ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 144 / C & R L N ew s ACRL in Los Angeles A C R L Pr o g r a m M e e ting: “T h e Educational Role of the A cadem ic L ib ra ry ” (June 27 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0 p .m .) will be the them e of the A C R L Program M eeting in Los Angeles. R obert O ’N eil, president o f the University o f W isconsin System, w ill deliver the keynote address. Follow ing him will be a panel consisting o f W a rren J . H aas, president o f the C ouncil on L ib ra ry Resources; R ichard j . W ood, vice-president for academ ic affairs, W h ittier C o l lege; and Joseph A. Boissé, director o f libraries at T em p le University. T h e panelists will react to the address from th eir p a rticu la r points o f view . A business m eeting, C a rla Stoffle presiding, will be held prior to the program . Ju lie C arroll Virgo will give the A C R L Executive D irecto r’s report. T h e A C R L Reception, sponsored by the Baker & T ay lo r Com pany, will follow the Program M eet ing from 6 :0 0 - 8 :0 0 p .m . in the Sierra Room o f the Los Angeles H ilton. T h e reception will provide food and a cash b a r. Activities w ill include the p re sen tation of Bak er & T a y lo r’s A cadem ic or R e search L ib ra ria n o f the Year Award. A n t h r o p o l o g y a n d So cio l o g y Section: “Ac cess Tools for Inform ation in Anthropology and So ciology: T h e Publishers Speak” (June 28 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0 p .m .) w ill attem pt to establish b etter com m unica tion w ith publishers o f bibliographic tools in sociol ogy and anthropology and to begin a dialogue con cerning the depth and quality o f access currently offered by their publications and th eir goals for the future. Scheduled speakers are: Leo P. C h all, edi to r, S ociological Abstracts; Eileen P eroneau, docu m entation editor, Sage Publications; Kenyon C. Rosenberg, associate director for bibliographic and docum ent services, N T IS ; Norm an Cohen, presi d ent, Bayw ood Publishing C om p an y; Jo n a th a n B en th all, director, Royal Anthropological Insti tu te o f G reat Britain and Irelan d; and Francis X . G rollig, anthropologist, Loyola University. A reac to r panel w ill consist o f Chris Ferguson, University o f C a lifo r n ia , I r v in e ; G re g o ry A. F in n e g a n , Roosevelt University, and Sandra S. K erbel, U ni versity o f Pittsburgh. T h e program will be m oder ated by Lynne M. Schm elz-Keil, Rutgers Univer sity. T h e Section will also sponsor a tour o f the La Brea T a r Pits and the George Page Museum o f A r chaeology (June 2 9 , 9 :3 0 a .m .- 1 2 :0 0 p .m .). Regis tra tio n is lim ited to 3 0 and the museum cost is $ 1 .5 0 . C on tact: David L . Perkins, Head Bibliogra p h y L i b r a r i a n , C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n iv e r s ity , N orthridge, CA 91330. Art Section: “New Trends in Art Publishing: T h e Los Angeles A rea” (June 28 , 2 :0 0 - 4 :0 0 p .m .) w ill feature representatives from art book and peri odical publishing houses in the Los Angeles area who w ill discuss examples o f th eir work. M odera tor o f the program will be Ju dith H offberg, editor o f U m b r e lla ; a m o n g th e sp e a k e rs a re L in d a B u rnham , editor of H igh P erform an ce; and a rep resentative from the W o m en ’s G ra p h ic C en ter, Los Angeles. Asian and African Section: “Intellectu al F ree dom in Asia and A frica” (June 27 , 9 :3 0 a . m . - 12:30 p .m .), co-sponsored by AAS, the Intern ation al R e lations Round T a b le , and the S R R T International Human Rights Task F o rce , will feature R ichard B au m , U C L A D ep a rtm en t o f P o litica l Scien ce; Hassan Shahbaz, editor of the Iran ian periodical R a h a v a rd ; and Kyalo M ativo, ed itor-in-chief of U jaham u, the jou rnal o f the A