolitan area has a population of 500,000. The climate is moderate with a yearly average temperature of 62 and is ideally located for a variety of outdoor activities. Reporting to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Director provides vision and strategic leadership in the planning and execution of the library’s services and provides leader­ ship to the campus on library, information technology, and educational technology issues. The Director is responsible for the overall admin­ istration and development of the library, including collections and resource development, planning, and fiscal management. The suc­ cessful candidate must have an ALA-accredited advanced library degree and a minimum of 7 years’ experience in an academic health sciences library with a distinguished record of at least five years of progressively higher administrative responsibilities. The successful candidate will have proven leadership, management, and interper­ sonal communication skills that foster teamwork and substantial knowledge of, and involvement with, current issues and develop­ ments in health sciences librarianship and electronic information management, and a deep interest in and commitment to faculty services. Experience in managing large budgets and success in obtaining and administering grants and other sources of funding, and membership in the Academy of Health Information Professionals are preferred. The position offers a competitive benefits plan, with a salary minimum of $75,000. For more information about the library, UAMS, Little Rock, and Arkansas, consult the library’s homepage at http:// Consideration of applications will begin Au­ gust 1 ‚ 1996, and continue until the position is filled. Candidates should send letter of interest, complete CV, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Search Committee for Library July/August 1996/469 Director, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Mail Slot 541‚ University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 4301 W. Markham Street, Little Rock, AR 72205. UAMS is an equal opportunity em­ ployer. Minority and female candidates are encouraged to apply. LIBRARY SYSTEMS MANAGER. Clarion University of Pennsylva­ nia seeks a person experienced in implementing, managing, and providing support for an online integrated library system, local/wide area networks, and associated services. The person will be respon­ sible for implementing a new online system, including associated training, backups, and crash recoveries; integration of online full-text databases, CD-ROM databases, and Internet and World Wide Web resources. The installations involve the libraries on the main campus and one branch campus, as well as services to other sites served by Clarion University. The person in the position reports to the Director of Libraries and works with faculty and staff in the libraries and Computing Services. The person hired must be able to play a leadership role in identifying, planning, implementing, and evaluating new technologies as part of the libraries’ overall planning efforts. Clarion University is one of the 14 public institutions in Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education serving about 6,000 students in undergraduate and graduate programs, including an ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science. The university has a graduation rate of 60 percent and an outstanding faculty and staff. The Library Systems Manager will help represent Clarion in state system meet­ ings addressing information and library technologies, networking, and training. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited program, with a second degree in computer science or information science preferred; experience in using US MARC formats and a bibliographic utility (OCLC preferred); expertise in programming, networking, and in evaluating computer hardware and software; five years of increasing responsibility and expertise in information technologies and library automation with experience on client/server systems preferred; out­ standing training, organizational, and interpersonal skills; commit­ ment to diversity and principles of continuous improvement: excellent oral and written communication skills. Compensation: $35,000– $42,000, plus excellent fringe benefits. Application: Send letter of application addressing the position description and qualification, current vita, and names and addresses of three references to: Janice Horn, Chair, Library Systems Manager Search Committee, Carlson Library, Clarion University, Clarion, PA 16214. Deadline for applica­ tions: July 31‚ 1996. Clarion University is building a diverse academic community and encourages people of color, women, Vietnam-era veterans, and people with disabilities to apply. AA/EEO. PRINCIPAL CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The Cline Library at Northern Arizona University invites applications for Principal Catalog librarian. Under the direction of the Head of Bibliographic Services, the Principal Catalog Librarian performs original and copy cataloging for all formats (except serials); supervises, trains, and directs the activities of classi­ fied staff in cataloging; serves as a resource person for cataloging issues and questions; interprets and disseminates bibliographic rules and practices of the library; participates in catalog maintenance of the library’s integrated system; participates in the departmental manage­ ment group; performs collection development; participates on library committees; represents the library, as appropriate, in campus, state and national meetings. Minimum qualifications: Required: ALA-ac­ credited MLS; three to five years of original cataloging experience, including at least two years of supervisory experience. Knowledge of and experience with AACR2R, LCSH LC schedules, MARC formats, and other relevant cataloging tools. Experience with a major catalog­ ing utility, either OCLC, RLIN, or WLN. Experience with an automated library system. Demonstrated ability to interact productively with members of the library team in problem solving, work flow analysis and decision making. Experience in resolving issues in an environment supportive of change. Strong commitment to library service. Strong interest in emerging technologies and their use in bibliographic control. Desired: Experience cataloging special formats. Send re­ sume, letter of application addressing each of the requirements above, and names, telephone numbers, and addresses of three references to: Maggie Horn, Head of Bibliographic