ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries

144 /  C & R L N ew s

ACRL in Los Angeles
A C R L  Pr o g r a m  M e e ting: “T h e  Educational 

Role of the A cadem ic L ib ra ry ” (June 27 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0  
p .m .) will be the them e of the A C R L  Program 
M eeting in Los Angeles. R obert O ’N eil, president 
o f the University o f W isconsin System, w ill deliver 
the keynote address. Follow ing him will be a panel 
consisting o f W a rren  J . H aas, president o f the 
C ouncil on L ib ra ry  Resources; R ichard j . W ood, 
vice-president for academ ic affairs, W h ittier C o l­
lege; and Joseph A. Boissé, director o f libraries at 
T em p le University. T h e  panelists will react to the 
address from  th eir p a rticu la r points o f view . A 
business m eeting, C a rla  Stoffle presiding, will be 
held prior to the program . Ju lie C arroll Virgo will 
give the A C R L  Executive D irecto r’s report.

T h e A C R L  Reception, sponsored by the Baker & 
T ay lo r Com pany, will follow the Program  M eet­
ing from 6 :0 0 - 8 :0 0  p .m . in the Sierra Room o f the 
Los Angeles H ilton. T h e  reception will provide 
food and a cash b a r. Activities w ill include the p re­
sen tation  of Bak er &  T a y lo r’s A cadem ic or R e­
search L ib ra ria n  o f the Year Award.

A n t h r o p o l o g y  a n d  So cio l o g y Section: “Ac­
cess Tools for Inform ation in Anthropology and So­
ciology: T h e  Publishers Speak” (June 28 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0  
p .m .) w ill attem pt to establish b etter com m unica­
tion w ith publishers o f bibliographic tools in sociol­
ogy and anthropology and to begin a dialogue con­
cerning the depth and quality o f access currently 
offered by their publications and th eir goals for the 
future. Scheduled speakers are: Leo P. C h all, edi­
to r, S ociological Abstracts; Eileen P eroneau, docu­
m entation editor, Sage Publications; Kenyon C. 
Rosenberg, associate director for bibliographic and 
docum ent services, N T IS ; Norm an Cohen, presi­
d ent, Bayw ood Publishing C om p an y; Jo n a th a n  
B en th all, director, Royal Anthropological Insti­
tu te o f G reat Britain  and Irelan d; and Francis X . 
G rollig, anthropologist, Loyola University. A reac­
to r panel w ill consist o f Chris Ferguson, University 
o f C a lifo r n ia , I r v in e ; G re g o ry  A. F in n e g a n , 
Roosevelt University, and Sandra S. K erbel, U ni­
versity o f Pittsburgh. T h e  program  will be m oder­
ated by Lynne M. Schm elz-Keil, Rutgers Univer­

T h e Section will also sponsor a tour o f the La 
Brea T a r Pits and the George Page Museum o f A r­
chaeology (June 2 9 , 9 :3 0  a .m .- 1 2 :0 0  p .m .). Regis­
tra tio n  is lim ited to 3 0  and the museum cost is 
$ 1 .5 0 . C on tact: David L . Perkins, Head Bibliogra­
p h y  L i b r a r i a n , C a l i f o r n i a  S t a t e  U n iv e r s ity , 
N orthridge, CA 91330.

Art Section: “New Trends in Art Publishing: 
T h e  Los Angeles A rea” (June 28 , 2 :0 0 - 4 :0 0  p .m .) 
w ill feature representatives from art book and peri­
odical publishing houses in the Los Angeles area 
who w ill discuss examples o f th eir work. M odera­

tor o f the program  will be Ju dith  H offberg, editor 
o f U m b r e lla ; a m o n g  th e  sp e a k e rs a re  L in d a  
B u rnham , editor of H igh P erform an ce; and a rep­
resentative from  the W o m en ’s G ra p h ic C en ter, 
Los Angeles.

Asian and African Section: “Intellectu al F ree­
dom in Asia and A frica” (June 27 , 9 :3 0  a . m . - 12:30 
p .m .), co-sponsored by AAS, the Intern ation al R e­
lations Round T a b le , and the S R R T  International 
Human Rights Task F o rce , will feature R ichard 
B au m , U C L A  D ep a rtm en t o f P o litica l Scien ce; 
Hassan Shahbaz, editor of the Iran ian  periodical 
R a h a v a rd ; and Kyalo M ativo, ed itor-in-chief of 
U jaham u, the jou rnal o f the A frican Activist Asso­

A u d i o -Visual C o m m i t t e e : “ C a b le  
C om m unications— In ter-A C T IO N : Inform ation 
D elivery in the 1980s” (June 2 6 , 2 :0 0 - 5 :3 0  p .m .), a 
program  co-sponsored by the L IT A  Video and C a ­
b le C om m unications Section, will offer inform a­
tion on the rapidly developing technology o f cable 
com m unications in the lib rary setting. T opics will 
include library applications o f cab le com m u nica­
tions, data transmission via cable, and interactive 
video. Scheduled speakers include G eorge Beers, 
D e Anza College; Kenneth D ow lin, Pikes Peak Re­
gional L ib rary D istrict; R ichard W . Boss, In fo r­
m ation Systems Consultants; and R ichard Adler, 
Institute for the Future.

B ibliographic Instruction Section: “T h e R e­
search Process: Im plications for Bibliograp hic In ­
struction” (June 26 , 2 :0 0 -5 :3 0  p .m .) is also spon­
sored by A C R L ’s Science and Technology Section. 
T h e  program  will address the questions: How do 
scholars do research in subject disciplines? How are 
the literatures o f disciplines generated, found, and 
used by researchers at all levels? W h a t do librarians 
need to know about this process in order to aid re­
search and teach  others? Speakers w ill include 
David King, Houston A cadem y of M edicine; and 
Keith Russell, Council on L ib ra ry  Resources.

T h e B IS  Postconference, “Bibliograp hic Instruc­
tio n  fo r th e  N o n -T ra d itio n a l S tu d e n t” (Ju n e  
2 9 -Ju ly  1) will be held on the U C L A  campus. B e­
gin nin g W ed nesd ay ev en in g w ith  a w in e and 
cheese reception, the conference will provide an 
opportunity for viewing the aw ard-w inning film , 
“G ravity Is My E n em y .” Peter Pom erantz, coordi­
n ator o f library services for disabled users, Univer­
sity of C alifo rn ia, Berkeley, will focus discussion 
on the sp ecifics o f lib ra ry  service to  the h and i­
capped. A panel discussion on Thursday afternoon 
will address the topic o f bibliographic instruction 
fo r non-native English speakers and the culturally 
disadvantaged. Attendees w ill m ark the close o f the 
first day with a barbecue dinner at U C L A ’s Sunset

May 1983 /  145

A C R L  ’s C in e m a  L ib r a r ia n s  D iscussion G ro u p  w ill h o st a  tou r o f  th r e e  a r e a  fi l m  lib ra r ies  a t  t h e  A LA
A n n u al C o n fe r e n c e  in L o s  A n geles.

C a n y o n  R e c r e a tio n  A re a . D is cu ssio n  o n  F r id a y  
w ill c e n te r on u n iq u e aspects o f s erv ice to  th e  c o n ­
tin u in g  e d u ca tio n  c o m m u n ity . Sh a ro n  R o gers, as­
so c ia te d ean  fo r lib ra rie s  and le a rn in g , B o w lin g  
G reen  S ta te  U n iv ersity, w ill th en  su m m a riz e th e 
p o stco n feren ce . T h e  reg istra tio n  fee o f $ 1 0 5  fo r 
A C R L  m em b ers an d $ 1 3 0  for n o n -m em b ers in ­
c lu d e s a ll p o s tc o n fe r e n c e  m a te r ia ls , d o rm ito ry  
h o u s in g  J u n e  2 9  a n d  J u n e  3 0 , a n d  m e a ls  fro m  
T h u r s d a y  b r e a k fa s t th ro u g h  F r id a y  b r e a k fa s t . 
R eg istra tio n  fo r th ose n o t sta y in g  in th e  d o rm ito ry 
is $ 7 0  f o r  A C R L  m e m b e r s  a n d  $ 9 5  fo r  n o n ­
m em b ers. D e a d lin e  fo r reg istra tio n  is M ay 15 and 
is lim ited  to  1 8 0 . C o n ta c t: M a ry  B e th  B e ll, C o m ­
m u n ity  C o l l e g e  o f  th e  F i n g e r  L a k e s  L i b r a r y ,  
C a n a n d a ig u a , N Y 1 4 4 2 4 .