frican Activist Asso ciation. A u d i o -Visual C o m m i t t e e : “ C a b le C om m unications— In ter-A C T IO N : Inform ation D elivery in the 1980s” (June 2 6 , 2 :0 0 - 5 :3 0 p .m .), a program co-sponsored by the L IT A Video and C a b le C om m unications Section, will offer inform a tion on the rapidly developing technology o f cable com m unications in the lib rary setting. T opics will include library applications o f cab le com m u nica tions, data transmission via cable, and interactive video. Scheduled speakers include G eorge Beers, D e Anza College; Kenneth D ow lin, Pikes Peak Re gional L ib rary D istrict; R ichard W . Boss, In fo r m ation Systems Consultants; and R ichard Adler, Institute for the Future. B ibliographic Instruction Section: “T h e R e search Process: Im plications for Bibliograp hic In struction” (June 26 , 2 :0 0 -5 :3 0 p .m .) is also spon sored by A C R L ’s Science and Technology Section. T h e program will address the questions: How do scholars do research in subject disciplines? How are the literatures o f disciplines generated, found, and used by researchers at all levels? W h a t do librarians need to know about this process in order to aid re search and teach others? Speakers w ill include David King, Houston A cadem y of M edicine; and Keith Russell, Council on L ib ra ry Resources. T h e B IS Postconference, “Bibliograp hic Instruc tio n fo r th e N o n -T ra d itio n a l S tu d e n t” (Ju n e 2 9 -Ju ly 1) will be held on the U C L A campus. B e gin nin g W ed nesd ay ev en in g w ith a w in e and cheese reception, the conference will provide an opportunity for viewing the aw ard-w inning film , “G ravity Is My E n em y .” Peter Pom erantz, coordi n ator o f library services for disabled users, Univer sity of C alifo rn ia, Berkeley, will focus discussion on the sp ecifics o f lib ra ry service to the h and i capped. A panel discussion on Thursday afternoon will address the topic o f bibliographic instruction fo r non-native English speakers and the culturally disadvantaged. Attendees w ill m ark the close o f the first day with a barbecue dinner at U C L A ’s Sunset May 1983 / 145 A C R L ’s C in e m a L ib r a r ia n s D iscussion G ro u p w ill h o st a tou r o f th r e e a r e a fi l m lib ra r ies a t t h e A LA A n n u al C o n fe r e n c e in L o s A n geles. C a n y o n R e c r e a tio n A re a . D is cu ssio n o n F r id a y w ill c e n te r on u n iq u e aspects o f s erv ice to th e c o n tin u in g e d u ca tio n c o m m u n ity . Sh a ro n R o gers, as so c ia te d ean fo r lib ra rie s and le a rn in g , B o w lin g G reen S ta te U n iv ersity, w ill th en su m m a riz e th e p o stco n feren ce . T h e reg istra tio n fee o f $ 1 0 5 fo r A C R L m em b ers an d $ 1 3 0 for n o n -m em b ers in c lu d e s a ll p o s tc o n fe r e n c e m a te r ia ls , d o rm ito ry h o u s in g J u n e 2 9 a n d J u n e 3 0 , a n d m e a ls fro m T h u r s d a y b r e a k fa s t th ro u g h F r id a y b r e a k fa s t . R eg istra tio n fo r th ose n o t sta y in g in th e d o rm ito ry is $ 7 0 f o r A C R L m e m b e r s a n d $ 9 5 fo r n o n m em b ers. D e a d lin e fo r reg istra tio n is M ay 15 and is lim ited to 1 8 0 . C o n ta c t: M a ry B e th B e ll, C o m m u n ity C o l l e g e o f th e F i n g e r L a k e s L i b r a r y , C a n a n d a ig u a , N Y 1 4 4 2 4 . BIS C o m p u t e r C o n c e r n s C o m m i t t e e : An open m e e tin g (Ju n e 2 5 , 9 : 3 0 - 1 1 :0 0 a .m .) , co-sponsored b y th e R A S D M achin e-A ssisted R e fe re n c e S e ctio n ’s D ir e c t P a tro n A ccess to C o m p u ter-B a se d R e fe r en c e System s C o m m itte e , w ill p resen t a discussion o f issues re la tin g to th e p a tro n an d th e co m p u ter fro m a p u b lic service vie w p o in t. T o p ics w ill in clu d e o n lin e en d user s ea rch in g o f o n lin e c a ta lo g s, c irc u la tio n system s, and b ib lio g ra p h ic datab ases; co m p u ter-assisted in s tru ctio n ; an d th e im p a ct o f th ese processes o n b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru ctio n . C i n e m a L ibrarians D iscussion G r o u p : “ F ilm / T V R esou rces in L o s A ngeles” (Ju n e 2 8 , 9 : 3 0 a . m . - 1 2 : 3 0 p .m ., 2 : 0 0 - 4 : 0 0 p .m .) w ill consist o f a m o rn in g p a n el discussion by seven th e a te r a n d film lib ra ria n s on lo ca l c o lle ctio n s, an d a ftern o o n tours o f th e lib ra rie s o f th e A cad em y o f M o tio n P ic tu re Arts an d S cien ce s, th e V a rie ty A rts C e n te r, an d th e A m erica n F ilm In s titu te . A recep tio n a t th e A F I w ill b e h eld a fte rw a rd . T o u rs a re lim ited to 4 3 p eo p le a n d r e q u ir e a n a d v a n c e r e s e r v a tio n . C o s t: $ 1 0 .5 0 . C o n ta c t: M o n ica B u rd ex , R e fe re n c e D e p a r tm e n t, C a lifo r n ia S t a te U n iv ersity L ib r a r y , 18 1 1 1 N o rd h o ff S t ., N o rth rid g e , C A 9 1 3 2 4 . College Libraries Section: “P erio d ica l S e le c tio n in C o lleg e L ib r a rie s : R ep o rts o f P ra c titio n e rs ” (Ju n e 2 6 , 9 : 3 0 - 1 1 :0 0 a .m .) w ill b e m o d era ted by P a m e la Sn elson , D re w U n iversity. T h e speakers a r e as fo llo w s: P h y llis K a id e n , U n io n C o lle g e , “ F ro m P erio d ica ls B u d g et C u ts to M a n a g em en t I n fo rm a tio n Sy stem s,” w ill p ro v id e suggestions on using m a n a g e m e n t in fo rm a tio n rep o rts as c o lle c tio n d ev elo p m en t tools; R o sa lee M cR ey n o ld s, L o y o la U n iv ersity, N ew O rle a n s , “ L im itin g P erio d i ca ls C o llectio n s in a n U n d erg ra d u a te L i b r a r y ,” em p hasizes d eselectio n in u n d e rg ra d u a te lib ra rie s ; and K a th e rin e K on o p asek , S t. X a v ie r C o lleg e , “ A Su rvey o f Jo u rn a l U se W ith in th e U n d erg ra d u a te L ib r a r y a t th e U n iversity o f Illin o is a t U rb a n a - C h a m p a ig n ,” d e scrib es th e l ib r a r y ’s m eth o d o f ev a lu a tin g p erio d ica l use. C o m m u n i t y a n d Ju n i o r C o l l e g e L ibraries Se c t i o n : T h e CJCLS p ro g ra m , “ C o m m u n ity C o l lege L ib r a r y C o n n e ctio n s” (Ju n e 2 6 , 1 2 : 3 0 - 6 :0 0 p .m .) , w ill focus o n co m m u n ity co lleg e lib ra ry in te rre la tio n sh ip s w ith in s tru ctio n , c o p y rig h t, o th er 146 / Cò-RL News libraries, and comm unity agencies. Speakers in clude Ivan Bender, Film s Incorporated; Jo Ellen Flagg, Charleston (W .V a .) Public Lib rary; Ruth Person, C atholic University of Am erica; Hal Stone, Los Angeles C ity College; and Norman T anis, C a l ifornia State University at Northridge. A business m eeting and cocktail party follow the program. Tickets, including luncheon, are $16 by advance registration no later than June 10. Send check or money order payable to Joseph Lindenfeld to: Jo seph Lindenfeld, 491 N. Highland S t., Apt. 12, Memphis, TN 38122. C JC L S will host a bus tour to two community college libraries: the Los Angeles Trade-T echnical College and Santa M onica College. Tickets are $7 by advance reservation no later than Ju n e 10. Send c h e ck p a y a b le to Jo sep h L in d e n feld (address above). E ducation a n d B ehavioral Sciences Section: “T h e Micros Are Com ing: Models for Public Ac cess” (Jun e 27 , 9 :3 0 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m .) features D onald Piele, associate professor o f m athem atics at U n iv ersity of W isc o n sin -P a rk sid e, as keynote speaker. A panel consisting of Betty C leaver, Ohio State University; Susan Lytle, Texas A&M ; and L in d a Piele, University o f W isconsin-Parkside, w ill discuss public use o f m icrocom puters