ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries N ovem ber 199 2 / 673 A cquisitions H. Josey o f Birmingham, chose to support the libraries as a w ay o f contributing to the future of higher education in Alabama. The m oney will assist the libraries’ developm ent o f infor­ mation technology. The University o f N o rth C arolina a t Chapel H ill (UNC-CH) will receive state-of-the-art mul­ timedia com puter equipm ent valued at $1 mil­ lion from International Business Machines Corp. (IBM). The equipm ent will be u sed to access digitized audio and video materials and to sup­ port projects that take advantage o f multimedia and a fiber-optic netw ork coming to UNC-CH next year. The library plans to digitize original d o cu m en ts, im ages, recordings, an d v id eo materials from its Southern collection. That da­ tabase of electronic materials will be available to students and faculty on the netw ork and in specially eq u ip p ed classrooms. Students will be able to prepare electronic term papers that incorporate interviews and video clips o n the com puter screen. W h itm a n C o lle g e 's P enrose M e m o r ia l Li­ brary received a $240,000 endow m ent from the estate of Ruth McBimey, Whitman class of 1939. McBimey, retired director o f libraries an d pro­ fessor emerita o f Boise State University, died in March 1991. She w as head librarian of the Ameri­ can Library in Paris (1947-53) and received the Palmes A cadem ique from the French govern­ m ent for this work. Proceeds from the McBimey endow m ent will be used for library materials and autom ation at Penrose. The 7 0 ,0 0 0 volum es o f the N a z a re th Col­ lege (Kalamazoo, Michigan) Library w ere ac­ quired by the Baker C ollege system for its seven cam puses in Michigan after Nazareth College closed its doors at the en d o f the 1992 aca­ demic year. The Nazareth collection provides a liberal arts balance to Baker College’s computer, business, and medical collections. G e o rg e O r w e ll's o rig in a l h a n d w r itte n manuscript of N ineteen Eighty-four has been given to B row n U n iversity’s Jo h n Hay Library by Daniel G. Siegel, B row n Class o f 1957 and president o f M & S Rare Books. T he m anu- script, containing about 44% o f the published text, is the only know n holograph m anuscript o f the w ork, an d is the only extensive Orwell manuscript know n to survive. As Orwell’s widow w rote in a letter to Siegel, this m anuscript is a very “rare docum ent” for “G eorge always threw aw ay all his mss. letters etc., so his actual w ork­ ing m ethods are very badly docum ented.” The m anuscript consists of 143 leaves w ritten on 183 pages and contains both handw ritten and typed sheets. The latter are heavily overwrit­ ten. Nineteen Eighty-four, published in 1949, was O rw ell’s last work; he died in 1950. A total o f 2 3 2 editions o f M elville 's M o b y Dick, in 31 languages, w ere donated by alum­ nus William S. Clark, class of 1942, to Dart­ m o u th C ollege, w hich already has a substan­ tial M elville co llectio n . C lark says h e w as m otivated by an urge to collect books, not by a love of the epic itself: “I found it difficult to get through.” The p a p e rs o f th e B e c k w ith -F o x f a m ily have been acquired by the H untington Library. The 1,000-piece collection details the careers of Edward G. Beckwith and Jo h n L. Fox. Beckwith w as instrum ental in the com pletion of the gov­ ernm ent survey for a Central Pacific Railroad route. During the Civil W ar he served under G eneral Banks in U nion-occupied Louisiana. Fox served as a surgeon in the U.S. Navy dur­ ing the U nion blockade of southern ports. The J a n e t H o b h o u s e (1 9 4 8 -1 9 9 0 ) p a p e rs docum enting her life and career as a novelist, art critic, and biographer of Gertrude Stein have b een do n ated to Rutgers U n iversity Libraries b y A nne V irginia H o b h o u s e B erg en . T he H obhouse papers include letters, appointm ent books, m anuscripts o f pub lish ed w orks, an unpublished autobiography, unpublished es­ says and reviews, and reviews of h er work. The papers o f p oet James Arlington W rig h t have b een acquired by the U n iversity o f Min­ n eso ta . Wright (1927-1981) w as a poet and teacher w ho held positions at the University of Minnesota, Macalester College, and H unter Col­ lege. H e received num erous awards an d p u b ­ lished widely, including eight books of poetry. The collection includes correspondence, jour­ nals, m anuscripts o f Wright’s poetry and prose, photographs, clippings, writings about Wright, and teaching notes from his various posts. ■