BIS C o m p u t e r  C o n c e r n s  C o m m i t t e e : An open 
m e e tin g  (Ju n e  2 5 , 9 : 3 0 - 1 1 :0 0  a .m .) , co-sponsored 
b y  th e  R A S D  M achin e-A ssisted R e fe re n c e  S e ctio n ’s 
D ir e c t P a tro n  A ccess to  C o m p u ter-B a se d  R e fe r­
en c e  System s C o m m itte e , w ill p resen t a discussion 
o f issues re la tin g  to  th e  p a tro n  an d  th e  co m p u ter 
fro m  a  p u b lic  service vie w p o in t. T o p ics  w ill in ­
clu d e o n lin e en d user s ea rch in g  o f o n lin e c a ta lo g s, 
c irc u la tio n  system s, and b ib lio g ra p h ic  datab ases; 
co m p u ter-assisted  in s tru ctio n ; an d  th e  im p a ct o f 
th ese processes o n  b ib lio g ra p h ic  in s tru ctio n .

C i n e m a  L ibrarians D iscussion G r o u p : 
“ F ilm / T V  R esou rces in L o s A ngeles” (Ju n e  2 8 , 9 : 3 0  
a . m . - 1 2 : 3 0  p .m ., 2 : 0 0 - 4 : 0 0  p .m .) w ill consist o f a 
m o rn in g  p a n el discussion by seven th e a te r a n d  film

lib ra ria n s  on lo ca l c o lle ctio n s, an d  a ftern o o n  tours 
o f th e  lib ra rie s  o f th e  A cad em y o f M o tio n  P ic tu re 
Arts an d S cien ce s, th e  V a rie ty  A rts C e n te r, an d  th e 
A m erica n  F ilm  In s titu te . A recep tio n  a t th e  A F I 
w ill b e h eld  a fte rw a rd . T o u rs  a re  lim ited  to  4 3  p eo ­
p le  a n d  r e q u ir e  a n  a d v a n c e  r e s e r v a tio n . C o s t: 
$ 1 0 .5 0 . C o n ta c t: M o n ica  B u rd ex , R e fe re n c e  D e ­
p a r tm e n t, C a lifo r n ia  S t a te  U n iv ersity  L ib r a r y , 
18 1 1 1  N o rd h o ff S t ., N o rth rid g e , C A  9 1 3 2 4 .

College Libraries Section: “P erio d ica l S e le c ­
tio n  in  C o lleg e L ib r a rie s : R ep o rts o f P ra c titio n e rs ” 
(Ju n e  2 6 , 9 : 3 0 - 1 1 :0 0  a .m .)  w ill b e  m o d era ted  by 
P a m e la  Sn elson , D re w  U n iversity. T h e  speakers 
a r e  as fo llo w s: P h y llis K a id e n , U n io n  C o lle g e , 
“ F ro m  P erio d ica ls B u d g et C u ts to  M a n a g em en t I n ­
fo rm a tio n  Sy stem s,” w ill p ro v id e suggestions on 
using m a n a g e m e n t in fo rm a tio n  rep o rts as c o lle c ­
tio n  d ev elo p m en t tools; R o sa lee M cR ey n o ld s, L o y ­
o la  U n iv ersity, N ew  O rle a n s , “ L im itin g  P erio d i­
ca ls C o llectio n s in  a n  U n d erg ra d u a te L i b r a r y ,” 
em p hasizes d eselectio n  in u n d e rg ra d u a te lib ra rie s ; 
and K a th e rin e  K on o p asek , S t. X a v ie r C o lleg e , “ A 
Su rvey o f Jo u rn a l U se W ith in  th e  U n d erg ra d u a te 
L ib r a r y  a t th e  U n iversity o f Illin o is a t U rb a n a - 
C h a m p a ig n ,” d e scrib es th e  l ib r a r y ’s m eth o d  o f 
ev a lu a tin g  p erio d ica l use.

C o m m u n i t y  a n d  Ju n i o r  C o l l e g e  L ibraries 
Se c t i o n : T h e  CJCLS p ro g ra m , “ C o m m u n ity  C o l­
lege L ib r a r y  C o n n e ctio n s” (Ju n e 2 6 , 1 2 : 3 0 - 6 :0 0  
p .m .) , w ill focus o n  co m m u n ity  co lleg e lib ra ry  in ­
te rre la tio n sh ip s w ith  in s tru ctio n , c o p y rig h t, o th er

146 /  Cò-RL News

libraries, and comm unity agencies. Speakers in­
clude Ivan Bender, Film s Incorporated; Jo  Ellen 
Flagg, Charleston (W .V a .) Public Lib rary; Ruth 
Person, C atholic University of Am erica; Hal Stone, 
Los Angeles C ity College; and Norman T anis, C a l­
ifornia State University at Northridge. A business 
m eeting and cocktail party follow the program. 
Tickets, including luncheon, are $16 by advance 
registration no later than June 10. Send check or 
money order payable to Joseph Lindenfeld to: Jo ­
seph Lindenfeld, 491 N. Highland S t., Apt. 12, 
Memphis, TN 38122.