in li braries. E nglish a n d A merican L iterature D iscussion G r o u p : “Bibliographic Instruction for English D e partm ent Courses” (June 2 8 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0 p .m .) will be addressed by Bill M cPheron, SUNY-Buffalo, and M ary George, Princeton, with Maureen Pas- tine, San Jose State University, acting as m odera tor. A business m eeting will follow the discussion. L a w a n d Political Science Section: “Online D atabase Searching in L aw and P olitical Science” (Jun e 2 7 , 9 :0 0 - 1 1 :0 0 a .m .) w ill focus on te ch n iq u es fo r s ea rch in g P A IS I n te rn a tio n a l and USPSD. George Plosker, regional m anager for the Los Angeles Region of D IA L O G , will give the pre sentation. L egislation C o m m i t t e e: “Buttonholing Your State Legislator: T h e Academic L ibrary Connec tion” (June 2 5 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0 p .m .) will examine ways in w hich acad em ic lib ra ria n s c a n be a ctiv e in bringing the concerns o f higher education to state governm ents. Speakers include: P eter Goldsch m idt, University of C alifornia System; Alfred D. Sumberg, associate general secretary, American Association of University Professors; and Ann Mo reau, executive director, Indiana L ibrary Associa tion. A reacto r panel discussion will follow the speakers. R are Books a n d M anuscripts Section: “M anu scripts and Archives/Rare Books and O ther Printed M aterial: Integration or Sep aration ” (Jun e 28 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0 p .m .) examines the adm inistration o f fa cilities containing both manuscripts and archives, and rare books and other printed m aterials. Clifton H. Jones, director of the DeGolyer L ib rary, South ern Methodist University, will describe and evalu ate the separate traditions, conventions, and pat terns of training and experience, and peer group identification of archivists, manuscripts librarians, and librarians dealing with rare books and other printed m aterials. W illiam Joyce, chief of the Rare Book and Manuscript Division, New York Public Lib rary, w ill describe and evaluate the adm inistra tion o f manuscripts and archives integrated with rare m aterials. Richard C . Berner, head o f the Ar chives and M anuscripts D ivision, University of W ashington, will describe and evaluate the admin istration of manuscripts and archives separate from rare m aterials. T h e R BM S Postconference, “T h e Enem ies of Books Revisited: Rare Book Librarians and Their P ublic” (June 2 9 - July 2 ), will be held on the U CLA campus. See C &-RL News, April 1983, p. 112, for d etails. R egistratio n form s a re a v a ila b le from ACRL/ALA, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, I L 60611, and should be returned by M ay 15. Science a n d T e c h n o l o g y Section: “Perspec tives on Proceedings” (June 25, 9 :0 0 -1 1 :0 0 a .m .) will examine the current state o f conference pro ceedings publication and its bibliographic control in libraries. A panel discussion will feature a repre sentative from a society which regularly produces proceedings of its meetings, a representative of a com m ercial publisher o f proceedings, an indexing service representative, and a librarian. Slavic a n d E ast E uropean Section: “Archives and Libraries in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Un ion” (June 26 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0 p .m .), will inform lib rari ans and specialists in the field o f Slavic studies about m ajor libraries and their activities in Eastern Europe. Staff D e v e l o p m e n t in A c a d e m i c L ibraries D iscussion G r o u p : T hree one-hour meetings (June 2 6 , 4 :3 0 - 5 :3 0 p .m ., 8 :0 0 - 1 0 :0 0 p .m .; Ju n e 27 , 11:3 0 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m .) will take the form o f an in