ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries N o v em b er 1 9 9 2 / 6 2 9 N e w s f r o m th e f i e l d LIBNET c o m e s to ISU In d ian a State U niversity Li­ b raries (ISU) is providing ac­ cess to m ore th a n 30 ele c ­ tr o n ic d a ta b a s e s th r o u g h e v e r y lo c a l a r e a n e tw o r k (LAN) o n c a m p u s th ro u g h LIBNET (L ibrary N etw ork). T he d atab a ses originate from th e library’s one-year-old CD- ROM N etw ork a n d co m p le­ m e n t ISU’s LUIS III o n lin e cata lo g w h ic h co n tain s th e holdings o n th e ISU libraries a n d four o th e r academ ic li­ b raries in Indiana. A team o f LIBNET reso u rce librarians has u se d print, p erso n al contact, a n d electronic m eans to p ro m o te th e n e w service. L O E X w a n t s BI p a p e r s . . . For th e 21st A nnual LOEX N ational Library In ­ struction Conference to b e held May 14-15,1993, in Racine, W isconsin, LOEX solicits abstracts o f p resen tatio n s for Short Instructive Sessions (45 m inutes) o r P oster Sessions. T opics sh o u ld re­ late to m eth o d s o f teach in g a n d learning an d th e im pact o f tech n o lo g y su ch as th e online catalog, CD-ROM indexes, or n etw o rk co m m u ­ nications, b u t m ay also d eal w ith aspects th at have n o t c h a n g e d (if y o u ex p lain w hy). E spe­ cially so u g h t are subm issions covering co m ­ m unity colleges, instructional design, design o f instructional m aterials (print), ad u lt an d re tu rn ­ ing students, the u sefulness o f CAI vs. w o rk ­ b o o k s vs. credit courses, specific hard-to-use d atab a ses or CD-ROM p roducts, collaborative learning, active learning, teac h in g low -achiev­ ing students, a n d th e b e st w ays to teac h te c h ­ nology. Send a o n e -p a g e abstract b y Jan u ary 22,1993, outlining y o u r session along w ith y o u r n am e, address, an d te le p h o n e n u m b e r a n d any a u d io v isu a l o r sp e c ia l e q u ip m e n t n e e d s to Abstracts, LOEX C learinghouse, Eastern Michi­ g a n U niversity Library, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. For m ore inform ation call Linda Shirato at (313) 487-0168 b e tw e e n 12 an d 5 p.m ., EST. . . . a n d STS w a n t s sc ien ce re s e a rc h T he F orum for Science a n d T echnology Library R esearch C o m m ittee o f ACRL’s S cience a n d T echnology Section invites abstracts describing recen t research o r w o rk in pro g ress o f interest to science a n d /o r te ch n o lo g y librarians. C om ­ m ittee m em bers will select in d iv id u als to p re s e n t re ­ ports o f their research at the 1993 ALA A nnual C onfer­ en c e in N ew O rleans. Re­ s e a r c h s h o u l d f o c u s o n timely, relevant, a n d signifi­ cant aspects o f science a n d / or technology librarianship. P roposals sh o u ld b e lim ited to o n e p a g e a n d s h o u ld co n tain a n abstract o f no t m o re th a n 250 w o rd s, as w e ll a s th e r e s e a r c h e r ’s n a m e , in s titu tio n , p h o n e n u m b er, an d e-m ail address. A bstracts sh o u ld b e su b m itte d b y Ja n u a ry 1, 1993, to: K athy W hitley, Science-E ngineering Library, U niver­ sity o f Arizona, T ucson, AZ 85721; ph o n e: (602) 621-6375; o r km w hitl@ arizvm s o r k m w h itl @ccit.arizo n a.ed u . C h o ic e r e v ie w s o n CARL T he C hoice Reviews D atabase is n o w available th ro u g h CARL Systems, Inc. o f D enver, Colo­ rado. C hoice b o o k review s are brief, critical re­ view s o f scholarly b o o k s a n d quality nonfic­ tio n titles c o m m o n ly fo u n d in a c o lleg e or u niversity library o r co lleg e b o o k sto re . T he database contains more than 26,000 reviews of books reviewed since 1987 and is growing by 600 reviews p er month. Libraries that have accessed the Choice database have used it for bibliographic instruction and as a reference database, as well as an enhancem ent to their catalog since it provides the full text o f the book review. G e t h e lp w r i t in g t h a t RFP RMG C onsultants, Inc. o f C hicago is n o w offer­ ing to license its RFPs to libraries. R equest f o r Proposalfo r A u tom ated Systems a n d Services (RFP) m ay b e o f special interest to libraries looking for an a u to m atio n system. T he RMG Licensed RFP is available in m ach in e-read ab le a n d p a ­ p e r form a n d the service includes te le p h o n e consulting tim e to a n sw e r q u estio n s o r resolve problem s. T h e cost of th e service varies d e ­ p e n d in g o n th e size o f th e library a n d ranges fro m $1,500 to $2,500. T h e RFP re p re se n ts RMG’s 12 years o f a u to m atio n ex p e rie n c e an d defines th e library’s req u irem en ts for system s a n d related services. For details contact Bar­ bara K opystecki o f RMG at (312) 321-0432. 