C JC L S  will host a bus tour to two community 
college libraries: the Los Angeles Trade-T echnical 
College and Santa M onica College. Tickets are $7 
by advance reservation no later than Ju n e 10. Send 
c h e ck  p a y a b le to Jo sep h  L in d e n feld  (address 

E ducation a n d  B ehavioral Sciences Section: 
“T h e Micros Are Com ing: Models for Public Ac­
cess” (Jun e 27 , 9 :3 0  a .m .-1 2 :3 0  p .m .) features 
D onald Piele, associate professor o f m athem atics at 
U n iv ersity  of W isc o n sin -P a rk sid e, as keynote 
speaker. A panel consisting of Betty C leaver, Ohio 
State University; Susan Lytle, Texas A&M ; and 
L in d a Piele, University o f W isconsin-Parkside, 
w ill discuss public use o f m icrocom puters in li­

E nglish a n d A merican L iterature D iscussion 
G r o u p : “Bibliographic Instruction for English D e­
partm ent Courses” (June 2 8 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0  p .m .) will 
be addressed by Bill M cPheron, SUNY-Buffalo, 
and M ary George, Princeton, with Maureen Pas- 
tine, San Jose State University, acting as m odera­
tor. A business m eeting will follow the discussion.

L a w  a n d  Political Science Section: “Online 
D atabase Searching in L aw  and P olitical Science” 
(Jun e 2 7 , 9 :0 0 - 1 1 :0 0  a .m .) w ill focus on te ch ­
n iq u es fo r s ea rch in g  P A IS I n te rn a tio n a l and 
USPSD. George Plosker, regional m anager for the 
Los Angeles Region of D IA L O G , will give the pre­

L egislation C o m m i t t e e: “Buttonholing Your 
State Legislator: T h e Academic L ibrary Connec­
tion” (June 2 5 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0  p .m .) will examine ways 
in w hich acad em ic lib ra ria n s c a n  be a ctiv e in 
bringing the concerns o f higher education to state 
governm ents. Speakers include: P eter Goldsch­
m idt, University of C alifornia System; Alfred D. 
Sumberg, associate general secretary, American 
Association of University Professors; and Ann Mo­
reau, executive director, Indiana L ibrary Associa­
tion. A reacto r panel discussion will follow the 

R are Books a n d M anuscripts Section: “M anu­
scripts and Archives/Rare Books and O ther Printed 
M aterial: Integration  or Sep aration ” (Jun e 28 , 
2 :0 0 -4 :0 0  p .m .) examines the adm inistration o f fa ­
cilities containing both manuscripts and archives,

and rare books and other printed m aterials. Clifton 
H. Jones, director of the DeGolyer L ib rary, South­
ern Methodist University, will describe and evalu­
ate the separate traditions, conventions, and pat­
terns of training and experience, and peer group 
identification of archivists, manuscripts librarians, 
and librarians dealing with rare books and other 
printed m aterials. W illiam  Joyce, chief of the Rare 
Book and Manuscript Division, New York Public 
Lib rary, w ill describe and evaluate the adm inistra­
tion o f manuscripts and archives integrated with 
rare m aterials. Richard C . Berner, head o f the Ar­
chives and M anuscripts D ivision, University of 
W ashington, will describe and evaluate the admin­
istration of manuscripts and archives separate from 
rare m aterials.

T h e R BM S Postconference, “T h e  Enem ies of 
Books Revisited: Rare Book Librarians and Their 
P ublic” (June 2 9 - July 2 ), will be held on the U CLA 
campus. See C &-RL News, April 1983, p. 112, for 
d etails. R egistratio n  form s a re a v a ila b le from 
ACRL/ALA, 50  E . Huron S t., Chicago, I L  60611, 
and should be returned by M ay 15.