formation and idea exchange on staff development programs and issues in academ ic and research li braries. T here will be inform al presentations by members on new activities within their libraries. Undergraduate Librarians Discussion Group: Anne Mathews, associate professor o f li- brarianship at the University of Denver, will lead a workshop (June 2 8 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0 p .m .) on comm uni cation approaches for use within an undergraduate library, including m arketing techniques. U niversity L ibraries Section: “Publishers and Academ ic L ib raries: E co n o m ic Survival in the Eighties” (June 27 , 9 :0 0 -1 1 :0 0 a .m .) will help aca demic librarians understand the problems faced by publishers and help publishers appreciate the prob lems and constraints on library acquisitions caused by budget decreases and inflation. T h e program is At Midwest Library Service, We Take The Team Approach To Assist Your Library T o best serve you r need s, we h ave fo rm e d fiv e p ro b lem -so lv in g service team s to help ta k e th e hassle o u t o f b o o k -b u y in g . E a c h te a m is c o m p o sed o f a Sales R ep resen tative in the field and a C u sto m er Service R ep resen tative in o u r hom e o ff ic e . O n c e alerted by y o u r p h o n e call m a d e o n o u r T o ll-F r e e W A T S L in e, 1 -8 0 0 -3 2 5 -8 8 3 3 , (M isso u ri cu sto m e rs, please call C O L L E C T 0 -3 1 4 -7 3 9 -3 1 0 0 ) y o u r p ro b lem -so lv ing te a m , geo grap h ically assigned to you r lib ra ry , goes into a c t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y It is a n o th er fa c e t o f M idw est L ib ra ry S e rv ice’s M id w est L ib ra ry Service tra d itio n o f ex cellen ce. 11443 S t. C h a r le s R o c k R o a d M a y we have the privilege B rid ge lo n , M o . 63044 o f serving y o u r library? “ 23 Years of Service To College an d University Lib ra rie s " 148 / C& RL News co-sponsored by the ALA Resources and Technical Services Division/Association of A m erican Pub lishers Jo in t Com m ittee. Speakers include Richard M. Dougherty, director o f libraries, the University of M ichigan; Robert J .R . Follett, chairm an, Fol- lett Corporation, Chicago; and Ja ck Miles, editor, University of California Press. W estern E u r o p e a n Specialists Se c t i o n : “F ra n ce and Francophone C an ada: Publishing Trends, Selection Tools, and Library Collections Today” (June 27 , 9 :3 0 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m .) will bring OTHER PROGRAMS OF INTEREST •The Audiovisual Com m ittee of the Resources and Technical Services Division will present “T he Movies: Organization of Film Libraries and L i braries About F ilm ” (June 25, 9 :3 0 -1 1 :0 0 a .m .), a program cosponsored by A C R L ’s Audiovisual Com m ittee. T he lecturers will provide inform a tion on the organization and scope o f the libraries of the U CLA Film Archives, the California Insti tute o f the Arts, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and MGM . •The Com parative Library Organization Com m ittee o f the Library Administration and M anage m en t A sso cia tio n ’s L ib r a r y O rg a n iz a tio n and Management Section will offer a program (June 28, 9 :0 0 -1 1 :0 0 a .m .) on “Hierarchy, Matrix, T h e ory Z and Beyond: How Should a Library Be O rga nized in the 1980s?” th at is cosponsored by A C R L ’s University Libraries Section. Four speakers will consider the organization o f libraries during the next two decades with emphasis on the im pact of technology, networking, and decreased resources. •The L ibrary History Round T a b le (June 27, 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0 p .m .) will present a program entitled, “So Good and W orthy a D esigne,” that focuses on library public services in late 17th and 18th century London and