ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries May 1983 / 155 BI Liaison Carolyn Kirkendall Project LOEX Efforts continue to expand all the promotional aspects of the Bibliographic Liaison Project. T he good news is that our three displays, “Integrating Libraries into Higher E d ucation ,” are fully booked until July. Exhibits were provided for the Organi­ zation of American Historians’ meeting in C incin­ n a ti and th e W estern R egional m eeting of the Am erican Philosophical Association in Berkeley last month, and another is being displayed at the Medical Library Association’s annual meeting in Houston this month. T he bad news is that Ray M clnnis’ proposal for a sponsored session at the American Psychological Association’s August meeting in Anaheim was not accepted, despite much preliminary encourage­ m ent. T he most discouraging aspect o f the A C R L B I Liaison Project work has been the low rate of ac­ ceptance of our proposals. Perhaps you have some suggestions? One o f my responsibilities includes encouraging the publication of articles about the library and its instructional role in the journals of other profes­ sional associations. To th at end I am drawing your attention to the invitation included on page 9 of Volume 68 of the November-December 1982 issue o f A cad em e. T h e announcem ent says, “Do you have a good idea for an article? W e would like to hear i t . . .and invite your comments and suggestions on topics— general and specific— that you believe A cadem e should cover in the coming months.” Un­ solicited manuscripts are also welcome. Contact A cadem e, Suite 500, O ne Dupont C ircle, W ash­ ington, D C 20036. Response to contacting the directors of A R L li­ braries for recommended speakers has been very encouraging. I am compiling lists of these names and addresses of librarians with B I expertise by dis­ cipline areas, and will circulate these lists among subject specialists, so that a core of potential BI speakers and/or proposal writers will be available when the occasion arises. Another reminder: I would be delighted to in­ clude samples of your library’s handouts in the BI Liaison packets our Project is developing. W e need guides to literature in philosophy, social work, and women’s studies as well as samples in these subject areas: fine arts, education, history, psychology, p olitical science, sciences, sociology, languages and literature. Your cooperation and generosity are appreciated, and will help to further the goal of our liaison work. ■ ■