Science a n d  T e c h n o l o g y  Section: “Perspec­
tives on Proceedings” (June 25, 9 :0 0 -1 1 :0 0  a .m .) 
will examine the current state o f conference pro­
ceedings publication and its bibliographic control 
in libraries. A panel discussion will feature a repre­
sentative from a society which regularly produces 
proceedings of its meetings, a representative of a 
com m ercial publisher o f proceedings, an indexing 
service representative, and a librarian.

Slavic a n d E ast E uropean Section: “Archives 
and Libraries in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Un­
ion” (June 26 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0  p .m .), will inform lib rari­
ans and specialists in the field o f Slavic studies 
about m ajor libraries and their activities in Eastern 

Staff D e v e l o p m e n t  in A c a d e m i c L ibraries 
D iscussion G r o u p : T hree one-hour meetings (June 
2 6 , 4 :3 0 - 5 :3 0  p .m ., 8 :0 0 - 1 0 :0 0  p .m .; Ju n e 27 , 
11:3 0  a .m .-1 2 :3 0  p .m .) will take the form o f an in ­
formation and idea exchange on staff development 
programs and issues in academ ic and research li­
braries. T here will be inform al presentations by 
members on new activities within their libraries.

Undergraduate Librarians Discussion 
Group: Anne Mathews, associate professor o f li- 
brarianship at the University of Denver, will lead a 
workshop (June 2 8 , 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0  p .m .) on comm uni­
cation approaches for use within an undergraduate 
library, including m arketing techniques.

U niversity L ibraries Section: “Publishers and 
Academ ic L ib raries: E co n o m ic Survival in the 
Eighties” (June 27 , 9 :0 0 -1 1 :0 0  a .m .) will help aca ­
demic librarians understand the problems faced by 
publishers and help publishers appreciate the prob­
lems and constraints on library acquisitions caused 
by budget decreases and inflation. T h e program is

At Midwest Library Service, 
We Take The Team  Approach 

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T o  best serve you r need s, we h ave fo rm e d  fiv e p ro b lem -so lv in g  service team s 
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O n c e  alerted  by y o u r p h o n e call m a d e o n  o u r T o ll-F r e e  W A T S  L in e, 
1 -8 0 0 -3 2 5 -8 8 3 3 , (M isso u ri cu sto m e rs, please call C O L L E C T  0 -3 1 4 -7 3 9 -3 1 0 0 ) 
y o u r p ro b lem -so lv ing te a m , geo grap h ically assigned to  you r lib ra ry , goes into

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B rid ge lo n , M o . 63044 o f  serving y o u r  library?

“ 23 Years of Service To College 
an d University Lib ra rie s "

148 /  C& RL News

co-sponsored by the ALA Resources and Technical 
Services Division/Association of A m erican Pub­
lishers Jo in t Com m ittee. Speakers include Richard 
M. Dougherty, director o f libraries, the University 
of M ichigan; Robert J .R . Follett, chairm an, Fol- 
lett Corporation, Chicago; and Ja ck  Miles, editor, 
University of California Press.

W estern E u r o p e a n  Specialists Se c t i o n : 
“F ra n ce and Francophone C an ada: Publishing 
Trends, Selection Tools, and Library Collections 
Today” (June 27 , 9 :3 0  a .m .-1 2 :3 0  p .m .) will bring


•The Audiovisual Com m ittee of the Resources 
and Technical Services Division will present “T he 
Movies: Organization of Film  Libraries and L i­
braries About F ilm ” (June 25, 9 :3 0 -1 1 :0 0  a .m .), a 
program  cosponsored by A C R L ’s Audiovisual 
Com m ittee. T he lecturers will provide inform a­
tion on the organization and scope o f the libraries 
of the U CLA Film  Archives, the California Insti­
tute o f the Arts, the Academy of Motion Picture 
Arts and Sciences, and MGM .

•The Com parative Library Organization Com ­
m ittee o f the Library Administration and M anage­
m en t A sso cia tio n ’s L ib r a r y  O rg a n iz a tio n  and 
Management Section will offer a program (June 
28, 9 :0 0 -1 1 :0 0  a .m .) on “Hierarchy, Matrix, T h e­
ory Z and Beyond: How Should a Library Be O rga­
nized in the 1980s?” th at is cosponsored by A C R L ’s 
University Libraries Section. Four speakers will 
consider the organization o f libraries during the 
next two decades with emphasis on the im pact of 
technology, networking, and decreased resources.