Services, Cline Library, Northern Arizona University, Box 6022, Flagstaff, AZ 86011. Minimum salary is $32,000. The closing date for receipt of applications is July 26,1996. Northern Arizona University is located in Flagstaff, a city of 52,000 people at the base of the San Francisco Peaks and is surrounded by the Coconino National Forest. While we are the academic center for all northern Arizona and the Colorado Plateau we also serve 4,000 students at seven distance-learning locations in southern and central Arizona. NAU has a growing minority student population and is committed to equal opportunity, affirmative action; we welcome mi­ norities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans willing to make a commitment to NAU’s mission of cultural diversity. SERIALS CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The Cline Library at Northern Arizona University invites applications for Serials Catalog Librarian. Under the direction of the Head of Bibliographic Services, the Serials Catalog Librarian performs all aspects of original and edit cataloging, via OCLC, with an emphasis in the serials format; advises and trains employees in the holdings and bibliographic portions of the serials acquisitions record; assists in the training and operational perfor­ mance of classified staff; supervises one FTE; participates in the departmental management group; performs collection development responsibilities, participates on library committees; represents the library, as appropriate, in campus, state, and national meetings. Minimum qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; one to two years of cataloging experience, with an emphasis on serials catalog­ ing. Knowledge of and experience with AACR2R, LCSH LC sched­ ules, MARC formats, and other relevant cataloging tools. Experience with a major cataloging utility, either OCLC, RLIN, or WLN. Experi­ ence with an automated library system. Demonstrated ability to interact productively with members of the library team in problem solving, work flow analysis, and decision making. Experience resolv­ ing issues in an environment supportive of change. Strong commit­ ment to library service. Strong interest in merging technologies and their use in bibliographic control. Desired: Supervisory experience and library acquisitions experience. Send resume, letter of applica­ 470/C&RL News tion addressing each of the requirements above, and names, tele­ phone numbers, and addresses of three references to: Maggie Horn, Head of Bibliographic Services, Cline Library, N orthern A rizona U niversity, P. O. Box 6022, Flagstaff, AZ 86011. Minimum salary is $29,000 DOE. The closing date for receipt of applications is July 26, 1996. Northern Arizona University is located in Flagstaff, a city of 52.000 people at the base of the San Francisco Peaks and sur­ rounded by the Coconino National Forest. While we rae the academic center for all northern Arizona and the Colorado Plateau we also serve 4.000 students at seven distance-learning locations in southern and central Arizona. NAU has a growing minority student population and is committed to equal opportunity, affirmative action; we welcome minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans willing to make a commitment to NAU’s mission of cultural diversity. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND PRESERVATION LIBRARIAN. Oberlin College. Duties: Coordinates special collections and preser­ vation programs in an outstanding college library. Requirements: Sound liberal arts education; academic library experience; knowl­ edge of rare books and special collections, preservation and conser­ vation techniques, and preservation program administration; demon­ strated supervisory ability; excellent communication and interper­ sonal skills; strong service orientation; planning and organizational skills; commitment to professional development. Oberlin College combines a leading undergraduate college of arts and sciences with a music school of national prominence. The college has a long history of leadership in educating women and minorities, and actively seeks a racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse staff and student body. The library contains over 1.1 million volumes and is fully automated. Competitive salary, excellent fringe benefits. Available summer 1996. A full position description and information about Oberlin and its library are available at: To en­ sure consideration, send letter of application, resume, and names of three references by July 22, 1996, to: Special Collections/Preserva­ tion Search Committee, O berlin College Library, Oberlin, OH 44074. An AA/EO employer. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. The University of South Carolina-Spartanburg (USCS) seeks a Systems/Information Technology Librarian for a 12- month entry-level faculty position leading to the tenure track. The Systems Librarian participates in all areas of library services, includ­ ing reference rotation, library instruction, and collection development, with an emphasis on automation; has the primary responsibility for coordinating the planning, installation, training, and operational sup­ port for the computer hardware, software, and networks in the library, reporting to the Director of Library Services; and serves as the library’s liaison with university computing and technology services. Required: MLS or equivalent degree from an ALA-accredited graduate program (an additional degree in computer science is an asset); expertise in computer systems, including microcomputer networking hardware and software, CD-ROM hardware and software, the Internet, and other emerging technologies. Salary is competitive. Send letter of application, vita, three letters of reference (with phone numbers) to: Search Committee - Systems Librarian, U n iversity of South Caro­ lina -S p a rta n b u rg , Library, 800 University Way, Spartanburg, SC 29303. Position available August 16, 1996. Review of applications begins July 1‚ 1996. Nominations and applications accepted until the position is filled. USCS is an EO/AA employer. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN (EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT). Twelve- month, temporary, non-tenure-track position; subject to renewal after one year. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science and one year of experience as a systems librarian at the college level. Applicants should have experience with integrated library systems, local area networks, CD-ROM networks, PC and mainframe computing environments, HTML, and linkages to the Internet. Required: Demonstrated competence in programming, in­ stalling and managing networked systems, and developing custom applications for library users; knowledge of developing technological trends in information delivery; ability to develop staff training programs and strategic plans for information resources; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; ability to work as a member of a team. Desired: Familiarity with the OCLC and CARL library systems and Windows NT LANS. A demonstrated understanding of the mission of the community-technical college and its diverse student population is essential. Equivalencies will be evaluated. Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Directors of Library Services at Capital Community- Technical College and Manchester Community-Technical College, July/August 1996/471 and dividing the workweek equally between the two colleges, designs, plans, installs, manages, and evaluates networked library information delivery systems and services; works with the Com­ puter Services Departments to develop linkages between the libraries’ integrated systems, the campus networks, the statewide library network, and systems of other community-technical col­ leges. Responsible for development of custom applications for library users, including creation and maintenance of W orld Wide Web homepage for each institution; staff training; input into design of library facilities as it relates to technology; selection of hardware and software; and network security. Related responsibilities as assigned. Minimum salary: $40,216 approximately annual. Antici­ pated starting date: October, 1996. To apply: Send letter of intent, resume, transcripts, and names of three references to: Marie Salamon, Director of Personnel (MS #1), M anchester C o m m u n ity- T e c h n ic a l C ollege, P.O. Box 1046, Manchester, CT 06045-1046. EOE/AA/M/F. Application deadline: Must be postmarked no later than August 15, 1996. SYSTEMS L IB R A R IA N /T E C H N IC A L SERVICES M ANAGER. Twelve-month non-tenured position. Responsibilities: Management of the library’s automated system (SIRSI) and CD-ROM LAN; planning, implementation, networking and troubleshooting of elec­ tronic library resources, including OPAC, the Internet, full-text databases, and all public access PC products; supervision of the cataloging, acquisitions, serials functions; serving as liaison with automation vendors and the computer center. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; three years increasingly respon­ sible supervisory and automation experience required; demon­ strated leadership, communication and organizational skills. Sal­ ary: $32,000– $38,000 depending on experience. Send resume to: Antoinette Garza, Library Director, O ur Lad y o f th e Lake U n ive r­ sity , 411 S.W. 24th St., San Antonio, TX 78207. Application review will begin July 15, 1996; Position available September 1, 1996. OLLU seeks employees who understand and are committed to the values of Catholic higher education. We are an affirm ative action/ EEO employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Late Job Listings SPECIAL COLLECTIONS CATALOGER. Responsible for original and enhanced copy cataloging for sound recordings, books, manuscripts and other materials with a special emphasis on music and popular culture materials. Participates in maintaining local and national (NACO) cataloging standards, in helping to formulate local catalog­ ing policies, and in assuring security of collections. Public service desk duties as needed. Required qualifications: an ALA-accredited MLS degree; thorough knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, subject headings in music, OCLC, and an online inte­ grated library system; undergraduate degree in music or in American culture/ literature with a background in music; excellent interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills. Preferred qualifications: reading knowledge of German, French or Italian; academic library experience; two (2) years professional cataloging experi­ ence. BGSU is a Ph.D.-granting institution of 17,000 undergraduate and 2,500 graduate students in N W Ohio. The Library is a campus leader in efforts to promote a culturally diverse environment through programs, exhibits and the appointment of a multicultural services librarian. BGSU is a short commute to/from Toledo. Full-time tenure-track faculty position. Salary $28,000. BGSU is an AA/EOE and strongly encourages applications from women and minorities, veterans and individuals with disabilities. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers for three (3) references to: Cataloger Search Committee, Attn.: Beverly Stearns, 204 Jerome Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. Applications postmarked by July 31, 1996 will receive full consideration. UNIVERSITY ARCHITECTURE/ART LIBRARIAN. The University of Notre Dame is seeking an innovative individual with a unique combination of abilities to fill this Department Head-level position. The successful candidate will have: a strong background in architecture and art history; a commitment to collaborating with other campus information providers and faculty in selecting and securing the resources necessary for these academic programs and the ability to identify and exploit new technologies in ways which will support research and learning. Responsibilities include: user needs assessment, service program design, administration of a branch library, patron communications, online searching, advanced reference, resource devel­ opment, library instruction, and participation in divisional and library-wide planning. Qualifications: Graduate degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited program; a degree in architecture or art history with architectural course work is strongly preferred; a minimum of three years of relevant professional experience; a strong commitment to developing patron focused services and collections; experience using electronic informa­ tional resources; active participation and growth in the profession, and strong interper­ sonal and communications skills are required. Previous supervisory experience is desirable. Faculty status; non-tenure track. Minimum salary $42,000. Excellent benefit package. Search to continue until position is filled with initial consideration assured to applications received by July 20, 1996. To apply, send letter of application and the names of three references to: Sherry Veith, Human Resources Representative, Uni­