Philadelphia. Peter Hoare, university librarian at the University of Nottingham, will dis cuss Archbishop Tennison’s Library and public li brary provision in England, 1 6 6 0-1715. Marie Ko- rey, head of the R are Book D epartm ent at the Free Library of Philadelphia, will examine readers and libraries in 18th century Philadelphia. •The Library Service to the D eaf Section o f the Association of Specialized and Cooperative L i brary Agencies will present “Serving D ea f Students in Academic Libraries” (June 25, 9 :3 0 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m .). T h e program, co-sponsored by the A C RL Community and Junior College Libraries Section, will include a presentation by Herb Larson of C ali fornia State University, Northridge, on deaf stu dents on campus; the showing of two videotapes, by Austin Community College and Gallaudet C ol lege, on comm unicating with deaf students; and a five-member panel discussion by academ ic librari- together librarians involved in and knowledgeable about selecting French language materials and a representative of the French Publishers’ Associa tion. T he speakers include: Charles Finem an, Uni versity of C alifo rn ia, Santa Cruz, on collecting Fren ch m aterials; Jean -P ierre Bardos, Syndicat National de l‘Edition, on publishing in France in the 1980s; Assunta Pisani, H arvard, on selection of French m aterials; Richard G ardner, U C LA L i brary School, on French language publishing in C anada; and Joan Higbee, on the evaluation of French language collections. ■ ■ ans who provide library orientation and biblio graphic instruction to deaf students. •The Map and Geography Round T a b le and the A C R L R are Books and Manuscripts Section will of fer P a rt I I of “ M apping th e Trans-M ississippi W est” (June 26, 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0 p .m .), a theme first de veloped at ALA Annual Conference in San F ra n cisco. Speakers include Jam es Coombs (Southwest Missouri State University), Norman J. W . Thrower (U C LA ), and John B. G arver, Jr . (National G eo graphic Society). •The Planning and Evaluation o f L ibrary Ser vices C om m ittee of th e L ib ra ry Administration and Management Association’s Library Organiza tion and Management Section will offer “Skills for L ibrary Planning: A Practical Sequel” (June 28, 2 :0 0 -5 :3 0 p .m .) as a sequel to its program at ALA Annual Conference in Philadelphia. Directed to ward all levels o f library m anagerial staff and ap propriate for all type-of-library settings, the pro gram will afford a practical demonstration o f the relation between specific skills and planning activi ties. Session leaders are D oroth y J . Anderson, U C L A ; Jo sep h R o sen th a l, U C -B erk eley ; and Douglas Zweitzig, University o f Wisconsin. P artic ipation is limited to 300 people preregistered in two out of three group sessions. Contact: Meredith B u t ler, University Library, Room 109, SUNY, Albany, NY 12222, b efo r e Jun e 1. •The Resources and T ech n ical Services D iv i sion’s Cataloging and Classification Section will host a bibliographic institute, “Blood, T oil, Tears, and Sw eat: Rules and Fo rm ats” (June 2 8 , 8 :0 0 a . m . - 1 : 0 0 p .m .) , as p a rt o f th e A L A /R T SD - sponsored video teleconference that will be trans mitted via the services o f the Public Service Satel lite Consortium to 114 receiv e sites across the continent. Topics and speakers include: “AACR 2 and ISB D s,” Peter Lewis (British Library) and L u cia J . R ather (Library of Congress); “MARC F o r m ats,” Henriette D . Avram (Library of Congress) and Allen V eaner (University of C alifornia, Santa Barbara); “Filing Rules,” Nancy R. John (Univer sity of Illinois at Chicago) and Joseph Rosenthal (University of California, Berkeley). D . Kaye Ga- pen (University of Alabama) will summarize the proceedings. ■ ■