•The L ibrary History Round T a b le (June 27, 
2 :0 0 -4 :0 0  p .m .) will present a program entitled, 
“So Good and W orthy a D esigne,” that focuses on 
library public services in late 17th and 18th century 
London and Philadelphia. Peter Hoare, university 
librarian at the University of Nottingham, will dis­
cuss Archbishop Tennison’s Library and public li­
brary provision in England, 1 6 6 0-1715. Marie Ko- 
rey, head of the R are Book D epartm ent at the Free 
Library of Philadelphia, will examine readers and 
libraries in 18th century Philadelphia.

•The Library Service to the D eaf Section o f the 
Association of Specialized and Cooperative L i­
brary Agencies will present “Serving D ea f Students 
in Academic Libraries” (June 25, 9 :3 0  a .m .-1 2 :3 0  
p .m .). T h e program, co-sponsored by the A C RL 
Community and Junior College Libraries Section, 
will include a presentation by Herb Larson of C ali­
fornia State University, Northridge, on deaf stu­
dents on campus; the showing of two videotapes, 
by Austin Community College and Gallaudet C ol­
lege, on comm unicating with deaf students; and a 
five-member panel discussion by academ ic librari-

together librarians involved in and knowledgeable 
about selecting French language materials and a 
representative of the French Publishers’ Associa­
tion. T he speakers include: Charles Finem an, Uni­
versity of C alifo rn ia, Santa Cruz, on collecting 
Fren ch  m aterials; Jean -P ierre Bardos, Syndicat 
National de l‘Edition, on publishing in France in 
the 1980s; Assunta Pisani, H arvard, on selection of 
French m aterials; Richard G ardner, U C LA  L i­
brary School, on French language publishing in 
C anada; and Joan  Higbee, on the evaluation of 
French language collections. ■  ■

ans who provide library orientation and biblio­
graphic instruction to deaf students.

•The Map and Geography Round T a b le and the 
A C R L R are Books and Manuscripts Section will of­
fer P a rt I I  of “ M apping th e Trans-M ississippi 
W est” (June 26, 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0  p .m .), a theme first de­
veloped at ALA Annual Conference in San F ra n ­
cisco. Speakers include Jam es Coombs (Southwest 
Missouri State University), Norman J. W . Thrower 
(U C LA ), and John B. G arver, Jr . (National G eo­
graphic Society).

•The Planning and Evaluation o f L ibrary Ser­
vices C om m ittee of th e L ib ra ry  Administration 
and Management Association’s Library Organiza­
tion and Management Section will offer “Skills for 
L ibrary Planning: A Practical Sequel” (June 28, 
2 :0 0 -5 :3 0  p .m .) as a sequel to its program at ALA 
Annual Conference in Philadelphia. Directed to­
ward all levels o f library m anagerial staff and ap­
propriate for all type-of-library settings, the pro­
gram will afford a practical demonstration o f the 
relation between specific skills and planning activi­
ties. Session leaders are D oroth y J .  Anderson, 
U C L A ; Jo sep h  R o sen th a l, U C -B erk eley ; and 
Douglas Zweitzig, University o f Wisconsin. P artic­
ipation is limited to 300 people preregistered in two 
out of three group sessions. Contact: Meredith B u t­
ler, University Library, Room 109, SUNY, Albany, 
NY 12222, b efo r e  Jun e 1.

•The Resources and T ech n ical Services D iv i­
sion’s Cataloging and Classification Section will 
host a bibliographic institute, “Blood, T oil, Tears, 
and Sw eat: Rules and Fo rm ats” (June 2 8 , 8 :0 0  
a . m . - 1 : 0 0  p .m .) , as p a rt o f th e A L A /R T SD - 
sponsored video teleconference that will be trans­
mitted via the services o f the Public Service Satel­
lite  Consortium  to 114 receiv e sites across the 
continent. Topics and speakers include: “AACR 2 
and ISB D s,” Peter Lewis (British Library) and L u ­
cia J . R ather (Library of Congress); “MARC F o r­
m ats,” Henriette D . Avram (Library of Congress) 
and Allen V eaner (University of C alifornia, Santa 
Barbara); “Filing Rules,” Nancy R. John (Univer­
sity of Illinois at Chicago) and Joseph Rosenthal 
(University of California, Berkeley). D . Kaye Ga- 
pen (University of Alabama) will summarize the 
proceedings. ■  ■