630 / C&RL News Libraries a n d lib ra ria n s n e e d e d fo r in te rn a tio n a l e x c h a n g e s ALA's Joint Committee on International Ex­ changes is building a database of U.S. and in­ ternational libraries and librarians interested in international study visits or exchanges. Requests for information and inclusion on the database for and from all countries of the world are w el­ comed, although in 1992-1994 special atten­ tion will be given to visits and exchanges with East/Central Europe and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Librarians considering a study visit abroad are invited to request an in­ put form to be included in the database. Al­ ready the Moscow Library Association, the Na­ tional Library of Romania, the Library and Technical University o f Budapest, the Univer­ sity Library at the Lajos Kosuth University in Debrecen (Hungary), the National Library of Prague, and the National University Library of Macedonia have offered to host American li­ brarians. Committee members are prepared to act as go-betweens and to assist those inter­ ested in finding sources of financial support. The committee has received letters from Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and the Commonwealth of Independent States such as this from Lyubov, a reference librarian in a science library, “Neither w e nor our chil­ dren will live to see the society w e are trying to built today. So I dream to see America—coun­ try of the future, as I imagine it.” For more information contact Opritsa Popa, chair, ALA IRC/IRRT Joint Committee on Inter­ national Exchanges, University of California, Davis, Shields Library, Davis, CA 95616. Reference help a v a ila b le on the Internet Need help answering a difficult reference ques­ tion? “Stumper L” may be able to help. Stu­ dents at Rosary College’s Graduate School of Library and Information Science are operating a listserv on the Internet. Librarians can send in questions they n eed help finding answers to and the graduate students send the q u es­ tions on to the over 500 librarians in 5 coun­ tries that subscribe. The subscribers then re­ spo n d directly to the questioners using the Internet. Questions sent to “Stumper L” have included “What state driver educational manuals allow advertising?” “How can one make a native Ameri­ can dream catcher?” and “What is the origin of the phrase ‘run-of-the-mill’?” To subscribe to the service send the message "Sub Stumper L (your nam e)” to ■ Making the most of your serials budget During the past four years of increased se­ rials prices coupled with decreased institutional budgets and statewide funding, the University o f M assachusetts M edical C enter Library (UMMCL) has been able to increase subscrip­ tions from about 2,100 to 2,500 titles. Two approaches made this 20% increase possible. First, the policy of using only one sub­ scription agent was evaluated and abandoned. Surveys show ed that: 1) some publishers gave 10-55% discounts w ith no a d d ed service charges; 2) some domestic subscription agents added 3.5-4.9% service charges for all titles; 3) some domestic book dealers supplied do­ mestic continuations at 12-15% discounts; and 4) som e foreign subscription agents dis­ counted foreign titles 3.5-5.0%. Because of these findings, subscriptions were redirected as follows: foreign serials to a foreign agent; discounted domestic titles to the publishers; non-discounted domestic titles to publishers w hose total annual subscription costs ex­ ceeded $10,000; domestic continuations to a book dealer; and remaining titles to a do­ mestic agent. Second, the n eed for subscriptions by som e of the Medical Center’s revenue-gener­ ating components w as brought to the atten­ tion of administrative units. Potential cuts in subscriptions were equated with potential cuts in abilities to provide quality patient care and perform important basic research. As a result, supplemental funds w ere appropriated in or­ der to maintain and add titles. Thus, during a period w hen many aca­ demic libraries had to reduce subscription levels, the UMMCL was able to keep pace with the ever-increasing volume of scientific peri­ odical literature. Testifying to the value of this information, the library now supplies over 2,000 interlibrary loan articles per m onth to its region o f the country.—D onald Morton, University o f Massachusetts Medical Center Li­ brary ■