ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 660 W ashington Hotline Carol C. Henderson Library programs funded for fy 1994— No rescissions On October 22 it was learned that education and library programs w ou ld not be on the proposed rescission list for defunding as part o f Vice President G ore’s “reinventing g o vern m en t” initiative. A ll Higher Education Act library programs w ere on a list o f som e 40 education programs w h ic h th e P resid en t w as abou t to ask C ongress to defund (e v en as Congress was com pleting ac­ tion to fund them). H ow ever, a last-minute de­ cision to take all Department o f Education pro­ grams o ff the rescission request list was made at the W hite House. Funding of library programs P rog ram FY 93 F Y 9 4 A dm in. F Y 9 4 (amounts in thousands) A p p ro p . R equest Ap p ro p. Higher Education Act $ 18,425 0 $17,443 II-A, college library tech. 3,873 0 3,873 II-B, library education 4,960 0 4,960 0-B, research & demonstrations 2,802 0 2,802 II-C, research libraries 5,808 0 5,808 VI sec 607, foreign research *materials 982 0 This program may be hinded at Dept, oi Education discretion, as part ot HE VI, International Education, but is no longer specified for funding by Congress Library Services & Construction Act $128,626 $114,700 $128,866 I, public library services 83,227 95,000 83,227 II, pub. lib. construction 16,584 0 17,792 III, interlibrary cooperation 19,749 19,749 19,749 IV, Indian library services 2% o f LSCA I, II, and III V, foreign language materials 968 0 0 VI, library literacy programs 8,098 0 8,098 GPO Supert. o f Documents 29,082 33,707 29,082 Natl. Center for Educ. Statistics 77,850 125,000 77,850 NCLIS 889 90 904 Library o f Congress 334,316 364,352 331,864 National Agricultural Library 17,715 17,915 18,155 National Archives 160,045 189,182 190,232 Natl. Endowment for the Arts 174,460 174,593 170,228 Natl. Endowment for Humanities 177,413 177,491 177,491 Natl. Hist. Pubs. & Records Com. 5,000 4,000 5,250 National Library o f Medicine 116,743 116,979 119,981 (incl. Medical Lib. Asst. Act) A . Playing a key role in this decision was the Commit­ tee for Education Funding, a coalition in w h ich ALA participates. CEF held a se­ ries o f meetings with m em­ bers o f the administration and Congress in attempts to reverse the proposed rescis­ sions. Constituent letters o f protest w ere also helpful. The administration asked Con­ gress to rescind programs from other agencies, and congressional amendments designed to enlarge and deepen the budget cuts could still threaten library programs. Funding action completed Even though a potential rescission request was threatening, Congress pro­ vided strong support for HEA and LSCA library programs. The two small­ est programs (H E A and LSCA support fo r for- eign-language materials) w ere not funded. But, th an ks to Sen. M ark H atfield (R -O R ), funds for the LSCA public li­ brary construction pro­ gram w e re increased. Both House and Senate have w rapped up final action on H.R. 2518, the Labor, Health and Hu­ man Services, and Edu­ cation A p p ro p ria tion s Bill for FY 1994, which was signed into law (PL 103-112) on October 21. Amounts for Department o f Education library pro­ grams are shown in the sidebar, to geth er with funding results for se­ lected other programs. ■ Carol C. Henderson is dep­ uty executive director o f ALA’s Washington Office, bitnet: